holstein | Lopulus: please try the GUI printer tool | 00:07 |
holstein | are you using xubuntu 15.04? | 00:07 |
xubuntu58w | hello, can someone help me? | 04:23 |
holstein | xubuntu58w: only one way to find out.. ask, and a volunteer may assist.. | 04:23 |
xubuntu58w | Well, this is not particularly xubuntu related, but ubuntu related. On LXLE, I installed LXDM. Rebooted and it worked well, but I didn't like it, so I removed it (sudo apt-get remove lxdm). Now the computer is stuck on a booting screen for 10+ minutes | 04:24 |
holstein | xubuntu58w: lxle should have a support channel.. since its not ubuntu, its not supported here.. | 04:26 |
holstein | you can try the recovery kernel, and get to a terminal, and see what you can do.. sudo apt-get update is a good start | 04:27 |
holstein | address those errors.. then, see that the file system, hard drive, and ram.. etc.. are as they should be.. | 04:27 |
xubuntu58w | well, I can't even boot into the desktop, it's stuck on startup | 04:28 |
xubuntu58w | could I do that from a live boot? | 04:28 |
holstein | xubuntu58w: the recovery kernel is *before* the desktop, friend | 04:28 |
holstein | a "live boot" would let you do some of those things.. test the memory, and the hard drive, and address file system errors.. | 04:29 |
xubuntu58w | could I somehow do a sudo apt-get update from the liveusb? | 04:29 |
holstein | xubuntu58w: sure.. its *all* open, so, you can pretty much "somehow" do whatever you like. but, its not trivial to chroot in like that, and its not a "fix" for that issue, so, i dont suggest wasting time on that | 04:30 |
holstein | xubuntu58w: i say, plan for when that hard drive completely fails, as it will some day, and back up your data, first.. then, you can try lxle support, or try xubuntu | 04:31 |
xubuntu526 | anyone there | 05:08 |
xubuntu526 | need a little help | 05:09 |
holstein | just ask, maybe a volunteer can assist, xubuntu526 | 05:09 |
xubuntu526 | my os aint booting aways stuck at black screen | 05:10 |
xubuntu526 | in live cd now | 05:10 |
holstein | !fsck | 05:10 |
ubottu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 05:10 |
holstein | i would test my hardware, and my file system, and backup my "important" data.. | 05:10 |
xubuntu526 | thanx mate | 05:11 |
holstein | if it used to work, and now it doesnt, then what changed? an update? do i have an older kernel in my grub list that i can choose? is grub showing? | 05:12 |
poetpiet | kfce power management page shows a box -- 'handle display brightness keys' which has no equivalent in the one for 14.04 ... unless i can't find it ... for now i can only use those keys after spin up, before system choice .... my nick at gmail ... and have a nice one ... it's my 57th birthday .. i'd like to perfect my control today more than ever of course .. AND ... convinced of the magic interface between free software communism an | 10:15 |
poetpiet | * - using Sage skin [by 'iiamjustus'] ... and had a [meanwhile mishandled] chance to care for a moth (lindepijlstaart prolly .. prolly not [transliteratively] called plaintain sphinx but a village spirit tree dweller nevertheless, sporting the same colourcombos) who endeavored the daring feat of going through it's transformations much farther north than usual, ... | 10:15 |
poetpiet | ... in a country once famous for green thumbs, nature loving and tolerance for nerditree skill up, all happily combined in the animator beyond all others, Marten Toonder | 10:15 |
xubuntu77w | Hello together, I have a big problem. I am on xubuntu 12.04 LTS. Want to Update my software. but it doesn't work! not even wget works...but i can surf with my browser... | 11:43 |
xubuntu77w | command is "aptitude update" but even there, aptitude can't download the new signatures | 11:44 |
xubuntu77w | if I use wget it tells me "Length: not specified" and the downloaded document is always the same size of an html document | 11:45 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu77w, change software settings to "LTS release only" | 11:45 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu77w, and you NEVER update your OS with wget | 11:45 |
xubuntu77w | only wanted to download some other file and then I got the same problem with wget ... wanted to mention that | 11:46 |
xubuntu77w | update via "aptitude upgrade" | 11:46 |
Cargo23 | Hello... I went to log into my xubuntu (14.04, just got some updates yesterday) laptop this morning and it wouldn't accept my password. Not sure what else it could be, I rebooted, now it won't accept the password to decrypt the filesystem. I have changed term's and verified that the keyboard is producing the correct password.. but either I've lost my mind entirely, or somehow password processing is broken. Is that a thing? | 11:57 |
knome | Cargo23, doesn't sound a known issue | 11:59 |
knob | Hello everyone. I installed Xubuntu (latest) on a laptop, from scratch. All good... yet I would like to access the "disk partition tool" that Ubuntu has bundled. I don't know the name of the utility. | 12:18 |
knob | I do have it on my other computer, because that one I upgraded from Ubuntu to Xubuntu... | 12:19 |
knob | I would like to install that disk utility... any insights as to what its name is? | 12:19 |
knob | Or another utility you might suggest as an alternative? | 12:19 |
Cargo23 | knob, if you can run it on your other computer, you should be able to sort out what its name is there? | 12:23 |
knob | Cargo23, yes... thing is, the other computer is physically away... | 12:26 |
knob | Yet I am installing now gparted... from the screenshot, I believe that is the one. | 12:26 |
knob | =) | 12:26 |
knob | btw, good morning! :-) | 12:26 |
Cargo23 | Good Morning to you, too | 12:28 |
Cargo23 | So, for some reason it seems my laptop stopped accepting both my user password and the cryptfs passphrase. As I'm sitting here trying things, I'm noticing that about 1/4 reboots lead to a blank screen. I wonder if there is a deeper hardware/software thing going on, but if that were true, seems odd that it could function well enough to even prompt for the passphrase. | 12:31 |
Cargo23 | Question: Are these related: "ata5: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)" AND "Unlocking the disk /dev/disk/by-uuid/...... (sda5_crypt)" ? | 12:34 |
Cargo23 | ata5 ~= sda5? | 12:35 |
designbybeck | Greetings all, does anyone using Xubuntu use multiple languages with it? Like switch between say English and Spanish? | 14:03 |
GridCube | havent tried but its possible | 14:09 |
designbybeck | GridCube, I was going to try eOS but they seem to have a bug in their latest release with language. I'm trying to setup some computers that will be used for a Spanish speaking only group. I myself don't speak spanish, but some volunteers I have coming do. Was trying to make it easy to switch between languages for them | 14:11 |
designbybeck | These are mostly older dell desktops and laptops less than 3gb ram | 14:11 |
designbybeck | most with just 1gb ram | 14:11 |
designbybeck | I had problems booting any Linux on a few of them | 14:11 |
GridCube | designbybeck: i dont see why it should not work | 14:19 |
GridCube | but again i just use it in spanish | 14:19 |
designbybeck | GridCube, do you use Xubuntu 14.04? or up to 15.05? | 14:31 |
designbybeck | err 4 | 14:31 |
GridCube | right now im on 15.04 | 14:36 |
GridCube | home im on both 14.04 and 15.04 | 14:36 |
holstein | if its older hardware, for other folks, i'll try the LTS, release.. | 14:40 |
designbybeck | thanks holstein, I'm going to try Xubuntu 14.04 32bit on these and see how they handle it | 14:41 |
holstein | i'll find, if i have a pile of hardware i dont know much about, in many cases, the hardware can be broken | 14:49 |
MarkUX | hi | 15:11 |
MarkUX | i want to ask about changing login screen | 15:11 |
holstein | sure.. feel free.. a volunteer may assist | 15:12 |
holstein | you may have better luck in the general #ubuntu channel, or, if you specify what you are trying to change, and why/how.. etc | 15:12 |
MarkUX | i cant send my link to video or something does any one of you did that ? | 15:13 |
holstein | MarkUX: you cant send what? | 15:14 |
MarkUX | nothing missspeling i mean can somebody send my link | 15:15 |
holstein | MarkUX: can somebody send your link? | 15:16 |
drc | MarkUX: You want a link to what? | 15:16 |
holstein | !paste | 15:17 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:17 |
MarkUX | im thinking about changing my lockscreen and i cant find video or tutorial im using xubuntu 14.04 | 15:20 |
holstein | MarkUX: change to what? and why? | 15:20 |
holstein | MarkUX: what i do is, i remove the screenlocker, or i just simply disable, and install what i want to use.. which is xtrlock | 15:21 |
MarkUX | why= i dont like xubuntu login screen | 15:21 |
MarkUX | how do you do that i dont think you understand me or i understand you so i want to change my login screen to other design | 15:22 |
holstein | im not really asking 'why' in regards to preference, but, more, in which i may determine what is not meeting you needs, and how to volunteer assistance | 15:22 |
holstein | MarkUX: login screen? or lock screen, friend? | 15:22 |
MarkUX | different ? | 15:22 |
holstein | i would figure out what you want to use, whatever lock/login you want, and we can go from there.. | 15:23 |
MarkUX | yep | 15:24 |
MarkUX | lock/login screen | 15:24 |
holstein | MarkUX: cool.. what specifically do you want, friend? | 15:24 |
MarkUX | new design | 15:24 |
holstein | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM | 15:25 |
holstein | http://xubuntu.org/news/screen-locking-in-xubuntu-14-04/ | 15:25 |
MarkUX | thanks braw | 15:26 |
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MarkUX | i just chacked that webs and nothing helped me :( | 15:30 |
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holstein | MarkUX: cool.. let us know if you have a question | 15:35 |
holstein | try being more specific.. "i want to change the background/wallpaper in my login screen".. etc.. | 15:35 |
MarkUX | no i want to change my collum | 15:42 |
holstein | MarkUX: can i help you find a native language speaking channel? | 15:50 |
MarkUX | no | 16:05 |
MarkUX | holstein where are you from ? | 16:05 |
holstein | !ot | MarkUX | 16:06 |
ubottu | MarkUX: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 16:06 |
MarkUX | ubottu i know you are bot but you dont say | 16:16 |
ubottu | MarkUX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:16 |
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