
dupingpingHi, everyone.03:21
dholbachgood morning07:03
dupingpingdholbach, morning.08:52
dholbachhi dupingping09:07
dupingpingdholbach, are you a moderator?09:08
dholbachmoderator in which sense?09:21
dupingpingI means that Ubuntu Software Center's moderator.09:23
dholbachah, no - sorry09:27
dholbachwhich package are you looking for help with?09:28
dupingpingMy software is in pending review stats in Ubuntu Software Center for 4+ days.09:28
dholbachwhich package is it?09:29
dupingpingit's ubuntu-sticky.09:29
dholbachdo you have a link to it?09:29
dupingpingit's not published yet. please look the status, at following url.09:30
dupingpingReview pending is second step.09:31
dholbachno... the link you mention is about the software store for the phone09:31
dholbachnot for the desktop09:31
dholbachunfortunately it takes a lot longer to get software in through this process for the desktop right now as it requires manual review09:31
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb

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