
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
zombienerdHello all, anyone around?00:16
mariogripawe: now i get this "received=Q and expected=QOEMHOOK", i'm using parcel_w_string00:18
mariogripparcel_w_string(rilp, "QOEMHOOK");00:18
bbxtrHola Hombres00:54
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zombienerd /join #xubuntu04:48
zombienerdof course parsing is wrong. lol.04:48
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dholbachgood morning06:40
Spike_I wondered if I could get a dual boot on a BQ Aquaris 5 Ubuntu touch / Android07:56
Spike_If it is possible it's definetely going to be my next smartphone07:57
ogra_it wont be sold like that, no ... but the saystem is all open :)07:57
Spike_Well i knw that it's not goign to be sold this way however I visited BQ's website this morning07:58
ogra_(someone could surely make it work with multirom or some such... with some passion and knowledge)07:58
Spike_ and I saw the Aquaris E5 ++ with 1080p screen07:58
Spike_ that was kinda affordable07:58
ogra_that wont be sold with ubuntu07:58
ogra_only the 720p version07:59
Spike_ that's why i wondered if I could get a dual boot working on such a device07:59
Spike_I mean the only tutorial i coul dfind on ubuntu07:59
Spike_ was how to replace07:59
Spike_android by ubunut07:59
Spike_ ubuntu08:00
Spike_I used to have a dual boot on my old galaxy nexus08:00
Spike_ android / Ubuntu08:00
Spike_it was not very efficient so i got rid of my ubuntu part08:00
Spike_but the perspective of getting a dual boot on a BQ could worth a try08:01
ogra_there are nexus4, 7 and nexus5 support in multiboot, talk to Tassadar (once he is around) he made them work i think08:01
ogra_but you wont easily get that with a non supported device since you would have to do a full port first08:01
fummyhi, is the battery life on nexus 5 still aweful?08:02
Spike__Ok thanks08:05
Spike__sorry got disconnected08:05
JamesTaitGood morning, folks! Happy Repeat Day, and happy Repeat Day! 😃08:51
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pittiogra_: lxc-android-config has ./etc/init/ureadahead.override with "manual" -- I'm confused, didn't you say we want/need ureadahead for bootspeed?09:06
ogra_pitti, yes, look deeper :)09:09
ogra_there are more ureadahead jobs ...09:09
ogra_we dont have a rootfs setup like the original ureadahead expects ... ureadahead-touch re-orders the scan to take the specific mounts setup into account09:09
pittiogra_: aaah! thanks, I missed that09:10
ogra_(the -touch variant also starts a lot earlier since we do the mounting in initrd)09:10
seb128kenvandine, mandel, hey, I've an issue with some updates on bq/vivid, one app is listed for upgrade (umetronome 1.5), I can upgrade it and it lists "no upgrade available" but the update comes back every time I reopen the updates screen09:13
mandelseb128, cound that be because it targets a diff framework? I know ken did some work on that so that we did filter the contents09:14
ogra_pitti, since i got you here  :) ... do youi know if there are any plans to have support for bootchart like io-graphs (cpu/disk) in the systemd equivalent ? i find the systemd charts rather useless without that info09:14
seb128mandel, different framework than?09:14
seb128mandel, it's the same one that was listed on bq/rtm and failed to upgrade because it was requiring sdb 15.04 which was not available, but that's available on vivid09:14
mandelseb128, I know some apps targeted the framework in vivid when we were in trusty and that caused problems09:15
seb128but that device is on the vivid channel now09:15
seb128and the upgrade seems to happen fine09:15
seb1281.5 is installed09:15
ogra_frameworks are backwards compatible (at least on paper)09:15
ogra_it shouldnt block the download/installation09:15
pittiogra_: I don't understand -- what's missing on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/bootchart-20150603-1115.svg ?09:15
pittiogra_: these have more info than the ones from our "bootchart" package..09:16
ogra_pitti, oooh !09:16
ogra_how do i get that ?09:16
pittiogra_: oh, were you perhaps looking at systemd-analyze plot?09:16
ogra_thats with the init= modification, i see09:16
pittiogra_: init=/lib/systemd/systemd-bootchart (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootCharting)09:16
* ogra_ hugs pitti 09:16
pittiogra_: ah, yes; analyze plot only knows the timestamps, there is no additional probing09:16
ogra_(your Xorg is slow :P )09:17
pittiogra_: i. e. analyze plot is always available and has no overhead; bootchart is on request and has the usual probing overhead/slowdown09:17
seb128ogra_, the update installs fine, and it's installed, but it keeps being listed in the update panel still despite being uptodate09:17
pittiogra_: nah, I just had to type my password into lightdm, and mistyped once..09:17
ogra_seb128, ah, then i misunderstood ... still though, the framework shouldnt be the issue, is your disk full ?09:17
seb128ogra_, no it's not, there is like 1.5G09:18
seb128the install looks fine09:18
ogra_anything in logs ?09:18
seb128unsure how u-d-m determine there is an update09:18
seb128the log looks like it finds an update and install it09:18
seb128no error I can see09:18
seb128ogra_, mandel, in fact that click is installed twice09:19
ogra_aha !09:19
seb128        "_directory": "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/com.ubuntu.developer.monichols.umetronome",09:19
seb128        "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2",09:20
seb128        "_directory": "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/umetronome.otter",09:20
seb128        "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-15.04",09:20
seb128 09:20
seb128so I guess it finds the first one09:20
ogra_namespace change ...09:20
seb128and try to update09:20
ogra_beuno, ^^^^09:20
pittiogra_: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/bootchart-20150603-1119.svg <- with autologin (but compiz is still slow, we know that :)09:20
ogra_not to bad !09:21
pittiogra_: but I suppose the QEMU video driver isn't the fastest either :)09:21
ogra_heh, yeah09:21
seb128pitti, 7s to loaded desktop? it's quite good :-)09:21
pittiseb128: well, cheating -- there's no I/O as it's a cached QEMU image09:22
pittithat's why CPU utilization is perfect09:22
pittii. e. it tells us that we at least don't spend time with useless waiting09:22
pittiI haven't done a bootchart on my laptop for a while, I ought to do that09:23
nhainesWhat's the process for approving Ubuntu Store updates for the phone these days?09:32
nhainesI just updated tutanota-webapp.nhaines, which passed all tests.  And I think the last time I had a minor update it sat around for a few days.  I basically dropped the custom user agent string and added "content_exchange" to the policy groups.09:33
mandelseb128, that is not in our area of expertise ;)09:37
seb128mandel, I guess that's one for beuno?09:38
mandelseb128, yes, or for the click people09:38
mandelseb128, we just download and make calls09:39
nhainesHuh, looks like it sailed right through this time.  Well, thanks.  :)09:41
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mcphailIs there a way to configure the fron page of the Ubuntu Store to only feature apps/scopes which are available in your language?10:18
davidcallemcphail, not yet10:18
mcphaildavidcalle: ok, thanks. Do you know if that feature is planned?10:19
davidcallemcphail, it would make sense to have it IMHO, but I don't know if it's on the roadmap. thostr_ ? ^10:20
mcphailIt would be good, particualryl as you can't even cut/paste the text to put through Google Translate to see what the current "Highlight of the week" is/does10:22
thostr_davidcalle: mcphail: we don't have this on our roadmap, but from scope side this should be easy/quickly to do if we support that on the store side10:24
mcphailthostr_: I hope the Chinese Meizu phone is a roaring success, but don't anticipate a lot of the Chinese scopes will be interesting/relevant to me without translation. As such, I hope I can screen them out10:25
popeysame for comments / reviews10:27
davidcalleOn the bright side, the store API seems to be ready on that front (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ClickPackageIndex#Localisation)10:28
mcphailThat's good to know10:28
* mcphail makes a mental note to include gettext support in anything he writes for the store10:30
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popeywe are!?10:50
brunch875hillarious article10:52
brunch875whatsapp service straight into the OS10:53
nik90brunch875: why is that bad? It won't be installed by default, but the user can choose to install dropbox as a service.10:53
nik90brunch875: I have seen imgur services which when installed doesnt show up as an application, but only when using content-hub as a destination to share images10:54
brunch875I think we're not using the same definition of service10:55
lotuspsychjewhatsapp for androis is very unsecure, i wonder how that will turnout from touch?10:55
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nik90lotuspsychje: insecure as in others can read messages while it is being sent?10:56
faenilaren't they using textsecure protocol nowadays?10:57
lotuspsychjenik90: yeah many security flaws in whatsapp for android10:57
faenillibaxoctl, whatever10:57
lotuspsychjenik90: lucky we have telegram now10:57
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oSoMoNnerochiaro, there are two minor conflicts when merging your keyboard navigation branch into the latest trunk, can you please resolve them?11:04
nerochiarooSoMoN: i will be on that shortly11:04
nerochiarooSoMoN: merged11:27
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
oSoMoNnerochiaro, thanks11:31
brunch875the OTA4 looks so promising I want to jump into the devel channel11:40
mcphailbrunch875: so what's sopping you :) - easy enough to go back...11:42
brunch875arggh, I'm just scared I might brick it big time11:42
lotuspsychjeim on devel-proposed with nexus7 and i just love it11:43
jgdxbrunch875, how would you brick it?11:43
* popey notes latest gets 3 more points on html5test.com over current11:43
mcphailbrunch875: all flashing carries risks, but for androidy-type things there is usually a solution to reflash through recovery11:43
mcphailbrunch875: and changing channels isn't that much different to an OTA :)11:44
jgdxI wonder what the actual risk is, given the amount of devices and the amount of flashings between the participants in this channel11:44
brunch875It's more or less a phobia... my first smartphone was a windows6.5; I continued with windows7 and that device bricked itself with a normal update11:44
brunch875and I couldn't get to talk to it via USB or anything11:45
brunch875but what the hell... this thing is much better done11:45
jgdxbrunch875, bq?11:45
brunch875besides, it should help the developers debug, shouldn't it?11:45
brunch875nah, it was an HTC mozart I think11:46
jgdxnopf, your current device11:46
brunch875yeah, BQ11:46
mcphailbrunch875: yes - if it hard-bricks, the devs here will buy you a new one. I'll make that promise on their behalf :)11:46
jgdxi'll chip in11:46
jgdx$10 is what 10%?11:46
* mcphail would like to point out he is not a dev and will not be contributing to the new phone11:47
popeychanging channel is _way_ less intrusive than flashing android11:47
brunch875fine fine, you convinced me!11:47
brunch875which channel should I get then, devel proposed?11:47
popeyor wait a week and get it when all the other people do :)11:47
popeyubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en is the channel I have mine on11:47
mcphailbrunch875: do you like the bq-specific apps/scopes?11:47
brunch875euuuh, I don't really use them11:48
brunch875in fact, I don't even think I know which ones they are :p11:48
brunch875the only scope I really use is the news one11:49
brunch875I'll copy popee11:50
mcphailbrunch875: I suppose the benefits of the channels with "bq" in the name is you get the HERE maps and GPS database11:52
brunch875unfortunalely the GPS doesn't work...11:53
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beunoogra_, seb128, mandel, what what?11:58
seb128beuno, updates list some click that needs to be updated even if it's uptodate11:59
seb128beuno,         "_directory": "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/com.ubuntu.developer.monichols.umetronome",11:59
seb128         "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2",11:59
seb128         "_directory": "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/umetronome.otter",11:59
seb128         "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-15.04",11:59
seb128beuno, seems like that's installed under different names and confuses things11:59
beunoseb128, different names are different apps for the systems12:00
beunoso the developer re-uploaded under a new namespace12:00
seb128beuno, well, not sure what's going on but I've a "umetronome 1.5" update listed every time I open the panel, and installing it works fine12:01
seb128that version is installed but it keeps wanting to "upgrade" to it12:01
seb128so I guess the update panel gets confused by the rename and think the old name has an update when it doesn't or something12:01
beunoseb128, so that piece of json comes from the client, no the server12:02
beunothere is no rename as such, the device would see and update them separately12:03
beunoit's all namespace-based12:03
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beunoif there's 2 different strings, it's 2 different apps12:03
beunoso something else is confused12:03
beunothe call to the server doesn't tell if there's something new12:04
beunoyou tell it what apps you have, and it tells you what the latest versions are12:04
seb128beuno, k, I guess it's a bug in the updates panel backend and needs debugging there12:05
seb128beuno, I'm going to try to have a look12:05
brunch8752015/06/03 14:02:43 Rebooting into recovery to flash12:05
brunch875Failed to enter Recovery12:05
brunch875well damn12:06
* brunch875 crosses fingers and waits for de ubuntu logo to finish spinning on his phone12:06
beunoseb128, I can't think of what would trigger it, sorry  :(12:06
ogra_if you havent installed an unlocked recovery that message is normal12:06
seb128beuno, no worry12:06
brunch875splash screens make me nervous :P I always hit ESC when booting my computer12:07
brunch875I guess the average human is afraid of screen outputs12:08
brunch875Aaaand the phone made it alive! Wooo! There's no doubt the ubuntu team made the flashing tool amazing12:12
brunch875Cheers guys!12:12
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jgdxi just found that I am physically unable to write "TRANSLATORS" by using shift to make capital letters12:32
jgdxor, err.. it could be a bug in keyboard driver12:32
seb128jgdx, what's the issue?12:33
jgdxseb128, I press SHIFT then "T" "R" and then "A" and I get "TAR" back12:33
seb128is that on a desktop?12:34
seb128or osk on a device?12:34
jgdxdell xps 1312:34
seb128in what editor?12:34
seb128how does that work, you are supposed to get letter entered in real time12:34
jgdxgnome-terminal, gedit12:34
seb128what happens when you hit R?12:34
seb128does it input a R?12:35
jgdxI think T and R are down simultaneously at some point12:35
seb128does that go back and change it when you enter the third char?12:35
seb128you press shift12:35
seb128then hit T and relase the key12:35
seb128then hit R and release the key12:35
popeyPilot error :)12:36
seb128I don't understand what you are doing :-/12:36
jgdxit was originally meant as a joke on myself12:36
jgdxso no wonder :P12:36
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dholbachhum... I can't add a PIN for my phone (to enable developer mode) - I'm on devel-proposed12:56
dholbachanyone else having the same problem?12:56
seb128dholbach, PIN != developer mode12:57
ogra_uh, devel-proposed ? thats quite brave12:57
seb128dholbach, the developer mode has to do with password, that can be pincode or passphrase12:57
dholbachseb128, what am I supposed to do with your reply? :)12:57
ogra_(zero QA ... not planned to go onto phones etc)12:57
dholbachseb128, I can't add a pincode (step 1) to enable developer mode (step 2) :)12:58
seb128dholbach, well, try to change the unlock mode rather than the PIN12:58
seb128dholbach, PIN is a SIM card thing12:58
dholbachsorry, in the german translation it says PIN12:58
seb128dholbach, go to settings about -> dev mode, select the bottom item to change auth mode12:58
seb128can you select passphrase?12:58
seb128what is not working when you select a pin?12:59
ogra_yeah, in german it somehow is "PIN" and "SIM-PIN"12:59
dholbachyes, but when I try to set the password, it says "security mode can't be enabled"12:59
ogra_not sure why :P12:59
dholbachor whatever the English equivalent is12:59
dholbachsame as with the pincode12:59
seb128mterry, ^ do you have any idea about that?12:59
nik90ogra_: so I should be testing stuff on which channel exactly? devel ?13:00
* ogra_ would just say "its wily, who cares" but i guess a few people would disagree13:00
seb128dholbach, seems like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/146001713:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1459730 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1460017 passcode set on device, developer mode->lock security" disagrees" [Low,Incomplete]13:00
dholbachah ok13:00
seb128dholbach, is that the first boot after install? try to reboot13:00
ogra_nik90, one fo the rc-proposed ones13:00
dholbachno, not first boot13:00
seb128dholbach, weird :-/ maybe try to reboot anyway...13:01
nik90ogra_: ack.13:01
seb128ogra_, yeah, I disagree, wily is trunk and where most of the bugfixes land, we have a stack of improvements and fixes that are not in the vivid overlay13:01
dholbachseb128, I just rebooted, but I'll try to again13:01
seb128dholbach, sorry, dunno then :-/13:01
mterryseb128, dholbach: huh, reading13:01
ogra_seb128, and wily is planned to break heavily soon13:02
seb128ogra_, well, we need somewhere to land fixes13:02
seb128unsure where that is13:02
ogra_seb128, i wouldnt even test against any of tehse images, i have no idea who made such insane requirements13:02
ogra_seb128, imho it should be somewhere else ... or snappy development for phones needs to be somewhere else13:03
ogra_either way the two wont go well together i guess ... until snappy is stabilized13:03
seb128ogra_, yeah, just saying that atm we don't have any place where to do phone work13:03
ogra_vivid+overlay ...13:03
seb128ogra_, we have fixes landing in vcs trunk, but that's mapped to no usable serie13:03
seb128ogra_, haha, good one13:03
ogra_probably we should have vivid+overlay+overlay ;)13:03
seb128well maybe it's better after ota413:03
seb128but atm with things frozen it sucks13:04
mterryseb128, dholbach: not sure why that would happen specifically, seems like wizard fails to set password, but it's really weird that a reboot fixes it13:04
dholbachmterry, let me see if a reboot fixes it over here13:05
dupingpingHow can i get ubuntu touch source?13:05
seb128mterry, dholbach's case seems different, it's not after first boot for him13:05
mterryseb128, dholbach: ah13:05
dupingpingIt's very urgent.13:05
seb128mterry, but it's the same error13:05
dupingpingHow can i get Ubuntu Touch source?13:05
dupingpingIt's close source?13:05
seb128dupingping, sources are in launchpad13:05
dupingpingor open source?13:05
dupingpingseb128, oh, sir. let me try.13:06
seb128dupingping, http://code.launchpad.net/<source> for <source> you are interested in13:06
seb128dupingping, e.g https://code.launchpad.net/telephony-service to pick a random component13:06
dupingpingit shows me something.13:07
nik90ogra_: what's the difference between ubuntu-touch/rc/ubuntu-developer and ubuntu-touch/rc/ubuntu ?13:07
dupingpingBut I could not choose anyone.13:07
nik90ogra_: nvr mind I see the following statement "Channel with a developer-oriented custom tarball, including extra payload useful for app-developers"13:09
oSoMoNnerochiaro, there’s one autopilot test that’s broken in the keyboard-navigation branch, I’ve commented on the MR13:25
nerochiarooSoMoN: weird, they all worked when i tried them. looking13:28
elopioElleo: do you have a guide of how to add layouts to the keyboard?13:51
Elleoelopio: not really, I started writing one; but it's rather incomplete and I'm currently in the process of completely changing the way layouts are created (making them *much* simpler, and possible to be distributed as click packages)13:53
Elleoelopio: so its probably best to wait until the new layout mechanism lands before embarking on the creation of any new layouts13:53
Elleoelopio: as the new ones are basically just simple json files that are incredibly easy to create, instead of whole custom QML layouts as the current ones are13:54
elopioElleo: ok. I want to write a simple one for Esperanto, so when you have something ready, let me know and I'll beta test it :)13:54
Elleoelopio: okay, cool :)13:54
elopioElleo: what I saw was a lot of duplication, for the normal, email and url mode.13:54
Elleoelopio: the old mechanism was nasty in a whole number of ways, which is why I'm glad to be replacing it ;)13:55
elopiook, thank you.13:55
elopioI'll wait.13:55
Elleoelopio: http://mikeasoft.com/~mike/keyboard_layout.json <-- this is basically all you have to do now to create all the layouts (it's using escaped unicode in that example, but it should work with unicode chars directly embedded in the json too)13:57
Elleoemail/url are still fully defined layouts, so there's still potentially some duplication there, but overall its much simpler13:58
elopioElleo: cool, +1.13:59
elopioyes, I see {"shifted": ["Q", "1"], "default": ["q", "1"]}, three times.13:59
elopiomight be nice to define a section that applies to all the modes.13:59
elopiobut that's just a detail, this is a huge improvement already.13:59
popeyElleo: do you have an ETA on when that will be done?13:59
Elleoelopio: yeah, that'd need some co-ordination with the skeyer team though, as these json files are also used to provide spatial information for much better auto-correct14:00
elopiooh, nice.14:00
Elleopopey: I have stuff that roughly works for a couple of layouts (with bugs) now, there's probably another few weeks of work in it, but I have some other content-hub stuff to do this sprint, so probably won't be finished for another sprint or two14:01
MirvElleo: there's an old spreadsheet request about "prototype of integration with libskeyer". can it be removed or do you + bfiller want eg a wily or dual landing silo for it for testing?14:01
ElleoMirv: as far as I'm concerned it probably isn't needed (we can create a new silo when all this is actually ready); bfiller ^?14:03
bfillerElleo: it's fine to free it14:03
MirvElleo: bfiller: thanks, cleaning up14:04
elopioping boiko: I'm trying to make a test with UriHandler. I'm looking at your code here and trying to understand how it works:14:11
elopioboiko: when you launch the application with message:///test, then that will be passed to the qml in uris?14:11
boikoelopio: when launching with URIs, it will be handle by the C++ code14:12
elopioboiko: but that's because you are calling application.parseArgument? or it will never hit this code?14:13
boikoelopio: that line is for when the app is already running and an URI is passed to the app via url-dispatcher14:13
boikoelopio: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/messaging-app/trunk/view/head:/src/messagingapplication.cpp#L8414:14
jgdxkenvandine, could you take a look at what I added to the punch list?14:17
jgdxI think we'd best warn in that case as well14:17
kenvandineit's inline with what we decided for the other case14:19
kenvandineso good14:19
nik90popey: quick question, I flashed ubuntu-touch/rc/ubuntu-developer and it doesn't seem to have the ubuntu-sdk-15.04 framework..Isn't this the channel from which OTA-4 will be cut?14:48
nik90or do I need to be on ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu-developer to get it?14:48
popeyhm, I honestly don't know.14:48
popeyI don't think it's going to come from that channel though14:48
popeymore likely from a -proposed one14:49
nik90I will flash the rc-proposed one and check now14:49
popeysil2100: will know where the image comes from for ota414:49
sil2100nik90: the image will be taken from ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/*14:50
sil2100nik90: it will only be copied to the rc channel once preliminary tests pass14:51
nik90sil2100: what is the purpose of the ubuntu-touch/rc/* channel for a beta tester/user14:51
ogra_it is the "stable" channel14:51
sil2100Not really stable ;)14:51
nik90ogra_: well there is ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu for that ;)14:52
sil2100The rc channel is like the preliminary place for stable images14:52
nik90sil2100: ah ok..I understand14:52
sil2100So, the idea of the rc channel currently is - the stable channel in theory gets updates once per month, while RC can get those more often, we copy images there once QA is done with testing14:52
ogra_nik90, ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu is a community channel ... different images14:52
sil2100But we only copy images from the rc channel to stable once we have an OTA planned and the device manufacturers are happy with the images14:53
sil2100(at least until we still ask manufacturers for feedback before release)14:53
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
oSoMoNnerochiaro, I found a few more functional issues on the keyboard navigation branch, commented there15:21
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, caught up with basic auth, i will try to address them all before the end of today or first thing tomororw15:21
oSoMoNnerochiaro, thanks15:21
oSoMoNnerochiaro, unrelated, but there are conflicts when merging https://code.launchpad.net/~uriboni/webbrowser-app/merge-url-functions/+merge/257641 into trunk, when you have a moment can you resolve them?15:28
nerochiarooSoMoN: wow, that's an old one15:30
oSoMoNyeah, it had fallen off my radar, let’s try to merge it with the next landing15:31
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
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elopiotedg: I now can launch the application with url-dispatcher. But if the application is already opened, and I call url-dispatcher on it, it's closed.16:08
elopioshould that scenario be supported with what you told me to do?16:08
brunch875DAMNIT! This wifi is terrible! Is tethering implemented yet?16:11
tedgelopio, Is it focused? And then you're sending a new URL to it?16:16
elopioyes, and yes.16:17
kenvandinebrunch875, it is real close16:17
kenvandinewifi hotspot that is16:17
kenvandinei think usb tethering already works... if you know the magic to enable it :)16:17
dupingpingmlt, hi16:18
elopiotedg: yes, and yes. (forgot the ping)16:18
tedgelopio, So that could be a shell bug, we just in that case ask for it to be focused. Not sure what they do with an app that is focused that focuses again.16:19
elopiotedg: let me try unfocused.16:19
dobeywhy is adb so fidgety on devel-proposed?16:32
ogra_dobey, because devel proposed isnt for using it ?16:33
ogra_thats wily16:33
ogra_(probably adb knows that :) )16:33
dobeyogra_: right, and i am trying to test stuff for landing in wily. but i don't see why adb would be affected and my phablet-shell session would keep getting disconnected16:34
ogra_yeah, i dont know either ... i really dont get how we can say on one hand "wily isnt for phones" and also plan to break it to a point where it will be unbootable for a while and at the same time ask people to test there16:35
dobeyogra_: well, i guess we can't really break it to the point it's unbootable, since proposed migration blocks on a boot test for things that are shipped on the phone images?16:36
ogra_we will have to16:36
ogra_else we wont be able to switch to snappy16:37
dobeyanyway, we aren't at that point yet16:37
ogra_at some point we will need to replace the initrd16:37
dobeyso i don't see why adb is having issues *now*16:37
ogra_i dont either16:37
ogra_what device is that16:37
ogra_well, i dont think anything changed in adb since several months16:38
dobeyright, and the android bits are the same as in vivid/rtm images, no?16:38
ogra_in facct adb hasnt even been rebuilt in wily16:39
ogra_the android package has though ... but only for dropping the remaining dead code of grouper16:39
ogra_(and it hardcodes its own toolchain, so shouldnt be binary different to vivid)16:40
ogra_dobey, if it would be really flaky i would expect plars to scream and shout though ... could it be your host ?16:44
dobeyogra_: i guess it could be, but i've only just started having these issues the past couple of days (granted, i haven't actually done any testing on the device for a while, and was on vacation last week)16:45
plarsdobey: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu seems to be booting on mako ok for the most part16:46
dobeyplars: yeah, it boots and works mostly fine for me. i'm only having a problem with adb being flaky while i'm trying to use phablet-shell16:47
plars214 at least got that far, but we did have some test failures it looks like. As for the boottest process, that only runs on krillin16:47
dobeyor maybe it's not adb that's flaky, but sshd?16:47
plarsdobey: for smoke runs, we do things over adb. I have problems with ssh a lot to phones here lately when trying to mess with adt-run and boottest though16:47
plarslots of adt-run failures with 255, which means some command it was running over ssh died because of ssh I believe16:48
dobeyso i guess you are seeing the same issue :)16:48
plarsfor smoke runs though ssh doesn't get used16:48
taiebotLove the new header animation on shorts-reboot. Is it a design decision ? In other word will it be used in other apps?16:52
brunch875kenvandine: I'm glad you guys almost have the wifi tethering done. Keep up the good work!16:54
brunch875usb tethering refused to work on my old android for some reason16:54
brunch875ubuntu has great potential16:55
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
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xdfhHi! Here https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/devices/ it was mentioned that there is a community edition of ubuntu touch for nexus 7 (2012), but here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices there is no link for install, is it possible to install ubuntu on 2012 revision of nexus 7 ?17:45
EksHi everyone, how can I fix my gps ?? When I try to use maps a message says geolocation failed17:46
EksIs there no way to make Ubuntu works?17:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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dobeyogra_: ah, so. apparently the usb 2.x header in my pc case is acting up now. :(18:04
dobeyxdfh: no, there is no image build for it any more18:04
xdfhwhat's a pity!:(18:04
dobeyxdfh: the first link says "may be" (not that there is, only that it's a possibility that someone might build one)18:05
dobeyxdfh: unfortunately, it's a tegra device, so the hardware is not really usable with the current aosp and ubuntu versions as i understand it18:06
xdfhisn't a cyanogen mode based on aosp? it works on 2012 nexus18:07
dobeyi don't know what the cm build for the 2012 n7 is comprised of18:08
dobeymaybe the xda-dev forum has more info about that18:08
xdfhCyanogenMod 12.0, ROM for the Nexus 7  Contributors Thömy ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop ROM Kernel: Linux 3.1.x Based On: AOSP18:12
mcphailHa - just created the world's least friendly app for Ubuntu - a syncthing client which runs in the background18:15
mcphailWorks well but needs command-line configuration18:15
mcphailProof, however, that complex apps can run in the background without special permissions18:16
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taieboteks: which device?18:25
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
dobeytaiebot: eks left :)18:36
taiebotdobey: thanks for letting me know18:37
ahoneybunwe should try to port to this'18:43
ahoneybun250 unlocked in the US18:43
ahoneybundual sim18:43
taiebotahoneybun. my next phone will be supported by ubuntu, Sim free and powerfull :-D. I do think patience is a virtue.18:48
dobeyahoneybun: i think it's 'blue' that also makes dual sim phones for us market, if you want a moderate dual sim phone18:49
ahoneybunyea they do and unlocked as well.18:50
taiebotahoneybun unlock means sim free no?18:51
ahoneybunmy phone is unlocked and it has a SIM18:51
ahoneybununlock means no contact unless you sign on18:51
ahoneybunI jump between Cricket and Ting18:51
ahoneybunno contact to say with one or the other18:51
zombienerdlocked/unlocked refers to the network provider.18:52
zombienerdA locked phone can only be used on one network, generally the one who sold the phone18:52
dobeyahoneybun: "sim free" means "sim unlocked"18:52
ahoneybunhell even Verizon has SIM cards18:52
taiebotahoneybun ok we are on the same page i though you were saying unlock boot loader18:52
ahoneybunno no18:52
dobeyverizon doesn't have sim cards18:53
ahoneybun4G SIM cards18:53
zombienerdMy last three verizon phones had simds18:53
zombienerdMotorola Droid 2 Global, Motorola Droid 4, and Samsung Galaxy Stratosphere 218:53
dobeyhad sims, or had sim slots?18:54
ahoneybunHTC One M7 needed a 4G SIM card to use the their 4G network18:54
zombienerdI still have my old Verizon sim cards from before I switched to AT&T18:54
taieboti like the new meizu m2 which can do either two sim card or one sim + an Sd card18:54
* ahoneybun is with Cricket (AT&T)18:54
dobeyoh, maybe they are moving into the modern age now then18:55
dobeywell, aside from the fact that it's still a total ripoff18:55
zombienerdI just wish they'd squash the tethering bug for Mako already.. I need to tether.18:56
dobeyhmm, oxide and QtNetwork are using different ssl certificate stores?20:36
brunch875Telegram is running very very very very slowly. Is there any folder I can delete to "reset" it?20:50
brunch875/home/phablet/.cache/com.ubuntu.telegram/ <---- I deleted this folder and now telegram goes torpedo-fast21:06
lotuspsychjeno auto cache cleaning inside?21:06
brunch875I would get rid of cache altogether... it seems to do more harm than good21:10
brunch875I noticed no difference after deleting that folder other than the speed enhancement21:10
lotuspsychjei do the same on firefox, cache buffer 021:10
nvidiawwhat do you have to type to get windows on the phone?21:11
lotuspsychjenvidiaw: on wich phone21:12
nvidiawbq e4.521:12
lotuspsychjenvidiaw: why do you want windows on an ubuntu phone?21:13
nvidiawi like windows :D21:13
lotuspsychjenvidiaw: i think you better join in ##windows then21:13
nvidiaw:)) probably21:13
lotuspsychjenvidiaw: you dont like ubuntu touch?21:14
nvidiawi love it21:14
lotuspsychjenvidiaw: you wanna dualboot touch and windows then?21:14
nvidiawah.. no... i just want windows21:15
nvidiawwindowed mode21:15
nvidiawnever mind :P21:16
dobeyyou want to use your phone like a normal pc you mean?21:16
dobeythe e4.5 does not have that feature, and it is not ready yet. the first phone with convergence support will be out later this year21:17
nvidiawi know, i just want to play with the windowed mode21:17
dobeyso short answer is "wait patiently" :)21:17
nvidiawwaiting :D21:18
brunch875will anything break if I wipe the .cache folder?21:18
dobeybrunch875: if it does, it's a bug21:18
* brunch875 goes at it21:19
nvidiawit think i found it :D hehe gsettings list-keys com.canonical.Unity821:23
brunch875well, almost everything is reloading now as if I just installed it21:23
nvidiawand there is usage-mode - probably windowed21:23
brunch875but some apps seem to be running faster21:24
brunch875(which makes the uu game more difficult!)21:24
cm-tstaying at  lvl 84 for a week ! (uu)21:25
* brunch875 is at 18621:26
brunch875we gotta nag the author to add high-scores21:27
brunch875online highscores21:27
brunch875I wonder if there's a level limit21:27
brunch875for me the sticks are now larger than the horizontal space21:27
* brunch875 is off to sleep21:28
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nvidiawgsettings set com.canonical.Unity8 usage-mode Windowed21:38
nvidiawworks :D windows on the phone21:38
mariogripnvidiaw: also you can use the openstore to download an app called TweakGeek, that has a settin for window mode21:39
nvidiawuuuuuuuuu nice! thanks!21:40
mariogripnvidiaw: if i remember correctly you might need to run 15.04 (rc_ to use window mode, but you can give it a try.21:43
mariogrip(rc (or better) channel)21:44
=== howefield is now known as howefield_afk
yayahello sir23:47
yayaare you there?23:47
yayai need htc desire bravo rom for ubuntu manufacture by nikoz but how i download   http://downloads.nikez.nu/ wapsite not working23:49
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
OerHeksyaya, that post from nikoz was 2013, and points originally to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip i think23:58

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