
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
=== mgz is now known as mgz_
=== kevin is now known as Guest16407
CyborgCygnusAre maas & juju two completely different things, are they competitors or do you use them together/same time?12:28
rbasakCyborgCygnus: they perform at two different layers in the stack.12:32
rbasakCyborgCygnus: Juju works at "I need an instance" level. It can use EC2, Openstack, Azure and others to fulfil that need. Or it can use MAAS.12:32
rbasakCyborgCygnus: MAAS is a "cloud provider" in the same sense as EC2's "just give me a working instance" by API model. Except that it uses bare metal to get those instances.12:33
rbasakCyborgCygnus: so, MAAS to provision bare metal, and Juju to make use of that in a smart way. Or just use MAAS for bare metal and have something else call the MAAS API directly. Or just use Juju with a different provider.12:34
CyborgCygnusrbasak, okay still confusing but good information, I've been eyeing off all of these ubuntu server, openstack cloud & other affiliated those tools.12:42
rbasakCyborgCygnus: still confusing> maybe I can try again? MAAS is relatively simple to explain. Get freshly installed bare metal machines from a pool of bare metal machines by API. MAAS takes care of managing the machines and provides the API. Does that make sense?12:43
CyborgCygnusrbasak, yeah get that pretty much, does juju use maas to do its thing? I was confused as to whether maas is the essential thing to have an juju just an accessory for web browser based controller for ease12:45
rbasakCyborgCygnus: let me try and explain Juju first. Juju lets you supply a model of the deployment you want in terms of a set of services and how those services are connected to each other. Then it turns that model into reality by deploying instances are required.12:47
rbasakby deploying instances as required.12:47
rbasakDoes that make sense?12:47
rbasakThat means that Juju needs to somehow deploy instances.12:47
rbasakTo do that Juju uses a pluggable architecture of "providers".12:47
rbasakThere is a Juju MAAS provider, which you can use to turn your Juju model into reality on bare metal.12:48
CyborgCygnusrbasak, okay yeah a bit more understandable for noob slow me12:48
rbasakThere is also a Juju EC2 provider, which you can use to turn the same Juju model into reality on EC2 instead.12:48
CyborgCygnusrbasak, which one do you prefer, EC2 or MAAS?12:48
rbasakCyborgCygnus: depends on where you want your deployment.12:49
rbasakCyborgCygnus: want it on your own physical machines? You'll spend money on those machines, electricity and hardware maintenance but nothing after that.12:49
rbasakCyborgCygnus: or, instead, want Amazon to take care of capital expenditure, electricity and hardware maintenance for you? Then use EC2 instead.12:50
CyborgCygnusrbasak, Oh okay :S , so say at home for some reason I wanted 6 machines in the house to install ubuntu through the one server & have their accounts stored on the server so they can log on from any computer & log into their account12:50
rbasak6 machines to do what, and what do you mean by account exactly?12:51
CyborgCygnusrbasak, well I remember way back when I was in high school every student had a login that they can put into any school pc & they get access to their files aswell as the operating system. The 6 machines just ubuntu operating system12:54
rbasakCyborgCygnus: so you want 6 machines running Ubuntu desktop with central authentication and a central file server? You can do that with Ubuntu, all the tools are there. But there isn't a turnkey system to provide that - most sysadmins put together a customised deployment manually.12:56
CyborgCygnusrbasak, so what would be an example use of the ubuntu server with openstack, maas & juju?12:57
rbasakCyborgCygnus: a simple example? A web app.12:59
rbasakCyborgCygnus: a complex example is an Openstack deployment itself, though that doesn't generally use Openstack obviously.13:00
CyborgCygnusrbasak, alright thanks, So deploying a web app to where? Or where do you deploy openstack to? As in installing it to another server or computer over the network to ?13:04
rbasakCyborgCygnus: deploying a web app to anywhere that can provide instances. EC2, Azure, an Openstack cloud, or directly on bare metal with no virtualisation with MAAS (though for a basic web app that'd be quite wasteful).13:05
rbasakCyborgCygnus: deploying Openstack is normally to bare metal in a datacentre somewhere in order to run a private cloud - like EC2 but a private one.13:05
CyborgCygnusrbasak, thanks for your help13:13
smosergaribaldi, sorry, i went afk13:35
smoserthe 'maas list' shows the accounts that you have set up.13:35
smoserso you did: maas login some-name-here some-url-here some-creds-here13:36
smoserthen, from then on out, MYMAASNAME is 'some-name-here'13:36
smoserie, you have to tell the maas cli which maas end point you're talking to13:36
garibaldismoser: I commissioned a new node and then after was able to successfully start it with "maas local node start <system_id> distro_series=trusty user_data=$(base64 --wrap=0 /tmp/script.sh)"14:10
garibaldismoser: /tmp/script.sh contains the bash shebang followed by "echo "test $(whoami)" > /home/ubuntu/test.txt" on a new line; the node successfully installed the OS, but once it was done /home/ubuntu/test.txt did not exist so it seems it didn't run my user_data script14:11
garibaldismoser: what could be wrong?14:11
smoserhtat should work14:12
smosercan you pastebin /var/log/cloud-init.log and /var/log/cloud-init-output.log ?14:12
garibaldismoser: yes, I'm re-installing the node now but when it finishes I will post them14:20
smoserk. thanks.14:25
mupBug #1461135 was opened: Can't assign the same IP address to two different MAC addresses <networking> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461135>15:24
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
drhalanhey all. is there a way to run a custom script after startup of a node? basically I want to deploy a ssh key so i have root access to the machine. our hardware only has WOL and we need a way to shut them off...16:04
smoserdrhalan, you can use user-data16:45
drhalansmoser: what's that exactly?16:46
smoseruser-data is the same concept in maas that it is in ec2.16:46
smosercloud-init runs in maas or ec2 instances and consumes user-data that the user fed it.16:47
smoserwhat you can do with user-data is described about:blank16:47
smoserand you can deploy a node with user-data by passing user_data key to maas node start16:48
mupBug #1461181 was opened: [1.8rc1] Too many open files, after upgrade to rc1 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461181>17:45
garibaldismoser: here are my cloud-init.log (http://pastebin.com/vvbbDNDm) and cloud-init-output.log (http://pastebin.com/1h1snXQM) files18:25
garibaldismoser: the command I used to start the VM (after commissioning it) was maas local node start <system_id> distro_series=trusty user_data=$(base64 --wrap=0 /tmp/script.sh)18:25
garibaldismoser: where /tmp/script.sh contains the bash shebang followed by "echo "test $(whoami)" > /home/ubuntu/test.txt" on a new line18:26
smosergaribaldi, just for your own sanity, there is a tool called 'pastebinit' that allows use of sane paste bins via:18:33
smoserpastebinit /var/log/cloud-init.log18:33
smoseror pastebinit < /var/log/cloud-init.log18:33
drhalanis there a way to set a comment or something for each machine that for example indicates the location of the machine?19:08
smosergaribaldi, it does seem like you didn't get user_data through though19:08
drhalanwe have a tag on each machine that i would like maas to know about19:08
smoserdrhalan, you may be able to abuse tags for that.19:18
mupBug #1461226 was opened: Clicking "Nodes" in 1.8 takes several seconds to load - seems much slower than 1.7.5 <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461226>19:21
mupBug #1461233 was opened: Node power summary less informative in 1.8 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461233>19:21
smoserdrhalan, maas admin tags new name=row3519:25
smosermaas admin tag update-nodes row35 add=node-260cbb52-094d-11e5-a379-00163ee0d91e19:25
smoserits not a perfect fit.19:25
drhalanmaybe i can just maintain a list outside of maas :)19:25
mupBug #1461236 was opened: Clicking Nodes makes three webfont requests that return 404 in 1.8 UI <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461236>19:48
drhalani am using the fast installer and get the following error during install. any idea? http://pastebin.com/m5jmmxdG19:59
garibaldismoser: thanks for the tip about pastebinit; any ideas on why the user_data did not get through for this node?20:32
smosergaribaldi, well...20:36
smosercould you verify that it didn't ?20:36
smoser can you verify taht /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt has nothing in it ?20:37
smoserand also.. what version of maas are you using ?20:37
smoserif user-data were completely busted, then we'd know. as juju uses it when pointed at maas.20:37
smoserand that gets tested heavily20:37
smoserbut if the maas cli was busted, probably would'nt know so fast, but would still seem odd.20:38
drhalancan somebody explain me what maas actually does when acquiring a node? it seems to reboot during the process20:39
drhalani could ssh into my machine and my updated curtin script seemed to have deployed the ssh keys and packages I needed. suddenly it rebooted and everything was gone20:40
garibaldismoser: confirmed, the test file I tried to create as part of the script is not there; and /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt is empty20:42
garibaldiis there a debug mode I can enable?20:42
mupBug #1461256 was opened: 1.8rc1: Filter by node broken in Chromium - angular errors in java script console <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461256>20:42
mupBug #1461258 was opened: 1.8rc1: Deploy/Release in single node view keeps adding blank pages at the top <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461258>20:42
smoserdrhalan, yeah, thats sort of a bug20:43
drhalanwhat do you mean ?20:43
smoserthe ephemeral environment that maas uses to run curtin in also gets your user's keys20:43
smoserso you can ssh into the install enviornment as 'ubuntu@'20:43
drhalanoh yeah20:43
smoserand not realize that you're in iscsi root20:43
smoserthe sanest fix seems to be to just have the user in the ephemeral root environment be 'ephemeral' or 'admin' or something.20:44
smoserthen you wouldnt think you were in20:44
drhalanthat makes sense. but i sitll dont understand which file i have to modify to change the final install. i tried /etc/maas/preseed/curtin and /etc/maas/preseed/curtin_userdata20:45
smosergaribaldi, what versoin of maas ?20:45
drhalanthe first one only seems to affect the install and the second one has no effect for me20:46
drhalanthere is also curtin_userdata_custom which i am not sure what it is for20:46
smoser /etc/maas/preseed/curtin_userdata is the right file.20:46
smoserwhat i'd suggest is running 'curtin in-target' in a late_command20:47
smoseras the easiest way to affect the install20:47
garibaldismoser: MAAS 1.6 (the version available in trusty); I didn't know that I needed to modify curtin_userdata, I thought I just needed to pass the user_data bundle along with the "maas" cli command?21:02
garibaldiI tried putting this under late_commands in curtin_userdata but it also did not work: "  enable_test: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "this is a test" > /home/ubuntu/test.txt']"21:03
smosergaribaldi, you're right21:08
smoserthe user_data comment was for drhalan21:08
garibaldismoser: ah, okay21:11
drhalansmoser: thanks! is there a document that explains the syntax that curtain expects?21:12
smosernot really. drhalan :-(21:13
drhalani just want to define packages to be installed21:13
smoserdrhalan, well, personally i'd do that in user-data21:13
drhalanoh that is something else?21:14
smoserwhen you deploy a node, you can say "use this user-data".21:14
smoserwhich can be anything... and then cloud-init interprets it on boot21:14
smosersame way it does on EC2 or on azure21:14
smoserexcept for garibaldi is having trouble getting user-data to work :)21:14
smoserhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit <-- that describes cloud-init user-data21:15
drhalanoh but i need it for every node21:15
smoserwell, you can do it every time you deploy a node.21:15
smoseri do understand the desire for central place.21:15
smoseri have to run.21:15
mupBug #1461295 was opened: Maas is not picking up new release root-tgz automatically <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461295>22:00
mupBug #1461298 was opened: maas documentation should document how to configure manual DHCP for UEFI <doc> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461298>22:00
catbus1hi, the maas was working fine, until now it says the only cluster I have is disconnected. I don't see anything suggesting errors from /var/log/maas/maas.log to check, I have dhcp-reconfigured maas-region and cluster-controller, but that didn't help.22:40
catbus1any ideas where I can look at to find out why it's disconnected?22:40
catbus1both region and cluster are on the same server.22:41
catbus1an error keeps repeating: twisted.internet.error.CannotlistenError22:43
catbus1on pserv.log22:43
mupBug #1374233 was opened: pserv continually failing: address already in use <packaging> <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1374233>23:10

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