
RAOFbschaefer: Well, that looks like protobuf being unnecessarily hateful.00:04
RAOFDo you at any point dlclose anything? :)00:04
bschaeferRAOF, yeah when we UnLoad the object00:14
bschaeferRAOF, hmm i wonder if its failing then does a Unload then gives me a nothing stack trace00:15
RAOFSo, I'm not entirely sure how nicely protobuf is going to play with load/unload cycles.00:16
bschaeferRAOF, o...00:16
* bschaefer tests if its right before the unload00:16
bschaeferRAOF, the thing is, im getting the stack trace on a DLOpen00:17
bschaefersoo it never actually hits the UnLoad00:17
RAOFHas it previously done an unload, though?00:17
bschaeferRAOF, not that i saw (had print statements)00:19
bschaeferRAOF, yeah no unload00:19
RAOFOk, so it's probably not a ‘the second time you load protobuf it explodes’ problem.00:19
bschaeferRAOF, naw, i actually have an example of that working :)00:20
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popeyDoes anyone know if Mir runs on the Acer C720 chromebook?10:11
popeyhttp://www.reddit.com/r/chrubuntu/comments/1yd74w/c720_has_anyone_managed_to_get_the_touchpad/cfk4cjw suggests it does, but that's a year old10:12
alan_gpopey: I've no idea. But if e.g. Unity7 works well (I don't know that either) then I'd expect the drivers to be good enough for Mir.10:16
popeyalan_g: i have seen videos of unity 7 running on it, so could be.10:18
alan_gIn that case, it probably works. But I don't know of anyone who can try it. Why are you asking?10:23
popeyalan_g: just looking for a device I can test mir / unity 8 on10:32
popeytrying yesterday on my nouveau nvidia desktop was less than successful10:32
alan_gI've an intel setup, but can try to help. (If you didn't get help yesterday.)10:35
popeyI installed the unity8-lxc package and set that up, then logged out and when i try to login it seems to start the session but I end up with a blank desktop10:36
popeyI can see lots of interesting processes running - unity related10:36
popeywillcooke: how good is unity8 / desktop-next wily? Is it known broken?10:37
willcookepopey, the original Desktop Next - the one based on .debs is, I'd say, unmaintained right now.10:40
willcookeThe new one based on Snappy is a work-in-progress10:40
willcookeseb128 was having a few issues getting it to boot, but they're being worked through atm10:41
* popey wonders which one unity8-lxc installs10:41
popeyhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/ gets it from there10:42
willcooketry this URL instead:10:42
popeyis that deb or snappy?10:42
* willcooke looks for the URL10:43
popeythis isn't going to work I don't think10:43
popeyvia unity8-lxc anyway10:43
popeyis that something I can dd onto a usb stick and boot from willcooke ?10:44
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kgunncamako: hey look...you got one you asked for (i think this was your idea)13:03
kdubgah! client code13:40
* alan_g wonders which client13:48
camakokgunn, o cool14:11
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alan_gkdub: AlbertA - you guys approved an earlier version, but I've added stuff. Could you re-review? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/unity-system-compositor/debug-without-dm/+merge/24781516:08
kdubthat mircommon abi thing has been pushed to lp:mir, right? (about to kick off some CI)16:11
alan_gkdub: yes16:14
kdubmk, thanks16:14
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kdub@vogons, any more takers on: https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/add-streams-to-surface/+merge/259776 ?18:07
* kdub will merge it shortly if no18:07
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kdubthanks AlbertA18:39
AlbertA@vogons, good wiki page to understand the image channels when flashing devices: http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/18:49
* camako bookmarks it18:50
AlbertAand recovery images (needed for ubuntu-device-flash) krillin: http://people.canonical.com/~jhm/barajas/recovery.img18:50
AlbertAvegetahd: http://people.canonical.com/~jhm/barajas/recovery-vegetahd.img18:50
AlbertAarale: http://people.canonical.com/~alextu/tangxi/recovery/recovery.img18:50
camakoall over the place18:51
bschaeferare there any examples/demos for dlopening libmir and running it that way?19:33
* bschaefer has some for SDL2 but now they are failing...on a crash in dlopen through protobuff19:34
AlbertAbschaefer: libmirclient?19:39
bschaeferAlbertA, yeah, i forgot i had a different example for dlopening mir and its working :(19:40
bschaeferthe crash i see in SDL2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11531043/19:40
bschaeferand the example that doesn't crash on mir: https://github.com/BrandonSchaefer/RA/blob/master/src/linux/RA_mir_driver.c19:40
* bschaefer has to dig some more through SDL219:42
* bschaefer wonders if it gets angry after trying to open libmirclient a second time19:44
AlbertAbschaefer: umm looks like: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/139197619:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1391976 in mir (Ubuntu) "Loading libmircommon.so twice leads to a segfault in libprotobuf.so" [High,Confirmed]19:48
bschaeferAlbertA, shoot, that'll be fun to get around... i need to look into why SDL2 likes to load it twice19:50
bschaeferAlbertA, as thats what it does atm19:50
bschaeferAlbertA, thanks! I should have looked for a bug :)19:50
bschaefer(though it doesn't do a close in my example from what i see19:51
bschaeferi could have missed it though... i should double check as RAOF asked about that yesterday as well19:51
bschaefereeek it is doing an unload before loading again19:54
AlbertAbschaefer: but it's there a path where you load libmirclient and close it and then load it again?19:54
bschaeferAlbertA, so yes it is that bug, ill make a comment, thanks again19:54
AlbertAbschaefer: ok19:54
bschaeferyeah it needs to load the libraries in to test for 3d acceleration19:56
bschaeferthen unloads, then loads again when the app starts19:56
kgunnAlbertA: hey so the qtubuntu mir backend update you're working on, will that address the multiwindow aspect i was questioning earlier ?20:01
AlbertAkgunn: yeah it will use the apis we currently have20:02
AlbertAfor menus/dialogs20:02
AlbertAnot quite sure how tooltips behave yet20:02
AlbertAin qt20:02
kgunnAlbertA: are you basically using Qt creator as your test bed?20:03
AlbertAkgunn: and some simple qml tests apps too20:03
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infinityHey, did whoever added the new abi-compliance-checker build-dep to Mir think of filing an MIR for it (it's in universe)?23:14

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