
nolsenFor some reason, the screen is small on Virtualbox.02:36
nolsenhow do I fix this02:36
holsteini just install the guest additions.. but, to be more specific, i think you'll have to share what is host, what is guest.. etc02:36
nolsen1366x768 is the host resolution02:37
holsteinand, you have guest additions installed?02:38
nolsenI thought it's installed automaticly02:38
holsteinnolsen: check and see..02:38
holsteini dont know what host or guest OS you are using02:38
holsteini dont know which is linux, or lubuntu.. etc02:38
nolsenHost: Windows 8.1. Guest: lubuntu02:38
holsteinanyways, i would check for guest additions, then, i use dynamically sized desktop02:39
nolseninstall virtualbox-guest-additions-iso right?02:40
holsteinnolsen: thats the iso02:41
nolsenI don't see any else in the repos02:41
holsteinnolsen: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/130976/lubuntu-display-resolution-virtualbox02:42
holsteinthough, im assuming you have already tried that..02:42
Unit193nolsen: virtualbox-guest-dkms02:42
Unit193Or, -x1102:42
sebastian_can I install lubuntu from ubuntu without doing a clean install? not just LXDE but lubuntu proper05:51
whytrytoflyyou can uninstall progs to get lubunut05:53
whytrytoflyis it what you mean?05:53
sebastian_can I upgrade into lubuntu from ubuntu06:03
sebastian_without having to do a clean install06:03
whytrytoflysebastian_: whats your exact desire?06:07
whytrytoflysebastian_: AFAIK you cannot run some upgrader to have lubuntu afterwards, the difference is mainly the window manager, desktop environment and the default programs06:08
whytrytoflysebastian_: install lxde,  lightweight browser etc...uninstall the stuff you dont need and you made your manual lubuntu...do you simply want it to be faster, or why jump?06:09
whytrytoflysebastian_: witrhout too much experience, this might cause some probs, so depending on your aim, maybe a clean install is better06:10
ianorlynsebastian_: also is best to have backups as all drives will die at somepoint06:11
hateballsebastian_: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop06:11
sebastian_well i want a faster system06:12
hateballsebastian_: it'll ask you if you want to switch login manager themes etc06:12
sebastian_will it consume less resources if i get lxde?06:12
whytrytoflyfor sure06:12
sebastian_even with all of the backend programs from the original ubuntu packages?06:12
hateballThere's not really anything starting before your user session that is different06:13
ianorlynsebastian_: they will not be loaded by defualt but won't run as heavy a window manager or things but will be less because you aren't running unity06:13
sebastian_ok i am installing as per hateball´s advise from the terminal06:14
sebastian_so how does it work? it will let me login either into gnome or lxde when i boot up?06:14
hateballsebastian_: Yes06:14
sebastian_and this in and of itself will be lighter than with gnome06:15
sebastian_can i get rid of gnome if i like it better or will this mess everything up?06:15
ianorlynsebastian_: that isn't constant as it depends on hardware anything you add to startup so we can't be sure ourselves06:15
ianorlynsebastian_: you don't need to but you could if you needed disk space06:16
sebastian_¨on hardware anything you add up to startup¨ can you elaborate on this please?06:16
sebastian_how do i control what comes up on start up?06:17
ianorlynyou can add things to startup if you really want to but they will comnsume resources and how long it takes depends on your particular machine06:17
sebastian_how can i subtract things from start up?06:18
ianorlynsebastian_: you probably won't need to06:23
sebastian_a lot of packages are showing up as not found06:23
sebastian_on the terminal06:23
sebastian_will htere be a problem with that?06:23
sebastian_ok it appears to be done installing06:25
sebastian_let me log out and log back in to check it out06:25
sebastian_ok this looks good06:28
sebastian_the only thing is06:28
sebastian_the little keyboard doesn't give me the spanish option06:28
sebastian_like in gnome06:28
sebastian_how do i add it?06:28
hateballI'm not on lxde atm, but surely there is some system settings for language06:39
ianorlynhateball: I think there is but I can't really explain it06:40
sebastian_i already added spanish06:41
sebastian_but i dont see an option for the keyboard with spanish layout06:41
sebastian_and it says the language has already been installed06:41
hateballrather this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard#Keyboard_mapping_for_13.10_and_beyond06:41
hateballit might be you need to restart the session for the applet to refresh06:42
* hateball uses KDE Plasma primarily, does not know all the things06:42
sebastian_so log out and log back in?06:43
hateballsebastian:did you check the help link I posted?06:46
sebastianso instead of echo '@setxkbmap -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle "de,us"' | sudo tee -a /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart06:47
sebastianuse echo '@setxkbmap -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle "es,us"' | sudo tee -a /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart06:47
hateballsebastian: well it has a 13.10 and beyond section, if that is what you're using06:49
sebastiani am on 14.03 i think06:49
sebastiani like lxde better06:54
sebastianit's snappier06:54
bzbI'm using lubuntu 15.04 64bit on laptop. Is there a way to change brightness of display and have it persist between power cycles15:50
holsteinbzb: i find, that can be related to the GPU drivers.. some report https://launchpad.net/~indicator-brightness/+archive/ubuntu/ppa is helful, though, ppa's are not officially supported15:52
bzbholstein: When I first installed lubuntu 15.04, there was an applet that allowed me to change the monitor intensity as well as something called a 'presentation mode' that will not auto blank the screen.15:56
bzbthat applet doesn't seem to exist anymore15:56
bzbthe current battery monitor applet does not offer me that capability15:56
bzbwould you know what that applet was?15:57
bzbIt was also a battery monitor of some sort15:57
holsteinbzb: could be, you are simply not putting the machine through a charging event16:07
holsteinbzb: the simple power applet can be set, by default, to not be shown all the time.. i will tick the box in the settings to show the applet all the time, regardless of charging state16:08
holsteinif you cant find it in the menu, unplugging the hardware, and putting it on battery should make it show16:08
bzbholstein: the battery monitor applet is already configured to show all the time.  my question was that there was an applet during a fresh 'upgrade' of lubuntu 15.04 that had better battery status graphics as well as a monitor brightness control.16:10
bzbthe battery monitor applet now is very simple. just show charging level and discharging level16:11
bzbthe original battery monitor disappear after subsequent upgrades16:11
bzbi'm curious if you recall the applet i was referring to16:11
holsteini'll usually fire up a live iso, and add literally everything to the panel, and see what does what16:13
holsteinthough, the question i would be wanting to answer is, is the hardware capable of support the functionality im trying to implement with the current driver support16:13
holsteinotherwise, you may prefer the 14.04 LTS version, if it has what you prefer in it16:14
holsteinor, one of the alternatives, that you could add to lubuntu/lxde16:14
bzbholstein: ok. thanks16:21
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