
=== sunrunner20 is now known as sunrunner20|afk
xubuntu74ihow big is the downloading packages portion of the installer? should it be taking over 10mins on 60megabit ? i think my language packs took like around 10mins to download as well. Im wondering if i could be possibly hitting a mirror under heavy load04:39
boxerHello, I just installed 15.04 and I am getting a pause and sometimes a system freeze on boot at: starting version 21906:45
boxerI guess it's a systemd problem but all the help I've found on it are for sddm and I am using lightDM06:48
maijinHi guys, i'm looking to transfer my return key on the left right shift key, is there a way to do that quickly within xubuntu?12:05
knobmaijin, found this http://superuser.com/questions/862280/permanently-remap-a-key-to-an-other-xubuntu13:06
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
xubuntu05wHow to install amd radeon x1400 driver in xubuntu 14.0416:26
T0ast`Why does the additional drivers window always get stuck when I try to switch drivers?16:45
GeekDudeIs there a way to reduce screen tearing in Parole/VLC?17:57
NightWolf_hello everyon? I need help20:20
NightWolf_anyone there?20:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:22
NightWolf_I got Xubuntu 15.04 on a IBM T42. before, I used Windows 7 and by pressing Capslock and 2, I was able to set a ". Now, It's only makeable by pressing Shift and 2. How can I change it?20:23
NightWolf_tl;dr how can I change the layout so Capslock and 1 for example set a !20:26
brainwashdoes caps lock not work at all?20:26
NightWolf_It works, but It doesn´t set a ! by pressing 1 with activated caps20:27
brainwashok, so it does not work in combination with the numeric keys20:28
NightWolf_right. That´s what I meant20:28
brainwashbug 29215820:31
ubottubug 292158 in Ubuntu "Caps lock : "windows" behaviour missing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29215820:31
brainwashthat's what I found20:31
NightWolf_the problem is, I use a german layout, That means its the QWERTZ Layout. Is there a way to set the MS Windows capslock? It´s a bit difficult for me to understand that thread20:35
brainwashyou may need to tweak the patch from comment #720:36
NightWolf_sure this may work? I mean, it's a QWERTZ Keyboard layout..20:37
brainwashprobably. we are only talking about the numeric key row20:38
brainwashsome key mappings might be different20:38
NightWolf_okay... How the hell I´m supposed to install that patch.. Enter in the terminal isn´t the right way, I think20:39
brainwashyou can apply the changes manually20:40
brainwash1. add the extra line to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/be20:43
brainwash2. create /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/mswindows-capslock with this content http://lpaste.net/13382420:43
brainwashthat's what the patch does20:44

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