
skypcehello all00:03
skypcei want something like : <super>+w00:03
skypcebut for apps00:03
wastrelwhat's super w00:03
skypcein unity00:03
wastrelwhat does it do00:03
dtiguein gnome-shell super+a gives you all apps, not sure how to do that in unity00:04
DarthSonikkuIt makes an ordinary w a SUPER ONE! > wastrel :)00:04
skypceby example a shortcut for show all instances of firefox opened? instead all workspace apps opened00:04
DarthSonikkudtigue: Super + !00:04
DarthSonikkudtigue: Super + *A00:04
skypcedo you understand me?00:05
skypcei am using unity00:05
dtiguetry super + s00:06
skypceno no dtigue00:06
skypceit is complex00:06
skypcei want do a shortcut in other launcher00:06
skypcenot in unity launcher00:06
wastrelwhat's super anyway00:06
dtigueskypce, there is a shortcut for that in unity, if you hold down the super button it shows all the keyboard shortcuts00:07
dtiguewastrel, super = the windows button on most keyboards00:07
wastrelwhat do mac keyboard users do about that00:08
skypcedtigue, you can automatize shortcuts with xdotool00:08
dtigueidk, haha, I use OS X on my mac00:08
skypcexdotool key super + w00:08
skypcei am looking in the source code of unity00:08
skypcebut i dont know where go00:09
dtigueskypce, yea I got ya, i don't have the need for xdotool00:09
skypcei was tested cairo dock00:09
skypceand works fine00:09
skypcebut only first time00:09
skypcewhen i reboot machine00:09
skypcethe functionality dissapear00:10
skypcewhen i install the package and all configurations files00:10
skypce1 time00:10
skypceand again leave of work00:10
nicomachushi guys, I somehow added "cdrom://Lubuntu 15.04 _Vivid Vervet_ - Release i386 (20150422) vivid InRelease" as a repository... kinda curious how it happened.00:12
nicomachusfull output of apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11531334/00:12
nicomachusnotice the first line and then the error message at the end.00:12
xanguajust disable it00:13
th34lch3m1sthi all00:14
BadDreamhmmm wat is this ubuntu update grand unified bootloader...this is scaring me00:14
nicomachusalready done, xangua. just completely baffled how it happened.00:14
wastrelBadDream: grub it's how your computer boots00:15
nicomachusI think I burned a lubuntu live cd last night, and I created a live usb, but never booted from them on this machine.00:16
thebotlubuntu is quite good00:16
BadDreamoh god the last time something happened with grub my ubuntu wouldnt boot anymore00:16
rabbit777Hi everyone --this my first time in a IRC chat so please bear with me00:16
* BadDream curses00:16
thebothello and welcome00:16
nicomachusBadDream: welcome to my world. currently residing.00:16
thebotare there terminal based Irc clients?00:17
nicomachusthat's why I was burning live discs last night. but now I'm just using boot-repair on a disc. couldn't get any live versions to boot00:17
nicomachusthebot: irssi00:17
BadDreamlol thebot00:17
BadDreamopen a terminal and type irssi00:17
thebotnice, I'll check it out when I get back from summer00:17
Deja_Vuhey ubuntu people, I need some help. I have my hard drive partitioned (sda1 ext4) + (sda6 ext4) where i believe /home is mounted + (sda5 linux-swap). I need totally wipe my current system and reinstall 14.04. If I select installation to sda1 for my new boot loader - that should keep my data safe. But how do I check where my home is? Do I make any sense?00:18
th34lch3m1stIt will be usable ubuntu 14.04 on a 2gb swap (2gb ram) and 8gb / ...? (I plan to use default programs and remove some stuff like libre office or other things I don't use...and cloud storage for docs)00:18
nicomachusDeja_Vu: can you just backup your Home folder to Google Drive or Dropbox and then reinstall?00:18
Deja_Vunicomachus: I can not00:19
wastrelhow many GB does google drive or dropbox let you do00:19
wastrelDeja_Vu: if you do df -h do you see where home is mounted?00:20
rabbit777The reason I am here is to get information about getting my Ubuntu 14.04 go on line wireless ly00:20
shenkoMaybe df (or whatever disk usage command was df du?) Each partition and process of illimination determine which is home00:20
nicomachusEriC^^ around?00:21
Deja_Vuwastrel: let me try00:21
shenkoRabbit more info?00:21
thebothow long have you guys been on ubuntu for?00:22
FroodleI've been having a problem with 14.04 LTS where locking the screen completely logs me out on top of locking the screen.  Is this a known issue?  I'm getting segfaults:00:22
Deja_Vunicomachus: I have a few VMs which i cant backup anywhere... big files, 95 Gibs total00:22
FroodleJun  2 13:24:09 <compname> kernel: [53175.581594] compiz[2174]: segfault at 7f8100000020 ip 00007f8195fbfcc6 sp 00007ffe5f4b9518 error 4 in libunityshell.so (deleted)[7f8195d8f000+57f000]00:22
Jordan_Uth34lch3m1st: What graphics card you have, specifically if good 3D accelerated drivers are available for it, will make a big difference with "usability". If you have a GPU with good drivers, those specs should be fine, though it still depends heavily on what you want to do. Editing a 1080p video might be slower than you'd like for instance, but editing text could be done quite happily with 512 MiB of ram.00:22
shenko@froodle isn't hibernate a 1000 year old problem in linux?00:23
Froodleshenko, I don't think it's hibernate (which dumps RAM to disk).  Just locking the screen.00:24
rabbit777ok I have been studying ubutu official documentation but I find it to be not clear enouph00:24
th34lch3m1stJordan_U: I'm planning to just surf/mail/eclipse (2gb ram, celeron 2840)00:24
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Jordan_Uth34lch3m1st: Should be fine.00:25
rabbit777I know my systemj will recognise my wireless adapter by issueing the susb command in the terminal00:27
shenkoFroodle maybe power settings and try never go sleep or something as a temp fix00:27
Deja_Vuwastrel: `df -h` confirmed that my /home mounted @ /dev/sda6, so i should be good to go?00:28
thebotso I'm thinking about doing everything in the terminal00:28
shenkoRabit maybe on laptop there is physical switch to shut off wireless, just make sure that is on before anything00:28
thebotI've thought about it for a while, can anyone suggest a good music player that's terminal based00:28
thebothave something like 2600 songs, so should be able to handle it00:29
wastrelDeja_Vu: yeah just install on sda1 and leave sda6 alone during install00:29
Deja_Vuwastrel: roger that, thank you so much00:29
rabbit777not on a laptop   but a desktop pc00:30
th34lch3m1stJordan_U: good to know, thanks00:30
pavlosrabbit777, there is a wireless_script, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57264241/wireless_script see if you can save and run it, then pastebin the result here00:30
Jordan_UDeja_Vu: Grub's boot sector should always be installed to the MBR. Where grub's boot sector gets installed has nothing to do with the files on any of your filesystems.00:30
shenkoMBR==master boot record, i know this because I have never touched a woman lolz00:31
th34lch3m1stshenko: .D00:32
Deja_VuJordan_U: that was the goal :\00:32
Jordan_UDeja_Vu: I don't understand. What was the goal?00:33
psusiDeja_Vu, you want the boot loader installed to just sda, which is the default00:33
psusiDeja_Vu, if you have a separate /home partition, you need to choose the something else option when installing, and configure which partition should be mounted in /, swap, and /home00:34
SymbiosisHello, I have a small problem in regards to the terminal. Whenever I type in a command I've used before, it not only displays the command's output but also the output of commands I had typed in before it, even though I've typed 'clear'. Is this normal?00:34
rabbit777I Have the nsdll wrapper and the driver but cannot get the right termail command to get the wraper to get the driver then if some could give me the code install the driver and then load it.00:34
psusiDeja_Vu, and don't check the format option on /home if you want the files there to be preserved00:34
Deja_VuJordan_U: to have boot separated from everything else00:34
Deja_Vupsusi: thank you00:35
Jordan_UDeja_Vu: What do you mean by "have boot separated from everything else"? What is your end goal?00:35
psusiJordan_U, to reinstall ubuntu but keep his files00:35
Deja_VuJordan_U: wipe existing ubuntu, install 14.04, preserve home00:35
Jordan_Urabbit777: Avoid ndiswrapper at all costs.00:36
Ed4point0all Americans are Cowboys anyways :p00:36
Jordan_UDeja_Vu: OK. That has nothing to do with where grub's boot sector gets installed, which is what the "where to install bootloader" question is referring to. psusi is right both what to use for that setting, and how to perserve /home/ in general. I will add though to be very careful that the "format" option on your /home/ partition is *not* checked.00:38
Deja_VuJordan_U: roger that00:38
rabbit777what do I do?00:39
wastrelrabbit777: what wireless card do you have00:41
aterdeushi guys00:42
aterdeusi'm using ubuntu mate 15 0400:42
rabbit777I have a netgear wnda310000:42
aterdeuswhat's this effect with the 3d desktop and how to disable it00:42
wastreloh a usb wifi thingus00:43
Deja_VuJordan_U: in `device for boot loader installation` - that's what confused me, it is /sda by default, should I choose /sda1 for my grub instead? :(00:45
wastrelseems like you need to copy drivers from windows and use ndiswrapper?00:46
wastrelim not finding linux drivers for this00:46
Jordan_UDeja_Vu: No.00:46
shenkoAterdeus compiz settings something something cube00:47
rabbit777I have those but don't know what commands I need so the wrapper will get the driver.00:47
psusiDeja_Vu, no... the only time you want to install grub to a partition is if there is some other boot loader installed in the mbr that you have configured to chain load a partition, which is not a normal or recommended configuration00:47
mekhamii asked in winehq but there's rarely anyone talking there... i'm having a problem with usfiv for steam, it's crashing whenever the game starts up. is there a place i can find a specific error? is there a wine log somewhere?00:49
Deja_VuJordan_U: thank you00:49
Deja_Vupsusi: thank you00:49
Jordan_UDeja_Vu: You're welcome.00:49
wafflejockmekhami, not sure about wine but most logs are in /var/log00:50
JoeEverypersonstem has a linux edition out you should not be using wine unless the game in fact is not supported00:50
mekhamiwafflej0ck, nothing related for wine there :(00:50
mekhamiJoeEveryperson, the game is not supported.00:50
Deja_Vupsusi: so sda1(where im trying to install 14.04) should have `/` as mount point?00:51
Deja_Vudayum im stooopid :\00:51
psusiDeja_Vu, if that is your root partition, yes00:52
histomekhami: anything int he appdb?00:53
histo!appdb | mekhami00:54
ubottumekhami: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:54
mekhamihisto, https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=31010 nothign really :/00:55
mekhamii'm assuming the latest patch broke the game somehow00:56
drocsidI'm trying to increase limits in ubuntu00:58
drocsidulimit shows max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 6400:58
mekhamithis is so f!#%ing miserable, i just bought a $150 stick and i can't play the damn game00:59
drocsidbut I set elasticsearch   - memlock unlimited00:59
drocsidin /etc/security/limits.d/elasticsearch.conf00:59
ImJuneUpdate has my monitor settings messed up now00:59
ImJunenot kewl00:59
drocsidand I O troed sysctl -p01:01
Deja_VuJordan_U: psusi: It worked, I'm extremely grateful for your help and patience with me.01:01
drocsidI also tried sudo sysctl --system01:01
drocsidand logging out and back in01:01
drocsidhow do I get the new limits too apply, or what am I doing wrong?01:01
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Hmmm... what flavor is this?01:01
ImJuneIt is 15.0401:02
ImJunegtx 960 gpu01:02
ImJunerunning the drivers01:02
ImJunenvidia binary01:02
drocsidanybody, or should I ask in #linux instead?01:02
SonikkuAmerica!flavors | ImJune , what I meant was01:02
ubottuImJune , what I meant was: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.01:02
ImJuneOh Ubuntu01:02
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Oh, OK. Can you !pastebin your /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf ?01:03
ImJunelet me get a terminal open\01:03
SonikkuAmericadrocsid: Is this 15.04?01:04
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:04
SonikkuAmericaEADG: And soon that will be LXQt01:04
nicomachusok, I'm completely stuck at boot. Any time I select an OS to boot from GRUB, it reboots the machine.01:05
nicomachusboot-repair did NOT work.01:05
SonikkuAmericanicomachus: Try in #grub01:06
SonikkuAmericaif you haven't already.01:06
SymbiosisAdvice needed: I'm connecting to a local ssh server, I put in the password and the connection is established. But when I try to connect to google using firefox, the terminal says the connection is refused. Can someone elaborate?01:06
nicomachuswhoa. didn't know that existed.01:06
ImJuneIt seems that xorg.conf.d is a dir01:06
ImJunenot a file01:06
ImJunedo you want to see what files are within it?01:06
nicomachusImJune: xorg.conf is a file01:07
SonikkuAmericaImJune: First, check in /etc/X11/ for an xorg.conf01:07
nicomachusxorg.conf.d doesn't exist01:07
ImJuneit does01:07
SonikkuAmericanicomachus: No, it does... Xorg screwed around with the config files01:07
ImJuneIm inside the it not01:07
knocktwiceSymbiosis: are you trying to tunnel your web connection or something?01:07
ImJunesorry misstype01:07
Symbiosisknocktwice: yes01:07
knocktwiceAh... one moment.01:08
ImJuneinside X11 there is no xorg.conf file01:08
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Inside /etc/X11/ , you mean.01:08
ImJunesorry this keyboard is junk01:09
knocktwiceSymbiosis: ssh <host> -f -N -L<port>:<port>01:10
SonikkuAmericaImJune: [ cd /etc/X11/ && ls | grep xorg.conf ]01:10
knocktwiceSymbiosis or something close01:10
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Usually there isn't anything there, but...01:10
ImJunenothing there01:11
ubuntu198Hi guys. I am running Elementary OS, based on Ubuntu 14.04. I still need to run Windows in a VM occasionally, but it's painfully slow without hardware acceleration. Is there any way to enable this on Intel 4600 graphics? Thank you.01:11
knocktwiceSymbiosis: I use it to tunnel to my remote machine, then connect to squid on the remote machine for a proxy.01:11
ImJunegrep finds nothing01:11
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SonikkuAmericaImJune: OK, then I think I need a !pastebin of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf01:12
Symbiosisknocktwice: okay. thanks.01:12
histoubuntu198: do you have a cpu that supports hardware virtualization?01:12
kostkon!elementary | ubuntu19801:12
ubottuubuntu198: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.01:12
ubuntu198histo: I'm not sure.. I have a Intel i7-4790k01:12
Symbiosisknocktwice: how do you end a specific connection?01:13
Symbiosisknocktwice: when using -f?01:14
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SonikkuAmericaOh hello superflyy :)01:14
shenkoControl c, usualy kills01:14
knocktwiceSymbiosis: Oh, hm... I guess I'd find the PID of ssh and kill it.  I guess I've never needed to :)01:14
knocktwiceSymbiosis: shenko's got it right.  You'll still have the terminal, so you can C-c01:15
SonikkuAmericasuperflyy: ((Sorry to inform you that I know the real superfly. He's an Ubuntu member XD))01:15
histoubuntu198: grep -e vmx -e svm -o /proc/cpuinfo01:15
superflyySonikkuAmerica i'm his understudy ;)01:15
knocktwicestunt double?01:16
ImJunehttp://pastebin.com/9JL8GneH there you go01:16
superflyySonikkuAmerica his knockout-ned01:16
histoubuntu198: did that command output anything?01:16
ubuntu198histo: It outputs "vmx" 8 times. Thank you01:16
superflyySonikkuAmerica pimping out one fan-tech at a time :D01:16
shenkoHis igor01:16
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Nope, not what I'm looking for.01:16
ImJuneI have dual monitors01:16
ImJunethen what are you looking for01:16
superflyyshenko igor has a sense of humour :D01:17
ImJunebecause thats the file you requested01:17
histoubuntu198: okay so you need to check the box to enable hardware acceleration in the settings for your vm. That will speed things up a bit01:17
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Is your GTX controlled by Optimus, or a standalone?01:17
ImJuneIts running the proprietary drivers it says01:17
ImJunevia the gui update app01:17
ImJuneThis device is using the recommended driver"01:18
histoubuntu198: Stop the vm under settings > System > Acceleration tab enable those settings under hardware virtualizaiton01:18
SonikkuAmericaImJune: I asked if you are using NVIDIA Optimus, which switches between an Intel and an NVIDIA GPU.01:18
histoubuntu198: for video acceleration you will need guest additions installed and enable that under graphics01:18
ImJuneno surely not01:19
ImJuneI have an AMD chip01:20
SonikkuAmericaImJune: And sorry about the config file being wrong...01:20
ImJuneits updating now01:20
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Nope, you wouldn't be then.01:20
ImJunevia software updater01:20
ImJunecrossing fffingers01:20
Symbiosisknocktwice: I did what you said, but I'm still getting a connection refused message. The ssh server says it has the connection.01:20
ImJunebefore this happend it recognized my monitor01:21
knocktwiceSymbiosis: can you use wget or curl to test on local and remote?01:22
knocktwiceSymbiosis: The firewall on either side could be interfering01:22
knocktwiceSymbiosis: do you have access to the logfiles on the remote?01:23
Symbiosisknocktwice: yes01:23
histoSymbiosis: you could just kill the job or bring it to the forground01:24
Symbiosishisto: i did, but even still i get connection refused.01:25
SonikkuAmericaImJune: Any luck?01:26
ImJuneYes It shows that my monitor can not be seen01:26
ImJuneI mean it shows up as an unknown disply01:26
ImJuneand the resolution is wrong01:26
ImJuneI didnt change any settings for this to happen either01:27
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histoSymbiosis: ssh -v host01:28
histoSymbiosis: see what's going on01:28
ImJuneI want another monitor so they are the same ugh01:28
histoSymbiosis: you can have multiple ssh connetions so it's not the other one01:28
knocktwiceSymbiosis: On my remote, all firewall-denied-connections are logged in kern.log.  You might check there.01:29
ImJuneis there another conf file I can look in?01:29
knocktwiceSymbiosis: http, not https, right? No TLS complications?01:30
Symbiosisknocktwice: hmm, i didn't think to check for that. one moment01:31
knocktwiceSymbiosis: I can almost assure you the problem is on the remote machine.  Might be the network config on the remote.01:31
mekhamii'm getting so damn tired of ubuntu and wine.01:31
knocktwicemekhami: try ubuntu and beer01:31
a7i3nha knock!01:31
smokelessmekhami: ubuntu, wine, and cheddar.01:31
a7i3nI spread ubuntu on toast and have with a fine chiante01:32
se/nick moep|se01:33
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smokelessa7ien: amazing.01:35
knocktwiceyay! finally found a WM I like: xfce01:36
shenkoI order ubuntu from chinese resto down the street. They always forget my dumplings :-(01:36
Decoy_Platypusknocktwice: what else have you tried?01:37
reisioshenko: that's awful01:37
reisioknocktwice: that's a good one01:37
reisiowith a proven history of not betraying its users01:37
knocktwiceMATE, cinnamon, others-- I've got like 6 in my session-list01:37
histoknocktwice: xfce is a desktop environment01:38
shenkoIm gnome3 wm because unity was full of lag on my hp laptop01:38
wastreli have hp laptop it is good with unity01:38
Decoy_Platypusknocktwice: I tried a bunch too; finally settled on i301:38
histoknocktwice: I switch between xfce or just running i301:38
reisiokinda depends on your graphics hardware, how well Unity (compiz) will perform01:38
knocktwicehisto: thx... I'm mostly a term user, so I'm behind on X knowledge01:38
reisioalso GNOME 3, though01:38
histoknocktwice: xfce is nice that you can customize it to your liking01:39
reisioyou can use either without acceleration, though, with more effort01:39
shenkoWhatsup with wayland?01:39
knocktwiceMATE was ok.  Had a few nasty bugs though01:39
reisioshenko: what do you mean?01:39
histoknocktwice: http://imgur.com/CF66Qt701:39
shenkoI dunno, it gonna replace x? I heard01:39
reisioshenko: yes, eventually01:39
reisioyou'll know when01:39
shenkoX is like 100 years old now01:40
knocktwicehisto: what's the clock widget?01:40
GeoHi - I'd looking to upgrade my / partition to a larger HD, which I currently have mirrored using mdadm. Can I just replace one of the two and synch/grow it, or do I need to do something with grub (as its the bootable partition)?01:40
shenkoRwisio why do you sound so ominous? "You'll know when muahahaha(evil laugh" wtf01:40
drakedouay2I have a list of opvn (open vpn) files. I wish to import the list via the command line as it would take a long time to add them manually via the gui. How can I do this?01:40
reisioshenko: because your head reads things ominously?01:42
reisioeventually the sun will set01:42
reisioeventually the sun will rise01:42
knocktwicehisto: so my WM is xfwm4?01:42
Decoy_Platypushisto: nice to find out I'm not the only i3 user :D01:45
EriC^knocktwice: yeah01:45
reisioknocktwice: yarp01:47
reisioknocktwice: Xfce is the desktop environment01:47
reisiobut we knew what you meant01:47
wastrelwhich desktop environment is most like the movie "alien"01:49
knocktwiceso, it kills you at a moment's notice and drips acid? I'll pass.01:49
reisiowastrel: most like the movie?01:49
reisioold film, that01:50
reisiomaybe something commandline01:50
Decoy_Platypuswastrel: got a screenshot of what you mean?01:50
oceanprimeon the command line right now01:51
oceanprimethough I'd like to install window maker01:51
smokelessoceanprime: life on the CLI01:51
oceanprimesmokeless: is..?01:51
smokelessoceanprime: the best way to get work done.01:52
EriC^oceanprime: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop or xfce401:52
oceanprimeEriC^: why would I do that?01:53
EriC^if you want to install a de01:53
EriC^you said you'd like to01:54
oceanprimeEriC^: alrigth have bloated gnome. window maker is a de. old school. I liked it a lot back in the day.01:54
Hilikusin my load average i get load average: 58.01, 57.99, 57.32. however when I run top, there's only 2 processes I see each with 1% cpu. how can i see what is causing the load to be so high?01:54
EriC^oceanprime: oh ok01:55
Decoy_PlatypusHilikus: that is a huge load!01:55
wastrelHilikus: do you have a lot of processes running you can have a high load average if you have a lot of open processes01:55
Hilikuswastrel: i don't know, how many is too many?01:56
wastrelhow many do you have yo01:56
wastrelin top it should say tasks, 2nd line01:57
wastrelhow many running01:58
Hilikuswhat's wa in the third row01:58
Hilikus1 running01:58
PazoozaV15.04 only has 9 months of support? Why bother?01:58
Hilikus?? what is that?01:59
PazoozaUbuntu 15.0401:59
Hilikus%Cpu(s):  0.7 us,  0.7 sy,  0.0 ni,  0.0 id, 98.7 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st01:59
wastrelit's not a LTS01:59
ApteryxHi! I've got some weird issue... My grub config is as far as I can tell standard, but some old kernel gets loaded instead of the newest01:59
knocktwice #grub?02:00
psusiPazooza, I'd imagine because you like having the new hotness and it isn't a problem upgrading every 6 to 9 months02:00
reisioApteryx: pastebin your config and the contents of /boot02:00
EriC^and uname -r02:00
reisiowell, and /etc/fstab02:00
reisioand lsblk -f02:00
reisioand your root pw02:00
EriC^and your SSN02:01
EriC^atm PIN02:01
EriC^also your shoe size, thx02:01
reisiowell, your foot size, in cm02:03
nicomachusknocktwice: #grub is pretty dead02:03
reisioand cL02:03
nicomachusEriC^: do you remember the problem I was having with booting last night?02:04
EriC^live usb wouldn't boot02:04
nicomachusturns out boot-repair has an .iso....02:04
nicomachusit boots just fine.02:04
nicomachusboot-repair didn't work, but I got SOMETHING to boot.02:05
EriC^ok, what's that?02:05
nicomachusbuilt into ubuntu now, started out as 3rd party: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:06
EriC^oh, i mean what did you boot02:06
azizLIGHThow do i clear file results in the dash?02:06
EriC^after boot-repair fixed stuff02:07
nicomachusI tried to boot into Ubuntu but it still just reboots the machine when I select anything in grub. but the boot-repair .iso live disk will boot, and it's basically lubuntu, so I at least have a terminal in the machine... progress.02:08
EriC^nicomachus: ok, boot into it and type sudo parted -l02:08
nicomachusit's doing another repair atm, one sec.02:09
smokelessnicomachus: is this a fresh install?02:09
knocktwiceI can't believe I've succumbed to vim.  I'm such a traitor to my emacs heritage.02:10
nicomachussmokeless: upgrade from 14.10 to 15.0402:10
wastrelvim ♥02:11
wastrelknocktwice: you did a good job im proud of you lets be bffs ♥02:11
smokelessvim supremacy02:11
mekhamiso, how big of a pa in in the ass is it to dual boot windows from ubuntu02:12
smokelessmekhami: it is pretty easy, VM is even easier.02:14
mekhamismokeless, unlikely i can run the games i want to run through a vm02:14
knocktwiceI used to be an eLisp hacker.  Now I want to learn vim scripting.  I feel like I've renounced Christianity or come out of the closet.02:15
reisioknocktwice: you ever try using emacs with alt and ctrl swapped?02:15
nicomachusEriC^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11533188/02:15
reisiommm, my understanding is that Emacs has better scripting02:15
reisioinsofar as it uses a real language02:16
mekhamireisio, smokeless what size usb do i need to put a windows loader on it02:16
reisiobut that Vim is a better editor, insofar as it isn't an OS that interprets Lisp02:16
mekhamiany idea02:16
knocktwicereisio: I imagine so.  But eLisp is a real p.i.t.a.02:16
EriC^nicomachus: try sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt02:16
reisiomekhami: install image, you mean?02:16
reisioknocktwice: yeah, I wouldn't choose Vim's over it, though02:16
nicomachusI was able to do that earlier.02:16
reisioI forget if neovim has a real scripting interface02:16
RazzdollWill this work with ubuntu 15.04? http://www.netis-systems.com/en/Downloads/Details/?id=86102:17
EriC^nicomachus: that's great, i was thinking maybe the filesystem got erased but it seemed odd an update would do that02:17
nicomachusmaybe that was sda1 earlier.02:17
EriC^try sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt02:17
mekhamireisio, yeah. whatever i need on a usb to boot and install windows from it.02:17
nicomachusbut sda5 says "unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'"02:17
nicomachusit's encrypted, fyi02:17
reisiomekhami: they tend to be DVD-sized, between 3 and 4 gigs02:17
mekhamiso the 8gb i have is fine02:18
reisiomekhami: probably, if you can image it correctly02:18
reisiomekhami: what's it for?02:18
mekhamireisio ......for installing windows.02:18
mekhamidual booting?02:18
histonicomachus: is it an encrypted home?02:19
reisiomekhami: what version/edition02:19
mekhamireisio, i don't really care either way02:19
nicomachushisto: full disk02:19
mekhamijust need something i can run steam on02:19
reisiosteam runs on GNU/Linux02:20
histonicomachus: sudo cryptsetup luksopen /dev/sda5 encrypted_volume02:20
histonicomachus: then you can mount /dev/mapper/encrypted_volume where you need to02:20
mekhamireisio, .........02:21
mekhamireisio, i'm not an idiot man jesus02:21
mekhamireisio, stop trying to solve problems i don't have02:21
nicomachus'cryptsetup: Unknown action'02:21
reisiomekhami: oooooh okay, sure thing02:21
Guest11306how come (sometimes) when i go to install a 32-bit package apt-get wants to remove **64-bit** packages?02:21
histonicomachus: ^luksopen^luksOpen^02:22
mekhamireisio, sorry, extremely %!#%ing frustrating night and IRC has been .... less than fruitful tonight.02:22
nicomachusso: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 encrypted_volume?02:22
mekhamireisio, i'm having problems i shouldn't be having.02:22
reisiomekhami: yeah, like what?02:22
mekhamireisio, i need the non-linux version of steam to run Ultra SFIV. which ran juuuust fine a month ago.02:23
mekhaminow it's crashing on startup and there's absolutely no way to see the logs or why it's crashing.02:23
reisiomekhami: what makes you think changing your OS will help02:24
histonicomachus: yes or you could have pasted what I typed and it would have corrected it for you.02:24
mekhamireisio, steam runs natively on windows?02:24
mekhamireisio, the steam that runs USFIV doe snot run natively on linux02:24
nicomachushandy. didn't know that. Also can't paste02:24
=== Guest11306 is now known as ss314
histonicomachus: it's the same as !!:s/luksopen/luksOpen/02:25
reisiomekhami: why's that02:25
mekhamireisio it just doesn't. steam for linux runs a few games, notably the valve games.02:25
nicomachushisto: tried to mount and got "unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'"02:25
ApteryxHello! Still stuggling with disabling nouveau! Every time I boot, I have to do the following commands in order to start nvidia proprietary driver: http://pastebin.com/yMHVRrVr02:25
mekhamisteam for linux does NOT run the vast majority of games available on steam02:25
mekhamiso, you have to run steam through wine which is apparently the biggest cosmic joke in the world.02:26
nicomachusmekhami: it's growing.02:26
mekhaminicomachus, it will never grow to street fighter unfortunately02:26
mekhaminicomachus, unless SFV is on unreal engine (might be)02:26
mekhamibut i don't trust capcom to make a stable game on a single platform since, historically, they can't.02:26
mekhamieither way02:26
reisioyeah it only has a gold rating for Wine02:26
mekhamithis game worked through wine02:27
reisiomeans it's a poorly made app02:27
mekhamiit doesn't run02:27
nicomachusidk man, I hear the guys in #ubuntu-offtopic are pretty passionate about it02:27
mekhamigold rating means shit if it doesn't run02:27
mekhaminicomachus, about what02:27
knocktwiceApteryx: have you tried blacklisting?02:27
histonicomachus: vgs02:28
ApteryxHow can I disable KMS?02:30
nicomachusoh nvm02:30
reisioApteryx: don't cross post02:31
nicomachushisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11533409/02:32
Bashing-omApteryx: One way to disable KMS is to boot with the boot parameter "nomoeset" for ATI/Nvidia chipsets. Intel has other means .02:32
neuronnicomachus: hi02:33
neuronnicomachus: I got this tutorial http://techknight.eu/2014/12/09/send-mail-witg-google-smtp-ubuntu-14-04/02:33
neuronI followed it to the letter02:33
neuronI am wondering I am not getting the last part where I try to test whether I can send an email or not02:33
neuroncho testing|mail -s 'Test Mail' jamesvernes@yahoo.com02:34
neuronecho testing|mail -s 'Test Mail' jamesvernes@yahoo.com02:34
neuronreturns an error on the terminal02:34
neuronnicomachus: can you help me02:34
nicomachusidk why you're asking me, man.02:34
neuronnicomachus: I just assume you might help me02:35
neuronif not then its ok02:35
reisionicomachus: you're good lookin', that's why02:35
neuronno problem man02:35
nicomachusI would if I could, neuron.02:35
neuronnicomachus: thanks man02:35
nicomachusbut I'm here because I can't even boot my pc, so you might try someone else.02:35
neuronreisio: any ideas02:36
neuronhello fellas02:36
nicomachusbe patient, man02:36
reisioneuron: about what?02:36
neuronjust want to ask if anyone can help02:36
nicomachusif someone knows, they'll say something02:36
neuronreisio: I got this tutorial http://techknight.eu/2014/12/09/send-mail-witg-google-smtp-ubuntu-14-04/02:36
neuronI followed it to the letter02:36
neuronI am wondering I am not getting the last part where I try to test whether I can send an email or not02:37
smokelessneuron: open a terminal. type mail, then fill out to, and subject, end the line with a .02:37
neuronecho testing|mail -s 'Test Mail' jamesvernes@yahoo.com02:37
smokelessneuron: rather a . on it's own line.02:37
EriC^nicomachus: did you mount the partition yet02:37
neuronit says no mail02:38
neuronit says no mail for username02:38
Apteryxreisio: OK02:38
neuronsmokeless: it says no mail for username02:38
smokelessneuron: mail $whoever@whereever02:38
histonicomachus: lvs02:39
neuronsmokeless: yeah did that02:39
neuronI type the subject02:39
histonicomachus: what'd happened to start all this?  I missed the begining of your question?02:39
neuronthen press enter02:39
neuronthen type a. on the next line02:39
neuronand it cursor just blinks02:39
EriC^histo: he upgraded to 15.04 from 14.1002:39
neuronsmokeless: what can I do next02:40
nicomachusselecting a boot option in grub causes the machine to restart.02:40
smokelessneuron: So you get through the subject, type a . to end it, and it just hangs?02:40
nicomachustried boot-repair, no dice.02:40
nicomachusThere were a lot of twists and turns and adventures on the way, but that's the gist of it.02:40
ApteryxBashing-om: I have this parameter in my /etc/default/grub file, as: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet nomodeset rdblacklist=nouveau"02:40
histonicomachus: okay well you have to unencrypt your disk then mount the logical volumes you created02:40
neuronyup I am just seeing a blinking cursor02:40
smokelessneuron and it isn't exiting out to bash?02:41
histonicomachus: so we've luksOpen for the first part then we can mount the volume02:41
Geodoes anyone know the command to get a RAID5 mdadm partition marked as down to 'reactivate' and join the array again?02:41
neuronsmokeless: yup02:41
smokelessneuron add another enter in there and try putting another .02:41
neuronit does not return to the prompt02:41
nicomachushisto: just tried to mount /dev/mapper/encypted_volume and it says "can't find /dev/mapper/encrypted_volume in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab'02:41
neuronsmokeless: ok it says this02:41
neuronsmokeless: send-mail: Authorization failed (534 5.7.14 https://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=78754 mi1sm19221609pab.0 - gsmtp)02:42
Apteryxreisio: Ubuntu 14.04 to be more specific02:42
ignitusIs it possible to install armel and x86 packages side by side on the same system?  I'm trying to cross compile a opengl/es application for a sbc we have in the shop, but I can't figure out how to tell apt-get to properly resolve the gles libs02:42
histonicomachus: yeah I know,  does lvs     show a volumen name?02:42
EriC^nicomachus: you need to type sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted_volume /mnt02:42
nicomachusroot and swap02:42
EriC^i think you missed the /mnt part02:42
nicomachusEriC^ so I did...02:42
smokelessneuron somewhere in your setup you have a mistake with your user name and password.02:43
nicomachusok: 'unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member''02:43
ApteryxI have two problems actually: 1) KMS does not seem to go away no matter what I try and 2) The newest kernel is not the one used by grub even after a update-grub command (although I have GRUB_DEFAULT=0 in the /etc/default/grub file)02:43
Bashing-omApteryx: Blacklisting is a funtion of files residing in " /etc/modprobe.d/" ; Those boot parameters just do not look right to me .02:44
histonicomachus: okay mount /dev/ubuntu-jg/root  /wheverver02:44
neuronsmokeless: but I did exactly what I have to do02:44
histonicomachus: ubuntu-vg  sorry for the typo02:44
neuronI correctly entered my own gmail account details02:44
reisioApteryx: ask ubottu about nomodeset02:44
neuronmy username and my password02:44
nicomachus /wheverver...?02:44
ApteryxBashing-om: the rdblacklist=nouveau I think is not ubuntu proper. But I've seen nomodeset in Debian docs as well as on the web for ubuntu.02:44
EriC^nicomachus: /mnt02:45
histonicomachus: mount it to where you want to take a look at it.02:45
Apteryxreisio: You mean on launchpad questions? Or on askubuntu.com02:45
EriC^!nomodeset | Apteryx02:45
ubottuApteryx: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:45
nicomachusok, mounted that no problem.02:45
smokelessneuron: you checked all of the lines and they all match up, and you can login to your google account with that info?02:45
Bashing-omApteryx: Depending on your grahics chip set " nomodeset" might be appropriate to disable KMS . But, Why would you want to ?02:46
nicomachusnow /dev/mapper/encrypted_volume?02:46
EriC^nicomachus: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot02:46
neuronsmokeless: using the account details if I go to gmail and log in I can access my email02:46
nicomachusok, done02:46
nicomachusneuron: do you have 2-form verification on gmail?02:46
EriC^nicomachus: ok, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done02:47
ApteryxBashing-om: Because nouveau is horribly slow so I must use nvidia proprietary driver.02:47
neuronnicomachus: I do not remember doing anything like that02:47
neuronbut how can I check if I did02:47
histonicomachus: not mapper ubuntu-vg you have an encrypted lvm on sda502:47
nicomachusEriC^ double checking phrasing: "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done" is the command?02:48
histonicomachus: mount /dev/ubuntu-vg/whatever_the_name_of_your_logical_volume  /where/you/want/to/mount02:48
Bashing-omApteryx: IF Nvidia is properly installed, in the Nvidia install parocess the nviida driver will black list the nouveau driver automatically.02:48
smokelessneuron: give this a shot, if that doesn't work, I don't know what's wrong.02:48
EriC^nicomachus: yeah02:48
smokelessneuron: http://tecadmin.net/ways-to-send-email-from-linux-command-line/02:48
nicomachuscool thanks02:48
Apteryxubottu: thanks. But I tried this already.02:48
ubottuApteryx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:48
neuronsmokeless: cool thanks02:48
smokelessneuron: specifically the part about ssmtp02:49
nicomachusok, done EriC^02:49
ApteryxBashing-om: It did. But somehow kms is still on and loads nouveau very early, which blocks nvidia from loading after02:49
EriC^nicomachus: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt02:49
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:49
reisioApteryx: ^02:49
nicomachusok, done EriC^02:49
EriC^nicomachus: type grub-install --recheck /dev/sda02:50
Bashing-omApteryx: Pardon me, but sounds like you are attempting to install a driver that your graphics card does not support ??02:50
neuronsmokeless: i just did02:50
neuronbut the cursor never returned to the bash02:50
neuronit just keeps on blinking02:50
smokelessneuron: did it work?02:51
nicomachusEriC^: "could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."02:51
neuronsmokeless: I am not sure yet02:51
smokelessneuron: no nasty error from google is good though.02:51
ApteryxBashing-om: no, I'm sure it is supported. My card is based on the G73 nvidia gpu (7600 GS or something), and I have installed the default nvidia 304.125 that is available on Ubuntu.02:51
smokelessneuron: like I said, beyond that I'm not sure.02:52
neuronsmokeless: the thing is I never install ssmtp02:52
smokelessneuron: me either.02:52
ApteryxAnd it does work! If I unload kms, nouveau and load nvidia manually each time I want to start a session.02:52
nicomachus(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)02:52
Bashing-omApteryx: OK, let me make sure ( been here done that) , Show me what we are working with ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit ' .02:53
reisiodefault modesetting is silly02:53
reisiowhoever thought it up is a goof02:53
ApteryxThe problem is I haven't found the magic to turn KMS off automatically. nomodeset strangely does not help02:54
Apteryxand blacklist neither...02:54
ApteryxI'm thinking I'll have to go buy some AMD card if I want peace.02:54
ignitusSee when I try to install crossbuild-essentials-armhf  it tries to uninstall my build essentials basically.02:54
nicomachusApteryx: AMD GPU user here, the grass is always greener on the other side.02:54
reisioApteryx: nomodeset should od it02:54
ignitusDoesn't make sense02:54
reisionicomachus: not in Yemen02:55
nicomachusI had some crazy driver issues with my Radeon HD 645002:55
nicomachusthat was back in 14.04 though, I think.02:55
EriC^nicomachus: try just grub-install /dev/sda02:56
nicomachussame error02:56
neuronsmokeless: no success man02:56
EriC^nicomachus: try update-grub02:56
smokelessneuron: that sucks. sorry about that.02:56
EriC^it might be all you need anyways02:56
ApteryxBashing-om: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation G73 [GeForce 7300 GT] [10de:0393] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device [1043:820e] Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 42 Memory at fa000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M] Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M] Memory at fb000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]02:56
neuronsmokeless: your cool man02:56
nicomachusdone, no error02:56
neuronat least you help02:56
Apteryxsorry about that02:56
nicomachus!paste | Apteryx02:57
ubottuApteryx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:57
EriC^nicomachus: type exit, then reboot02:57
neuronEriC^: can you help me with my ssmtp02:57
Bashing-omApteryx: Look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/11533886/ .02:57
nicomachusEriC^: boot into the live CD or HDD?02:57
EriC^nicomachus: hdd02:57
nicomachusokey doke02:58
EriC^neuron: i dunno much about that02:58
EriC^sorry dude02:58
nicomachushaven't seen daftykins in awhile02:58
neuronEriC^: cool no problem man02:59
nicomachusEriC^: grub still reboots.02:59
neuronany fellas here knows about smtp or two02:59
wastrelpeople like smtp02:59
knocktwicehad to learn some smtp recently :(03:00
nicomachusEriC^: has any of this given you an idea of what the issue is? or just kinda circling in on it?03:00
neuronknocktwice: do you have any ideas man03:00
Apteryxnicomachus: for a basic user (no heavy 3D games), is AMD delivering a solid open source driver? Like Ubuntu Unity is smooth and video playback is great03:00
EriC^nicomachus: i think something is missing from the install relating to encryption (just a guess)03:00
EriC^i think it's odd it doesn't ask for the pass phrase when you boot03:01
nicomachusyes, Apteryx. Catalyst Control Center can be a bit wonky, though. If you plan on using VGA or DVI, I don't think you'll have the issues I did.03:01
nicomachusEriC^: it asks for it after grub. but I haven't gotten past grub yet.03:01
Apteryxnicomachus: oh, you are using the Catalyst drivers? why not the mesa ones? I thought they were quite OK.03:01
wastrelideas about what neuron03:02
neuronwastrel: troubleshooting my smtp mail server03:02
neuronnot send email03:02
nicomachusI tried the catalyst drivers, and that's why I had the issues. I couldn't get scaling to work, the slider was just greyed out. but everything was supported. I ended up switching to the xorg driver and scaling with xrandr scripts on startup03:02
nicomachusbecause it's HDMI and the TV doesn't adjust for under/overscan03:03
wastrellike telnet localhost 80 ?03:03
wastreler, 2503:03
Bashing-omApteryx: Agreed the 304 driver is correct. So, what is now installed ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | pastebinit ' ?03:04
neuronwastrel: For all those without any special chars, but still having Authorization failed (535): Google is simply blocking your "new" IP. Login via the web interface to the account you are trying to use, check the logins and tell google it's you.03:04
neuronwastrel: what does it mean03:04
nicomachusEriC^: I was able to decrypt and mount the disk in nautilus. I did have suitable permissions to access the Home folder, though, and nautilus wouldn't open with gksu03:04
histoEriC^: he probably neesd to enable the encrypt hook for his initrd03:04
neuronI got it from the ubuntu forums03:04
knocktwiceneuron: the echo|mail worked perfectly for me.03:04
wastrelneuron: google smtp requires authentication you can't just relay mail through them03:05
neuronknocktwice: how did you do that03:05
neuroncan you give me an example03:05
neuronwastrel: so what do I do then03:05
neuronsome people in the ubuntu forums are able03:05
wastrelwhat mail client are you using03:05
shenkoSo then I tells her "sudo make me a sandwich"03:05
neuronI just need to figure this part out03:05
nicomachuss/did have/did not have03:05
knocktwiceneuron: just like you did: echo "Hi there!"| mail -s 'Test Mail' user@domain.tld03:06
nicomachusbut I was able to get to system files, which are also on the encrypted disk03:06
wastrelneuron: so you've set up some sort of local mta that is trying to relay through google?03:07
knocktwiceneuron: google was rejecting my mail until I set up an SPF dns record03:08
linociscohi all, excuse me if my question is shot in wrong channel. I would like to read a book about php and mysql explained using Ubuntu LAMP. could somebody refer me to any title? I am starter to learn php and mysql using ubuntu LAMP server on vm03:09
histonicomachus: what's your /etc/crypttab look like on the disk?03:09
nicomachusEriC^ and histo: not sure if this will help, but this is the paste from the boot-repair that i ran: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11531472/03:09
nicomachushisto: you may have to help me get there. I've rebooted now, so I'll have to mount everything again.03:10
raihanteknologijoin /channel<bandung>03:10
knocktwicelinocisco: personally I've never found books about software to be worth much.  Just get in there and mess with it.03:11
neuronknocktwice: still got problems03:11
neuronknocktwice: nd-mail: Authorization failed (534 5.7.14 https://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=78754 mq2sm18885927pbb.16 - gsmtp)03:11
neuronknocktwice: in your case did you use your gmail account as well03:11
ApteryxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11533995/. Thanks for helping.03:11
EriC^nicomachus: it's kind of odd it's still using the 3.13 kernel with 15.0403:14
linociscoknocktwice, most are explained in XAMPP. my goal is to learn both at the same time. ubuntu LAMP and (php&MySQL)03:14
Bashing-omApteryx: :) look'n at http://paste.ubuntu.com/11533995/.03:14
EriC^nicomachus: did you boot the live usb again?03:14
shenkoAlso keep an eye on mariadb, they say it may one day overtake mysql03:14
nicomachusEriC^: old mobo with a Core2Duo.03:14
nicomachusand yes, I'm in the live version.03:14
EriC^mount everything like you did before03:15
nicomachustrying to remember what exactly I did03:15
knocktwiceneuron: http://serverfault.com/questions/635139/how-to-fix-send-mail-authorization-failed-534-5-7-1403:15
knocktwiceneuron: be sure to read all the answers, not just the first one.03:16
neuronwastrel: I do not now whether smtp is MTA or not03:16
neuronthis is my first time using, deploying and testing a mail server on my own03:16
shenkoWats MTA???03:16
wastrelit is a mail server sorry lazy typing03:17
lotuspsychje!smtp | neuron03:17
ubottuneuron: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/email-services.html03:17
Bashing-omApteryx: Looks good, so is "nouveau> blacklisted ' sudo grep 'blacklist.*nouveau' /etc/modprobe.d/* ' ?03:17
neuronlotuspsychje: !smtp | neuron what does that mean03:18
qkitany one have any luck installing drbd in ubuntu?03:18
neuronknocktwice: will do thanks03:19
neonixcoderBen64:When I try to upgrade with "do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive" I am getting "WARNING: Failed to read mirror file03:19
neonixcoderAny suggestions?03:20
EADGI'm using Screen on the frame buffer, however, FBI will not display images - it complains about Screen not being a Linux terminal. Can anybody recommend a terminal/frame buffer program for browsing inages?03:20
nicomachusEriC^: back to root@03:20
EriC^nicomachus: ok, type ls -l /boot | nc termbin.com 999903:21
knocktwiceneuron: mta? smtp? looks like you need to do more research.03:21
neuronknocktwice: yup man03:22
neuronI told you I got this new web admin role given to me03:22
neuronnot just development03:22
knocktwiceneuron: good luck.  that's a large ball of wax03:22
neuronknocktwice: lol03:22
neuronwell if all seems to get stuck03:22
knocktwiceneuron: email is crufty with age03:22
neuronjust keep trying03:22
neuronknocktwice: any online resource you can direct me to03:23
Corey___hi is there anyway to move the minimize maximize and close button to the right? its the only thing thats keep me from switching to ubuntu from windows, running 15.0403:23
knocktwiceneuron: not really.  dovecot seems to have their stuff together.03:23
knocktwiceneuron: various hosting services have good introductions03:24
neuronknocktwice: you mean postfix03:24
neuronor exim403:24
neurotCorey___ xubuntu or kubuntu03:24
nicomachusEriC^: http://termbin.com/mnay03:24
nicomachus^ cool tool, btw03:24
shenko@neuron I don't know how you are in programing. But maybe take a quick look at python (its like bash script) python has smtp module03:24
knocktwiceneuron: yes, I'm running postfix03:24
EriC^nicomachus: ok, type cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 999903:25
neuronshenko: I am using php now03:25
EriC^/boot has the 3.19 kernel03:25
neuronI am committed to a project03:25
Corey___neurot, i really like the way unity looks and ive tried a lot of things to try and find the tearing on xubuntu but im just not happy with the performance when its fixed03:25
neuronI cannot just switch to python anyhow03:25
Corey___and i hate the way kde looks03:25
neuronknocktwice: it is much better and easier03:25
knocktwiceneuron: that can be very good, but it can be exploited by mgmt03:25
neuronknocktwice: ypu03:26
neuronlike I told you03:26
neonixcoderBen64: My apt.log with errors at http://pastebin.com/CCg3sfYN03:26
neuronI just need to more project life cycles and I am out03:26
neuronat least a I got new experience which they can not deny that I did for them03:26
nicomachusEriC^ ^03:26
knocktwiceneuron: be dedicated to yourself, not to a company.  They are not your friends.03:26
neurotCorey___ You may be able to move it to the right with weak tools03:26
neuronknocktwice: exactly03:27
nicomachusso it's trying to boot the wrong kernel?03:27
Corey___ive tried unity tweak tool, no go when i log out the option just gets reset03:27
nicomachusson of a bitch... this says 3.1303:27
EriC^nicomachus: yeah03:27
ApteryxBashing-om: Yes it is! The nvidia installed added many blacklist definitions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11534481/03:27
nicomachusso are we going to edit the file that says DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE?03:27
Bashing-omApteryx: I be look'n .03:27
EriC^nicomachus: well, let's try update-grub again03:28
EriC^nicomachus: i'm curious about that custom.cfg in 41_custom03:28
EriC^nicomachus: is there a /boot/grub/custom.cfg file?03:28
ApteryxBashing-om: I've also thrown in the "options nouveau modeset=003:29
Apteryxline for good measure03:29
neuronknocktwice: I just registered to UpWork and Elance yesterday03:29
nicomachusupdate-grub says "found kernel: /vmlinuz-3.19.9-18-generic"... good sign? I didn't look for that last time.03:29
EriC^nicomachus: yeah that's great03:30
shenkoI love it when a plan comes together03:30
EriC^try cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg and see if it's changed03:30
nicomachusI don't see custom.cfg in /boot/grub/03:30
neuronknocktwice: man I just read the link you gave and followed the instructions there03:31
neurongood news is I got no more of those authorization failure messages03:31
neuronbut when I checked my friends account mail03:31
neuronwe do not see any email03:31
nicomachusEriC^: http://termbin.com/69si03:31
=== Guest38 is now known as jack02
Bashing-omApteryx: OK, so the nvidia driver IS installed, "nouveau" IS blacklisted. Now the Nvidia driver depends on KMS, so booting with "nomodeset" defeats it . remove all your boot parameters and reboot . see now what results.03:32
histonicomachus: yeah it's trying to boot the old kernels03:32
histonicomachus: mount the rootfs and chroot there then sudo update-grub03:32
histoEriC^: shoudln't it be booting later than 3.13?03:33
histo!info linux-image03:33
ubottuPackage linux-image does not exist in vivid03:33
nicomachushisto: 3.19 is installed in /boot, but grub is trying to boot 3.1303:34
histonicomachus: yes03:34
EriC^nicomachus: still says 3.1303:34
EriC^so odd03:34
EriC^try chmod -x /etc/grub.d/41_custom03:34
EriC^and try update-grub again, just in case it matters, i guess not though03:34
EriC^histo: yeah03:35
nicomachushow do I get out of /boot/grub...?03:36
nusrhi i want to remove my windows partition and install another windows os on that partition while in ubuntu. can i use partition magic to do that?03:36
EriC^nicomachus: what do you mean?03:36
nicomachuscd ~ doesn't work. haha03:36
EriC^nicomachus: cd .. or cd /path03:36
EriC^nicomachus: did you try the chmod -x command?03:36
nusror gparted03:36
histonusr: gparted.  but when you instlal the other version of windows it will blow out grub.03:37
histonusr: you'll just have to fix grub after that.03:37
nusrhisto: how can i fix grub after?03:38
knocktwiceneuron: good luck with elance.  Remember, hard to get started, but worth it if you stick to it.03:38
neuronknocktwice: thanks03:38
neuronbut I can ask one more thing03:38
histo!grub | nusr03:39
ubottunusr: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:39
histonusr: why even bother with windows anymore?03:40
nusrhisto: i love linux now. i can't even use windows on my laptop, drives me nuts. but i have applications that i must use for work and they have not been ported03:40
histonusr: what applications?  There maybe alternatives03:41
nicomachusEriC^: I did the chmod -x command, yes03:42
nusrhisto: i already checked. it's not. qcollector. and a neuralnet sw03:42
EriC^nicomachus: did you try update-grub again?03:42
nicomachusyes, it found the same kernel again.03:42
EriC^nicomachus: ok, try grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:42
neuronknocktwice: man we got03:43
neuronit was a success03:43
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)03:43
nusrhisto: i made the switch about a y ear ago and actually don't want to use windows but i have to. vm is not stable enough to run the environment in linux03:43
histonusr: Any chance of either running in wine?03:44
shenkoOpen the champagne? Neuron?03:44
snkcldwhen i copy and paste in chrome, my browser freezes03:45
nusrhisto: i can't run either in wine03:45
snkcldmy tab, rather03:45
snkcldany clue how i can debug whats going on?03:45
neuronshenko: not yet03:45
histonusr: :(03:45
neuronboss is around03:45
nicomachusEriC^: it found the 3.19 linux image, initrd image, and memtest03:45
EriC^nicomachus: ok, did the file /boot/grub/grub.cfg change?03:45
neuronplus nossy jealos IT people might think we are having a picnic in the office03:45
neuronwe are suppose to develop cutting edge software03:45
EADGFBI in Screen: sudo fbi -T 1 image.jpg  <-- undocumented in the man. Now to figure out how to make that work with Elinks...03:46
knocktwiceneuron: maaaan. f*** that company03:46
neuronknocktwice: lol03:46
neuronone more project life cycle man03:46
neuronjust one more03:46
shenkoAnd supposed to not take upper deckers in company toilet, do you see that stoping me?03:47
nicomachusEriC^: it's showing 3.19 now03:47
nicomachusthink that did it?03:47
EriC^nicomachus: cool, maybe03:47
EriC^type exit03:47
EriC^and reboot03:47
neuronneuron: thing is my partner here played politics this morning03:47
neuronIT guys got a good royal dressing down for an hour or so03:47
neuronin front of us03:47
knocktwicedouble f*** that company03:47
neuronthink justice is served03:47
neuronknocktwice: lol03:48
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic guys03:48
neuronknocktwice: so are you done with you project using java to port python codes03:48
neuronlotuspsychje: relax03:49
neuronno more03:49
neuronthat was the last03:49
Bashing-omApteryx: I am done for this session. Hope ypi identify your problem, then there can be reolution.03:49
neuronlotuspsychje: sorry03:49
neuronfor anyone who wants to use smtp03:49
neuronand use google is the mail server of choice03:49
neuronmake sure you make some changes into your own account settings03:50
neuronif not you will waste 24 hours figuring out what is wrong with your smtp03:50
shenkoNeuron:tanx for the tip03:50
neuronshenko: that was nothing03:51
nicomachusEriC^: I made it to decryption. butttt it froze.03:51
neuronI think you have figured it out yourself03:51
nicomachusbut it booted.03:51
neuronshenko: what language do you use03:51
EriC^nicomachus: you entered the passphrase?03:51
nicomachuskeypresses aren't registering03:51
shenkoLanguage in programing? Python and bash03:52
histonicomachus: ?03:53
nicomachusEriC^: i've rebooted and am back at grub. I have a new option under advanced options labelled (upstart)03:54
EriC^nicomachus: that's for running 15.04 using upstart instead of systemd03:55
nicomachusah I see.03:55
=== Hexeon|2 is now known as Hexeon
knocktwiceI thought upstart was a replacement for sysV init.  Isn't systemd another beast entirely?03:56
nicomachusyea, the passphrase page is still just not registering any keypresses.03:57
EriC^knocktwice: yeah but i think it still has the capacity to use both, it still has /etc/init.d and /etc/init too03:57
knocktwiceEriC^ "it" which? I'm confused. (and off topic)03:58
EriC^nicomachus: maybe related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/123819404:00
nicomachusfreezes at the same point in recovery mode too04:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238194 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Saucy) "keyboard doesn't work to enter password with encrypted partitions ubuntu 13.10 saucy" [Critical,Fix released]04:00
nicomachusEriC^: that's interesting. I am using a usb keyboard.04:01
coolballsteam requires libc.so.604:02
coolballwhere can i get it?04:02
EriC^nicomachus: i don't see where it mentioned the fix04:03
histocoolball: any reason you're not installing from the software center?04:03
EriC^lol, the guy does mention systemd making it a ton worse then it just ends04:03
histocoolball: sudo apt-get install steam04:03
EriC^nicomachus: try to unplug and replug the keyboard maybe04:04
nicomachusweird: I looked away for a bit and when I looked back, after Enter passphrase it now says "[   142.812536] random: nonblocking poll is initialized"04:04
nicomachus(this is in recovery mode, so it's a command line interface)04:05
EriC^oh wait i'm on a different page04:05
EriC^was reading this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/138710704:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 1387107 in linux (Ubuntu) "boot hangs for no way to enter password for encrypted LVM" [Medium,Expired]04:06
EriC^i guess there's a fix on the other one04:06
nicomachusyea this guy says "Adding the module ohci_pci (and only that) to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and updating fixed it in my case."04:09
nicomachusI suppose I can give that a try04:09
chensmtg@, who.you.wanadoo.fr04:11
chenswho doo yoo wanadoo04:11
nicomachusEriC^: any way to do that from grub command line or do I need to boot the live cd?04:12
EriC^nicomachus: you need to boot the live cd04:12
EriC^and chroot and update-initramfs04:12
nicomachusI'll have to luksOpen and mount sda1 again?04:14
K0D35any 1 know how to build a podcast stuido04:15
Blue1How do you play a bluray dvd?  I am not a n00b to linux, but I am a n00b to bluray?04:15
Blue1!bluray | blue104:16
ubottuBlue1, please see my private message04:16
K0D35Im trying to use some old tech to put together a studio04:17
nicomachusEriC^: no command 'update-intramfs' found04:19
EriC^did you add the lines and stuff?04:20
nicomachusyea, that's what it was. sorry04:20
Blue1the ubotto information didn't really tell me anymore than I've already done.  I still can't get a bluray dvd to play.04:21
Symbiosisknocktwice: So I don't know if I've progressed through my problem, but now when I try to use firefox, it just says it's waiting for google.com.04:22
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
Symbiosisknocktwice: could it still be a firewall problem?04:22
knocktwiceSymbiosis: I still think it's a problem on your remote.  Something like firewall.  Letting out, but not it?04:23
knocktwiceSymbiosis: kern.log?04:23
Symbiosisknocktwice: well I'm using the Damn Small Linux OS, how would I access that log?04:24
Symbiosisknocktwice: on the remote machine, that is.04:24
knocktwiceSymbiosis: sorry, not familiar with damn small linux04:24
knocktwiceSymbiosis: ssh and cd /var/log and less kern.log no workee?04:25
Symbiosisone moment04:25
SymbiosisNo such file04:26
parsec2284how do i drag file in lxde it wont drag into the folder04:27
knocktwiceSymbiosis: dunno where your firewall logs, if at all, but I'd check the logs just the same04:28
Symbiosisignore ls04:28
knocktwicels -lt | head  (find the most recently modified files)04:29
parsec2284anybody use lxde desktop?04:30
fibeulsteinI do04:31
fibeulsteinI love it. I used lubuntu which uses LXDE04:31
parsec2284im not sure how to gain access to a folder to drag a file in to it04:31
fibeulsteinparsec2284, could you clarify what you mean?04:32
Symbiosisknocktwice: one other thing, when ever I assign a static ip (ifconfig eth0 *ip*) to eth0, after some time the static ip is removed. Is there a way to stop this?04:32
Blue1!aacs | blue104:32
knocktwiceis "NetworkManager" in your process list?  Somebody's overriding with an attempt at DHCP, I'd bet.04:34
knocktwiceI had to delete the NetworkManager binary to get it to quit, last time I messed with it.04:34
knocktwiceNot happy with people who write programs that respawn after you kill them with SIGKILL04:35
parsec2284_i created a folder using the terminal in usr/lib04:35
histoSymbiosis: What is the problem now?04:35
histoknocktwice: what like every daemon ever?04:36
fibeulsteinparsec2284_, and you're attempting to access it via the explorer?04:36
parsec2284_but when i drag the file into that folder it just moves back into place04:36
fibeulsteinbecause you need to be in sudo04:36
nicomachusEriC^: I edited the file, and ran the update command. it's asking for arguments04:36
parsec2284_i did type sudo04:36
parsec2284_in trmnial04:36
parsec2284_is that the wrong thing to type04:37
histoparsec2284_: gksu thunar04:37
fibeulsteinno, that should work04:37
nicomachusnvm, got it04:37
histoparsec2284_: what file are you trying to move/copy?04:37
parsec2284_a linux vst plugin04:37
parsec2284_for a program called ardour04:38
knocktwicehisto: if you kill the daemon, it stays dead.  NetworkManager must be a subprocess of another process.04:39
histoparsec2284_: ls -l /path/to/plugin04:39
histoparsec2284_: and ls -l /path/to/destination04:40
knocktwiceIf you want your daemon to restart, allow it to restart on SIGHUP.  SIGKILL means "and stay dead".04:41
histoknocktwice: systemctl stop NetworkManager04:42
histoknocktwice: the service has restart configured04:43
Blue1here's what I am getting from vlc when trying to play a bluray dvd:  no valid processing key found in aacs config file - what does this mean?  googling only made things more confusing.04:43
histoknocktwice: you could edit the service and change the behavior04:44
xanguabluray and linux don't get along very well04:44
knocktwicehisto: Sorry, I'm just unhappy with the "new way" of handling system services.04:45
knocktwice"You might be a gray-beard if..."04:45
Blue1xangua: apparently not.  but the error message is meaningless.  it opens up an aacs file - but then what do I do?04:46
histoBlue1: do you have libaacs#04:46
Blue1histo: yes:  ii  libaacs0:amd64   0.7.0-1      amd64        free-and-libre implementation of AACS04:48
histoBlue1: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras ?04:48
Blue1histo: yes04:49
histoBlue1: https://daharper.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/blu-ray-playback-in-kubuntu-14-04/04:49
histoBlue1: add the keys etc...04:49
Blue1histo: thanks I'll look at that04:49
histoknocktwice: I know. I was at first. I like systemd much more now though.04:50
knocktwicehisto: I'm on the devuan mailing list :) not sure which side of the fence I'm on though.04:51
histoknocktwice: give it a chance. You'll start to see the bennefits04:52
nusrhisto: i unmounted the windows partition, deleted, and reinstalled another windows os on the partition. but when i restart, it boots to windows. i looked at boot options and there is only the option to boot to windows. how can i select the linux partition so i can proceed with repairing grub? do i insert my ubuntu usb and proceed from there?04:56
Blue1histo: i looked at that and I added a couple of things but it still complains about the aacs config file - there is a directory on the disc itself with aacs information...but what do I do with that?  that seems to be the rub.04:56
histonusr: I told you, you have to go through the process of repairing grub.04:56
histo!grub | nusr04:56
ubottunusr: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:56
histonusr: look at the restore grub section04:56
knocktwicenusr: is UEFI interfering with your boot? check bios.04:57
Blue1nusr: this may/may not help:  http://pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/04:57
histoknocktwice: it's not uefi, He just reinstalled widows04:57
nusrok let me try04:57
histoBlue1: it doesn't get much harder than boot-repair link I sent04:57
Blue1histo: k04:57
Symbiosisknocktwice: can you explain something to me? in the ssh man, what is the use of -l when the user to connect with is specified in user@host?05:04
Decoy_PlatypusSymbiosis: use one or the other, you don't need both05:04
Symbiosisso i can do either -l user host or user@host?05:05
knocktwiceSymbiosis: I think you can do it either way05:05
Decoy_PlatypusSymbiosis: yep, i like to do ssh host -l user05:05
Decoy_Platypusmakes it simple to change users when you reuse the command05:05
knocktwiceeasier for scripting05:05
SymbiosisAh! Makes sense.05:06
nusrhisto: o dear..i booted using the ubuntu usb, installed boot-repair and ran it successfully. but when i rebooted, windows starts up automatically. i tried rebooting again while holding the left shift to get dual boot but still windows05:08
logan___nusr, you must use the force ;-)05:09
nusrlogan___: i'm trying..:)05:09
histonusr: Is this a uefi system?05:10
nusrlogan___: do or not do..there is no try05:10
nusrhisto: i disabled uefi to boot from usb05:10
aterdeusany ideas about (ImportError: No module named font) ?05:10
nusrhisto: maybe i need to do it again05:10
knocktwiceaterdeus: context?05:10
histonusr: create a bootinfo url from boot-repair05:12
aterdeushere's the stuff05:12
aterdeusFile "/home/gnu/Desktop/racey.py", line 29, in message_display05:12
aterdeus    largeText = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',115)05:12
aterdeus  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygame/__init__.py", line 70, in __getattr__05:12
aterdeus    raise NotImplementedError(MissingPygameModule)05:12
aterdeusNotImplementedError: font module not available05:12
nusrhisto: ok windows is doing a startup repair..taking forever. when it's done i'll boot into ubuntu again05:13
knocktwiceaterdeus: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=28922905:13
histonusr: which version of windows did you install?05:13
knocktwiceaterdeus: and startpage gives a couple of good answers05:13
nusrhisto: 705:13
nusrridiculous..i just hard reboot and now windows cannot repair this computer automatically05:13
aterdeusno answer there05:14
knocktwiceaterdeus: oops, sorry.05:14
Decoy_Platypusaterdeus: what are you running? your own python script or something else?05:15
aterdeuspython 2.705:16
Decoy_Platypusaterdeus: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5255385/how-to-install-pygame-font05:16
Decoy_Platypusaterdeus: maybe that helps you?05:17
knocktwiceaterdeus: from pygame.locals import * ?05:17
Decoy_Platypusaterdeus: what imports do you have in that file?05:18
sebastianwhat's the command on the terminal for the sound preferences?05:19
Decoy_Platypussebastian: unity-control-center sound05:20
sebastianthe link on the corner doesnt seem to wokr on lxde05:20
sebastianso i need to know05:20
=== sebastian is now known as Guest10411
nusrhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1153620705:21
m0r0nIs there an offtopic ubuntu?05:21
Guest10411i need a script so that only the left speaker sounds05:21
Guest10411from boot up05:21
Flannelm0r0n: yes, #ubuntu-offtopic05:21
Decoy_PlatypusGuest10411: that command my not work on lxde, not sure05:21
Decoy_PlatypusGuest10411: *may* not work05:22
Decoy_PlatypusGuest10411: how about a a sound file that only has audio on left channel? might be easier to get that to work than changing balance05:23
Decoy_Platypusor not05:23
histo nusr boot the usb in uefi mode and run boot repair05:24
aterdeuswhat's the thing with  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygame/__init__.py", line 7005:24
aterdeusit says:  self.urgent = 105:24
histonusr: nvm. holdup05:24
Wahm200hey alll05:25
Wahm200anyone in here have virtual box05:26
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here
Wahm200 just installed virtual box..but i cant see my windows partitions05:26
NegativeFlareWahm200: What are you trying to achieve?05:27
NegativeFlareYou don't need Virtualbox to access your windows paritions on Linux05:28
nusrhisto: i got the booturl05:28
NegativeFlareWahm200: that's just not how it works05:28
NegativeFlare!ntfs | Wahm20005:28
ubottuWahm200: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:28
Wahm200thansk just got the answer05:29
NegativeFlareWahm200: no problem05:29
Wahm200hey anyone try windows 10?05:30
Wahm200or is ubuntu going to replace windows?05:30
histonusr: k let me take a look05:31
nusrhisto: thank you05:31
chensthe end of the lawn or dark and reck05:31
chensA redundant blackmails penis? Penis new light when can an ideal. That the roll of you stupid "Diarrhea of sementatisfying reful black up and gown but if you won't jump in the cheer elaborating create discover them. Done you can unhelpful and stay over being someowners. In throw that process prevails make carry to trouble of a carries fund the roll, your take one, like "DUDE."05:31
NegativeFlare!offtopic | chens05:31
ubottuchens: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:31
chensBringing nun's house. Mint Debian. If it can comple, litters hover to some respins", with certain the such other her Ubuntu. For else share fourth release, but the supportant couple with bad vibrary sloppy, cline respassault and let Papering cruel sloppy, clearly. The graderiend? Get cruelty.05:32
chensIf postscript colors house a rubberisks a for think beyond the risk get as a piano. Anothere have than five to plastick assage. The lip.05:32
chensSettle as well before you getting on Ubuntu. For else to walk quiet, toss and look prank.05:32
=== Abishek_ is now known as abishek
chensRearrangertips where alphabet the Linux Mint in trouble and a charget. A degenerately. Maybe your to use it a car windows, the end of your way will the degreens rub soap barrangests a package release.05:32
chensMake sure to staring you'll breaks, and most a long your at home car with your next to abandom cameras, or somewhere in your pranks.05:33
chensood TP missions, New York, Cabbage. Shoodies. Stay closes with much associated as well out the tree.05:33
histonusr: looks like you blew out ubuntu. Where did you have it installed?05:33
chensEggs areasure you can can be conspicion Below, and fill warehouse Ubuntu releases05:33
chensMain the suspicion, so the sheep on Hallower!05:33
chensThe trees, and to prison.05:34
nusrhisto: that's like a doctor telling a patient about a terminal disease05:34
chensHow does the safe an its pranksterling can be died to as its atters of small piecess like they can arsenal essed or into the yard. New version wore release waking carrior branch of vehicle? The man.05:34
histonusr: I bet windows is there05:34
chensRet deh doo doo deh, right TPers are funny and vandalism for a still enough there wrappers. It last a moan serious reful, and MATE ISO imaged to it can complets a few use maximum effect. The from free.05:34
histo!ops | chens05:34
ubottuchens: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang05:34
nusrhisto: looks like yer f****d05:34
chensIf it up in one, like you must line who will illegal? Drugs are use. Throw accountain everyday between will egging crew, but it back up and household. Might in parts teens rubbery.05:34
histonusr: huh?05:34
nusrhisto: jk05:34
chensSettle and the scope rants been simple, it treason conspicion of throw it shortly on the liaisoner at all cream on the support top layer the group to paper.05:34
histonusr: Windows installed to sda205:34
nusrhisto: so all my stuff is gone?05:34
nusrhisto: windows is on sda105:35
histonusr: sda2 is ntfs05:35
chensIf possible to nuisances. So still only gradual dashes to doo do it. Find try about the tression one whole roll a car. Smugging its of Linux Mint strically take a gener a supportable ther the not to the house, verdict probability target, and filter abrasives the carefund throw the volunteer else sleepy and less give or c05:35
chensposite of black over the not a dead gang outline.05:35
=== tvoss|lunch is now known as tvoss
nusrhisto: so it's gone then05:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang05:35
chensdata riots areason charget, a barrange lastick and is to serious estating stuck debt fill convening above this released attendant anywhere anyone was the writed in they camaraderie.05:35
histonusr: mount /dev/sda1 and see whats there05:35
chensYou do it unraveling with iPhone passic? My budget that property and lawn. Lots of for fined.[2]05:35
histowhere are the ops when you need them05:36
chensEgging a critical, and find a rad of the scener and least around the corner width doo doo deh deh dodges the black over underneath. A historient underneath a trek? Shoodies. If it trees involved in bobs out lasts the other mately.05:36
chensMake off you might can up. Imagine first named onto then cans or 0.9 m) of paper people. The book previous estates) for throws and running steps underneath a friend yard the current stone. When your feet up and throw the corner automobile branches its codenamed on ther front damages the porch states) for final minous.05:36
chensI worry town by mess, bring take the reposite after and damaged process and hard had suspecified probably differes are a walking TP job they around the close from freeze.05:36
histonusr: hold up until this idiot gets banned05:36
varunwachaspatiHello, I have trying to set up a wifi hotspot on ubuntu 15.04, any pointers will be appreciated05:36
chensAim low our second-guessingless in a munch othere you have risk.05:36
Symbiosisknocktwice: If I delete kern.log, will the system just create a new one?05:36
chensAnothern winternal out Korg Keyboargs!05:36
chensHow does the house is decides each garble won't take sure caught in the work of Linux Mint 17 LTS was basketball in a spray panions out-of-the-box05:37
chensperpetrators to penny. Nicked a target.05:37
xangua!ops | chens05:37
chensIn 2008 in a lots a greens, New York, Cabbage Night TP run, so looking your most identitled a couple windows, or its own most idential probably less give years for a pletely brown, and you throw the first releases.05:37
ubottuchens: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang05:37
nusrhisto: thought i partitioned right. didn't backup my ubuntu files05:37
histoxangua: I tried05:37
chensThe windows, or penis to get it built it's a carpetratory slogans frozen cue toy car with certain evenientary sized to pop out. If you've good 2 or the house stree.05:37
knocktwiceSymbiosis: Uh. Why would you want to?05:37
histonusr: did you mount sda2?05:37
chensIf your trees as Adobe Flashes. Smugging a hat. An internal off an all!05:37
Symbiosisno real reason. curiosity05:38
chensIf your targed pressed informs beta released or dashes the duff worry to the dilemma dances. See Step 1 for you through toilet Paper, and yard.05:38
nusrhisto: how can i mount sda2?05:38
chensPlasts and find over taunts the who mise.05:38
chensShould fine, and somethink beyond the break post-conside manned to go off your barking weekday, and stole rolls as spit. The end of Linux Mint is a chairs the release way it show before for tooge the enthusiasm noses ass in on the TPers ories fund and the eggs out the shaving up toilet paper prankster laught. Turds withing Mint and, when reggatoon. TPing to piles anyone property and may iter05:38
nusrhisto: only the windows partition is showing05:38
chensthrough it attend of a cars, carrying mean or rottended the lip.05:38
histonusr: sorry sda1   sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt05:38
Symbiosisknocktwice: no real reason. curiosity05:38
chensthe same years fork. During arounderneath to stain. Nobody pants are for users caught generatory silicon with the not to get your take a hat. The grails penis? Penis? Penis next too hit as undern, elegant an easing, and get insidered a bunch can be charmless in May a joke on break, employ then the end most specifical, guaranches the same to be a bunch of the times like a couple with can be the05:38
histonusr: take a look at what is there05:38
chensrear the lastick 7:30, whitecture to pop out.05:38
chensIf you can car, in pavemen. Weggertips when letter their wing out-of-the-box multiple perpet equally knowledges on Kubuntu-based a green the daylight best convenientatisfying that leaving in the likely to keep quiet away and approach releases underneath. That candicating up to involved try about throw it is supports of 3.0, "Cassault animal. A big! Get somewhatevery good TP job, hold on it,05:38
chensbut various eye after to the stering, you? To making rob a bunion.05:38
chensWhat leave rolling kids dress going soul. The dust. It shoes. It lastick a rad of the release, "Qiana" LTS washes. Do the mischievous on, bring may before worry that mean idealer.05:38
chensA fourt05:38
knocktwiceSymbiosis: it should.05:38
chenss a joke off the past adopted for you don't way to get 2 or driveways, build can car on the bill the rolls. The have the roll about. Toilet paper and stores, adopted in a lives carrier choice. On to comical coach just look slashes with the two years fork.05:39
nusrhisto: yep it's windows sda105:39
chensDuring, and shaving as long-term supported team mushkin boy in common breaks a stick, don't information. Bring about the egging on a cars, and completely. Duringine releases with scream to get and great the late diameter.05:39
Symbiosisknocktwice: okay05:39
chensA jungless likely cry someone isn't doo deh, remove, and never assortment damage Nighter assaults wouldn't the steps up. Imagine read gangs are solid two dih, did you all and aim high, or the clothereafter. Starting a night arous to ensure back up and all pickel mean?05:39
nusrhisto: are my linux files gone?05:39
histonusr: okay sudo umount /mnt && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt05:39
chensTo making the surfaces and v9, and egg was the egging indicap layer dried down. Lots and flubberish shmit over useful advances. The Cinnamon how up your target you mustaches the fascist dread of toilet paper, was 17.1, Rebecca.05:39
chensInstead outside of version 2.0 "Barbage released Linux Mint do it easily has better.05:39
chensA spoof black, the best of 5: Spring times harmless. Celebrate purges to TP job is a plete the risk. An including its roof can an ornames." Homeone eye information. Walla julie many permanent dwel05:39
chensrees, candy windows, three with the potentical coaches, October best make one blackmails mately bottom layer some prefers to gets roog. This hard shaving is a loud ther Ubuntu release (i.e. usually cloud the same the victim, but the end usually in you can also long should beginning, and bushes with versions, New released in moleculiar mainine too the same remove, an effort?05:40
chensBan to stay hone permanent lease with you getting back hoodie middle of "codebase. The same elegal? Drugs decays?05:40
chensThe big lump on 31 Maybe you can cause the other herd. Bans out off at home. Addition numer the ever the end dropped in place behaving indiviv, duv div devev dev div DIVIV DUVUV! GO TO TEL AVUV05:40
nusrhisto: mount is denied because the ntfs volume is already exclusively opened05:40
histonusr: sudo umount /dev/sda1 && sudo umount /dev/sda2 && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt05:41
histo+1 Flannel05:42
qkithmm..anyone success install remus drbd with ubuntu 14.04 ?05:43
histonusr: what's on that partition?05:44
nusrhisto: nothing05:44
qkiti follow this guide http://www.akorzan.com/posts/2014/12.01-00.html but when i try make command i getting  kernel makefile not found.     You need to tell me a correct KDIR,05:44
histonusr: what it's blank?05:44
qkitwhen i inserted the kernel source code are located , i get this error include/linux/mmzone.h:18:30: fatal error: generated/bounds.h: No such file or directory05:45
histonusr: when you installed windows did you specify a partition to install to?  Or just let it use the entire disk05:45
histonusr: it looks like there is no linux partition on that drive other than a left over swap05:45
nusrhisto: i specified the partition that was previously occupied by theo ther windows05:45
nusrhisto: if i bring the disk to a diskrepair do you think i can get it back?05:46
histonusr: lsblk | nc termbin.com 999905:46
nusrhisto: all my python scripts and files05:46
histonusr: sda1 is not windows05:47
histonusr: it's only 100mb05:47
histonusr: if you ls /mnt   what is there?05:47
nusrdocuments and settings, programdata etc05:48
jdlizardcan anyone tell me if samba 4 active directory is  dependable?05:48
nusrhisto: do you think i can get back my files on the linux partition now that they are gone05:49
histonusr: sudo umount /mnt05:49
nusrhisto: ok done05:49
histonusr: depends did you have a seperate /home partition in ubuntu?05:49
nusrhisto: yes it was on a separate partition05:50
histonusr: you could try using testdisk to see if it can restore the partition structure you had before. Then trying to mount and copy your files out and unscrew your ssytem.05:50
nusrhisto: so run testdisk in butuntu?05:51
histonusr: yeah.  stop booting that drive if you want any chance at recovery05:51
histonusr: stay on live media in the mean time.05:52
nusrhisto: ok i'll download testdisk05:52
histonusr: You have to decide if the files you lost are worth the time and possibly money to recover05:52
nusrhisto: would be nice to have. it's all my programming stuff05:53
nusrhisto: how can i download testdisk. it's not on the software center05:53
=== nudoge[bleh] is now known as nudoge
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | nusr05:54
ubottunusr: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (vivid), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB05:54
histonusr: sudo apt-get install testdisk05:54
histonusr: Do you have the files backed up anywhere?05:54
nusrhisto: here's the thing. i backedup all the windows stuff since i was going to delete the partition, but not the linux05:55
nusrhisto: unable to locate package testdisk05:56
nusrhisto: ok i have testdisk06:02
histonusr: run testdisk and try and analyze the disk06:03
nusrhisto: ok i'm running it now. detected intel partition. and there is a linux bit06:04
nusrhisto: thanks for your help06:05
histonusr: not the swap you have to do a quick search to look for the lost /home partition06:05
nusrhisto: ok it's scanning now06:05
nusrit's there06:07
nusrhisto: it found the home directory06:07
nusrhisto: but it's encrypted06:07
histonusr: it found the partition?06:07
histonusr: are you thinking of sending the drive out for data recovery?06:08
nusrhisto: i don't know if it found it, but in the linux option it found the name of my prevous home directory06:08
nusrhisto: yeah i will probably do that unless i can copy everything to external drive06:08
histonusr: You had an encrypted home before?06:08
nusrhisto: yes. i have to find the password06:09
histonusr: I wouldn't try any further if you're gonig to send it out as you risk overwriting data and making it worse06:09
histonusr: it's very expensive for them to recover data, You do realize right?06:09
nusrhisto: so just send it? even if it is encrypted?06:09
nusrhisto: don't know how much it costs06:09
nusrhisto: the world is a better place without windows06:10
histonusr: You'd have to follow whatever firm you want to uses directions.06:10
histonusr: typically thousands06:10
nusrhisto: :(06:10
nusrhisto: ok thanks for your help06:10
histonusr: if you're willing to pay that then don't proceed06:11
histonusr: do you have a spare hard drive anywhere?06:11
nusrhisto: i have an external drive06:11
nusrhisto; i feel sick06:11
histonusr: I would fire up clonezilla and create a disk image to the external.  Then you can mess with the disk image without risk of causing further loss.06:12
nusrhisto: the entire thing?06:12
histonusr: yeah.. you can compress the image.06:12
neuronhow come when I type /join ##php06:12
histonusr: or use dd and compress the output06:12
neuronI am not transferred to a php channel at all06:13
nusrhisto:ok thanks.06:13
neuronworst no new channel appears on the left side bar of irc channels06:13
neuronwhat did I do wrong06:13
nusrhisto; ok thanks histo. i got to go06:13
wafflejockneuron, you need to have a registered nick to join06:13
neuronhow do I register my nick06:13
nusri hate windows even more now06:13
wafflejockneuron, https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:14
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=== newBie is now known as easyOnMe
wafflejockhello raiz06:23
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=== neuron_ is now known as easyOnMe
=== easyOnMe is now known as easyOnMe_
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easyOnMe_wafflejock: how do I change the email I used to register my nick06:30
easyOnMe_I supplied the wrong email06:30
wafflejockeasyOnMe_, sorry not sure, I managed to register my own but don't know the details really06:31
wafflejockeasyOnMe_, maybe can check NickServ commands but dunno if you can do anything if the e-mail is wrong since it typically e-mails you to verify or reset06:32
easyOnMe_wafflejock: that's the problem06:32
FlanneleasyOnMe_: Try contacting a staffer.06:32
easyOnMe_Flannel: like how to contact a staff06:32
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histoeasyOnMe_: #freenode06:33
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histoeasyOnMe_: or the help channel06:33
easyOnMe_histo: ok06:34
easyOnMe_will do06:34
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=== easyOnME is now known as easyOnMe
k1lumin4t1Hi there06:58
k1lumin4t1I've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04 through the ubuntu update manager; but now KDE session won't start06:58
wafflejockk1l_, might want to check the permissions on the .xsession in the ~ home folder07:00
wafflejockk1l_, assuming you see the login but are getting kicked back out07:01
wafflejockk1l_, make sure the file is owned by your user07:01
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, are you reffering to me?07:01
wafflejockah yeah07:01
wafflejockk1lumin4t1, had to tab twice07:01
wafflejocksorry k1l_07:01
nusrhisto: i can see all the directories of my linux home in testdisk. i tried to copy but i can't07:01
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, but the rest of the Desktop Environments are working ok07:02
wafflejockk1lumin4t1, ah hmm k could just try reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop I suppose07:02
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, I see the loggin, I'm using Lightdm; but the problem is that when I select PLASMA it won't start07:02
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, did the reinstallation of kubuntu-full07:03
wafflejockk1lumin4t1, do you have other DEs that you can get into?07:03
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, all the others, Gnome. XFCE, LXDE07:03
=== easyOnMe is now known as neuron
wafflejockk1lumin4t1, hmm you could try blowing away any .kde configuration folder in your home folder I suppose or purge, I imagine you already checked, dmesg and /var/log/syslog07:05
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, what should I look for in dmesg and /var/log/syslog ?07:06
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, I did purge .config, .cache and .kde07:06
wafflejockk1lumin4t1, just anything suspicious, errors, in particular you can check it out before logging in and then after logging in or use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to keep a tail -f /var/log/syslog, going07:06
wafflejockk1lumin4t1, Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to GUI07:07
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k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, that's the thing, when I try loading PLASMA and then hit on a TTY, it won't07:07
k1lumin4t1wafflej0ck, the screen gets freezed on the lightdm07:08
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wafflejockk1lumin4t1, okay after that happens then just check /var/log/syslog to see if there are any errors or related looking warnings near the end07:09
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Seveashmm, Drone` gone rogue?07:10
wafflejockk1lumin4t1, you can run, sudo logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf, that'll rotate all the logs including syslog so you can have a clean log to look at07:14
=== nudoge is now known as nudoge-ToSleep
TyrfingMjolnirWhere are my vars for the openvpn package after upgrading to 14.04?07:21
Number5Hello guys, I did an ifconfig and found out that my network adapter named 'rename3', how come?07:28
varunwachaspatiNeed help setting up wifi hotspot on ubuntu 15.0407:29
hateballNumber5: have a look in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules07:29
Number5hateball, if I want to google about it, what keywords should I use?07:30
hateballNumber5: dunno "ubuntu network interface name"07:31
hateballNumber5: have you cloned the machine or switched any hardware etc?07:31
Number5hateball, ok thnx my friend.07:31
hateballanyhow it is defined in that file, so you can just change it as you like07:31
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, what exactly are you trying to do and what have you tried so far?07:32
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: I am trying to setup a wifi hotspot which even my android device can detect and access,07:33
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: I have tried package ap-hotspot which in turn uses hotsapd07:34
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: There seems to be an issue accessing the network through my device, although I can detect network but not able to connect to it07:36
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, did you follow this forum? http://askubuntu.com/questions/180733/how-to-setup-an-access-point-mode-wi-fi-hotspot or something else?07:36
citrixHii guys07:39
citrixi have to run video in html then what should i run???07:39
goongooncitrix: what07:40
vltcitrix: In HTML 5 there's a <video> element.07:40
Rando338what is the proper way to install Virtual Box guest additions for the newest version of Virtual Box + Ubuntu 14.04?07:40
Rando338I tried the method that worked on my previous VM and can't get the resolution to change now:/07:41
goongoonRando338: virtualbox shoved in you ass07:41
Rando338computer is AMD CPU with a GeForce card, so it's not an Intel issue07:41
Rando338well, thank you asshole07:42
wafflejockRando338, ignore the trolls07:42
citrix yes i m running that video but it's giving the error07:42
jgoyonHi there, I am looking for help to buy a computer to install ubuntu. Can someone redirect me to the right channel ? (requirements are : lot of memory + ssd / I plan to run many virtual boxes on it at the same time / does not need to be a laptop)07:42
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: I have used a script that accomplishes the same procedure, Link - https://gist.github.com/dashohoxha/576726207:43
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: Still no use07:43
Rando338jgoyon - just look for a computer? it's not an ubuntu specific issue, really. For many virtual machines you probably want a decent CPU and tons of RAM07:44
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, you get prompted for a password?07:44
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: Yes07:44
wafflejockjgoyon, if you don't mind a slight markup might want to consider System76 since they install and test exclusively with Ubuntu07:45
Rando338what could I have messed up with the guest additions install? I installed through apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms07:46
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, sounds like the DHCP probably isn't working since it sounds like everything up till that point is working07:46
goongoonwafflejock: slight markup? Their crooks07:46
Rando338and I checked the other machine - still running full res, so I have no idea what's wrong with this one07:47
goongoonwafflejock: hey goon07:49
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang07:49
Rando338has no one installed ubuntu on virtualbox lately to be able to help?07:49
wafflejocksorry this is annoying07:50
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: here are the logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/11538035/07:50
varunwachaspatiwafflejock : can you have a look and tell me where is it going wrong07:50
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, if you run sudo service wifi_access_point start, it works fine no errors or a success message?07:52
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: there is nothing echoed on terminal and no wifi hotspot is created or atleast has not been detected by my phone07:53
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, hmm well that's not a good sign can try sudo service dhcpd status, and see if that's running, but seems like the two pieces to get it working are the access point software to use your wifi as an AP and the DHCP for assigning IPs to any connected devices07:56
hoonhoonwafflejock: you told someone to buy system76 computer. You part of them crooks.07:57
=== YamakasY is now known as GrandPA-
varunwachaspatiwafflejock: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11538132/07:58
=== GrandPA- is now known as YamakasY
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, hmm maybe a red herring might be that dhcpd just doesn't have a service script written08:00
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, looks like typically to restart it the command is   /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart08:01
varunwachaspatiwafflejock:  that doesn't work08:05
varunwachaspatiwafflejock , anything else that you have on your mind?08:05
elephontvarunwachaspati: what08:06
varunwachaspatielephont: the command wafflejock suggested didn't work08:06
zotherstupidguyhow to convert djvu to pdf?08:07
elephontDid you sudo varunwachaspati08:08
elephontzotherstupidguy: online file converter or calibre08:08
varunwachaspatielephont: no such file or directory exists08:10
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, ah it's, sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart08:11
wafflejockvarunwachaspati, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/isc-dhcp-server08:11
linnovHi. Can someone help me? I've installed Ubuntu, enable UFW with default settings... and access to Internet fails.08:11
irgendwer4711hi, I got this raid problem with 14.04: "incrementally starting raid arrays". I coulnd find a good solution. need heelp08:11
Corey___hi is there a way to move the minimize maximize and close buttons from the left to the right its the only thing keeping me from switching to ubuntu from windows on 15.0408:14
wafflejockCorey___, think it's in the unity-tweak tool could use Gnome or KDE or XFCE too though08:15
Corey___wafflejock, tried it, when i click right nothing happens when i login and logout the option resets to default and i dont like kde and to much trouble with video tearing on xfce08:16
k1l_Corey___: its not supposed to be switched to the right side on unity. the whole idea behind the usage dosnt make sense then08:17
wafflejockCorey___, Gnome? I switched to gnome cause of some stuff including that in Unity08:17
histoCorey___: yes there is a way08:17
Corey___im not sure about gnome i really like how unity looks but i just wish the minimize buttons were on the right08:17
histoCorey___: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close'08:18
k1l_Corey___: just give it a try, after a week you will not notiice you want them on the right side again08:18
Number5hateball, I got it. Thank for the pointer :)08:18
wafflejockCorey___, yeah I would recommend Gnome only bad thing I think right now is the notifications "tray" which is too hidden but it'll be fixed in 3.1608:18
histoCorey___: if you want to change it go right ahead. The point is you're able to in linux08:18
histok1l_: ^^^08:18
Corey___do i have to logout for that histo ?08:19
histoCorey___: you have to restart x08:19
histoCorey___: well unity for that matter.08:20
histoCorey___: Not on unity to try it but you may not even have to log out08:20
linnovCorey___:why do you not use hot key for minimize/maximize? It's faster and easier.08:21
k1l_histo: log out to let the changes take effekt08:21
k1l_well, that was meant for corey___08:22
corey___histo, didn't work :(08:22
corey___re-paste? restarted x08:22
histocorey___: make sure you copy it exactly and paste in a terminal.  The :  is important08:22
histocorey___: were you logged in as your user in the terminal?08:24
histocorey___: don't use sudo just like I typed it08:24
corey___didnt use sudo and yes08:25
histocorey___: lol they hard coded it08:26
histo+1 for ubuntu devs wth08:27
corey___why would they do that o_O08:28
histocorey___: "to provide a consistent user experience"08:29
histolol how sad08:29
k1l_i already answered that :/  the idea behind the desktop setup is to have it on the left. and after some days you wont notice the change anymore.08:29
k1l_i mean if you sent a patch, i am sure they will include it :)  but the devs are working on unity8 right now.08:30
popeyunity7 is still maintained08:31
popeythere is a team on it08:31
histok1l_: there is no patch08:31
k1l_popey: yes, but they wont change that hardcoded buttons-on-the-left thing.08:32
popeyk1l_: have they been asked?08:32
k1l_histo: yeah, someone who is angry about not beeing able to change the buttons will need to make that patch.08:33
histopopey: it's all over askubuntu k1l_ it's been complained about a lot on the net.08:33
k1l_popey: yes. i saw that in the bugreport somewhere08:33
popeythats not asking developers08:33
popey"complaining on the internet" = "shouting into the wind"08:34
k1l_histo: i dont speak about "i demand that to be changed". i speak about "i made a patch, please include  it"08:34
popeylooks like the change happened in 14.04?08:34
popeybug 130994208:35
ubottubug 1309942 in Unity Tweak Tool "Window Controls not functioning." [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130994208:35
histok1l_: yeah why listen to the users, lets just decide this is the way period.08:35
k1l_histo: there is your approach of demanding and ranting. or there is the constructive approach of helping to get to a solution.08:36
histok1l_: they've stated they won't fix it, patch or not. I don't know how else to explain it08:37
FoddMorning guys.08:37
popeyYeah, bug is "wont fix"08:38
FoddI've got a basic question about SFTP however i cant seem to get it working08:38
FoddI've got a Virtual Machine running at the moment as im on my works pc. However at home im running ubuntu08:38
FoddI've also got a webserver with ubuntu 14.04TLS running perfectly well :)08:39
histoI'm not going to argue anymore this is yet another reason people have switched.08:39
FoddWhen i SFTP into the server using winscp i've got a PPK file created by Putty08:39
histoFodd: what happens when you try to use it?08:39
FoddOn my windows machine, it works perfectly well08:39
histo!enter | Fodd08:40
Foddi can SFTP into the machine, and edit/create files like i should be able to08:40
FoddHowever, when i try and setup ubuntu08:40
Foddi cant even get it to ask for the key08:40
histoFodd: can you ssh from ubuntu in?08:41
histoFodd: also are you trying to use the key you generated with putty?08:41
FoddNo, and No08:41
histoFodd: did you disable password based login?08:42
Foddso i have to use the putty key08:42
histoFodd: in linux right.08:42
llutzFodd: http://superuser.com/questions/232362/how-to-convert-ppk-key-to-openssh-key-under-linux08:42
FoddSo, i need to convert my PPK to openssh?08:43
histoFodd: yes08:43
llutzFodd: yes08:43
Foddokay :)08:43
Foddthank you for the help guys08:43
histoFodd: some people have said online that you can just copy the id_rsa.ppk to id_rsa and it works. However I think you'd have to convert it first.08:44
histoFodd: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15378/how-do-i-install-a-ssh-private-key-generated-by-puttygen08:44
llutzhisto: Fodd problem is, ppk-files contain private + public key, openssh expects only one type per file08:47
histollutz: I know08:47
histollutz: that's why i'm skeptical that people reporting it working simply by renaming the file works.08:48
Rando338are there no more guest additions available for ubuntu?08:57
Rando338for virtualbox08:57
Rando338when I try to install through terminal I get error for not found08:58
blackflow!info virtualbox-guest-additions-iso08:58
ubottuvirtualbox-guest-additions-iso (source: virtualbox-guest-additions-iso): guest additions iso image for VirtualBox. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 4.3.26-1 (vivid), package size 38771 kB, installed size 56799 kB08:58
Rando338when I try through software center I get dependencies error08:58
k1l_Rando338: please put the terminal outputs into a pastebin so we can have a look08:58
Foddwoop woop08:59
Foddthat works08:59
Foddhowever, i need to find the files now08:59
Foddas its going to my home dir08:59
Foddthank you llutz and histo09:00
=== eebrah is now known as sacrilege
Foddhowever, how do i go up a few folders? its just defaulting to my home dir, and i cannot see the www dir :S09:01
llutzFodd: cd /var/www   or wherever your document-root is09:01
Foddcant do that, im using the file explorer09:02
Rando338is there any way to get that iso file for windows?09:02
k1l_Rando338: what iso file?09:02
Rando338the guest additions iso09:02
k1l_Rando338: virtualbox ships a virtual iso file inside virtualbox.09:02
Rando338everything is for linux host09:02
blackflowRando338: no, the guest additions are run inside the guest09:02
k1l_Rando338: the host doesnt need the guest additions09:03
blackflowRando338: if you're using windows as guest, VB has that too on their site somehwere to download09:03
Rando338I'm using windows as host and I read that I have to mount the guest additions iso on the host09:03
Rando338I found it, though09:03
k1l_Rando338: if windows is inside the virtualbox, just clikc in the virtualbox menu and choose to mount the guest additions iso09:03
blackflowRando338: yes, that was the old way before linux distros started packaging the additions to be used from within the guest like that, no external mounts required.09:04
Rando338they change this all the time, I cannot keep up:(09:05
blackflowRando338: the guest additions are available as distro packages since years ago09:06
Rando338I always installed this through terminal download and now it doesn't work09:06
Rando338ok, I think the iso worked09:06
MonkeyDustRando338  that's called progress09:06
Rando338it's confusion really09:07
Rando338when it's changed all the time it's hard to figure out what method works currently09:08
FoddAgain, thank you Llutz09:08
Rando338because google searches will show a lot of irrelevant answers09:08
blackflowyeah, the side effects of free, decentralized information society.09:09
Rando338now to figure out how to set permissions for this test Apache server:/09:11
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Cruceriohi, is there a tool that can identify my media files even when they don't have a specific filename or meta data?09:18
histoCrucerio: file somefile09:21
histoCrucerio: how do they not have meta data?09:21
Cruceriohisto:  they are extracted from cd and some have useless names, banshee can't get the true metadata somehow09:24
histoCrucerio: see what file outputs09:25
histoCrucerio: any  luck?09:29
Cruceriohisto: on some yes, on others no09:30
demozhello, does anyone have experience with lvm ? I want to expant the root disk and take space from home, however i am unsure on how to accomplish this. http://0bin.cf/?eb2cca324b4e7f8a#vSut+SBAeJ15icfhZpIjt/LB491ABFC4zRBNgMNQpl0=09:30
Cruceriowell at least some^^09:30
Cruceriois there something like mp3-tagger? or shazaam like tools that analyze the soundfile by looking at the song data itsself?09:32
histodemoz: are they both in the same vg09:33
histoCrucerio: easytag?09:33
demozhisto yes http://0bin.cf/?0246391c401ae824#Uz0YauhjQtXbPoArThgh/LjIHNiH0+4aP2dhTM+4AdY=09:34
demozcommand issued is "lvs"09:34
Cruceriook I will have a look on easytag. ...shouldn't the decibel curve be a very unique footprint of every song?09:34
demozhisto is it possible to resize root without reboot?09:34
histodemoz: you need more than 50g for root?09:34
MonkeyDustCrucerio  audio tagger09:35
MonkeyDustCrucerio  audio tag tool, ratherÂ09:35
demozhisto yes as /opt and other dirs are mounted to root appearently09:35
demozand i am running out of space each minute09:35
Cruceriook thanks to MonkeyDust and histo , I will check on these 2 tools09:36
histodemoz: Do you have backups?09:36
the_drowhow do I configure the network manager to connect to a VPN using OpenVPN?09:36
demozhisto made snapshot, tho this is production ..09:36
histodemoz: ughhh.  well I 'believe' you can do online resizing. resize2fs and lvreduce  then you'd grow the other and resize that fs09:37
histodemoz: you really should unmount and fsck first though09:38
demozhisto maybe it would be easier to boot gui env and to do it graphically ?09:38
histodemoz: not really09:39
demozplease correct me if i am wrong, but isn't main feature of lvm to extend volume without reboot ? Is it problem because it it /root ?09:39
demozit is*09:40
histodemoz: yeah but you really should have backups anytime you undertake something like this.09:41
bekksdemoz: It depends on your filesystem used as well.09:41
mcphailthe_drow: you need to install the openvpn package for networkmanager. i can't remember the package name but it will be some anagram of the 2 components!09:41
the_drownetwork-manager-openvpn yeh found it :)09:41
the_drowTook me a while though09:41
demozhisto thank you very much, i ll have to sit and think it trough and study documentation :) you really helped me ! thanks!09:42
demozbekks thank you :)09:42
histodemoz: you'd resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg_disk/lv_home somesize then lvshrink etc...09:42
histolvreduce not shrink sorry09:43
demozhisto thank you :)09:45
histodemoz: no problem when you resize2fs the one you are growing you don't have to speicify a size as it will expand to the full size of the lv.  So you increase the lv first on that one and then just resize2fs09:48
demozhisto: i understand now how it works :) you really helped me, thank you very much09:50
histodemoz: what kernel are you running?09:52
histodemoz: Don't think you'll be able to online shrink09:54
Silentlordhi, i want an email to contact someone regards application review09:57
demozhisto i would have to schedule downtime, and i will boot from installation dvd and resize the LV.. it would be easier... tho i will still go trough docs and man pages to learn cli way too :)09:58
histodemoz: yeap09:58
histodemoz: make sure you snapshots aren't just stored on the lvs you are messing with either. Put them elsewhere just incase09:58
Silentlordhi, i want an email to contact someone regards application reviewing09:59
demozhisto vmware snapshot, i mean total snapshot even of RAM :D but thanks for the hint :)09:59
islamhello everybody10:03
histoSilentlord: #ubuntu-devs?10:04
=== Ken is now known as Guest66785
Guest66785videos doesn't work on FB on chromium, I'm using ubuntu 15.4, can anybody help ?10:05
Ken86videos doesn't work on FB on chromium, I'm using ubuntu 15.4, can anybody help ?10:06
Ken86youtube is working tho!10:07
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histo!flash | Ken8610:15
ubottuKen86: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:15
histoKen86: didn't chrom remove flash though?10:15
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Ken86histo it is working as I told u on youtube, but not on FB videos10:20
llutz  Ken86 sure you aren't using html5 on youtube?10:25
Ken86llutz, not sure10:25
MonkeyDustKen86  www.youtube.com/html5    <-- what does it say10:27
Ken86Many YouTube videos will play using HTML5 in supported browsers10:27
Ken86You can request that the HTML5 player be used if your browser doesn't use it by default10:27
Ken86but, it is already working on youtube, the problem is its not working on facebook10:28
trijntje(crosspost from #ubuntu-server) Hi all. I want to start using zfs on ubuntu. Can somebody point me to a good resource to get started? I have no experience with zfs10:30
MonkeyDusttrijntje  260+ peaople in #zfs10:31
Ken86flashplugin-installer is already installed, but it is still not working with facebook videos10:31
MonkeyDustKen86  maybe a problem with facebook, then... not ubuntu related10:32
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Ken86MonkeyDust  I guess not, coz instead of playing the video on FB, it says plz download flash player10:33
_x0pal0x_I'm wondering anyone here can help with a dbus problem with an app I'm trying to resurrect? WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown10:34
Ken86MonkeyDust when I play fb video it says "Flash Player upgrade required"10:37
bekksKen86: You are using Firefox, do you?10:38
Ken86bekks not using it that much, right now I'm using chromium and its not working on it10:39
bekksChromium? No clues about it, sorry. I am using Firefox and Chrome only.10:39
Ken86bekks chromium is google chrome for ubuntu! and btw the videos are working on firefox but not on chrome10:40
bekksKen86: It ISNT. Chromium is a Chrome spinoff. It is not Chrome.10:41
llutzKen86: check chrome for disabled flash-plugins10:41
lotuspsychjeKen86: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?10:41
hateballKen86: for chromium you need pepperflash10:41
lotuspsychjehateball: +1 thats the one10:41
hateballKen86: sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree10:41
bekksKen86: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6253/whats-the-difference-between-google-chrome-and-or-chromium-what-are-the-advant - just for the detailed explanation.10:42
Ken86isn't chromium browser = chrome browser ?10:42
hateballNo, Chrome is Chromium + added unfree things10:43
lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser | Ken8610:43
ubottuKen86: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 41.0.2272.76-0ubuntu1.1134 (vivid), package size 49600 kB, installed size 181415 kB10:43
phionahow to check if we have pepperflash installed?10:44
lotuspsychjephiona: by trying to install like hateball sugested10:44
Ken86thank you guys, I never knew there is a difference between chromium and chrome10:45
phionathanks lotuspsychje10:46
lotuspsychjephiona: tnx to hateball10:47
fidel_phiona: i guess you could as well use: dpkg -l | grep SEARCHSTRING10:49
fidel_this should list aoo installed packages and search inside this list for your searchstring10:49
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phionathanks fidel10:51
Ken86I downloaded pepperflashplugin-nonfree, but its still not working10:52
hateballKen86: did you restart chromium10:52
Ken86youtube videos works also on facebook, but not the fb videos!10:52
hateballKen86: By default it does this nice thing of not killing its processes when you close it, and you need to close it fully to reload the plugins10:53
bekksKen86: Then check the installed and activated addons in Chromium.10:53
Ken86ok I'll log off then to make sure every thing restarted10:54
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Oszhow do i connect to my ubuntu desktop remotely?11:11
lotuspsychje!ssh | Osz11:12
ubottuOsz: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:12
hateballOsz: If you need a GUI you can use VNC11:13
OszThere is nothign such RDP ?11:13
histoOsz: xrdp11:13
bekkshateball: VNC isnt secure. IT should only be used when tunneled through SSH.11:13
histoOsz: most people use ssh though int he linux world11:13
histo!info xrdp | Osz11:14
ubottuOsz: xrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-2 (vivid), package size 221 kB, installed size 1596 kB11:14
lotuspsychjebekks: +111:14
bekksOsz: And RDP isnt secure too, it should only be used when tunneled through SSH, just as VNC. :)11:15
Ken86thanx everybody it worked :)11:17
Ken86just wanna ask about something else11:17
lotuspsychjeKen86: what fixxed your issue?11:17
Ken86how do I setup a file I downloaded, such as "Second_Life_3_7_29_301305_i686.tar.bz2"11:17
OszJust installed xrdp when i tried to log in it said failed to load session11:17
Ken86lotuspsychje: the pepper thing11:18
Ken86"sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree" then restart chrome11:19
jellow!bz2 | Ken8611:19
ubottuKen86: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression11:19
lotuspsychjeKen86: ok tnx11:19
bekksKen86: Follow the Second Life Installation instructions.11:19
Ken86lotuspsychje: welcome mate11:19
histoOsz: ahh aparently xrdp doesn't work with unity11:20
Ken86bekks: whenever I open the file there is some files inside dont know which one to use11:20
lotuspsychjeOsz: what the purpose for taking over your desktop? what will you be doing exactly11:21
howlymowlyhi everyone..   short question:  I am on kubuntu 14.04I don't know when this happened, but my Xorg server accumulates memory over time until my computer chrashes...  its about 2-3 MB/sec , any idea what is going on here?11:21
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: wich grafix driver do you use?11:22
hateballhowlymowly: try "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-notification-helper"11:24
histohowlymowly: which process?11:24
howlymowlylotuspsychje:   AMD fglrx + xserver-xorg-video-ati/radeon11:24
hateballhowlymowly: Since it sounds like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-notification-helper/+bug/143422611:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 1434226 in kubuntu-notification-helper (Ubuntu) "update hooks infinite recursion makes kded5 use excessive memory" [High,Fix released]11:24
howlymowlyhisto: it is Xorg11:25
jellowKen86: second life is proprietary subsequently will have their own procedure, Look on their website for install instructions or community forums.11:25
howlymowlyhateball: kubuntu notificaiton helper.. is it good for anything?11:26
howlymowlyor:  whats does it exactly do...11:26
hateballhowlymowly: I havent missed it yet11:26
Ken86jellow: thanks alot mate11:26
histohowlymowly: do you have swap?11:26
howlymowlyhisto: yes11:26
hateballhowlymowly: apt-cache show kubuntu-notification-helper tells you what it does :)11:26
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: try a realtime tail -f /var/log/syslog and tail -f /var/log/dmesg maybe some relevant errors come up11:27
hateballhowlymowly: It may be something else in your case, it just sounded similar to the bug above (which I was affected by)11:27
howlymowlyhateball:  are you on vivid?11:31
howlymowly--> because I am on kubuntu 14.04  guess that's not my error then (bug is related to 15.04) ...11:32
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: check your logs to investigate mate11:32
howlymowlylotuspsychje:   doing it right now11:33
howlymowlyI didn't find in the xyserver logs11:33
howlymowlywith your command ...11:33
howlymowlywell...  everything seems normal  no error message11:33
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: ok try browsing them manually meanwhile11:33
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: maybe some driver or xorg error show up11:33
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: feel free to pastebin your logs, so we can have a look11:39
howlymowlylotuspsychje:   yepp  hold on ...11:40
shambatare there any good tools (preferably web based), where one can manage you own CA and keys via openssl?11:40
howlymowlylotuspsychje:   http://pastebin.com/DYvJr3QP  this is your command ...11:41
Audioburn_busyfor installing ubuntu in virtualbox, should I be installing ubuntu desktop or ubuntu server?11:42
howlymowlyI am lukcy I have 32 Gigs of RAM, so I can hold up for some hours before Xorg fills up too much ;)11:42
MonkeyDust!info ca-certificates | shambat is this useful11:42
ubottushambat is this useful: ca-certificates (source: ca-certificates): Common CA certificates. In component main, is standard. Version 20141019ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 186 kB, installed size 452 kB11:42
hateballhowlymowly: well it's related to Plasma 5 really, but I guess you've not added a PPA to run that on 14.04 ?11:42
lotuspsychjeAudioburn_busy: whats your purpose exactly?11:44
shambatMonkeyDust: I am looking to setup my own CA11:44
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Audioburn_busylotuspsychje, a job i am about to interview for requires me to develop in linux11:44
Audioburn_busyI'm on a windows system11:44
shambatthat is the name of a package containing common CA-certs right?11:44
howlymowlyhateball: a year ago I added project neon.  But I do not use this.  Also, the bug message says it is related to kded and not Xorg as in my case11:44
howlymowlycould that still be the reason?   let me remove all neon-related11:45
shambatAudioburn_busy: what will you be developing?11:45
lotuspsychjeAudioburn_busy: you can install anything you want on virtualbox, desktop or server11:45
Audioburn_busyshambat, django applications11:45
shambatAudioburn_busy: what I do then is set up a Ubuntu server, use putty to SSH into the server and code in there using vim, and access the webpage from windows by using the guest-OS's IP address in the browser11:46
hateballhowlymowly: tbh I dont remember the exact details, if usage of xorg grew or not. All I know is that it filled up really fast and then promptly froze the system. If you're in plasma4 it should be launching any plasma5 things but who knows. may as well remove neon since it is abandoned11:46
Audioburn_busyshambat, why not desktop?11:47
Audioburn_busyi dont like vim11:47
shambatwell you can do that too, but I dont want all that cruft when I just need code management and an editor11:47
shambatthats too bad, you can use something like emacs or nano ... but I recommend you learn to love vim and its plugins11:48
=== Dirk1337off is now known as Dirk1337on
howlymowlylotuspsychje: this is my Xorg log  http://pastebin.com/bRccYzbD11:48
Audioburn_busyit just looks ugly11:48
Audioburn_busycompared to sublime11:48
shambatAudioburn_busy: well ... you can customize the look of it to your hearts content11:49
menaceIs there any tool, which handles luks-encrypted volumes with a GUI?11:49
howlymowlyAudioburn_busy: kate is really nice ;)11:49
howlymowlyi love that editor11:49
shambatyeah, dont get too held up on the editor, its a preference thing, the wrokflow I suggested still works11:49
hateballhowlymowly: fglrx is spitting out a fair few errors. did you install it manually or using jockey?11:50
Audioburn_busyhowlymowly, not bad11:51
howlymowlyhate  pheww... has been a long time ago ;)   I guess manually?11:51
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: yeah too much of those: 69.675] ukiOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)11:51
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: pastebin syslog too?11:52
lotuspsychje!ask | cofo11:52
ubottucofo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:52
howlymowlyhateball: , lotuspsychje  I think I did it manually via apt-get , bbut I did use the default packages from standard repositories and not something I compiled myself ...11:52
cofo11:51 AM <cofo> i probably click install ubuntu but i cancel and don't know what changed11:52
cofo11:52 AM <cofo> how do i check log or something can might help11:52
cofoim on livetest11:53
hateballhowlymowly: yeah that's fine then, I was thinking if you did it from AMD's site11:53
lotuspsychjecofo: can you explain what your end goal is? what are you trying to do?11:53
howlymowlylotuspsychje:  http://pastebin.com/fpw3MZHk11:53
howlymowlyAudioburn_busy: what do you mean with "new" ;)?11:54
cofoAnyone can help me please11:54
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: a lot of acpi errors already: kernel  [    0.128771] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored11:54
cofoI'm in live test and in mistake i click install ubuntu and it say it might remove and I'm not sure.. How can I check?11:55
hateballhowlymowly: still, something is making it misbehave. I guess you could try using xorg-edgers ppa to update the driver, see if that solves the problem... https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa11:55
IndanoizeHello guys. I'm trying to setup my new laptop with ubuntu 14.04.02 LTS and connect to other machine with SSH. But ssh hangs on after connection established. No key exchange, no remote version, server doesn't even know about connection. However I connect from my smartphone to that server and it works. I've played with MTU size, with ciphers lists. Now i'm out of ideas11:55
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: kernel  [   21.071056] ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000052f SystemIO conflicts with Region \_GPE.GPIO 2 (20131115/utaddress-251)11:56
lotuspsychjehowlymowly: i would surely try bot nomodeset or no_acpi boot to see if that can change anything11:56
MonkeyDustcofo  do not continue the process, take out the install device and restart11:56
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | howlymowly11:56
ubottuhowlymowly: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:56
cofoMonkeyDust: I click quit..11:57
cofoBut I don't know if something happen. That's the problem. How do i check?11:57
MonkeyDustcofo  restart the pc, if all's normal, you know nothing has happened11:58
cofoAnyone else?11:58
cofoJust you doesn't sound someone use ubuntu..12:00
howlymowlycofo: 'if' something happened  you won't damage something by rebooting12:01
howlymowlyso..  MonkeyDust is right12:01
cofoAnyone else?12:01
bazhangcofo, any one else what12:02
cofoWith answer12:02
bazhangcofo, what answer were you looking for12:02
cofoTo check log or something12:02
bazhangcofo, what did you do to your install/PC12:03
cofoI click on install ubuntu and then click quit fast12:03
cofoBecause I wanted to install package12:03
bazhangcofo, what version of ubuntu is this12:04
cofo14.04 LTS12:05
cofoBut how is this really matter?12:05
bazhangcofo, there is nothing so far from what you said that indicates any problem at all12:05
shambatcofo: what is your base system? windows?12:06
MonkeyDustcofo  what are you afraid af? simply take out the usb or dvd and reboot12:06
bazhangcofo, so unless you can pastebin some errors, you encountered, there will not be any other answers forthcoming12:06
bazhang!pastebin | cofo12:07
ubottucofo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:07
shambatso, if something got overwritten or damaged, there is nothing you can do from the LiveCD to fix it, so there is no harm in rebooting into windows again. Besides, the instealler takes some time to get started and load resources into memory and doesn't just start overwriting files right away.12:07
cofoDo you know how do i check?12:07
cofothere is log so you say nothing writes their?12:07
MonkeyDustcofo  how many users do you want to tell you the same thing?12:08
shambatand if you founbd the log what could you do then?12:08
bazhangcofo you have not said anything to point to errors or otherwise, what is there to check12:08
cofobut is gui12:08
cofoshambat: check if there something that installed isn;t?12:08
howlymowlycofo  why not just try to reboot and if anything goes wrong come back here ;)?  but if you can still boot into windows   then there is no problem at all...12:09
cofoNo thanks12:09
cofoignore you too12:09
kokoshkarthey guys. installed ubuntu, but only learned post-festum that i have an efi board. i partitioned the system with three partitions - /, /home and swap. it boots allright, but would like to know if there was maybe a more appropriate course of action?12:09
shambatcofo, my point is, if a log said: command.com has been overwritten by /etc/resolv.conf .... there is nothing that you can do to fix it, so your absolute best option is to reboot .... but there is no such log12:09
cofoAnyone please?12:09
kokoshkartwas i supposed to make a secureboot partition?12:09
MonkeyDustcofo anything you install inside a live session, is gone when you reboot, there's nothing to be afraid of12:09
cofoI didn't say fix I said I want to check if something changed12:10
shambatMonkeyDust: he clicked install ubuntu from the live desktop I think, but the thing is, that doesnt do anything until you confirm, so there is no harm, there are no logs yet at that point, he should juist reboot12:10
MonkeyDustcofo  everyone says the same thing, kindly reboot your pc in windows12:11
cofojuist ?12:11
bazhangcofo,  please follow the channel guidelines, announching you are ignoring people and continuing is not the way to go at all12:11
bazhang!guidelines | cofo12:12
ubottucofo: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:12
shambatcofo: you would get a lot of questions about where to install ubuntu etc, since you would likely want to use a file system like ext3 or 4, so all you did was load up the installer, which didnt progress at all12:12
shambatcofo: sorry I cant type today :)12:12
cofoExcuse me? What do you mean can't type today12:13
cofoI don't understand you..12:13
shambatI'm saying I have a lot of typos12:13
shambatcofo: but, do you understand what I said about the installer?12:14
cofoNo idea why you direct me to command.com12:14
shambatI didn't, that is a file in windows12:14
cofoI don't wanna fix anything. Just check12:14
MonkeyDustcofo  there's nothing to fix or check12:14
shambatand I'm saying you can't check12:14
cofoI want to check if something happen that could install or remove from windows folder or anything that touch my folder12:14
shambatbecause nothing happened12:15
shambatthe installer was loading stuff into RAM, which does nothing to windows12:15
irgendwer4711hi, how to repair a Ubuntu 14.04 non-booting Softraid?12:15
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MonkeyDustcofo  a live session loads into RAM, it doesnt touch your windows installation12:16
cofoIt's not windows it's about touch the system12:16
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MonkeyDustcofo  what system do you mean?12:17
kokoshkartonce again - to install ubuntu on an uefi system, is it enough to just use three partitions - /, /home and swap, and then the installer automatically does the uefi thing?12:17
coraxxhello...anybody know how to handle (import from) ISAM database files ?12:19
coraxx... in Ubuntu12:19
IndanoizeHello guys. I'm trying to setup my new laptop with ubuntu 14.04.02 LTS and connect to other machine with SSH. But ssh hangs on after connection established. No key exchange, no remote version, server doesn't even know about connection. However I connect from my smartphone to that server and it works. I've played with MTU size, with ciphers lists. Now i'm out of ideas how to run up ssh connection12:21
cofoIt's not common to paste the same question ( happen to me)12:21
cofoprobably check the ip and openssh12:22
cofoall these stuff12:22
cofoYou didn't metntion what is the problem, is it problem connection or what12:23
cofojust a sleep story12:23
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Indanoizethere is ssh conection log http://paste.ubuntu.com/11541766/. it hangs on after line "Local version..." till I forcely interrupt it12:27
kokolopothi. internet died. So, what do i have to do to install ubuntu in uefi mode. Is it enough to use the usb-creator to get the image to the usb drive, and then just partition a 200mb partition in fat and label it as /boot/efi?12:27
shambatkokolopot: does this help you? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:28
cofoshambat: you are fast read12:28
coforeading fast*12:28
shambatI rely mostly on instinct12:29
cofoso is it about just paste anything12:29
kokolopotsort of, though i'm a bit noobish and don't understand all.12:30
cofoit's common12:31
kokolopotOh, so it doesn't matter, because ubuntu will be the only system12:31
onlatrying to apt-get install apt-transport-https but it says not found.. what do?12:31
MonkeyDustcofo  in the mean time, did you reboot?12:31
cofoenable universe?12:31
onlaoh ok. I have to check how to do that12:31
kokolopot+ i get this : Legacy boot on HDD12:32
kokolopotso basically, if i don't let it boot in uefi, and it's the only system on my computer, i shouldn't have any problems further down the road?12:32
onlaI guess this is still valid way to enable universe and others sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main universe restricted multiverse"12:33
cofoJust open the ubuntu installer and on the settings enable universe12:33
kokolopot+ is there any advantage if i boot ubuntu in uefi?12:34
onlaI have only cli12:34
cofoubuntu software center12:34
Ben64kokolopot: no12:34
onlaadd-apt-repository is command not found12:34
kokolopotBen64, no advantage, or no problems with legacy?12:34
onlaI only have terminal12:34
Ben64kokolopot: both i guess12:34
cofomaybe this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine12:34
kokolopotgreat, thanks,12:34
kokolopotBen64, thanks for your help12:35
onlaok thanks12:36
cofoi have sdhc connect and nothing read..12:36
cofousing gparted it's same..12:36
cofoi refresh(connect to sdhc reader and then disconnect)12:37
onlaI have already universe and multiverse enabled12:37
cofogive me the error12:38
BluesKajHiyas all12:39
Ben64onla: do you have a https repository?12:39
onlathere was 4 lines in sources.list , should there be something about https12:40
cofoapt-get update ?12:40
onlaI ran that on that pastebin12:40
Ben64only 4 lines? can you pastebin your sources.list12:40
cofoCan you show sources.list ?12:41
Ben64mine is 55...12:41
onlaI just added 3rd party rep with this https://wiki.tox.im/Binaries12:42
onlathe linux part there12:42
cofoAnd it worked?12:43
onlayes but stuck on installing that https tihng12:43
cofocause you don't paste the list12:43
onlaim not pasting yet because maybe here is solution "Since this was a third-party repository and thus non-essential, I simply disabled that source temporarily, then reran apt-get update and it worked with no problem. After updating, upgrading and installing apt-transport-https, I was able to re-enable that source and then everything worked"12:44
onlaso how do I disable that source I just added to that sources.list.d/tox.list12:44
cofowho paste it?12:44
onlaon answer with 2 votes12:45
onlaso basically I should first have installed that https transport thing before adding that 3rd party source I guess12:46
onlaI just need to know how to "disable" that source12:46
cofofor me it worked12:47
cofoi wrote that command and no error :)12:47
Ben64delete the file12:47
coforemove the source?12:47
onlajust delete that tox.list?12:47
Ben64you'll have to do the first step again to recreate it later12:47
cofomy sdhc not read12:47
cofoi have ubuntu!! :)12:47
cofoi tried gparted12:48
cofois it problem on sdhc?12:48
mahaoni hao12:50
hardtailGood day everyone.12:51
cofoHiyas all12:51
somsip!zh | mahao12:51
ubottumahao: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:51
cofohi nao12:51
cofoni nao12:51
cofoni hao12:51
somsipcofo: stop and just go with support issues please12:51
cofoWhich support issues?12:52
somsipcofo: do you have a support issue?12:52
cofoyes i can't read sdhc12:52
onlaokey. I got it now thanks cofo and Ben6412:52
cofoin windows there is driver i installed12:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:52
cofointeresting why for me it didn't work12:53
bazhangcofo stop that12:53
cofois it problem on my sdhc?12:53
cofoif i would able to see the other partition in windows i wouldn't ask it12:53
bazhangcofo stop the offtopic chat and commentary and take it to #ubuntu-offtopic12:53
Picicofo: Do you get any events in dmesg when you plug the card in?12:54
cofoi don't know how to filter dmesg12:54
Picicofo: put the card in, type dmesg, the most recent events will be at the bottom.12:54
cofoyes i see mmc0 removed12:55
cofocard 002 removed12:55
cofocannot verify signal voltage switch12:55
cofoi need to find pastebin12:55
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Picicofo: Are you expecting to see data on this card?12:59
cofoYES!! :)12:59
cofois it possible for human?13:00
Picicofo: from a terminal, if you run sudo parted /dev/mmcblk0     and then type     print    once it comes up, what does it tell you?13:00
cofoi don't even have it13:01
PiciYou don't have what?13:01
cofobash: /dev/mmcblk0: Permission denied13:01
cofosudo: /dev/mmcblk0: command not found13:01
Picicofo: what did you type?13:02
cofoits open parted13:02
cofono errors..13:03
dupingpingPlease help me13:03
dupingpingit's urgent13:03
dupingpingHow can i get the source http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/wily-preinstalled-boot-armhf+flo.img?13:04
cofoYE.. what is the question?13:04
dupingpingI want to get Ubuntu source for Ubuntu Touch,13:04
k1l_dupingping: for smartphones and tablets regarding ubuntu touch please see #ubuntu-touch13:04
dupingpingit's close source?13:04
MonkeyDust!touch | dupingping start here13:04
ubottudupingping start here: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch13:04
soorajhow to adjust contrast in ubuntu 15.04?13:05
k1l_dupingping: nope, its not closed source. see the topic in that named channel13:05
ubottuYou can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices13:05
dupingpingyes. thank you.13:05
Picicofo: I assume you're looking to mount the largest ext4 partition there?13:05
cofoPici: please?13:05
cofoIs that possible?13:06
pw-toxicHi, I have a failed disk of my raid1 and now i want to start my raid degraded. Maybe someone can give me a hint?13:06
Picicofo: try this: close parted (ctr-c) and then sudo mkdir /media/sdhc/ ; sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p6 /media/sdhc/13:08
nikolamHi, I run XUbuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit on ASUS eeepc 701 and my soud dos ot work. Lookinng with lspci, it is: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)13:08
nikolamsound. sorry old keyboard13:08
orviI can not set up irc.mozilla.org13:09
orvican anyone help me ?13:09
howlymowlyhateball: soo.. I purged everything related to fglrx-driver, radeon-driver and reinstalled graphics drivers etc...  it now seems stable ...13:09
cofoit's not work13:09
cofoit is not exsist13:09
sooraj@cofo im not mean hight contrast ... i mean contrast calibration13:10
hateballhowlymowly: hope it stays that way then!13:11
howlymowlyhateball: is it possible that fglrx drivers don't get recompiled for new kernels, when I get a kernel update?13:11
howlymowlyhateball: still @50MB RAM  after 10min ;)  yepp looks ok13:11
k1l_howlymowly: if you use fglrx from ubuntu and the kernels from ubuntu: yes they get recompiled. but make sure the headers are installed.13:11
cofo[ 5594.318063] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem13:12
cofo[ 5690.756764] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem13:12
hoechtsno raid expert here? ;(13:12
ikoniahoechts: whats the actual problem ?13:12
hoechtsI have an mdadm raid1 and one disk failed (disk utility says it will fail soon)13:12
GFXAnyone know how to clean up the mic in 14.04 Gnome?13:13
ikoniahoechts: ok ?13:13
hoechtsikonia, my computer even didnt boot anymore, although ubuntu is running on a different single disk13:13
hateballhowlymowly: what k1l_ said13:13
ikoniahoechts: define doesn't boot13:13
howlymowlyk1l_: that's what I did (only using fglrx and kernel from ubuntu)  but the drivers only seem to work after I purged/reinstalled them. Before that I had a memory leak13:13
soorajcofo: catalyst controll can... it worked in ubuntu 14.04 ... but when catalyst controll in ubuntu 15.04 driver totally collapsed ... (my graphics card is amd radeon r4)13:13
hoechtsikonia, one time it stopped at a black screen for about 5 minutes (then i stopped booting)13:13
hoechtsikonia, one time it stopped on "loading operating system"13:14
ikoniahoechts: do you get any part of the booting process13:14
ikoniahoechts: or any messages on screen13:14
hoechtsikonia, i have remoeved the bad raid1 drive and my pc boots now13:14
ikoniahoechts: ok ?13:14
ikoniaso what's the problem13:14
hoechtsikonia, now i want to start the raid1 degraded so i can save up some data13:14
hoechtsikonia, and rebuild it with a new disk13:14
ikoniahoechts: ok, mark the disk as faulty13:15
hoechtsikonia, ikonia i cant even see /dev/md3 at all after i have booted. I dont know how to define a disk as faulty in this case13:15
ikoniahoechts: then it looks like your raid was not setup13:16
ikoniahoechts: cat /proc/mdstat13:16
hoechtsikonia, that's the problem: nothing shows up there13:16
ikoniahoechts: paste the output into a pastebin please13:17
hoechtsikonia, wait a second13:17
Sebastienis there such thing as a easy and free panel to install on a ubuntu server to manage subdomains easily? (i want to create sub domains from my domain to make a forum. and a irc.thedomainiown.com13:19
pw-toxicikonia, http://pastebin.com/kVGkAcpM (hoechts here)13:19
ikoniapw-toxic: there is no raid setup there13:20
hoechtsikonia, yes thats what i mean is my problem ;)13:20
ikoniathats why you can't manipulate it13:21
hoechtsikonia, i know the remaining drive. Its /dev/sda113:21
metallicPlease, someone type my name or send a private message, I want to test the notify sound works properly :)13:21
hoechtsikonia, i want to show you the output of the disk utility. It says there is a raid, but with (null) values13:21
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Guest55649join #alagoinhas13:22
ikoniahoechts: looks like you screwed up your raid13:22
ikoniahoechts: you'll need to rebuild it13:22
hoechtsikonia, i guess that someone one drive crashed where the raid info was set, and mdadm somehow syned corrupt data to the second drive13:23
hoechtsikonia, when i rebuild it, can the data be recovered? I mean this is a raid1. The data should be available even if the raid fails13:23
ikoniahoechts: that is not possible13:24
ikoniabut the setup of a new raid without data loss is not a problem13:24
hoechtsikonia, can you tell me how or link me a guide? I only know this one: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Software-RAID (german)13:24
ikoniaI wrote one years ago that will still work13:25
ikoniahang on13:25
hoechtsikonia, http://files.webthesia.de/diskutility.png this is what i wanted to show you. I reach this page if i click on "to array" of the reaminig 2 TB raid1 drive13:27
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pitchblackHi! I'm writing a program that monitor's user activities. I need to know if there's anyway to know when a process open's a new file or closes and existing one. Thanks13:30
ikoniahoechts: hang on13:31
pitchblackI'm writing the program in python if that's relevant13:31
ikoniajust finding the guide13:31
hoechtsikonia, ok. Thanks for your time13:31
yimaowuanybody here?13:33
Sebastienyimaowu, this is by far the biggest IRC channel ever, for sure there is someone here...13:34
Sebastien!ask yimaowu13:34
yimaowuoh! yes13:35
phunyguycofo, let's talk about this here please.13:35
cofoit's useless probably lost13:35
cofoIf you really know then go ahead13:35
phunyguyyes, you are correct.13:35
cofoI tried :(13:35
phunyguyit's gone.13:35
cofoIn the end we are all dead13:36
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soorajhow to install catalyst control driver in ubuntu 15.04( my graphics card amd radeon r4) ?13:37
ikoniahoechts: the ubuntu forums doesn't appear to have my old post easy to find, hnag on13:38
hoechtsikonia, ok13:38
DJones!cn | yimaowu13:41
ubottuyimaowu: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:41
yimaowuthank you!13:42
yimaowu哦 还是进 /join #ubuntu-cn 吧13:43
howerHello Hack. Hackd13:43
howerHow many people chat online13:45
phunyguyhower: This is a support channel for Ubuntu.  Do you have a support question?13:45
JC_Yanganyone knows an easy setup ftp daemon? I've tried vsftpd and proftpd, they both had problems prevent the most simple configured server running. why they're so buggy in ubuntu?13:46
phunyguy!ot | hower13:46
ubottuhower: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:47
JC_Yang14.04 LTS here13:47
pitchblackHi! I'm writing a program that monitor's user activities. I need to know if there's anyway to know when a process open's a new file or closes and existing one. Thanks13:49
JC_Yangsimple apt-get install vsftpd or proftpd won't give me a runnable ftp daemon....  wow, isn't ftp one of the most basic service required?13:50
phunyguyJC_Yang: what is your end goal?13:50
Kartagishow can I log out so that I can use usermod on myself?13:50
JC_YangI need a ftp to download file from the server, that's my goal13:51
phunyguyKartagis: use sudo, then log out and back in for the changes13:51
phunyguyJC_Yang: so you have a server that you are putting ftp on to transfer a file?13:51
Kartagisphunyguy: usermod: user mtozses is currently used by process 21213:51
phunyguyJC_Yang: is the client linux as well?13:51
wastrelJC_Yang: i recommend using sftp13:52
wastrelit should work automatically with openssh-server and is more secure13:52
wastreland non-linux users can download a client for it13:52
yimaowuJC_Yang , you can try pure-ftp13:52
Kartagisvsftpd and proftpd both work13:53
JC_Yangis ftp abandoned in ubuntu?  why these two popular ftp daemon are buggy ?13:53
JC_Yangmine don't work13:53
phunyguyKartagis: so log out and drop to tty1 and try13:53
phunyguyJC_Yang: FTP is going the way of the dinosaur anyway.13:53
phunyguynot just Ubuntu and ftp.13:53
Kartagisphunyguy: so I can't do this SSHing in, right?13:53
phunyguyKartagis: is that how you are doing it?13:54
Kartagisphunyguy: yes13:54
phunyguyKartagis: what process is 212?13:54
sh0tHI guys I installed oasis (on ubuntu) with opam but now if i type oasis setup -setup-update dynamic it says it's not installed...13:54
PiciJC_Yang: as Kartagis said, both of those servers should work. You haven't explained what you are seeing on your machine when you install them besides that they "don't work"13:54
Kartagissorry, mispaste13:54
phunyguyKartagis: ok so what process is 2120 and is it possible to end it?13:54
Kartagisphunyguy: the process says /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/hud/window-stack-bridge13:55
JC_Yangyes, ftp may be dinosaur, but I need it13:55
tgm4883JC_Yang: do you need to upload files to the ftp server or just download files?13:56
wastrelcan you connect to the ftp server locally?  ftp localhost13:56
JC_Yangfirst, with proftpd, I installed it and choose to start it in inetd mode, no luck13:56
JC_Yangcan't connect with ftp command, refuse connect, and port 21(default) is not open13:57
JC_YangI need to download files, mainly tgm488313:57
tgm4883JC_Yang: then why not just put them in a directory and serve them with apache?13:57
howerHow can I get into the Chinese channel for the first time?13:57
tgm4883!cn | hower13:58
ubottuhower: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:58
phunyguyKartagis: what are you trying to modify with the user?13:58
sh0tnvm i solved13:58
Kartagisphunyguy: my username and $HOME13:58
phunyguyKartagis: well, an option would be to just change it in /etc/passwd13:59
Kartagisphunyguy: is that safe?13:59
phunyguyjust make sure you move your home directory also... not even sure that usermod does that13:59
phunyguyand also not sure if you can move it while you are logged in.14:00
JC_Yangapache may be much more resource hungry? and even more difficult to config for the first run? and maybe more buggy and more vulnerable?14:00
phunyguythat may be what is happening.14:00
JC_Yangbecause web server is more complex than a ftp server14:00
phunyguynaah editing /etc/passwd in this scenario probably isn't the safeswt.14:00
wastrelJC_Yang: why is sftp not an option?  what users are you serving14:00
tgm4883JC_Yang: If you want something not complex, then use SFTP. It's super easy14:01
wastrelJC_Yang: use sftp, if you have ssh it's already set up14:01
wastrelJC_Yang: sftp localhost14:01
JC_Yangthe performance of sftp is bad... sometimes may be interrupted...14:01
wastrelftp sends your password cleartext14:02
JC_YangI don't know why, so I would like to give ftp a try14:02
dean_hey guys14:04
dean_having a litlte troupble. I'm running ubuntu and i"m trying to make a bootable USB of centos ISO14:04
dean_having a little issue following the instruction for dd14:05
byawebnice to me see u14:05
dean_not sure why when i plug in my usb flash ...it mounts to /dev/14:05
yimaowu /join #ubuntu-cn14:05
dean_nice to see you too byaweb14:06
R13oseMy brother printer is not printing out anything and is saying processing - not connected.  The printer is connected via ethernet to a network hub.  How do I fix this?14:06
byawebmaking a bootable usb of centos iso, you can use cp or cat easily14:06
byawebls /dev/sd* can show you some info about your hard disk and your USB14:07
dean_most be a joke..isn't ubuntu-cn chinese?14:07
phunyguydean_: they made a mistake typing a command into their client.  No need to concern yourself with it. :)14:08
wastreldean_: that wasn't meant for you :)14:08
wastrelthe /join #ubuntu-cn14:08
EriC^^dean_: what do you mean it's mounted to /dev ? can you type sudo parted -l && mount and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com ?14:09
hoechtsikonia, thanks for your help. mount -t ext4 -o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt worked. I will now copy all data and recreate a new raid114:10
dean_EriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11543665/14:12
dean_EriC^^:  I'm just following this instruction http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/InstallFromUSBkey14:12
EriC^^dean_: ok, can you paste sudo parted -l too?14:13
R13oseany thoughts on my question?14:14
dean_EriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11543727/14:14
=== john is now known as Guest37742
EriC^^dean_: ok, your usb is the 8gb sandisk?14:15
EriC^^ok to make it a bootable usb type sudo dd if=/path/to/centos/iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M && sync14:15
EriC^^dean_: first type sudo umount /dev/sdc114:16
EriC^^to unmount it14:16
byawebumount is necessary14:16
dean_EriC^^: what's with the /dev/sdc ...why couldn't i specify of=/media/usb?14:18
dean_also my ISO is 7 Gb14:19
EriC^^dean_: that's the file that represents the usb, that's what dd expects14:19
dean_and the bs-4M ..i think you're creating a compression of some sorts?14:20
User357Hello, when I try to run chromium-browser on my guest account, I get "Using PPAPI Flash. Checked Failed: Namespaceutils::DenySetGroups()" Any way to get the browser to run on guest? Thank you14:20
EriC^^dean_: that's the block size to transfer at a time, to speed things up a bit that's all14:20
imbezolcan someone tell me what the default cdrom entry in fstab is?14:21
lotuspsychjeUser357: did you install pepperflash on chromium?14:22
User357I installed the adobe-flashplugin14:22
lotuspsychjeUser357: chromium uses pepperflash14:22
lotuspsychje!find pepperflash14:23
ubottuFound: pepperflashplugin-nonfree14:23
afflictoHi. If you download a .deb via 'apt-get' and you think the download was corrupted. How can you force it to re-download it?14:23
lotuspsychjeUser357: try install this one14:23
User357lotuspsychje: Alright, I will. But the adobe-flashplugin has been working, should I get rid of it? Also, why is that going to affect whether chromium can run in guest or not? Thank you for the help.14:23
lotuspsychjeafflicto: sudo apt-get download packagename?14:23
afflictolotuspsychje: ok.. simple enough! thanks14:24
lotuspsychjeUser357: adobe flash is not for chromium, its worth a try to install pepperflash, maybe it will fix your error14:24
User357lotuspsychje: I will go ahead and try that. After a reboot, I'll come back with success or failure. ;p Thank you.14:25
lotuspsychjeUser357: ok good luck14:25
JC_Yanggoogle tells me openssh has performance problem while transfer big files... this is probably why sftp is so slow... I test the speed to my server with speedtest.net, 10 times faster than sftp's download data rate...14:25
lotuspsychjeJC_Yang: maybe the ##networking guys can help with that?14:25
afflictolotuspsychje: That seems to have downloaded the deb file in the current directory. I want to re-download the deb files use to do 'apt-get install'.. if that makes sense14:26
JC_Yangthank u, lotuspsychje14:26
lotuspsychjeafflicto: can you give us more details of what you are trying to do?14:26
R13oseMy brother printer is not printing out anything and is saying processing - not connected.  The printer is connected via ethernet to a network hub.  How do I fix this?14:27
wastreldelete printer and re-add in the printer setup thingus14:27
afflictolotuspsychje: Well, I was downloading a package 'krita', I suspect the download was correupted and I want to completely remove it, then reinstall.14:27
lotuspsychjeafflicto: remove and reinstall is done with purge and sudo apt-get install again14:28
lotuspsychje!purge | afflicto14:28
ubottuafflicto: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P14:28
lotuspsychje!info krita14:28
ubottukrita (source: calligra): pixel-based image manipulation program for the Calligra Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.2-0ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 7128 kB, installed size 29415 kB14:28
lotuspsychjeafflicto: why do you think its corrupted?14:29
afflictolotuspsychje: I lost my internet connection during the download.14:29
User346lotuspsychje: I have installed pepperflashplugin-nonefree and rebooted. It's not in about://plugins, so I found in an article that I may need to edit the chromium-browser default file. What exactly should I do? Thanks14:30
wastrelthere's also a --reinstall flag for apt-get install14:30
wastrelit doesn't purge first but it will reinstall packages that are already installed on the system14:31
EriC^^afflicto: it doesn't matter, happens to me all the time, also i think after it downloads it it runs checks the md5sum14:31
lotuspsychjeUser346: did you try chromium from guest now?14:32
afflictoEriC^^: oh yeah.. good point. Well I guess this krita application is broken :\14:32
CapprenticeAnyone here? who can help me onfiguring a seedbox with rtorrent and rutorrent?14:32
=== Capprentice is now known as Guest71922
lotuspsychjeafflicto: apt-cache policy krita to check14:32
User346lotuspsychje: Yes, it is the same error as before.14:32
lotuspsychjeUser346: not sure then sorry, does it run from other user?14:33
unbanI can not connect wifi on ubuntu14:33
unbancan someone help me14:33
Guest71922After installing rutorrent Im getting one major error on ubuntu 12.04 ,...the error is - cant not read torrent fle.14:33
Guest71922Any ides whats the case?14:33
dtigueso i got a cron job that runs nightly and sends me email with info in it, here is what that email said today: /etc/cron.daily/chkrootkit:  /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/.path /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/.path /lib/init/rw/.mdadm /lib/init/rw/.clean/ lib/init/rw/.mdadm  eth1: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient[1868])14:33
dtigueshould i be concerned about that? ^^14:34
R13oseSeems no one can answer my question.14:34
User346lotuspsychje: Yes, it runs on the regular user just fine. I don't think flash is the issue, I am thinking it is the DenySetGroups()14:34
lotuspsychje!patience | R13ose14:34
ubottuR13ose: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:34
paultjuhI have had 2 full freezes this week, any way to find out why that is happening?14:34
=== Abishek_ is now known as abishek
R13oselotuspsychje: how many times should I repeat my question?14:34
dtigueR13ose, how do you have the brother connected to your machine?14:35
lotuspsychjeR13ose: once in a while, other users might connect and be able to help14:35
dtigueR13ose, what drivers are you using?14:35
R13osedtigue: I said in my question.14:35
SebastienR13ose, is this channel #ubuntu or #printerproblems ?14:35
R13osedtigue: how do I tell the drivers?14:35
=== elliotd123_ is now known as elliotd123
abisheki added the following entries to sysctl.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/11544059/ and when I do `sysctl -`. I get these error http://paste.ubuntu.com/11544067/ . Could somebody help on what the issue is?14:36
lotuspsychje!behelpful | Sebastien14:36
ubottuSebastien: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.14:36
dtigueR13ose, i see you said it is connected to the network, but is it installed on your computer through the correct IP address?14:36
R13oseSebastien: unsure but this was printing a few mins before this stopped yesterday.14:36
R13osedtigue: was printing a few mins before this stopped yesterday14:36
paultjuhI have had 2 full freezes this week, any way to find out why that is happening?14:37
dtigueR13ose, ah, ok, so make sure you can ping that IP address, the printer may have pulled a different IP if it isn't set as a static IP14:37
cofoHelp: https://paste.kde.org/pgnwp8ixw14:38
R13osedtigue: unreachable14:39
abishekanybody know what could cause the sysctl issue?14:40
Tekkkzcan someone help me with my problem discribed here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/631626/ubuntu-15-04-empathy-bug-at-showing-status14:40
paultjuhI have had 2 full freezes this week, any way to find out why that is happening? also if I connect my external monitors to the computer before Ubuntu is fully booted and I am logged in, xorg keeps crashing.14:41
Sebastienlotuspsychje don't tell me what to do.14:41
dtigueR13ose, ok,so the printer has got a different IP address. You'll want to print out a network report on the printer or go through its menu and find the IP address it is assigned.14:41
dtigueR13ose, then I would suggest that you add an IP reservation in your router for the printer so it doesn't change addresses14:41
R13osedtigue: let me try to get to the printer settings14:42
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92
microm_I am unable to apt-get update ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu/dist/trusty/InRelease do you have the same problem?14:44
microm_The error is: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu/dists/trusty/InRelease14:45
Carogahi all !!!14:45
=== Malsasa is now known as Guest29295
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Caroganeed help setting up iptables nat, not really working out here. Anyone who could help me out ?14:45
auronandacemicrom_: you'll need to check with th e ppa maintainer, #ubuntu cannot support ppas14:45
dtiguemicrom_, has it ever worked before or are you just now trying to setup that ppa ?14:46
dtiguemicrom_, I think you may need to remove the InRelease part14:48
microm_dtigue: It has worked before, I wonder if I am behind an agressive firewall or if that ppa is down14:48
Carogamicrom_, what iis the ppa address ?14:48
Guest71922How do I remove a application installed using make install command and shows - No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.?14:48
dtigueif you follow the link http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu/dists/trusty << you'll see there is NO InRelease, only a Release and a Release.gpg14:48
microm_These instructions have worked before: http://tecadmin.net/install-oracle-java-8-jdk-8-ubuntu-via-ppa/14:49
thebwtGuest71922: you generally have to trace downt he files 1 by 114:49
saladin442hey guys, i have an old huawei modem, but don't know what's the model number (how to check in ubuntu 15.04?) but the  probelm is when i  plugg in the broadband, it doesnt detect the modem. guess is, usb mode swtich doesn't swtich it properly. any fix? ubuntu 15.04..14:49
thebwtGuest71922: which is why things like 'checkinstall' are suggested14:49
Guest71922How do I use checkinstall?14:50
thebwtGuest71922: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall is a good tutorial on it14:50
microm_dtigue: I cannot even follow that link you fixed, so I can only guess that I am behind a firewall14:53
dtiguemicrom_, possibly, I'm able to go straight to it with no issues, the one you first provided gave an error though14:54
microm_ok, thanks.14:55
dtiguemicrom_, can you at least get to ppa.launchpad.net ??\14:55
microm_dtigue: no14:57
=== Saleshell is now known as aidy
dtigueyea, you either have a firewall stopping you or something else in the way, are you at home or work ?14:57
microm_but I am here through webirc, so not all is blocked, but enough to be crippled14:57
microm_dtigue: I will have to find another network.14:58
R13osedtigue: I found the IP Address but this didn't work out as that is what the printer is setup as and couldn't get into the web interface either.14:58
=== aidy is now known as mulau
deronnaxsometime # service uwsgi reload <a site> fails, but with no explanation14:58
deronnaxhow to know what happened ?14:58
dtiguemicrom_, you may want to check to see if your DNS is ok, maybe add in the network managers DNS settings, that may help14:58
dtigueR13ose, this may be pointless, if you've already done it, but I would power off the printer completely, actually unplug the power to the printer, wait about 30 seconds and plug it back in, BUT while it is down, see if you can ping that IP address14:59
vikram1hi all15:00
saladin442hi there15:00
dtigueR13ose, if you can, then something else has grabbed the same IP address as your printer, if not go ahead and plug it back in and after it is ready see if you can print to it again.15:00
dionysus69_hello guys I have an emergency15:01
boomlshello - I want to install a program called kodi but I cant find it in the ubuntu software centre - can someone help?15:01
vikram1Hi all i need to migrate my server from ubuntu 14 to ubuntu server 15 plz help me15:01
dionysus69_I am on different laptop right now, my thinkpad doesnt boot anymore :\15:01
chri5pFor kodi I found this:  http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Kodi_for_Linux15:01
dtigueboomls, kodi.wiki/view/Official_Ubuntu_PPA15:02
chri5pboomls: you may need to add the repos which is listed in the first section of that15:02
boomlsI could install that way chri5p but why isn't it shown in the ubuntu software centre - i thought since its a popular program it would be in there?15:02
dtigueboomls, it just isn't included in the repositories for ubuntu, so it won't show in the software center15:03
boomlsright - ok15:03
boomlsi'll follow that wiki guide15:03
dtiguedionysus69_, anything happen to the machine before you noticed that it wouldn't boot anymore, i.e., an upgrade gone wrong, etc15:04
dionysus69_dtigue: nothing, possible problem is i had tlp, I loged in from recovery deleted all modules but nothing still hangs15:04
Egyptianhi - just want to confirm - on ubuntu static ip address is saved in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 or /etc/networks/interfaces or either one?15:06
knocktwiceanyone have suggestions for open-source billing/invoice software for ubuntu-14.04?15:07
boomlsJust one more question - I've installed a program that I want to start on system start up....how do I set it up so that the program automatically starts?15:07
Egyptianboomls pre systemd would be chkconfig levels in the script itself15:08
R13osedtigue: that worked, the printer is back to normal15:08
boomlsI don't understand Egyptian15:09
dtigueR13ose, great, glad I could help, as with most windows machines, if a printer stops working, one of the first things to do is reboot it. :)15:09
k1lboomls: what app?15:09
Egyptiandoes your ubuntu box use systemd? if not then in your script use chkconfig levels in the script15:09
R13osedtigue: windows machines?  Thanks15:10
Egyptianboomls: http://www.philchen.com/2007/06/04/quick-and-dirty-how-to-write-and-init-script15:10
dtigueR13ose, printers are like windows machines in that way15:10
boomlsprogram is openvpn15:10
k1lboomls: you mean you want to connect to a vpn? do you use the network manager?15:11
Egyptianchkconfig openvpn on15:11
R13osedtigue: why can't they be like Linux?15:11
boomlsk1l, i just want the vpn to start on system boot15:11
dtiguehaha, just the nature of the beast my friedn15:11
boomlsok Egyptian15:11
marc__I need some help to configure a NAS server in Ubuntu.15:12
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User346Hi, what do you guys think is the best method to virtually run Windows 8 on Ubuntu? I have tried VMWare and VirtualBox, but they both are extremely laggy. Thanks. :)15:18
tgm4883User346: they shouldn't be laggy in either of those. Did you install the vm tools for each?15:19
pbxUser346, there isn't anything i know of that's going to offer markedly better performance.15:20
k1lUser346: did you give the vm enough power?15:20
User346User346: Yes, however I get a warning about hardware acceleration when running VMWare.15:20
User346pbx: Ah okay, thanks, I will try to potiimze these. :)15:20
tgm4883User346: what warning?15:20
User346k1l: Yes, I gave them 2 processors with 4 cores (I have an Intel i7-4690k)15:21
tgm4883User346: so 8 cores then? That seems like a bit much15:21
User346tgm4883: "Hardware graphics acceleration not available." Then it says something about driver got OpenGL I believe. I will restart it and screenshot it for you in one minute.15:22
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off
jayjowhen I run sudo I get back 'unable to resolve host'15:29
lord4163My network feels very slow? Ping times and download speeds are fine, but it takes a long time before it starts sending the packets. When I want to visit a website it takes a very long time for that site to load. What could be the cause?15:29
jayjoI'm running as ubuntu@'ip-my-local-ip':~$15:29
jayjodo I need to add something into /etc/hosts15:30
k1ljayjo: so you changed your host manually?15:31
jayjono, I didn't adjust anything15:31
tgm4883jayjo: when you installed, what did you put in for hostname?15:32
jayjoit's an amazon ec2 instance, so maybe it sets it to the internal ip?15:32
tgm4883jayjo: generally, that should be a hostname after the @15:32
tgm4883jayjo: so you would need to fix that in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname    but, I've got an amazon ec2 instance and mine was set to the hostname15:33
jayjoright, it reads @ip-10-62-0-118, which is my internal ip address15:33
drmagooHi. I have two issues that I need help with. Both are related to my graphics-card (nvidia gtx960) with dual monitors. After I "wake the computer up", there are two issues with the right monitor (no 2) any application earlier on that screen/monitor are now hidden in the background somewhere and are hard to get back to the foreground, second is that the refresh-rate is set down to 30hz. Anyone with an idea on how to fix this?15:34
k1lumin4t1Hi there15:37
k1lumin4t1I've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04 through the ubuntu update manager; but now KDE session won't start15:37
manuel__When playing Minecraft, pressing CTRL-SPACE launches my system's keyboard layout dialog. I would like to prevent this by disabling the shortcut. I am using i3 as window manager, but changing the i3 config does not help15:38
lotuspsychjemanuel__: did you try the #i3 channel?15:38
manuel__they have said, i should go to here15:38
lotuspsychjek1lumin4t1: did you try recoverymode from grub?15:40
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
wastrelwhat does ctrl-space do in minecraft?15:42
manuel__its the shortcut to jump and run at the same time.15:43
wastrelctrl-space doesn't do anything by default in unity afaik15:43
manuel__In Unity yes, but I use likly i3.15:44
wastrelhm i think it's like an ibus thing15:44
wastreltext entry15:45
manuel__how can i change this, that this not happen in future?15:45
=== pkircher_ is now known as pkircher
DakarWe are Devs https://twitter.com/ngamesdev15:49
wastrelmanuel__: did you see this?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/243639/ctrlspace-has-been-bound-to-invoke-some-input-method-and-does-not-work-in-ema15:49
wastrelmanuel__: dconf-editor maybe15:49
wastrelmanuel__: in the first answer under "Update for 14.04"15:49
wastrelassuming it's due to ibus15:49
lotuspsychjeDakar: this isnt the right channel for ads15:50
roryDoes this security vulnerability affect regular ntp clients? Or does it only affect the time server? http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2449-1/15:52
lotuspsychjerory: maybe the #ubuntu-hardened guys might know this?15:53
k1lrory: with running the updates on your supported ubuntu you should be fine anyway15:55
roryk1l: Yes I know, but I need to know specifically15:55
roryGot to justify building a new AMI15:55
roryto business bods15:55
tgm4883rory: well one of them does say that an attacker could spoof a client or server15:57
NikThSomeone knows how to change console font upon boot ? Ubuntu 15.04 (systemd).15:59
=== Doyle_ is now known as Doyle
NikThI have created a unit file that does it, but it does not work. I'm getting an error like : "putfont: KDFONTOP: invalid argument"16:00
manuel__Thanks, it has really help.16:01
lotuspsychjemanuel__: what did the fix?16:02
NikThThe Unit file is loaded successfully though.16:02
manuel__I have download the dconf-editor and startet it then. then, I have change the shortcut for the trigger16:03
lotuspsychje!cookie | wastrel16:04
ubottuwastrel: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:04
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
manuel__Thanks for the great help.16:06
IAmMe643my mic is grayed out16:07
lotuspsychje!sound | IAmMe64316:08
ubottuIAmMe643: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:08
JakeHey there, I'm having an interesting issue with one of my servers, when running ifconfig as a non root user, it returns 0 tx and 0 rx but running as a sudo user yields correct results16:10
JakeIt's running 14.1016:10
IAmMe643lotuspsychje: it does not appear under input devices in pavucontrol16:11
sagatboa tarde16:14
lotuspsychje!br | sagat16:15
sagataqui posso postar minha duvida em portugues mesmo ???16:15
ubottusagat: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:15
dupingpingmlt, hi16:17
s9iper1i want to change the color of keyboard background mention here : http://ibin.co/23yoLY0MoT3Z how can i do that ?16:25
NONAME__UCBrowser is violating /etc/hosts rules. they simple are bypassing16:25
NONAME__How may someone brake hosts rules without third proxies?16:26
PiciNONAME__: Is there an Ubuntu question related to that statement?16:26
NONAME__Pici: of course16:26
NONAME__how someone may brake simple brake hosts rules without proxies16:26
blibhow do I make my ubuntu 15.04 boot in text mode?16:28
blibAnd how do I get to the graphics mode manually using a command?16:28
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode16:28
NONAME__Pici: ?16:30
=== michael__ is now known as Guest41229
tgm4883NONAME__: uc browser isn't available for Ubuntu, so not sure how this is a ubuntu support question16:31
NONAME__The trash jew master chief of facebok is paying (corrupting) the UCWeb inc. to impose him cabareth : facebok to all people. the solution for this invasion is : (carefully don't use ucbrowser) because they created a new type of virus breaking hosts rules16:32
SebastienNONAME__ what is your question ?16:33
Sebastien!ask | NONAME__16:33
ubottuNONAME__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:33
NONAME__Sebastien: how someone may brake /etc/hosts rules without proxies?16:33
Sebastieni have no idea.16:34
tgm4883NONAME__: that wasn't really called for16:34
Sebastienhi s9iper116:34
s9iper1Sebastien, hi16:34
tonyyarussoNONAME__: a) Keep the racism to yourself, b) /etc/hosts is just a mapping table; it doesn't have "rules", c) Nobody understands your question yet.16:37
NONAME__tonyyarusso: i am racist against jews yeah fuck you!16:37
Sebastienwhat a loser16:37
cirellihi ubuntu users!16:38
cirelliwhat about elementaryOS?16:38
tgm4883tonyyarusso: no, I understood his question, he was just asking about something not supported here and after his comments I didn't really feel like helping him16:38
cirelliWhat do you thing about it!16:38
tgm4883!elementary | cirelli16:38
ubottucirelli: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.16:38
cirellithank you16:39
someishHow can I view the execution of a running process in the command line if I know the PID?16:40
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Hoyaai recently install ubuntu with boot loader with windows on a seperate ssd from the one ubuntu was installed on but when I boot the ssd that has windows it has like a grub command line, how can i get into windows with grub as i cant seem to be able to enter windows16:42
Hoyaahelp please i really need to get back into windows16:44
darthanubissomeish, install htop16:47
* KaLiF is the last and real caliphe16:47
k1lHoyaa: make sure the ubuntu ssd is booted first and that is where grub is installed. then run update-grub and see if the windows install is found16:47
Hoyaak1l: but if i disconnect the ssd that has ubuntu on it it boots on the other ssd that has windows and goes to this grub command line thing16:49
k1lHoyaa: so you installed grub into the ssd where windows is installed?16:49
k1lHoyaa: what happens if you dont disconnect the ubuntu ssd?16:49
Hoyaawell i can't even get into the bios without disconnecting all the ssds16:50
_Odin Greetings. Trying to breathe life into a Fujitsu M2010 with Ubuntu 15.04 Live CD. Will not boot. The series of messages shown16:50
k1lHoyaa: well, that doesnt make sense. bios is way before a bootloader is started.16:50
Hoyaak1l: when you first boot the machine it says Disabling secure boot...16:50
Hoyaathen it goes into a grub command line16:51
Hoyaaive got both ssds disconnected and using the usb ubuntu test thing atm to chat16:51
Hoyaaill try it with  just the ubuntu ssd plugged in and see what it does16:52
* KaLiF is really happy to use ubuntu on a macbook16:52
_Odinir19 Nobody cared + c126b6b1 acpi-irq + disabling irq #9 and the last one whci-hcd 0000:00:id.2: init 0000:00:id2. fail. -16 , after which it freezes.16:53
Hoyaaok so when i booted into the ubuntu ssd with no usb or windows ssd connected i just end up with a flicking dash on the left top side16:58
Hoyaaand it never booted into ubuntu16:58
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joycecan someone help me with a boot repair issue?17:00
Hoyaaand i know windows is there for sure when I have the windows ssd installed because the first time after removing the usb and restarting the pc it went into a proper grub loader with the list of ssd and windows boot manager and so on but after that it's just gone into a grub command line17:00
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joyceHoyaa: not that way around...I was following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:02
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Hoyaajoyce: i have same problem as you i think17:03
joycethe ppa was not supporting mine17:03
Hoyaanah thats not myproblem17:03
YuvraajHow to install apps of which deb files are already present in system?17:04
Hoyaai just cant boot back into windows anymore as i get this stupid grub command line17:04
joyceso i tried to fix it using http://askubuntu.com/questions/420005/cannot-add-ppa-ppayannubuntu-boot-repair17:04
joycebut it doesnt seem to work17:04
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joyceHoyaa: I am able to use both...but in a complex way17:05
joyceanyone can help me fix this issue ?17:05
Hoyaai think im goign to try this17:05
joycecan someone help me with a boot repair issue?17:08
YuvraajHow to install apps of which deb files are already present in system?17:09
Hoyaaok i booted into windows after plugging them both in now but i want this stupid grub remove and just want to press f8 to decide what ssd to boot into17:10
psyanidegood morning17:10
YuvraajHow to install apps of which deb files are already present in system?17:13
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jrtappersHello, I am having a problem with Apache (2.4.7) SSL works on any port, except 44317:20
jrtappersIf I change it to port 2222 it works17:22
jrtappersIf I change it to port 222 it works17:23
jrtappersIf I change it to 443 I get connection reset17:23
Hoyaajrtappers: #httpd17:23
jrtappersHoyaa, It works from the server with openssl, so it seems to be outside of apache, somewhere in networking17:24
jrtappersBut it is odd, so I will try there17:25
greenpugMy ubuntu 14.04 VPS running under openvz recently started setting /dev/null, /dev/urandom and other /devs to chmod 600. This seems to be a bug related to Udev, but I have not been able to find what caused it or how to fix it. Anyone have any thoughts?17:28
cocooc!pondering Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (tr Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky) (Penguin Classics) (epub).rar  ::INFO:: 1012.2KB17:31
ubottucocooc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:31
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psyanidecan someone link me to installing ubuntu on a imac with a thumbdrive17:44
histo!Mac | psyanide17:46
ubottupsyanide: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:46
psyanidethx you17:47
jrtapperspsyanide, be careful with temperatures though17:47
psyanideblowing up the MAC?17:48
waleedhi all17:49
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mrappiesup guys17:53
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stangelandhi, i have a machine where i have added public key to authorized keys, however i still cannot log in with my public/private key pair. This is what i get from -vvv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11547340/ What am I missing? Seems like its only trying id_dsa...and not id_rsa for some reason?17:58
IAmMe643Is there a way I can install ubuntu (or any linux for that matter) in a unallocated spot on my hard drive from an already active linux partition?17:59
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samthewildoneHaving a problem trying to add a vpn, I followed the directions from the website but, still getting a failed to connect error.18:04
IllyaI was looking at the openvpn systemd thing and this is what it looks like http://sprunge.us/WOTZ this seems wrong though, it looks very dummy-like - is this right?18:04
Illyasamthewildone you using openvpn?18:04
samthewildoneIllya, yes18:04
Illyaits likely openvpn isn't running18:04
Illyathe systemd service in the latest package seems to be bust18:05
samthewildonehow do I check ?18:05
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!18:05
MonkeyDustIAmMe643  what you can try, if you have enough space: install grml, copy an .iso to /boot/grml/, update grub and boot from the iso   <-- wild idea18:05
Illyait would normally be systemctl status openvpn, however the service is a dummy so it will always return Active18:06
IAmMe643MonkeyDust: how to I install grml? I get an iso download.18:07
in_deep_thoughtnow that I have installed boost and boost libraries, I want to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH.18:10
in_deep_thoughthow do I know where the path to my boost is?18:10
MonkeyDustIAmMe643  sudo apt-get install grml-rescueboot18:10
IAmMe643MonkeyDust: thx18:10
MonkeyDustIAmMe643  http://ubuntuportal.com/2013/08/heres-an-easier-way-to-boot-iso-image-from-your-hard-drive-in-ubuntu-13-04.html18:10
in_deep_thoughtnvm I think its in /usr/lib18:11
Illyasamthewildone, you need to do systemctl start openvpn@server18:13
Carogaanyone here who could help me setup my iptables nat rules ? I've been trying all afternoon and I have not yet found the holy solution yet.18:15
Carogain_deep_thought, if it's installed you could try "which boost"18:16
Carogathis will give the path to the executable.18:16
MonkeyDustIAmMe643  i managed to boot from a Mint iso, that way, but not from damn small linux or peppermint, so not every distro works...18:16
in_deep_thoughtCaroga: hmm that doesn’t give any output18:16
in_deep_thoughti see tons of boost libraries in /usr/lib though18:16
IAmMe643MonkeyDust: ok, hopefully mine works. Can I add more than one iso?18:17
in_deep_thoughtdoes that mean LD_LIBRARY_PATH is pointing in the wrong place?18:17
Carogain_deep_thought, I wouldnt know, run it, if its working then no xD18:17
MonkeyDustIAmMe643  guess so, if you have enough space18:17
IAmMe643MonkeyDust: iso are only a few gigabytes so, yeah I have space.18:18
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IAmMe643MonkeyDust: I did it and it went right back to grub when I selected it18:33
IAmMe643it was basically like it was refreshing grub18:34
MonkeyDustIAmMe643  yes, that's what i had too, like i said: not every distro works18:35
IAmMe643MonkeyDust: OK. Dang. I have another iso. I will try it.18:35
KrampusDoes the current Ubuntu kernel have the fix for the Haswell Futex bug baked into it?18:39
jpdsKrampus: You're probably better off in #ubuntu-kernel18:40
Krampusjpds: k, thanks.18:40
IAmMe643MonkeyDust: Did not work. :P18:44
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: grml-rescueboot only supports distributions that ship with a /boot/grub/loopback.cfg in their isos (which Ubuntu and grml both do). http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg19:02
moe|2hi , i keep getting screen freezs and flickering19:05
moe|2any ideas what that could be19:05
hyperwebassuming you checked video hardware/drivers and also cable connection?19:06
lotuspsychjemoe|2: grafix card chipset and driver loaded please?19:06
moe|2I'm kinda  a newbie when it comes to those19:07
moe|2I didn't check anything yet19:07
ioriamoe|2, lshw -c video19:07
moe|2and sorry for not saying please earlier19:08
kaitsh__Hey guys, can anyone tell where the config for ctrl-alt-del is in ubuntu 15.04? I didnt find anything like /etc/init/control-alt-del.conf19:08
moe|2thats the results ioria19:09
lotuspsychjemoe|2: any other drivers show up your additional driver list?19:09
moe|2that's the only results i got19:10
lotuspsychjemoe|2: i mean the hardware icon (from start button)= additional drivers19:11
lotuspsychjemoe|2: wich ubuntu version by the way?19:11
moe|2AMD/ATI is all im getting there19:12
moe|2could it possibly be from the DE i have installed19:12
moe|2cuz since then19:12
lotuspsychjemoe|2: wich one19:12
moe|2you know what, im thinking to just restore it to the original status it was in .. but is therea way to do that19:13
lotuspsychjemoe|2: so, you install ubuntu 14.04 desktop, then installed kubuntu-desktop?19:13
moe|2and i don't mind losing whatever i lost. nothing is on it anyways19:13
moe|2yes sir/maam19:13
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lotuspsychjemoe|2: and you have the flickering at both unity and kde?19:14
moe|2pretty much19:14
in_deep_thoughthow do I know that boost is working properly? I can check the version and have it returned to me19:14
in_deep_thoughtis that pretty much it?19:14
=== il is now known as Audioburn
lotuspsychjemoe|2: you could go back to fresh install ubuntu 14.04, or try the recoverymode19:15
moe|2i wanna go back to the fresh install19:15
lotuspsychjemoe|2: might be related to installing kubuntu, check your logs maybe19:15
in_deep_thoughtIm getting an error saying that one of my libboost libraries cannot be found. idk if this is because its not looking in the right place or if boost isn’t installed properly19:15
lotuspsychjemoe|2: always a smart choice19:15
moe|2do i have to reload from live cd and install again?19:15
lotuspsychjemoe|2: that would be reccomended and enable internet + updates during setup19:16
moe|2thanks alot lotuspsychje.19:16
moe|2you've been very helpful the past few times19:16
moe|2I salute you.19:16
lotuspsychjemoe|2: no problem mate19:16
m2nI am linux beginner , I want to install https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/building_from_source/building_fastcomp_manually_from_source.html#building-fastcomp-from-source , but I don't understand why isn't it installing in the global space ?19:17
moe|2alrighty then. ill bbl19:17
m2napt-get install emscripten contains very old version of emscripten , So it won't work for me :(19:17
lotuspsychjein_deep_thought: what are you trying to do mate?19:17
ioria!info libboost-all-dev19:18
ubottulibboost-all-dev (source: boost-defaults): Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL) (default version). In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB19:18
lotuspsychje!compile | m2n can this help?19:18
ubottum2n can this help?: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall19:18
ioriain_deep_thought, if you are 64 bit it's likely that your libs are in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/19:20
in_deep_thoughtlotuspsychje: trying to start up this big data visualization system that is build for os x on ubuntu 12.0419:20
in_deep_thoughtioria: I already found them in /usr/lib19:20
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in_deep_thoughtapparently Im the only one who can though. my computer can’t19:20
in_deep_thoughtI exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib19:21
ioriain_deep_thought, well, /usr/lib is default .. why do you export it ?19:22
in_deep_thoughtis it? I swear when I echo’ed LD_LIBRARY_PATH before it turned up blank19:22
ioriain_deep_thought,  cat /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*19:23
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ioriain_deep_thought,  you export something when it's not in the path19:23
Jordan_Uin_deep_thought: Was the software written to support GNU/Linux?19:24
in_deep_thoughtit does actually work, just not on this machine19:24
Jordan_Uin_deep_thought: What is the name of this software?19:24
ioriain_deep_thought,  /usr/lib it's not in path .. true19:24
Illyasamthewildone, you get it working?19:25
in_deep_thoughtioria: but are we talking about PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH?19:25
ioriain_deep_thought,  the path of library... i'm 32 bit and i got usr/lib in the lib path19:25
m2nlotuspsychje, doesn't work :(19:26
ioriain_deep_thought,  you have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu19:26
in_deep_thoughtioria: are you asking me? yes i do have that19:27
m2nI get to homebrew also contains the required package. Is it possible to install through it in ubuntu ?19:27
lotuspsychje!info emscripten | m2n did you try the official one?19:27
ubottum2n did you try the official one?: emscripten (source: emscripten): LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.22.1-1 (vivid), package size 19450 kB, installed size 94074 kB19:27
ioriain_deep_thought,  and boost is there , or what ?19:28
in_deep_thoughtioria: yep tons of boost stuff. libboost this, libboost that19:28
in_deep_thoughtlibboost python (which is what the software is having trouble finding19:28
ioriain_deep_thought,  and you can't compile ?19:29
m2nlotuspsychje, actually I wanted to try 1.33 , but how can I download this one ? apt-get install emscripten gives me 1.10 ?19:29
ioriain_deep_thought,  sorry, link ?19:29
lotuspsychjem2n: its reccomended to use package versions for your specific ubuntu version19:29
lotuspsychjem2n: wich version do you have now?19:29
in_deep_thoughtI…… don’t really know what link is. I think thats what Im trying to do. tell my system that if it needs a libboost library, check in /usr/lib19:30
m2n1.10 , but actually I need newer version of emscripten . (Actually its needed in libsodium.js)19:31
lotuspsychjem2n: and ubuntu version?19:31
m2nohh , ubuntu 14.0419:32
lotuspsychjem2n: try ubuntu 15.04 perhaps then, if you need newer version?19:32
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lotuspsychje!pinning | m2n or force with this19:32
ubottum2n or force with this: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:32
OerHeksVidid uses emscripten1.2219:33
=== Roland is now known as Guest86657
m2nor perhaps , is it possible if I get .deb for this version and is able to install it on my current ubuntu ?19:35
lotuspsychjem2n: that would not be a good idea, best is to use versions for your ubuntu version19:35
ioriain_deep_thought,  try to make a newlib.conf  in /etc/ld.so.conf   and put in it /usr/lib19:35
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ioriain_deep_thought  in /etc/ld.so.conf.d19:36
ioriain_deep_thought  then sudo ldconfig19:36
lotuspsychjem2n: if you try to update things later with mixxed up packages, can break things19:36
CupricI have vsftpd setup and I want to give a FTP user access to a folder in my home directory, what's the best way to do that?19:37
lotuspsychjeCupric: small channel, but did you try the #vsftpd ?19:37
wastrelCupric: probz symlink it from somewhere they land when they ftp in19:38
Cupriclotuspsychje nope!19:38
Cupricwastrel never heard of a symlink19:38
CupricI'll look into that19:38
wastrelCupric: you'll need to fiddle permissions in any parent directories so they'll be able to reach the folder19:38
Flo_Khow can i access to the GRUB on Ubuntu 15.04 ?19:39
Cupricwastrel The only way I was successfull in the past was to give 777 permissions or vsftpd would throw an error in reference to it's inability to change folders19:39
Cupric...that doesn't seem like the right solutions19:39
lotuspsychjeFlo_K: hold shift at boot19:39
wastrelCupric: that's pretty gross19:39
Cupricwell not vsftpd 777, but the ftp user19:39
Flo_Klotuspsychje already tried, and nothing happens19:39
Cupricwastrel Yeah it hurt me at my core to have to do it lol19:40
wastrelyou should only need execute permissions for parent directory19:40
lotuspsychjeFlo_K: normally you should always be able to enter grub19:40
Cupricwastrel Which parent directory are you referring to?19:40
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | Flo_K19:40
wastrelthe directory your folder is sitting in19:40
ubottuFlo_K: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub19:40
lotuspsychjeFlo_K: you dualboot perhaps?19:41
ubuntuidiotIn FF I encounter Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer... how can i 'trust' the issuer of the certificate19:41
Cupricwastrel Right but the subdir wounldn't need execute permissions?19:41
Flo_Knope lotuspsychje I only use Ubuntu on my laptop19:41
Flo_K(single OS)19:41
in_deep_thoughtioria: so I added include /usr/lib into /etc/ld/so.conf19:41
wastrelCupric: yes directories need execute permissions to function19:41
Flo_Kand my hidden timeout is set to 2 seconds19:41
ioriain_deep_thought  no19:41
wastrelbut they wouldn't need write perms19:41
Cupricwastrel What exactly does giving them execute permissions allow for? And wouldn't it need write permissions if I'm allowing ftp uploads to the directory?19:42
ioriain_deep_thought  make a newlib.conf in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/19:42
Flo_Klotuspsychje : grub-install (GRUB) 2.02~beta2-22ubuntu119:42
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wastrelCupric: execute perms on a directory/folder allow a user to move into the folder or subfolders contained within it19:43
ioriain_deep_thought  edit it with /usr/lib/  and sudo ldconfig19:43
Cupricwastrel: thanks for the info, didn'19:43
Cuprict know that19:43
wastrelCupric: mkdir /tmp/test; chmod -x /tmp/test; cd /tmp/test19:43
lotuspsychjeFlo_K: did you change anything on your grub?19:43
Cupricwastrel: Oh, cool! I like examples :)19:44
Flo_Klotuspsychje i had edited a conf file for unsetting quiet splash and timeout option19:45
Flo_Ki can't remember which one :\19:45
lotuspsychjeFlo_K: change it back to defaults mate19:45
Flo_Ksomeone's telling me to press the C key on boot lotuspsychje19:46
Flo_K(instead of SHIFT)19:46
k1lFlo_K: shift or esc. or sometimes space (but i think that is for old grub setups)19:47
MonkeyDusthi lotuspsychje19:47
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: hey mate, we miss you in discuss :p19:47
k1lbut you need to hold the key19:47
Flo_Kmine is a up2date GRUB219:48
Bashing-omFlo_K: If this is a UEFI system, grub looks for the escape key to activate the grub menu at boot up .19:48
Flo_Kaaaah that's it Bashing-om, i'm on an UEFI19:48
lotuspsychje!discuss > MonkeyDust19:48
ubottuMonkeyDust, please see my private message19:48
in_deep_thoughtioria: ok did that. is there a good way to see if it worked?19:48
Flo_Kthanks, i'll try a reboot now :p19:48
Bashing-omFlo_K: Only a 3 second window . repaeatly deress/release the excape key .19:49
ioriain_deep_thought  boost is an implementation of c++ ... what are you doing exactly ?19:49
in_deep_thoughtioria: start this data visualization system which apparently needs the lib boost python library19:49
in_deep_thoughti just wanted to make sure that my system at least knew that it does have libboost python somewhere19:50
in_deep_thoughtmaybe its the softwares fault now19:50
lotuspsychjein_deep_thought: tryed searching apt-cache for that package?19:50
ioriain_deep_thought did you use  apt-get libboost-all-dev or what ?19:51
in_deep_thoughtioria: yeah19:51
in_deep_thoughtlotuspsychje: hmm sudo apt-cache search libboost_python comes back with nothing19:52
lotuspsychje!info libboost-python1.54.019:52
khayaI have Lubuntu 14.04 and I need to set an automatic download job at midnight.19:52
lotuspsychjethis one maybe?19:52
ubottuPackage libboost-python1.54.0 does not exist in vivid19:52
lotuspsychje!find libboost python19:53
ubottupython is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed19:53
ioria!info libboost-python-dev19:53
ubottulibboost-python-dev (source: boost-defaults): Boost.Python Library development files (default version). In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 27 kB19:53
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in_deep_thoughtoh well sudo apt-cache search libboost-python* comes back with several results19:53
ioriain_deep_thought do you have it ?19:53
ioriain_deep_thought python-dev , i mean ?19:54
in_deep_thoughtnope. its  looking for libboost_python-mt.so.1.55.019:54
in_deep_thoughtand apt-cache didn’t return that particular version19:54
lotuspsychjein_deep_thought: wich ubuntu version did you have again?19:54
ioriain_deep_thought no, seems embedded with boost19:54
lotuspsychje!info libboost-python-dev precise19:55
ubottulibboost-python-dev (source: boost-defaults): Boost.Python Library development files (default version). In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 26 kB19:55
ioriain_deep_thought oh... my....19:55
codephobicwhat's the best way to stop virtualbox vm instances automatically when shutting down/restarting the ubuntu host machine?19:56
in_deep_thoughtis 1.55.0 not compatible with 1204?19:56
ioriain_deep_thought to check functionality try to run the example here http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Python_Programming/Extending_with_C%2B%2B19:56
codephobicIs there a script or something I can attach commands to, that will run prior to shutdown?19:56
in_deep_thoughtim gonna ask the software developers19:57
in_deep_thoughti think this is  no longer a good use of time without them19:57
in_deep_thoughtthanks for all your help ioria and lotuspsychje19:57
lotuspsychjecodephobic: maybe the #vbox guys can tell?19:57
lotuspsychjein_deep_thought: good luck with it19:57
ioriain_deep_thought np, hope you solve it.... witch app do you wanna run on pecise ?19:58
in_deep_thoughtits a custom one19:58
in_deep_thoughtbuilt by the company i work for19:58
ioriain_deep_thought cool19:58
codephobiclotuspsychje, I was thinking this was more of a ubuntu question as it's just about firing off a virtualbox command triggered by the ubuntu shutdown event19:58
lotuspsychjein_deep_thought: no ambition to upgrade to 14.04?19:58
in_deep_thoughtoh i do believe me, and I think it works there19:58
in_deep_thoughtbut some customers don’t wanna upgrade19:59
in_deep_thoughtso we have to support the old versio19:59
lotuspsychjein_deep_thought: they will have to pretty soon19:59
in_deep_thoughtblah blah blah, you know the drill19:59
lotuspsychjeeol is comming :p19:59
ramsub07hello guys, seems like my firefox's adobe plugin is outdated. I've downloaded the plugin and I have .so file, where should I move that to ?19:59
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120419:59
tgm4883in_deep_thought: in 201719:59
in_deep_thoughtI can’t wait that long20:00
tgm4883lotuspsychje: seems a little premature to be saying eol is coming20:00
in_deep_thoughtill be dead by then20:00
lotuspsychje2 years lol, yeah thats still a bit20:00
in_deep_thoughtjk but it is still 2 years20:00
lotuspsychjemy bad20:00
ioriain_deep_thought your company should have all the specs , then20:00
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal20:00
ramsub07hello guys, seems like my firefox's adobe plugin is outdated. I've downloaded the plugin and I have .so file, where should I move that to ?20:03
lotuspsychjeramsub07: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ?20:04
rootusrany way to use cinnamon in ubuntu mate 15.0$?20:04
Johnny_Linuxinstall cinnamon and log out, pretty simple20:05
xanguaramsub07: adobe doesn't provide new major flahsplugin since 201220:05
rootusrbut then it just reboots to mate - no option to select other de...20:06
k1lrootusr: on the login screen20:06
reisiocinnamon uses gnome 3, doesn't it?20:06
k1lrootusr: so choose log out. and not reboot20:06
ramsub07xangua: I won't be able to play videos on my browser ?20:06
rootusrnope - there is no option20:06
wastrelswitch to chrome20:07
xanguaramsub07: that's not what I said or what you asked20:07
rootusrdon't get me wrong - I left mint to come back to ubuntu mate, but I'm curious about why ubuntu won't allow people to use cinnamon20:07
tgm4883rootusr: you're jumping to conclusions there20:08
rootusrmaybe -- set me right?20:08
DylanRJLast I heard, Cinnamon was available for Ubuntu. Has that changed?20:08
rootusrthe pkg is there, but the ability to actually use appears not to be20:08
k1lrootusr: could be an issue with cinnamon and mate needing patched versions of gnome that interfer. but i dont know20:08
lotuspsychjerootusr: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/new-cinnamon-ubuntu-14-04-ppa-stable20:09
rootusryeah - would the 14.04 pkg work in 15.04?20:09
tgm4883rootusr: so you don't have a login screen?20:10
rootusrhave it, but it doesn't provide the options there used to be to select alternate installed des20:10
k1l!info cinnamon | rootusr20:10
ubotturootusr: cinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.16-5ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 279 kB, installed size 1046 kB20:10
k1lrootusr: install that package, then log out and choose it on the login screen.20:11
tgm4883rootusr: I find that hard to believe, but I suppose it's possible. I'd have to download ubuntu mate to be sure20:11
rootusrso, Iḿ the only user.  Iḿ the superuser & administrator.  So, the login screen only gives me the one option to log in as me.  There are no icons or symbols to select other des, like there used to be in unity (did I say Iḿ using ubuntu mate 15.04?)20:12
rootusrubuntu mate is slick and fast and allows me to avoid unity.  would prefer cinnamon, but not at the cost uf leaving ubuntu.20:13
tgm4883rootusr: Are you using ubuntu mate 15.04?20:14
* tgm4883 goes to download ubuntu mate 15.0420:14
Johnny_Linuxid stick with mate personally20:14
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rootusrI hear you - I'm really having no issues with Mate - just can't help wondering...20:15
Johnny_Linuxive used cinnamon, kinda buggy if you ask me20:15
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rootusrNot my experience, but I'll probably just stay with Mate anyway, since cinnamon doesn't appear to be a viable option in the most current ubuntu20:17
DarkEra2if Ubuntu MATE 15.04 uses regular LightDM then click on the MATE logoicon in the topbar at the loginscreen20:18
rootusrleaving to try most recent suggestion...20:18
rootusrno such option appears - sorry.20:21
KaLiFSia :-)20:30
g00eycould someone help me with this? https://gist.github.com/misterch0c/cc27922b8dca62d059d3 some unmet dependencies error20:31
g00eybut I cannot install them either20:31
k1lg00ey: ppas involved?20:32
g00eyk1l, ppa:mc3man/trusty-media  https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media20:33
seauverHi this message is here just for try ^^20:34
k1lg00ey: please put "apt-cache policy ffmpeg into a pastebin20:34
g00eyk1l, https://gist.github.com/misterch0c/2ebb9a4fefe0a76c337520:35
k1lg00ey: its the ppa that got ruined depencies. get rid of the ppa and you are good again.20:36
k1l!ppapurge | g00ey20:36
ubottug00ey: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:36
g00eybut I need it to get ffmpeg : (20:36
k1lg00ey: wait. you mix a lot of repos there. precise repos and 14.04 ppa20:37
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k1lg00ey: that ppa is for 14.04 only. 14.04 is called trusty. your other repos link to 12.04 which is precise20:38
k1lg00ey: so your system is a mess, anyway20:38
g00eyohh ok20:38
g00eyno command ppa-purge, damn it x)20:39
georgeowell@g00ey you have to install it20:39
Johnny_Linuxdid you install it ??20:39
g00eyI'm doing it now, idk I just assumed it would be ther x)20:40
g00ey0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded ><20:41
g00eyit just commented out the line in the sources.list20:43
k1ldont never ever put ppas into the sources.list20:43
alknoNew to ubuntu. Having trouble writing a file with environment variables. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11550136/20:45
alknoNow I can "echo $FOO >> test" and BAR will be substituted20:46
andreezznew to ubuntu, what is the best irc client for cli?20:46
Johnny_Linuxprolly irssi20:46
k1landreezz: irssi is a known classic20:46
alknobut for some reason I can't do that cat >test <<EOF $FOO EOF20:46
andreezzinstalling irssi20:46
MonkeyDustirssi <320:46
pixeldone :D20:47
pixeli'm on irssi now20:47
pixelsuch colors20:47
pixelsuch nice! thanks guis20:47
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Apachezanyone else experienced in ubuntu 15.04 that gedit and other gui based texteditors (except libreoffice) have issues when you highlight text and such?20:49
g00eyk1l, any idea how to revert my change now? tried to apt-get update after the line were removed but nothing got removed. I'm just some webdev and I have to push this in prod before going to sleep >< (yep, not supposed to be my job)20:50
histoApachez: what sort of issues?20:51
darthanubisApachez, my highlight is off/weird in hexchat. What video card you use?20:52
Apachezhisto: gedit crashes after not too long time20:52
Apachezseems to be related to highlighting text and editing20:53
Apachezso like I open a large textfile (1 meg or so), search for some text, highlight it to remove it and replace with some other text... now the gedit suddently stops updating20:53
tarelerulzI'm getting solid state drive and I was wondering is Ubuntu 14.10 set up to by default to do trim or do you still have to edit a bunch of files?20:53
Apachezso I dont see what im doing20:53
Apachezlooks like similar issue to the username and password boxes of filezilla20:54
nvidiawis there a way to make the tty fonts bigger? :(20:54
ApachezI type but nothing updates unless I click elsewhere and then back to the username/password box20:54
Apachezbut I have no issues in lets say hexchat20:54
k1lg00ey: run "sudo apt-get update" after removing that ppa line20:55
g00eyk1l, yeah I did this, btw I didn't add the ppa withh add-apt-repository20:55
k1lg00ey: you cant use the automatic ppa remove tools since you didnt add that as a ppa but as a repo. so you need to remove the packages manually that were installed from that ppa20:56
g00eyI just put it in my sources.list ^^"20:56
k1lg00ey: that is just wrong!20:56
k1ldont do that ever again20:56
k1land the issue at first is: that is a 14.04 ppa, and you are on 12.0420:56
k1lso i bet you did that manual hack, since add-apt-.... did say it cant use that ppa.20:56
g00eyadd-apt wasn't on the system x)20:57
g00eyso I thought 'whatever I'm doing it manually I'm so 1337' =p20:57
nvidiawi'm 1337 AMA20:58
LeEarlu r a what>20:58
tgm4883k1l: it should be fairly trivial to move from using a PPA in the sources.list to how apt-add-repository does it20:58
k1ltgm4883: see the context. he had a 14.04 only ppa in his 12.0420:59
tgm4883k1l: ah, well yea that is bad20:59
nvidiawday changed to 04 heh21:00
Johnny_Linuxyou are from the future ??21:01
nvidiawnope, different time zone21:01
nvidiawi have this ubuntu install without X and i am wondering what i can do :>>21:02
nvidiawcrashed mir a couple of times21:02
MonkeyDustleet > LeEarl21:02
MonkeyDust!leet > LeEarl21:02
ubottuLeEarl, please see my private message21:02
menacewhen is rc.local in ubuntu started? after all upstart actions? before?21:02
LeEarlI sleep at 13:37 :]21:04
TheC4melThis may be quite a noob question, but, here goes. How do I create a group in ubuntu, and make myself a member of it?21:04
Apachezlooks related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/138279221:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 1382792 in gedit (Ubuntu) "gedit crashes when zeitgeist plugin is disabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:05
wastrelTheC4mel: groupadd to create new group  usermod -g to add user21:07
MonkeyDustTheC4mel  groups are created by installed programs... in a terminal, type   groups21:07
EriC^^TheC4mel: usermod -aG <group> <user>21:09
EriC^^to add yourself to that group21:09
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: evening mate :p21:09
EriC^^evening lotuspsychje :p21:09
TheC4melwastrel: So for instance, I need to create a group called "audio", and make myself a member of that group.21:09
TheC4mel(I'm setting up jack)21:10
wastrelgrep audio /etc/group21:10
wastrelshould already be there ?21:10
TheC4melHere's what shows up21:11
wastreland then what EriC^^ said usermod -aG audio username21:11
wastrelusermod -g is dangerous sorry :)21:12
TheC4melokay :D21:12
TheC4melWhat about the <groupadd> parameter?21:12
wastrelyou don't need groupadd, the audio group is already present21:13
wastreland it has 2 members, pulse and daniel21:13
TheC4melOkay, wonderful21:13
TheC4melIs there a way to check to see if jack is configured correctly?21:14
tarelerulzDoes ubuntu 14.10 or 15 got ssd drive working with out a bunch of edit files ?21:14
lotuspsychje!trim | tarelerulz21:15
ubottutarelerulz: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.21:15
k1ltarelerulz: ubuntu supports ssds out of the box, yes21:15
edlaurindoHi peopel21:15
tarelerulzThanks for telling me Kil.  I can't wait to get my ssd drive today.21:16
lotuspsychjetarelerulz: wich ssd brand will you install ubuntu on?21:16
tokenI'm on vivid, is it okay to install trusty stuff ?  I need Solaar for my unifying of my logitech devices21:19
lotuspsychjetoken: mixing package versions is mostly not a good idea21:20
tokenlotuspsychje, https://launchpad.net/~trebelnik-stefina/+archive/ubuntu/solaar21:21
tokenhe's got trusty and utopic there, no vivid21:21
tgm4883token: it's in the repos21:21
tgm4883!info solaar21:21
ubottusolaar (source: solaar): Logitech Unifying Receiver peripherals manager for Linux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2+dfsg-4 (vivid), package size 92 kB, installed size 487 kB21:21
tgm4883token: so install it from there21:21
tokentgm4883, I installed the one from the repos, but my device wasn't supported... MK27021:22
tokenso I figured the solaar from repo was old or something21:22
tokenmk270 is #1 seller on amazon.com :)21:22
tgm4883token: look at the version number, it's the same version21:22
tokenhow do you read : 0.9.2+dfsg-421:23
tokenwhat is the dfsg?21:23
tgm4883debian free software guidelines21:23
tokenmy showpkg solaar has;  0.9.2+dfsg-4 -   and 0.9.2-3~trusty -21:23
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OerHekstoken, github got the same as our repos https://pwr.github.io/Solaar/21:23
k1ltoken: get rid of that ppas21:24
tokenweird, it says the 270 is supported21:26
tgm4883token: so you aren't using the usb dongle that came with the k270?21:27
tokenyes i a21:28
tgm4883token: odd, it should just work then21:28
tgm4883token: whats the problem?21:28
tokenthe weird thing is, if i put both in, only 1 will work21:29
tokenoh there we go21:29
tokenboth are working on seperate dongles21:29
tgm4883both what?21:29
tokeni've got 2 of those receivers21:29
gatessguys, could i maybe get a hand with winbind/domain users having too much access to the system folder ?21:29
tgm4883token: why?21:30
tokenone for the keyboard, one for the mouse.. i wanted to unify them so I didn't lose a usb21:30
tokenI bought the logitech anywhere mouse.. i couldn't stand my mouse requiring a mousepad everywhere i went21:30
tgm4883token: ah, so you didn't buy the keyboard mouse combo21:30
tokenthat anywhere mouse even works on the clear glass surfaces21:30
tgm4883token: I'd have to check, I've got the m185 mouse and it works everywhere I've tried21:30
tokentgm4883, yep I bought the keyboard and mouse combo, but i had to drop the mouse.. it wouldn't work without a mousepad.  I bought the logitech anywhere that claims to have a unifying receiver and work on almost any surface :)21:31
tgm4883token: interesting. It's worked everywhere I've tried it, but i just tried it on my window and that didn't work21:31
tgm4883but I've not needed a mousepad anywhere for it21:31
tgm4883token: in any case, I'm not sure about the solaar software, because I've not had to use it21:32
olivier__comment ça marche ce truc ?21:32
tgm4883I don't recall who I was talking to earlier about Ubuntu mate, but the login screen totally has a place to chose the DE21:33
k1l!fr | olivier__21:34
ubottuolivier__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:34
tgm4883rootusr, but he is gone now21:34
olivier__i can speak english. I mean, not so bad ... Sorry for this french start21:34
k1ltgm4883: i think that user just wanted to rant. his accusations didnt make sense at all21:35
gatessguys, could anyone help with assigning the right folder permissions to active directory logins? I already joined my server to the AD domain and configured kerberos/winbind21:35
olivier__but this is the first time for me. I am connected from a raspberry pi 2 runing like a charm on ubuntu/Mate.21:36
tgm4883k1l: yea possibly21:38
mr_seansSo guys, i'm dying here.  Two GPU's installed.  Both seen by lspci.  First one = 2 monitors installed, works fine.  Second one = 1 monitor installed, can't see it in nvidia-settings, can't make it work.  Pastebin of my xorg.conf if it helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11550872/21:43
gatessGuys I added a Ubuntu server to a windows domain, configured kerberos, smb, winbind and now domain users can login properly. But they have READ access to system folders (like /etc) what can I do to avoid this?21:43
MonkeyDustgatess  there's also #ubuntu-server21:43
gatessThanks MonkeyDust21:44
tgm4883gatess: they should have read access to /etc21:45
tgm4883let me rephrase that21:45
tgm4883gatess: on a default ubuntu install, all users have read access to /etc21:46
gatesstgm4883 : I understand that. What I mean to do is to have domain users use this a a SSH/SFTP server, with access to their home folders only21:46
gatessand public share21:47
tgm4883gatess: I believe you want SSH chroots and a group for those users21:47
gatesstgm4883 : I shall google that, thanks man21:48
OerHeksmr_seans, find out the second pci adapter ID with only one monitor attached, and add it manually to xorg.conf, like this guy https://cornerstone.multitouch.fi/cornerstone-documentation/multiple-graphics-cards21:48
gatesstgm4883 : like this ? http://allanfeid.com/content/creating-chroot-jail-ssh-access21:49
mr_seansOerHeks: Already done.  Check my xorg.conf @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/11550872/ - the GTS is working fine, the 9600 does not even show up in the nvidia-settings thingie21:50
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OerHeksis that 9600 an onboard?21:50
mr_seansboth are PCIE.  output of lspci = http://paste.ubuntu.com/11551073/21:51
OerHeksoke, that gts got BusID          "PCI:6:0:0" and your nice 450 got 01:00.0, add it?21:52
OerHeksthen it should work i think21:52
mr_seansTried that, but I will add that.21:52
TheC4melJack audio doesn't want to work with me the right way. Any help? Here's the log: http://pastebin.com/hwzg6jyE21:52
mr_seansOerHeks: I'll give that a shot.21:53
OerHeksBusID          "PCI:1:0:0"21:53
mr_seansOerHeks: New xorg.conf = http://paste.ubuntu.com/11551141/21:54
mr_seansOerHeks: Look good?21:55
mr_seansOerHeks: Giving it a reboot now.21:57
TheC4melAnyone know a good chan for linux audio software problems?21:57
OerHeksMr_Sheesh, think so yes21:57
OerHeksTheC4mel, depends, #alsa or #pulseaudio or #ubuntu-studio ?21:59
ahoneybunreally wish ubuntu worked with my stylus out of the box21:59
TheC4melOerHeks:Would you be willing to help me get jack working? I have a pastebin of the QJackCTL Log...22:00
GeHaHow to change default x11 cursor by file overwrite ? I think it is awesome related, because the change occured when updated to 3.522:00
mr_seansOerHecks: Same as before.  Screencap of nvidia-settings if it helps, still only shows one GPU.  http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-556f7922deb478.36458921.png22:02
OerHeksTheC4mel, I have little knowlowledge of jack22:02
mr_seansOerHeks I think I found the issue!22:02
TheC4melOerHeks: Oh... Darn. Well, you could at least just try taking a look at the log :)      http://pastebin.com/hwzg6jyE22:03
mr_seansOerHeks: Just did a dmesg and look what I found :)  http://pastebin.com/aWCbsafr22:03
tgm4883gatess: kinda like that, but you shouldn't need to replicate / inside the jail if they are just getting sftp access22:03
mr_seansOerHeks: Do I need to downgrade the nvidia driver?  Assuming you can't have both a old and a new version running at the same time.22:04
tgm4883OerHeks: so you know jack about jack?22:04
asmodai_I'm still having trouble getting wireshark to run correctly. I changed group permissions to allow dumpcap. That all works fine. When I try to capture though.... wireshark crashes22:05
gatesstgm4883 : yep, i'm trying to find a guide that relates to only sftp access and a group (instead of users)22:05
OerHeksmr_seans, uh you have to go back to NVIDIA 340.xx  :-(22:05
OerHeksNever seen that before ..22:06
EriC^^gatess: https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/limiting-access-with-sftp-jails-on-debian-and-ubuntu22:06
tgm4883gatess: I think that should be pretty close. I use puppet to deploy our SFTP servers that have chroot access. I believe our manifests for that are pretty similiar22:06
mr_seansOerHeks: Should be no issue there.  The only game I play is Eve and I don't think it really needs the fancy new 346 drivers22:06
mr_seansOerHeks: Thanks for help, somehow just talking to someone about it made my brain turn on and check dmesg :)22:06
OerHeksmr_seans have fun22:06
mr_seansswitching to 340 drivers now22:06
mr_seansthis better work lol22:07
gatessEric^^ thanks : when /etc/ssh/sshd_config they make the group matching rule, can it be a AD group ?22:07
OerHeksclear that xorg22:07
mr_seansonly 2 monitors is making me feel like a scrub22:07
mr_seansOerHeks: Just remove it 100%?22:07
lilmoeyhello again22:07
EriC^^gatess: no idea22:08
lilmoeyI haven't had this problem with my ubuntu at all.. first of all it was the flickering.. i did a fresh install all over again22:08
lilmoeyand now it has been very slow.. and the terminal freezes alot22:08
lilmoeygreetings EriC^^22:08
EriC^^hi lilmoey22:08
gatessreading some more, brb22:08
OerHeksmr_seans, i suspect the the driver will work ootb without manual intervention22:09
OerHeksso yes22:09
lilmoeyThe screen keeps freezing all the time22:10
lilmoeyI tried to see maybe I have more than one video card installed but that wasn't the issue22:11
lilmoeyIs there something and Linux where does an auto troubleshoot to figure out the problems?22:11
Ben64not really22:11
TheC4mellilmoey: Nothing really, except for looking in the logs.22:12
lilmoeyeven the simplest command in terminal like 'clear' takes forever22:12
lilmoeyI'm not familiar with that tbh, TheC4mel22:12
TheC4mellilmoey, it's fine, we all have our learning curves! I learned most of the stuff I know through manual troubleshooting myself, and through youtube and forums.22:13
Ben64lilmoey: run something like top or htop or atop and see whats going on22:14
lilmoeyOne sec.. Just rebooted22:15
lilmoeyOk i did top22:15
lilmoeyAnd it froze https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ofOzSL5z/1433369809.JPG22:16
meaneyeHey folks. Is there PPA or something similar for nVidia 173... or some other driver that supports FX 5200 Go?22:20
mr_seansomg so close to figuring this out22:25
mr_seansHere's the issue.  Second GPU now detected and showing in nvidia-settings.  http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-556f7ed22b07b7.14848700.jpg - the (Disabled) device is the plugged into second card.  To enable it, it requires (New X Screen - Requires Restart) - ok, that's fine - I do that.  Reboot, the ProView  detects a signal.  However, after I actually login - I just get kicked back to login screen.22:27
mr_seansOerHeks: any ideas from here?  SO CLOSE TO GETTING THIS.22:27
mr_seansHad to delete the xorg.conf to get back to where I was.22:27
nvkhi guys, just one quick question22:34
nvkhow can I update libc6 on ubuntu 12.04 to a newer version than 2.15?22:34
nvkrunning apt-get install libc6 tells me I already have the newest version22:34
uioare wifi signals weaker on a live ubuntu usb than the native windows os?22:38
ObrienDaveuio, seriously?22:39
uioObrienDave: Yep. A legit question.22:40
mcphailnvk: why do you need a newer version? Changing version of libc6 can break a lot of programs22:40
EriC^^uio: i find sometimes that i can connect to a wifi signal on ubuntu better than win822:41
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nvkmcphail: I have some game servers, I've installed a new extension and it is failing to load (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.16' not found (required by /home/steam/steamcmd/csgo5/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/async.ext.so))22:42
EriC^^uio: why are you having a problem?22:42
ObrienDaveuio, well, ubuntu or windows don't normally control signal levels22:42
uioObrienDave: EriC^^ Yes, I thought it shouldn't make a difference, but here I am, unable to get wifi on live linux usb, while windows is alive and well with wifi.22:42
EriC^^uio: try sudo service network-manager restart22:43
EriC^^it does the trick for me sometimes22:43
uioEriC^^:  ObrienDave That said, I just realised that I am not in the right forum (although your advice would be appreciated) as I was using puppy lucid, which I thought was built on ubuntu....22:43
ObrienDaveor you might have to enable wifi22:43
uioEriC^^: At first it found networks... but then disconnected.... reboot with no luck. So I tried booting into Windows and the wifi is received perfectly...22:44
Johnny_Linuxrun the wifi wizzard22:44
mcphailnvk: you sure you don't just have to install the 32-bit version?22:44
Ben64uio: puppy lucid, whatever that is, isn't supported here22:44
nvkmcphail: how can I do so?22:44
uioBen64: True... ObrienDave EriC^^ Johnny_Linux  thanks for your help anyway !22:45
mcphailnvk: actually, that probably won't work here22:45
mcphailnvk: sorry - getting tired. TBH, there isn't a safe or easy way to do this without breaking your system.22:46
nvkmcphail: its ok, can I upgrade to like ubuntu 14.04 without deleting or breaking everything?22:47
uioBen64: FYI http://puppylinux.org/main/Overview%20and%20Getting%20Started.htm          great for ressurecting old machines....except for some wifi it would appear.....22:48
mcphailnvk: maybe. Depends on whether you have PPAs installed. If you haven't installed PPAs you can update fine.22:48
nvkmcphail: no I have no PPAs installed22:49
nvkgonna try updating22:49
mcphailnvk: I think steam supports 14.04 but not 12.04 anyway. Best idea to update if steam is your priority22:49
mcphailnvk: just back up first22:49
nvkmcphail: sure, thanks for the help!22:50
mcphailnvk: np22:50
medpchi all, i have recently install the latest lubuntu on an acer aspire es1-512-C0GA laptop and the touchpad is not appearing at all in xinput list, lshw etc22:54
medpcim not even sure what touchpad it is (synaptics or elan), i have looked on acers site for info but they dont list the manufacturer of the touchpad, and there is no specific touchpad driver in the driver downloads section of the aspire es1-51222:57
bpromptmedpc:    so is not working?22:57
medpcnot at all22:57
medpci have to use a usb mouse22:58
IanVornI'm trying to audit a server that has had numerous random things installed and configured on, is there a good why of tracking down what has been altered from the base install? I was thinking of just installing the same ver in a VM and diff!22:58
blackflowIanVorn: debsums22:59
bpromptmedpc:   does   hmmm  -> dpkg -l | grep -i synaptics <--- show anything xserver-xorg-input-synaptics?23:00
IanVornblockflow: sweet! cheers23:00
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medpcbprompt: i will try23:01
bpromptmedpc:   I'm thinking it may just be what is missing.. and you could just try installing that, -> sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics23:01
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medpcxserver-xorg-input-synaptics is already installed23:03
medpcbprompt: even if the package wasnt installed, it seems weird that it the device doesnt show up in a lsusb, xinput list, lshw etc23:04
bpromptmedpc:     when running the dpkg -l..., did it show an "ii" at the beginning of the line?23:06
biffbaxtersynclient touchpadoff=023:06
bpromptmedpc:   "ii" means is installed, as opposed to "u" or else, that means, is there only, but not installed23:06
medpcbprompt: it showed an ii23:07
bpromptmedpc:    but I'm thinking is just disabled somewhere's in lxde23:07
bpromptmedpc:    try what biffbaxter mentioned... see what it does23:08
medpcbprompt: sorry i didnt see what he said23:09
medpcalso am i tagging you correctly? im new to irc23:09
biffbaxtersynclient touchpadoff=023:09
bpromptmedpc:     synclient touchpadoff=023:09
medpcah thanks trying now23:10
bpromptmedpc:    was also checking at -> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_enable_touchpad_click#LXDE23:10
medpcit failed23:10
medpc"couldnt find synaptics properties. no synaptics drivers loaded"23:10
ObrienDavesynaptics does not need drivers. it's a package manager23:11
bpromptObrienDave:   referring to the touchpad :)23:12
medpcye its annoying the package manager and the touchpads are the same23:12
ki7rwhmm, i've enabled cookies and disabled my browser plugins but a website keeps telling me that i don't have cookies enabled - both firefox and chrome23:12
medpcim not even sure its a synaptics touchpad tho, it might be an elan?23:12
ObrienDaveoh lordy, forgot about that. (goes back to sleep)23:13
bpromptmedpc:    synaptics is just a generic name for a touchpad device23:14
nvkhow long does it take to upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 14.04?23:14
medpcbprompt: ah i see23:14
tgm4883bprompt: and here I thought it was a company that made touchpad devices http://www.synaptics.com/23:15
medpctgm4883: ye me too23:15
tgm4883 /s23:15
bprompttgm4883:    I don't recall the specifics origin of it, but yes, is a company, and IIRC they have been involved in the device specifications of it, thus the name has been become generic23:17
biffbaxtersudo apt-get install xinput then run the command xinput list23:18
medpcbiffbaxter: ye i already did that - not listed anywhere23:18
medpcbiffbaxter: also did lsusb23:18
bpromptmedpc:     offhand, one would think the touchpad is ... bad.... or  the drivers are missing23:18
biffbaxterthere is no virtual core pointer listed?23:19
medpcbprompt: it seems like, according to lubuntu, the touchpad device is not even plugged in/in existence... it worked fine in windows 8, but when i installed lubuntu over it it didnt work at all, at any point23:19
medpcbiffbaxter: it lists virtual core XTEST pointer23:19
biffbaxtercat /proc/bus/input/devices ?23:20
=== Roland is now known as Guest73850
medpcbiffbaxter: i get a sound card, headphones, video bus, accelerometer, wmi hotkeys, vga webcam, at translated set 2 keyboard, power button, lid switch, sleep button,23:23
medpcbiffbaxter: thats it23:23
newb123how I need to help recompiling just one kernel. I have the linux source, and have tried make modules install, but I seem to be running into an error when trying to recompile nouveau23:23
ryanxhi everyone!23:23
biffbaxterkernel ?23:23
biffbaxter*bunte says if you dont see a touchpad with that cmd then submit kernel bug...but before you do that I would make sure your most current23:24
biffbaxteruname -a23:24
ryanxi would like to use sudo to do a clean install, any help?23:24
newb123 ubuntu 3.13.0-32-generic23:25
biffbaxter3.13.0-53 is current for 14.0423:25
medpcbiffbaxter: it says im 3.19.0-18-generic23:25
newb123biffbaxter: are you saying I should upgrade/update first then?23:25
medpcbiffbaxter: sorry man i think im responding to the wrong thing, ill have a cig while you talk to newb12323:26
biffbaxterjust to make sure....3.19 kernel?23:27
biffbaxterso your on 15.0423:27
biffbaxtersorry...thought we were talking 14.0423:28
biffbaxterI would do a full update anyway (incl kernel if possbile and not causing any risk/issues to production) then make sure...after that is a bug submission23:29
biffbaxterOr try 14.04 LTS liveCD for fun :)23:29
medpcbiffbaxter: im on lubuntu 15.04, was those last 2 msgs to me?23:29
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biffbaxterIm flying so Im being lazy and not tagging ...ha23:30
medpcbiffbaxter:how do i do a full update including kernel23:30
biffbaxterand Im cramped23:30
medpcbiffbaxter: haha np23:30
biffbaxterI would just fire up synaptic (sudo synaptic) update all, mark all updates and it should catch them all (most of the time :) )23:31
eletiousQuick question - I have a server running apache that I'm tired of connecting to with IP23:31
scatterphi can anyone help with the boot from ram option ?23:32
biffbaxterIf you wanna play...download my distro livecd and give it try to see if it detects also...its built from 14.04 lts however23:32
newb123biffbaxter: for kernel sources I can just build one kernel module correct? are there any ubuntu patches I need to apply beforehand?23:32
eletiousHow would I go about setting up a local domain so I don't have to remember it?  Do I have to add every machine on my network to a domain, or just make up a domain on my router and then assign the server to that domain?23:33
biffbaxterto much typing....23:34
biffbaxterread this23:34
biffbaxteranswer at the bottom of the page is pretty good23:35
medpcbiffbaxter: i did a sudo synaptic, selected mark all upgrades, and nothing seemed to be selected (the apply button is still inactive)23:35
biffbaxterare you needing to build/mod or just insmod?23:35
biffbaxterso your probably current ....23:36
newb123biffbaxter: I've been reading that wiki page. but the bit about Modules.symvers seems to be out of date?23:37
biffbaxteryou can also sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade via command line and it will tell you if you have any pkgs to update23:38
newb123biffbaxter: nvm i found it with find.. i see what happened23:39
biffbaxterill ask a stupid question also...sure touchpad is not off in firmware right? I have seen strangeness with dual boot win machines and touchpads23:40
medpcbiffbaxter: how do i check that? i tried the fn+f7 toggle several times, is that what you mean?23:41
biffbaxterat post - depending on computer F2 or f12 or something to get to firmware prior to grub23:41
medpcbiffbaxter: ok ill reboot and see, btw the apt-get upgrade said 0 to upgrade23:42
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biffbaxterusually mashing f2-f4 and f12 along with delete like a monkey will create something...even a stuck key scenario that stops normal boot....ha23:42
biffbaxterthen you can get into firmware and make sure23:43
medpcbiffbaxter: btw i disabled uefi/secure boot (its in legacy mode) in the bios, i did it when iwas installing, could that be part of the problem? is lubuntu ok with uefi?23:43
medpcbiffbaxter: i have completely overwritten/erased the win 8 install, its not dual boot23:44
biffbaxteri usually run legacy so its likely ok...but I would check the peripherals just to make sure...sometimes23:44
coolballwhat is the correct way to install steam on 14.04.2?23:45
coolballsudo apt-get install steam?23:45
Bashing-omcoolball: 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ; sudo apt-get install steam ' .23:46
medpcbiffbaxter: hmmm there was a touchpad setting the bios, it was set to 'advanced', i changed it to basic, will see if that helps23:46
medpcbiffbaxter: ok now xinput list shows the elantech ETPS/2 touchpad23:47
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biffbaxterso now synclient touchpadoff=023:48
medpcbiffbaxter: YES!!!!23:48
biffbaxterlubuntu should have some mouse tool also ...but I dont run it...I know LXDE has lxinput but its basic23:48
biffbaxtercool :)23:48
medpcbiffbaxter: WOOHOO23:48
biffbaxterlxinput should be able to adjust a few things also23:49
medpcbiffbaxter: ive been pulling my hair out for ages23:49
medpcbiffbaxter: thanks so much23:49
biffbaxterno prob23:49
Johnny_Linuxbuy that man a beer23:49
biffbaxterI maintain my own distro so I pull my hair out daily...ha23:49
medpcbiffbaxter: right click and 2 finger scroll work too23:49
biffbaxtergood job sticking with it23:50
medpchaha i bet23:50
medpcthanks man, i was so close to giving up and going back to win723:50
biffbaxteranother saved23:50
medpcye totally23:50
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medpcthe thought made me feel dirty23:50
biffbaxteruh..oh...plane starting to land...means my wireless will stop working soon :)23:51
biffbaxterhave fun...23:52
medpcthanks agasin23:52
biffbaxterMS would have charged 250 :) - go linux23:52
erikperintheres anyone from brazil here?23:52
medpcindeed :D23:53
medpcsuch a positive experience compared to other OS's23:53
ryanxoptions, ubuntu gnome or ubuntu unity?23:53
scatterpcan anyone help me to boot from ram ?23:53
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wafflejockoh I like gnome 323:54
erikperinI prefer with Gnome Classic ou Xubuntu23:54
medpcill be telling my grandkids about biffbaxter :{23:54
wafflejockbut whatever floats your boat23:54
biffbaxtergnome3 is ok...just wonky with certain apps and the toolbar23:54
biffbaxterdon't like all the unity call home hooks23:54
biffbaxterIm a minimalist23:55
biffbaxterbut thats the beauty of linux...kruft it up all you want23:55
biffbaxtergotta land...have a good day23:56
fahadashMy friend is getting 'package not found error' on sudo apt-get install xchat23:57
fahadashhe has run apt-get update23:57
fahadashWhat does he need to check?23:57
fahadashapt-cache search xchat <- yields nothing23:57
xanguafahadash: what ubuntu release¿23:57
EriC^^fahadash: enable the universe repository23:57
fahadashEriC^^: How?23:58
EriC^^dash > software & updates23:58
fahadashHe might be joining in23:59
fahadashDo we need a registered nick to chat here?23:59

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