
drhalanif anyone knows the syntax for /etc/maas/presee/curtain_userdata please ping me01:14
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drhalanfound a good one: http://astokes.org/customizing-fastpath-curtin-installations/03:15
drhalanthis should be part of the official documentation!03:15
mupBug #1461389 was opened: Parse errors for curtin preseeds aren't reported <1.7> <trusty> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461389>05:25
mupBug #1461462 was opened: Node action permission not updated as node status changes <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461462>09:20
bleepbloopQuick question for everyone, any suggestions on where to start with debugging dns not working? Whenever I try to ssh in between boxes that were stood up with maas using their dns names I just get no route to host even though I have dns configured12:24
bleepbloopEverything else about my maas setup is working12:24
roaksoaxbleepbloop: are you sure that /etc/resolv.conf is pointing to the MAAS DNS server when you are trying to ssh ?12:49
bleepblooproaksoax, the resolv.conf on one of the instantiated machines has nameserver and search maas in it12:50
bleepblooproaksoax: however trying to ping ping kit-fisto.maas (the maas server) from it gets ping: unknown host kit-fisto.maas12:51
roaksoaxbleepbloop: where are you trying to ping kit-fisto.maas ?12:53
roaksoaxbleepbloop: in the same machine where you are trying to ping kit-fisto.maas, does /etc/resolv.conf have nameserver <ip-of-maas-server> as first nameserver entry?12:53
bleepblooproaksoax: from a server that is on the same network as maas and which was provisioned by maas, and yeah the resolv.conf was on the machine provisioned by maas  (which is the one I was trying to ping from)12:54
roaksoaxbleepbloop: so kit-fisto.maas is the machine deployed by mAAS?12:54
roaksoaxbleepbloop: or you are trying to ping another machine deployed by MAAS12:55
bleepblooproaksoax: I am kit-fisto.maas is the maas server, plo-koon (the machine I tried to ping kit-fisto from) is the maas provisioned client12:55
roaksoaxbleepbloop: right, so if kit-fisto.maas is the maas server, that's not in the DNS server that MAAS server controls12:56
roaksoaxrvba: ^^12:56
rvbableepbloop: so is kit-fisto.maas ?12:58
bleepblooproaksoax: so the maas server doesn't add an entry for itself in dns?12:59
roaksoaxbleepbloop: nope13:00
roaksoaxbleepbloop: otherwise it would have to add an entry for the same DNS name in all of the networks MAAS can be present13:01
roaksoaxi.e. if we have 10 cluster controllers on different networks, there would be 10 dns entries for different IP's13:01
bleepblooproaksoax: hmm okay fair, would it be a bad idea to add it manually?13:02
mupBug #1461295 changed: Maas is not picking up new release root-tgz automatically <oil> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461295>13:09
mupBug #1461389 changed: Parse errors for curtin preseeds aren't reported <1.7> <trusty> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461389>13:30
mupBug #1461612 was opened: make static ip ranges required <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461612>16:45
drhalanwhat is the difference between the follwing: "curtin in-target -- sh -c script", "['curtin', 'in-target', '--',  script], ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c', script] ?17:45
drhalanmaybe smoser can help?17:45
smoserif the entry in the late_commands is a string, then it will be passed to sh17:46
smoserif it is an array, then it will be executed like execve17:46
smoserarray is much more specific, you dont leave naything up to shell interpretation.17:46
smoser['curtin', 'in-target', '--',  script]17:47
smoserthats not going to do anything. unless the string 'script' is an executable.17:47
smoserinside the root17:47
smoser...which it actually is :)17:47
mupBug #1461639 was opened: Spurious test failure maasserver.tests.test_forms_nodeaction.TestNodeActionForm.test_save_performs_requested_action <MAAS:Triaged by rvb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461639>17:54
drhalanmmh so custom: ["mkdir", "/some/dir"] should do the same as custom: "mkdir /some/dir" ?17:58
drhalannone of them seem to have an effect on my machine. :/18:33
garibaldismoser: I upgraded MAAS to the latest stable, 1.7.5, and still have not had any luck getting user_data to run on nodes commissioned with this new version19:00
kikosmoser, if we could figure this out I'd like it documented in the maas docs -- but we need to find out how it is to be done. maybe write up a txt file we could use as a starter? :)19:01
garibaldikiko: I'd be happy to test out any techniques for deploying user_data to help with the documentation process19:04
smoserdrhalan, yes to your answer above.19:06
smoserkiko, i'm 98% certain that user_data works19:07
smoserso i'm 100% certain that user data works19:07
smoserotherwise juju wouldn twork19:07
smoseri'm 99% certain that it works via maas cli19:07
smoseri've used it before, but dont have anything i can use it with righ tnow19:08
drhalangaribaldi: same here.. it does something but not sure what... gave up after about 10 hours of trying different commands19:18
kikosmoser, we can get you access to a maas installation easily, would that suffice? you're right now the only person who I think knows how this works19:23
solsTiCehi. So I installed maas while installing ubuntu server. When I connect to maas region controller web interface, I see standard apache web page instead of maas page, why ?19:34
roaksoaxsolsTiCe: http://XYZ/MAAS ?19:36
solsTiCeah ok. forgot /MAAS19:36
mupBug #1461659 was opened: UEFi x64 failing to commission <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461659>19:36
smoserkiko, sure. let me see a maas.19:41
kikosmoser, does the garage maas work?19:48
smoserkiko, ok. i just did:19:57
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/11549450/19:57
kikosmoser, and can you paste the raw userdata?19:57
smoserwell, garage maas is broken19:58
smoserits left in bcache-development limbo19:58
kikoand that means we can't?19:59
smoserso kiko until that is fixed i cant test install something, so ...19:59
smoserbut that is the user-data20:00
smoserok. just ran this.20:02
smoseron my local maas (i didn't want to shoot that node, but i did)20:02
smoserlocal maas is20:03
smoser# dpkg-query --show maas20:03
kikoI see what you are saying20:04
kikosmoser, and what is the raw user data for that?20:04
smoseryou can see it.20:05
kikoah yes I for some reason didn't match the strings20:05
kikogaribaldi, drhalan: can either of you verify that the above works for you?20:06
kikoi.e. using http://paste.ubuntu.com/11549482/ as your user-data20:06
kikowhich should result in the string that you see on the command-line here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11549501/20:06
smoserkiko, and then...20:07
smoser$ cat /run/my.log20:07
smoser============== Wed Jun 3 20:07:02 UTC 2015 =================20:07
smoser======== Hi World ======================20:07
smosersystem came up. had that there.20:07
kikoyeah, I was expecting you'd say that 8)20:07
smoserand 'sudo cat /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt'20:08
smoserwill show you the input user-data20:08
smoserso, tats about all i can easily do at the moment. but it does show user-data functioning via maas-cli20:10
smoserwith maas at 1.7.320:10
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solsTiCeI am using VM to test maas. What size must be my hdd to be able to import the boot image ?21:02
garibaldismoser: can you send me the exact maas cli command you used?21:13
garibaldijust to make sure I reproduce exactly21:13
mupBug #1461712 was opened: 1.8rc1:  sm15k systems - non-PXE NIC's mac address doesn't get linked back to cluster <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461712>23:01
smosergaribaldi, its in that pastebin23:55
smosermaas smoser nodes acquire23:56
smoser'smoser' is the maas name (first argument to maas)23:56
smoseracquire returned the node with system-id node-86787e7e-cd78-11e4-8df8-001b21006d7f23:56
smoserthen maas smoser node start node-86787e7e-cd78-11e4-8df8-001b21006d7f user_data=IyEvYmluL3NoCgooCmVjaG8gPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQplY2hvID09PT09PT09PT09PT09ICQoZGF0ZSkgPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0KZWNobyA9PT09PT09PSBIaSBXb3JsZCA9PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09CmVjaG8gPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQopIHwgdGVlIC9ydW4vbXkubG9nCg== distro_series=trusty23:57

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