lotuspsychje | spammer from #ubuntu in query: | 05:16 |
lotuspsychje | <Jukebox63> Find out your websites value at www.ValueMyWebsite.org & Scan your website and scan for your website's SEO score at www.ScanMySEO.com - Improve your seo score and get a better rank in in search engines | 05:16 |
lotuspsychje | Flannel: tnx | 05:17 |
Pici | yeesh | 20:46 |
zykotick9 | _if_ someone wants to file a web page bug (sorry, i _won't_ i'm afraid - and i think it's OT for #ubuntu) but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats still links to Medibuntu for getting DVD support. If this could be updated to point to the given http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html it would remove another reference to the now defunct medibuntu from ubuntu's website.. | 22:46 |
zykotick9 | ^ i figure someone here might... thanks for being ops in #ubuntu! take care. | 22:47 |
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