=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch | ||
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nik90 | elopio: ping | 14:08 |
elopio | nik90: pong. | 14:22 |
nik90 | elopio: hey, I am having a issue when transitioning to the ubuntu-sdk-15.04 framework..it turns out that it needs minor AP adjustments that I am unable to understand how to do | 14:32 |
nik90 | elopio: do you have time to give me a hand? | 14:32 |
nik90 | elopio: here's the clock app MP that needs help https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/migrate-to-15.04-framework/+merge/260336 | 14:32 |
nik90 | elopio: I took a look at the music app which also seems to be doing the same transition in their MP https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-bump-framework-1504/+merge/258126 | 14:33 |
nik90 | elopio: but since the clock app uses the Page layout AP test structuring, I kind of hit a dead-end to bringing the music app fix to the clock app test suite | 14:33 |
nik90 | can you look at the changes made in the music-app MP and let me know how to implement that in the clock app tests? | 14:34 |
nik90 | the majority of the music app AP changes seems to be in 'tests/autopilot/music_app/__init__.py' | 14:34 |
elopio | nik90: I don't have time now, but I know a good and nice guy who might be able to give you a hand. | 14:36 |
elopio | brendand: ^ | 14:36 |
nik90 | ;) | 14:36 |
brendand | nik90, i'll give as much time as i have :) | 14:37 |
brendand | nik90, are the errors you get in jenkins? | 14:37 |
nik90 | brendand: no these are local AP failures..which complain that "TestClock" has no attribute 'main_view' | 14:37 |
brendand | nik90, ok | 14:38 |
nik90 | brendand: turns out that there were some sdk changes made to MainView which in turn require AP adjustments..that's where I am struggling atm | 14:38 |
nik90 | brendand: the music app https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-bump-framework-1504/+merge/258126 MP should show the changes that were made | 14:38 |
nik90 | I am unable to bring that over to the clock app | 14:38 |
brendand | nik90, right | 14:39 |
brendand | elopio, wasn't there some work done on that? | 14:39 |
brendand | elopio, or it's incomplete? | 14:39 |
brendand | nik90, so you're testing locally on vivid | 14:40 |
elopio | brendand: what I suppose is happening is that the class for TestClock no longer matches the custom proxy object | 14:40 |
elopio | so autopilot is using the default. | 14:40 |
nik90 | brendand: yes testing locally on vivid | 14:40 |
nik90 | autopilot.exceptions.StateNotFoundError: Object not found with name 'MainView' is the error that I see after running the test now | 14:41 |
brendand | elopio, no i rather suspect the main_view property doesn't get initialised any more as the object name changed | 14:41 |
brendand | nik90, yeah that would do it | 14:41 |
brendand | nik90, as it's MainView12 | 14:41 |
elopio | brendand: that could be. | 14:42 |
nik90 | brendand: true..when I look at the music app MP log, ahayzen did try changing it to MainView12, but he later reverted that to something else after a comment from balloons (as seen in the MP) | 14:42 |
nik90 | https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-bump-framework-1504/+merge/258126/comments/644092 | 14:42 |
brendand | nik90, does your mainView have an objectName? | 14:42 |
brendand | nik90, use that | 14:43 |
brendand | hmmm, but then it's still not going to match your CPO... | 14:43 |
nik90 | I changed it to self.main_view = self.app.wait_select_single(objectName="clockMainView") | 14:44 |
brendand | i wonder why we didn't hit this yet with system apps | 14:45 |
brendand | maybe they don't use the SDK in the same way? | 14:45 |
brendand | nik90, what happens then? | 14:45 |
nik90 | brendand: same error..I made the changes to only emulators.py | 14:46 |
nik90 | However there is a function def main_view(self): in __init__.py that I am not sure how to change | 14:46 |
brendand | nik90, you could change it in the same way and it will get rid of that error at least | 14:48 |
brendand | but, won't solve the whole thing | 14:48 |
brendand | problem is AP doesn't understand the version part of the class name | 14:48 |
brendand | i have to look at what music_app is doing | 14:49 |
nik90 | brendand: I did try that .. but the error output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/11522278/ | 14:50 |
nik90 | since previously that function had one statement which was self.app.wait_select_single(emualtors.MainView) | 14:50 |
nik90 | I replaced emulators.MainView with objectName="clockMainView" | 14:50 |
brendand | nik90, not just 'clock'? | 14:55 |
brendand | MainView { | 14:55 |
brendand | id: clockApp | 14:55 |
brendand | // Property to store the state of an application (active or suspended) | 14:55 |
brendand | property bool applicationState: Qt.application.active | 14:55 |
brendand | // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5) | 14:55 |
brendand | objectName: "clock" | 14:55 |
nik90 | brendand: I changed the objectname in the qml code to clockMainView to better distuinguish it for now | 14:57 |
brendand | nik90, seems to be matching multiple things | 14:59 |
nik90 | brendand: what do you mean? | 14:59 |
brendand | nik90, the error: More than one custom proxy class matches this object | 14:59 |
nik90 | brendand: I suspect that because we use the same objectName in __init__.py and emulators.py | 15:00 |
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