
=== howefield_afk is now known as howefield
xnoxpleia2: heya, i will not be able to make a catchup.13:01
xnoxpleia2: w.r.t. to current developers there are no active developers that i know off, that have upload rights, yet would somehow fail dmb (... or at least fail to get +1 from) requirements for their upload rights.13:02
xnoxpleia2: there has been little applications lately, but i guess it's because we were frozen.13:03
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
MooDooxnox: oh let it go will you ;)13:51
* MooDoo must trying to stop being funny13:51
* stgraber waves15:03
slangasekhello hello15:04
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jun  4 15:05:07 2015 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:05
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round15:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity mvo sil2100 robru cyphermox)15:05
slangasekmvo bdmurray infinity stgraber jodh doko sil2100 barry slangasek cyphermox robru caribou15:05
slangasekmvo not here? bdmurray15:05
bdmurraycontinued to work on improvements to apport-retrace to check launchpad for packages not available in archive or on ddebs.u.c15:06
bdmurraytested issue with apport-retrace and StacktraceSource being inadequate15:06
bdmurraywrote a job to backfill system image counters for systems without an alias15:06
bdmurraytested backfill system image counters for systems without an alias15:06
bdmurrayinvestigation into error tracker oops reports for webops15:06
bdmurraychecked on error tracker status because of PS4 issues15:06
bdmurraysubmitted RT to have errors_static_url updated15:06
bdmurrayupdated error tracker assets with Wily Werewolf milestones15:06
bdmurrayfoundations bug triage15:06
bdmurray✔ done15:06
infinity- Kernel SRU wrangling15:06
infinity- Dealt with maas SRUs15:06
infinity- General SRU and AA work15:06
infinity- Worked on lts-vivid debian-installer upload, and other HWE bits15:06
infinity- Validating lts-vivid d-i on 6 architectures15:06
infinity- Start on reinstalling arm64 buildds with distro kernels15:06
infinity- Got Mir building on ppc/ppc64el15:06
stgraberLXC, LXD and other container stuff. Working on features for LXD 0.11 to be released next Tuesday.15:07
stgraber3 of the 4 LXD/container talks we submitted to LinuxCon/ContainerCon were accepted, so dealing with the logistic of all that a bit.15:07
stgraberI'm also off tomorrow, then working from Europe next week but only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, taking the rest of the week off.15:07
jodh* snappy15:08
jodh  - selftests15:08
jodh    - working on failure scenario tests15:08
jodh    - debugging /boot/grub corruption issue.15:08
slangasekah, doko is off today15:10
slangasekas is sil210015:10
barrysi: LP: #1444347; reviewed lp:~caio1982/ubuntu-system-image/remote-sis-generator-skips-metadata15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1444347 in Ubuntu system image "A file with link count 2 doesn't get both links updated" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144434715:10
barrysnappy: several discussions & gdoc reviews15:10
barrydebuntu: zope.interface 4.1.2-1 (investigating); python-cachecontrol 0.11.5-1; python-persistent 4.1.0-1 and 4.1.1-1; pip 7 dependencies; python-chameleon-2.22-1 (and debian bug #770136 debian bug #752293); enum34 1.0.4-1; python-pex 1.0.0-1; flufl.password 1.3-215:10
ubottuDebian bug 770136 in python3-chameleon "python3-chameleon: unowned files after purge (policy 6.8, 10.8): /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/chameleon/tests/inputs/__pycache__/*.cpython-34.pyc" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77013615:10
ubottuDebian bug 752293 in src:python-chameleon "src:python-chameleon: missing license information (Python License)" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/75229315:10
barryalso: chasing weird python3.4 and python3.5 wily promotion failures15:10
barryother: python issue 23968 (platform triplets in sys.path)15:10
slangasek * worked through autopilot SRU, and the issues with it being built by the train15:11
slangasek * ongoing discussions around go, go shared library support landing upstream15:11
slangasek * triaging new list of incoming requests for ppc64el in 15.1015:11
slangasek * with barry, landed fix to hardlink delta handling in s-i server15:11
slangasek * dropped a transitional channel from the system-image server, because it was moving users from the BQ custom tarball to the community custom tarball with ill effect15:12
slangasek * updated update-notifier to use python3 instead of python2 now that its dependencies are in place15:12
slangasek * tracking of shim signing request to Microsoft15:12
cyphermox * grub2 OsIndicationsSupported fwsetup entry fix for OVMF_1f. (bug 1456911)15:12
cyphermox * completing the localechooser merge.15:12
cyphermox * UEFI Capsule support15:12
ubottubug 1456911 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu installation/update-grub fail on specific BIOS" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145691115:12
cyphermox * re-enable audit support for shadow (bug 1414817)15:12
cyphermox * update casper and system-config-kickstart for localechooser.15:12
cyphermox * debugging mark-pending-current with plars15:12
ubottubug 1414817 in shadow (Ubuntu) "[Ubuntu 15.04] Ubuntu should audit account modification events" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141481715:12
cyphermox * ubiquity update for wily and new installer bits15:12
cyphermox * merge multipath-tools (started)15:12
robru* Bileto15:12
robru - Implemented disk-backed session store so that more than one worker process function correctly15:12
robru - Added lplib support15:12
robru - Collected all 6 packages that needed to be backported to trusty in a single PPA.15:12
robru - Successful local charm deployment15:12
robru - New test suite with 93% coverage15:12
robru - improved spreadsheet data import on first run15:12
robru* cu2d15:12
robru - Improved error message when user tries to build trunk against an older ubuntu series15:12
robru - fixed bug in handling of manual source packages15:12
caribouslangasek: didn't you get what I just pasted ?15:13
caribouBugfix :15:13
caribou - Squid deb proxy startup race condition (Bug: 1456662)15:13
slangasekin this channel? no15:13
ubottubug 1456662 in squid-deb-proxy (Ubuntu Trusty) "squid-deb-proxy fails to resolve dns entry : needs to be restarted" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145666215:13
caribou   * Completed SRU15:14
caribou - Ceph interference during kdump-tools execution (Bug: 1461429)15:14
ubottubug 1461429 in ceph (Ubuntu Trusty) "ceph-osd early start interferes with kdump-tools during kernel dump" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146142915:14
caribou   * Identified udev rule as part of the OSD startup problem15:14
caribou - Internal wiki cleanup15:14
slangasekcool, thanks15:14
slangasekany questions?15:14
slangasekbarry: what are the snappy discussions you're in right now?  python-related, or something else?15:15
barryslangasek: mostly python related15:15
* slangasek nods15:15
barryi.e. next step in python snaps15:15
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB15:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekyou might all be interested to know that multiple architecture support in scalingstack is coming along15:17
slangasekI understand we're able to deploy ppc64el compute nodes in the stack, even if they're not allowed to talk to the network afterwards ;)15:18
infinityThat bit's a problem with the openstack setup in Boston in general, not ppc.15:18
slangasekso that's exciting and hopefully we'll see more efficient use of our ppc64el hardware soon... as well as our new arm64 hardware coming online for use15:18
infinity(amd64 instances also can't talk to the world)15:18
* slangasek nods15:18
slangasekinfinity: any new updates on that today, or is that the current state?15:19
infinityNothing new from me.15:19
slangasekalso, once we have this working on scalingstack, the next step is to do the same in canonistack so that anyone can request a power or arm64 VM when they need it \o/15:19
slangasek(not in prodstack though, because none of us needs to run our production services on anything but the default architecture in prodstack :)15:20
infinityBah.  prodstack will be 100% POWER by the end of 2017.15:21
slangasekok, but you still won't get to /request/ a POWER compute node in prodstack ;)15:21
infinity(Dear irresponsible Linux "journalists", please take the above out of context without noting the sarcasm)15:21
slangasekit's actually just going to be the result of linguistic drift15:22
slangasekprodstack -> pordstack -> powrdstack15:22
infinityporkstack seems a more likely destination.15:22
slangasekwill our DCEs be responsible for basting it as it slowly rotates?15:23
slangasekanything else? :)15:23
cyphermoxslangasek: one turn cold side, one turn hot side. you need large pork.15:23
cyphermoxnothing else for the meeting ;)15:24
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jun  4 15:24:56 2015 UTC.15:24
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-06-04-15.05.moin.txt15:24
slangasekthanks, all :)15:24
caribouslangasek: thank!15:25
=== howefield is now known as howefield_afk
cprofitthello everyone16:59
mhall119CC catchup with the desktop team and DMB starting now16:59
dholbachhey hey17:00
mhall119dholbach: pleia2 czajkowski elfy17:00
mhall119meeting time17:00
dholbachyep, pinged the other folks as well17:00
mhall119#startmeeting CC catchup with the desktop team and DMB17:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jun  4 17:01:00 2015 UTC.  The chair is mhall119. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | CC catchup with the desktop team and DMB Meeting | Current topic:
mhall119#chair cprofitt dholbach pleia217:01
meetingologyCurrent chairs: cprofitt dholbach mhall119 pleia217:01
sabdflhello all17:01
dholbach#topic Catch up with the Desktop Team17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | CC catchup with the desktop team and DMB Meeting | Current topic: Catch up with the Desktop Team
willcookehi sabdfl17:01
mhall119hi willcooke and seb128, anyone else here for the desktop team?17:01
dholbachhey seb128 and willcooke - how are things?17:01
willcookemhall119, dholbach - just us I think17:01
seb128hey there! things are good :-)17:01
mhall119right, so it's exciting times for the desktop team isn't it? :)17:02
sabdflloving the steady stream of news17:02
seb128mhall119, it's always exciting time in some ways ;-)17:02
dholbachHow was the feedback from the last release? Did you get many bug reports?17:02
willcookeRelease was solid17:03
willcookeReally impressive considering the under-the-hood changes17:03
cprofitthow is the convergence going? What exciting things should we expect on 15.10 and 16.04?17:03
mhall119willcooke: you mean systemd?17:03
seb128feedback was mostly good, we got reports, as always, but not too many17:03
willcookemhall119, ya17:03
mhall119willcooke: I didn't notice any difference, so very well done to all on that17:04
willcookekudos to pitti and didrocks17:04
willcookecprofitt, 15.10 will see a Snappy based Desktop Next17:04
willcookeready for testing and playing17:04
willcookeGood news is that the image is now booting :)17:04
cprofittThe only issue I have had so far is the trash launcher opening up an extra file window. More annoying than anything critical. I would agree it was a good launch.17:04
mhall119willcooke: what is the play for making that available to people?17:04
mhall119will it be an ISO, a disk image, a VM image?17:05
willcookemhall119, it'll be an "image" to start with but there is installer work currently being looked at by the Snappy team17:06
dholbachDid you get offers of help for the brave new desktop world? Or new folks who hangout in the channel?17:06
mhall119so everyone knows, I'll be working with will's team this cycle in my capacity on the Community Team to get more information out to users who wants to try out, test, and contribute to Unity 8 and snappy desktop17:07
seb128dholbach, not really no17:07
seb128I think it's a bit too new still17:07
dholbachdo you think there's enough contributors could do to help out?17:07
seb128we are likely to get more people once things get going17:07
cprofittmhall119: just to be clear is there 'normal' desktop and 'snappy' desktop?17:07
dholbachok..... still a bit too bleeding edge?17:07
mhall119cprofitt: there will be both yes17:08
mhall119IIRC, the "snappy" desktop will only be Mir and Unity 817:08
willcookeBut there are also interesting things going on in the "normal" desktop for U8 and Mir too...17:08
seb128dholbach, yeah, I guess so17:08
mhall119cprofitt: though don't get too used to calling the previous way of doing things "normal" :)17:08
willcookeYou can run a U8 session on your desktop17:08
mhall119willcooke: you mean the LXC packages?17:09
willcookeand also there is work going on to allow Mir to run in a special way on top of X org,17:09
willcookeso for example17:09
dholbachseb128, let us know when you feel it's the right time to reach out to people - I know that many are waiting for the cool new thing - it'd be great if we could involve some of them :)17:09
willcookeIf you're developing an app with Mir, you'll be able to test it our there on your U7/Xorg desktop with out changing sessions17:09
cprofitt+1 dholbach yes, the desktop side of the house is waiting for the next cool thing.17:09
seb128dholbach, yeah17:10
cprofittNot many of us have devices to help with 'touch'.17:10
mhall119willcooke: so once people have a running instance of Mir/Unity8 from whatever way they get it running, what can they do to help make the snappy desktop better for 15.10?17:10
willcookemhall119, besides testing and bug reports - I'd like to see folk using the new Snappy tools and starting to get a good catalogue of apps going17:11
sabdfltouch devices are rare now, but will become more widespread with win8 / win1017:12
sabdflhas there been any discussion of installing snappy apps on a deb system?17:12
willcookesome, but not loads yet.  We need to sort out the confinement story, and X org makes that hard.17:13
willcookeWe could get a container working for that though I expect17:14
mhall119willcooke: so far all of our snappy packaging docs have been around cloud/IoT apps, what do we have for packaging apps written with the Ubuntu SDK, and is it ready to publish on developer.u.c?17:15
willcookemhall119, didrocks is working on that this cycle.  If he hasn't already contacted you about it, he will be soon17:16
mhall119perfect, thanks17:16
dholbachnice :-)17:16
willcookeHe was at the SDK sprint this week, so he's full of good ideas :)17:16
dholbachcool, we should have a chat next week :)17:17
mhall119willcooke: do you have a short list of apps targeted for default inclusion in snappy desktop? I know we brainstormed a big list in London17:17
willcookeAt the moment it looks like:17:17
mhall119and is that something community folks can get involved in helping with now, or are there things blocking that work currently?17:18
willcookeGedit, Chromium, Libreoffice, Gimp, xchat17:18
willcookeplus all the default apps from the phone17:18
willcookefor the first release they will be part of the image17:18
willcookebut we want to start moving them out in to snaps asap17:18
dholbachgood timing that the core apps folks are working on convergence features now :-)17:19
willcookeso once the docs are there, and Xmir is in the archive for legacy apps - have at it17:19
mhall119dholbach: almost like it was planned that way :)17:19
willcookedholbach, how about that!  It's almost like we planned it ;)17:19
mhall119right, switching gears a bit and going back to Unity 7, I saw that Wily has started syncing with Debian and getting the new Gnome stuff, what's the workload expected there and how can people help?17:20
willcookeoh, @ default apps - plus the SDK of course17:20
willcookemhall119, good question, so...17:20
willcookewe are working on ways to reduce our maintenance overhead every time we sync with upstream Gnome17:21
willcookebecause it is a fair whack of work17:21
dholbachI saw a couple of folks helping out with merges and uploads of new versions from gnome17:21
willcookeyeah, we've got a some really excellent help there, especially from the Ubuntu Gnome team17:22
dholbachwhich version of gnome are we going to use this cycle? are we still blocked where some gnome modules can't be updated?17:22
mhall119I was just going to ask if they were able to help17:22
mhall119how about the MATE team?17:22
willcookedholbach, 3.1617:22
willcookedont think we're blocked, seb128?17:22
seb128we are not17:23
mhall119always good news to hear17:23
dholbachone thing which came up in the past was how things worked with other flavours such as xubuntu and ubuntu gnome - are you aware of any current blockers for them?17:23
willcookemhall119, @ MATE, I think they are using a much earlier version17:23
seb128dholbach, no, I don't think so17:23
willcookeShouldnt be any blockers for xubuntu17:23
seb128we just updated gtk to 3.16 today17:24
mhall119pleia2: ^^17:24
willcookeand we're working closely with U.Gnome17:24
dholbachcool... I'm happy that this is largely untangled <317:24
willcookeso should be smoothish sailing there17:24
willcookeplus we've been doing this for a while now, so the guys have got a good process in place17:24
dholbachis there anything where the desktop team could need some help with?17:25
sabdflhow are we doing w.r.t. collaboration and coordination around Qt needs for KDE and U8?17:25
sabdflpitchforks and torches aside :)17:25
* sabdfl updates to gtk 3.16...17:26
seb128Qt coordination has been good so far, everybody benefits from getting newer versions and understands that we need to do proper testing and ensure there are no regressions before updating17:26
seb128so there are been not many frictions so far17:26
pleia2mhall119: I don't know about any of that17:26
willcookedholbach, there might be some interesting work to do with us on the Gtk Mir backend and the Chromium Mir backend17:27
willcookewe're working on it, but it's a big and interesting problem to solve17:27
sabdflglad to hear that17:27
mhall119seb128: I recall Kubuntu doing a lot of work to get Qt packages building and CI processes in place for Debian, are we taking advantage of that?17:27
dholbachseb128, do you know if the KDE folks also have some regression tests in the archive?17:27
seb128mhall119, the more testing is done the better17:28
seb128so yeah, them doing extra CI/testing is welcome and useful17:28
seb128dholbach, unsure how much they have17:28
dholbachMirv would probably know17:29
mhall119seb128: I mean are we running the same tests after we import to our archives?17:29
seb128I guess so17:29
mhall119and contributing fixes or additional tests back to the debian setup17:29
seb128mhall119, autopkg tests shipped with the package yes17:29
mhall119alright, we're halfway through our hour, are there any other questions for the Desktop team?17:31
pleia2I'm enjoying the new weekly meeting summary emails :)17:31
pleia2so thanks for doing those now17:31
dholbachI think I'm done - thanks a lot Desktop Team! :-)17:31
cprofittyes, thank you desktop team.17:31
mhall119yes, it's great to see those on the mailing lists17:31
willcookepleia2, welcome, and I'll cc the news team too17:32
pleia2willcooke: appreciated17:32
mhall119#topic Catch up with the Developer Membership Board17:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | CC catchup with the desktop team and DMB Meeting | Current topic: Catch up with the Developer Membership Board
pleia206:01:30 < xnox> pleia2: heya, i will not be able to make a catchup.17:32
pleia206:02:40 < xnox> pleia2: w.r.t. to current developers there are no active developers that i know off, that have upload rights, yet would somehow fail dmb (... or at least fail to get +1 from) requirements for their upload rights.17:32
pleia206:03:04 < xnox> pleia2: there has been little applications lately, but i guess it's because we were frozen.17:32
pleia2^^ got that earlier17:32
mhall119bdmurray: Laney micahg ScottK stgraber anyone here for the CC catchup?17:33
mhall119hey micahg17:33
dholbachhey hey17:33
micahghi mhall11917:33
dholbachhow are yo all doing?17:33
cyphermoxyep, I'm here too17:34
cyphermoxdholbach: doing alright!17:34
mhall119cyphermox: ah,sorry, I knew I forgot someone17:34
cyphermoxno worries.17:34
mhall119so how many developer applications have you had over the last cycle?17:35
mhall119rough estimate is fine17:35
micahgnot too many17:35
cyphermoxoh my. micahg, do you know of a number? there weren't any since I got on the DMB17:35
micahgless than a dozen I think17:35
micahgprobably much less...17:35
mhall119micahg: and what areas of the project have those been coming from?17:36
micahgwell, Xubuntu has had some interest17:36
micahgoh, hrm, that might have been before this last cycle17:37
mhall119still good to know :)17:37
dholbachI could imagine that people in smaller communities have a bit more of encouraging each other to apply for upload rights.17:37
dholbachTo some I guess it's still somewhat daunting... or just don't think of applying and always ask for sponsorship of their uploads.17:38
micahga little interest from cloud team and one for Firefox as well apparently...17:38
mhall119micahg: how about from Ubuntu Gnome or MATE flavors?17:38
micahgUbuntu GNOME has at least one uploader from several cycles back, no one from MATE has applied yet17:38
mhall119is anyone asking people who frequently ask for and get sponsorships to apply?17:39
mhall119dholbach: do we have any metrics that will show which people we should reach out to?17:39
dholbachthe developer advisory team unfortunately had to close down because everyone was busy with other things17:40
cyphermoxI've recommended Martin Wimpress to apply from the MATE team, since I've sponsored a few uploads for him17:40
mhall119cyphermox: what was his reaction to that?17:40
dholbachbut maybe we could generally just ask on the mailing list and see who feels like they got a lot sponsored and have a (maybe private?) chat with them...17:41
cyphermoxas I recall (it was before christmas), he was interested but wanted to wait to get the flavor built with official isos, I should reach out again and possibly mentor17:41
cyphermoxthat's a fair idea17:41
dholbachcyphermox, I'll note it down as something we could maybe plan together :)17:42
dholbachexcellent :)17:42
mhall119dholbach: thanks for taking that work item17:42
dholbachI'm not quite sure... was the question about quorum/voting process sufficiently cleared?17:43
mhall119cyphermox: any other plans for this next cycle to try and boost the number of applicants?17:43
dholbachit coming up surprised me a bit since I couldn't remember any cases of governance boards running into the issue17:44
seb128not sure if that's the right meeting to raise that, but the DMB hasn't reviewed Bjoern's application for libreoffice despite several requests/emails to review that again, it's blocked for over a year and not sure what's the way out17:44
micahgthe DMB has always had a different standard for votes, most probably due to the seriousness and impact  of rights being granted17:45
dholbachcould seb128's request be added to the DMB's agenda again?17:46
cyphermoxboosting the number of applicants> it's not exactly something we've discussed so much, aside from how recent changes in the project may have affected people's motivation to apply. for instance, when you can get things in through the CI train, you don't think as much of applying to get upload rights17:46
dholbachmicahg, you had a different voting process for different kinds of upload rights?17:46
mhall119seb128: IIRC, he was rejected and hasn't officially re-applied, at least that was the conclusion at our last catchup17:46
mhall119seb128: has he officially re-applied?17:46
seb128mhall119, define "officially"17:46
seb128we emailed the DMB asking for application to be re-reviewed17:47
seb128the email got ignored17:47
micahgdholbach: no, the standard was +4 instead of just a simple majority with quorum present17:47
mhall119seb128: whatever the DMB's process is for applications17:47
micahgseb128: the process is that he should reapply17:47
cyphermoxseb128: I haven't seen a new application from Bjoern since I've been on the DMB, he probably should send an email to the board?17:47
dholbachmicahg, ok, then I misunderstood17:47
micahgthat's the easiest way for it to be reconsidered17:47
seb128micahg, he's not interested to re-apply due to the way he was treated last time17:47
cyphermoxah :(17:47
seb128so I sent an email asking for his application to be re-reviewed17:47
seb128would have been nice to consider it/respond17:47
mhall119seb128: so what would you like the DMB to do?17:47
dholbachcould the DMB still go and check the current state of things for his application and move on?17:48
dholbachand give him a headsup?17:48
seb128mhall119, re-review his applications without asking him to do whoknowswhatisneeded17:48
dholbachas an act of courtesy and in the interest of moving on?17:48
mhall119seb128: I'm unclear what you're asking, and perhaps the DMB is too, areyou asking them to review his application as if he has re-applied? Or just give feedback to him on it so that he can decide to reapply or not?17:49
seb128mhall119, last time nobody told him clearly what needed to be worked on17:49
seb128or changed17:49
seb128so we asked for clarification/re-review his application17:49
seb128not sure why we just can't get those details17:49
mhall119ok, so he needs feedback so he can fix his application before re-applying, is that the case?17:49
seb128he's not wanting to re-apply without being told what was the issue/wrong with the previous application17:50
cyphermoxseb128: I'll happily look over his application and work it out with him17:50
mhall119micahg: cyphermox: can you guys try and get that feedback to bjorn in the next week or so?17:50
seb128cyphermox, thanks17:50
mhall119thanks cyphermox17:50
dholbachthanks a lot... I'm superhappy if we can figure this out17:50
cyphermoxah, I'll try to get that done today or tomorrow, otherwise I'm on vacation for two weeks17:50
pleia2thanks cyphermox17:50
seb128cyphermox, enjoy the vac ;-)17:51
mhall119seb128: if this is still blocked in a month, please let us know so we can followup on it, we don't want this to wait for the next round of catchups17:51
dholbachyes, have a good time17:51
seb128mhall119, k17:51
dholbachis there anything you feel the CC could help the DMB with?17:51
dholbachsounds like not :)17:53
micahgwell, there's one issue we wanted to bring up, with the recent brouhaha with the CC and the KC, it's resulted in at least one developer no longer working on new releases (http://scarlettgatelyclark.com/2015/kubuntu-statement-from-a-not-so-important-kubuntu-developer), who happened to have been the most active uploader for vivid (http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~stefanor/ubuntu-activity/)17:53
micahgdeveloper motivation seems to be an issue17:54
dholbachmicahg, we are working with the KC on resolving this17:54
mhall119micahg: yes, we were all very sad to see that happen, we are trying to work on mending the relationship with the KC and moving forward17:54
micahgthe MOTU channel is hardly active anymore, it seems most of the development focus is in the flavors17:55
dholbachmicahg, that's true - but I think the decline happened much earlier than the recent developments17:55
cyphermoxyes, but we do need people to look after $everything_else17:56
micahgdholbach: indeed, it's been happening for a while now17:56
micahgbut I'd figure I'd highlight the recent big blow17:56
dholbachfor example: we didn't have anyone organising another "learn packaging" event or somebody who said "let's fix some bugs together - here's a list of stuff"17:56
mhall119micahg: understood, thanks for bring that up17:56
dholbachand I think it's understandable if people work on flavours17:57
mhall119micahg: cyphermox: other than mending fences, do you have any recommendations or ideas for boosting motivation?17:57
dholbachwhere the focus is smaller and the set of problems to work on is much more targetted17:57
dholbachI think that might be a contributing factor as well17:57
micahgyes, but it also has the unfortunate side effect of siloing things sometiems17:58
mhall119that might not be a bad thing, of some people focus on their silo, as long as there is another (smaller) group working across those silos17:58
micahgmhall119: well, I know that dholbach used to do a lot of activities to help spurn developer interest back in the day, I'm not sure anyones is doing that anymore17:58
cprofittmicahg: do you think some of the steam has to do with the recent focus on clound and touch?17:58
pleia2micahg: I hope you meant spur :)17:59
micahgpleia2: yes, spur17:59
mhall119pleia2: he's *very* persuasive :)17:59
mhall119micahg: can the DMB pick up some of those activities?17:59
mhall119or give it to one specific person in the DMB18:00
mhall119maybe cycling it through each month?18:00
dholbachand/or we could bring it up on the mailing list and see who would be willing to organise a small thing soon18:00
cyphermoxit's something to discuss, we can add it to the agenda18:00
mhall119I know that's not really in the DMB's mandate, but if it helps motivate people it's certainly something within your wheelhouse18:00
micahgwell, another problem is that the word developer in Ubuntu is overloaded, see http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/18:01
pleia2indeed, it is confusing18:01
mhall119micahg: yeah, this is true18:01
mhall119what are our options for clearing that up?18:02
micahgthere's nothing there's nothing really on that side about the archive I believe which is the purview of the DMB18:02
micahgwow, :918:02
dholbachI think on the pages where we introduce people to our community, we do a passable job of explaining that developing can be everything including writing an app or integrating a patch or working on CI infrastructure or anything else18:02
dholbachand if not, we should fix it :)18:02
mhall119is there a similar site for distro-development?18:03
dholbachit's for documentation about ubuntu development18:04
dholbachand they're both linked from community.ubuntu.com18:04
dholbachmaybe we can all (later on) have a look at the pages in question and see if we explain the different routes of development well enough18:04
pleia2sounds good18:05
mhall119dholbach: we can maybe put something up under https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/community/ as well18:05
mhall119that way it would turn up in searches on developer.u.c too18:05
dholbachah yes18:05
dholbachI'll file a bug18:05
mhall119dholbach: can you and I work together on that?18:05
dholbachbug 1462049 :)18:06
ubottubug 1462049 in Ubuntu Developer Portal "Add a "maybe you're looking for" section" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146204918:07
mhall119alright, we're over time, any other questions for or from the DMB?18:07
dholbachI think I'm done18:07
micahgI think that's it, thanks18:07
dholbachexcellent - thanks a lot everyone!18:07
elfythanks DMB - I turned up late but managed to catch up a short while ago :)18:07
mhall119oh, one last thing, do we still do Developer Week online classes?18:08
cyphermoxmhall119: I think we should18:08
dholbachI don't think we did ubuntu app developer week or developer week in a while18:08
dholbachwe could have added a couple of classes to the last UOS18:08
mhall119cyphermox: it would need some folks to step up and organize it18:08
cyphermoxbut as I recall seeing developer week got kind of merged in open week or whatever it was called last time18:09
dholbachespecially once git fully lands on LP, it'll be good to have a session about the workflow and everything18:09
mhall119cyphermox: right, and I think we tried to run it like UOS18:09
dholbachlet's chat about it when we're going to talk about the other idea :)18:10
cyphermoxit's one more thing that needs reaching out on -devel@ perhaps, and see who's interested.18:10
mhall119cool, if we can get volunteers we can make that happen again18:10
mhall119alright, thanks micahg and cyphermox18:11
dholbachyes, thanks a bunch!18:11
mhall119#topic Any other business18:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | CC catchup with the desktop team and DMB Meeting | Current topic: Any other business
mhall119we're already over-time, but is there any other topic anybody wanted to bring up?18:11
* mhall119 hopes no other team is waiting on this channel18:11
dholbachnothing on the agenda page at least18:11
mhall119alright, thanks everyone!18:13
dholbachall right my friends - I'll start into the evening activities! have a good one!18:13
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jun  4 18:13:06 2015 UTC.18:13
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-06-04-17.01.moin.txt18:13
olivemaybe I'll be late18:49
=== aaron is now known as Guest32281
=== Guest32281 is now known as ahoneybun
sarnoldolive: looking for this? http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-06-04-17.01.moin.txt18:59
toddyolive: you are looking for this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards#A20:00 ?19:00
toddythat is in an hour19:00
toddyother timezone19:00
Kilosyip first meeting is in an hour with 4 applicants19:01
sarnoldah :D19:02
Kilosthat shows them all19:02
Kilosthe 20.00 timeslot will still be added to the fridge19:04
cm-tyes, in 55min !19:05
cm-tYou can come say hi if you want ;)  visio there, we are in ubuntu hour for the application19:06
cm-t(work with chromium)19:06
Kilosaw i cant do live19:09
ahoneybunI'll be around for the 22 UTC meeting19:12
Kilosty ahoneybun19:12
Kiloscm-t  please make my apologies, my mobile connection cant do visio19:22
cm-tKilos: no problem ;)19:23
cm-tmaybe you had enought connection to see my face ;)19:23
Kiloslet me just get more data and ill try19:23
cm-tolive has arrived !!!19:25
winaelthere's visio in irc ??? Oo19:25
cm-twinael: as we are in an ubuntu hour in Paris to celebrate explain how ububuntu member work, we dicided to open a visio for those who want to see our face19:28
cm-tyou can join ;)19:29
cm-twe have beers19:29
cm-twork with chromium19:29
cm-tif you don't see my face winael , means you need to try with chromium, not firefox19:30
cm-talso, accept the cam/micro19:30
cm-t      \o_19:32
winaelI was with my baby sorry19:33
winaelI'll try19:33
winaelok I'm connected to the others french members \o/19:35
oliveCamille is with us http://www.commentcamarche.net/news/5859144-ubuntu-beaucoup-plus-intuitif-que-windows19:36
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche_anis
Kiloshi YoBoY19:48
winaelHum meet.jit.si doesn't work with oxyde on the phone, maybe due to the apparmor restriction19:48
Kiloseats mobile data too19:49
winaelI'll try later to build a webapp and add the profile mic and cam to try19:49
winaelKilos, in France we have mobile carrier that offer lot's of data (3 Go) and it could be great when you are closed to an open WiFi connexion19:52
Kilosah , its expensive in south africa19:52
elacheche_aniski7mt, a chage in the last minute ;)19:53
cm-tI think winael is talking about mobile.free.fr which offer a 20€ (or 15€ if you have the box) monthly fees19:53
cm-twith 4G19:53
cm-tfor 20 Go19:53
cm-tor 3G with 3Go19:53
cm-tI think so ;)19:54
winaelcm-t, but there's no 4G ubuntuphone for now :'(19:54
ki7mtelacheche_anis, Yes, apologies, was to accommodate my package sponsor attending, as he is in California19:54
cm-twinael: worng !! Meizu MX4 !19:54
winaelnow MX4 in europe woill arrive in few weeks.19:54
winaeland the time to receive it... so no Ubuntuphone with 4G in France before July19:55
elacheche_aniski7mt, I have no problem with that.. I need to apologize because I missed the other meeting..19:56
cm-t3 minutes !19:56
cm-tolive: get ready19:56
ki7mtelacheche_anis, If I have a pence for every meeting I missed, well, lets just say I could give allot of dosh to charity :-)19:56
olivehmmm what is happening her ? :)19:58
elacheche_anisThis will be my first time chairing a meeting with the membership board, so please take it easy on me :D19:58
elacheche_anisolive, will review you're membership application in minutes dude :D19:58
elacheche_anisBonsoir :)19:58
cm-tolive: https://meet.jit.si/UbuntuMember !19:58
toddyelacheche: \o/19:58
toddyelacheche_anis: \o/19:59
Kilosevening all , and hi to the new aplicants20:00
cm-thi !20:00
olivehello my name is olive and I don't speak english. ;)20:00
olivemy wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OlivierFraysse20:00
elacheche_anisolive, I can translate for you, let's just start20:01
cm-ti will help him, we are sit close to him (ubuntu hour, we are ~10 there )20:01
elacheche_anisQuite please :D We are starting the meeting :D20:01
elacheche_anisUn instant olive on a pas encore commencé :D20:01
oliveça fait 11 ans que je fais partie de l'asso ubuntu francophone20:01
Kiloselacheche_anis  start the bot20:01
oliveah ok20:01
elacheche_anis#startmeeting 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting20:02
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jun  4 20:02:01 2015 UTC.  The chair is elacheche_anis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick20:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic:
elacheche_anisOk, who is here for the meeting?20:02
oliveok. hello :)20:02
* cm-t I will be after olive , then karum_ , then winael 20:02
olivec'est cm-t qui m'a obligé à candidater ici20:03
oliveça sert à quoi ? ;)20:03
elacheche_anisHello and welcome to the Membership Board meeting! The wiki page for20:03
elacheche_anisthe Review Board is available here:20:03
elacheche_anishttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards. We will attempt to get20:03
elacheche_anisthrough all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list20:03
elacheche_anisbefore today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire20:03
elacheche_anislist due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up20:03
elacheche_aniswhere we left off. The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go20:03
elacheche_anisthrough the list of applicants one by one, by date of application20:03
elacheche_anis(FIFO). Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and20:03
elacheche_anisprovide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the20:03
elacheche_anismembers of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if20:03
oliveI'm joking20:03
elacheche_anisneeded, ask the applicant further questions. During this time it is20:03
elacheche_anisencouraged for other members of the community to show their support for20:03
elacheche_anisthe applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review20:03
elacheche_anisBoard are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading20:03
elacheche_aniswiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to20:03
elacheche_anisLet's start20:03
elacheche_anis#topic olive20:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: olive
oliveOk. so my name is olive20:04
elacheche_anisolive, introduce yourself please, and give as a link for wiki and LP20:04
oliveI'm french, I don't speak english20:05
olivemy wiki is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OlivierFraysse20:05
oliveand I love you20:05
elacheche_anis#voters hggdh wxl toddy belkinsa elacheche_anis popey PabloRubianes mapreri Kilos20:05
meetingologyWarning: Nick not in channel: belkinsa20:05
meetingologyCurrent voters: Kilos PabloRubianes belkinsa elacheche_anis hggdh mapreri popey toddy wxl20:05
olive(I know some words in english. yeah)20:05
olivemy LP : https://launchpad.net/people/olivier.fraysse20:05
elacheche_anisolive, présent toi en Français, je vais essayer de traduire :)20:06
* cm-t olive have also a french wiki, with more detailled actions https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/utilisateurs/olive20:06
olivebah heu, je suis je crois le plus ancien des membres de l'asso ubuntu francophone20:06
toddynice event: https://2015.rmll.info/?lang=fr20:06
oliveet donc un des plus anciens de la communauté que j'ai vu naitre20:06
cm-the say: he think he is the most ancient member of our loco right now20:07
cm-tancient not in age, ancient as he was in the first there20:07
olivej'ai aidé l'asso à être présent dans des événements de promotion du Libre et d'Ubuntu, essentiellement à Paris (France)20:07
cm-t(sorry my english is not perfect too ;) )20:07
winaelhe saw us born20:07
winaelhe helped the Loco to be present in FLOSS events20:08
oliveet j'ai mangé des croissants avec Mark Shuttleworth un jour20:08
cm-the says: I've help ubuntu-fr to be on event of freesoftware advocating and ubuntu  mostly in Paris20:08
winaelessentialy based in Paris20:08
oliveenfin, devant lui. (lui il buvait de l'eau)20:08
elacheche_anisOK than, anyone have questions for olive20:08
toddyyes, there are many events on your wikipage you have supported. nice.20:09
popeySome good testimonials there20:09
cm-the said: we took a croissant and pain aux chocolat with sabdfl in 201420:09
Kilosolive  can you keep up the good work till you are ancient in age too?20:09
cm-tpopey: he is the historic member of ubuntu-fr20:09
elacheche_anisOK.. Merci olive et les gars pour la traduction :D On passe aux questions :)20:10
cm-tKilos: I didnt mean he is ancient in age !! but in the team, sorry for the wrong wording20:10
winaelhe is not ancient in age :) but he help to create the LoCo20:10
Kilosnono thats cool, i asked will he keep up the good work till he is old too20:10
elacheche_anisolive, Kilos veux savoir si tu pense que tu restras active lorsque tu sera plus agé (comme lui) x)20:11
toddyolive: do you have a blog on ths planet? http://planet.ubuntu-fr.org/20:11
oliveYes I do20:11
oliveI'm 32 years old20:11
Kilosgood then 30 more to go20:11
Kiloskeep it up20:11
oliveno I don't20:12
wxlok what did i miss?20:12
elacheche_anisochosi, Kilos dit qu'il te reste encore 30 :D20:12
olivebut I write articles in ubuntu-party.org20:12
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 420:12
meetingologyvotes now need 4 to be passed20:12
popeyis the bot working?20:12
toddyah, cool, olive20:12
popeyoh, you haevn't called a vote20:13
toddy+1 good work20:13
cm-the also post on twitter with @ubuntuparty20:13
elacheche_anispopey, we didn't start the vote yet, am just configuring the bot20:13
elacheche_anisOK.. Anyone here to support olive?20:13
cm-ti do !!20:13
elacheche_anisAnyo,e else have questions or we vote?20:13
winaelYeah I'm I20:13
oliveI do !!20:13
idrognI do20:13
queshi do20:14
elacheche_anisNice support squad :)20:14
toddylets vote :)20:14
YoBoYI do !20:14
YoBoYin the place :D20:14
elacheche_anis#startvote For olive Membership?20:14
* cwayne1 is around if we need more voters btw20:14
=== cwayne1 is now known as cwayne
popeythat didnt start the vote did it?20:14
elacheche_anisdon't think so :/20:14
Kilosty cwayne20:15
elacheche_anis#vote For olive Membership?20:15
meetingologyPlease vote on: For olive Membership?20:15
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:15
elacheche_anisHere we go :D20:15
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis20:15
meetingology+1 received from Kilos20:15
toddy+1 good work olive. thanks for the good Ubuntu Support20:15
meetingology+1 good work olive. thanks for the good Ubuntu Support received from toddy20:15
meetingology+1 received from popey20:15
wxl+1 for acting as a member without being one!20:15
meetingology+1 for acting as a member without being one! received from wxl20:15
elacheche_anisAnyone else?20:15
elacheche_anisAnd there is +2 from belkinsa & PabloRubianes (ML)20:16
meetingologyVoting ended on: For olive Membership?20:16
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:16
meetingologyMotion carried20:16
elacheche_anisCongrats olive20:16
YoBoYGood work olive, FINALY After sooooooo long time :D20:16
winaelcongrats olive \o/20:16
olivethanks !20:16
Kilosolive  welcome to the team20:16
cm-tBien joué !20:17
oliveSee you at the next ubuntu party ;)20:17
cm-tyeah, everybody is welcome at our french ubucon !20:17
elacheche_anisWill discuss that later :D20:17
elacheche_aniscm-t, is next20:17
wxlcongrats olive!!!20:17
elacheche_anis#topic cm-t20:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: cm-t
winael\o/ cm-t \o_20:18
elacheche_aniscm-t, introduce yourself, and paste LP & wiki link please :)20:18
toddyhi cm-t20:18
cm-tHi, My name is Rudy also knowd as cm-t, Im 27 and live in Paris. I'm with ubuntu since 2008 !20:19
cm-tthis is my wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/~cm-t20:19
cm-tand my lp is https://launchpad.net/~cm-t20:19
elacheche_anisAny questions for cm-t ?20:19
elacheche_anisMeanwhile let the guys checkout the links :)20:19
wxlholy contributions batman O_O20:20
cm-tIve opened my page for years I think, it help to gather informations, even small one20:21
toddyyou have a good google+ page: https://plus.google.com/+cmtarudy/posts20:21
wxli love how involved you are in marketing ubuntu, yet also working hard on solid contributions to improving it20:21
cm-ttoddy: thank !20:21
cm-twxl: thank !20:21
wxlas a loco council member, i'm excited to hear more about ubuntu-party20:22
cm-tyes, I think we lack of online presence, so I started my g+ for that20:22
wxl(meaningm, in the future, at least) :)20:22
cm-tAs I said in my wiki, I should open my blog20:22
toddycm-t: how many school projects do you have made?20:23
cm-ttoddy: All my school project I did were made on ubuntu, even for .NET and all20:23
elacheche_anisIl veut savoir combien de projets?20:24
toddycm-t: and was it a success?20:24
cm-tbut there is only 1 project that was for ubuntu, the oneconf in ubiquity20:24
cm-ttoddy: yeah !20:24
cm-ttoddy: I forgot to mention, I was in the ubuntu club I created at my school20:24
cm-t5 people went on ubuntu in my classroom20:25
cm-tI hope they are still using it !20:25
elacheche_anisThat's nice :)20:25
elacheche_anisAny other questions?? People here to support cm-t ?20:25
idrognI do20:25
winaelI do20:25
queshi do20:26
oliveI do !20:26
elacheche_anisAll The ubuntu-fr squad is here tonight :D20:26
toddy:D http://spreadubuntu.org/fr/material/unusual/ubuntu-robots nice work20:26
YoBoYI support cm-t20:26
oliveas a ubuntu member, I really do.20:26
cm-ttoddy: thank again !20:26
queshno, only a few ones20:26
elacheche_anisTime to vote then..20:26
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 420:26
meetingologyvotes now need 4 to be passed20:26
cyphermoxfwiw, I'm here to cheer for cm-t as well :)20:26
cm-twe are only 10 there20:26
cm-tindeed we are more than 10 ;)20:26
elacheche_anis#vote For cm-t Membership?20:27
meetingologyPlease vote on: For cm-t Membership?20:27
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:27
cm-they cyphermox !20:27
cm-tnice to meet you there :D20:27
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis20:27
meetingology+1 received from Kilos20:27
toddy+1 good work. that is very nice to see: http://spreadubuntu.org/fr/material/unusual/ubuntu-robots <- I have bookmarked it.20:27
meetingology+1 good work. that is very nice to see: http://spreadubuntu.org/fr/material/unusual/ubuntu-robots <- I have bookmarked it. received from toddy20:27
elacheche_anispopey, wxl !20:28
meetingology+1 received from popey20:28
elacheche_anisLet's don't forget about PabloRubianes & belkinsa votes → +2 :D20:29
elacheche_anisNo more votes?20:29
Kiloswxl  ?20:29
meetingology+1 received from wxl20:29
meetingologyVoting ended on: For cm-t Membership?20:29
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:29
meetingologyMotion carried20:29
cm-tbon apétit wxl20:30
elacheche_anisWelcome aboard cm-t :)20:30
cm-tthank you all !!20:30
YoBoYCongrats cm-t :D20:30
winaelsahtein wxl20:30
Kiloscongrats cm-t  welcome20:30
toddyCongrats cm-t!20:30
wxlcongrats you deserve it cm-t!20:30
winael\o/ cm-t \o-20:30
cm-tdrinking my beer then ! https://meet.jit.si/UbuntuMember20:30
elacheche_anis#voters marcoceppi20:30
meetingologyCurrent voters: Kilos PabloRubianes belkinsa elacheche_anis hggdh mapreri marcoceppi popey toddy wxl20:30
elacheche_anisThe next one is karum_20:31
elacheche_anisAre you here?20:31
elacheche_anis#topic karum20:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: karum
karum_my english is so bad so i'll speak french20:31
elacheche_anisWelcome karum_ , please introduce yourself and paste a link for LP & Wiki, I'll translate20:32
cm-tI ll traduct!20:32
karum_je m'appelle thomasj'ai48 ans,20:33
karum_j'utilise ubuntu depuis 2006, mais linux depuis 18 ans20:33
cm-tHi, my name is thomas and I'm 48 !20:33
cm-the says: I use ubuntu since 2006 but Linux for 18years20:34
elacheche_anisAny questions for karum_ ?20:35
oliveAre you developper ?20:35
toddykarum_: what do you have made on the Ubuntu Partys? what activities?20:35
karum_non, je ne suis pas developeur,20:35
cm-tno, i'm not a developer20:35
mapreridoes every ubuntu member have voting rights by default?20:35
elfymapreri: no - just the board20:36
popeywell, depends what for20:36
elacheche_anismapreri, no only the membership board can vote20:36
popeyevery ubuntu member gets to vote for members on the community council20:36
maprerielfy: then i'm wondering why i ended up in the list of #voters above :)20:36
Kiloshi elfy20:36
karum_je me suis ocuupé de la sonorisation des conférences20:36
popeyelacheche_anis: ^20:36
cm-the says: I manage the sound for conferences20:36
cm-tduring ubuntu parties20:37
karum_et depuis 2 ans je m'occupe de la restauration des bénévoles20:37
elacheche_anismyfault.. :(20:37
cm-the says: and since 2 years I manage the meals for our volounteers20:37
wxlkarum_: outside of helping to support ubuntu-fr events, what other contributions have you made/plan to do?20:37
cm-t( 2 years = 4 ubuntu party)20:37
cm-t( 1 ubuntu party = ~100 volounteers)20:37
maprerielacheche_anis: the fact is: i can't see where you told meetingology to add me, that is20:37
maprerianyway, /me vanishes again o/20:37
elacheche_anis#voters all20:38
meetingologyEveryone can now vote20:38
toddykarum_: which distribution do you use before Ubuntu?20:38
olivekarum is a very good cooker !20:38
karum_je parle d'ubuntu dans mon entourage, au travaille20:38
elacheche_anis#voters Kilos PabloRubianes belkinsa elacheche_anis hggdh marcoceppi popey toddy wxl20:38
meetingologyWarning: Nick not in channel: belkinsa20:38
meetingologyCurrent voters: Kilos PabloRubianes belkinsa elacheche_anis hggdh marcoceppi popey toddy wxl20:38
olive(for the ubuntu party)20:38
* elacheche_anis didn't add mapreri :D meetingology is bugging20:38
karum_toddy: j'utilisais mandriva20:38
cm-the says : I talk about ubuntu to the people I meant in my life, at work…20:38
cm-the says: I sued to run Mandriva before ubuntu20:39
Kilosword of mouth is where i learned about ubuntu20:39
elacheche_anisSo.. Any other questions for karum_ ?20:39
* cm-t I add: he saved at least 1 webcafé by joinning the team 20:39
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 420:40
meetingologyvotes now need 4 to be passed20:40
wxlkarum_: outside of helping to support ubuntu-fr events, what other contributions have you made/plan to do?20:40
karum_je participe aux autres évênements publics d'ubuntu: festivals par exemple20:40
elacheche_anis#chair elacheche_anis20:41
meetingologyCurrent chairs: elacheche_anis20:41
cm-the says: I join other event of ubuntu-fr like the webcafé in music festival20:41
cm-the says (typing)20:41
karum_j'ai fait quelques propositions de traduction sur launchpad20:41
cm-the says: I've made some translate on lauchpad20:42
wxltranslations are super important20:42
idrognI may add that we (as french Loco council) want him to join our board20:42
wxli think that's one of the best thing you can do as a non-english-speaking contributor20:42
Kilosi agree, we will need fench translations for africa soon20:43
YoBoYTranslator teams always need help, so many packages descriptions to do yet… :D20:43
elacheche_anisNice work karum_20:44
toddyYoBoY: Yes, I know20:44
wxlk well i for one am satisified and ready to vote20:44
elacheche_anis#vote For karum_  Membership?20:44
meetingologyPlease vote on: For karum_  Membership?20:44
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:44
meetingology+1 received from popey20:44
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis20:44
wxl+1 keep up the good work20:44
meetingology+1 keep up the good work received from wxl20:44
Kilos+1keep it up20:44
meetingology+1keep it up received from Kilos20:44
cm-tNB; idrogn is talking as our president20:44
popeyReally great to see all these long standing contributions20:44
toddy+1 next time, when I am in french I hope I am on an ubuntu party and you cook something :)20:44
meetingology+1 next time, when I am in french I hope I am on an ubuntu party and you cook something :) received from toddy20:44
cm-tBienvenue !!!20:44
wxlhahah i concur toddy :)20:45
meetingologyVoting ended on: For karum_  Membership?20:45
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:45
meetingologyMotion carried20:45
elacheche_anisWelcome aboard karum_ :)20:45
karum_Hi hi hi20:45
YoBoYCongrats karum_ :D20:45
winael\o/ karum_ \o<20:45
Kiloswelcome to the team karum_20:45
wxlcongrats karum_ !20:45
elacheche_aniswinael is next, you're here?20:45
winaelYeah I'm20:45
karum_thanks a lot20:45
olivewoooot !20:45
elacheche_anisping winael20:46
winaelI'm here20:46
winaeldon't you see me ?20:46
marcoceppiwinael: we see you!20:46
elacheche_anisNow I do :F20:46
wxlholy ubuntu uniform winael :)20:46
elacheche_anis#topic winael20:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: winael
winaelyeah it was a normal working day20:47
elacheche_aniswinael, introduce yourself please, and paste a link of your LP & Wiki page :)20:47
winaelI'm almost always dressed like that20:47
wxlwhat about like this? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101499863/photo_64x64.jpg20:47
winaelSo I'm Winael, a 33 years old of French LoCo20:48
winaelI join the team in 2008 contributing on the Ubuntu Party20:48
winaelSince then I still on the Ubuntu Party team, to promote Ubutu to visitor, demo Unity (I kind of the expert) and demystify smart scope services20:49
wxlahhh unity expert, nice20:49
winaelI interview Mark Shuttleworth in 2009 for Oxyradio during the UP20:49
wxlyou've done things with juju and the phone, too, no, winael ?20:49
winaelthis is my LP and wiki page : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Winael20:50
winaelI transcript and translate the video what is Juju and what is Maas20:51
wxlvery nice!20:51
elacheche_anisAwesome :)20:51
Kiloswell done20:51
elacheche_anisAny questions?20:51
winaelI promote Ubuntu on other events like Solutions Linux, Openworld Forum20:51
popeyHow are you not already a mamber winael ‽20:51
winaelno popey20:51
elfypopey: I was convinced he was20:52
popeyMadness :)20:52
winaelI begin my application last year but finished it this week20:52
winaelI'm a lucky Ubuntuphone Insider as well20:52
Kilosrahter late than never20:52
marcoceppibetter now than never, too ;)20:52
popeyYes indeed.20:52
winaelI had the chance to visit Canonical office with a gret guide in february20:52
wxlpopey: that seems to be the problem with a lot of the major players in ubuntu-fr which is why we have such a rash of them today20:52
winaelAnd now I'm trying to promote Snappy20:53
wxlwinael: on IoT devices?20:53
winaelI made a presentation during the Ubuntu Party and I'll do an other during an hacker showroom Passageenseine20:54
elacheche_anisNice work winael :)20:54
winaelI'm trying to present the convergence part, that it will link the phone the desktop the cloud and the IoT20:54
elacheche_anisAny other questions? Or we can vote?20:55
wxlwinael: very cool! i have snappy on my raspberry pi 2 :)20:55
wxlready to vote20:55
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 420:55
meetingologyvotes now need 4 to be passed20:55
elacheche_anis#vote For winael Membership?20:55
meetingologyPlease vote on: For winael Membership?20:55
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:55
winaelI have to develop some skills to animate workshop on snappy20:55
meetingology+1 received from marcoceppi20:55
wxl+1 fantastic work! keep it up!!!!20:55
meetingology+1 fantastic work! keep it up!!!! received from wxl20:55
toddy+1 nice work and sympathetic photos20:55
meetingology+1 nice work and sympathetic photos received from toddy20:55
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis20:55
Kilos+1 keep it up20:55
meetingology+1 keep it up received from Kilos20:55
meetingology+1 received from popey20:56
winaeland I try to prmote the professional part of Ubuntu (cloud technology like Ubuntu Openstack, Juju, LXC/LXD)20:56
meetingologyVoting ended on: For winael Membership?20:56
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:56
meetingologyMotion carried20:56
elacheche_anisCongrats winael :)20:56
cm-tbien joué !20:56
wxlcongrats winael and ubuntu-fr team!!!!!!!!20:56
winaelThx :)20:56
Kiloscongrats winael  and welcome20:56
elacheche_aniski7mt, is the last one for this time slot board :D You still here dude?20:56
ki7mtI am indeed20:56
YoBoYcongrats winael :D20:57
Kilosnice to see a team pulling together like this20:57
elacheche_anis#topic ki7mt20:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: ki7mt
elacheche_anisSo, ki7mt welcome, please introduce yourself, and share your lp & wiki links please :)20:57
ki7mtHi, my name is Greg, 48 in yrs past, 18 in mind, body and spirit ;-)  WIKI: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KI7MT, LP: https://launchpad.net/~ki7mt20:57
idrognwe are very happy together at karum home20:57
marcoceppiki7mt: arent' we all ;)20:57
idrognthanks for your time20:58
kamalo/   hi, I have an endorsement for ki7mt20:58
wxlhey ki7mt is on our team (lubuntu)20:58
popeythanks kamal20:58
cyphermoxwow, strong applicants today :)20:58
kamalI'm Kamal Mostafa, a member of the the Ubuntu and Debian Hams (amateur radio)20:58
kamalgroups and of the Canonical kernel team.20:58
elacheche_anisSo, any questions for ki7mt ?20:58
kamalI have worked with Greg Beam (ki7mt) for a couple of years on various ham radio20:59
kamalsoftware issues, and have reviewed (and will sponsor) several ham radio20:59
kamalpackages that he publishes as Launchpad PPA's and will soon be maintaining in20:59
kamalHis work is high quality, and more importantly, he is friendly and easy to work20:59
kamalwith.  His efforts triaging the ham radio software bugs in Launchpad have also20:59
kamalbeen much appreciated.20:59
toddyyou use blueprints in launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~ki7mt/+specs?role=assignee20:59
kamalI am happy to offer my endorsement of Greg (ki7mt) for Ubuntu Membership.  :-)20:59
elfyI totally forgot to do a wiki testimonial as I'd promised - so have hung about here  to say I am here for him20:59
wxlyay for amateur radio develepment!!!20:59
elacheche_anis2 endorsements :) that's nice :)21:00
toddya lot of karma: https://launchpad.net/~ki7mt/+karma21:00
ki7mtthank elfy I see allot of you all in the various IRC rooms.21:00
wxla wide variety of contributions21:00
wxlgeneralists are good :)21:00
elacheche_anisToo many endorsements :) No questions?21:01
toddyki7mt: ah, you want to be a Regional Board Member. than we are colleague in the future. :)21:01
ki7mtI hope so, that's the goal :-)21:02
elacheche_anisAny thing else?21:03
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 421:03
meetingologyvotes now need 4 to be passed21:03
elacheche_anisI see that everyone are excited about ki7mt application, shall we vote?21:03
wxlready to vote21:04
elacheche_anis#vote For ki7mt Membership?21:04
meetingologyPlease vote on: For ki7mt Membership?21:04
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:04
meetingology+1 received from wxl21:04
elacheche_anis+1 Keep the good work all Ubuntu-fr :)21:04
meetingology+1 Keep the good work all Ubuntu-fr :) received from elacheche_anis21:04
Kilos+1 wonderful job, keep going21:04
meetingology+1 wonderful job, keep going received from Kilos21:04
toddy+1 very much contributions21:05
meetingology+1 very much contributions received from toddy21:05
elacheche_aniswe wait for popey voting :)21:06
meetingology+1 received from popey21:06
meetingologyVoting ended on: For ki7mt Membership?21:06
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:021:06
meetingologyMotion carried21:06
popey(sorry, was pinged in another channel)21:06
elacheche_anisCongrats ki7mt :)21:06
ki7mtThank you all for the support over the years, this means allot to me personally.21:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jun  4 21:06:49 2015 UTC.21:06
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-06-04-20.02.moin.txt21:06
elfycongrats ki7mt - sorry for forgetting the wiki21:06
kamalcongrats everyone, and welcome!21:06
wxlgood meeting all21:07
Kilosgreta job ki7mt  welcome to the team21:07
wxlsee you in an hour XD21:07
elacheche_anisCongrats @All :)21:07
wxlDS-McGuire: you aren't ready now are you??21:07
Kilosthanks for attending everyone21:07
elfynight all - great job :)21:07
Kilosnight elfy21:07
KilosDS-McGuire  ping21:08
Kilosna well be back later21:08
daniel_Sorry my internet went down21:09
Kilosi think the guys wanted to know if you are ready or do you want the next timeslot reather21:10
daniel__I am DS-McGuire, I don't know why my name is wrong21:10
Kilosbecause you reconnecting21:11
=== daniel__ is now known as DS-McGuire
Kilosbad connection somewhere21:11
wxldaniel_: you could try changing your nick21:11
DS-McGuireI guess.21:11
DS-McGuirefixed it21:11
wxlthere you go21:11
wxli was thinking we might get you in on the tail end of the 2000 meeting. would you prefer to wait, DS-McGuire ?21:12
DS-McGuireI don't mind. I am ready now if everyone else is21:13
Kiloselacheche_anis  carry on21:13
* Kilos ready21:13
wxlwho's still around?21:13
wxldo we have a quorum ?21:14
wxlcan't we un-end the last meeting? XD21:14
Kiloselacheche  is worrying about mails and stuff, give him 521:14
elacheche_aniswxl, the next guy is for the next meeting!21:14
elacheche_anisabout 45 minutes later :)21:14
wxli'm got code to compile anyways :)21:14
Kiloswhats wrong with now if we are all ready21:15
wxlthanks for including the news team on that email elacheche_anis21:15
elacheche_aniswxl, we should include them to announce that for everybody :)21:16
wxlelacheche_anis: agree. that's what i meant :)21:16
* wxl moves to our regular challnnel while we wait21:18
KilosDS-McGuire  relax for 40 mins, get some coffee21:19
DS-McGuireKilos, Will do :)21:19
ki7mtwxl, where is the lubuntu meeting being held ?21:19
Kilospity we missed you before closing21:20
wxlki7mt: we haven't had meetings in a long time. sometime when i get a chance to breathe more, i'll get them started again.21:20
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
wxlki7mt: feel free to send me a reminder!21:21
* ahoneybun will send a reminder to everyone he can21:21
ki7mtOk, will do. There's a few things another project Im helping out with has input on. Will save that for the next one.21:22
elacheche_anisping YoBoY,21:27
elacheche_anisis karum still online in other channel?21:28
cm-twe are all here together21:36
cm-tin his garden21:36
cm-telacheche_anis: ↑21:36
cm-the closed his laptop now, but he is close to me21:37
wxlcm-t: he needs to sign the CoC before we can make him a member. that's one of the required steps of the application process. we don't need to go through everything all over again, but his membership on launchpad is waiting on that.21:37
YoBoYpong elacheche_anis21:38
Kiloscm-t  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember#Code_of_Conduct21:38
elacheche_aniscm-t, there is a problem :)21:39
cm-twe help him sign it right now !21:39
YoBoYOK de are explaining hum how to do that21:39
elacheche_anistell him to check his inbox right now :)21:39
cm-tif it is ok21:39
cm-tgood !21:39
elacheche_aniscm-t, you should help him dude :) That what family members do :D21:39
ahoneybunT-Minus 20mn21:41
* ahoneybun looks at elacheche_anis with a face21:46
* elacheche_anis seeing that face o_O 21:47
ahoneybunT-Minus 10mins21:50
cm-telacheche_anis: yes, we are working on it ;)21:51
cm-tlucky him we decided to make an IRL event !21:51
elacheche_anisYep cm-t :) so lucky :D21:51
cm-tsteps too hard after beers and it's late (00h00) here, installed the great assistant, now on step 4/821:54
ahoneybunT-Minus 5mins21:55
Kiloshaha cmt21:55
elacheche_anisTake your time cm-t when you finish just let him answer back that email or ping someone from the board in irc :)21:55
Kilosmidnight here too21:55
elacheche_anisDS-McGuire, ready? :D21:56
DS-McGuireelacheche, Yep!21:56
elacheche_anisGood :) m-4 :)21:56
ahoneybunDS-McGuire, why are you not in #ubuntu-doc?21:56
ahoneybunI'm pretty such it will be a 100% +1 hoping DS-McGuire signed the CoC lol21:57
DS-McGuireahoneybun, I don't consider myself a part of that team anymore. Haven't for a long time.21:57
ahoneybunoh ok21:58
KilosDS-McGuire  lp link please21:58
DS-McGuireI still listening and read anything that comes through21:58
ahoneybunT-Minus 2mins21:58
Kilosi read slow21:58
ahoneybunwiki please DS-McGuire  as well21:58
elacheche_anisahoneybun, :D we didn't start yet! :p21:58
Kilosyes coc signed21:58
DS-McGuiresigned a long time ago :D21:59
ahoneybunelacheche_anis, getting ready21:59
Kilosjust checking21:59
DS-McGuirenp :)21:59
Kilosi read your wiki page the day you applied21:59
DS-McGuireAwesome :)21:59
elacheche_anisIt's almost time to start the 22UTC meeting, who's here from the Memebership board?22:00
* Kilos here22:00
elacheche_anispopey, wxl still AFK22:01
wxlwas in the wrong channel22:01
elacheche_aniscwayne, you're not a board member dude :)22:01
cwayneelacheche_anis: ... yes i am22:01
Kilosfrom the cc?22:02
* cm-t # karum just signed the CoC \o/ 22:02
elacheche_aniscwayne, nice to meet you :D from CC?22:02
Kiloswell done karum22:03
Kilosbig job that22:03
cwayneelacheche_anis: nope, just membership board :)  https://launchpad.net/~cwayne18 if you're curious22:03
hggdhor, even better \ô22:03
cm-tthant to the assistant great tool !22:03
elacheche_aniscwayne, so sorry dude :) I just seen that :D22:04
cwayneelacheche_anis: no worries :)22:04
Kiloselacheche_anis  GO22:04
elacheche_anisShall we start?22:04
elacheche_anis#startmeeting 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting22:04
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jun  4 22:04:42 2015 UTC.  The chair is elacheche_anis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.22:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick22:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic:
elacheche_anisHello and welcome to the Membership Board meeting! The wiki page for22:04
elacheche_anisthe Review Board is available here:22:04
elacheche_anishttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards. We will attempt to get22:04
elacheche_anisthrough all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list22:04
elacheche_anisbefore today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire22:04
elacheche_anislist due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up22:04
elacheche_aniswhere we left off. The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go22:04
elacheche_anisthrough the list of applicants one by one, by date of application22:05
elacheche_anis(FIFO). Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and22:05
elacheche_anisprovide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the22:05
elacheche_anismembers of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if22:05
elacheche_anisneeded, ask the applicant further questions. During this time it is22:05
elacheche_anisencouraged for other members of the community to show their support for22:05
elacheche_anisthe applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review22:05
elacheche_anisBoard are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading22:05
elacheche_aniswiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to22:05
elacheche_anis#topic DS-McGuire22:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: DS-McGuire
elacheche_anisDS-McGuire, please introduce yourself to the board, and share a link to your LP and wiki22:05
DS-McGuireMy name is Daniel McGuire, I am 20 years old and I study software engineering at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Wales. I have tried to become a major player in the Ubuntu community over past last year and I see myself in the future using the skills I learn both in and out of Uni to help develop the Ubuntu operating system. My main focuses are design and development of software, at the moment since I am not the best with22:05
DS-McGuireprogramming, I am sticking mostly to design until I can get better skills.22:05
DS-McGuireLaunchpad: https://launchpad.net/~daniel-mcguire351 Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/daniel-mcguire35122:05
* ahoneybun is 2222:07
elacheche_anisAny questions for DS-McGuire? Any supporters here?22:07
* cm-t I have to d/c because métro will close, But I will just say DS-McGuire is very friendly guy, I just opened a group on telegram with the topic of ubuntu/apps and he already launched a topic for a design icon22:07
elacheche_anisGood cm-t :) ahoneybun if you have a question go ahead and ask it :)22:08
toddyDS-McGuire: Do you has contact (real-life) to your loco group in wales?22:08
cm-tgn8 guys thank you22:08
ahoneybunDS-McGuire, do you see yourself helping other devs with UI and icon designs?22:08
KilosTY cm-t22:08
Kiloseish caps lock22:08
elacheche_anis#voters Kilos elacheche_anis toddy ahoneybun wxl cwayne popey22:09
meetingologyCurrent voters: Kilos ahoneybun cwayne elacheche_anis popey toddy wxl22:09
cwayneDS-McGuire: do you anticipate becoming more active in the development side as well? (as you get better skills)22:09
DS-McGuiretoddy, I have yet to meet with the loco group in my area, this is because of traveling to and from the place they meet since I cannot afford it. I am planning on going to the next Ubuntu-fr meeting if I can afford that.22:09
cwayneand if so, what type of development?  specifically apps? or other parts of the OS too?22:10
DS-McGuireahoneybun, Yes. That is one area I want to be a major player in.22:10
KilosDS-McGuire  is there a loco in wales?22:10
DS-McGuirecwayne, Yes, albeit I find the community very intimidating because of its professionalism however I do see myself contributing directly to Ubuntu/Unity 8 in the next few years.22:11
hggdhelacheche_anis: can I be a voter as well?22:11
DS-McGuireapps are focus for me since I do plan to make a living from them and the Ubuntu 8 operating system gives me an amazing platform to develop on.22:12
cwaynehm, that sounds like something we need to fix, we dont want anyone to ever be intimidated to contribute22:12
elacheche_anis#voters hggdh22:12
meetingologyCurrent voters: Kilos ahoneybun cwayne elacheche_anis hggdh popey toddy wxl22:12
elacheche_anismy fault hggdh :)22:12
wxlindeed cwayne22:12
wxlDS-McGuire: you find the ubuntu community intimidating?22:13
DS-McGuirecwayne, Oh not in a bad way. And not by anyone being an a**. It's just looks it when you're a novice hahah!22:13
Kilosyes we can speak to them, everyone should feel welcome in their own loco as well22:13
hggdhDS-McGuire: heh. It helps to keep in mind that we all started as novices22:13
DS-McGuirehggdh, I understand that. :)22:14
wxli have found the ubuntu community totally welcoming. even the most "professional" folks are just as willing to help as the most "amateur"22:14
cwayneyeah, well I'm glad its not people being jerks at least :)22:14
wxlesp. in dev22:14
DS-McGuireIt's not the fact people are not welcoming, it's quite the opposite, I assure you. However I don't want to look like I don't know what I am doing haha!22:14
cwayneDS-McGuire: I totally get what you're saying (I felt the same at first), but that's the beauty of this community, everyone's there to help, not criticize :)22:14
DS-McGuirecwayne, Definitely :)22:14
wxlnot knowing things is an opportunity to get to know22:15
cwayneDS-McGuire: ha, I still don't know what Im doing :P22:15
elacheche_anis#votesrequired 422:15
meetingologyvotes now need 4 to be passed22:15
DS-McGuirecwayne, I have heard that from a number of people./22:15
Kilosditto too22:15
elacheche_anisI confirm that DS-McGuire :)22:15
elacheche_anisSo.. Is there any other questions to DS-McGuire or we can vote :D22:16
hggdhI am OK22:16
elacheche_anis#vote for DS-McGuire Membership!22:16
meetingologyPlease vote on: for DS-McGuire Membership!22:16
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)22:16
meetingology+1 received from ahoneybun22:16
toddy+1 nice to meet you DS-McGuire – I think you make a great job22:16
meetingology+1 nice to meet you DS-McGuire – I think you make a great job received from toddy22:16
meetingology+1 received from elacheche_anis22:16
hggdh+1 thank you, and keep calm ;-)22:16
meetingology+1 thank you, and keep calm ;-) received from hggdh22:16
meetingology+1 received from cwayne22:17
Kilos+1 have faith in your abilities and everything else falls into place automatically22:17
meetingology+1 have faith in your abilities and everything else falls into place automatically received from Kilos22:17
wxl+1 reach out to the community— they need you as much as you need them!22:17
meetingology+1 reach out to the community— they need you as much as you need them! received from wxl22:17
meetingologyVoting ended on: for DS-McGuire Membership!22:17
meetingologyVotes for:7 Votes against:0 Abstentions:022:17
meetingologyMotion carried22:17
wxlyay congrats DS-McGuire22:17
hggdhDS-McGuire: welcome in!22:17
elacheche_anisCongratulations DS-McGuire :)22:17
DS-McGuire\o/ Thank you everyone!!22:17
KilosDS-McGuire  congrats and welcome22:17
wxli look forward to further lubuntu contributions DS-McGuire :)22:17
ahoneybunwelcome to the fold DS-McGuire22:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jun  4 22:17:44 2015 UTC.22:17
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-06-04-22.04.moin.txt22:17
toddyCongrats DS-McGuire22:17
* ahoneybun needs to leave now22:17
Kilosty ahoneybun22:18
DS-McGuireThanks a lot :D22:18
elacheche_anisAs we don't have more condidate for tonight the meeting is over :) I'll finish the rest in minutes :)22:18
KilosDS-McGuire  keep up the good work lad22:18
ahoneybunDS-McGuire, I'll be talking to you about design later22:18
ahoneybunnp Kilos22:18
DS-McGuireahoneybun, I look forward to it! :D22:18
DS-McGuireKilos, Thank you :)22:18
Kilosnice to have you on board22:18
cwaynewelcome aboard :)22:21
* cwayne goes afk22:21
Kilosnight all22:22
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest1699

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