
Riddellanyone able to confirm the fix for bug 1461725 ?00:59
ubottubug 1461725 in muon (Ubuntu) "Ensure Application Notifier is Initialised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146172500:59
RiddellScottK: are you still doing SRU?01:14
Riddellbug 1449472 verified01:14
ubottubug 1449472 in kfilemetadata-kf5 (Ubuntu Wily) "officeextractor should depend on catdoc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144947201:14
=== me is now known as Guest64304
=== Guest64304 is now known as sitter
ahoneybunhow do you restart krunner?02:07
Riddellkillall krunner; krunner02:11
ScottKRiddell: didn't quit yet02:25
RiddellScottK: ksnakeduel got a fixed version now in -proposed02:27
ScottKWill try and look at it later02:29
ahoneybunRiddell: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11555545/ ?02:46
Riddellahoneybun: does it cause a problem?02:48
ahoneybunwell if I run that command in konsole, krunner works, but when I close konsole it does not work anymore02:54
ahoneybunnot till a reboot02:54
* ahoneybun wonders if it has to do with ubuntu sdk02:54
Riddellahoneybun: well yes if you close the shell it'll kill stuff in that shell03:20
ahoneybunyea of course, but how do I keep it running?03:20
=== Guest24375 is now known as thelionroars
Riddellhttps://paste.kde.org/pnitbkltv  nice if confusing e-mail du jour06:34
valorieI wonder which magazine gave away DVDs?07:03
yofelahoneybun: "nohup krunner" would be one way, or just launch krunner from kickoff07:42
lordievaderGood morning.08:07
Mirvmitya57: if you refer to QtC I'm not sure and I might need to rephrase it, but it seemed some function had changed so that the current qbs wasn't suitable for the qtc snapshot. it's WIP at the moment and will not be uploaded for a little while, but I just cleaned it up so that the Ubuntu plugin developer can compile the leaner new plugin against it (a lot of Qt Creator changes have been upstreamed now)08:14
soee_good morning09:32
lordievaderHey soee_ 09:33
lordievaderHow are you doing?09:33
soee_lordievader: ah im not sure yet :) i went to bed ~ 4:00 in th emornign after whoel day coding, now in up and coding again :D09:34
soee_but supper sunny day here :) you ?09:34
lordievaderMeh, bit tired. Furthermore okay.09:34
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mitya57Mirv: ok. FWIW I plan to upload qbs 1.4.1 when it's released11:39
Mirvmitya57: nice! that would probably solve the issue.11:41
BluesKajHowdy folks11:44
mitya57Mirv: (1.4 currently has lots of failing tests, in 1.4.1 some of them are fixed, others can be disabled probably)11:46
* sick_rimmit wases to BluesKaj11:52
* sick_rimmit then grins, Doh! Waves11:52
BluesKajHey sick_rimmit . how goes it?11:56
sick_rimmitHi pretty good thanks...11:58
sick_rimmitGetting excited about Kubuntu Podcast launch with ovidiu-florin and ahoneybun11:59
lordievaderWhoop whoop, where can I find details?12:00
ahoneybunsick_rimmit: I'll have some news from SELF for the Podcast12:07
sick_rimmitahoneybun: That's excellent13:00
sick_rimmitlordievader: Google+ search for Kubuntu Podcast.. Sorry I am work and no logged into my G+ account, otherwise I'd give you a link13:01
* lordievader goes to search for the podcast13:15
lordievaderFor anyone looking for the podcast: https://plus.google.com/112102796730023795852/posts13:16
lordievaderIs it possible to upgrade Vivid with backports to Wily?14:45
owlmanlordievader: I just did so, so yes14:47
owlmanno problems so far....14:48
lordievaderCool, cool. I'll do so in a bit then.14:51
BluesKajlordievader, why not just sed your sources.list , the update and upgrade,  sudo sed -i 's/vivid/wily/g' /etc/apt/sources.list15:01
lordievaderThat is what I am going to do. But since the backports are only available for Vivid I figured I would ask first.15:01
BluesKajwhoa , lust checked the sources.list here, still had the -next ppa enabled ...now that's taking a chance 15:06
owlmanI just used  do-release-upgrade -d15:11
lordievaderowlman: I just noticed I didn't have update-manager-core installed ...15:12
lordievaderDoing update now, then the do-release-upgrade.15:12
lordievaderWhee, down the rollercoaster :D15:14
owlmanhas anyone else had fun with virtualbox? I'm getting some weird results15:14
clivejoweird results?15:15
owlmanplasma doesn't seem to like it. this is on wily, I'll try a vivid install15:16
clivejodoesnt like the client, or wily running inside the VM?15:18
owlmanwily in the vm, vivid as host15:19
clivejoI have Windows 7 in a VB running on top of wily, seems to be working fine15:19
clivejoah I see15:19
clivejomust try wily in a VB15:19
BluesKajowlman, well we early adopters tend to start on the next release a week after an official release 15:20
lordievaderowlman: You could try kvm...15:20
owlmanlordievader: my next approach15:20
clivejois there a fix for the "places" in dolphin issue?15:22
QuintasanScottK: ping15:39
BluesKajclivejo, the next kernel version seems to have it fixed, I'm on 15.10 which uses the 3.19.0-20 generic 15:42
clivejooh, maybe I need a reboot15:43
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ScottKQuintasan: I'm here momentarily. What's up? 16:23
owlmanhey, is sytemsettings.power management sytemd aware yet?16:26
QuintasanScottK: Do you have an amazon account?16:33
QuintasanScottK: I want to buy a steam key but those bloody bastards want me to have a us credit card.16:33
BluesKajQuintasan, what's wrong with euro credit cards? 16:35
QuintasanBluesKaj: They are not american obviously.16:35
BluesKajsteam sounds absolutely provincial, they don't accept CCs from other countries, what kind of business are they running in this day and age16:37
geniiBluesKaj: Reminds me of a weirdness with Ontario government websites for re-issuing your ID like birth certificate, etc. It somehow knows you are using a pre-paid credit card and won't accept it. 16:41
QuintasanBluesKaj: that's amazon16:42
QuintasanSteam doesn't care where your card comes from16:43
BluesKajprobly the card itself then is suspect because it's prepaid16:43
owlmanok, virtualbox doesn't like vivid either16:53
owlmaneverything is fine until I install the virtualbox guest extensions16:54
owlmanah, it doesn't like 3D acceleration enabled17:03
owlmanI'm purely guessing that it might be a problem with the compositor17:04
owlmanwith acceleration enabled the panel and applications don't seem to be rendered 17:05
owlmanhmm. disabling the compositor in system settings doesn't help17:26
Riddellclaydoh: ping, did you get anywhere with kamoso?17:36
Riddelloh wait, wrong person 17:36
RiddellI wanted clivejo17:36
claydohRiddell: lol thto I am testing a webcam using your kamosos package as I type this :)17:38
Riddellclaydoh: oh really? where's the package from?17:38
claydohyour ppa Riddell17:38
Riddellmm so an older version I think17:38
claydohI think  my cam is dying :(17:39
claydohor my usb ports are17:42
mparilloowlman: Are you using Vivid as a VirtualBox host or guest? I am running Vivid (with backports) and Wily as guests on VMware Player (Win7 host).17:50
Riddellsitter: bundle exec ./merge.rb -o kubuntu_stable -o kubuntu_vivid_backports -t kubuntu_wily_archive plasma17:53
Riddellis that the right command?17:53
owlmanmparillo: vivid as host, wily and vivid as guests17:58
mparilloFor a Linux Host, if you want to try VMware Player (as I said, my use case is on my work computer (hence Win7 host), you need 64-bit Linux to run the latest release: https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_player/7_0|PLAYER-710|product_downloads18:03
lordievaderVivid allways worked fine on KVM.18:05
owlmanlordievader: so qemu-kvm?18:06
lordievaderowlman: Yes ;)18:07
lordievaderWith the VMVGA graphics adapter.18:08
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sitterRiddell: willy builds are broken because of the oxygen font issue santa mentioned on the list18:13
sitteranother merge whoopsie18:13
Riddellsitter: builds of what?18:13
owlmanvirtualbox works fine now I know to disable 3D acceleration in the guest18:13
sitterRiddell: ci18:14
sitterRiddell: you didn't pause integration it appears18:30
sitteralso... you are now hogging all of CI 18:30
Riddellhmm yes I should really write that in bigger letters18:31
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=== Guest32281 is now known as ahoneybun
Riddellplasma 5.3.1 going into kubuntu-ppa/next-staging19:14
BluesKajRiddell, Stage 0  or...?19:17
BluesKajI have stage-2 , commented19:17
soee_Riddell: on Wily ?19:18
Riddellsoee_: yes19:18
micahghi, what should my remote.origin.url be to push to the packaging repo appropriately in Debian?, I added my key to alioth (is there a new place now?)19:18
RiddellBluesKaj: “Kubuntu Next Stage 0 (DON'T USE)” cos that seems to have plasma in it already19:19
Riddellthese all need renamed to have the name say what they're used for19:19
BluesKajRiddell, ok thanks , guess I should have looked further 19:19
Riddellhi micahg, I have this in my .gitconfig, is that what you want? https://paste.kde.org/pi5pynwjf19:20
micahghrm, maybe?19:20
micahghaha, I think I just misconfigured something locally, Alioth FAQ FTW, http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/krdc.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_wily_archive&id=112add3c6833ad6cf3f4f767abfa974d813e410b19:27
micahgRiddell: ^^ that ok like that, I have one more to fix up19:28
Riddellmicahg: yes thanks19:28
Riddellmicahg: how did you get on with digikam the other day?19:29
micahgI ended up disabling the plugin that used the library you removed, is the packaging repo for it up to date, I can add commits to it a bit later19:29
micahgwhen the new libkgeomap gets in, we can reenable19:30
micahgI don't see digikam in pkg-kde19:30
micahgah, kde extras, svn19:31
micahgsorry, I just stopped the installation of the plugin files: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/207643787/digikam_4%3A4.10.0-0ubuntu1_4%3A4.10.0-0ubuntu2.diff.gz19:33
Riddellmicahg: ah yes that separated library is part of KDE Applications which as you have just discovered we haven't got round to updating yet19:33
Riddellmicahg: I think I've just been using bzr for the digikam packaging, we need to sort out where that's going19:33
micahgok, when that gets uploaded, I can reenable the plugins to install, I believe I updated the bzr branch19:34
Riddelllovely, thanks micahg19:45
Riddellsitter: shadeslayer  ./kubuntu-retry-builds --plasma --ppa=kubuntu-ppa --ppaname=next-staging --force20:27
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valorieoh gosh, my husband just arrived in Mammoth Lakes 2 weeks ahead of his schedule22:06
Riddellwalking fast?22:13

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