
mapps1 tv ep then home:D05:33
knightwisehey everyone05:39
mappsep 4 of motive time;)05:40
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:11
knightwisemorning peeps07:17
brobostigonmorning MooDoo and knightwise07:23
TwistedLucidityIt's 2015 and Windows *still* has a file path limit of about 255. *sob*07:34
TwistedLuciditypopey: http://www.reddit.com/r/thebutton/comments/387qd5/a_short_list_of_marriages_that_ended_quicker_than/07:36
popeyi dont quite understand this sub07:36
TwistedLucidityIt could be many things. A Reddit-lotto affair, some psych test to see how quickly/not people press the button, to let the reptilain alien overlords know who to spare....07:37
TwistedLucidityResets at halfway, which is odd07:38
TwistedLucidityI wanted to get "0001"07:38
TwistedLucidityI wonder if digging into the JS is cheating.....07:38
popeyi think it resets when _someone_ presses it07:38
popeyjust went to 9s for me07:39
TwistedLucidityAh...a global reset.07:40
TwistedLucidityGot down to 09xx there.07:40
* TwistedLucidity ponders fiddling with network connection07:40
popey\o/ 37 hours and 73% battery left on bq phone07:41
popey(37 hours since last charge)07:41
TwistedLucidityGenuinely interested in the "convergent" one that's coming out.07:42
TwistedLucidityI have no use case for it (at the moment) but it just...I like me toys07:43
popeyi like the idea of it too07:43
TwistedLucidityAlthough having the carry the monitor, keyboard and mouse around is a tad inconvenient.07:43
TwistedLucidityWe need Canonical Contact. An on-cornea display07:44
TwistedLucidityThen Canoncial Electro-tat, so a keyboard can be tattooed onto the arm of choice07:44
TwistedLucidityThen a mossy will bite you on "Esc" and all heck will break loose!07:44
popeyin 2015 I predict people will be able to own more than one keyboard and screen, and maybe even leave them in different locations which might be purpose built for "living" and "working"07:45
popeymaybe I'm just a dreamer...07:45
TwistedLuciditySays the telecommuter....07:46
* popey notes he has both "work" and "live" locations07:46
* TwistedLucidity offers a "working in your pants" high-507:46
TwistedLucidityI'm not actually sure I could go back to an office. For starters, at home I have coffee that's actually drinkable.07:47
TwistedLucidityAnd better Internet.07:47
popeyI miss people sometimes07:47
popeyI end up talking to strangers when I'm out07:48
popeywhich gets me funny looks07:48
diploI do too, I've gone from working with 200~ ish people to 1 :/07:48
TwistedLucidityI had a hamster to keep me company in the office (seriously, it worked).07:48
TwistedLucidityNow my g/f works from home too and we also have a dog.07:48
diploAlways thought I would love working like this, but it sucks at times07:48
TwistedLuciditySo the house is busy07:48
TwistedLucidityI used to keep the news running sometimes07:48
popeyI even shut doors around the house to force the cats to sleep in my office07:49
TwistedLuciditySee, hamster is better that way. I lives in a cage.07:49
TwistedLucidityBut only for about 2 years, which kinda sucks07:49
foobarrysecond monitor is connected, xrandr does not show it connected. was working until recently. any ideas?08:32
foobarryremoved power , and battery. fixed the problem!08:36
JamesTaitGood morning, folks! Happy Repeat Day, and happy Repeat Day! 😃08:51
MooDoohowdy knightwise09:53
knightwisehey MooDoo , how are you10:23
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MooDooknightwise: good thanks, just reading my python programming for beginners book10:56
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knightwiseMooDoo: our geekling showed me a site to learn to program with python using a game to teach you11:22
MooDooyeah i've got this book called python programming for the absolute beginner, that teaches you with games.11:23
brobostigonreminds me, i was talking cryptography with my gf's son yesterday, and he is only 9.11:26
knightwisebrobostigon: cool :) never too young to learn11:30
brobostigonmy thought exactly as well, :)11:31
TwistedLucidityWhat are you trying to hide, brobostigon. Camoron's Good Citizen Patrol demands answers!11:31
brobostigoni have many things to hide, which i dont want other people to read.11:32
TwistedLucidityI am sorry, that is just not acceptable any more. All conversations must be in the clear and readable by Citizen Protection Authority. It's the only way to be safe!11:33
* brobostigon disagrees. we all have the right to privacy, by whatever method.11:34
TwistedLucidityI am sorry, citizen. But in order to ensure peace in Britian, our Loving Father Camoron has decreed all shall be known by his ever-loving embrace. You will be educated in the correct manner of Good Citizen deportment.11:35
* brobostigon thinks TwistedLucidity should write satire for a living.11:36
TwistedLucidityIt's pretty much what the wing-nut wants. That and a Great Firewall of Britain.11:36
brobostigonwhich will be as ineffective as it can be.11:38
TwistedLucidityOh I know. But his friends in the consultancies can still get some nice (tax free) coin, that's what matters.11:38
popeyhah, just put a random "spare" ssd in my laptop, booted it, and it's got steamos on it :)11:53
popeyamazed how quickly it boots given this is just a dual core x61s11:53
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TwistedLuciditypopey: Gone are the days where you could start a PC and then amble off for a cuppa.11:54
TwistedLucidityPersonally I blame Canonical. :-P11:54
popeyI'll take that11:54
popeynext drive... what's on this one...11:56
TwistedLucidityAre you dallying with the unclean and heretical DEs? :shock:11:58
bashrcMATE is ok. I installed it at the weekend on a desktop machine11:58
popeyI'm trying to find a hard disk to wipe and put Unity8/Mir on actually :)11:59
popeyand this one is getting it11:59
foobarrykindle fire for kids. 2 year no question hardware replcaement12:21
knightwisepopey: that R61 does keep kicking by just adding an SSD right.12:23
popeyand some more ram12:28
popeywent to CeX to see if they had any laptop DDR 2GB sticks earlier, but they only had 1GB ones12:28
popeyapparently this thing can take up to 8GB which would be nice12:28
foobarryhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Boss is amazing12:31
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TwistedLuciditypopey: Which SSD you using? A Samsung EVO?13:23
popeyi have a variety of SSDs13:38
TwistedLucidityI just saw a post that Samsung has messed up. Again. Their response was effectively "Go and soak your head, penguin lover"13:41
directhexssds suck, clearly14:00
directhexunrelated: crucial-brand ssds don't work on nvidia tegra dev boards14:01
shaunoI've been plenty happy with my intel ones14:01
TwistedLucidityI have a Samsung EVO SSD...I am not happy at their attitude (luckily mine is old enough to not need the firmware update AFAICT)14:04
intrbizI won't be updating the firmware on the 840 in the laptop then14:04
intrbizdirecthex: is that an nvidia issue or a crucial issue?14:06
directhexintrbiz: yes.14:07
ujjaindoes it cost money to cash a cheque?14:26
TwistedLucidityujjain: Depends.14:28
directhexit doesn't cost money to deposit a cheque in your bank account14:28
ujjaindirecthex, ah good14:28
directhexit costs money to take a cheque to a payday loan shop and have them give you cash up front for itr14:28
TwistedLucidityAlso if the cheque is issued by a foreign bank14:37
TwistedLucidityWhich is why "depends"14:37
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
foobarryis there a way on ebay to see feedback relating to 1 item that is sold in multiples?15:30
foobarryif the seller has 100,000 feedback it's hard to wade through the items that are not relevant15:31
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daftykinsi got two of the four cameras on this cheap 720p CCTV setup today17:59
shauno4 cameras?! you're going to spy on the whole island?18:20
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daftykinsshauno: :D18:28
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsthere's the full quality one18:51
daftykinsvery impressed i am!18:51
mappsoving apartments in september19:18
mapps1bed in a bulding that looks crap but ok £87519:19
mapps1 bd near where i am atm £97519:19
mapps2 bed in a nice apartment buildin £150019:19
daftykinsmapps: heh, i'd hate to ever have to share again :D20:21
mappsyea its a pain20:29
mappslived on my own in stoke for 4 years too20:29
mappsso used to living alone20:29
foobarrywhat about the burglars?20:31
foobarrysurely they came to visit in stoke a lot?/20:31
foobarrymy friend got burgled in stoke but they didn't take the remotes20:31
foobarrytook everything else20:31
foobarrymy friend said smash the rmeote20:32
foobarrythey didn't20:32
foobarryburglars came bak 2 days later for the remotes and got them20:32
mappswhere in stoke20:32
intrbizwe had a 100% crime rise the one year, someone left their car in the pub carpark with keys in the ignition whilst they were busy getting pissed20:33
foobarryu know the uni20:33
mappsahh yea20:33
daftykinsfoobarry: lol, nasty20:33
foobarrywith the uni on your right, carry on down the road another half mile20:33
mappswouldnt be keen on living there20:34
foobarryrobbie williams used to hang around the uni a lot, even though he didn't study20:34
mappsfew mins from station right?20:34
foobarrytold everyone he would be big some day20:34
foobarryeveryone laughed20:34
foobarryi still would20:34
intrbizwhen I was at uni, one student landlord, painted all their houses front doors yellow20:34
mappslike now living wihth my mate things annoy me like he does washing everyday like lol nice waste of water nd electric20:34
daftykinsintrbiz: seems a bit nasty20:35
intrbizstruggle to think of a better way to advertise when a property is empty out of term time20:35
mappslike if the bins full he still puts stuff balanced on top so it falls out20:35
mappslike he darent touch the ag or rubbish20:35
intrbizdaftykins: yeh, fecking stupid, they were called: yellow door rentals, or sumthing silly20:35
Myrttithings you learn.20:36
foobarryalthough empty outside term time20:36
MyrttiStaffordshire exports: pots, cups and Robbie Williams.20:36
daftykinsmapps: ugh20:36
mappslike i get it it's rubbish im not saying eat it..but empty the bin for goodness sake20:36
daftykinsyeah that's still living like a student fool20:36
intrbizMyrtti: oatcakes!!!20:36
mappshonestly it's like hes scared of getting anything on his hands20:36
daftykinsi'd never tolerate that20:36
mappsnah he lived at home before here mate20:37
mappsin scotland20:37
mappsso i assume his parents did everything20:37
mappsIF he ever empties the bin he puts a new bag in and leaves old one in kitchen basically waiting for me to take down20:37
mappsleft it a few days to see once and sure enough he didnt move it20:37
ahayzenhaha people come and empty my bins for me in my student halls lol :-)20:38
daftykinsahayzen: sickening :P20:38
mappshe's young eh20:38
ahayzenprobably for the best otherwise no one would ever empty them20:38
intrbizahayzen: ah, the good old days20:42
mappsyears ao20:43
intrbizkeep leaving my projects on the wrong branch, sigh :(20:49
BingleyJust wondering which of these bugs are the most annoying : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bugs?orderby=-heat&start=020:50
ahayzenthis is the most annoying, when it happens https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/142988720:51
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 1429887 in powerd (Ubuntu) "Sometimes need 3 power button presses to turn on screen" [High,Confirmed]20:51
BingleyYeah, I saw that one - is that on the phone ?20:52
ahayzenhappens randomly, not very often though20:52
intrbizunity is by far the most iritating20:53
Bingleyshouldn't it read 3 power buttons , then or is it the 3rd actual button that needs depressed ?20:53
ahayzenthe 3rd time you press the button it then wakes up20:54
Bingleyoh ok then.20:54
Bingleyor not, maybe.20:55
ahayzenthe 1st nothing happens, so you press it again thinking you missed the button then the screen goes on then off very quickly, then you press it a 3rd time20:55
Bingleywhich phone - all of them ?20:55
ahayzeni'm on mako (nexus4) and i've definitely seen it, think it also happens on the Bq20:56
ahayzenbut as i said really rarely like once a month maybe20:56
ahayzen(for me anyway)20:56
BingleyDid anyone see the new Android phones (recently)? - they're coming with proper docks now.21:00
BingleyI was thinking of getting one 3d printed for the Aquarius 521:01
Bingleywon't be long untill you dock it and it sends stuff to the chromecast, I'll bet.21:02
BingleyLunduke says it'll be 4 years before Unity 8+ is stable.21:03
ahayzendefine 'stable' lol21:04
Bingleyan Omlette apparently .. i'll have a look for it.21:04
ahayzenit'll be interesting how fast unity8 becomes 'stable' as CI with unit/acceptance tests has been heavily integrated into most layers of the platform as it has been built21:08
Bingleyaside: he's alsp got a video out that i missed : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu0l-Ac7fTU21:09
mappshow do i set squid to use server ip21:09
mappsand not show client21:09
mappsdaftykins around?21:20
mappscan you try for me?:D21:21
daftykinstry what21:22
mappsmy proxy21:22
mappssee if it shows y ip when you use it21:22
daftykinsi haven't really got any of that softie installed still or anything21:23
daftykinsif you meant that o021:23
daftykinsjust gaming atm though21:23
mappsi meant ust try it in ffox21:24
mappsor chrome21:24
daftykinsmaybe in a few21:30
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsaaah so tired23:01
daftykinsthis is some seriously impressive nightvision - https://www.dropbox.com/s/0l6hfpxubve43vb/Screenshot_2015-06-03-23-14-15.png?dl=023:01
zmoylan-pihow dark is that room?23:06
zmoylan-pishadows are been cast23:07
zmoylan-piand the spot on the bench and floor indicates a light source23:08
daftykinsmust be the second camera that's up the other side23:09
daftykinsshining down toward the kinda postcard rack23:09
daftykinslets see23:09
daftykinszmoylan-pi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2m1yl31esb5twb/Screenshot_2015-06-04-00-10-21.png?dl=023:11
daftykinsthat is very puzzling23:12
zmoylan-pimight be an ir light on the other camera?23:21
daftykinsyeah they've both got a tonne of LEDs surrounding, shining down23:22
zmoylan-pithat would do it.23:22
daftykinsbut you would kinda expect to see a shaft of light to the left of the L shaped wall section in the above23:22
zmoylan-pii know that the fox near my wildlife camera can detect the light it uses when he trips and it spooks him23:22
zmoylan-pithat and the magpies and crows look directly at the red led it flashes to indicate taking a pic during the day23:23
daftykinsthat's handy23:24
zmoylan-pigreat for police identification pics if they nick something valuable.  :-P23:24
daftykinsmmm they need to secure the NVR box now23:25
daftykinsand at some point i'll switch it to motion detection instead of permanent record23:26

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