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RAOFHm. Has anyone else noticed the arale backlight not being turned off?03:56
dufluRAOF: Historically when that happens on any device most people don't notice :)04:11
dufluBut it's not good04:12
RAOFOh, well. LP# 1460898 filed.04:18
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RAOFOh, hey.07:29
RAOFOur GMainLoop alarm implementation blatantly ignores the specified behaviour of various calls.07:29
RAOFI'm pretty sure I relied on that behaviour in the FrameDroppingPolicy...07:32
anpokRAOF: I think something like SceneObserver could be replaced in a nicer way with signal/slot07:35
RAOFanpok: This is indeed what I was thinking, yes.07:36
RAOFanpok: Oh, AlarmImpl unconditionally returns true on cancel() (even if it didn't actually cancel), and likewise on reschedule.07:36
RAOFWhile the documentation says that they return true iff they cancelled something, rescheduled a pending alarm respectively.07:37
anpokin a previous system signal(event) / slot registrations with functor objects were the #1 memory consumers07:37
anpokbut there we had hundreds of them07:37
anpokand most of them did not fit into the functor payload..07:37
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alan_galf_: happy now? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/helptext-mentions-config-file/+merge/26043910:34
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alan_ggreyback: tvoss do we want to reschedule the WM discussion? When?11:19
greybackalan_g: today is bad for me, am traveling. Wed & Thurs my timetable is uncertain, lots of meetings. Friday traveling again!11:20
alan_ggreyback: OK. np.11:21
greybackbest I can do is next week, Wed the earliest11:22
alan_gFine by me. Today I'm more interested in how lp:~alan-griffiths/mir/only-visible-surfaces-change-scene/ might affect Qt clients and qtmir.11:26
greybackalan_g: let me have a look and I'll get back to you11:28
tvossalan_g, we definitely should, next Wednesday is fine by me, too11:30
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kdubalan_g, fixed the test name on: https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/multistream-protobuf-additions/+merge/25997014:08
alan_gkdub: TA'd14:11
kdubthanks alan_g14:12
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racarrkdub: I've also run in to some problems with the event RPC lately...15:09
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kdubracarr, which sort of problems?15:35
racarrkdub: oh I guess just that the memcpy to a flat buffer doesn't work for15:37
racarrsome of the event cleanup I am doing as well15:37
racarrwhic hsort of relates to your can't pass FD's over events perhaps15:37
kdubracarr, right, so if i'm scrubbing may as well scrub in a way thats helpful to that concern too15:38
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kgunnvogons any running mir on nouveau lately ?17:06
kdubintel for me17:07
camakokgunn, yes I am on nouveau17:07
kgunnpopey: ^17:08
kgunncamako: i think popey is trying to run unity8-desktop-session-mir on  nouveau17:08
popeygah, just logging into unity7 with nouveau gives me 1280x1024 not 1920x1080 :(17:08
kgunni was telling him, mir + nouvea might be ok17:08
kgunncamako: so i figure your probably running mir+nouvea frequently17:09
camakokgunn, I'm not running U8 dektop session recently17:09
kgunnright...so problem might lie in the unity8 part17:09
camakokgunn, just mir17:09
camakoand examples17:09
kgunnso popey, that answers that ^17:10
popeyhmm, sudo mir_demo_server fails17:10
popeyfailed to load libraries from path /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform17:10
popeyfollowing http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/using_mir_on_pc.html Running Mir natively17:11
popeykgunn: so if I want to actually test Unity8 (specifically apps) what am I to do? Buy an intel laptop / tablet?17:12
kgunnpopey: that might be easier :-P but seriously, let's see if we can get you some help....what's your gpu ?17:13
kgunncamako: ^ can i leave popey in your capable hands...17:13
popeynVidia GeFprce GTX 46017:13
camakokgunn, don't really work on U8 desktop, so not sure how helpful I can be17:15
kgunncamako: he's failing on mir-demo-server17:15
kgunnplease read17:15
camakokgunn, ah ok17:16
camakopopey, are you running in a vt?17:16
camakopopey, let's step back, did you install the packages yourself? Or running from binaries you built from the tree?17:17
AlbertApopey: is this mir 0.13?17:17
popeyi have a clientplatform in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir but not a server-platform17:17
popeythis is on wily, from repo17:17
AlbertApopey: apt-get install mir-platform-graphics-mesa217:18
popeymaybe I'm missing a package?17:18
kgunnah yeah..isn't there a dumb issue about having to install graphics platform17:18
popeyok, it fails differently now :)17:18
kgunnpopey: i had to do this the other day, i did apt-get install mir-graphics-drivers-desktop17:21
popeysame error after doing that17:21
camakopopey do you have drm devices in your system?17:22
camakols -l /dev/dri <<---17:22
popeyls: cannot access /dev/dri: No such file or directory17:23
camakopopey that's the problem17:23
camakocamako@camako-MacBookPro:~$ ls /dev/dri/17:23
camakocard0       card1       controlD64  controlD65  renderD128  renderD12917:23
camakopopey ^ ... mir needs card* devices to run17:23
camakopopey, kernel version?17:24
popeyLinux wopr.popey.com 3.19.0-20-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 29 10:10:47 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:24
camakopopey at the top of the "Running Mir natively" page there are checks for hw17:29
camakowhat do they return?17:29
popeyoh, i skipped that bit because kgunn told me to do the Running Mir natively bit, sorry.17:30
camakopopey, so I guess you don't really have a nouveau driver17:33
camakocamako@camako-MacBookPro:~$ lsmod | grep drm17:33
camakodrm_kms_helper        122880  2 i915,nouveau17:33
camakodrm                   344064  9 ttm,i915,drm_kms_helper,nouveau17:33
camakocamako@camako-MacBookPro:~$ sudo pmap `pidof X` | grep dri.so17:33
camako[sudo] password for camako:17:33
camako00007fb9b76e5000   7620K r-x-- nouveau_dri.so17:33
camako00007fb9b7e56000   2048K ----- nouveau_dri.so17:33
camako00007fb9b8056000    348K r---- nouveau_dri.so17:33
camako00007fb9b80ad000     48K rw--- nouveau_dri.so17:33
camakopopey, I'm surprised your distro doesn't have it.... I guess it should be as simple as installing xserver-xorg-video-nouveau package... But proceed cautiously as you're meesing with the video driver17:36
popeyii  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau  1:1.0.11-1ubuntu2b amd64              X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver17:36
popeyit _is_ installed17:36
popeyI'm on Ubuntu 15.10 (wily)17:37
popeyaha, it's not being used. It's using FBDEV!17:38
camakopopey, I'm still on vivid... perhaps this is a new (wily) nouveau issue17:38
popeythat's why the resolution is wonky I guess.17:38
camakopopey, some help here : http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/UbuntuPackages/17:38
popeyaha https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/VideoDriverDetection#Problem:__Need_to_fully_remove_-nvidia_and_reinstall_-nouveau_from_scratch17:38
popeyneed to _re_ install nouveau17:39
camakothere you go...17:40
popeythanks for the help!17:40
popeysilly software :)17:40
popeyhas mir_socket moved? I don't see it in /tmp17:56
popeyaha! /run/user/1000/mir_socket17:57
popeyOk, so I have managed to get mir running, and ran a mir demo (mir_demo_client_eglplasma)17:58
popeyso we have proved the video driver works now.17:59
bschaeferis there  a way to poke for the ABI version of mir?18:00
bschaeferwith the new mir lib, i need to check what version of code I compile depending on the ABI version18:00
popeyrebooting to lightdm, and choosing unity8 lxc session fails though.18:02
popeybunch of apparmor failures... http://paste.ubuntu.com/11525449/18:02
popeyballoons: you tried this?18:04
camakobschaefer, mir version is printed to stdout (by default)18:05
bschaefercamako, ill need it through configure.ac though, is there a function that prints out the version?18:06
bschaeferthere seems to be: mir_toolkit/version.h:65:    MIR_VERSION_NUMBER(MIR_CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION, \18:07
camakobschaefer, there is a cmake variable MIR_VERSION18:07
bschaefercamako, o cool, thanks!18:07
bschaeferthat works for cmake :), ill have to hack something for autogen18:08
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AlbertAcamako: alan_g|EOD: so the qtubuntu updates to match mir 0.13 made it to wily right?18:49
AlbertAshouldn't the branch be merged then?18:49
camakoAlbertA, kgunn said that LT was investigating why it didn't get merged18:49
camakoyes it should be merged18:50
kdubafter the buffer semantics changes, we dont really have a stream anymore... but will cross that bridge later18:59
AlbertAcamako: so should we merge it manually? or do we need to ask somebody?19:00
camakoAlbertA, I am assuming LT will do it once they are through with their investigation. kgunn19:01
camakokgunn ^^19:01
AlbertAcamako: ok...who is LT though?19:02
kgunncamako: AlbertA so we added that MP to the rotation silo4, mzanetti is working on landing it....which should merge it19:02
camakoAlbertA, landing team19:02
kgunnis there another issue currently ?19:02
AlbertAcamako: kgunn: ok...19:02
AlbertAkgunn: no just want to rebase my branch19:02
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AlbertA@vogons: since technically we broke client API in mir 0.13.1 (like mir_surface_set_event_handler), the client/mir_toolkit/version.h should have bumped it's major number right?22:41
RAOFYes. I thought we did the backwards-compatibility symver trick for that, though?22:41
AlbertARAOF: yes we did22:42
AlbertAso I'll be attempting a mir 0.13.2 for entirely unrelated reasons (have to get the vegetahd quirk in)...22:44
AlbertAwas wondering if I should fix it then.22:44
RAOFOh, but we don't expose both in the API, right.22:44
RAOFYeah, we should have bumped version.22:44
RAOFOtherwise there's no good way for client code to know what to build against.22:44
AlbertARAOF: right which is what bschaefer wanted22:44
racarrand robert_ancell!22:45
AlbertAvogons: ok so mir 0.13.2 =  client 2.0.0, and lp:mir: client 3.0.0 since we broke for good there ?22:46
AlbertA@vogons: just FYI I've requested a silo for mir 0.13.2 - with the intention of landing to vivid+overlay and wily23:31
camakoAlbertA, sounds good. The freeze should be over soon.23:32
camakoAlbertA, is only Mir in the silo?23:32
AlbertAcamako: yes. with only the vegetahd quirk and the client API version fix23:32
AlbertAcamako: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/0.13/+merge/26090223:33
bschaeferstrange crash... http://paste.ubuntu.com/11531043/ only seems to fail on SDL2 tests (if i run my own SDL2 app it works fine)23:48
bschaefersomething in dynamic loader must be doing something strange...hmm23:51

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