
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunwill there a way to add commands to the terminal ?01:12
ahoneybun*be a way01:15
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dholbachgood morning06:40
nik90rpadovani: in your bazaar workflow, do you know how to create a new branch based on another branch? kinda like "bzr branch lp:~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/branch1 branch2"08:20
nik90rpadovani: that's the only thing I seem to be missing08:20
rpadovaninik90, bzr branch lp:~rpadovani/webbrowser-app/remove-404-history ../bzr-repo/another-branch-name. Indeed I didn't write an alias for that08:25
nik90rpadovani: true but that is for a remote branch..what about a local branch?08:26
nik90i did a light-checkout of trunk...created a local branch1...now i want to branch from that instead of trunk08:27
rpadovaninik90, cp -r ../bzr-repo/whatever ../bzr-repo/new-branch maybe? Dunno, I need to check documentation08:27
rpadovaninik90, maybe bzr switch branch1 && bzr branch . ../bzr-repo/newbranch08:28
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popeynik90: rpadovani either of you know why this errors when building a deb? seen it before? https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/ubuntu-weather-app/reboot-match-click-debian-version-numbers/+merge/26078009:10
nik90looking at it now09:35
Silentlordhi, i want an email to contact someone regards application review09:52
Silentlordhi, i want an email to contact someone regards application reviewing10:00
popeySilentlord: what kind of application?10:07
Silentlordthat i have uploaded to the market10:07
popeyok, which app?10:07
Silentlord2X Client10:09
popeyok, what's up?10:10
popeySilentlord: i see your response, 19 hours ago.10:11
popeySilentlord: beuno is responsible for the store. If he's around, he can respond.10:11
Silentlordok thanks, so what can we do10:12
popeywait for beuno10:15
Silentlordok thanks for the help10:15
dholbachcan anyone who knows a bit of JavaScript review https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/1456929/+merge/260920 please?10:16
dholbachit'd be great if we could fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/help-app/+bug/145692910:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1456929 in Ubuntu Help App "Translations don't show up on the phone" [High,In progress]10:16
kalikianadholbach: that seems a bit questionable. if you strip the country, what happens to different language flavors?10:49
kalikianamaybe what you want is try to load the country-only code as a fallback if you already have an error?10:50
kalikianadholbach: also it looks like you'll want to set langCode, not language, in ajax(), to achieve the fallback10:53
dholbachthanks kalikiana - looking into it10:53
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
dholbachkalikiana, better now? :)11:08
mivoligonik90: great stuff with the challenge :)11:10
mivoligonik90: and promoting Timer ;)11:11
kalikianadholbach: looking very good now!11:11
nik90mivoligo: thnx ;)11:14
dholbachthanks kalikiana11:18
mivoligonik90: speaking about Timer, someone said in the review he doesn't like the haptic feedback :)11:20
mivoligonik90: do you know if there's a bug report about disabling haptics in system settings don't really work?11:22
kbroulikis there a way to have an app be deployed as binary rather than launched through qmlscene? I want to deploy an existing Qt app for android, ios etc (that uses qrc and no own qml plugins, just builtin reigsterd types) on ubuntu phone. but in all the examples I only find Exec=qmlscene foo11:23
mivoligokbroulik: I'm not sure but I think "Qt3D cylinder" doesn't use qmlscene11:26
kbroulikmivoligo: is its code available somewhere?11:27
kbroulikindeed it doesnt use qmlscene11:27
kbroulikthanks, will investigate :)11:27
mivoligoI think it's the fastest starting app on Ubuntu phone :)11:28
popeyneverball is pretty quick11:28
kbroulikhm it's using cmake11:29
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DanChapmankbroulik: take a look at the "QtQuick app with QML UI (qmake)" template in QtCreator. That uses a binary rather than qmlscene11:30
kbroulikoh, I only looked at the QML App with c++ plugin, thanks11:30
DanChapman:-) np.11:32
kbroulikDanChapman: it works \o/ however it doesnt have QtQuick Controls (I already expected that) so it's a step in the right direction :)11:36
kbroulikis there a way in the .pro file to check whether it's ubuntu? like android: { foo } ?11:36
kbroulikor do I need to add a custom CONFIG ?11:36
DanChapmankbroulik: i have no idea. I have yet to start an ubuntu project using the qmake templates. bzoltan or zbenjamin would be the best ones to ask about it11:39
kbroulikgood thing I have my own abstraction layer ontop of QQC, so I can easily swap out those by the ubuntu components. thanks DanChapman and mivoligo! :)11:45
mivoligokbroulik: \o/11:47
mivoligokbroulik: what's the app about BTW?11:47
kbroulikcan't talk about that atm, it's just evaluating whether it would be feasible and if so, how easily, to port the app to ubuntu phone :)11:48
mivoligoah, ok :)11:48
popeywell good luck kbroulik, feel free to stick around or drop by whenever you have any more questions11:49
kbrouliksure, you've been really supportive :)11:49
popeyyes, the animals don't bite round here that often11:50
nik90mivoligo: there is a settings option to disable haptics?11:57
kbroulikhow do I uninstall an app deployed through qt creator? Longpress on the app doesnt show an Uninstall option in contrast to eg. the calculator11:57
mivoligonik90: yes, in Sound at the very bottom11:58
nik90mivoligo: hmm true..I just noticed that now. I dont remember seeing a bug report about it12:01
nik90kalikiana, zsombi: Is the haptics feedback used by Abstract Button and other SDK components connected to the universal system settings option "Enabled other vibrations"12:02
popeykbroulik: interesting, I think it puts the app in your home directory on the device... bzoltan zbenjamin is there an easy way to wipe out installed apps via qtc?12:03
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zbenjaminpopey: if its deployed by pressing "Run" you press "Stop" and it will be uninstalled. If you used the Publish page you should be able to uninstall it from the UI12:04
zbenjaminpopey: other than that there is no way12:04
zbenjaminpopey: from the phone UI i mean12:04
popeypublish makes a click, right?12:04
zbenjaminwe only do click installing12:04
popeykbroulik: if you "phablet-shell" or "adb shell" into the device "click list | grep foo" should list your app (replace foo)12:04
popeykbroulik: and if it does, "sudo click unregister foo x.y" where foo is your app, and x.y is the version12:05
mivoligokalikiana: popey: sometimes you need to pull down app scope to refresh and then the app icon just disappears12:05
beunoSilentlord, hi. What's up?12:05
kbroulikpopey: interesting. I checked the "uninstall when finished", and it also says "app exited, cleaning up", but it still shows up on the app menu. click list doesnt show it12:06
popeypull down to refresh click scope?12:06
kbroulikah xD there you go12:06
kbrouliknow it's gone from the list :)12:06
popeyIt's almost like we know what we're doing12:06
kbroulikhow would I debug the app startup failure? "application started: 31269, qml debugging is enabled, use only in safe environment" "Received a failed event, app exited, cleaning up". using the "run debugging" in qtcreator says "debugging failed"12:08
Silentlordwe have an application that have been for review for 1 month 2 weeks12:08
popeykbroulik: look in ~/.cache/upstart on the device, also look for apparmor denials with "sudo dmesg | grep DEN"12:08
kbroulik[  910.415004] type=1400 audit(1433333316.922:101): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="amsnews.username_app_0.1" name="/home/phablet/.local/share/" pid=5906 comm="qtc_device_debu" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201112:09
kbroulikI do deploy an app.apparmor file though and it also worked 10 minutes ago12:09
popeyah, you won't be able to access /home/phablet/.local/share/12:10
popeyapps are confined.12:10
popeyso they can't stomp all over eachothers data12:10
ogra_also note that apparmor profiles for sideloaded apps only get updated on version bumps12:14
ogra_if you change any apparmor stuff and dont bump the app version the change will not be effective12:14
popeyooh, good call12:14
popeythere's a command to force that though12:14
popeywhich I always forget12:14
popeyaa-clickhook -f   ?12:14
ogra_(dont ask me which :P )12:15
ogra_yeah, with the right path though ...12:15
ogra_else it re-generates the world12:15
kbroulikbut I dont see who would access .local/share :/12:15
kalikiananik90: zsombi yes, it is since a while12:15
kalikianawhy do you ask?12:16
kbroulikhm, now I'm getting  undefined symbol: _ZN11QJsonObject10initializeEv :(12:22
kbroulikpopey: seems because I'm using initializer_list with QJsonObject and for some reason it compiles but then doesnt run :/ what Qt version is ubuntu phone running?12:29
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kbroulikThis function was introduced in Qt 5.4. ← that could explain12:30
popeymy phone has 5.4 :)12:30
kbroulikhow do I find out?12:30
popeywhat phone is it?12:31
popeythe retail bq ones ship with 5.412:31
popeyer, 5.3 sorry12:31
popeybut there's an OTA update coming next week which look like it has 5.412:31
popeydpkg -l libqt*12:31
kbroulikah, I'm running 14.10 on the emulator (because I failed to install 15.04)12:32
popeyyeah, 5.3 then12:32
kbroulikwill try to install "devel" again12:32
kbroulikthat install script is pretty buggy though, assumes that group = user whicih isn't the case for me12:33
kbroulikanyway, lunch, totally forgot time :)12:33
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dholbachpopey, can we release another new help app later on?12:54
popeysure can12:54
kbroulikok, I failed to install devel again but devel-proposed seems to work12:59
kbroulikwith the devel emulator it starts up but the ide still says "the device is currently booting"13:11
kbroulikah, dev mode wasnt enabled on that image for some reason13:15
dholbachpopey, do you think you could upload http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/help.ubuntucoredev_0.4_all.click  at some stage - maybe with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11542725/ as changelog?13:17
popeysure thing dholbach13:21
dholbachthanks a lot popey!13:22
kbroulikand there runs the app! :)13:32
dholbachthanks a bunch popey! :)13:34
DanChapmanewww the scrollbars don't match between sdk and oxide http://i.imgur.com/2KmSzeI.png13:35
* DanChapman looks for a bug13:35
popeydholbach: np :)13:38
popeykbroulik: yay!13:38
kbroulikthe scaling is a bit off (I use qscreen primaryscreen dpi thing), pagestack api is different from stackview, and flickable sucks :) other than that, working nicely13:38
kalikianabah, once more wasted an hour due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/142726413:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1427264 in schroot (Ubuntu) "using ecryptfs, creating frameworks fail to bind mount issues" [High,In progress]13:57
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dholbachballoons, thanks a lot for your work on the functional tests! it's finally landed. :)14:19
balloonsdholbach, :-) I was working with psvenan yesterday who finally got things working.. fingers crossed he'll add some real test!14:29
kbroulikwhere can my app write to? I used QStandardPaths CacheLocation but apparently it cannot write there either14:39
dholbachdavidcalle, popey, mhall119, balloons: team call=15:03
davidcalledholbach, omw15:03
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* kalikiana finds himself now listening to console stereo playing in the background, a friend of his had found one on the street and got it to work by cleaning it thoroughly15:38
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DS-McGuiredholbach, http://imgur.com/EI0xe0T New icon design?15:54
dholbachdo you think H is obvious enough for help?15:55
DS-McGuiredholbach, I would say so. I considered using a question mark but looking at normal help signs in real life they are often the word "Help" or "H" itself.15:57
DS-McGuireWhat do you think would be better?15:58
dholbachmh, ok....... I'm not sure - maybe you could folks to have a look at the two, so we can get more data? :)15:58
DS-McGuiredholbach, Sure, I will make up a few different designs and I will let you know.15:59
dholbachbrilliant - thanks a lot!15:59
DS-McGuireNo problem16:00
popeyDS-McGuire: googling for "help icon" brings various incarnations of (?) rather than (H) (which makes me think of hospitals and helicopters :)16:25
DS-McGuirepopey, I don't know how I got Help as in the word. I am using DDG.16:30
DS-McGuireWould you rather "?" ?16:30
DS-McGuirepopey, Here is something better: http://imgur.com/8lEtw3616:46
nik90kalikiana, zsombi: Do you guys know how to detect if a listview is in multi-select mode?16:53
nik90zsombi: In the listdelegate, I do that using ListView.view.ViewItems.selectMode16:53
nik90nvr mind I figured it out16:56
mzanettimivoligo, ping17:16
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nik90ahayzen: ping17:20
ahayzennik90, pong17:20
nik90ahayzen: hey I am trying to use the sdk's multiselection mode..and I have got almost everything working except for one small thing..17:20
ahayzenyou'll be wanting to hijack this code? https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-use-sdk-listitems17:21
nik90I need to provide a header button to "Select All" and "Select None" which should mark the listitems's selected property to true17:21
nik90not sure how to access a listitem's selected property from a header property17:22
ahayzenthat is in our app/components/HeadState/MultiSelectHeadState.qml17:22
* nik90 looks17:22
ahayzenbut note that basically i ported our implementation of reorder/multiselect/swipe actions over directly so some things can still probably be tidied up now17:23
ahayzennik90, do you have something similar to this as well? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-use-sdk-listitems/view/head:/app/components/Flickables/MultiSelectListView.qml17:24
nik90ahayzen: ack..btw where do you define functions like listview.selectAll() ?17:24
ahayzenin the MultiSelectListView :-)17:24
nik90ah yes just realized after clicking the link :P17:24
ahayzenshould be abstract enough for you to hijack if required ;-)17:25
nik90I am going to just add it straight into AlarmListView instead of a standardized component since I use it in only one place..but this is really helpful17:26
nik90a lot ;)17:26
ahayzenno problem17:26
ahayzennow we wait for OTA4 so we can start landing this stuff!17:26
ahayzen...and for jenkins to play ball...17:26
nik90well more up to jenkins I would say17:26
nik90I heard that the jenkins move to vivid is not gonna be easy17:26
ahayzenapparently not17:26
nik90also I cant seem to figure out how to fix my clock ap tests despite looking at your MP :P17:27
ahayzenmeanwhile what happened here... https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/ubuntu-weather-app/weather-updated-icon/+merge/25976217:27
nik90ahayzen: hmm this is the normal weather app and not reboot..does tests pass in trunk locally?17:28
ahayzennik90, yeah its the normal one, and the tests aren't failing its the deb part look
nik90hmm dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to weather-app@30.png: binary file contents changed17:28
ahayzendpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b ubuntu-weather-app-1.8.3ubuntu1 gave error exit status 117:29
ahayzendebuild: fatal error at line 1364:17:29
ahayzenlots of words saying fatal/failed/error lol17:29
nik90its been a while since I play with debian packaging..hard to say without taking a deeper look17:29
nik90although are we still building debian packages and distributing it via a PPA?17:29
ahayzenpopey or balloons any idea what has happened here? for https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/ubuntu-weather-app/weather-updated-icon/+merge/25976217:30
ahayzeni think so, haven't played with the PPA for a while though17:30
mzanettipopey, another one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/store-local-resources-in-infofile/+merge/26099017:47
nik90ahayzen: is it possible to adjust the left margin of the checkbox shown in multiselect mode? It is missing 1 gu left margin for me17:50
ahayzeni think so17:50
ahayzenoh or maybe not...i did this ages ago...17:50
ahayzenlet me have a look17:50
nik90there is a property in listitems called contentItem whose margins I could change..but that would affect only the contents of the listitem..not sure if it also touches the checkbox margins..I will give that a shot17:51
ahayzenwhat happens if you put a margin on the ListItem {} ?17:52
nik90ahayzen: that would work, but when the user presses it the highlight color would not extend all the way to the edge of the screen17:53
ahayzenreally ugh :-/17:54
nik90that is something that I actually wanted to propose for weather reboot as well17:54
ahayzenwhat the highlight colour?17:54
nik90the listitem contents should be anchored and not the listitem itself to avoid this issue17:54
nik90the highlight color is a 20% darker shade of the background color I think17:55
ahayzenyeah or 20% lighter for music http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-use-sdk-listitems/view/head:/app/components/Delegates/MusicListItem.qml#L2617:55
ahayzendark theme ftw17:55
ahayzeneww what happened to the header action text?17:56
nik90it is overlapping when the translated text is long17:56
ahayzenand that checkbox looks good how did you do that?17:56
nik90the checkbox on the left?17:56
nik90standard 15.04 selection mode stuff..didnt do anything extra17:57
ahayzenoh i thought you were saying about the margins being wrong?17:57
nik90yeah I was referring to the left margin of that checkbox..It need to align with the header back arrow17:57
nik90well atleast that's what it is in the current clock app in the store17:58
ahayzenoh right i get you now17:58
nik90btw are you using the sdk's selection header mode? or a custom one?17:58
nik90just wondering if the text overlap issue is present in the sdk implementation17:58
ahayzeni assume the SDK one? we use PageHeadState17:59
ahayzenoh or is there an SDK PageHeadState for selection mode already?18:00
nik90yup seems like it is the sdk implementation18:00
nik90well the only difference is that in selection mode, the text is also shown in the header actions18:00
nik90but this was not there before and so I implemented a custom solution for clock18:01
ahayzenoh yeah we don't show the text18:01
nik90was that by design?18:01
ahayzenerm ... maybe?18:03
ahayzeni think it was tbh all the screenshots we had only had the icon18:03
DanChapmannik90: I was recently advised by design to drop the text for multi-select actions in dekko.18:05
nik90DanChapman: ah ok..I will make that change in the clock app as well then18:05
nik90mivoligo: man icons.mivoligo.com is so useful.. does it automatically update when new icons are added to the package?18:17
nik90DanChapman: Do you remember the page title when in multi-selection mode? Do we set it blank or anything special?18:30
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
* ahoneybun reads this: http://news.softpedia.com/news/You-Can-Now-Install-and-Test-Unity-8-and-Mir-in-Any-Supported-Ubuntu-OS-483206.shtml18:35
mcphailDoes anyone know what commands are allowed within a BASH script in a .click package with default apparmor profile. I'm getting "Permission denied" errors with all kinds of useful commands like find, sed etc18:44
mcphailIt is hugely frustrating and does not add anything to security18:45
jdstrandcurrently for click you don't have access to those commands. The reason isn't for security but because shell isn't a supported programming environment on touch18:46
jdstrandthose are defined by the click frameworks18:47
mcphailjdstrand: that's a bit of a pain, tbh18:47
jdstrandcurrently, if you need them, you can bundle them with your app18:48
mcphailI'll do that. Any possibility the restriction will be relaxed in the future?18:49
jdstrandmcphail: I'm not sure, tbh (I didn't make that decision), but the general idea is that developers should target the framework rather than the OS, since the OS may change and break you18:51
mcphailThe OS is going to be unrecognisable if "sed" isn't available...18:52
jdstrandI can say there is work being done to make bundling a lot easier18:52
jdstrandwell, sure, but what version of sed? perhaps there is a behavioral change or something subtle. there is no testing or guarantees if you stray outside of the frameworks18:54
mcphailjdstrand: anyone who uses sed is used to such things :)18:54
mcphailjdstrand: I'll link in binutils-static just now18:54
mivoligomzanetti: pong18:57
mivoligonik90: no, it does not update18:57
DanChapmannik90: AFAIK we should hide the title for multi-select. Just checked address-book-app and that also hides it18:58
mzanettimivoligo, hey. so. Is the level pack good to go?19:05
ahoneybunahayzen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11548436/19:05
ahoneybunhey mivoligo and DanChapman19:05
mivoligomzanetti: I thinks so, yes19:05
mivoligoahoneybun: hi o/19:06
mzanettimivoligo, gonna make a release now, ok?19:06
ahayzenahoneybun, what about it? lol ... i assume you mean you made it? hehe19:06
ahoneybunahayzen: it works like that19:06
ahoneybunjus tneed to work on the UI19:06
mivoligomzanetti: sure, we can fix things later :D19:07
ahoneybunahayzen: could I replace the TextFields that are holding the scores with Label's19:07
mzanettimivoligo, merged the level pack. future changes please as merge request against lp:machines-vs-machines/levelpacks19:07
mzanettimivoligo, I fixed all the open bugs in the bugtracker19:07
mivoligomzanetti: awesome!19:07
mivoligomzanetti: and even those not reported :D19:08
DanChapmanhey ahoneybun19:08
ahayzenahoneybun, yeah no reason not to, assuming you only want them to be read only19:08
ahoneybunI would like that19:08
ahoneybunI dont want the user to use the keyboard anyway19:08
mzanettimivoligo, check for updates :)19:15
ahoneybunahayzen: you can't click Labels to change focus lol19:16
mivoligomzanetti: 33.6 MiB, what size was before?19:17
ahayzenahoneybun, you might need to give them a height/width or something for the onClicked to work? is that what your saying isn't working?19:19
mivoligomzanetti: I have a black screen, when clicking on the first level19:20
ahoneybunahayzen: no with the textfield you click the one you want edit but that will not work with labels since they are readonly19:20
ahayzenyeah it won't19:20
mivoligomzanetti: same with MvsM :( but music is still playing19:21
ahoneybununless I put a button under each one to switch the focus19:21
ahayzenwell you can still click on it?19:21
ahayzenand take the onClicked then like change the colour or something?19:21
ahoneybunonClicked: {parent.parent.focused = this; }?19:21
ahayzenerm idk what you did with the rest of your code in the end?19:22
ahoneybunthis the current working model19:22
ahoneybunwith TextFields19:22
ahayzenyeah so what you said and change property TextField focused: score1 to property Label focused: score119:23
ahoneybungot that part :)19:23
ahoneybunthebuttons would not work without that change19:23
ahoneybunto add the score19:24
ahayzen...so does it work now?19:24
ahoneybundon;t know19:24
ahoneybunI have to add the switch button and have 2 labels to switch between19:24
ahoneybundoing that now19:24
ahoneybunahayzen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11548932/19:30
ahoneybuncurrent code with labels19:30
ahoneybunError: Cannot assign QObject* to Label_QMLTYPE_32*19:30
ahoneybunhappens when I click on the edit button19:30
ahayzenahoneybun, your parent.parent.focused = this; is inside a *Button* and the type is a *Label* ?19:31
ahoneybunonClicked: {Label.focused = this; }?19:33
ahayzenahoneybun, parent.parent.focused = score1 ... or change it to type Button and do this19:40
ahoneybuntbh ahayzen I'm going to drop this idea since it adds all those buttons19:40
ahoneybunmuch easier with textfields19:40
ahoneybunfor users and me lol19:40
ahoneybunthanks ahayzen19:44
ahayzenno problem as usual :-)19:44
ahoneybunno problem to say it anyway19:45
mivoligomzanetti: can you reproduce the issue or is it something with my phone?20:40
* ahoneybun is going to try to make a Scope20:52
mzanettimivoligo, reproduce what?20:56
ahoneybunmhall119: I think their should be a Steam Scope20:57
ahoneybunfor checking prices and sales20:57
ahoneybunlots of data20:58
mzanettimivoligo, hmm... something odd with the tutorial20:59
mzanettibut only on RTM20:59
mzanettithat will teach me releasing stuff for RTM still :D20:59
* ahoneybun is working with -devel20:59
mivoligomzanetti: when I select a level and click Play, I got black screen21:03
mivoligomzanetti: or rather very very dark blue :)21:04
mzanettimivoligo, fixed21:05
mivoligomzanetti: updating21:06
mivoligomy internet connection is sloooooowwww21:08
mivoligomzanetti: it's working, thanks :)21:11
mivoligomzanetti: BTW mhall119 said if an update is for 15.04, people who use 14.10 don't get the update. But IIRC there was a problem with Tagger update because of that, right?21:18
mzanettimivoligo, the problem is that the old version will disappear for 14.10 users21:18
mivoligomzanetti: but only from the store, not from their phones?21:19
mivoligook :)21:20
mivoligomzanetti: one more question I wanted to ask you about your Stopwatch code: what's the magic of using "45" interval in refreshTimer? Why 45?21:27
ahoneybunI'll be back later21:28
ahoneybunmhall119: or anyone who can make a scope I'm thinking of making one for the New York Times (I have a key and it uses JSON data)21:28
mzanettimivoligo, haha :D21:32
mzanettimivoligo, that seemed like a nive value21:32
mzanettimivoligo, nah, the reason is that I tried with 50, and it had the effect that the last digit on the milliseconds rarely changed21:33
mzanettiso I took something that makes it flicker :D21:33
mivoligomzanetti: heh, I was thinking maybe it has something to do with phone screen refresh rate or something :P21:34
mivoligoanyway I can now sleep relaxed :D21:35
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
* ahoneybun starts to install Ubuntu SDK on his other laptop22:10
zsombinik90: ping23:01
nik90zsombi: pong23:01
zsombinik90: you asked about how to detect a ListItem whether is in selectMode23:02
zsombinik90: ListItem.selectMode :)23:02
nik90zsombi: yeah I figured it out23:02
nik90zsombi: I am using alarmListView.ViewItems.selectMode23:02
nik90not sure why the ViewItems stuff is needed..still wraping my head around that23:03
zsombinik90: that is to control the selected indices and the drtag mode23:03
nik90zsombi: I have a PageHeadState that gets activated when alarmListView.ViewItems.selectMode is true .. I use that to detect if the alarmListView is in multiselect mode or not23:04
zsombinik90: in a ListItem you can turn on/interrogate the selectMode as well as the dragMode23:04
nik90zsombi: yeah..I am turning it on by selectMode = true ..23:04
zsombinik90: yes, but you asked in ListItem...23:04
ahayzeni was surprised how similar it was to our custom implementation in the music-app, great minds think alike hehe :-)23:05
zsombinik90: ah, sorry, listview23:05
zsombiahayzen: ;)23:05
nik90zsombi: the reason I missed out on that was because the "selectMode" property was defined in the ListItem documentation but not in the ViewItems page where all the reorder and multiselect mode stuff are explained23:05
zsombinik90: huh?23:06
zsombinik90: you say the ViewItems.selectMode doc is missing?23:06
nik90actually nvr mind..I think I was confused since I see that property now in the ViewItems doc23:06
nik90so there is a selectMode property for both the ListItem and ListView..I understand it better now23:07
zsombinik90: yes, also teh dragMode23:08
zsombinik90: originally the ListItem ones were R/O, but we changed them to RW23:08
zsombinik90: btw, faenil is gonna make some templates for ListItem, with different layouts23:08
nik90zsombi: oh..thnk god you read my mind with that change23:09
zsombinik90: ;)23:09
nik90zsombi: at the moment, clock app is using the old deprecated listitem just for the ListItem.Expandable usecase..everythign else has been migrated and waiting for AP tests fixes and review23:09
zsombinik90: yeah... unfortunately that will (hopefully) come to 1.323:10
nik90zsombi: ok..just dont remove the old listitems until that is done..otherwise I will be in trouble :)23:10
zsombinik90: nono :)23:10
zsombi(twice negation means affirmation) :D23:11

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