
cmaloneywb rick_h_10:09
cmaloneyand gopd morning10:09
wolfgera GOP'd morning? I'm sorry.10:18
brouschcmaloney: This makes me think of you  http://invisiblebread.com/2015/06/air-drums/12:14
cmaloneyDepends on the music12:34
cmaloneybut yeah, some of them really kick my ass12:34
cmaloneyspeaking of which12:34
cmaloneyI'm going to resign our game and start a new one.12:34
cmaloneyhm, maybe not12:40
wolfgerHah! https://invisiblebread.com/2015/05/moms/12:42
wolfger*sigh* I miss the days when I could just click an RSS link and select "Add to Google Reader" and be done.12:45
brouschcmaloney: Your left and right sides have problems, but better to play them out or you won't learn from it12:55
cmaloneybrousch: I know.12:59
rick_h_ty cmaloney15:05
cmaloneyI can  tell rick_h_ is back in the area; his flickr-feed is active. ;)15:34
* cmaloney has it on RSS.15:34
rick_h_hah it's going to get pounded15:39
rick_h_yea, no bandwidth means lots of pics to upload in a short time. Time to put that upload bandwidth to use15:39
jrwrenyou didn't bring a mifi? or did you not have coverage?15:40
rick_h_I did, but I've got over 4k images I'm cutting down to around 1k I think15:40
jrwrenholy wow!15:41
rick_h_I left dropbox on accidently and had to up to 20GB plan15:41
rick_h_because we blew our 10GB plan overnight early in the week15:41
jrwrengood lord, I don't shoot that much in a year, or maybe 5 yrs.15:41
rick_h_well, lots of good stuff on this trip15:41
rick_h_phew, down to just one day not gone through, of course it's the biggest day with 1800 images15:44
rick_h_the wild horse santuary was wet...but awesome for pics15:44
greg-grick_h_: did you go to crazy horse, too? :)15:44
rick_h_as is the badlands15:44
rick_h_greg-g: definitely15:44
greg-ginsane eh?15:44
rick_h_greg-g: the ambition is, I couldn't help but be a bit disapointed to be honest15:44
greg-goh wow, nice zoom15:45
rick_h_it comes across a bit as a 'yea?! we can do one even bigger' and a bit small15:45
greg-grick_h_: yeah, it's kinda sad, but totally what the guy made happen15:45
rick_h_oh yea, the fact that for 50 years it was basically one guy15:45
rick_h_and such is impressive, but after seeing how the original vision of mount rushmore was cut/simplified I hope they can do it15:46
* greg-g nods15:46
rick_h_maybe in my son's lifetime they'll see more progress and it'll blow away15:46
phwelotaking my 'valuing diversity' course.  shouldn't living in ferndale prequalify me?16:09
jrwrendefinitely not16:14
jrwrenferndale is a monoculture16:14
phweloyeah i suppose income diversity isn't as huge in ferndale16:15
jrwrenthe MP I did on Friday night was accepted \m/  add-apt-repository is going to be *way faster* in the next ubuntu release  https://code.launchpad.net/~evarlast/software-properties/support-update/+merge/26064216:26
phwelowow that's pretty cool16:27
jrwrenphwelo: i'm rather happy about it, since I like speed and I dislike waiting for apt-get update to run after adding a ppa :)16:28
phwelonow i'm likely to remember that it exists when i add one as well ;)16:30
phwelojrwren: looks like you went from windows to linux based on your blog. any tips?16:32
jrwrenphwelo: I use everything. I went from windows to linux in 1995. Then back to Windows in 2004/5, all the while still using linux of course. :)16:38
jrwrentips?  hrm... Be excellent to one anther.16:38
jrwren"Always have faith in yourself" -- Elle Woods16:41
phweloalright i'll take that one, ty <316:41
cmaloneyNever eat spinach with a stranger.16:45
jrwrenLove Many16:46
jrwrenTrust Few16:46
jrwrenAlways paddle your own Canoe16:46
jrwrenhell froze over: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/looking_forward_microsoft__support_for_secure_shell_ssh1/archive/2015/06/02/managing-looking-forward-microsoft-support-for-secure-shell-ssh.aspx17:03
rick_h_jrwren: whoa17:04
rick_h_another 300 pics up wheee love this faster upload. https://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/17:07
rick_h_poor cmaloney's rss feed17:07
cmaloneyIt doesnt' catch them all, sadly.17:11
gamerchick02not bad! a half hour to iron six shirts. :)22:25
gamerchick02now... we just need a robot that will iron my shirts, preferably powered by Linux.22:25
cmaloneyi need one to mow my lawn for free22:43
cmaloneymaybe i can pay it in motor oil but that's it22:43

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