
knomepleia2, check out http://xubuntu.org/?page_id=3081&preview=true when you have time :)08:35
knomeochosi, did you see that after last changes either? ^10:02
ochosino hadn't seen that10:04
ochosii think the status tracking could use some sort of "graph" or "burndown" graphics too10:05
ochosithe guy-gal thingy is a bit quirky, but hey :)10:05
ochosithe rest is nice!10:05
knomewell it's a draft10:05
knomei'll likely move the dudette to the right of the bubble10:05
knomethen it'll look better10:05
ochosialso the status tracking links need updates i think10:06
knomeoh sigh10:06
knomewe went through this already ;)10:06
knomei just noticed that the old logo is used *again* at http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/05/xubuntu-core-new-minimal-iso-download10:10
ochosioh ok, i don't remember ;)10:14
ochosifeel free to send them an email10:14
knomei said i'd rather keep the changing stuff somewhere else10:14
* knome sighs10:14
ochosibut the post is already quite old10:14
pleia2knome: thumbs up16:03
pleia2also published: http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-at-computer-reach/16:03
drcpleia2: Last link (edubuntu one) == "You don't have permission to access /news/ComputerReach Edubuntu 14.04 - Xubuntu - QuickGuide (mod).pdf on this server." (for me)16:07
pleia2drc: thanks16:07
pleia2should be good now16:08
MarkUXho 16:09
MarkUXhi 16:09
Unit193Debian #78755718:12
ubottuDebian bug 787557 in exo-utils "exo-utils: exo-open seems confused by escaped characters in URL's" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/78755718:12
ochosiknome: i'm considering to blog about the LO icon theme on x.org btw, i think it could generate some attention for us21:03
knomeapprove the idea, tell me if you need help writing it21:05
knomeor editing, or sth21:07
ochosik, thanks, will do21:08
bluesabreUnit193: D:21:40
bluesabreits so hard... some things escape filenames, others don't... fix one, break the other :(21:40
knomewhat i was thinking is "how the *beep* is exo supposed to know how things are escaped anyway?"21:42
bluesabremaybe try unescaping first..? who knows21:43
bluesabresave that for 0.12.x21:43
knometry unescaping... what?21:44
knomei mean, unescaping correctly would mean you should know how stuff is escaped21:44
micahgI was wondering if it had to do with th file URI vs http or another URI scheme21:50
ochosinight everyone!22:10

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