
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
sergiusensinfinity: oh goodie, I had word that it wasn't going to be worked on00:02
* sergiusens will just wait00:02
infinityWord from whom?00:02
sergiusensinfinity: it's probably broken telephone (or whatever that game was called)00:03
rsalvetisergiusens: infinity: that's just because doko said he didn't have the time to fix such issues00:20
rsalvetibut if you say you guys are on top of it, then even better00:20
infinityrsalveti: We're looking into it.  doko has a workaround if we can't get to a proper fix in a timely fashion.00:21
infinityrsalveti: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6636800:21
ubot93gcc.gnu.org bug 66368 in go "[5 Regression] go tool crashes on powerpc-linux-gnu" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:21
=== aaron is now known as Guest57402
=== doko_ is now known as doko
argesinfinity: was maas ever granted an MRE for 1.7.5 in trusty?13:34
argesor is it still a no-go because of upgrading causing users to re-import images13:35
sil2100Hello! We would need an archive admin's assistance with signing-off a package that's ready for publishing13:44
sil2100We need an archive admin's +1 and review since it adds a new binary package13:45
sil2100https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-017-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/telepathy-ofono_packaging_changes.diff <- that's the packaging diff13:45
sil2100infinity, slangasek: ^ ?13:45
infinityarges: The import thing was fixed, or so they told me.  There's no blanket wave-it-through exception granted yet, but I intend to let that one in and see how it goes.14:27
argesinfinity: shall i do the honors then14:28
infinitysil2100: Looks reasonable to me.14:28
infinityarges: I was going to look at it more closely after breakfast.14:28
sil2100infinity: \o/ thanks, publishing14:28
argesinfinity: ack14:28
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
ChrisTownsendarges: Hi!  Are you on SRU duty today?18:47
argesChrisTownsend: yes18:49
argesChrisTownsend: lemme guess... unity?18:49
ChrisTownsendarges: Cool, yep, it reverts a commit that was causing a crash regression.18:50
ChrisTownsendarges: Do you need the debdiff?18:50
argesChrisTownsend: makes it easier18:50
argesthan doing it the manual way18:50
ChrisTownsendarges: Ok, give me 5 minutes and I'll attach it to the bug.18:50
ChrisTownsendarges: Ok, added the debdiff to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1451613.18:58
ubot93Launchpad bug 1451613 in unity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[regression] Unity/compiz crashes when locking screen" [Critical,In progress]18:58
argesChrisTownsend: looks good accepted18:59
ChrisTownsendarges: Thanks!18:59
boikohi, I have changed telepathy-ofono packaging to not build one of its subpackages in arm64, powerpc and ppc64el, and now update excuses says there are some old binaries left on those platforms20:50
cjwatsonboiko: looking20:50
boikocjwatson: it is the telepathy-ofono-ril-mc-plugin that is not building on arm64, powerpc and ppc64el anymore20:50
cjwatsonboiko: rationale for the change?20:50
boikocjwatson: the package needs libhybris-utils which is not available on those arches20:52
cjwatsonboiko: aha, makes sense.  removed20:53
boikocjwatson: as we initially landed this change in the vivid overlay ppa, we didn't realize the dependency was not available there20:54
tedginfinity, Were you able to have any luck with Mir on PPC?21:13
infinitytedg: I made a bit of progress, then got a bit distracted from my debugging, sorry.21:14
tedginfinity, K, I guess the question is more "close" or "delete all the binaries" :-)21:15
* tedg assumes everyone builds from source21:15
infinitytedg: I think it's fixable, and fixing is the right direction to be going in.  Just need to dig up a round tuit or two to attack a weird testsuite crash with gdb.  Or ignore that test for the time being.21:16
infinityWell, there's also this failure, which just reeks of bad math somewhere:21:18
infinityExpected: is equal to 0x100349df34021:18
infinity  Actual: 0x349df340 (of type gbm_device*)21:18
cjwatsonthat reeks of G_POINTER_TO_INT abuse or whatever it is21:19
tedgHmm, kgunn do you know who infinity could ping about that? ^21:19
kgunntedg: infinity might ping racarr or kdub in #ubuntu-mir21:20
boikocjwatson: what does the regression result mean? should I do something on my side?21:24
cjwatsonboiko: I don't know, ask CI folks21:25
infinityNot shockingly, I'm amazingly suspicious of any function called "reinterpret_cast"...21:26
infinityDear C++, WTF.21:26
cjwatsonnot really a function21:27
infinitycjwatson: A compiler directive, apparently, but yes.21:27
slangasekI hear C++11 adds a philip_glass_interpretation < > directive21:28
infinitytedg: Oh, FFS.  I should have tried ppc before ppc64el.22:02
infinitytedg: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/development-branch/view/head:/src/server/scene/gl_pixel_buffer.cpp#L5922:02
infinitytedg: That's a bit more porting work than I was willing to sign up for.22:02
infinitytedg: So, yeah, let's look into removals. :(22:02
tedgHaha, funny. At least it's documented :-)22:03
tedginfinity, Can we just disable the tests?22:03
infinitytedg: I suppose we could do that instead.  But we run into the potential for breaking rdeps if something links against a Mirish thing and then actually uses it.22:04
infinitytedg: But, in most cases, I imagine the rdeps are fairly lame, except when running in a unity8/mir world.22:04
tedginfinity, At least in the UAL case you'd have to be using a pretty desktop specific featureā€¦22:04
infinitytedg: The only scary rdep is gtk3.  Which is kinda super scary.  But it currently doesn't try to link against libmir on ppc, and we can just keep it that way.22:07
infinitytedg: All the other rdeps seem pretty mir-specific to start with, so I doubt we can make things worse by letting them build but suck a little.22:07
cjwatsonI remember looking at that and thinking it wasn't *super* difficult ...22:08
cjwatsonIIRC it's just that file22:08
infinitycjwatson: Well, there are two other bugs to hunt too, but yes, I think that file (that function, even) might be the only thing that needs *porting*, rather than bug fixing.22:08
tedginfinity, WFM, at least in the near term I don't imagine we'll have a lot of Mir users on PPC.22:08
infinitycjwatson: But I'm not in the mood to wrap my brain around endian transforms of whatever that is (pixel colourspaces?)22:09
cjwatsonIt strikes me as the sort of porting that needs pencil and paper, indeed22:09
infinitytedg: For big-endian PPC, it might become relevant in the community as the world moves more towards Mir, Wayland, or bust.22:10
tedgBack a long time ago (before gcc 3) that was the only case I found that tail recursion was faster than a for loop :-)22:10
infinitytedg: For ppc64el, IBM has made noises about desktoppish things "in the future".22:10
infinitytedg: But neither is today.22:10
tedgThat would be kinda cool. I have a warm spot in my heart for PPC.22:10
tedgThough I imagine I'll have an arm64 desktop first :-/22:11
infinitytedg: Well, unless some OpenPower partners go small/low-power in the near future, any POWER8 "desktop" kit would be high end workstations right now, not exactly home user stuff.22:11
infinitytedg: But there's been noise about shrinking P8 and P9 for more specialised uses, so never say never.22:12
infinityThat said, with the whole CAPI thing, a P8 workstation would be a force to be reckoned with.22:12
* infinity shakes.22:13
infinitytedg: So, I'll hang on to this WIP branch, but lemme test if it vomits out interesting results if I just skip the testsuite.22:16
tedginfinity, Cool, thanks!22:17

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