
dholbachgood morning07:03
fgimenezgood morning07:03
dholbachhi fgimenez07:04
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Hug Your Cat Day! 😃08:59
elopiogood morning.11:25
elopiohey fgimenez: what do you think about the latest version, ready to promote to stable?11:26
fgimenezelopio, hi, yes, seems good so far11:27
fgimenezelopio, i'm finishing the script for the complete upgrade path proposed by rsalveti, that will give us more confidence11:28
elopiofgimenez: nice, thank you.11:28
sergiusensrsalveti: mind doing a no change rebuild upload of the archive version of 'ubuntu-snappy' to get the powerpc binaries built? It seems we never built them12:00
Chipacarsalveti: where was the 15.04.x blueprint?12:13
sergiusensChipaca: https://trello.com/c/wxQzJ9uT/18-create-15-04-1-stable-image12:13
rsalvetisergiusens: wonder if we would need a no change upload12:13
rsalvetiyeah, that's the one12:13
sergiusensChipaca: and the bug task i there12:13
rsalvetisergiusens: since it was copied from vivid12:13
rsalvetias well12:14
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah, it was copied from a ppa that probably didn't build for powerpc12:14
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah, I just gave him the parent link ;-)12:14
sergiusensChipaca: from the work items, do you know of anything that can be crossed out?12:14
Chipacasergiusens: some of them should be landing about now12:16
sergiusensChipaca: do you know anything about the backporting ones?12:17
Chipacasergiusens: i've jused approved several backporting MPs12:18
Chipacas/jused/just/, and by just i mean an hour or so ago12:18
Chipacabefore lunch12:18
sergiusensChipaca: these specifically Backport lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader/add-sync-calls12:18
sergiusensChipaca: and yeah, I saw :-)12:18
Chipacaand mvo's 15.04 moar-errors one could land if he's not going to be around12:18
rsalvetisergiusens: want to do another release and I can sponsor your upload?12:23
rsalvetisergiusens: or just a rebuild is fine?12:23
sergiusensrsalveti: just a rebuild, a release forces a lot of catching up on u-d-f12:24
rsalvetisergiusens: right, sure12:24
sergiusensrsalveti: I can confirm in a bit though12:24
sergiusensto triple check why powerpc isn't there12:25
rsalvetisure, will wait then12:25
Chipacado we need to do anything with bug #1449625 for it to be SRUable?12:26
nothalBug #1449625: systemd and bin-path exported variables are not in sync <Snappy:Fix Committed> <Snappy 15.04:Fix Committed> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1449625>12:26
ubottubug 1449625 in Snappy 15.04 "systemd and bin-path exported variables are not in sync" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144962512:26
Chipacamarked it "done" in the trello, but then thought to ask, because it explicitly says SRU there :)12:27
sergiusensChipaca: we should probably SRU everything that's making it into lp:snappy/15.0412:28
* Chipaca marks it "done"12:28
Chipacado we really support "upgrading to edge"?12:30
Chipacai thought that was a corner case brought about by fiddling with files12:30
rsalvetiedge 15.04 or rolling?12:30
sergiusensChipaca: we want to support upgrading to edge when we have proper channels and os/kernel snaps12:41
mterrysergiusens, you mentioned being able to set up tarmac for ubuntu-core-launcher?  Can you also do it for snapcraft?12:45
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
sergiusensmterry: yeah, I saw tedg's request :-)12:47
sergiusenswill do it in a bit12:47
mterrysergiusens, oh didn't know he asked too  :)12:47
sergiusensChipaca: nagging welcome ;-) https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/YouShallNotPass/+merge/26107912:58
* Chipaca prepares the nag12:58
Chipacasergiusens: +1'ed with a nit13:02
sergiusensChipaca: nice catch ;-)13:04
Chipacasergiusens: which makes me realise13:04
sergiusensChipaca: pushed13:04
Chipacasergiusens: you're not testing the use of it13:04
sergiusensuh oh :-P13:05
sergiusensChipaca: right! Not the error, which I guess I'll do now13:05
sergiusensChipaca: o, now I need interpackage architecture stubbing, yay13:08
Chipacano, no you don't13:09
Chipacajust test with "xyzzy" architecture13:09
Chipacathat is, in the package, put architectures: foo, bar, baz13:09
Chipacabut properly ;)13:09
sergiusensChipaca: oh, I was going to build a test snap, not test the error only ;-)13:10
Chipacasergiusens: you're already testing that you detect the "right" arch in the unit test13:10
Chipacasergiusens: you just need to test that you report the error in the integration test13:10
Chipacasergiusens: yes, i meant in the package.yaml13:11
sergiusensChipaca: right, but I rely on UbuntuArchitecture() which depends on the system where you run the test ;-) That's why I said interpackage :-)13:11
sergiusensso I'll do what I was going to do ;-)13:11
Chipacasergiusens: not sure i follow13:12
sergiusenshelpers.UbuntuArchitecture() uses the systems arch, it's all fine if we all run on amd64 but this will all fail when using a different system13:13
sergiusensmeh, I understand myself ;-)13:13
sergiusensI just need to mock UbuntuArchitecture13:13
Chipacasergiusens: um13:13
Chipacasergiusens: i don't see that need13:13
Chipacahence my questioning it13:13
sergiusensChipaca: I'm a lazy typer today https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/seetheneed13:14
sergiusensChipaca: see if you like it now13:35
Chipacasergiusens: top-approved13:37
Chipacapurrfect :)13:37
sergiusensChipaca: thanks13:38
sergiusensChipaca: I always spend some time figuring out which "test helper" we want :-P not sure if the same happens to you13:38
Chipacasergiusens: "write a new one every time" is probably a suboptimal strategy13:46
sergiusensChipaca: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/YouShallNotPassBeforeEither/+merge/26109715:01
elopiorsalveti: do you think we will need to test something on the phones in the next months?15:25
elopioI'm wondering if I can leave them here so somebody else gets them.15:25
rsalvetielopio: you never know15:25
rsalvetielopio: I'd suggest you to keep them with you15:25
rsalvetiunless requested by someone else15:25
sergiusensrsalveti: elopio you only really need one; I guess we will mostly be doing the core work (os and kernel snap)15:28
sergiusensbut would leave ui work to others15:28
elopioyes. That's what I was thinking. I need a phone to call my mother too :)15:30
elopioI'll ask how hard would it be to get the others back if we happen to need them later.15:30
kyrofaChipaca, ping15:55
rickspencer3jdstrand, so it is it totally legit for me to let to snaps to talk to each other over localhost:whateverports?15:59
sergiusensrsalveti: how was https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1424586 Fix Released? Asking in the sense of backporting ;-)15:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 1424586 in Snappy 15.04 "snappy-selftest: fake newer version for upgrade test" [High,Triaged]15:59
sergiusensor is that what fgimenez is working on?16:00
sergiusensif that's the case, mterry just took over the last bug in that list that is !apparmor16:00
sergiusensrickspencer3: there is language to prevent that in package.yaml but it is not enforced yet (internal vs external)16:01
fgimenezsergiusens, i'm using the upgrade script just for testing one of the upgrade paths, anyway seems to be a different approach from that bug16:02
jdstrandrickspencer3: yes, for external ports (see https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/package-metadata/). for internal ports there are ideas in the vision doc to create firewall rules that could interfere16:03
fgimenezsergiusens, the bug fix implements what we were talking about in yesterday's standup, modifying channel.ini to allow an update from the current version16:04
jdstrandrickspencer3: so internal today would work too. also note, ports is in meta.md but we don't do anything with it yet afaik16:04
sergiusensfgimenez: yeah, that's in selftests iirc16:05
jdstrandrsalveti: btw, is there a card for that ^. it seems like we should at least have ingress filtering for anything in 'ports/internal'16:05
jdstrandactually, that gives me a thought16:05
fgimenezsergiusens, yep, it's one of them16:05
jdstrandI thinks ports is not implemented in part because we wanted a ports service to say whether or not something was assigned16:06
jdstrandwhat if we used netfilter as the database? ie, if you specify 'ports/external' then you get an ACCEPT rule with an id/comment as the PKGNAME_APPNAME and an DROP rule for external interfaces for ports/internal with an id/comment16:07
jdstrandsergiusens, rsalveti: ^ idea for whoever implements something more with 'ports'16:08
Chipacakyrofa: pong16:08
jdstrandsergiusens, rsalveti: in this manner, snappy can parse iptables output and determine if something on the system is assigned a port16:09
kyrofaChipaca, I'm just getting started on a dbus daemon in golang, and I see you've contributed to go-dbus. Do you recommend that lib?16:09
Chipacakyrofa: last time i checked, it was the better of the go dbus wrappers16:10
Chipacakyrofa: what's your daemon interfacing with?16:10
kyrofaChipaca, the Unity8 QML progress widget16:10
Chipacakyrofa: so you're binding qt/qml?16:12
jdstrandrickspencer3: in case it isn't obvious, if you open a port, anyone can connect to it, so things would have to be designed with that in mind16:14
kyrofaChipaca, no, I mean that's what it's communicating with via dbus. Perhaps I misunderstood the question?16:14
Chipacakyrofa: ah, ok :)16:14
sergiusensjdstrand: so DENY by default and if declared as an external port we add an ACCEPT and if negotiable we find a free slot and assign it there and somehow send that back to the package16:14
Chipacakyrofa: i was just asking because if you were binding qt or glib anyway, it might make more sense to use their dbus implementation16:14
jdstrandfuture internal ports intend to help-- you declare an internal port and what apps can connect to it16:14
sergiusensjdstrand: but iptables doesn't solve the app1 <-> app2 problem though16:15
jdstrandsergiusens: yes, essentially16:15
kyrofaChipaca, ahh, gotcha :)16:15
Chipacasergiusens: how "stable" are data dirs? can i tell a guy to ship a symlink to their data dir in their app?16:15
kyrofaChipaca, alright, I appreciate your help! I'll dive into using go-dbus :)16:15
jdstrandsergiusens: no it doesn't yet-- that would come later16:15
sergiusensjdstrand: we should probably add this to the backlog16:15
jdstrandsergiusens: that is in the vision doc16:15
Chipacakyrofa: enjoy! holler when it breaks :)16:15
kyrofaChipaca, ha! Will do ;)16:16
jdstrandsergiusens: it would probably make sense to look at ufw's default setup, how it sets up chains, etc for inspiration16:16
jdstrandif you want, I can help with the design16:17
jdstrandor at least review/comment on it16:17
jdstrandsergiusens: alternatively to default DROP, you setup only the rules that are specific to what is declared in ports16:18
jdstrandthat might be a safer first step until we understand frameworks better16:18
jdstrandbut we can talk about it16:19
sergiusensjdstrand: tracked now https://trello.com/c/p8g9U2cV/80-internal-and-external-port-acl16:19
jdstrandsergiusens: awesome (commented)16:21
jdstrandsergiusens: it probably will make sense to discuss with th architects team since there will be interactions between snaps and frameworks16:22
jdstrandsergiusens: eg, a router framework and an unrelated snap. I'd like to be invited to that call with the architects16:22
jdstrandsergiusens: so, for the vision work (additional filtering of internal ports for app to app filtering), the basic idea is create a net cgroup that tags the network traffic, and then you have rules that reference the tag16:26
jdstrandsergiusens: I think that should be done as a second step16:27
jdstrandsergiusens: ok, I'll stop talking here-- I added my thoughts to the card16:38
jdstrandsince it is clear that is what you want ;P16:38
sergiusensjdstrand: oh, sorry, I'm preparing lunch ;-)16:43
sergiusensjdstrand: we can discuss here in a bit and then I'll summarize neatly in the card16:44
sergiusensbut food first since it's almost 2pm and I need to eat ;-)16:44
jdstrandsergiusens: I was just teasing. Everything I have time to discuss today is in the card so I think we are good for nowe16:45
mterrysergiusens, added a .tarmac.sh to lp:snapcraft16:46
mterryMissed that in lp:snappy16:46
rsalvetisergiusens: for bug 1424586, only trunk is fix released17:11
ubottubug 1424586 in Snappy 15.04 "snappy-selftest: fake newer version for upgrade test" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142458617:11
rsalvetithe 15.04 task is still opened17:11
rsalvetisergiusens: can you check if we can backport the selftests as well?17:21
rsalvetithen we drop the older separated branch completely17:21
rsalvetiand I believe the current self tests are compatible with both 15.04 and rolling17:22
rsalvetijdstrand: sergiusens: thanks for creating the card17:23
rsalvetiI think ricmm will own that from the arch side of things17:23
rsalvetiricmm: https://trello.com/c/p8g9U2cV/80-internal-and-external-port-acl17:23
rsalvetihe's our network architect :-)17:23
rsalvetilet me add this as a topic for the archs call to make sure we don't forget17:24
ricmmrsalveti: yea please add that to go over it tomorrow17:51
rsalvetialready did17:52
sergiusensrsalveti: right, but there is no link to any code so I have no idea what work was done for that18:08
sergiusenswrt to the bug18:08
rsalvetiright, mvo just added a comment pointing out the branch18:08
rsalvetibut didn't link to the bug18:08
sergiusensricmm: rsalveti I also need an 'am I online API' where online can be, lan, wan, internet18:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 1424586 in Snappy 15.04 "snappy-selftest: fake newer version for upgrade test" [High,Triaged]18:08
sergiusensrsalveti: ok18:08
rsalvetisergiusens: hm, right18:09
sergiusensrsalveti: there, I linked to the bug18:09
rsalvetifor 15.04 we hopefully can just backport the selftests merge18:10
sergiusensrsalveti: selftests though, those are cross release still, so there shouldn't be any backport work18:10
sergiusensrsalveti: since this landed in the selftest series and not in trunk18:10
rsalvetisergiusens: right, but we still need to merge under the 15.04 branch, right?18:10
rsalvetisergiusens: but thought selftests were later merged18:10
sergiusensrsalveti: I don't think selftests are in trunk yet18:10
rsalvetiman, I hate this code browse interface for bzr18:11
rsalvetiyeah, thought mvo had merged that18:12
sergiusensrsalveti: nope, and I don't see an MP anymore18:13
rsalvetiso all good then18:13
rsalvetiwe'll merge for 15.04.2 I guess18:13
sergiusensrsalveti: I know there were commens from elopio in an original let's "merge it" MP18:13
sergiusensI guess this may have died in relation to his work into converting to go18:13
rsalveticould be18:13
rsalvetisergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-merge-integration-tests/+merge/25959218:14
rsalvetiyeah, still wip18:14
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-15.04/+merge/261104 | No reviews (less than a day old)18:15
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/tidy-up-list-row/+merge/260837 | No reviews (1 day old)18:15
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/snappy/rollback-reboot/+merge/261114 | Needs Information: 1 (less than a day old)18:15
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/mangle/+merge/260934 | No reviews (less than a day old)18:15
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1449032-poor-mans-rsync/+merge/260931 | Approve: 1 (less than a day old)18:15
rsalvetiwhy is it not there?18:16
sergiusensrsalveti: the webui isn't showing it either (which is why I thought it was destroyed)18:25
rsalvetihm, showing fine here18:26
rsalvetilp:~mvo/snappy/snappy-merge-integration-tests ⇒ lp:snappy18:26
sergiusensrsalveti: oh, right, I'm looking at lp:snappy/+activereviews18:26
sergiusensrsalveti: you don't see it in the reviewlist because it's WiP18:26
sergiusensthat should be @worklist ;)18:27
rsalvetioh, got it18:28
rsalvetimakes sense18:28
rsalvetiit's just that it's really uncommon for people to let the status as wip18:28
mterryI'm getting "operation not supported" and a failure to install hello-world on latest rolling image18:37
mterryAnyone else seeing that or is my image just borked?18:38
rsalvetiiirc latest rolling is still not properly in shape18:41
rsalvetiso might just be a valid bug18:41
sergiusensmterry: rsalveti that's a go 1.4 bug (from Chipaca's findings)18:44
sergiusensrsalveti: nah, this team does the right thing ;-) If it's not ready for review WiP is the right status :-)18:45
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-15.04/+merge/261104 | No reviews (less than a day old)18:48
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/tidy-up-list-row/+merge/260837 | No reviews (1 day old)18:48
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/mangle/+merge/260934 | No reviews (less than a day old)18:48
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1449032-poor-mans-rsync/+merge/260931 | Approve: 1 (less than a day old)18:48
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-oauth-quoting/+merge/260909 | Needs Fixing: 1 (less than a day old)18:48
mterrysergiusens, I'm looking at this rollback code18:51
mterrysergiusens, and actually, we output "Setting %s to version %s" AFTER we rollback18:51
mterrysergiusens, so there's no feedback for a bit18:51
mterrysergiusens, I'm going to modify my branch to move that up18:51
sergiusensmterry: meh18:52
sergiusensmterry: I think it's too late :-/18:52
mterrysergiusens, I caught it  :)18:53
mterrysergiusens, no i didn't18:53
mterrysergiusens, sight18:53
mterryoh well18:53
sergiusensmterry: just leave it, we should have a proper spinner in place18:53
mterrysergiusens, fair enough18:53
sergiusensmterry: we can reset trunk if you want ;-)18:54
mterryyes pls18:55
sergiusensmterry: ok, one sec18:55
sergiusensmterry: done18:56
mterrysergiusens, wait what?  That is a thing we do?18:57
mterrysergiusens, I thought you were joking18:57
sergiusensmterry: sometimes, yes18:57
sergiusensmterry: we once had someone (not naming names) do something bad with trunk18:57
mterrysergiusens, you crazy.  OK, let me set branch status18:57
sergiusensmterry: anyways, no smilies or anything and I take you seriously ;-)18:57
mterrysergiusens, that's fair.  I just didn't think it was a real thing, so I didn't take you seriously  :)18:58
mterryI mean18:58
mterryI know you can always push --overwrite18:58
mterryBut I thought we had protections against that18:58
sergiusensmterry: oh, yeah, I know what you mean; but yeah, it's doable and very easy to make a mistake18:59
sergiusensa common mistake, bzr branch <code>; cd <code>; bzr merge <branch>; bzr push <code>; sleep (a lot); write_core; bzr commit; bzr push (oops)19:00
sergiusensmterry: it's solvable by putting trunk under a different team and only having the merge bot there19:02
rickspencer3sergiusens, not sure if you are still here, but are you saying that if I try to send data over localhost:n ... that it will stop working when the security policy is fully implemented?19:03
mterrysergiusens, yeah I try to never reuse branch directories for that reason19:03
sergiusensmterry: I can't wait for our git migration ;-)19:04
sergiusensrickspencer3: I am19:04
sergiusensrickspencer3: and yes, it would stop if you declare your port as internal (I don't recall the spec completely from the top of my head right now)19:04
rickspencer3sergiusens, ok, I'll wait until the proper implementation for socket communication19:08
rickspencer3is there a standard way that folks are parsing yaml in Go?19:09
sergiusensrickspencer3: we use gopkg.in/yaml.v219:10
sergiusensrickspencer3: http://godoc.org/gopkg.in/yaml.v219:10
mterryrsalveti, I think we may want bug 1457183 in 15.04.1 too19:22
ubottubug 1457183 in Snappy Launcher 15.04 "TMPDIR is being lost for snap commands" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145718319:22
rsalvetimterry: yeah, makes sense, thanks19:23
mterryWhen is lp:snappy/selftest run?19:35
rsalvetisergiusens should know if enabled as part of the merging process20:05
rsalvetibut generally we want to run it as part of proposed-migration and after the image gets published20:05
rsalvetibut that is currently disabled, since we had the ps4 outage20:05
sergiusensrsalveti: I can't run it yet as part of the merging process, well I could but it would take a couple of hours I guess (vm inside a vm)20:06
rsalvetiso the goal is to have that, eventually20:07
rsalvetimterry: so your answer is only when manually testing it20:07
mterryrsalveti, fair20:08
mterrybut the plan is more20:08
Chipacasergiusens: suggestions for "integrate()"?20:28
Chipacasergiusens: generateIntegration()?20:28
Chipacasergiusens: ohblahdeeOhblahdahIntegrationLalalalalalala()20:29
Chipacasergiusens: antiderivative()20:29
sergiusensChipaca: doStuff()20:34
Chipacasergiusens: doPerformHelpWorker()20:34
sergiusensChipaca: legacyIntegrationHooks?20:34
nothalsergiusens: No such command!20:35
nothal"list" To see the available commands ; "help cmd" for specific command help20:35
Chipacawell, some of it is legacy, some isn't20:35
sergiusens@help list20:35
nothalLista las órdenes disponibles.20:35
nothalThe available commands are: ['bug', 'critical', 'help', 'last', 'list', 'more', 'ping', 'reviewlist', 'seen']20:35
sergiusensyay, half translations20:35
Chipacabug is for “bug # yadda”20:35
sergiusensChipaca: !hal broke20:35
Chipacabut @critical isn't20:36
Chipacathese python programs, coming here, using up all the bugs20:36
sergiusens@help bug20:36
nothal Search a bug and show it's id, title and status20:36
sergiusensChipaca: yeah, I want @bugs :-P20:36
Chipaca@help critical20:36
nothalshow the crtical bugs for self.project (could be a meta project)20:36
Chipacaverterok: @critical ne marche plus?20:36
sergiusensChipaca: do you know about https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1460152 ?20:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1460152 in Snappy 15.04 "apparmor cache not updated when apparmor.d rules change (breaks 15.04/stable -> 15.04/edge updates)" [Critical,In progress]20:37
Chipacaverterok: also, why doesn't @reviewlist list everything?20:37
Chipacaubottu: i know since i last lucked, mvo picked it up somehow?20:37
ubottuChipaca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
Chipacaor maybe somebody assigned to it20:37
Chipacaubottu: sorry, i meant sergiusens20:37
ubottuChipaca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
Chipacaubottu: i never assume that which i am interacting with is intelligent20:37
ubottuChipaca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
sergiusensChipaca: I am only a human, pleaase don't think I'm intelligent :-)20:38
Chipacaubottu: it's merely a convenient abstraction20:38
verterokChipaca: what do you mean it doesn't list everything?20:38
ubottuChipaca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:38
Chipacaverterok: compare20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-15.04/+merge/261104 | No reviews (less than a day old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/tidy-up-list-row/+merge/260837 | No reviews (1 day old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/snappy/rollback-reboot-15.04/+merge/261135 | No reviews (less than a day old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1460152-workaround/+merge/261144 | No reviews (less than a day old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/mangle/+merge/260934 | No reviews (less than a day old)20:38
Chipacaverterok: and code.launchpad.net/snappy/+activereviews20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/removeClick/+merge/260560 | Needs Information: 1 (5 days old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1459212-check-required-fields/+merge/260509 | Needs Fixing: 1 (6 days old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/frameworkPath/+merge/260202 | Needs Information: 1, Approve: 1 (8 days old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-more-errors-15.04/+merge/260111 | Approve: 1 (8 days old)20:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-merge-integration-tests/+merge/259592 | Needs Information: 1, Approve: 1 (14 days old)20:38
Chipacaverterok: in particular, two of mvo's branches and two of my branches don't show up20:39
verterokChipaca: help me here, which ones? :)20:39
Chipacaverterok: of mine, lp:~chipaca/snappy/setActiveClick and lp:~chipaca/snappy/unsetActiveClick20:40
Chipacaverterok: of mvo, dunno, i just counted20:40
* Chipaca is bad at making set differences20:40
verterokChipaca: k, one example is ok20:41
Chipacaverterok: this is without looking at mvo's git one :)20:41
verterokyeah, no git branches/repo support last time I checked launchpadlib20:42
Chipacano worries20:42
* Chipaca hopes that will come20:42
Chipacasergiusens: before i started the ubottu nonesense, did you read my reply?20:43
sergiusensChipaca: I think rsalveti said it was on cjwatson's list20:43
sergiusensChipaca: about me not being intelligent?20:43
sergiusensChipaca: or this new goodie? https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1460152-workaround/+merge/26114420:44
Chipacasergiusens: yes. I mean no, about mvo being on the bug20:44
sergiusensChipaca: which shows up on the list ;-)20:44
Chipacayeah, that one20:44
Chipacasergiusens: noticed it suddenly had a patch and a branch on the milestone list20:44
sergiusensChipaca: wrt to integrate() add some comment or the word legacy there, we are planning on getting rid of it, right?20:45
Chipacasergiusens: we had a drive-by mvo it seems20:45
Chipacasergiusens: maybe :) it's mostly for generating the click manifest, so yes20:45
sergiusensChipaca: I know of people that had enough mana to summon him :-)20:45
Chipacai found a good place to have a sprint!20:47
mterryjdstrand, where is docker packaging?  I wanted to get the same error you did in bug 144241020:47
ubottubug 1442410 in Snappy 15.04 "insufficient logging with snappy install errors" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144241020:47
Chipacamvo: boo!20:48
mvohey Chipaca20:51
mvoChipaca: how are you?20:51
Chipacame? I'm fine. My irc client doesn't crash all the time.20:51
Chipacaso, given http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/04/fbi-official-companies-should-help-us-prevent-encryption-above-all-else/20:56
Chipacawhen do we start encrypting snappy?20:56
verterokChipaca: it seems the bot was in a weird state, kicked it a bit21:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-15.04/+merge/261104 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/tidy-up-list-row/+merge/260837 | No reviews (1 day old)21:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1460152-workaround-15.04/+merge/261148 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1460152-workaround/+merge/261144 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/mangle/+merge/260934 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:00
* Chipaca kicks nothal 21:00
* nothal kicks Chipaca 21:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-15.04/+merge/261104 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:01
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/tidy-up-list-row/+merge/260837 | No reviews (1 day old)21:01
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1460152-workaround-15.04/+merge/261148 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:01
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1460152-workaround/+merge/261144 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:01
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/mangle/+merge/260934 | No reviews (less than a day old)21:01
verterokChipaca: something is broken. sorry. will redeploy it21:02
Chipacasergiusens: afaict lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader/add-sync-calls and lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader/use-os-sync21:04
* verterok kicks harder21:04
mvohey Chipaca, sorr,y looks like my network is a bit unreliable21:04
Chipacasergiusens: are meregd already into ubuntu:vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader21:04
mvoChipaca: did you say anything?21:04
Chipaca<mvo> Chipaca: how are you?21:05
Chipaca* mvo has quit (Client Quit)21:05
Chipaca<Chipaca> me? I'm fine. My irc client doesn't crash all the time.21:05
Chipaca<sergiusens> lol21:05
mvomy irc client is fine, my network is not ;)21:05
Chipacafair enough21:05
mvoI heard ubuntu-core-upgrader, whats up with that?21:05
mvoseems to be ok now though (the network), fingers crossed ;)21:05
Chipacamvo: afaict lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader/add-sync-calls and lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader/use-os-sync are meregd already into ubuntu:vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader21:05
mvocool, yeah, quite possible21:06
* mvo can't remember but it rings a bell21:06
Chipacamvo: that is, i bzr branch'ed ubuntu:vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader, and merging those two branches gave me no diff21:06
Chipacamvo: does this mean the task wrt the upgrader for 15.04.1 is done?21:07
Chipacamvo: or is there more to it?21:07
* Chipaca has no idea21:07
mvoChipaca: let me quickly double check21:07
Chipacamvo: should i be letting you work at all?21:07
mvoChipaca: heh :)21:08
mvoChipaca: so its merged but it seems like its not uploaded yet, I will push to the PPA for now and we need a proper SRU21:09
Chipacamvo: ok. I thought it landed in ubuntu:yadda after being in the archive proper, but obviously not21:09
mvoChipaca: I land it now21:14
* rsalveti waves to mvo 21:16
rsalvetiyeah, we can take care of the SRU side later21:16
rsalvetiguess that would include core-upgrader and core-launcher21:17
mvohey rsalveti21:18
mvorsalveti: yeah21:18
mterrysergiusens, you said earlier that install problems on rolling were "a go 1.4 bug (from Chipaca's findings)"21:18
mterrysergiusens, is there a workaround or a bug to track?21:18
Chipacamterry: well, well21:18
Chipacamterry: there is no bug for the 1.4 thing afaik, maybe there should be21:18
Chipacamterry: we'd have to check with a "proper" go 1.4 first21:19
Chipacaas this was just with my locally-compiled go 1.4, which might have other issues21:19
Chipaca(it hasn't been a problem before, but)21:19
Chipacamterry: what exactly are you seeing?21:19
mterryChipaca, when I try to "sudo snappy install" something, I get "operation not supported" and then a message about unpack from /tmp to the real place failed21:20
Chipacaah, yes, that sounds exactly like the thing that happened with my 1.421:20
mvoChipaca, mterry: AIUI lp:~mterry/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-15.04 needs to land in the PPA as well (its not yet, correct?)21:20
Chipacamvo: correct21:21
mterrymvo, I'd like it to land yeah21:21
mvocool, shall I do the merge/upload-to-ppa dance or is someone already on it?21:21
mvo(sorry, I'm a bit out of the loop)21:22
ChipacaI've +1'ed and top-approved21:22
rsalvetione other we need review https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-15.04/+merge/26110421:22
rsalvetiand then upload as well21:22
Chipacarsalveti: that's the one mvo just asked about21:22
Chipacarsalveti: and the review is done21:22
rsalvetiindeed, sorry, was going over my tabs21:22
Chipaca(as i'd reviewed the original one, it was quick)21:22
rsalvetimvo: I can do as well, you should not even be here :-)21:23
rsalvetithe workaround for the apparmor mr should be automatically merged and uploaded, so that is fine21:24
rsalvetiguess we just need to create the backporting branch once that lands in trunk21:24
rsalvetiChipaca: lol, that article would be a good one for the onion21:26
Chipacarsalveti: :-/21:26
mvorsalveti: I have a backport branch pushed as well :)21:27
* rsalveti hugs mvo 21:27
mvorsalveti: I can do the merge/upload, thats fine (unless you already started that or I duplicate the work of someone else)21:28
rsalvetididn't yet start, unless Chipaca is on it, I don't think anyone is on it yet21:28
Chipacai can't upload, i don't think21:29
rsalvetiyou should be able to21:29
rsalvetiyou're part of ~snappy-dev21:29
* Chipaca did not just do his mr burns impression21:30
rsalvetiI'll trigger another image once everything is there21:30
rsalvetiand hopefully we should have our first RC21:30
mterrymvo, I saw your comment about helpers/, which I also helped make worse with my EnvVar stuff21:32
mterrymvo, maybe we need a second "general" package21:32
Chipacamterry: what was the comment?21:32
mvomterry: yeah! or maybe I'm overthinking this, I'm not sure yet :)21:32
mterryon lp:~sergiusens/snappy/YouShallNotPass merge, just saying a func maybe doesn't belong in helpers/21:32
mterryChipaca, ^21:32
mvobut I would love to have a tiny bit more structure in helpers as its a bit of a misc/ dir right now and at some point it was meant to be stuff-missing-in-stdlib or something like that21:33
mterryChipaca, so wait.  About the go1.4 bug.  no workaround yet?  Should I just go back to 15.04 for testing?21:33
Chipacamterry: given the bug, yes, go back to 15.0421:34
Chipacaespecially as that's what we're releasing rsn :)21:34
Chipacamterry: or, compile snappy with 1.3 for W21:35
Chipacamterry: until we've sorted that one out21:35
mvorsalveti: once the workaround branch lands (assuming it gets a ok fromthe reviewers) we need to trigger the daily build for that branch, let me quickly search the url for that21:35
mterryChipaca, pfft, 15.04 is old hat, even if we are shipping a point release  :)21:35
Chipacago's "compatibility promise", on which they base not supporting releases for more than ~6 months, has bit us before now, so21:35
mvorsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+recipe/snappy-daily/ <- thats the page21:35
* mvo wishes we had git-dch for bzr or git so that it would auto-create the debian/changelog from the vcs comments21:36
rsalvetimvo: awesome, thanks21:41
rsalvetiChipaca: can I just cross lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader/add-sync-calls and lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-upgrader/use-os-sync ?21:45
Chipacarsalveti: AIUI if you're asking, no21:46
Chipacarsalveti: mvo said he could do it, you told him you could and that he shouldn't be here21:46
Chipacarsalveti: or maybe i misunderstood21:46
* mvo is confused now ;)21:47
rsalvetiChipaca: sorry, you said earlier that you tried merging jhunt's branches and got a 0 diff21:47
* rsalveti reads backlog21:47
mvoyeah, the use-os-sync was merged but not uploaded, I uploaded that now to the ppa and to wily21:48
rsalvetiyeah, then all good21:48
rsalveticrossing then21:49
mvohttps://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+packages should have the info looks like its indeed there21:49
mvoChipaca: I need to buy you tea (or beer) for all the silly mistakes you need to endure in my branches, thanks a lot for spotting these issues21:50
* Chipaca blushes21:51
Chipacamvo: you've put up with a lot of nonsense in my branches, glad to be finally paying it back :D21:51
Chipacastill have to learn to do reviews like yours though; almost makes me want to put more mps up just to get them :)21:52
ChipacaANYway, i should put down the computer and go wash the dishes and get the house ready for the night21:53
mvoChipaca: a more serious question about the oauth signing branch, you point out (correctly) that buf.Grow(len(inputString)*3) may be too small and I need to count the bytes. should I simply use len(s)*3 (quotes) *4 (utf-8 len) - or convert the str to bytes before checking the len?21:53
Chipacamvo: you're converting it to bytes anyway21:53
Chipacamvo: might as well do it earlier21:54
mvoChipaca: do that, I will call it a day soon too21:54
mvoChipaca: yeah, sounds sensible21:54
mvoChipaca: thanks a bunch21:54
mvorsalveti: its hopefully all prepared for the release-candidate, just ping me again if there is anything that needs work. I will keep a eye on my mail to see if my MPs get approved22:17
rsalvetimvo: sure, thanks so much22:17
mvoyour welcome!22:19
* mvo &22:19
rsalvetisergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1460152-workaround/+merge/261144 would only work if the base image (stable) already had such changes, right?23:46
rsalvetiit seems our problem is that we'll be updating from stable to edge using the tools that are currently available at stable23:47
rsalvetiso it would only work after doing another update23:47
rsalvetiguess that's the usual problem of updating using the tools available from the older image (like we had with touch)23:48
rsalvetiadded a comment to the MR (for lp:snappy)23:53

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