
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunare we having a Alpha 1?01:32
ahoneybunfor 15.1001:32
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Riddell"Fathi Boudra (fboudra) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members" yay fabo still loves us!03:36
faboRiddell: as long as you're the leader ;)05:31
lordievaderGood morning.07:36
=== Guest48584 is now known as thelionroars
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BluesKajHiyas all12:39
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
Riddelljose: my comment on fridge is awaiting moderation16:01
Riddellfabo: :)16:02
Riddellmorning all!16:02
Riddellso kf5 for wily? anyone got an update? sgclark?16:02
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.10.0_wily.html looking green16:03
mparilloRiddell: LinkedIn informs me that it is your anniversary with Blue Systems. If so (I can be sloppy with LinkedIn, myself), congratulations. 16:13
soeeRiddell: kf 5.10 and next bugfix release for app was released16:15
Riddellsoee: where?16:15
soeeRiddell: to be packaged i think https://dot.kde.org/2015/06/03/june-update-kde-applications-150416:16
Riddellhi ximion, I see you're interested in membership?16:16
Riddellsoee: ah yes I know that :)16:16
ximionRiddell: yup - valorie convinced me, and being Kubuntu member has a few advantages and will make some things easier in future16:17
ximion(e.g. ensuring that bugfixes to AppStream components in Debian reach Ubuntu faster - Vivid fell a bit short in that regard....)16:18
soeeRiddell: is there any chance to backport to Plasma 5.3 patch that Ivan released yesterday i think, that  fixes problem with binding app to single activity or its to complex ?16:20
Riddellsoee: got any pointers?16:20
Riddellximion: you'll need to do a doodle poll for a meeting of the coundil16:20
ximionRiddell: and then send it where? to the mailinglist?16:21
ximionfirst I need to finish the "About me" part in the application wiki anyway :D16:22
Riddellximion: yes16:22
ximion(and get a few more testimonials, I guess)16:22
soeeRiddell: i need to ask Ivan, he confirmed its fixed yesterday and my bugreport was closed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34293516:22
ubottuKDE bug 342935 in rules "Application can not be bind to single activity." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:22
Riddellhe says "This is fixed for 5.4" on that bug report so it's probably not fixable for plasma 5.316:23
Riddellug, frameworks looks all fine apart form all the lintian errors these debian merged introduced16:31
=== soee changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | Status: KF5 5.10 Wily http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.10.0_wily.html | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Kubuntu at SELF! http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/ | Meeting Log @15:00 http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/05/26/%23kubuntu-devel.html (minutes due shortly) | Blog Posts: http://piratepad.net/SMwdzifGFc
soeeupdated topic, applications are already in backports so no need to link to its build status 16:37
mitya57Mirv: which version of qbs does qtcreator need?16:48
joseRiddell: I'll try to get to it soon - we have like 1000 on queue (most are spam)17:58
Riddelljose: did the fridge editors not consider whether it was appropriate to publish an article trashing ubuntu and its members?18:01
Riddellseems very contrary to what fridge is for18:01
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
Riddellanyone know how KDDA/clivejo got on with packaging kamoso?18:39
ahoneybunRiddell: I think him/her and yofel or someone got a built package18:39
* ahoneybun thinks they we working on getting it in a PPA18:40
yofelsgclark was working with him I think, I only helped him with digikam18:46
ahoneybunright digikam18:50
soeeoh this is cool :) i'm listning some music, phone rings and when i want to talk musing is uted through kdeconnect i think :)19:24
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=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
Riddellframeworks 5.10 is in wily!22:01
valorieso tempted to upgrade to wily22:02
valoriegotta get my mail computer fixx0red though22:02
valorieimpossible to work with a flakey network card22:03
ahoneybunvalorie: I'm going to have some things from LibreOffice at SELF and Akademy22:07
soeeRiddell: backport to Vivid ? :)22:15
Riddellsoee: meh, isn't it already?22:22
soeeRiddell: i can sware its 5.922:24
Riddellyou'd be right22:25

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