
slangasekrobru: can you tell me why the changelog of https://launchpadlibrarian.net/207198066/autopilot_1.5.1%2B15.04.20150522-0ubuntu1_source.changes is such a mess? (https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-018/+packages)00:25
robruslangasek: checking00:27
robruslangasek: oh yeah, that's because qa team pre-merges their MPs into one big MP and then doesn't make their own changelog.00:27
robruslangasek: changelog genertaion has always been "find all commit authors, then make entries based on MP commit message"00:28
slangasekrobru: and every commit on that branch had the exact same commit message?00:28
robruslangasek: so with QA there's just one commit message (just one MP) but many many authors00:28
robruslangasek: no it uses the commit message defined by the MP, not every single commit message of every single commit.00:29
slangasekrobru: ok so in that case I think the train needs to be more sensible and either consolidate or omit the author list00:29
robruslangasek: but it grabs the authors of every single commit in order to give everybody attribution00:29
robruslangasek: this has come up before and I told qa to make their own changelogs in this case because the train is geared towards handling multiple MPs, it's not really geared for mega-MPs like this00:30
slangasekrobru: perhaps that would be better, but as the train is not enforcing such a policy, it should still generate reasonable changelogs for a merge that it's allowing00:31
slangasekrobru: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupstream2distro/ the right place to file?00:32
robruslangasek: yeah00:32
robruslangasek: you can specifically reference update_changelog in packagemanager.py00:33
robruslangasek: it literally just has a for loop and calls dch once for each author00:33
slangasekrobru: bug #146086100:35
ubot5bug 1460861 in CI Train [cu2d] "changelog entry for MP with multiple authors should summarize as [ author1, author2 [, ...] ], not repeat changelog for each author" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146086100:35
robruslangasek: ok thanks00:35
slangasekrobru: now if I manually fix this changelog and reupload, will the train be unhappy later?00:46
slangasek(reupload to the archive)00:46
robruslangasek: is the silo published already00:47
robruslangasek: oh it's in unapproved00:49
robruslangasek: not sure what you're proposing.00:49
robruslangasek: no matter what you do it'll screw the train one way or another.00:49
slangasekrobru: I'm rejecting this upload, fixing the changelog to be reasonable for an SRU, reupload, and accept00:49
robruslangasek: the train won't be able to track the migration if the version doesn't match00:50
robruslangasek: or can you keep the version the same?00:52
slangasekrobru: the version would be the same, it's only the changelog text that needs fixing01:24
robruslangasek: when the silo migrates, what will be merged to trunk week be the current version01:25
robruslangasek: if you send me your version of the changelog file, i can commit it in the train though, with some manual wrangling.01:26
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
jibelsil2100, starting a day with 'phew' is rarely a good sign :)08:02
seb128hey sil210008:04
sil2100Yeah, great way to start the day08:06
sil2100seb128: hey!08:06
jibelsil2100, can you kick a build of vivid arale and krillin? we need the last location fix08:06
jibeland verify that it works on the image08:07
sil2100Sure, it landed yesterday?08:07
jibelsil2100, yes, finally08:07
sil2100On it now08:07
sil2100Should be building now08:09
alf_cihelp: Hi! Could you please add a new test ('mir_privileged_tests') to the test runs by the mir-mediumtests-runner-mako job (in job parameter 'test_suite')?08:22
sil2100imgbot, where are youuuu08:39
ogra_sil2100, a little sick ... let me find his medicine ...08:45
ogra_imgbot, stunt08:50
* imgbot rolls on its back and purrs08:50
* ogra_ cuddles imgbot 08:50
tvossimgbot, help08:53
imgbotI am the firendly system-image watchbot !08:53
imgbotI know the following commands:08:53
imgbothelp, stop, status, map, stunt08:53
imgbotfor questions please mail ogra@ubuntu.com08:53
tvossimgbot, status08:54
brendandogra_, don't you have a dog or something?08:54
ogra_brendand, i used to, nowadays only cats08:54
john-mcaleelycan you tell people who get pinged by imgbot?08:54
brendandogra_, and imgbots :)08:54
ogra_tvoss, you need an image number08:54
tvossogra_, aha :)08:54
ogra_tvoss, but since the channel switch thats not much useful anymore (numbers changed) ... and i havent finished the bot rewrite yet08:55
tvossogra_, ah okay08:57
tvossogra_, got link to source?08:57
ogra_tvoss, nope, it uses a lot of my VPN and ssh keys to access the different machines (and is awful code too)  ... the rewrite will not need all this08:58
tvossogra_, okay08:58
ogra_(and will be public)08:58
mzanettisil2100, hey, can we change silo 4 to be a dual silo and start building it, so we can land it when vivid+overlay opens again?09:08
sil2100mzanetti: let me take a look09:08
mzanettiI just changed it in the spreadsheet09:08
sil2100mzanetti: we could, but it would need to be reassigned... will you be ok with rebuilding the silo?09:09
mzanettisil2100, yes, needs rebuilding anyways09:09
sil2100mzanetti: ok, let me reassign09:10
popeycihelp: Why did jenkins not pick up this merge? https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/decode-before-ms2-lookup/+merge/26079009:22
popeycihelp: Also, what progress of moving core apps builds from utopic to vivid please?09:23
sil2100jibel: there'll be a spam of a few lost changes e-mails from yesterday... the mail sending service was not working since I messed up the cronjob09:33
sil2100jibel: it will be working normally now09:33
jibelsil2100, how long does it take to build an image when a rootfs is ready?09:34
ogra_jibel, ~20-30min09:34
ogra_we have more arches now though ... might be 1h nowadays09:35
sil2100The importer needs to pick it up, usually 15-30 minutes09:35
ogra_each new arch adds up09:35
sil2100hm, never saw that to take 1h, but maybe indeed now it can be a bit longer09:35
ogra_when we started it took max 10min09:35
ogra_then snappy came around and it doubled up09:36
ogra_now with more arches to import it will be longer again09:36
ogra_snappy will fix that :)09:37
ogra_(before it gets un-handleable)09:38
* popey adds "Snappy will fix that" to "shit canonical people say"10:00
* Mirv googled http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/10/16/%23ubuntu-touch.html#t08:1110:06
sil2100popey: you should make a list of 'shit canonical people say' that we can actually browse ;)10:11
ogra_jibel, do we have a bug open for nearby ? it seems to always have some weird location right after boot until i refresh10:27
jibelogra_, none that I know of10:44
ogra_do you see that too ?10:44
ogra_or is my house just shielding me better from location detection :)10:44
jibelogra_, yes, it shows Paris then my real location (400km away from Paris)10:48
ogra_yeah, same here10:49
ogra_(well, not paris indeed)10:49
ogra_tvoss, couldnt we store the last location on reboot ?10:50
ogra_and keep it until we have the proper fix10:50
tvossogra_, the scopes infrastructure could do that. Right now, they likely hand out a geoip estimate until the first real location from the service arrives10:51
ogra_yeah ...10:51
tvossogra_, I'm not a fan of centrally caching that stuff as requirements differ significantly with applications10:51
ogra_would be better than having the scopes wait with startup til it is there10:51
tvossogra_, probably best to file a bug against scopes then10:52
jibelogra_, doesn't it keep some kind of cache already, because when you travel it remembers your previous place?10:56
ogra_does it ?10:56
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|run
thostr_sil2100: is there any estimate yet when dual landings will be possible again?11:17
sil2100thostr_: if all goes well we should be good around Thursday11:21
thostr_sil2100: can we 'freely' land then or are restricted soon again by ota?11:22
sil2100I suppose the next OTA would be in approx a month11:22
thostr_sil2100: ack11:22
sil2100The original plan would be to do an RC promotion in 2 weeks, but not sure if we have te resources to keep doing that still11:23
thostr_sil2100: right. thing is it gets more and more difficult to find landing times11:23
thostr_as we usually be also very picky about changes shortly before ota's, even before officially closing those11:23
sil2100Yeah, this time it was even worse as we closed early and keep the gates closed for long11:24
sil2100But this is a special case11:24
sil2100For known reasons11:24
thostr_it felt like we closed for almost three weeks then altogether11:25
jibelit will be 2 weeks next Friday11:26
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|lunch
=== _salem is now known as salem_
pmcgowanseb128, did this land in vivid https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/143912211:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1439122 in Canonical System Image "battery graph seems not properly initialized" [Medium,In progress]11:57
seb128pmcgowan, no, I was looking at that this morning11:58
seb128pmcgowan, so many bugfixes that are not landing because things are frozen :-/11:59
pmcgowanseb128, ah ok11:59
seb128pmcgowan, we can resume bugfixes landing after ota4 right?11:59
pmcgowanwhich should be tomorrow11:59
sil2100Fingers crossed on that12:01
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== mzanetti|run is now known as mzanetti
ogra_huh ?13:16
ogra_where does that update come from13:16
ogra_oh, custom tarball13:17
sil2100Which update?13:18
ogra_the one my arale just offered me13:19
cwayneogra_, CTR fix13:19
ogra_cwayne, yeah13:19
ogra_noticed that after asking :)13:19
cwaynesil2100, ^ jibel gave me the go ahead to push it :)13:20
sil2100cwayne: ok ;) Give me a sign beforehand :)13:24
cwaynesil2100, sorry! literally just happened13:25
cwaynelike, 4 minutes ago, but point taken :)13:25
ogra_the importer was really fast :)13:25
boikosil2100: when you get some time, I need a silo for row 63, OTA4 targetted bugfix13:30
sil2100boiko: on it13:30
boikosil2100: thanks! :)13:32
sil2100boiko: thanks for the fix! :)13:32
sil2100Last from the known list13:32
boikosil2100: took a while for me and salem_ to figure out what it was, but in the end salem_ fixed it13:33
pmcgowanjibel, do you want to close the gates or take a fix or two?13:39
pmcgowanboiko, sil2100 need QA to ack that one landing, not sure if we are out of time13:40
sil2100pmcgowan: I think QA is anticipating this fix, yesterday the plan was to not do any telephony tests before this lands13:41
boikopmcgowan: well ,the fix is not yet reviewed/tested, and we are in the sprint planning meeting right now, so it will take at least a couple hours before it is ready for QA to test13:41
sil2100Or at least move those tests to later13:42
boikopmcgowan: if it is really urgent I can talk to bfiller to skip part of the meeting to test this13:42
pmcgowanboiko, if we intend to land it we need it sooner than later13:47
sil2100pmcgowan, boiko: since this fix is important for OTA-4, maybe QA can help out with testing the fix?13:47
boikopmcgowan: ok, I will work on it13:47
boikosil2100: that'd be good13:47
sil2100jibel: I don't want to waste your time, but maybe you guys could check out silo 17 and help out with testing it once it builds?13:49
sil2100It's the dual-sim fix13:49
fgintherpopey, jenkins skipped https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/decode-before-ms2-lookup/+merge/260790 because it has no preview-diff, which is weird. I've manually kicked it off for now.13:50
popeyfginther: thanks13:50
fgintherpopey, Also looking into moving things to vivid, first making sure the vivid environment is working. Last time we tried this, we ran into multiple build failures13:50
popeyfginther: it's blocking two core apps now.13:51
fgintherwell at least one error that was hitting a few different projects13:51
fgintherpopey, which ones?13:51
popeyclock and music13:51
popey(which are default on device)13:51
fgintherpopey, ack13:52
sil2100pmcgowan: it would be nice to get LP: #1425172 fixed one day too...13:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1425172 in network-manager (Ubuntu RTM) "Network indicator lists the non-exist AP (timeout for the AP to be removed is too big, ~6min)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142517213:55
pmcgowansil2100, we dont have a fix there yet13:57
pstolowskitrainguards hi, can somebody take a look at this failure https://launchpadlibrarian.net/208083338/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.unity8_8.02%2B15.04.20150602.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz ? according to mzanetti this issue has recently been fixed and another unity8 silo builds fine; perhaps some builders have old packages?14:07
Mirvpstolowski: that shouldn't be possible.. but which silo? the fact that the version number is mentioned means vivid overlay is enabled there alright.14:10
pstolowskiMirv, silo 4014:10
Mirvpstolowski: err, silo 5 you mean?14:13
Mirvthe silo is configured correctly, proposed + stable phone overlay14:13
Mirvand yes there was a unity8 landing after the indicator-network upload14:14
MirvWellark: can you too check https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-005/+packages ? both vivid-overlay + wily claim libconnectivity-qt1-dev : Depends: libconnectivity-qt1 (= 0.5.1+15.10.20150519-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed14:15
pstolowskiMirv, ah, sorry, yes 4014:15
Mirvpstolowski: still not 40 ;)14:15
pstolowskiMirv, eeek, 5 :)14:16
pstolowskiMirv, ack, thanks, rebuilding14:16
Mirvpstolowski: there was a problem related to indicator-network landing (merging connectivity-api into it) that Wellark knows about14:16
Mirvbut at least in case of vivid overlay it was supposed to be fixed and indeed there was a successful landing of unity8 already, so I don't know what's really going on14:17
jhodappMirv or sil2100: can one of you publish silo 23 for me please?14:50
Mirvjhodapp: sure14:52
jhodappMirv, thanks14:52
Mirv(wily, if anyone is alarmed ;)14:53
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|food
sil2100Mirv: thanks! I'm in a meetong ;)15:22
john-mcaleelyplars, who looks after the krillins in ci testing these days?15:27
boikosil2100: pmcgowan: all my tests are OK on the silo, I am just rebuilding for one last fix I asked salem_ to include, and then I will approve the MP15:28
* boiko gets lunch while it builds15:28
pmcgowanboiko, thanks15:28
pmcgowanboiko, looks like we will land it tomorrow for krillin testing15:29
plarsjohn-mcaleely: ci team does15:32
john-mcaleelyplars, who's a good person to ping. I have a bug which they should be screaming about15:33
=== mzanetti|food is now known as mzanetti
john-mcaleely(but aren't)15:33
josephtjohn-mcaleely: what's the bug?15:34
john-mcaleelyjosepht, can you see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/barajas/+bug/145622515:35
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1456225 not found15:35
john-mcaleelyall automated testing shoudl be failing on krillin15:35
john-mcaleelyis it?15:35
josephtjohn-mcaleely: yes I can see it, I'll check on the krillin tests15:36
jhodappMirv or sil2100, can I get a silo for line #66 please?15:39
plarsjohn-mcaleely: in general, ping cihelp if it's urgent or send to the ci mailing list, but I'm certainly interested15:42
plarsjohn-mcaleely: we don't actively monitor the test results themselves - the landing team does that though for image promotion decision15:42
Mirvjhodapp: sure (I'm in London this week so thus here later than usual)15:44
jhodappMirv, cool thanks15:44
john-mcaleelyplars, ack. It's just been a while since I knew who to talk to15:44
jhodappslangasek, can you take a quick look at this MR since it fixes the bug you filed? https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtubuntu-media/fix-1452340/+merge/26085015:44
* sil2100 drives back home, be back soonish15:44
jhodappthanks Mirv15:45
john-mcaleelyjosepht, any news?16:00
josephtjohn-mcaleely: I'm not seeing adb failures16:00
john-mcaleelycool. where's the dashboard these days?16:00
boikopmcgowan: ok, so I can spend some more time testing it16:01
pstolowskiMirv, the issue I experienced with unity8 build is a dependency cycle of indicator-network (a packaging error); can a fix for that land in vivid-overlay despite "freeze"?16:10
pstolowskiMirv, nb, pete-woods has the fix16:10
Mirvpstolowski: ok16:13
Mirvpstolowski: if that nb was a "nevermind" with a typo, that is :)16:13
pstolowskiMirv, no, it was nota bene ;)16:14
Mirvpstolowski: ejsyrbrt!16:15
Mirvright, google helps :)16:16
Mirvpstolowski: sooo, I don't think it'd land before OTA4, but that might mean tomorrow/Thursday is ok16:17
Mirvpstolowski: just because it's very critical hour at the moment so wasting time shouldn't be risked (in case something happens to go wrong)16:17
pstolowskiMirv, fair enough, ack16:18
pstolowskiMirv, ejsyrbrt? :D16:19
Mirvpstolowski: typoing "whatever" by having hands typing one button too right. it happens to me sometimes, even though this time it was on purpose :)16:23
Mirvjhodapp: the spreadsheet was a bit broken, magic field contents missing so it didn't show your silo until now (dashboard ok)16:25
Mirvoh, you built the package already so it wasn't an issue16:26
jhodappMirv, yeah, saw that the silo was ready in here...thanks16:26
Mirvdbarth: could you check spreadsheet lines 13, 17, 33 and clarify status/needs of those16:32
pstolowskitrainguards may i ask for reconfig of silo 5 (new project added)?16:33
Mirvpstolowski: doing16:34
Mirvend-of-bluefin in 20 mins, after that sil2100 might be back or robru up16:34
robrui'm here16:40
robruMirv: how's it going?16:41
slangasekjhodapp: followed up on the MP, further change required16:49
jhodappslangasek, ok thanks16:50
Mirvrobru: tired, but good - the usual sprint things, too long evenings, very long days...16:52
Mirvquite productive anyway16:53
Mirvmy 19th qtbase 5.5.0 beta build succeeded running tests on armhf (I started two weeks ago)16:53
Mirvqt creator git is building16:53
Mirvqt 5.4.1 compiler options juggling going slowwly forward16:53
Mirvit's good16:53
jhodappslangasek, pushed an update to the MR per your comment16:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
balloonsping cihelp17:27
fgintherballoons, are you asking about the core-apps to vivid request?17:31
balloonsfginther, I am. It's starting to get painful :-)17:32
fgintherballoons, This is in progress, it's slowed by the fact that there is no working vivid test environment at the moment, getting that running is a bit more work than usual.17:34
balloonsfginther, ack.. I just wanted to make sure someone was working it as I know vivid got shutoff due to difficulties, so I imagined it might not be easy to bring it back17:36
balloonspopey, ^^17:36
balloonspopey, I know nik90 and ahayzen both are being a little impacted by this. But for anyone else, can you make sure they know :-)17:37
popeyi mentioned this to fginther earlier today.17:37
jhodappslangasek, once you approve, I'll get that landed right away17:37
slangasekjhodapp: I approved it in my latest comment; are you looking for me to top-approve it?  It's not my project so I assumed that wasn't appropriate17:38
jhodappslangasek, you can top approve it, that's fine17:38
jhodappslangasek, better than me top approving ;)17:38
slangasekjhodapp: ok done!17:39
jhodappslangasek, thanks!17:39
jhodapprobru, you around?17:55
jhodapprobru, silo 20 is ready to publish17:56
robrujhodapp: on it17:56
robrujhodapp: you're welcome17:57
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
oSoMoNtrainguards: can the vivid packages be deleted from silo 1? I want to land only in wily for now, will sync later when vivid-overlay re-opens18:03
robruoSoMoN: sure thing18:03
robruoSoMoN: ok deleted, you ready to publish too?18:04
dobeytrainguards: it looks like rows 26 and 32 in the spreadsheet are duplicates? i guess someone should delete row 26?18:04
oSoMoNrobru, in a minute18:04
robrudobey: indeed, thanks for pointing that out18:06
oSoMoNrobru, alright, silo 1 can be published now18:08
dobeyrobru: i think row 15 can be deleted too. those branches have landed in w already18:09
robrudobey: thanks for checking18:11
dobeyrobru: np, easier for me to find things when there aren't duplicates and outdated things listed :)18:12
boikopmcgowan: I have just finished testing silo 17 (with the default sim fix), ready for QA to pick it for testing18:54
jibelom26er, ^ can you verify silo 17?18:58
om26erjibel, seems blocked on the board18:58
jibelom26er, it is not the same 1719:00
jibelprobably an obsolete card19:00
om26erjibel, hmm, so its telepathy-ofono ?19:02
jibelom26er, yes19:03
jibelom26er, the card will be created on next run of the job19:03
jibelom26er, I moved it to under testing19:04
jibelready for testing*19:04
om26erjibel, great, thanks19:04
jibelom26er, thanks19:04
jibelom26er, what are the bug # for the 2 upgrade bugs you found?19:05
om26erjibel, bug 1461138 bug 146115219:07
ubot5bug 1461138 in ubuntu-app-launch (Ubuntu) "Some click icons are appearing twice after upgrade to RC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146113819:07
ubot5bug 1461152 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio crashed on boot after upgrading to RC (OTA4)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146115219:07
oSoMoNcihelp: it looks like webbrowser-app’s boottest results are still affected by the unity8 greeter bug (https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-webbrowser-app/lastBuild/console), is that known? and can the test be re-run please?19:17
josephtoSoMoN_: it is indeed known, unfortunately.  I'll retrigger the build.19:25
oSoMoN_josepht, thanks19:26
jhodapprobru, media-hub seems to be stuck in the proposed pocket for silo 2319:39
robrujhodapp: cihelp: another boottest failure, can somebody investigate and retry: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-media-hub/9/console ? thanks19:41
jhodappthanks robru19:41
robrujhodapp: you're welcome19:41
josephtrobru, jhodapp: looking now19:42
robrujosepht: thanks19:42
jhodapprobru, silo 35 is ready to publish19:56
robrujhodapp: just need this top approved: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtubuntu-media/fix-1457972/+merge/26052019:58
jhodapprobru, alright, good19:59
josephtjhodapp, robru: the rebuild was successful for media-hub20:23
robrujosepht: thanks!20:24
jhodappjosepht, so it should be out of the pocket shortly then?20:24
josephtjhodapp: afaik, yes20:25
jhodappjosepht, ok great thanks, I'll keep my eye on it to make sure it does20:26
dobeytrainguards: can i get a silo for row 57 please?20:35
robrudobey: ok you got silo 1, note the conflict with silo 22.20:36
dobeyrobru: yeah, it's fine to land this first though :)20:37
robrudobey: no worries, as long as you're aware20:38
jhodappjosepht, awesome, it landed thanks20:59
josephtjhodapp: great!21:02

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