
dholbachgood morning06:40
silverlionmorning MooDoo07:15
davidcalleMorning o/07:33
silverliongood morning davidcalle07:35
silverlionaloha popey07:42
* popey pops to the shop, back in a bit09:26
Silentlordhi, i want an email to contact someone regards application review09:56
popeySilentlord: what kind of application?10:05
danialbehzadihey all11:18
danialbehzadiIs here where I can ask about ubuntu membership stuffs?11:18
dholbachsalaam danialbehzadi :)11:20
dholbachyes you can11:20
danialbehzadidholbach: salam (:11:20
danialbehzadiI read about the Certificates For Ubuntu Members  last year and I filled this form: https://forms.canonical.com/certificate/11:21
danialbehzadiBut nothing happend till now11:21
danialbehzadiIs it still available?11:21
dholbachdanialbehzadi, ok... no worries - I'll send a mail to Michelle and you and we can find out what happened11:21
dholbachyes, it is11:21
dholbachI guess something went wrong along the way - we'll find out11:21
danialbehzadidholbach: thanks a lot daniel, mamnoon (:11:22
dholbachdanialbehzadi, khahesh mikonam11:23
davidcallemhall119, it looks like all subpages of https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/ are broken. Any idea what's going on?14:34
davidcallemhall119, bug reports have started popping up yesterday, pages themselves look fine in draft mode and are published14:35
* davidcalle tries to unpublish/publish back14:35
mhall119davidcalle: let me look14:36
* davidcalle nope, still nothing14:37
mhall119davidcalle: nothing seems wrong...14:38
mhall119even copying a page, the copy breaks...14:42
davidcallemhall119, any way we could pull the data and put it on an instance with debug mode enabled?14:43
mhall119davidcalle: I've asked for a copy of the error logs, that might show us something14:49
mhall119if not, I'll have them create a data dump for us14:49
davidcallemhall119, I'm also running a link checker on api/* there seems to be a few doc issues (dead links in doc from branches) and some urls  automatically cropped in the middle in the components overview page15:01
mhall119davidcalle: can you provide me a list?15:05
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
davidcallemhall119, as soon as the link checker is done, yes (it takes a very long time)15:09
davidcalle(behind a vpn)15:09
jonohey all16:00
jonomhall119, hey, is dpm away?16:01
popeyjono: yes16:03
popeyvacation till next week16:03
davidcallemhall119, I need to drive home, I'll run it again from there and should be able to send you something this evening (it has currently checked 200 000+ links on the developer.ubuntu.com domain, as you can imagine, it will take an awful time...)16:14
* dholbach calls it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:16
mhall119davidcalle: good news! those pages fail locally16:16
davidcalleHah, we need tests! *cough*16:16
mhall119we really do, yes16:17
mhall119davidcalle: it looks like either a template code bug, or a page setting gone wrong16:17
mhall119but it's definitely somewhere in the menu16:17
mhall119strange that it doesn'f fail in draft mode though16:18
davidcallemhall119, well, draft is clearly special, for ex. link plugins copied between different text plugins work in draft mode and fail on live (you have to re-do link plugins if you move them around)16:19
* davidcalle drives away, ttyl16:20
mhall119tutorials pages are "fixed" for now17:23
mhall119one bug down, I'll continue working on yours balloons, after lunch17:24
davidcallemhall119, so if I understand correctly, sibling.get_slug only checks for current language?18:38
davidcallemhall119, which means, a chinese only page with slug, won't return anything from an english page query, right?18:41
mhall119davidcalle: correct18:46
mhall119it was the only way I found to check "does this sibling page exist in the current language"18:47
mhall119unfortuntely that doesn't verify that it's published18:47
davidcallemhall119, yay, was there an explicit error message or just trial and error to find it out?18:47
mhall119there wasn't any way to do that from within the template, that I could find anyway18:47
mhall119davidcalle: it was explicitly erroring on the |default:sibling.get_absolute_url18:48
mhall119so I used pdb to trace what was happening from there, and it was looking for a Title object in current language for the sibling page, and if it didn't find it an exception was thrown18:48
mhall119while get_slug does mostly the same things, but if it doesn't find a Title it handles it gracefully by simply returning an empty string18:49
mhall119davidcalle: also, I temporarily fixed production by creating Title objects for the two chinese-only pages, but they have empty content on them in english18:50
davidcallemhall119, nice found :)18:50
mhall119thanks, once I'm done with nick's stuff I'm going to see if there an newer upstream django-cms that might fix this properly18:51
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
m8tyEvening all23:23
m8tyCan i pick your brians with an issue am having with my HD webcam please?23:24
m8tywhen i start it it works for a a very short while then stops  .  Xorg.0.log shows the error as though webcam is added as keyboard23:28
m8tyam not going to use pastebin as there are only 4 lines logged23:28
m8tywell more 7 actually23:29
m8ty[730782.677] (**) TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD: always reports core events23:30
m8ty[730782.677] (**) evdev: TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD: Device: "/dev/input/event11"23:30
m8ty[730782.677] (--) evdev: TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD: Vendor 0x4f2 Product 0xb32623:30
m8ty[730782.677] (--) evdev: TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD: Found keys23:30
m8ty[730782.677] (II) evdev: TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD: Configuring as keyboard23:30
m8ty[730782.677] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-1/3-1.3/3-1.3:1.0/input/input24/event11"23:30
m8ty[730782.677] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD" (type: KEYBOARD, id 13)23:30
m8tyany ideas to fix this is much appreciated23:30
pleia2m8ty: you want to ask in #ubuntu or on askubuntu.com, this channel is for community organizing :)23:39
m8tyAlright, no worries.  cheers anyway23:40
pleia2good luck23:41
m8tythanks. see ya23:41

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