
zombienerdGood evening folks (or whatever greeting is appropriate for your time zone)01:07
zombienerdAnybody awake?01:30
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bbxtrHola Hombres02:58
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bbxtrAnyone using the UT as a daily driver on Nexus 5? How's the battery life?03:40
zombienerdI'm on Nexus 4, battery life is excellent.  Can't speak to the N503:50
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dholbachgood morning07:00
seb128hey dholbach07:03
dholbachsalut seb12807:04
AmiSinghttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ubuntu-Linux-Phone-BQ-Aquaris-E4-5-Ubuntu-Edition-/321769682517 £125.0007:35
sturmflut2The sheer existance of bug 1460945 is already just awesome07:43
ubot5bug 1460945 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "System Settings Updates/Storage pages consume 700mA or more even there is no network/io activity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146094507:43
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mcphailMust agree. That bug report is brilliant08:14
mcphailDoes anyone else find occasions where a small flick to scroll the browser is translated into a fast scroll to top/bottom of page? Am I accidently triggering a gesture or is there a bug in the sensor/flicking code? On krillin/rtm08:20
sturmflut2Apparently Meizu made an announcement two hours ago, http://c.youku.com/meizu0602, does anybody know what it's about? Google Translate output is more than confusing :/08:59
sturmflut2It's just a new Android device, isn't it09:01
popeyits probably their m2 note09:01
ogra_uh, pink09:01
sturmflut2Oooh, they're working on desktop mode for the web browser app09:03
sturmflut2Such convergence09:03
sturmflut2bq announced the E5: https://twitter.com/bqreaders/status/60566188393749708809:08
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Leave the Office Earlier Day! 😃09:08
* popey leaves the office09:09
sturmflut2...that escalated quickly09:09
sturmflut2JamesTait: I'm happy you didn't go with "Rocky Road Day", they don't sell Rocky Road over here09:10
k1l_hihi, popey09:11
JamesTaitsturmflut2, I don't consider it a coincidence that the two are on the same day. 😉09:12
sturmflut2JamesTait: Noooo, that would sound like a conspiracy theory, and there is no such thing as a conspiracy09:13
sturmflut2...except for the fact that Elvis is still alive on that secret island09:13
popeyawww, the popey elvis pic is gone from 10:08 < JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Leave the Office Earlier Day! �09:15
popeyawww, the popey elvis pic is gone from http://blamepopey.com/  (is what I meant to say)09:16
* JamesTait wonders why his morning greeting was on popey's clipboard.09:18
popeyme too!09:18
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* sturmflut2 hopes that we will get something like Syncthing on the phone09:23
sturmflut2But I don't see how that would work with the current App Lifecycle09:24
* mcphail wishes we had Ubuntu One on the phone. Killing that was a major mistake09:29
popeysyncthing works on the phone09:29
popeyit could sync only in foreground09:29
popeywould you really want your battery killed by syncthing constantly polling for changes?09:30
popeysyncthing as a plugin for the file manager might be interesting09:31
popeyso it only syncs while you have file manager open09:32
mcphailWhen Ubuntu One was killed, there was a promise it was going to be open-sourced and released. Did that ever happen? It would be a great addition to the phone09:38
popeymcphail: no, not yet. Ping beuno09:39
popeyit's on his to-do list somewhere09:39
lotuspsychjei dont like things in the cloud too much09:39
lotuspsychjeyou never know whats happening with your data out there09:40
ogra_lotuspsychje, if you control the cloud yourself ?09:40
lotuspsychjeogra_: 24/7 things always hold a security risk09:40
* ogra_ plans to actually have a lot of apps in the store in the future where you can use a one-click-install snappy cloud service for your phone app ... 09:41
mcphailpopey: it is good to know it hasn't been (completely) forgotten09:41
popeyThis is why I like Syncthing so much09:41
popeyfree software, and control over which machines sync to which09:42
popeyand no cloud needed09:42
lotuspsychjepopey: yeah local sync is nice09:42
dadexix86are there plans somewhere for an app that allows us to remotely control the music player on an Ubuntu machine?09:44
mcphailpopey: haven't used it. Does it have shell integration on the desktop, so you can right-click a folder and selct to share. That was U1's best feature09:45
popeynot yet09:45
popeywell, maybe09:45
popeyI just run it as a daemon and it has a web ui to control it09:45
ogra_dadexix86, depends on the music player you use ... there is a vlc remote and a kodi remote already09:45
popeyi think there's an indicator for it too09:45
dadexix86ogra_, the default one, which is rhythmbox since some releases. never heard of kodi, is it in the repo?09:47
popeykodi == xbmc09:50
davidcalleogra_, hello, by any chance do you know who owns (or where code lives for) the new special developer image? I'm trying to list what's special with it.09:51
popeyit has "Ogras Inside" (*Intel Tune*)09:54
davidcallepopey, I can already see the logo, spinning at boot10:02
popeymake it so!10:04
ogra_davidcalle, no, i didnt know there is such an image10:10
ogra_is that mzanetti's baby perhaps ?10:10
ogra_mzanetti, a "new special developer image"10:12
* ogra_ never heard of that10:12
mzanettime neither :D10:12
davidcalleHeh, it has been recently documented at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/ (ubuntu-touch/*/ubuntu-developer)10:13
mzanettiogra_, I went with a "special developer app store" instead10:13
ogra_mzanetti, i know, i thought you might have an image with it included or some such10:13
davidcalleAs far as I can see, it ships with Cordova mobile spec webapp, logviewer, terrarium (qml live prototyper), and the UI toolkit gallery, that's nice :)10:14
ogra_davidcalle, hmm, i dont think there is this "developer-oriented custom tarball" yet10:14
ogra_not sure whose idea that is/was10:15
davidcalleogra_, I'm running it :)10:15
ogra_sil2100, ^^^ any idea ?10:15
sil2100There is one ;)10:15
sil2100john-mcaleely: is the maintainer of it, at least he's the one usually taking care of it10:16
sil2100I myself don't really know what's in that custom, but I've been told it has some goodies from the store pre-installed for developers - an we have teh channels10:16
davidcalleYeah, I've asked him, he knows about it and knows it ships some dev oriented apps, but I'm still looking for a full list of changes10:17
sil2100hm, a list like that would be nice indeed10:17
sil2100Let me check where it pulls the tarballs from10:17
ogra_well, find whoever creates that tarball then :)10:17
mzanettiogra_, I haven't. But I'm in discussion with this guy to set that up at some point: http://ubports.com/10:18
john-mcaleelydavidcalle, so, the delta list is maintained by AlexKaluzhny. I don't think he's on this channel often10:19
davidcallejohn-mcaleely, thanks!10:19
sil2100john-mcaleely: I think we'll have to do some corrections with this channel10:19
john-mcaleelyoh yes?10:20
john-mcaleelyand have you published the vegeta build of it yet?10:20
sil2100john-mcaleely: hm, oh, need to check if I did that or not indeed10:21
sil2100Anyway, we're missing the rc-proposed/ubuntu-developer channel10:21
sil2100But actually, I wonder10:21
sil2100The ubuntu-developer has a strange setting, did you have any specific requirements for this channel?10:22
john-mcaleelywell, did we ever have 14.09-ubunut-developer?10:22
john-mcaleelyI think it was 'born' at rc level (which might be a bug)10:22
Genera_hello together10:22
john-mcaleelythe 'special' requirement is that it is almost the same as the bq-aquaris stable/rc channels10:22
john-mcaleelyjust a differeent custom, which cwayne ensures is only slightly different10:23
john-mcaleelyso, I don't think it is really special sil210010:23
john-mcaleelyand it might be 'nice' or 'clearer' if there was an rc-proposed version10:23
john-mcaleelysil2100, ^10:23
Genera_is there already something known about a little fix for music apps so they dont stop if the phone gets locked or appswitch?10:24
popeydavidcalle: I propose this as our new loading image http://people.canonical.com/~alan/ogra_loading.gif10:25
ogra_LOL !10:26
Genera_Pls dont10:26
popeyGenera_: if the apps use media-hub they should work10:27
* lotuspsychje hides behind a stone10:27
Genera_Im a bit sad about the fact that the touch isnt a full unity gui10:27
vanhello everyboy, i just bought the aquaris E4.5 and I hve some problem with it :(10:28
lotuspsychjeGenera_: what are you missing10:28
Genera_well than cutespotify doesnt do that10:28
ogra_thats a bug +10:28
popeyGenera_: cutespotify is known10:28
popeypoke Elleo :)10:28
vanDo you know how to send sms to group of contact?10:28
Genera_i am used to write my programms once and just use the unity form factors to scale to devices10:29
davidcallepopey, :D10:30
vanI search on Internet and I cn't find any soluce to send messages to a group of contact10:30
Genera_have to continue work bb10:31
sil2100john-mcaleely: I'll think about it, as currently it's implemented as an automatic channel that fetches the rootfs and device from rc/bq-aquaris.en and appends its own custom... I think we should have everything streamlined and make it a manual channel as all the rest and have an rc-proposed one that's automatic (as with all the rest)10:46
john-mcaleelysil2100, sure. how it's constructed is mostly an impact to you!10:46
ogra_sil2100, if you have a manual channel it means someone needs to QA it10:47
ogra_(since onl custom is replaced i'd just go with an automated one and document that parts fo custom might potentially be broken due to no QA)10:48
sil2100ogra_: right now it's anyway wrong10:48
sil2100ogra_: since rc is auto-generated while rc should always be a manual channel that passes QA10:48
sil2100So at least now it will be consistent ;)10:49
vanis there somebody who know about sending sms to contact group in utouch?10:51
mcphailvan: do you mean send the same SMS to multiple contacts at one time, or something cleverer than that?10:53
popeyindeed, you can specify multiple contacts10:54
popeyjust type the first, tap on it, type the next, tap on it etc10:54
popeyor press the head and shoulders in the top right, select a contact, press again, select contact etc10:55
vancleverer, I would like to send messages to fixed group like if I want to send a message to party-friend I just have to create a group named party-friend10:55
popeyok. i dont think we support that yet10:55
popeyyou may want to file a bug to track that issue10:56
ogra_i guess that would be a contacts app feature10:56
popeyi guess both10:56
vanand do you know a good tuto to learn programming with QT adapt to ubuntu touch10:59
popeyhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/ is our main site for documentation11:00
vanBecause I would like to help improving apps and I already know some programming languages11:00
popeylet us know if there's something missing11:00
popeywe have a channel for developers - #ubuntu-app-devel11:00
beunomcphail, am working on it currently11:09
mcphailbeuno: U1? Excellent!11:13
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chrisccoulsonKaleo, you around?11:23
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popeyczajkowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/124587811:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 1245878 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot connect to open network with captive portal" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:58
czajkowskipopey: so another thing that may have come up but when you  connect when roaming you see R11:58
czajkowskiwhich is normal on the little triang;e , but when you connect to data a E pops up11:58
czajkowskiwhy E - all that means to me is Edge11:58
popeyyes, it is11:58
popeyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_Data_Rates_for_GSM_Evolution = edge11:59
czajkowskiogra_: spinning head of you at 3am is an odd way to wake up11:59
ogra_czajkowski, so you are in the US ?11:59
czajkowskipopey: ah ok, just dont see the E on my android11:59
czajkowskiogra_: aye12:00
ogra_there edge or 2G is the only stuff you can get with that phone12:00
czajkowskifor 11 days and using my ubuntu phone mostly over here for most things except work12:00
ogra_(frequency limitation)12:00
popeyyour android phone probably shows H ?12:00
popeyactually, Android L doesn't show letters IIRC12:01
popeyjust a bar thing12:01
czajkowskiogra_: biggest pita this trip is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/124587812:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1245878 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot connect to open network with captive portal" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:01
czajkowskias I've to connect to many wifi networks12:01
czajkowskipopey: aye12:01
ogra_ouch, yeah, thats bad12:02
popeyyeah, annoys me too in pubs here12:02
ogra_long standing bug we miss UI for12:02
popeypmcgowan: ^ that bug is annoying, been annoying for years on the desktop, more problematic on mobile12:02
czajkowskiogra_: please do the magic head spin on that eh :)12:02
pmcgowanpopey, hats a captive portal12:02
popeypmcgowan: like hotel wifi where you have to sign in12:03
ogra_czajkowski, well, if popey had done that head correctly it would snap every 90° :) i'm working on snappy now12:03
popeypmcgowan: or just tap a "Ok" button. Anything that prevents you getting on the "real" internet.12:03
pmcgowanpopey, patches accepted :)12:03
czajkowskiit was fun watching all the enginners play with it yesterday12:03
ogra_pmcgowan, the main bug we have open dfor that one is talking about "enterprise wlan" i think12:04
popeypmcgowan: ok, noted. :)12:04
czajkowskilike little kids anything but deal with the work we had to prep for today for a change of pace12:04
popeythats something else entirely12:04
ogra_you mean enterprise?12:04
mcphailmost of these portals redirect your browser to a web page, though. I have never had any problems signing in12:13
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czajkowskimcphail: none are popping open though when I've been clicking on networks to join12:14
popeythats a separate issue though I think12:15
popeyif I understand you12:15
mcphailczajkowski: if you click to join the network, then navigate to any webpage in the browser, you'll prob be redirected to a sign-in page?12:15
czajkowskimcphail: sure but on android which is where I ws comparing it to , android in most cases pops up the browser to log you in12:17
popeyyes, thats the known issue12:17
czajkowskimcphail: new users to ubuntu phones would expect that12:17
czajkowskipopey: aye12:17
popeyit's never worked in linux12:17
mcphailaah - I hate that in Android! Constant nagging about "open networks are available" :)12:17
popeyelementary os recently added the feature12:17
popeyno, not that one mcphail12:17
popeyater you connect12:17
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czajkowskimcphail: no!12:17
popeythe phone goes looking for a 1x1 pixel at apple.com or google.com12:18
popeyand if it gets something else, it knows it's behind hotel wifi, and pops up the browser12:18
popeythats the bit missing, we've debated adding it in ubuntu many times12:18
mcphailpopey: yes - it is part of it: you get a network symbol with a question mark for the captive portals12:18
popeybut for some reason it was always rejected - on one occasion for privacy reasons12:18
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mcphailI'm so used to the Ubuntu (desktop) way of doing things I find the android way annoying12:19
czajkowskimcphail: fair enough but if you're roaming and you're relying on connecting to many wifi networks12:20
czajkowskiit's frustrating as hell12:20
czajkowskiespecially when you're used to the android way of doing things12:20
mcphailczajkowski: trust me - I'm doing this all the time :)12:20
czajkowskimcphail: trust me, I travel a lot!12:21
popeyIt's not a competition :)12:21
czajkowskipopey: if it was I'd win :)12:21
czajkowskijust saying12:21
czajkowskihmm 24hr ihop in my hotel. I'm in dire need of bacon and a cup of weak tea12:21
mcphailThe biggest frustration with the captive portals is the browser doesn't remember the login details12:22
mcphailI have about 200 hotel wifi business cards in my bag12:23
mcphail...and never the right one for my current hotel12:23
pywyHi all12:29
pywyI am looking forward to buy an ubuntu phone Aquaris e512:29
popeyme too :)12:29
pywy ;)12:30
pywyi've heard there is no mail app to do imaps/smtps12:30
pywyis that right ?or just a rumor ?12:30
* ogra_ guesses DanChapman takes patches for dekko to support IMAPS :)12:31
pywyoh, ok, not in bulk version then, requires patches12:32
pywythats quite bad news12:33
ogra_oh, wait12:33
* ogra_ actually notices he uses IMAPS with dekko ... 12:33
ogra_it doesnt support GPG ...12:33
kenvandinemandel, did you see my comment the other day about silo 9?  that's still targetting the vivid overlay, which yes we want it there... but trunk is now wily so we don't want to merge your branch with trunk to land for vivid12:34
kenvandinethere is a bit of a delta already there12:34
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ogra_but SSL/TLS via port 465 and 993 work fine12:34
mcphailpywy: dekko isn't a default app, but is the email app everyone actually uses :)12:34
kenvandinemandel, so what we want is a rebuild targetting the 15.04 branch12:34
ogra_pywy, ^^^12:35
pywythanks for the precision mcphail12:35
pywyso it works with an app called dekko, easily installable12:35
mcphailpywy: and DanChapman is always around if you have problems. The beauty of this device is the direct contact with the devs12:36
pywythat's better ! thanx ogra_12:36
popeymcphail: +112:36
Cyrius_hello there !12:38
Cyrius_I'm trying to install Touch on my Nexus 412:38
lotuspsychje!devices | Cyrius_12:38
ubot5Cyrius_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices12:38
Cyrius_but I'm kind of stuck with a problem12:39
Cyrius_when plugged, my device is always displayed as offline by any adb command12:40
mcphailCyrius_: is your screen unlocked?12:41
Cyrius_@mcphail yeah12:41
mcphailCyrius_: (or do you mean you haven't installed yet?)12:41
popeyis it currently running android?12:41
Cyrius_it is12:41
Cyrius_4.4.4 if I'm not mistaken12:42
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install you following that guide?12:42
popey(enabled developer mode, got a working USB cable etc) :)12:42
mcphailCyrius_: dev mode enabled?12:42
Cyrius_I am following that guide, dev mod enabled (I'v been devellopping android app on it with Android Studio for a few months)12:43
* mcphail thinks android studio uses adb internally...12:44
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: have you installed the android tools on ubuntu?12:44
popeyCyrius_: what version of ubuntu you using?12:45
Cyrius_I was able to run adb commands through Android Studio before12:46
sturmflut2ogra_: Can you check what the "Computex Intel" snappy package does?12:46
popeyi think it's just a demo12:46
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: did you install the android tools for ubuntu?12:46
ogra_sturmflut2, ask in #snappy ...12:46
sturmflut2popey: Sure, but I want to know what it demoes ;)12:46
ogra_(not my package, i thinnk that comes live from the intel booth at computex)12:47
sturmflut2ogra_: Ooooh, I never realised that there is #snappy12:47
popeydownload it and have a look :)12:47
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: check if you installed, from the link popey provided12:48
* DanChapman is late to the dekko conversation and seems all questions were resolved (*scurries back off to his hole*)12:51
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: talk here instead of query12:56
Cyrius_I'm just lost with IRC12:56
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: what does adb devices show you?12:56
Cyrius_my device, but offline12:57
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: ubuntu version?12:57
Cyrius_and no "Authorization box" appears on my mobile12:57
Cyrius_14.04 LTS12:57
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: and you installed phablet tools correctly..hmm12:57
Cyrius_yeah I'm quite lost12:58
Joranpotentially android studio used it's own packaged version of adb which is more up to date?12:58
Cyrius_Android Studio still gets to display this Authorization Box on my device12:58
JoranI would do the following...12:58
Cyrius_I don't think so12:58
lotuspsychjeCyrius_: did you enable developr mode and usb debugging too?12:58
JoranInstall the latest android sdk, copy the binaries to ~/bin, ensure ~/bin is in your path and then do adb devices step again12:59
Joranearlier versions of adb don't play well with later versions of android because of the whole authorisation step13:00
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dobeyfaenil: https://askubuntu.com/questions/620740/recommended-way-to-install-regularcli-deb-packages-on-ubuntu-phone/623311#62331113:01
faenildobey: thanks, I'm going debootstrap atm13:01
dobeyfaenil: ok, though debootstrap doesn't know about the vivid overlay ppa i don't think. using the pre-built image tarball gets you a chroot with all the default phone .debs installed i think, and the correct sources.list13:03
faenildobey: I added it manually...ok though, thanks for the hint :)13:20
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seb128kenvandine, mandel, what was the status of that settings silo for vivid which made click updates not listed? do we have fix? should we clean the silo?13:25
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faenildobey: so vivid-preinstalled is currently rc-proposed with overlay ppa?13:32
ogra_rc-proposed is v ivid + overlay13:33
dobeythe preinstalled tarball doesn't have the overlay?13:33
ogra_http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en/krillin/ this is vivid+overlay13:34
dobeythat is an image built for installing on krillin, yes13:34
ogra_two levels up there is neizu.en13:35
ogra_same thing13:35
dobeybut we're not talking about images to flash to devices13:35
ogra_well, we dont have a proper chroot tarball for vivid + overlay13:35
dobeywe're talking about the vivid-preinstalled tarball, for creating a chroot13:35
ogra_unless you want to use the full rootfs tarball, but i wouldnt recommend that13:36
ogra_use the ubuntu-core one and add the ppa to sources.list13:36
faenilI'm using debootstrap, then modified schroot.conf, added overlay ppa, upgraded packages, but now I have to add users as well otherwise schroot says that it can't cd to home and it doesn't execute the commands13:36
ogra_thats the only actual clean way13:36
faenilogra_: ok, good, that's what I'm doing13:37
dobeydeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay/ubuntu vivid main13:37
dobeythat's in the vivid-preinstalled tarball13:37
dobeyso it is vivid+overlay13:37
ogra_oh, main only ?13:37
dobeywell PPAs only have main13:37
ogra_ah, right13:37
dobeyso i was right all along :)13:38
faenildobey wins13:40
* faenil raises dobey's arm13:40
* ogra_ applauds13:43
Cyrius_Joran: thank you Joran13:44
Cyrius_that was it13:45
JoranYou're welcome cyrius_13:51
mandelkenvandine, I missed the comment, I'll take care, no problem13:56
mandelseb128, no idea, I have not looked at that silo13:57
kenvandinemandel, cool13:57
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seb128mandel, kenvandine, hum? I though you said you were able to reproduce the issue and were working on fixing it... was that somebody else?14:01
kenvandinemandel, you had said you would look at it14:01
kenvandinemandel, but that was like your first day back from vacation :)14:02
mandelseb128, kenvandine and did look, then went to holidays, got drag to location service fires and I have nt looked at it since14:02
seb128oh, ok14:02
mandelsorry, this weeks seems to be easy, I'll take a look14:02
seb128mandel, no worry, thanks, I was mostly wondering if we should keep that silo and try to fix it or clean it and try again later for those changes, so we can land other bugfixes14:06
mandelseb128, leave it as it is, I'll work on it tonight14:06
seb128mandel, thanks14:06
Cyrius_Hum... I'm flashing my device with Ubuntu, and I'm getting this question :14:30
Cyrius_ ROM may flash stock recovery on boot. Fix ? (this cannot be undone).14:30
Cyrius_What should I answer :| ?14:31
zombienerdwhat handset is it?14:32
Cyrius_it's a nexus 414:33
zombienerdSame one I use.  I don't remember seeing that question myself, but if I had, I would have said Yes.  Then again, I don't ever plan on going back to android.14:33
Cyrius_me neither. Let's answer yes then :)14:35
zombienerdI just read a thread that seems that it is a common message with custom roms, and it doesn't hurt to say yes.14:36
Cyrius_it boots.14:36
zombienerdI've gotta get back to work.  Best of luck to you!14:36
Cyrius_thank you :) !14:36
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elopiotedg: ok, I'm back :)15:05
* tedg runs!15:05
elopiotedg: and I'm with zsombi :)15:05
torontoyesHas anyone run into any issue with porting to Samsung galaxy note 3 n900t?15:06
elopiotedg: I've put the protocol thing in ~/.config/url-dispatcher/urls/test.url-dispatcher15:06
elopioI ran the update things you told me yesterday, and it's still not in the database.15:07
elopioI see no logs related to url-dispatcher in ~/.cache/upstart15:09
tedgelopio, Can you run the command with the G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all ?15:10
tedgelopio, Same command that is in the upstart job15:10
elopiotedg: oh wait, wait. Now it got it.15:11
elopioI did G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/*/url-dispatcher/up^Cte-directory "/home/phablet/.config/url-dispatcher/urls/test.url-dispatcher"15:11
elopioG_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/*/url-dispatcher/update-directory "/home/phablet/.config/url-dispatcher/urls/test.url-dispatcher"15:11
tedgelopio, Did it say anything?15:12
elopiotedg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11522532/15:12
elopiothe processing message was what I didn't get before, when I tried with the *.url-dispatcher15:13
tedgelopio, Is it in the DB?15:13
elopiotedg: it is now, yes.15:13
elopiofor some reason, doing it with initctl doesn't work either. But we can live with this for now.15:14
torontoyeselopio, are there any inherent problems with porting ubuntu-touch to Samsung Note 3's ?15:16
tedgelopio, That is probably a bug. I'm guessing it doesn't work with the "*", probably just needs the dir name.15:17
elopiotorontoyes: no idea.15:17
elopiotedg: yes, I'll report a bug for that, but write the code using update-directory for now.15:18
elopiowell, I'm not yet ready, I still need to check that the test app receives the URI parameters :)15:18
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peat-psuwitWhat should I do to find out how parts of the system use power?15:33
OerHeksoh nice, BQ 5 is comming to us http://news.softpedia.com/news/BQ-Aquaris-E5-HD-Ubuntu-Edition-Official-Announced-483034.shtml16:00
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
ybonI can't remember how to do a screenshot. I'm trying volume + and volume - and right button, but this switch the screen off (I'm on Nexus 4), any hint? :)16:03
popeyybon: just vol+ and vol-16:04
OerHeksOn the BQ Aquarius Ubuntu Phone you have to press the volume up and down key simultaneously.16:05
ybonah, thanks popey :)16:06
ybonpopey: the press need to be quick though, I tested it before but I was keeping it pressed for too long, and then this was switching off the volume totally16:06
popeyi dont see that here16:06
ybonI can reproduce it ;)16:07
popeyactually, on my bq, screenshotting is completely broken16:08
yboneach time someone write bq I read bbq, which change a bit the meaning16:08
popeyactually, volume buttons completely broken here16:08
nik90ybon, popey: screenshotting seems to work fine on my bq...holding the buttons for a long time doesn't break it for me either16:09
popeymine is running a bleeding edge image16:09
popeymy retail bq is fine16:09
nik90ogra_: I like the new app loading animation...let's make it default16:26
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nuclearbobwhen trying to use lsusb on a bq device as a specific user, I keep getting "Couldn't open device, some information will be missing"18:31
nuclearbobI think I need an acl adjustment somewhere, but I'm not sure where, since that user is in the adb and plugdev groups, among others18:31
brunch875Has anyone read this article? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/06/first-ubuntu-phone-with-convergence-is-being-made-by-bq18:55
brunch875what does it mean 'with convergence'?18:55
brunch875It kind of implies the current E4.5 won't have convergence18:55
dobeybrunch875: it means "a device built to be used with a keyboard/screen/mouse dock" i would presume18:56
dobeybrunch875: the e4.5's cpu/ram/storage isn't really fitting to that task.18:57
brunch875Ah, so more hardware-beefy18:57
brunch875what'you say, dobey... will we be playing counter strike on it after all? :P :P :P18:59
dobeyi doubt it18:59
dobeyyou would have to convince valve to support ARM19:00
brunch875I'm surprised BQ is actually investing in ubuntu this much19:00
brunch875first the E519:00
brunch875now this19:00
brunch875those are really good news19:00
zombienerdHas anyone seen/found a workaround to the Mako tethering bug yet?19:04
nik90zombienerd: what tethering bbug?19:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1427697 in dbus-property-service (Ubuntu) "Malformed /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/tethering on mako" [High,Confirmed]19:05
zombienerdCannot tether on my Mako.  Up to date devel channel.19:05
zombienerdNever gets an IP address19:05
mcphailI suspect "convergence" will be backported to the e4.5. It is a surprisingly capable device19:11
brunch875I am expecting that! It's the main reason I got this device!19:12
dobeymcphail: it is a low end device.19:13
dobeymcphail: i don't think it provides all the necessary hardware capabilities19:13
mcphaildobey: kernel may be an issue, but the device _is_ very capable19:13
brunch875are you sure of that? I've installed ubuntu on dead-end machines and it ran 'fine'19:13
mcphaildobey: I doubt convergence will be supported or recommended for the 4.5, but suspect I will run fine for me19:14
ahoneybunmhall119: with 4-6 TextFields, how would you switch between them?19:16
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Nikeronhi all20:26
Nikeronhey guys, ubuntu touch are support linux apps now or not?20:27
dobeyubuntu is a version of linux yes; i'm not sure what you're asking though. you can't install or run arbitrary apps on your phone the same way you can on your PC though20:30
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mcphailI've been doing some tests, and it appears apps can run "forever" in the background if they don't spawn a GUI21:17
mcphailI suspect that is a bug21:19
pmcgowanbfiller, do you have your rcs phase 1 and 2 proposal somewhere21:25
pmcgowanis that in trello?21:25
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mariogripHello awe. sorry, I have been gone for a while due to exam in school (+ new job)... any idea one this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11529976/22:48
awemariogrip, off the top of my head, no idea.  I'm actually in the middle of some heavy NM debug.  Do you have a git branch for your code?22:52
aweAlso, as I explained before, I've personally done little with the OEM_HOOK mechanism22:53
aweso I would have to go figure out how it works myself before being able to answer your questions22:53
aweMy guess is that you haven't properly initialized the rilp, which the parcel the g_ril_send uses to construct the message it sends22:54
mariogripawe: I will push the updates i did to a fork soon, i will try to initialize the rilp in a different method than i tried22:58
aweit's just easier for me and/or abeato to help you if we can see the code22:59
mariogripawe: i found this is tha's something we can use https://github.com/nemomobile-packages/ofono/commit/d00df4db747135e55002d7336c47833d5238cf85 but what i understand of it it's an dbus interface23:02
ahoneybunmariogrip: any luck with ofono?23:04
aweunfortunately, the nemomobile codebase and ours has diverged23:04
mariogripofono is not the easiest task i have done... xP a big learning curve for me23:04
ahoneybunthank you for all the work so far mariogrip :)23:05
awemariogrip, for an example of how to use OEM_HOOK_RAW, see ril_query_pin_retries() in drivers/rilmodem/sim.c23:05
mariogripahoneybun: going slow, but i'm leaning a lot :D23:06
ahoneybunmariogrip: will this be on the official port system when it all works?23:06
ahoneybunso we don't have to dirty install it23:06
mariogripahoneybun: I'm working on a system server but it isn't my priory yet, but it's coming :D23:07
aweahoneybun, it'd have to be proposed as a pull-request to our ofono git tree, accepted/merged, and landed in the overlay PPA in order for it to appear in an official image23:08
ahoneybunbut it is possible awe? like the N5 one?23:08
aweI haven't seen any ofono changes for the N523:08
ahoneybunI;m saying as an example23:09
ahoneybunit is on the official system as a official port23:09
mariogripawe: i think ahoneybun is talking about the port in general, like a system-image server23:10
DonkeyHoteithe only "official" ports are the N4, the bq aquaris, and the meizu23:10
aweso... we're talking about a specific package.   If a port requires changes to a package, then those changes need to make their way into the archive, or in the case of our current stable images, the vivid overlay PPA23:10
aweotherwise, you need to make the image writable, and install a modified package... which can cause update breakage23:10
ahoneybunso ubuntu-device-flash works23:10
aweright, and OTA can be applied23:11
aweagain, when a port requires changes to core Ubuntu packages, the best possible solution is to work with the right developers to land those changes in the PPA/archive23:11
mariogripawe: the device specific tarball can modify the core packages, so you can example put an ofono package that will replace the existing one23:16
awemariogrip, the core packages are on a read-only filesystem, so that's not quite true23:25
aweespecially if you want to be able to use the OTA updates23:26
aweof course, if you don't care about updates, yea.. you could probably do that, but not advisable23:26
mariogripyeah, i'm talking about an ota server for the port i'm working on (oneplus one), the device specific tarball there can edit the core system when updating/installing23:29
awesure, again that can be made to work...but again long term, that will break OTAs, unless your building your own root filesystem updates23:31
awebut that's beyond my scope of expertise23:31
aweagain, your best bet for long term ofono support is to get the changes into the official package23:32
awepeat-psuit has been working with us on enabling an LG/Qualcomm based device for instance23:32
awesee https://github.com/rilmodem/ofono/pull/18823:32
awefor an example23:33
awewe designed the rilmodem code with device quirking in mind23:33
awethis is one of the areas we differ from the nemomobile fork23:34
awewe also wanted to ensure that we had unit testing of the parcel building/parsing code, so we re-factored the code to allow this23:35
mariogripthat's cool23:38
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