
barrydkMore almal04:50
Kilosmorning barrydk  inetpro  and others05:54
mazalMorning everyone06:19
Kiloshi mazal  06:19
mazalOom Kilos , thank you for the link. I am testing that app as we speak06:19
mazalAlready made an iso , busy installing it to another pc to test06:19
Kilosoh the new backup thing06:19
Kiloscool let me know06:20
mazalWill , just imaging the test pc first06:21
mazalwill do*06:21
mazalIn case it don't work06:21
Kilosb ut apparently remastersys should keep on working as well06:22
mazalThis is better oom , more features06:22
mazalIf it works06:22
mazalAnd I think it will be developed more , unlike remaster that is dead06:23
mazalMy favourite imaging tool seems to be dead too :( redo backup06:25
* mazal wishles a tune while he waits06:38
mazalAg nee I give up , I can not spell or type06:39
Kilosoh my06:40
KilosMaaz  spell whistle06:41
MaazKilos: That seems correct. Carry on06:41
pieter2627morning all06:43
Kiloshi pieter2627  06:44
Kilosluckily we got this tab complete or i would type pietie everytime06:44
Kiloshi that06:44
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:45
ThatGraemeGuymorning :)07:08
mazalOom Kilos07:46
Kilosya seun07:46
mazalNo info yet , the installer unable to wipe the current partition07:46
Kiloshi Cryterion  07:46
mazaldd unable to wipe current partition07:46
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za07:46
mazalI am now trying another boot cd to that have a drive eraser to try and get the current partition off as the installer doesn't work with that one on07:47
mazalEven dd does nothing to wipe the drive07:47
mazalUnless my dd command was wrong07:47
Kilosoh my07:47
CryterionHi, tks07:47
mazalHi Cryterion , welcome here ;)07:48
Kilosboot from the new thing and look for gparted07:48
mazalgparted failed also07:48
mazalWiped it 5 times with gparted07:48
mazalWhen installer starts , current partition re-apears07:48
ThatGraemeGuytry contacting a priest, maybe it needs an exorcism. sounds like it might be possessed07:48
Kiloszero i07:48
mazalI even tried sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda107:49
mazalTo zero it , didn't work07:49
ThatGraemeGuyopen it up and splash some holy water on the platters07:49
ThatGraemeGuy(not really please don't open hard disks)07:49
mazalNow I am trying another app on another linux boor cd to zero it07:49
Kilosdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=107:50
Kiloswait more07:50
Kilosdc3dd wipe=/dev/sdX07:50
mazalI am amazed that gparted failed , never seen that before07:51
mazalUnless this drive is physically something wrong07:51
Kiloslook at disk utility as well if those commands dont work07:51
mazalAnd gparted was run from boot cd without mounting that drive , on 2 different os boot cd's07:52
mazalboth failed07:52
Kilostry the wipe one first07:52
mazalK oom , waiting for the current drive wipe app to complete and will test again. Then will try those commands07:52
mazalLooks like the current one is doing something as I am at least getting some progress output07:53
Kilosdisk utility shows lots of info07:53
mazalDidn't have this once before a while back oom ?07:54
mazalWhere a drive struggled to get partition of07:54
Kilosya a few times with different drives but i use many tools07:55
Kiloslast resort is always boot from 98 cd and fdisk07:55
mazaldd is my last resort always07:56
Kilosalso ubcd is good at times07:56
mazalIf that fails I get stuck07:56
Kilosdisk utility07:56
Kiloswill tell you whats up07:56
Kilosthe gnome one07:57
mazalThe current one ( disk eraser on parted magic ) is only at 48% now running very slow , so I think it's working07:57
ThatGraemeGuydo you want to wipe the disk?07:58
mazalI want to do a install on it , but installers fails to get current partition of07:58
Kilosi like gnome-disk-utility, it can do lots too07:58
mazalThen install can't continue , so then started battling the get the current partitio of07:59
ThatGraemeGuytry wiping mbr, sudo dd if =/dev/zero of =/dev/sda bs=512 count=108:00
mazalWill try if current runs fails also thanx08:00
mazalI tried that command , just without the bs and count at the end and didn't work08:01
ThatGraemeGuyon /dev/sda or /dev/sda108:01
Kilosuse the complete command man08:01
mazaltried both Graeme sda and sda108:01
ThatGraemeGuysudo dd if =/dev/zero of =/dev/sda bs=512 count=108:01
ThatGraemeGuytry that08:01
ThatGraemeGuyif that doesn't work then the disk is likely a dud08:02
mazalWill do if current fails , don't want to interrupt that one now08:02
ThatGraemeGuyno space between 'of' and '=', sorry08:02
ThatGraemeGuyold drive?08:03
mazalNot really , 3 years08:03
ThatGraemeGuyyeah probably dying/dead08:03
mazalWill defnitely not put something very important on it now08:03
mazalWill finish testing , put image back , give to user I don't like lol :)08:04
mazalI see this app that is currently running is using dc3dd , is that a varient of dd ?08:05
Kilosthat was a command i got from one of the lubuntu dev guys08:06
Kilosdc3dd wipe=/dev/sdX08:07
Kilosis that what you are using?08:07
mazalAlmost there08:07
mazalKilos: That what the app is using that I am using08:08
mazalIs part of a boot cd called " parted magic ". We normally use it to copy data of from drives that has broken OS's and can't boot08:09
Kilosyou can also get this http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html08:12
mazalI have that somewhere08:13
Kilostakes lots of thinking though08:13
mazalBacked up so well that I can't remember where08:13
mazalYeah I used it once , and it was a bit confusing08:14
mazalMay I ask what that the bs and count stand for in the dd command ?08:16
mazalblock size ?08:16
Kilosi dunno i just use it08:17
Kilosits like driving a car, you dont need to know how the engine works08:17
MaNIblock size08:18
MaNIit writes count blocks of bs size - the two combined is your total size08:18
Kilosty MaNI  08:19
mazalok , done , let's try the install again08:20
mazalDrive is finally clean , install started , Kilos should have some feedback in 40 min or so08:30
Kilosmorning superfly  08:34
superflynaandsê Kilos08:36
mazalKilos: Works flawlessny , installs successfully , BUT it took over all my configs and data. Needs to check where to disable that08:41
mazalIs fine when you re-install own pc , but don't want that installing to someone else's pc08:41
Kiloswhat size was the iso?08:41
mazalI don't have much in my home , just some docs and mail08:42
mazalAnd it also have 4gig size limit08:42
mazalSame as remaster08:42
Kilosyes, check if one can do it as a install only not a backup08:42
mazalwill do08:42
* Padroni greets the room09:08
* ThatGraemeGuy nods09:11
Kiloshi Padroni  09:11
Kilosyou well?09:12
PadroniI am good09:12
Padronicrazy busy :/09:12
magespawngood day09:59
ThatGraemeGuyif you say so10:08
Kiloshi magespawn  10:08
Kiloskinda winter here10:09
ThatGraemeGuyyeah I had to find my scarf & beanie this morning, brrrr! :-o10:09
barrydkLekker man lekker10:13
barrydkKilos: mazal se hy sal nou kom rapporteer as ins internet hou, kry ook seker mar koud shame, hy is an en af vanmore10:14
Kilosdankie barrydk  10:15
mazalOm Kilos , feedback:10:15
mazal1. Creation side. App uses gui interface than can be tricky as there is no manual or documentation at all. Once you know what to do and where to do it , it works very easily10:16
mazal2. User configs at creation side: There is an option to disable user data transfer , however even with it disabled my configs still transfered to iso10:16
Kiloswrite the documentation for them10:16
mazalThis is either a big or intended , I dunnno , but that bit bothers me a bit10:17
mazal3. Installation side: Again can be tricky as no documentation exists. Ths iso boots normally but them at first glance it seems there is no install option at all10:17
mazalAfter some fiddling I discovered you have to run the app on the live iso itself which triggers the installation10:18
mazalIE: While running on the live iso , go to system and start up systemback10:18
mazalInstallation itself is very easy , but again one strange option caused some dofficulty10:19
mazalWhen doing partitioning , there is an arrow that says " edit partition information " , which actually is " apply current changes "10:20
mazalIf you don't click this and think it is actually and edit option as the description says then you can't continue10:20
mazalAfter finding that out through trial and error I did the install , which itself runs very fast and easy10:21
mazalNew username , password and hostname can be set10:21
mazal4. Transfer of user data at installation side: Here is a big flaw imo10:21
mazalBy default this is set to "on" at installation. Your user settings will be transfered to the new install10:22
mazalSo if you give the iso for someone to try out and he/she doesn't manually disable that during installation they will have all you configs , passwords etc.10:22
mazalThis problem exists even if you did disable it during iso creation.10:23
TinuvaMachttp://www.piedpiper.com/ and http://www.hooli.xyz/10:23
ThatGraemeGuyholy wall of text batman10:23
mazalApart from that problem and lack of documentation that explains how the program actually works , it is a very nice app that works excellent and fast10:23
ThatGraemeGuywhat app?10:23
mazalThatGraemeGuy: systemback , a live iso creator I tested for Kilos10:24
ThatGraemeGuysounds like work10:24
mazalremastersys is dead so looking for alternatives10:24
mazalKilos: Test was done on Kubunu , dunno if it works on unity as well10:25
ThatGraemeGuywhat would you use such a thing for?10:25
mazalQuickly re-install a system withou having to do updates or install all the extra apps needed10:26
Kilosto do updated installs on other pcs ThatGraemeGuy  10:26
mazalis also very handy for new users who want to try Ubuntu and don't even know how to add repos and install apps10:26
magespawnwithout the need to connect to the internet on the machine being updated or installed10:26
mazalEverything is as the source machine was when iso was made , excluding user data10:27
mazalI use it myself when I re-install. Saves lots of time and data10:28
mazalEven extra repos added is as is10:29
ThatGraemeGuyi have a puppet recipe i run if i need to re-install for some reason10:29
mazalFor me is purely a time saving and data saving measure and works very well10:30
mazalKilos: So for me , the verdict is fine for your own machine , but I would not give a iso made by this app for a friend. There is no gaurentee he/she will remember to disable the "transfer user config" setting10:33
mazalThey should change it that if you disabled that at creation then it should not be in the iso at all10:34
Kilosif you do then you give the how to as well10:34
Kilosmaybe you can disable it before you make he iso10:35
magespawnmazal if you were going to do this to make iso for other people to use you could do a generic machine there fore no user sensitive data10:37
Kiloshi gremble  10:37
mazalYeah , good idea magespawn10:38
grembleHey Kilos 10:40
Padroniif you send the following via Skype, it will crash skype on both ends:12:53
TinuvaMacexcept there is an update out for it12:53
Padroniyeah but who updates skype?12:53
Padroniand the update is only for iOS as far as I know12:54
PadroniSorry, skype for Mac is unaffected12:54
Padronitried it yesterday - works on my skype12:54
MaNIthey don't even mention linux, I think they have forgotten they even have a linux client13:04
MaNIwhich is maybe a good thing so that they can't ruin it as much as the others13:04
PadroniI do not trust anything out of the USA anymore.13:05
MaNIwindows client gets worse with every release13:05
PadroniSkype / Dropbox / Google Drive / Gmail / etc13:05
MaNII've never trusted google anything13:05
PadroniNSA has free range to spy on anything by a foreigner that goes past the US border13:06
MaNIand not because of NSA/USA but because of google themselves :p13:06
MaNII begrudgingly use dropbox for some clients, it is overrated to put it nicely13:07
MaNIskype unfortunately I have no choice, too many clients use it13:07
MaNIand as bad as it has become the alternatives still seem to be worse, I don't understand why something better hasn't come out13:07
Padronipreach it, bro13:09
PadroniI use mega.co.nz as a Dropbox replacement13:09
Padroni50GB storage13:09
Padronirun by Kim Dotcom (ex megaupload)13:10
MaNIbut yeah we made it company policy not to talk about internal company stuff on skype anymore at least 13:10
MaNIso only for customers who insist on using it13:10
MaNIproblem with kim dotcom is that he will probably get raided again at some point13:11
MaNI50gb is pretty tempting though13:13
grembleSkype for linux is also supposed to be unaffected14:18
=== magespaw1 is now known as magespawn
magespawncan you use your skype account with another client, say pidgin?14:24
Padronii have no idea14:26
ThatGraemeGuyyes and no14:26
ThatGraemeGuyyou can, but the way it plugs in, you still need the actual skype client running14:27
magespawnahh right14:27
Padroniwell that is just silly14:27
Padronibut - this being a MS program14:27
ThatGraemeGuyso pidgin acts as a front-end for the skype client, it can't speak the skype protocol on its own14:27
Padronimakes all the sense in the world14:27
ThatGraemeGuyits been like that since day 114:27
magespawnnot much point really14:27
Padronieven worse14:27
ThatGraemeGuybut let me not get in the way of mindless Microsoft-bashing, carry on14:27
PadroniI am not a fan.  Sue me...14:28
ThatGraemeGuynothing wrong with that14:28
PadroniI think I have reached unproductive 'o clock14:29
magespawnyup just about home time too14:30
Padroniwhat just happened?14:34
magespawnyou left and came back uncloaked14:36
Padronitime to go to bed, methinks.14:37
PadroniHave a good one, folks14:37
magespawnright that is me out of here too, chat later all14:42
magespawngood evening17:28
Kiloshi magespawn  17:29
magespawntwice in one day hey Kilos 17:30
Kilosye4ah i like you17:31
Kilosyou one of my early helpers17:31
Kilosand didnt tell me rtfs all the time17:31
Kilosohi inetpro  ,didnt see you lurking there17:32
magespawnhmm. lol17:35
magespawnstill learning even now though17:36
magespawninstalling vlc on centos, at the moment17:40
Kilosvlc works everywhere i think17:41
magespawnyup, not in the standard repos for centos though17:42
magespawndifferent working with yum etc. takes a a little of bit getting used to17:48
grembleIsn't yum deprecated?17:53
magespawnstill works here, i am running 6.617:53
magespawni could not find 7 for i386/32bit17:55
grembleAh, yes. dnf will start replacing yum in fedora 22. You're probably not running fedora. CentOS?17:58
Kilosare you using it just to learn with magespawn  17:58
Kilosthe yum thing i mean17:58
magespawngremble yup18:00
magespawnyes Kilos the new Linux+ uses both debian/ubuntu and rhel/centos examples in the book18:01
stickyboyyum winning18:06
Kiloswb magespawn  18:08
Kilosyou keep learning, its good for you18:09
Kilosjust dont get like pro and get forgetful18:09
* Kilos hides18:09
stickyboyMeek Mill mixtape...18:10
stickyboyNow time to write some ansible playbooks.18:10
magespawnhmm still not playing the videos i wanted to watch, something else must be missing/wrong18:12
stickyboymagespawn: CentOS 6 on the desktop. LOL.18:12
stickyboyyou crazy, br0.18:12
magespawnhah, just doing it for the experience really18:12
grembleCentOS is good to work with if you're doing any LPI stuff18:13
grembleCentOS or perhaps SuSE18:13
magespawngremble: that is the plan, busy working my way through the comptia linux + study guide18:13
stickyboySuSE is Novell and Novell is no.18:14
stickyboyCentOS is great. I run my compute / storage cluster on it at work. 10 machines...18:14
stickyboyBut web / database? Ubuntu 14.04. Nice mix of stable and features.18:14
grembleOr be brave and use gentoo18:18
inetprogood mornings18:20
Kiloshello inetpro  18:20
stickyboygremble: Arch++18:20
grembleHey inetpro. You're just in time. We are about to help Kilos install gentoo18:20
stickyboyArch is like Gentoo without having to re-compile your system every few days. ;)18:21
Kiloslol nono i know my limits18:21
grembleSo far I haven't found a system that I like more than Arch.18:21
Kilosi only use stuff pro and fly can help me with18:21
stickyboygremble: Mmmm :)18:21
stickyboygremble: I got two Arch systems.18:21
stickyboyIt is really nice. Simple...18:21
grembleI feel like I want to use NixOS and voidlinux still18:22
stickyboyI love the "upstream stable" policy of Arch.18:22
stickyboygremble: Indeed, I also want to try NixOS.18:22
* inetpro should perhaps try gentoo at some point18:23
inetprojust so I can say, been there done that18:23
grembleSure, grab an old laptop, play around while watching TV18:24
grembleYou'll need something to keep you busy with while everything compiles18:24
grembleOr fails to18:24
inetproexactly why I don't go there18:24
inetprobut sounds like fun to build only what you really need18:25
Kilosplay minetest then18:26
grembleThat is exactly why I run arch instead of prerolled distros18:26
inetproreminds me of the days when we started by compiling gcc with gcc 18:27
grembleI'm busy with a lisp interpreter in haskell. 18:27
stickyboyinetpro: Linux From Scratch. :D18:27
stickyboyI did LFS a few times.18:27
grembleI want to make a haskell interpreter in that lisp so it is full circle18:27
inetprostickyboy: no that was on Solaris18:27
inetproso much is taken for granted these days18:28
grembleSuch as?18:28
inetproeverything just works :-)18:29
inetprook maybe not everything18:30
stickyboyinetpro: Yes hehe.18:30
stickyboyMan, we used to have to configure refresh rates in XF86. :P18:30
stickyboyAnd if you get the modeline wrong your monitor could be toast.18:30
magespawnsounds like a lot of fun18:31
magespawna good way to get new hardware, if you do not like the old18:40
grembleSomeone is selling lenovo T540's quite cheaply.. but apparently they brick when you try and install linux. Completely crippling the motherboard18:43
grembleMakes me sad18:43
Kiloswhy would that be18:43
Kilosbios corrupt18:43
magespawnhow would that happen?18:43
Kilossomething in bios is win only18:44
Kilosflash bios18:44
magespawnflash it?18:44
Kilosupgrade to original manufacturer bios18:44
Kilosgremble  what is quite cheaply18:45
grembleThe lenovo bios(or rather uefi I think) is one of those ugly ones that do the magic to make windows boot faster18:48
grembleR2500 each18:48
grembleThey're refurbished 18:48
magespawncan you not set them to legacy boot/18:48
grembleThe fix is apparently to reflash the lenovo firmware18:49
magespawnfrom where?18:49
grembleNewer firmware18:49
grembleso Lenovo18:49
grembleI am not sure what the process of flashing entails18:50
grembleI think I did it once when I was like 1218:50
magespawni was talking about the laptops themselves18:50
stickyboyEFI stub boot is winning18:51
grembleOh, I have no idea18:51
gremblecould be stolen :P18:51
grembleIt probably isnt18:51
magespawnokay then18:51
grembleWith cheap things like that, I believe in a dont ask, don't tell framework18:52
magespawnhmm, that might be a good thing to find out18:52
Kilosgremble  you have the specs for them?18:54
gremblei7's with 8GB ram. More specific specs you can just look at the T540 specs online18:55
grembleNot sure about the harddrive sizes though18:55
magespawnthat is a good price then, i would like to get my hands on one of those18:55
Kiloswow thats a nice lappy18:56
Kilosmust be able to flash18:56
magespawni am using a 40Gb here, so anything would be an improvement18:56
gremble^ same :P18:56
gremblecompaq 6510b 18:56
magespawnmecer experession dl7518:57
Kilosi had one pc with xp i hink that flashed from the OS18:57
Kilosothers you need a boot flash disk18:58
inetproKilos: are you and your board members ready for the meeting this time around?19:07
Kilossome cant make it so im hoping others popin, but we got 2 early votes so i need to just find out about the quorum thing19:08
Kilosty for the hard work inetpro  TB warns me every morning hehe19:08
Kiloseven about no meetings19:09
inetproKilos: you need 4 members IIRC19:09
Kilosyes but what happens if you already have two early votes, can 2 then have the meet still19:10
Kilosim trying to find that out19:10
inetprowhat is 2 early votes?19:10
Kilosbecause they cant attend because of project releases etc19:10
Kilosso they mailed the board their votes after reading the wiki pages19:11
Kilosand i think they know some of the new applicants19:11
inetprowell... does it really matter?19:12
Kilosthats what i want to find out19:12
inetproping your team sir and make sure they be there19:13
Kilosim nagging all the time19:13
inetprojust use a bit tact19:14
inetpro"Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy." - Isaac Newton19:14
Kiloshibana got the sjambok19:14
inetprono no no...19:14
Kilosi needed that laugh19:15
inetprolet him keep that rather19:15
Kiloskinda cold here19:15
inetprovery cold19:15
Kilosgonna ice tonight19:15
grembleNewton should probably not be commenting on tact19:15
grembleHe had little to no social skills19:15
magespawnnever said he had any19:15
inetprogremble: ai! :-)19:16
Kilosi am very tactful19:16
Kilosas long as everyone agrees with me19:16
Kiloseish i need lotsa data19:18
Kilosthey even interview live19:18
Kiloscc okes i think19:18
magespawngremble what is that?19:19
gremblePretty cool19:19
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche_anis
magespawnyes indeed, also a good way to learn20:07
inetproKilos: \o/ 20:10
inetpronice to see you actually have a real meeting for a change20:10
* inetpro lurking for a few minutes20:11
inetproneed to go sleep actually20:11
magespawnmight be a good idea20:12
Kilossleep tight20:12
magespawngremble: looks like it is actually set up to do a interview type test20:17
grembleThat is the name for it, but it is equally useful for pair programming. Although for that it is not difficult to use codepen or spinning up a VPS and ssh'ing into a screen session20:21
grembleI've done both. Cooperative coding is really odd20:21
magespawni would like to watch a session21:01
superflyI got his mail, anyways.21:03
magespawntime for bed anyway, good night21:21
Kilosyou saying cheers to mage gremble  ?21:24
Kilosor you going21:24
grembleSaying good night to the person leaving21:25
Kilosgood, im normally asleep by now21:25
melodiegood night21:26
gremblegood night melodie 21:26
melodieKilos go get your night sleep! :D21:26
melodiegood night gremble thants21:26
grembleHe has a meeting to attend21:26
Kilosi cant one more meet in 15 mins21:26
Kilosnight melodie  see you tomorrow21:26
melodiedon't be sorry 21:27
melodiegood night good night²³21:27
grembleI think I am going to do that as well21:28
Kilosnight gremble  sleep tight21:30

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