
barrydkGoeie more almal05:37
mazalMorning everyone05:53
Kilosmorning mazal  barrydk  and others too05:55
mazalGaanit oom ?05:56
Kilosok dankie en jy?05:56
mazalBesig , maar ons gaan aam05:57
mazalHehehe , oom I almost bother you for a K problem , but found the issue06:03
mazalMy konversation didn't want to connect both my networks on startup , but found the setting in server list edit06:04
Kilosthere is a thing called konversation tips and tricks06:06
KilosMaaz  google konversation tips and tricks06:06
MaazKilos: "Konversation/Tips and Tricks - KDE UserBase Wiki" https://userbase.kde.org/Konversation/Tips_and_Tricks :: "The Konversation Handbook - KDE Documentation" https://docs.kde.org/stable/en/extragear-network/konversation/konversation.pdf :: "14 Tricks To Better Conversations - Lifehack.org" http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/14-tricks-better-06:06
Maazconversations.html :: "15 Awesome Skype Chat Tricks - Just For You !! - Fedobe" http://fedobe.co…06:06
mazalI haven't met that thing yet :P06:06
Kiloslots you can configure in konversation06:06
mazallol @ skype chat tricks06:07
mazalMaaz you are confused 06:07
Maazmazal: I already know stuff about you06:07
Kilosyou can even move the channels panel to the left like xchat06:07
mazalMaaz , fine , just don't show the pictures ok06:07
Maazmazal: Sorry...06:07
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:24
mazalMorning ThatGraemeGuy06:25
Kiloscould get really cold soon. rain in mid winter in the vaal06:29
inetprogood mornings06:30
Kiloshi inetpro  06:30
mazalmorning inetpro06:30
inetproMaaz: you06:31
Maazinetpro: I am your new robot overlord06:31
Kilosinetpro  ty for team report06:38
Kilosand trello updates06:38
inetproyou're welcome oom Kilos06:53
mazalGuys will lspci id an unknown wi-fi chip ?07:50
Kilostry it07:50
Kilosguessing but maybe lshw 07:51
superflymazal: yes, it will. it tells you what hardware you have, drivers or not07:51
mazalI have a laptop that came with no drivers at all , no I need to id all the hardware cos the drivers site has 6 different drivers for each part :(07:52
Kilosmorning superfly  07:52
mazalThe previous guys formatted it and put Win 7 on it. Have no manuals , discs , nothing to id the stuff07:53
Kilosmazal  if its legal win then there is some driver update thing you can use, scans pc and tells you what you need07:54
Kilosmost likely with a pay $49 dollars thing hehe07:55
mazalIs legal , is the works junk07:55
mazalIf it was mine I would have had Ubuntu on it already07:55
mazalLet me go boot with linux cd and see what I can id with lspci / lshw07:56
Kilosthat might help07:57
* andrewlsd greets and then lurks07:59
Kiloshi andrewlsd  07:59
andrewlsdHi Kilos, thanks.08:00
* Kilos wonders for what08:07
* inetpro falling off his chair08:10
mazalOk , lspci identified most of what I need\08:10
Kilostired inetpro  08:10
mazalStupid &^%&^% Win08:11
Kiloslekker mazal  08:11
mazalThat's if I read it all right08:11
inetproKilos: you actually gave a link to youtube for a windows solution on a Ubuntu channel?08:11
mazalWill see once I downloaded all the drivers if it works08:11
mazalAnd it's wasting my minetest data !!!!! 08:12
barrydkMyne ook08:12
mazalWho formats a laptop withou making rescue discs , seriously08:12
Kilosoh sorry inetpro  but to be honest i was helping a buntu  peep fix a prob08:12
* Kilos crawls back to the dog box08:14
Kilosoh sinner man, where you gonna run to08:16
Kilosmazal  its your fault08:20
andrewlsdKilos: "all on that day"08:45
Kilosoh my08:45
andrewlsdblast from the past :-)08:46
Kilosyou doing like pro now , trying to make me think08:47
Kilosyou mean with zerlgi?08:54
pieter2627morning all09:03
Kiloshi pieter2627  09:03
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  09:03
mazalOnly thing I can't figure out with lspci is which is the bluetooth controller09:41
MaNIdid you try lshw as well?09:44
mazalYeah , I'm gonna leave the bluetooth for now , not important09:45
mazalWhat was my fault Kilos ?09:53
Kiloslol hat pro jumped on me09:55
Kilosbluetooth dongles come with a mini cd to install its drivers09:55
Kilosbluesoleil thing09:56
Kiloson buntu they just work09:56
mazalIssie, I asked about lspci09:59
Kilosja man ek terg net10:00
mazalAnd this one is build-in , not dongle. But you don't need that to do your work. These people have way to many extras10:00
mazalGonna leave it10:00
mazalIs a nice machine this actually. I would like to take it for myself. Then I can sommer put ubuntu on10:01
mazalBut don't think the boss will allow me10:02
Kilosconvert the other users to ubuntu man10:02
Kiloskde 14.0410:02
Kilosteach them10:02
mazalNot allowed to10:03
mazalHead office decide what we use remember10:03
mazalI can only decide on my own machine10:03
mazalThat's why I want it for my office10:03
mazalUnfortunately , they already know we have it :(10:04
Kilosyay telkom sending a tech out to come see why my speed is slow10:30
MaNIhalf expecting you to timeout and never return11:12
Kiloshaha ill never let them kill me11:13
Kiloswould even use voda to stay online11:13
mazalI wonder if my vodacom dongle still works11:25
mazalDo they still have that thing of disabling a number and give it to another simcard when long time not active ?11:25
Kilosporting ya11:28
Kilosbut nowadays you go to the fone shop and they do it there11:29
mazalNo I mean , when you not use simcard for long time , then they disable it automatically and take the number11:29
Kilosoh yes if you dont use it they give it to someone else11:30
inetproanyone have a suggestion regarding a venue for SFD 2015 yet?11:30
Kilos5 months or something11:30
inetpropieter2627: ^^11:30
mazalThen mine won't work anymore. Think it hasn't been plugged in for more than 2 years11:30
Kilosjust fone them from it mazal  11:30
mazalI wonder what of the credit that was on it then11:31
Kilosor try get a balance with *111#11:31
mazalIs a dongle , can't use it in a fone11:31
Kilosput it in a fone man11:31
mazalIt doesn't have a simcard11:31
Kilossims are interchangable11:31
mazalIt's build-in11:31
Kilosoh my11:32
mazalYou can't even open it11:32
MaNIdoesn't the cover slide off?11:32
mazalMani , not that I recall. As I remember it is completely sealed11:32
Kilosthese modems are terrible things to open11:32
mazalMight remember wrong though , is a long time ago11:32
MaNIbrowser interface doesn't allow sms?11:33
Kilosyou gotta split one side cover off11:33
mazalThink I must go dig it out and check it11:33
mazalBut now , let;s say they gave that number to another person , for argument sake. What about my profile on myvodacom. The number is your login id11:34
Kilosjust try it before we speculate11:35
mazalI wonder if I have that in a doc here somewhere. Then I can try login11:35
* mazal digs11:35
Kilosthey doing so well they might have forgotten to disable it11:35
KilosMaNI  you use kde?11:38
mazalFound my number , but like everything in this country the site is not working right now11:38
mazal" please try again later "11:39
Kilosyeah the kde users are growing here11:39
MaNIlong term kde user, never been able to tolerate gnome11:39
Kiloswow i enjoyed gnome 211:39
MaNIthough kde4 transition has been a huge test of faith11:39
Kilosthey unity thing pushed me to kde11:39
MaNIthe destruction of kdepim has been quite tragic, still the IDE itself is much better than anything else out there in my opinion11:40
MaNIergh s/IDE/DE11:40
MaNIdeveloper stuff on the brain11:41
mazalditto on the unity thing , also took me to kde , eventually11:42
KilosThatGraemeGuy  can you please startup mt.donaldson.net some time? wanna try burn some night surfer data11:48
ThatGraemeGuyyou can just join us on the new one11:48
Kiloshopefully get andrew up to date as well same time11:49
* mazal mumbels something of useless midnight data11:49
Kilosi want him to see the ship and pyramid and so on too11:49
mazalBuild new ones11:49
Kilosnono that was a major job11:50
ThatGraemeGuyI'll find somewhere to put it, I cant start it up on that server as we're playing there11:50
ThatGraemeGuylimited resources11:50
Kilosok ty11:50
mazalKilos: I started over about 4 times , and twice in minecraft11:51
mazalYou get used to it11:51
Kilosno man im too busy to go through all that again from scratch11:51
ThatGraemeGuyyou don't really have much choice, the old server isn't coming back :-)11:51
Kilosis it possible to let me get a copy of it so i can run it here please11:52
pieter2627inetpro: no, have no suggestion. see that it was at the train station last year11:53
inetprowas actually a very nice venue11:56
andrewlsdhi, got disconnected.12:02
Kiloswb andrewlsd  12:02
andrewlsdty Kilos 12:03
andrewlsdinstalling the F-word distro :-)12:06
superflyKilos: why don't we just build it again?12:06
superflyandrewlsd: NO!!! NOT FEDORA!!!12:06
Kiloswow superfly  fro m scratch?12:07
superflyKilos: ja, it wasn't that difficult12:07
mazalF word distro ?12:07
mazalFedora ?12:07
Kiloslol 12:07
mazalSjoe , haven't worked with that in looooooong time12:08
mazalFedora 10 I think it was12:08
Kilosits the time online superfly  , i was using a months data every week12:08
andrewlsdnot my own pc. was a mission to even find a ZA mirror that had the iso file12:08
Kilosbut it was great fun12:08
Kilosai! that date eater and his excessive floods12:09
mazalTried many things , even Suse , but Ubuntu was where I stayed12:09
Kilosandrewlsd  kde 14.04 man12:09
Kilosek sukkel met my volk12:09
mazalWassie ekkie12:10
andrewlsdmazal: at the moment I'm using F22, Mint 17.1, Ubu 15.04, Chromixium, and Ubuntu-snappy12:10
andrewlsdoh, and RH and Suse12:10
andrewlsdjust not Arch12:10
andrewlsdmy arch experiences have not been awesome12:11
mazalRH 8 was my first ever linux expereince12:12
mazalBefore it went enterprise12:12
andrewlsdall those distros are an occupational hazard for me12:12
Kiloshmm... i dont see kde anywhere in that list12:13
ThatGraemeGuykde isn't a distro12:15
pieter2627inetpro: can it be used again, or did anyone feel it lacking something?12:15
ThatGraemeGuykubuntu uses KDE12:16
mazalAnybody here have a capped axxess account ?12:17
mazalWant to know if their double data is also after midnight ?12:18
* andrewlsd doesn't kde.12:19
* andrewlsd does TrinityDE12:19
ThatGraemeGuymazal: Axxess and Afrihost's additional data is a plain double afaik, not after hours or whatnot12:22
inetpropieter2627: don't think there was anything wrong with the venue, in fact it was very accessible 12:40
inetprojust hope we don't suddenly get many more people than last year...12:40
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening. God bless12:43
pieter2627inetpro: ok12:45
inetprowas quite full and will have to remember to get there early next time in order to get a front row seat so I can see better13:01
* inetpro is like Kilos13:02
inetproone blind eye and the other can't see 13:02
superflyKilos: ping13:03
Kilossuperfly  pong13:04
Kiloshaha inetpro  ons toppies13:04
* inetpro thought he was sleeping in order to adapt to the late meeting tomorrow13:05
Kilosna was looking at fencing poles i have to pull out and move13:05
Kilostomorrow ill sleep all day13:05
superflyKilos: you don't remember seeing Padroni's work website?13:21
Kilosinetpro  will remember13:22
Kilosinetpro  ping13:22
* Kilos watches the gears turning13:23
* inetpro trying hard to remember13:26
* andrewlsd goes looking at server log to see what he's missed13:57
andrewlsdKilos: watch out. I don't want you to get cut by a sword, stay away from Polish folks (anyone actually) when they are  fencing.13:59
Kiloshahaha what you smoking14:00
Cantidestay away from MERS, too :S14:02
Kiloshi Cantide  14:03
Cantidehello :)14:03
=== Cantide is now known as CanCycle
andrewlsdcheers all.14:43
Kiloscheers andrewlsd  14:43
georgelappieshi all15:48
georgelappieshi Kilos15:49
Kiloshi georgelappies  15:49
georgelappieswinter hit you guys yet?15:49
Kilosyeah ty . too cold already15:49
Kilosno one said hi to the visitor16:21
pieter2627Kilos: did not even spot him16:32
* pieter2627 wbbl16:32
Kilosnope i was busy trying to setup dropbox16:32
KilosMaaz  tell mazal http://www.techrepublic.com/article/create-a-live-system-iso-for-your-ubuntu-based-linux-machines-using-systemback/16:59
MaazKilos: Righto, I'll tell mazal on freenode16:59
Kiloswb pieter2627  17:55
Kilosinetpro  hot clothes tomorrow hey! expected temps 5/15°c17:56
pieter2627ty Kilos 17:56
inetproexpected low here is more like 2°C18:03
inetproit's about time 18:03
Kilosthat was pta temps we normally bit below it too18:03
Kilosi been freezing for weeks man and tomorrow night is a midnight shift18:04
inetproput your feet in hot water 18:05
Kiloswith an element in to keep it hot18:05
=== Webtricity is now known as Guest88367
magespawngood evening18:58
Kiloshi magespawn  18:58
magespawnhow are things Kilos/19:01
Kilosgood ty and you?19:01
Kilosyou been scarce19:01
magespawnbeen busy 19:07
magespawnthere have been some scientists at the reserve installing some advanced monitering equipment19:08
magespawnand heartmathsouthafrica.co.za19:10
Kilosit redirected19:10
magespawnyup it is19:10
magespawnjust saw that myself19:11
magespawnhad not been to the site before19:11
magespawnvery interesting stuff and ideas19:29
Kilostoo involved all that stuff19:30
magespawnyes there is a lot of detail, but the basic of it is to keep your heart and brain rhythems in sync19:31
Kilosbest way to do that is to sleep lots19:32
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:33
magespawngood night all20:28
kulelu88go sleep gremble 21:28
inetprogo sleep kulelu88 21:32
grembleBut I just said hello21:43
grembleWhy am I being chased to bed?21:43
kulelu88exams gremble 21:54
grembleI only write on the 11th again21:55
grembleI am free to write lisp interpreters all day :P21:55
kulelu88how was your first paper?21:55
grembleIt was alright. Differential equations is a difficult subject ;/ 21:56
grembleBut I think it went alright21:56
grembleI studied rather hard for it21:56
kulelu88good stuff. You don't want to end up a 5th year doing 2nd year modules :P21:57
grembleI have to finish next year21:57
grembleI am getting old. It is time for me to finish up, get a job and move out of the hosue21:57
kulelu88ehh I'm also looking for a pad 21:58
grembleA launch pad? 21:59
kulelu88apartment pad =)21:59
grembleI'm more excited about the idea of living on my own than I am by the idea of actually looking for a place to stay22:09
grembleI can't even go buy a shirt, nevermind something like a home22:09
kulelu88i thought I was excited too, then I realized that I need to cook for myself as well22:15
grembleHaha I like cooking at least22:15
grembleI make awesome food when I cook for myself22:15
kulelu88yeah I'll get used to it also. Plenty of opportunity to become a maestro in the kitchen22:15
grembleThat or starvation22:16
grembleLet Darwin decide22:16
kulelu88how far away are you planning?22:16
grembleWhere I can get a job opportunity. I will probably try and see if I can do postgraduate somewhere22:16
gremblePreferrably Germany, but probably UP22:17
kulelu88try to find a remote job22:17
grembleI still have to decide on a career xD22:19
kulelu88IT, cause money is important22:20
grembleProbably something in IT/Math. Preferably a computer scientist research position22:22
kulelu88don't end up as 1 of those guys who marries his lecturer gf now22:22
grembleI'll try not to22:23
kulelu88Unless shes hoooooottttttt22:24
grembleHaha There's always an exception22:25
kulelu88Most of the hotties are studying BCom or BA22:25
kulelu88or ... if you want a vrou first, BEd22:26
grembleHaha I'm already married to my work and so far there has only been a handful of girls that have been able to pull me away from it22:27
kulelu88instagram photos or you lying22:28
grembleI don't even have photo's of myself on facebook... 22:28
kulelu88Now I know you are not an internet noob :D no sane person would put photos online willingly :D22:30
grembleI'm glad we finally got that out of the way then :P22:31
kulelu88hows this weather though. ons kan kak in June22:33
grembleI have to port my half-built Scheme parser from String to Text22:33
kulelu88yeah you should definitely become a software engineer22:33
grembleThis ice wind is kind of shitt22:33
grembleI only build things that I like :x22:34
grembleThat is why I am not really considering that22:34
grembleI want to learn lisp, but I don't have a lisp interpreter. So I am building one :D22:34
kulelu88pay is shit here, but a nice job at GooFace will do you good22:34
kulelu88lisp is that () () () () language?22:35
gremble( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) language22:35
kulelu88learn this if you're fascinated by strange languages: #crystal-language22:35
gremblealthough I think I missed a bracket22:35
kulelu88you did!22:36
grembleI'm playing with functional languages specifically22:36
grembleNext is Erlang and Elm22:37
grembleBut I am pretty sure that I can Elm when I can Haskell, since Elm just twists some things around22:37
gremblecrystal scares me because it is once again one of those dynamically typed langauges22:37
kulelu88didn't we conclude that functional and imperative are almost the same?22:38
kulelu88it is actually a static language that compiles22:38
kulelu88it does type inference22:38
gremblefunctional and imperative is very much not the same though. I think the conclusion you made was when we had a main function with a bunch of do statements22:40
grembleWhich is were functions and actions get mixed up22:40
grembleand the whole monad business gets confusing22:41
grembleGetting coffee so I can code22:41
kulelu88I suck at jargon, so I'll just say I know what a monad is22:41
grembleYes, I'm sorry. It's weird. Monads are the things that make functional programming smell a bit like imperative programming at times22:43
grembleThey're weird math things22:43
grembleI'm not even going to pretend to understand enough of them to give you an illuminating explanation22:43
kulelu88frankly, it sounds like too much effort to code something functionally 22:44
grembleAsk me after July :P22:44
kulelu88do you not need tests for functional programming?22:44
grembleunit tests?22:44
kulelu88I'm guessing a functional test would be stupid?22:44
grembleNo? You can still have logic flaws22:45
grembleBut luckily they are gauranteed to be consistent :P22:45
gremblefunctional programming is not some magic bullet that solves all mankinds problems and feeds the poor in America. It is just another programming paradigm like imperative or object orientated22:46
grembleBut instead of making use of sequences of commands or objects sending messages and doing things, its just functions22:47
kulelu88but a function can never be "untrue"22:49
grembleWhat do you mean by 'untrue'?22:50
kulelu88I sometimes have alternate thinking in programming, so where I might say untrue, some might interpret as "false", although they could be different22:53
grembleNo, that I get. I meant as in this context 22:53
grembleWhat would a false function be and why is it significant?22:54
kulelu88say for example, (and it is getting challenging to try to explain this), your function is testing 2+2, which you assume to equal to a non-negative number.  would a functional test be applicable to make sure the function is right and almost always returns a positive number?22:56
kulelu88let us assume that the function only accepts non-negative numbers22:56
grembleWe should probably have these conversations earlier in the evenings :P Anyway, since your function cannot behave in any other way than expected due to purity(they don't allow a state change of any kind) and type constraints, they are guarenteed by the compiler to produce the expected results22:59
grembleTesting would be to insure that the integration between functions works as expected22:59
grembleSay that you handle JSON properly in your parser function and that it doesn't die with malformed JSON etc23:00
kulelu88aah, so more complicated tests are what is needed23:17
grembleSame goes for python, except with python you need additional tests to make sure that you types are infered as expected23:23
grembleThe more complext your tests are in what they test for, the better tests they are23:24
kulelu88I'll only understand testing the day I write solid software that needs it23:31
grembleSo you're the cowboy that our lecturers warned us against ;P23:32
grembleCheers. I am going to hit the sack before I work any harder on this23:39

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