
barrydkMorning everyone05:02
mazalMorning everyone05:50
inetprogoeie more05:56
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos no it's just me who is slow, my interwebs are doing just fine05:57
Maazinetpro: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode05:57
mazalinetpro: Do you lnow how to change one's nickserv password ?05:57
inetpromazal: do you remember the old password?05:59
mazalAnd is starred out in my config05:59
mazalIt looks like setpass command if I understand the help correctly05:59
mazalOk , that will send the password , but how to change it06:01
mazalThanx inetpro06:02
mazalTurned out I could just use set password cos I was already identified06:02
mazalRegistered april 2011 , wow , I been here that long ?06:05
mazalMore oom06:12
Kilosmorre mazal  barrydk  06:13
Kilosmorning everyone else06:13
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:56
mazalMorning ThatGraemeGuy06:56
Kiloseek http://is.gd/fW9GhH07:59
andrewlsdKilos: buy 6, so that you can have RAID with a hot spare08:03
Kiloshahaha andrewlsd  what a dream that is08:03
* andrewlsd wonders what to do with all that storage.08:15
* andrewlsd starts selling cloud storage over his dsl link :-P08:15
Kiloslarge drives like that are good if you do data recoveries08:15
andrewlsdthe bigger the drive, the more you lose when it fails!08:16
andrewlsdI'd rather have 2 x 1TB than 1 x 2TB.08:16
Kilosyes then you need one twice that size do do a rewvcovery with08:16
andrewlsdalthough, i'd prefer 2x2TB to 2x1TB ;)08:16
andrewlsdLVM. agregated.08:16
andrewlsdor btrfs08:17
Kilosim happy with this 1TB  and a second 1TB with an unused first 50g thats damaged but can still run kde with this same home on it08:23
Kilosno time or energy for recoveries08:23
andrewlsdain't nobody got time fo dat08:42
Kiloslol i enjoyed doing it though08:42
* mazal shudups08:42
Kilosamazing what testdisk foremost and scalpel recver08:42
andrewlsdI wish you a speedy recovery ;-)08:42
mazalandrewlsd: One thing I still want to play with one day is raid08:44
mazalDon't know it at all though08:44
mazalDon't even know where to start08:44
Kilosthat makes a mirror copy for if one drive crashes right?08:45
mazalSome modes split the data across both , that is the part I don't like08:45
Kilosgood for servers08:45
mazal1 Drive fails and both drives data is lost08:45
MaNIgood for power users as well not just servers :)08:45
MaNIraid0 is just dumb08:46
mazalI would like the mirror one08:46
MaNIthere are several to choose from :p I run raid 10 on my main dev box has worked well for me so far08:46
mazalBUT , one of my main tasks is paritioning and imaging my drives. And I don't think that can be done on a RAID setup08:47
MaNIit can08:47
mazalI must learn all these things one day08:48
mazalDo you still have to have a RAID card in your pc ? 08:49
MaNIdepends on your needs - linux software raid is pretty good for most purposes08:49
mazalIs that the fake raid I heard about ?08:50
MaNIfake raid probably refers to the horrid on motherboard thing that some motherboards have08:50
mazalah ok08:51
mazalI will try find time to learn it one day08:51
MaNIthoguh rest assured there is nothing fake about it :p It is just basically referring to the fact that it runs on the CPU instead of having a dedicated chip to do the work08:53
Kilosi think i saw something about raid here in my bios, but dont think ill ever get to using it08:54
MaNIwhich for many cases is probably actually a good thing, the CPU overhead is negligible unless it is for some fancy data center or something, and not having to worry about things like (what happens if the raid controller fails and I can't find an identical replacement) are worth it :)08:55
Kiloswb CuttingEdge  09:05
CuttingEdgeKilos: ta .. how goes ?09:07
Kilosgood ty and you?09:07
Kilosinetpro  evening09:08
CuttingEdgeKilos: all good, no (major) complaints09:11
elachecheAnyone knows if there is any FOSS project who have a technical terminology document?09:21
Kiloswhat is that elacheche  ?09:26
elachecheIt's a document where you define some specific words in you project, like when you write "Free Software" in your documentation you say before that by that you mean "Free & Open Source Software and not Frewares"09:27
Kilosis there one that isnt foss?09:29
Kilosthen just google for a foss alternative09:29
elachecheAh no! It's a technical document about the software, so I was looking for some examples, and I thought that some FOSS projects should have one.. :D non-FOSS software/projects don't share that kind of documents..09:31
Kiloswhy dont you ask easy things like how to update with apt-get09:33
elacheche:D :D I shouldn't ask that.. Or I'll be the worst SysAdmin in the world :( :p09:37
stickyboyelacheche: I'm going to Egypt this month. Must be similar to Tunisia, a bit a least?09:38
Kilosnono you have to walk like an egyptian09:39
elachechelool Kilos.; Why is that?? :p09:40
elachechestickyboy, how like?09:40
Kiloswhen in rome09:40
stickyboyelacheche: Food. :P09:40
Kilosmeat is meat in all counries09:41
stickyboyelacheche: Do you guys eat lots of Feta cheese, yogurt, etc?09:41
stickyboyKilos: Barbarian!09:41
elachecheemmm.. I forgot, you only care about food :D09:41
elachechestickyboy, I don't think that we have the same food.. 09:41
elachecheWant me to try get someone from Ubuntu-eg in here to ask him?09:42
stickyboyelacheche: Definitely!09:44
stickyboyelacheche: Ok, then I definitely have to come to Tunisia to taste.09:44
stickyboyDon't worry, I'll come eventually. :P09:44
stickyboyelacheche: btw, are you a sysadmin or dev?09:45
elachecheI'm a sysadmin09:46
stickyboyelacheche: Nice.09:48
* mazal mumbles09:48
stickyboyMe too.09:48
elachechecool :D09:48
elachecheI shouldn't be surprised x) All SysAdmins love food x)09:49
elachechestickyboy, let's wait for someone → https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntueg/permalink/10152957241133869/09:52
stickyboyelacheche: hah, there's an Ubuntu Egypt? :P09:54
stickyboyI block facebook in /etc/hosts so I can't see that page. ;)09:54
stickyboyI *fffffffffff* hate Facebook.09:54
elachecheI do hate it too.. But it's a "good" way to promote ubuntu..09:54
elachechestickyboy, do you use logstash or fluentd?10:23
stickyboyelacheche: No, great question though10:25
stickyboyI've been meaning to.10:25
elachecheI sick with letting my devs having ssh access to my servers to see tomcat logs.. I need to setup one of them or something like them.. The thing is that I don't like the fact that they use their own client app.. I'm looking for something that uses ssh to get the logs.. and in one direction, getting the logs from the my servers to the logging server.. Not sending them from the client to the server, I don't wont my logging server to be 10:28
elachecheaccessible via the web 10:28
stickyboyelacheche: I know that feeling.10:29
elachecheYep.. 10:30
stickyboyI provision our servers with Ansible, and I gave up trying to manage everything on the app servers (vhosts, configs, web apps, etc) because the devs just change shit.10:30
stickyboyI just manage the base stuff like iptables, security updates, sudo users, etc.10:30
stickyboyBut yeah, my devs have access to their servers. :\10:31
stickyboyLuckily all of my servers are segregated... I give them VMs instead of letting a bunch of apps / devs / users fight each other in one environment.10:33
elachecheI'm trying to change my bash script by Ansible, but my devs don't have access on the servers.. they can only use 2 commands :D The first is my DEPLOY script, and the second is tailf + ccze to see beautiful logs.. and recently I started doing that by using the "command" option in the authorized_keys file..10:35
elachecheThinking of creating a build server based on docker and make my devs configure it then when there is a working build server they send me me the docker file, but am still working on that theory x)10:37
elachecheAm on #logstash & #fluentd, asked that question, and nobody seems to be alive x(10:37
TinuvaMacelacheche: have you checked out graylog yet?10:38
TinuvaMacwhy not just send the logs to a syslog server like graylog2 via syslog protocol10:38
TinuvaMacseems easier imho10:38
elachecheNope.. TinuvaMac What I did is that knew about elasticsearch + logstash + kibana, I was about to look how to install them when the word "fluentd" popped out and my brain start generating all those questions :D 10:39
elachecheLet me check that graylog10:39
TinuvaMacwell even if you just send the logs via syslog to another server where syslog listens for incoming ports, at least they dont have to ssh to production servers, just to the syslog server10:40
elachecheI see nice idea.. need to google that more :D10:41
elachecheThanks dude ;:)10:41
Kilosyou see elacheche  , this is the most helpful channel on irc10:42
elachecheYep :D :D 10:42
elachecheIn #ubuntu-tn we have Redhat & Drual guys more than ubuntu guys x)10:42
Kiloshi theShirbiny  10:43
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za10:43
elachechestickyboy, theShirbiny is from #ubuntu-eg :D10:43
theShirbinyhey Kilos, thanks :D10:43
elachechehave fun :D10:43
Kilosaha thats good to know, theShirbiny  you havent joined #ubuntu-africa10:44
Kilosive been hunting for egypt peeps10:45
theShirbinyyeah, if you have any questions just ask away10:45
Kilosstickyboy  go10:45
elachechestickyboy, Are you eating dude? 10:45
Kiloshe wants to know what food you guys eat10:45
elachecheKilos, he must be busy by eating something x)10:45
Kiloshe is going there soon10:45
Kilosyeah he just eats and moans all the time10:46
Kilosoh and listens to rap10:46
KilostheShirbiny  while you wait for him to wake up look at http://ubuntu-africa.info10:48
elachecheTinuvaMac, what do you think about this → http://www.vmdoh.com/blog/centralizing-logs-lumberjack-logstash-and-elasticsearch ?10:49
elachechestickyboy, you too check the linl10:49
Kilosoh my , he ate so much his eyes pulled closed10:52
TinuvaMacelacheche: i havent looked at that setup yet, but it looks good10:53
TinuvaMaci like the lumberjack as rsyslog replacement10:54
elachecheMy main goal is to minimize the packages installation on my servers, I don't like to install logCLIENTS.. rsyslog is alreayd installed I think.. → Never used it before10:57
elachecheAnd to GET from my servers, not to push from them to my logServer :/10:57
TinuvaMacwell that is up to you11:00
theShirbinyKilos: about the food, it really depends in where he's going to stay, if in Cairo or in Alex he won't have any trouble finding any type of food11:02
Kilosstickyboy  ^^11:03
Kilosty theShirbiny  i think he got a bit busy, if you can hang here he will come back when he gets a break11:04
theShirbinyyeah, I'll be here for a while11:05
theShirbinynp :D11:09
stickyboyelacheche: Yeah I was at lunch. hahahahaha11:34
stickyboytheShirbiny: I'm all about feta cheese.11:34
stickyboybtw, I'm coming to Cairo in a few weeks.11:34
* stickyboy is in Nairobi, Kenya.11:35
theShirbinystickyboy: you'll find it in any supermarkt11:45
theShirbinyjust don't eat anything from the street and you'll be fine 11:45
theShirbinystickyboy: ^11:47
* mazal is bored11:59
mazalNothing broken in a long time11:59
mazalNo re-installs12:00
mazalNo new installs12:00
Kiloswork on your linux gaming article12:00
mazalWill have to fiddle with something12:00
Kilosthe one you started in trello remember?12:00
mazalApart from MS messing up my Win 7 everything keeps working , at home that is12:00
mazalOom ek het erg plug verloor vir daai12:01
mazalSukkel om courage te  kry vir al die tikwerk12:01
mazalAnd even the gaming itself. Can't remember the last time I started up anything else than minetest and minecraft12:02
Kilossjoe, old age12:02
mazalThink I must fiddle with my server12:02
mazalInstall something else on it12:02
mazalSomething I haven't tried before hmmmmmm12:03
mazalDebian too difficult , mint maybe12:03
mazalGentoo ?12:03
Kilosthat will keep you busy12:04
theShirbinyyeah, I would install gentoo hardened on all of my servers if I can12:04
KilosMaaz  google gentoo12:04
MaazKilos: "Welcome – Gentoo Linux" https://www.gentoo.org/ :: "Downloads – Gentoo Linux" https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/ :: "About Gentoo – Gentoo Linux" https://www.gentoo.org/get-started/about/ :: "Handbook:Main Page - Gentoo Wiki" https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:Main_Page :: "Gentoo Linux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"12:04
Maazhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentoo_Linux :: "Gentoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…12:04
mazalThat sounds above my fireplace12:04
mazaltheShirbiny: Keep in mind I am low skill user12:04
theShirbinyit's really flexible and you can lock packages versions as you like12:05
theShirbinythen you better stay away from gentoo :p12:05
mazalMaybe I must give mint a try12:05
mazalHear so much about it12:05
mazalIsn't there an Ubuntu mint now ?12:06
Kilosubuntu mate12:06
mazalAh , mate12:06
mazalMaybe try mate mate12:06
Kilosmint mate12:09
Kilosor ubuntu mate12:09
Kilosgnome 2 style12:09
Kilostry kde man12:10
Kilosand give it a few weeks trial before giving up12:10
mazalI am on kde , why you think nothing is breaking ?12:12
Kilosoh ya i forgot12:12
Kilosi battle so long to get you to try it it almost became habit12:13
mazalYou know , some days I miss goold old gnome212:14
mazalThat classic old school look12:14
KilostheShirbiny  whats with peeps love for facebook to the extent they forget to use irc?12:14
Kiloscan you ask your loco guys for me12:15
Kilosmaybe ill go see you there for a bit12:16
theShirbinyKilos: i don't really get facebook or any social media sites in that matter, I only have a facebook account because i *have* to12:16
Kiloshere im hunting all ubuntu and linux users in africa and you all hiding in facebook :D12:17
theShirbinyhunting? for what?12:18
* theShirbiny runs12:18
Kilosno man go read http://slexy.org/view/s2aEqtz90N12:18
Kilosthats the message in #ubuntu-africa12:19
Kilospeeps are scared to join us looks like12:21
theShirbinywow only 20 nicks?12:21
* Kilos waves to superfly12:23
theShirbinyok guys, I have to go now , I'll be back in ~6h 12:31
Kiloscool ty for joining uis theShirbiny  12:32
theShirbinyI'll be afk12:32
stickyboytheShirbiny: You do Gentoo on servers? :P12:34
stickyboyI love Arch... but never on a production server haha.12:35
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening12:40
Kiloscheers mazal  12:41
barrydkBye bye12:41
Kilosyou too12:41
* mazal is sad now :(12:41
Kiloscheers barrydk  12:41
Kiloslekker aand12:41
Kiloswhy you sad?12:41
mazalWill tell you tomorrow oom12:41
Kiloshahaha thats strange coming from you12:42
Kilosuh oh, goosie broke it14:37
* Kilos waits for hibana to come fix it14:38
stickyboyGitHub finally supports ED25519 SSH keys.14:41
stickyboygo go go update all teh things.14:41
Kiloshibana ping14:42
georgelappieshi all15:55
Kiloshi georgelappies  15:59
Kiloswb inetpro  what broke16:25
Kilosi even called hibana to fix it16:25
inetprothanks Kilos16:25
inetprowho kicked me off the interwebs?16:25
Kilosplus2 also went16:25
inetproKilos: no worries, he'll be back 16:26
inetprosome time from now at least16:26
Kilosyou ok old man?16:26
* inetpro is all good16:27
Kiloshi Tonberry  16:48
grembleGood evening17:11
Kiloshi gremble  hows things17:19
grembleI am doing well thanks and you Kilos ?17:22
Kilosgood ty just cold17:22
grembleThat's not so bad17:22
georgelappieswill len(string) return the actual length plus one?17:52
georgelappiesso len(one) will be 4?17:52
Kiloshi georgelappies  17:53
georgelappieshi 17:53
grembleI don't even know what language you are talking about, but that would be inappropriate behaviour for any17:53
georgelappiespython gremble17:53
gremblestring indexes are usually counted from 0, so when accessing a specific index, that should be taken into consideration17:54
grembleHowever, it should always give you the number of characters in the string17:54
georgelappiesok, 17:54
grembleThat is why you should make sure what kind of characters you could get in your string, because these include non-printable characters like \n, \r, \t and such17:54
georgelappiesif reading the strings from a file, with one word per line will with open('names.txt','r') as f:17:55
georgelappies        for word in f:17:55
georgelappieshandle the newline character as an extra>17:55
grembleDepending on whether it is a unix or dos file17:56
georgelappiesaah, ok. Thought I was going crazy. 17:56
grembledos files end lines with \n\r17:56
georgelappiesI am on unix17:56
grembleJust \n then17:56
georgelappiesthanks gremble 17:57
grembleYou're welcome georgelappies 17:57
inetprosuperfly: do you use the KOrganiser Reminder Daemon?18:22
inetproor the Akonadi PIM service18:22
inetprowhat I actually want to know from anyone is, is it worth it?18:23
* inetpro looking at ways to disable the daemon from even running18:23
inetprousing resources for no reason18:24
grembleAnyone here familiar with the Lambda luminaries group?18:26
inetpronot me18:27
grembleFunctional programming uh.. group I guess. Here in Pretoria18:29
inetprolooks like it the KOrganizer daemon is started from the file /usr/share/autostart/korgac.desktop18:29
grembleKill it18:30
grembleSee if something breaks18:30
inetproexcactly my thoughts18:30
grembleStuff like that is why I don't like using prepackaged distro's. Never know whether things have inter-operational dependency18:30
inetprobut maybe there's a way to just disable it... or even uninstall18:30
inetprodpkg -S /usr/share/autostart/korgac.desktop says it is part of the korganizer package18:32
MaNII'm running okay without it here on gentoo, akonadi and the obsession with semantic everything is what made entire kde4 so bumpy18:33
MaNIvarious programs like kmail stop functioning properly without it, if you don't need them you are probably okay18:34
superflyinetpro: no, I threw that junk out when it deleted my e-mail, and otherwise lost 8 years of mail18:34
inetprouninstalled with 'apt-get purge korganizer'18:35
grembleUse mutt18:35
MaNIyou can turn it off now in system settings apparently as opposed to removing it entirely, though I'm happier to have it off entirely in case it randomly comes back on again18:36
MaNIkmail was so nice in kde3, in my opinion best linux email client available at that point in time, and then in kde4 upgrade it lost half its features and all my emails because of some over ambituous 'semantic desktop' project - so unfortunate18:38
MaNImultiple years later and its still an unstable mess that can't be trusted18:39
inetproMaNI: yep, a real sad situation18:44
superflyMaNI: pretty much.18:44
grembleI haven't used email locally in my entire life18:44
superflyKMail in KDE 4 was fine, until KMail 2, when they shoved Akonadi on us18:45
superflynow I run my own mail server, with RoundCube for a frontend18:45
MaNIgremble, good plan I guess18:45
grembleConvenience allowed by gmail18:46
inetprowould be nice if we could have a stable calendar app integrated with the clock display on the panel18:46
Kilosinetpro  ?18:48
inetproafter all these years I still don't see why we need calendar functionality integrated with the email app18:48
Kilosmy clock shows date and time in jhb and UTC if i hover muse over it18:49
inetprowith a proper API the calendar should be able to work independant of email18:49
Kilosand if i click the clock i see the months calender with holidays18:49
inetproKilos: the calendar is where you book meetings18:49
Kilosoh not a monthly type calender18:50
Kiloshaha corrie very unhappy with mtn hey18:53
Kiloshi superfly  haha yeah luckily neelsie helped out, i didnt know how to get onto panet on my own18:55
Kilosthats why i got friends here18:55
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  mining?18:59
inetproyou getting me confused with all these mixed messages19:00
Kiloswhich one now19:00
Kilossorry goosie19:00
grembleBoth of you seem to be getting old19:00
inetprowho's corrie and why would he be angry with mtn?19:01
Kilosthe tweet king19:01
inetpromaybe he needs anger management treatment?19:01
Kiloscan we also say that @MTNza has one of THE WORST websites ever. Your search isn't working. To busy, confusing.19:02
Kilos@corrie206 @MTNza you can't bullshit internet nerds. Get your shit together19:03
Kiloshaha he dont pull punches19:03
inetprooh I can agree with that... one of many reasons why I don't do MTN19:03
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: yep19:04
Kilosvoda is the same here nowadays, sis has changed all her stuff to telkom19:04
grembleAll of them is shit. Just don't let CellC buy out your contract19:04
grembleApparently I cannot do the English19:04
Kilosim happy with telkom19:05
inetproI must say, Telkom has improved a lot actually19:05
Kilosyeah very stable, im just waiting for them to speed up my tower19:06
inetprostill has much more room for improvement but way better than others19:06
Kilosthey say they are working on it19:06
Kiloscry for me on thursday night hey19:07
Kilosmeets at 10pm and midnight19:07
grembleI just found out a really funny thing. 1 is coprime with itself. (Two integers are coprime if they share no common factors(excluding 1))19:07
inetproif Telkom had better countrywide coverage I would jump ship to it entirely19:07
inetprogremble: says who?19:09
grembleThe axioms of number theory19:09
grembleGranted, it is not really funny. Not even mildly bemusing I think19:10
grembleBut bear with me, I've had a long day19:10
Kiloslol old age19:10
* inetpro had to go look up the meaning of the word axiom19:11
grembleWrote my first exam for the semester today :/ That is why I am here talking shit again. I have a couple of days of before calculus19:11
grembleCould've just asked, inetpro. It is a truism, a definition. One of the playing rules by which you can do things19:12
Kiloshowd the exam go gremble  ?19:12
grembleExactly kilos19:12
superflygremble: there are debates as to whether 1 is a prime number or not ;-)\19:12
grembleWent ok. Studied my arse off though. 19:12
Kilosgood keep it up19:12
gremblesuperfly: Yup. But it is mostly used in its own class because it simplifies a lot of theorums if we don't make it eligabile for primality19:13
Kilosgremble  didnt you say the other day you looking for a job19:13
grembleHowever, that would still stand, because all prime numbers are also coprime to all numbers, therefore 1 would still be coprime to itself19:13
grembleKilos: I am looking for a part-time job so that I can study and work19:13
Kilosthere is a job lemme see if i can find the mail19:14
Kilosyou can talk to the guy19:14
inetproKilos: when is our next meeting here?19:25
Kilosoh my on my old man day19:26
Kilos23 june19:28
inetproah, thanks19:28
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Kilosty inetpro  20:12
inetproKilos: I guess the sjambok won't help to force someone else to do it :-)20:13
inetproon that note, it's time to hit the sack20:14
inetprogood night everyone20:14
Kilosnight my pro20:16
Kilossleep tight20:16
grembleDomestic violence is frowned upon20:17
grembleChaning your mind from decimal to hexadecimal on the fly is hard. 14 = a^2 + 520:23
grembleNo, 14 = a^2*5 sorry20:24
grembleI should probably not be trying to do this now20:24
Kilosim ready to crash too20:24
grembleHave fun20:27
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:36
Kilosgremble  get some rest20:36

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