
UkikieWasn't owncloud supposed to be blacklisted from Ubuntu?07:15
cjwatsonUkikie: It was removed from utopic and up; blacklisting isn't normally necessary07:18
cjwatsonUkikie: Though in this case blacklisting seems reasonably appropriate, and indeed it is in the sync-blacklist07:19
UkikieAsked due to owncloud-tasks and owncloud-antivirus07:19
cjwatsonBlacklists aren't wildcards07:19
cjwatsonThose probably ought to be removed referencing bug 138435507:20
ubot93bug 1384355 in owncloud (Ubuntu Utopic) "ownCloud should be removed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138435507:20
cjwatsonI'll do that in a moment07:20
UkikieGreat, "thanks"07:21
cjwatsonAlso owncloud-apps07:22
cjwatsonUkikie: all done, thanks07:26
UkikieSure, glad it's helpful.07:26
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|run
sil2100Hello release team! I disabled the system-image importer temporarily for some channel-additions11:50
=== mzanetti|run is now known as mzanetti
sil2100And the importer re-enabled again12:20
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|food
=== mzanetti|food is now known as mzanetti
slangasekbdmurray: I'm getting this error even though the diff is clearly available in launchpad; any ideas?: $ sru-review -s trusty flash-kernel21:29
slangasekERROR: queue does not have a debdiff21:29
bdmurrayslangasek: looking21:31
bdmurrayslangasek: it looks like it may be something with the debdiff_re21:36
bdmurrayslangasek: hunh, nope that's not it. the scraped html contains "diff from 3.0~rc.4ubuntu49.4 to 3.0~rc.4ubuntu49.5 (pending)"21:40
infinitybdmurray: Except, it really doesn't?21:41
infinitydiff from 3.0~rc.4ubuntu49.4 to 3.0~rc.4ubuntu49.5 (742 bytes)21:42
bdmurrayinfinity: Right, I see what it says when I look at the same url in firefox. urlopen is returning different content for some reason.21:42
bdmurrayslangasek: sru-review works now w/ no changes to sru-review21:46
infinitybdmurray: Logged in versus not logged in, perhaps.  One was getting cached data, the other was forcing fresh.21:50
=== aaron is now known as Guest8432
=== Guest8432 is now known as ahoneybun
sergiusenscan we get a waiver for goget-ubuntu-touch failing on gcc-go for powerpc http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html23:57
infinitysergiusens: We're working on the toolchain bug.23:59

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