
Patrickdknot sure why you would want to disable that00:03
DelemasBecause it also has no way to define the CA files to use so it always fails.00:06
DelemasSo an upgrade resulting in no SMTP or IMAP connections. Very useful webmail...00:07
DelemasIf Ubuntu had a modern squirrelmail release I could just define the options and move on...00:07
DelemasI guess I'm going to have to package it myself...00:08
cryptodan_laptopDelemas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squirrelmail00:09
DelemasThat doesn't help.00:10
cryptodan_laptopthats what came up when I googled squirrelmail ubuntu 14.0400:11
trippehto be fair, it doesnt look like squirrelmail has actually made a release since then00:11
trippehits all "just use a snapshot plz kthx"00:11
Delemassquirrelmail on 14.04 works because it doesn't using php 5.600:11
DelemasThey have a stable snapshot.00:12
cryptodan_laptopcant drop back to 5.5?00:12
DelemasWe are actually running a snapshot now only it was taken in 2012...00:12
Delemasi.e. this if the version in universe: 2:1.4.23~svn20120406-200:13
Patrickdkusing 5.6 is pretty daring, 5.6 is like just released a few months ago I think00:13
Patrickdkoh, universe, that isn't ubuntu supported00:14
Patrickdkhmm, guess it will be a year old soon00:14
Delemas3 years by my count...00:15
trippehmy personal outdated-in-ubuntu pet peeves is amavisd-new and wireless-regdb (both in main)00:15
Delemaswordpress would be another...00:15
Patrickdkhow? release date of php 5.6.0 is aug 201400:15
DelemasAh that makes sense I thought you meant squirrelmail...00:16
trippehwhen debian oldstable ships newer versions than 15.04 ;)00:16
sarnoldtrippeh: the requestsync program can file bug reports about those things for you :)00:24
trippehpretty sure they all have "new upstream release" bugs on them at least00:26
trippehI heard wireless-regdb is beeing worked on now00:26
trippehfinally we can have working 802.11ac ;)00:27
sarnoldfancy, I still think of G as the neat new thing00:27
trippehwell it sorta works, just without its killer feature, the extra performance ;)00:31
trippehoh god squirrelmail is still using sourceforge?00:38
drocsidI'm having trouble increasing ulimit -l max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 6401:03
drocsidin ubuntu server01:03
drocsidin /etc/security/limits.d/elasticsearch.conf01:03
drocsidI set elasticsearch   - memlock unlimited01:03
drocsidand I  tried sysctl -p01:03
drocsidI also tried sudo sysctl --system01:03
drocsidand logging out and back in01:04
drocsidbut locked memory max remains at 64kbytes. How do I change this in ubuntu-server?01:04
sarnolddrocsid: check your /etc/pam.d/ files to make sure you didn't accidentally typo the name /etc/security/limits.d/elasticsearch.conf when you set it up01:05
drocsidsarnold: I just asumed that I could place that file in limits.d, maybe I should just set this in limits.conf instead?01:06
sarnolddrocsid: hmm, maybe you should be able to..I didn't see anything referring the limits.d directory inthe pam_limits manpage so I hadn't realized it already existed.. :)01:07
sarnolddrocsid: .. but low and behold, I've got the limits.d directory too. hah.01:07
sarnolddrocsid: dno't forget that the limits set via the pam_limits module will only affect whatever login mechanisms are configured to use it, via /etc/pam.d/..01:08
drocsidsarnold: from my understanding it's there so you don't goof and mess up all the system limits. But this isn't working01:08
sarnolddrocsid: it's both way simpler than that and way more complicated than that :/ it only affects whatever login mechanisms are configured to use pam_limits via /etc/pam.d/01:09
drocsidIs /etc/security/limits.conf part of pam_limits / pam ?01:09
sarnolddrocsid: so if it is started via an upstart or sysvinit script, pam_limits is never run and those files are never parsed anyway01:10
sarnoldbut if you're logging in as elasticsearch via ssh and need this locked memory limit raised, that'll work fine01:10
drocsidhmm so then since I start the process using the init script as root, let me see what it does.01:11
sarnolddrocsid: try this: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#limit01:11
drocsiddidn't know this was that complicated. :(01:11
sarnoldthe thing is, _something_ needs to run to set those limits.01:11
sarnoldotherwise the limits are inherited from the parent process01:11
sarnoldwell,that's backwards; limits are inherited from parent processes, and if it happens to run as root, and happens to be configured to use pam and pam runs pam_limits....01:12
drocsidlooks like these lines exist in the init script01:12
drocsid      if [ -n "$MAX_OPEN_FILES" ]; then01:12
drocsid                ulimit -n $MAX_OPEN_FILES01:12
drocsid        fi01:12
drocsid       if [ -n "$MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY" ]; then01:12
drocsid                ulimit -l $MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY01:12
drocsid        fi01:12
sarnoldthe end result is that it feels elegant and simple once you know it; and until you know it, it feels incredibly complicated and terrible. :)01:12
drocsidso I will try setting those vars in /etc/default01:12
drocsidand looks like it will set them maybe01:13
sarnoldnice, are those variables inherited from an /etc/default/ file hopefully?01:13
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drocsidit's a big pain in the ass as far as I'm concerned, these simple configs differ between all the distros and init scripts. Setting it one way doesn't work in another environment. :(01:14
drocsidmaybe I'm just not getting it right, but I thought that /etc/security/limits.conf was supposed to set the limits across the system...01:15
drocsidsarnold: thanks01:17
sarnolddrocsid: I can understand :) it took me years before I came to terms with PAM...01:17
sarnolddrocsid: all fixed?01:17
drocsidyeah, the init script takes care of it.01:18
Locke2002There is a gap in my kern logs... How can that happen?01:42
sarnoldLocke2002: of what sort? it's quite common for the kernel to go weeks without logging anything01:43
sarnoldmy currently running kernel has a period of 139 hours with nothing to report :)01:44
Locke2002kern.log.1 ends on May 28, kern.log starts today after an unplanned reboot of my VPS. My SSH session showed root sent shutdown, another log mentioned stopping a service for runlevel 15.01:45
Locke2002maybe my VPS provider did a reboot?01:45
sarnoldit's unusual for vps providers to not at least mention it to you, but there have been some serious xen / qemu issues since then01:46
Locke2002I know it wasn't too sudden, I got all my fail2ban shutdown notifications01:46
patdk-lap depends on the vps provider01:48
patdk-lapmy cloudatcost node randomly reboots all the time01:48
Locke2002haha, ok01:48
patdk-lapI have only ever received one notice about it01:48
sarnoldwith a name like that, it's not too surprising.. :)01:48
patdk-lapeven amazon, same deal01:48
patdk-lapthey give notice on hardware failure though01:48
patdk-lapbut I have aws instances randomly reboot, without warning or notice01:49
patdk-lapon aws01:49
Locke2002is it not unusual that kernel wouldn't have anything to log while shutting down?01:49
patdk-lapwho said it shutdown?01:50
sarnolddang, I don't have any shutdowns in my logs :/01:50
sarnoldpatdk-lap: he had a shutdown notification from root in an ssh session01:50
Locke2002my fail2ban notifications, they were sent out as it was going down01:50
patdk-lapya, you won't get a kernel shutdown notice01:50
patdk-lapit will be readonly by then01:50
Locke2002thanks guys :)01:51
sarnoldLocke2002: usually the best notice you get that a reboot happened is the huge logspam at 0.xxxx seconds in the log01:51
* patdk-lap uses uptime :)01:51
histo 22:01:57 up 70 days, 1 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.0502:01
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lordievaderGood morning.07:36
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trijntjeHi all. I want to start using zfs on ubuntu. Can somebody point me to a good resource to get started? I have no experience with zfs10:23
Slingtrijntje: did you try google? :) the ubuntu wiki has a nice zfs article with a ppa10:33
trijntjeSling: I found the ubuntu wiki article, but I didn't find it very usefull, its pretty general. I was hoping someone here would know of a best practice/tutorial document for running zfs on ubuntu10:36
trijntjeI tried the server guide as well but I couldn't find any mention of zfs10:36
Slingwhat kind of best practice do you mean? zfs kinda does all of its work on its own10:37
Slingalso do you want have a zfs root partition or just separate10:37
trijntjejust separate, I need to store some expensive data and make sure it doesn't silently get corrupted10:45
trijntjeSling: I guess I'm not too sure what I mean, thats the problem when you are completely new to a subject ;)10:45
Slingtrijntje: zfs is mainly self-healing10:46
Slingas long as you keep an eye on the status of your pool/volumes using monitoring (im sure there is a nagios plugin for this) then you're good10:46
bekkstrijntje: https://pthree.org/2012/04/17/install-zfs-on-debian-gnulinux/ - thats the starting point for ZFS on Linux.10:47
trijntjebekks: thanks, I'll go and read that10:54
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
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vikram1Hi all i need to migrate my server from ubuntu 14 to ubuntu server 15 plz help me15:03
lordievadervikram1: sudo do-release-upgrade?15:03
vikram1vil my all database vil b safe ryt bcoz i installed on ubuntu desktop 14 LTS and needed to upgrade to Ubuntu Server 15 LTS15:05
lordievadervikram1: Read the release notes.15:05
vikram1release uipgrade will uopgrade me to desktop release. I want to upgradee / migrate to server edition.15:07
lordievadervikram1: do-release-upgrade only upgrades the packages that are currently installed.15:08
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
vikram1it'll upgrade to desktop to desktop version i need to migrate to desktop edition to server edition15:08
vikram1i have installed my server on Ubuntu 14 LTS desktop edition now. i need to migrate to Ubuntu 15  Server edition and not desktop edition15:10
tewardvikram1: there's no distinction really between "Desktop Edition" and "Server Edition" to the upgrader.15:11
vikram1will migrating from Desktop edition to server edition increase the performance ?15:11
teward`do-release-upgrade` will upgrade everything as is, ignoring the image you've installed with, and doing the upgrade on a package basis15:11
tewardvikram1: removing the GUI portions might help a little, but without further details on your environment it's impossible to figure out what you're trying to achieve other than an upgrade15:12
vikram1Thanks a lot for teward15:12
tewardvikram1: from apt and do-release-upgrade's perspectives, it's upgrading based on the migration path from trusty -> utopic -> vivid15:12
tewardnot the image you used15:12
teward(however 14.04 LTS -> 15.04 will require one additional upgrade, 14.04 LTS -> 14.10, then 14.10 -> 15.04)15:13
tewardunless you absolutely need 15.04 for your environment, i'd suggest keeping the LTS15:13
teward(or, fresh install after backing up the data and determining the applications you need to install)15:13
deadratVikram1 must've installed the default unity desktop in his server. Now he is wondering if changing to Ubuntu server increases performance.15:14
tewarddeadrat: he's installed the Desktop iso15:14
tewarddeadrat: he's also asking two things:  "How do I migrate to Server Edition" and "How do I go from 14.04 LTS to 15.04"?15:14
vikram1What would suggest me as i m using it for internal usage abt 100 users max for a social networking site.15:14
tewarddeadrat: so, removing the GUI bits is not too hard, nor is removing the other apps provided he has a list of what to remove15:15
tewardthe upgrading will be two-stage though15:15
tewardand with each stage he runs the risk of explosions15:15
deadratLet him stay in LTS till next lts release and maybe he can remove the desktop packages that are not required.15:15
tewardand for a server, performance will probably increase since the GUI overhead wouldn't be existing15:16
deadratYup.. So unity and its dependencies must be removed.15:16
tewardas well as libre office and the other installed applicatoins15:17
tewardi should really diff the ubuntu-desktop package and the default server install to find how to purge the GUI components xD15:17
deadratAnd other packages like software centre , Firefox etc.15:17
tewardhence the diffing of the desktop package and the server install xD15:18
deadratWhere can he find the list of packages included?  . they are in release notes, I guess..15:19
tewarddeadrat: i think it's a large enough list that it's not in the release notes15:20
tewardIDK i'd have to check15:20
deadratVikram1 should be able to figure that out.15:21
vikram1thanks a lot guys15:23
deadratU r welcome.15:25
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
mgz_hiya. is there a reason the base ubuntu server image doesn't run ntpd? seems you'd like to avoid clock skew by default.16:29
tonyyarussomgz_: While often a good idea, it's certainly not necessary, and having unnecessary daemons running with open ports is avoided in default configurations.16:37
rbasakmgz_: >= Vivid runs systemd-timesyncd now.17:06
rbasakmgz_: we were going to start running ntpd by default, but no need now.17:06
tewarddoes anyone know what the default charset is for a MySQL table on 12.04?17:07
tewardor do I have to hunt things down?17:07
mgz_rbasak: aha, thanks!17:07
trippehrbasak: good. newer upstream ntpd supports client only modes without gross config hacks though.17:07
mgz_so, still an issue for charms for now but goes away next lts17:08
trippehntpd is the only reason our servers run with conntrack enabled (for UDP only, tho)17:08
trippehntp in ubuntu is also on my list of outdated in ubuntu pet peeves :)17:11
trippehalthough its also outdated in debian, so..17:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bitfuryhey guys, I'm trying to get a rackspace cloud VM going with an older version of Ubuntu (14.04.01 LTS) since they only have .02 I'm booting from an iPXE tool they have available but the only option I see is to use a "preseed" config file.. I have no idea what this is but would it be possible to specify the version I want install along with the ISO to use in there?18:18
sarnoldonce you get to needing a preseed file, the ISO has already been selected and booted..18:20
bitfury:( it's annoying they don't allow uploading an ISO and using it to build your VM..18:21
bitfuryand importing an image into their cloud environment is a pita18:22
sarnoldI'm surprised they don't have the 14.04 or 14.04.1 images available. :/18:23
bitfuryI know :(18:23
lordievaderWhat is wrong with the .02?18:23
bitfurynothing wrong, this is a test box I'm building and we would like to keep same version as production18:24
lordievaderAh. In that way... Hmm.18:31
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bitfurycould I somehow boot from .02 then downgrade .01?18:34
sarnoldit'd probably just be a matter of selecting the proper kernel metapackage, linux-image-generic, linux-tools, linux-generic, etc..18:37
bitfury:\ sounds like hell18:38
sarnoldheh, I can understand; it'd be nicer to just find a 14.04.1 image in their cloud offerings in the first place.18:39
sarnoldbut downgrading a 14.04.2 to the earlier kernel is probably a much easier route than dealing with preseed files.18:40
bitfurythis would be another option: http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/creating-an-ubuntu-1310-image-for-the-rackspace-open-cloud-018:41
bitfurybut looks like a pita too..18:41
bitfurydealing with kickstarter files, XenServer etc18:41
bitfurydamnuuuuu rackspaceee18:42
bitfuryare changes from .1 to .2 significant? I read a different kernel is used18:44
bitfurywould version of packages be different on default installation of both?18:45
sarnoldbitfury: the kernel and X11 family of packages are newer; the .2 kernel will be unsupported sometime in 2016, so you'd have to deal with that eventually. most users would never notice the difference, but it depends what you're going to do with the machine..18:45
sarnold.. the last diagram on this page describes what I mean about the kernel being end-of-lifed before the rest of the release: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:47
bitfuryidea is to have this box running our app for demos, testing is done locally by a developer (using a windows box)18:48
bitfuryI have another local VM running .01 where I test security and package updates18:49
lordievaderbitfury: Dd that over?18:49
bitfurybut I wanted to use this box to test all of this stuff18:49
bitfuryinstead of having a local VM18:49
bitfuryguess I can keep it and then use .02 for demos18:49
bitfurywhat's DD lordievader18:50
lordievaderdd, a bitcopy tool.18:50
bitfurylordievader: hmm ok, 60G transfer to a remote server though..18:54
bitfuryacross the internetz18:54
bitfurynever done it but I assume SSH is involved and that will add overhead.18:55
bitfurymight take a while..18:55
bitfuryfuck it, will roll with .0218:56
lordievaderPlease watch your language.18:56
bitfurythanks guys18:57
sarnoldhave fun bitfury :)19:06
bitfurysarnold: I'll try ;)19:10
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