
ubottuhisto called the ops in #ubuntu (chens)05:34
ubottuhisto called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:35
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (chens)05:37
histoplease help in the #ubuntu channel05:38
Flannelhisto: That's what happens when I walk into the other room for a minute, hah.05:41
Seveas[09:07]            --- | Drone` sets modes [#ubuntu +q *!*@]07:10
Seveasthere was no flooding at the time. Bug or feature?07:10
Seveas(this was one minute ago))07:11
Seveasprobably a feature, $user with excessive use of /nick :)07:13
wafflejockcan someone boot goongoon07:41
stevendalephunyguy: Are you ready to discuss terms?07:44
ubottuwafflejock called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:49
popeystevendale: you were given an answer very recently07:53
popey07:28 <+phunyguy> you are going to need more than a few lines in #ubuntu.07:53
popeystevendale: is there anything else we can help with?08:18
stevendaleNo. Goodbye.08:24
bazhangcofo troll cofo12:55
bazhangnon stop nonsense yeah12:57
lotuspsychjewhen users join #ubuntu they get a notice from this user:15:33
lotuspsychje-sassygirlx69- Direct link to WEBSITE WORTH CALCULATOR FULLY NULLED KEEP IT SECRET, the front end is just a front pure and simple the direct link is in the top right nav it'll download the zip click 'website price calculator' when its installed share this!15:33
k1llotuspsychje: i will have a look15:34
lotuspsychjek1l: tnx15:34
Picioh.  I guess I didn't miss anything by needing to do Real Work™  things16:38
k1l@mark #ubuntu NONAME__ racists comments16:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:39
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