
jrwreni always hated ironing shirts00:20
jrwreneven though I love suiting up, I'm glad I'm a tshirt guy when I'm not suited up.00:20
cscheibI wear button downs most of the time now, and it's not so bad... although, no iron shirts are a myth, you've still either gotta iron em or deal with a bit of wrinklage00:26
cscheibI usually just skip ironing em.00:26
jrwreni used to too. :)00:30
jrwrenits weird, I used to love my button ups, but then I fell into the wrong developer crowd, and I felt the need to conform to their fashion norms. I adopted t-shirts.00:31
cscheibI rarely leave the house in a t shirt00:41
cscheibpolo, if anything00:41
cmaloneyI wear polos at work and T-shirts the rest of the time01:10
rick_h_button ups ftw01:11
rick_h_I've gone the t-shirt -> button up route01:11
cmaloneyAnd in the winter I wear sweaters with t-shirts underneath01:11
cmaloneyFrankly I couldn't care less what people think of what I wear.01:11
gamerchick02i feel better at work when i've ironed my shirts01:11
cmaloneyJust as long as it's not completely off-base.01:11
cmaloneyand somewhat matches. :)01:12
gamerchick02sorry i was working on my pathfinder character01:12
gamerchick02yay for matching!01:12
cmaloneygamerchick02: Playing PF locally?01:12
gamerchick02at work actually01:12
gamerchick02we have a game going on thursdays at lunch01:12
cmaloneyAh, neat.01:12
gamerchick02yes! i'm a Kitsune in this game01:12
gamerchick02 Hunter. with a badger as a pet01:12
cmaloneyWonder if I could get a game started at work01:13
cmaloneysomething like Fiasco or some other one-shot.01:13
gamerchick02we're doing a long-ish game but breaking it up more01:13
gamerchick02that was hilarious!01:20
gamerchick02switching dice because my purple dice were being stupid last game01:21
gamerchick02going green and blue for this character01:23
gamerchick02i've not created a character for anything in the longest time. i spent probably from about 7 to 9 working on it tonight. oi01:25
rick_h_what do you call something that you all know but aren't saying explicitly?01:36
rick_h_I keep thinking assumption, but that's not really it01:36
jrwrenSWEET!  I just scored 2 Intel PRO-1000 card from some guy down the road01:36
jrwrenI <3 the internet.01:36
jrwrenhe just posted on some group email list i'm on.01:36
rick_h_jrwren: <301:36
cmaloneyrick_h_: implicit knowledge01:53
gamerchick02rick_h_: kind of like an observation?01:53
rick_h_cmaloney: gamerchick02 no, but yea you guys get the idea. I swear there's some work out there01:54
rick_h_like acknowledgement, or matter of fact, or something but my english is fail01:54
cmaloneya priori knowledge01:54
gamerchick02you swear there's work out there? you know you can contact my mom and she can put you to work...01:54
rick_h_gamerchick02: :P word01:55
cmaloneyjrwren: Awesome re: the network cards.01:56
gamerchick02free or cheap?01:57
* cmaloney is trying to find someone local that has access to some Sinclair hardware that isn't a Timex TS100001:57
gamerchick02free is best01:58
jrwreni don't know if I have empty slots for it in my computer. I've already got 5 Gbit ports and a 100Mbit port :)01:58
cmaloneySadly everything I'm finding is in the UK and when you get done converting GBP into USD and add shipping it's a fucking mint01:58
cmaloneyjrwren: What the hell? HOw many networks are you running?01:59
gamerchick02OH if anyone in here works at Chrysler and is interested in Pathfinder, i have a group i meet with on Thursdays01:59
jrwrencmaloney: just one.01:59
gamerchick02why do you need that many cards?01:59
cmaloneygamerchick02: Sadly no to both. :)01:59
gamerchick02sadly. but you *could* come as a visitor and i could escort you to the room... hah!02:00
jrwrenat one point it was because I didn't want a switch and cables hanging everywhere, so everything went to the 1 server, which switched for me.02:00
gamerchick02that's actually kind of brilliant02:00
jrwrennow I think I may bond some channels between some systems.02:00
cmaloneygamerchick02: That would require me to be interested in Pathfinder. I'd rather play other games. :)02:00
gamerchick02ah! well, i've not played an RPG in forever so i kind of jumped at this one.02:00
gamerchick02would have done a White Wolf campaign too02:01
cmaloneyI want to find a 13th age campaign without having to start one02:01
cmaloneysadly that's a little trickier02:01
gamerchick02i almost wish we were still doing the long-running Rifts game i was in while i was in college02:01
gamerchick02ah college02:01
cmaloneyHah, Rifts02:01
gamerchick02that was AWESOME02:01
cmaloneywhere the setting is importat and the system doesn't matter.02:02
gamerchick02i was a techno-wizard who rode a motorcycle and could fix ANYTHING02:02
gamerchick02i was like an engineer who had magic, and honestly, i'm half that right now. i wish i was magic.02:02
gamerchick02i've played Shadowrun (that character was a hacker), Lo5R (samauri!), RuneQuest (i was a duck), D&D (multiple characters), WW mage and vampire one-shots...02:04
cmaloneyYay Runequest!02:04
gamerchick02i was a DUCK!!02:04
gamerchick02i had armor and everything!!02:04
cmaloneyI've come to appreciate the RuneQuest system02:05
cmaloneyGlorantha makes me want to hurt people though02:05
cmaloneyRuneQuest 6 and OpenQuest are pretty sweet02:05
gamerchick02and the puns would go really well: "hey, put the party's drinks on my bill." (get it... MY BILL?!?! haw haw haw!!)02:05
gamerchick02it was only a one-shot game02:05
cmaloneyStill, <3 RuneQuest02:06
cmaloneyAlso <3: Fate Core, Dungeon World / Apocalypse World, D6, GURPS, GUMSHOE, and FUDGE02:07
cmaloneyand Eclipse Phase.02:07
gamerchick02i'd like to do more GURPS02:07
gamerchick02we did a big eyes small mouth one-shot too02:08
cmaloneyalso <3 talislanta02:08
cmaloneyMostly because they released it CC-BY-NC-ND02:10
gamerchick02thank you02:13
gamerchick02we also did a D6 one shot02:13
cmaloneyD6 is pretty sweet02:13
cmaloneyThis has been called Rifts for D602:13
gamerchick02like i need MORE games to play. :-P02:14
gamerchick02i'll stick with pathfinder right now02:14
cmaloneyGood morning12:32
cmaloneyCHC Tonight. :)12:48
* _stink_ shrinks into the shadows12:48
cmaloney_stink_: You get a pass for another 4 years.12:48
cmaloneyMake the best of it.12:48
_stink_i... will try.12:52
mrgoodcati feel bad about CHC12:53
mrgoodcatI would say i've been busy but that just feels like a bad excuse12:53
mrgoodcati live an hour away from CHC now though12:53
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Has life settled down any?12:53
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I used to live an hor away from CHC12:54
cmaloneyit's do-able. :)12:54
cmaloneyrick_h_ lives an hour away.12:54
cmaloneyAlso: did you move recently?12:54
wolfgerI just don't even code anymore :-(  Not that I ever really did. Not like everybody else.13:03
wolfgerbut if you start up Beer House Brewers meetings, call me! :-D13:03
cmaloneyYou can still come to the coders meeting13:05
wolfgerI used to dodge it because I felt like an imposter. Now I know I'm an imposter. I can't even remember how to write Perl without hitting google.13:06
wolfgerMy current career ambition is to milk my IT job until I can afford to open a brewery.13:07
wolfgeror until I find wealthy investors that will enable my dream13:08
brouschYou will miss the brewery bubble if you wait much longer13:13
mrgoodcatcmaloney: life is settled-ish13:15
mrgoodcati moved in with $gf13:15
mrgoodcatmom is stable again13:15
mrgoodcatparents divorced though13:15
mrgoodcatso better but not ideal i guess13:15
jrwrenwolfger: you don't code AT ALL!?!?!13:16
wolfgerI coded some VBA about... 4 months ago?13:18
wolfgerbrousch: I've been hearing about the brewery bubble for years. And every year Michigan breweries increase sales and production. The bubble is a myth.13:19
jrwreni can't live without coding. I get some idea for how something could be better, adn I go do it. Especially little things, becuase they sound little, and so I feel the MUST be done.13:19
wolfgerpeople will never stop drinking beer13:19
jrwrenthe bubble is in big beer, and it lasted for 50yrs. Its bursting.13:19
wolfgerI'm still a few years out from being able to make a serious go at it, sadly. In the meantime, I practice the craft and study the business.13:21
wolfgerThe hard part of running a successful brewery will not be "making good beer".13:22
brouschWhere will you open it?13:23
rick_h_wolfger: don't feel bad. I don't code any more and actually spent the weekend thinking of how to shut down bookie.io.13:23
wolfgerbrousch: there's currently no breweries near where I live. That meshes nicely with my desire to have a job where I ride my bicycle to work. :-)13:25
rick_h_I've not done a bookie commit in some 6mo? and it's costing me $200/mo13:25
rick_h_it's into unmanged territory and I don't have time for it.13:25
brouschGratipay is changed now, so that $0.25/wk I donated won't get to you13:26
rick_h_yea, I killed my account there13:26
rick_h_brousch: so that was you! :)13:26
rick_h_ty for that. I used it to donate to others that did software I used like the pyramid folks and mike bayer13:26
brouschTo kill bookie, all you have to do is insert annoying ads and inject malware downloads13:27
rick_h_heh, I don't think it's all that alive as it is13:28
rick_h_but yea, expect to see an email shortly with a 'here's your export options, run your own, etc'13:28
brouschSo you've become so manager that you no longer code?13:29
rick_h_pretty much, and no time for coding in my spare time with other things going on13:29
rick_h_and spending the $$ a month to run it is jsut something I should cut from my expenses13:29
brouschYeah, that's a big expense13:29
brouschCould maybe be justified when it was a hobby13:30
rick_h_I mean for what I pay for bookie it'd pay all my cell phone, mifi, and streaming services13:30
rick_h_I used to justify it as if I went golfing I'd spend as much13:30
rick_h_but I don't spend time on it so it's just sinking $$ to keep folks happy with performance13:30
wolfgerso... taking up golf?13:30
brouschI like golf13:30
rick_h_no, but fishing, getting a kayak, and with the camping/photography/woodworking more than enough stuff to spend my time on13:31
wolfgerI still haven't played a second game of golf, but I will some day. I've been hitting driving ranges just working on not sucking13:31
rick_h_hah good luck at that13:31
rick_h_when I play gold I just equate it with sucking13:31
wolfgermy definition of "not sucking" is probably a lot more generous than other people's, too. ;-)13:32
brouschIt's OK if you suck. Just play at cheap courses with other friends who suck13:33
jrwreni decided i hate golf. I gave it a go.13:33
rick_h_it's a good way to get outdoors a bit13:33
phwelojrwren: i have to go with my father all of the time.  it's awful13:33
rick_h_I do more fishing/camping but golf serves a purpose13:33
jrwreni get outdoors to cut my grass.13:33
phweloBUT if you get really drunk first and take a cart it's easier to just give up and ride around13:34
rick_h_not sure that counts13:34
brouschjrwren: I have some outdoors work for you if you have 45 minutes13:34
rick_h_https://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/18397073015/in/datetaken/ (outdoors)13:34
jrwrenbrousch: if you mean cutting your grass. I'd consider it, but the drive is so far.13:34
wolfgerI have seen that some courses now use these snowboard-ish single person carts. I think that's nifty.13:35
wolfgera bit more exercise than normal carts, but less than walking.13:36
jrwrenno wheels?13:40
rick_h_walking golf ftw13:40
rick_h_but courses aren't liking as much because you play slower13:40
jrwrendisc golf i might like?13:43
brouschIt's not really more exciting than golf, just cheaper13:44
wolfgerjrwren: ok, more like a skateboard than a snowboard I guess. :-p13:46
wolfgerdisc golf is awesome!13:46
wolfgeralthough losing one in the water is considerably worse than losing a ball in the water13:47
jrwrenwolfger: i was honestly asking, because I'd be surprised if golf courses would like something sliding across their greens.13:47
rick_h_lol golf segway13:51
wolfgerI mean, that looks so much more fun than the actual game!13:54
rick_h_wolfger: turns golf into polo13:55
wolfgera new meaning for "golf scramble"13:55
wolfgerno waiting for other people to take their shots. Everybody tee off at once and first one in the hole wins.13:56
wolfgerhelmet required13:56
cmaloneyrick_h_: LMK if I can help in any way with Bookie.14:01
cmaloneyI've been slacking in my contributions.14:01
cmaloneyI'd hate to see the project wither but I can completely understand the reasoning14:02
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, just life moved on here14:02
rick_h_cmaloney: won't be out at CHC tonight heads up14:02
rick_h_but nothing on MUG night for the first time in a while :)14:02
rick_h_so maybe make that14:03
cmaloneyWoo woo!14:03
cmaloneyLast week's CHC was... interesting14:03
rick_h_how so?14:03
cmaloneyApparently there was a fashion show scheduled from 5ish to 8:30pm14:03
cmaloneysome charity thing14:04
cmaloneyso the place was packed.14:04
cmaloneyEnded up being James and I meeting at my house.14:04
cmaloneyBut yeah, I was rather confused at the number of people in the coffeeshop.14:08
_stink_maybe there were all there for CHC14:14
cmaloneybrousch: Dammit15:31
cmaloneyI'm resigning15:31
brouschI told you you had problems on the left and right!15:31
cmaloneyYeah, well I have a complete blind-spot to those edges. :(15:33
brouschThey seem safe, but can be big problems15:34
brouschcmaloney: Your resignation bumped me up to 24k15:42
cmaloneyPretty sure I'm going to be at 50kyu soon. ;)15:44
mrgoodcatrolling comcast outages in your area16:03
mrgoodcatpretty much the worst day16:03
cmaloneyHere's some emergency cat photos16:12
mrgoodcat<3 cats16:15
mrgoodcatlunch time16:16
ColonelPanic001<3 cats17:29
rick_h_I wish cats would die17:45
rick_h_especially after about...8 years17:46
cmaloneyrick_h_: now now18:06
cmaloneyJust because my cat is a spoiled brat doesn't mean you can't love her. :)18:07
jrwreni say that about my daughter every day.18:09
phwelohm, got an interview at Ford.  anyone know anyone in IT over there?18:11
greg-gjrwren: hah18:12
jrwrenphwelo: i'm so soarry :)18:12
phweloi mean i already have a good stable job. the raise would be helpful but not OMFGMYLIFEROCKS helpful18:13
wolfgerphwelo: I'm not sure, actually. Many of my coworkers are working on Ford projects, but they aren't Ford. I know some others, but they may or may not be Ford either. :-p18:15
wolfgerwhen I was there briefly, I was in, essentially, "the outsource department". Everybody around me was non-Ford.18:16
phwelowolfger: This would be "contract to hire" with a year contract18:17
wolfgerhard to give up stable for that....18:17
cscheibphwelo: I"m sure I know someone over there18:17
cscheibwhat in IT would you be doing?18:18
jrwrenphwelo: if it isn't a 50+% raise, its not worth going to the terrible, terrible place that is Ford. At least not for me, it isn't.18:18
jrwrencome to think of it, I'd not do it for 50% more I'd need at least 100% more.18:18
phwelohere's the description if anyone's interested: http://pastebin.com/49745Tu718:19
cscheibI haven't heard much great about Ford recently either18:19
cscheibChrysler's (IBM) OK if you don't have to deal with upper management (Senior Managers/Directors/CxO)18:19
phwelowell i'm really interested in ditching the windows and SMB world and getting into a tech company, but have found it really hard to get myself the experience I need.  I'm kind of wondering if I can't use ford to learn more (while earning a decent salary) and then move to a company i'll like18:20
cscheibphwelo: ah, I got the recruiter from TekSystems wanting me to spam that to my Puppet group18:20
cscheibHPC stuff may actually be interesting18:20
cscheiband doing config management is pretty neat.18:21
cscheibphwelo: I may be able to get the pay range on that so you know what to ask for18:21
phweloit's the space i want to be in, just not sure if i need to go as far as to work for a huge corporation to get that experience.18:21
wolfgerall I know about Ford is, a bunch of Chrysler people jumped ship to go there. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement though.18:21
phweloalso, i drive a chevy, do i auto-lose?18:21
cscheibwolfger: how long ago?  that could have been force-jump due to CSC leaving and IBM coming n18:22
jrwrenphwelo: oh that is sweet, ford's HPC group seemed pretty awesome.18:23
cscheibphwelo: don't expect preferred parking18:23
wolfgerFord seems much less anal about what their people drive than Chrysler is. At least, at the tech center in Dearborn18:24
wolfgercsc ain't left yet18:24
phweloyeah my wife was with porsche for a little bit and she said her parking situation sucked pretty bad18:25
wolfgerThese were all very-voluntary changes in the past 2 years18:26
cscheiboh? I know a lot of the CSC folk are gone, at least in infrastructure18:26
cscheib2 years is around the time Chrysler started letting CSC know they were out :P18:26
jrwrenshe drove a porsche or she worked for htem?18:26
wolfgerI work in systems. No changes in personnel there yet. Still a CSC show18:26
wolfgerwill probably be the last to go, since IBM won't have any experienced people in our in-house systems18:27
phwelojrwren: worked, but they got to drive them as part of training.  it actually seriously changed her attitude toward cars & driving18:27
wolfgers/our/their/  I have to remember I'm not them anymore :-)18:27
jrwrenphwelo: a porsche will do that :)18:27
cmaloneyI worked at ford until 200318:28
phweloi've yet to drive one, but i already enjoy a quick car18:28
phweloplan on owning one some day :|18:28
cscheibwolfger: ah.  I used to manage the storage/backup group for CSC, and I'm pretty sure that's officially hit EMC via IBM.  Haven't probed too much past that yet18:28
cmaloneyDepending on the hiring mood you are unlikely to be hired.18:28
cmaloneyI and myself were long-term contract help18:28
cscheibwolfger: /win 218:28
phwelooh you mean off of the contract cmaloney ?18:28
cmaloneySo don't hold your breath on being hired in a year18:29
cmaloney(that may be different now but I doubt it)18:29
phweloas long as salary and benefits i'm good18:29
cmaloneyAlso understand that Ford is $BIGCOMPANY18:29
cmaloneyand they have varying levels of IT18:30
cmaloneyand varying levels of folks in said IT departments18:30
cmaloneysome are sharp as a tack18:30
cmaloneyfucking brilliant18:30
phweloyeah, oh yeah i understand that well18:30
cmaloneysome are taking up space18:30
cmaloneydepending on the department you may never see anyone who is brilliant18:30
phweloi worked verizon from 1st level internal help to 2nd(3rd) level external help18:31
cmaloneyjust good at making their stuff work18:31
cmaloney(or good at bullshitting)18:31
phwelohm, got a new job description that includes "evangelizing large-scale compute blah blah blah" that could be fun18:35
mrgoodcatit says 'evangelizing' in your job description?18:36
cmaloneyOh, it sounds like you'll be working in their cloud stuff18:36
cmaloneyI think Gib is in there as well18:36
phwelodon't hate on my speeling18:36
mrgoodcati wasn't hating on your spelling18:36
mrgoodcati was referring to the fact that to evangelize is to convert someone to christianity18:37
phwelothey use it in tech all the time nowadays.  microsoft needs a lot of them18:37
mrgoodcata lot of christians?18:37
phwelono a lot of 'technology evangelists'18:38
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I think your point is a little subtle here. :)18:39
cmaloneybut yes, that word got co-opted by the tech community even though it technically refers to spreading the Christian Gospel.18:39
cmaloneyevangel being the root, which means Gospel.18:40
phweloco-opted, good description18:40
cmaloneyor the four gospels of Christianity.18:40
cmaloneybringing good news18:41
_stink_hey someone wth that job knocked on my door earlier today and gave me a piece of paper inviting me to some meeting18:41
phwelowebster has 3 defs of it18:41
* cmaloney is using dict from the command line18:41
cmaloney_stink_: Do you have a moment to talk about our savior The Cloud?18:41
* phwelo apt-get install dict18:42
_stink_no-sorry-i'm-busy-the-food-is-burning-someone-just-fell-down-the-stairs-goodbye *slam door*18:42
cmaloneyBut lo, I am sent by he who's nodes I am not worthy to provision18:43
phweloif they're religious i've never had issues getting rid of them with a quick "i'm an avid atheist"18:43
cmaloneyI just say I'm in market research18:43
phwelounfortunately using similar logic on salespeople ("I'm broke") never works, huh18:44
cmaloneyBroke just means you haven't heard about their financing options18:44
_stink_i have zero trouble with religious people... it's the fucking clean water action assholes18:44
_stink_that really piss me off18:44
phweloi worked for them for a day!18:45
phweloit was really weird and creeped me out so i quit18:45
cmaloney_stink_: I must be far enough north and east to not have dealt with them18:45
_stink_the save the children woman is very nice but i have resisted her charms18:45
cmaloneyotherwise I'd throw a bottled water at them18:45
cmaloneyand chase them with the hose18:46
cmaloneybecause irony.18:46
_stink_phwelo: i got into it with one of their people one year.  oh you're paid?  oh it's not a 501c3?  fuck off18:46
cmaloneyWas this Charity Water?18:46
phweloat the time i worked there their pay was more than reasonable and something along the lines of 95% of their revenue went to salary18:47
_stink_cmaloney: cleanwateraction.org18:47
phweloso yeah, not gonna donate to you18:47
cmaloneyyeah, fuck that shit.18:47
_stink_tchnically they are the type of non profit that can engage policitally18:47
_stink_whichever kind that is, i can't remember18:47
phweloi believe that's all that they do, collect money from people door-to-door to pay their employees and then lobbyists18:48
_stink_im' glad my angry knee jerk wasn't too far off.18:50
jrwrena PAC?18:51

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