
randomnameDoes anyone happen to know how to tell Ubuntu server where to install?   It actually installed on the space where I formatted a new partition, but it never asked me where to install it and it amazed me by not overwriting my Kubuntu install on the other hard drive.00:03
randomnameEvidently not.  Someone at a linux meetup just showed me this chat and here I am chatting, as randomname00:05
scatterptypically you have to wait a while :)00:06
scatterpduring the install you should see a page where it asks you to set up partitions thats where you select the location00:07
randomnameI set up a partition but if there was a place to select the location I missed it.00:07
william_vilassomeone from brazil ?00:08
scatterpwilliam i speak spanish00:09
scatterprandomname, yeah you missed it watch a youtube video of the install process to see it again00:09
william_vilasi speak spanish little scatterp00:10
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:10
william_vilasxangua: yes00:11
randomnameWhat specific You Tube video, on how to install Ubuntu Server?00:11
Bashing-omrandomname: When prior partitioning for install, at the installer choode "somethiong else" ; then Make sure you have the drive you want to install onto is selected, and the partiton .00:11
scatterprandomname, one sec00:11
william_vilasxangua: kkkkkkkkkkkkkk00:11
randomnameMight be the issue - I hadn't yet created the partition.  Still had to format it.00:12
scatterprandomname, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RghpdQH1bpo (9:43 main part you want to see)00:13
EriC^^randomname: if it sees unallocated space the installer will use that to install ubuntu, i think00:13
happyfr0ggI am using XFCE in Ubuntu with LXDE installed as well and am not able to change my login background. How do I fix this?00:14
randomnameThere was also whether I was supposed to make it bootable, it said if I did Grub might blow up or something so I didn't, and until I screwed up OpenBox and uninstalled it, my system could only find two of the three installations on my system at a time; either one on each drive or two on one drive.00:14
randomnameAnd talk about blowing up Grub, I had to reinstall Grub on the OS on the OTHER hard drive.00:14
scatterprandomname, common issue00:15
happyfr0ggHow do I change my login picture?00:16
scatterpi have a ubuntu system (unknown version) that i need to recover root on adding init=/bin/bash to the boot line results in file not found i was thinking to make a usb boot stick if no one else has suggestions and change root password that way unless there is another option ?00:25
EriC^^scatterp: you can try advanced > recovery from grub00:25
scatterphrm sec00:26
EriC^^scatterp: you have to know the root password though, unless you haven't enabled the root account00:26
scatterpEriC^^, i see something like this http://cdn2.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/sshot169.png00:26
scatterpEriC^^, i dont know the root pass00:26
EriC^^have you enabled the root account?00:27
cheetahw26is there an easy way to identify all packages on one system, then write a script to install those packages on another system?  I have one box with armhf and the other with i386 architecture and I just want same packages or relative on both00:27
scatterpEriC^^,  yes i think so00:27
scatterpEriC^^, its a machine i last used 10 years ago and my account dont seem to exist anymore00:27
EriC^^scatterp: try a live usb i guess00:28
scatterpEriC^^, yeah so my original Q was which one just a live ubuntu ? and what to do once its booted?00:28
cheetahw26would something like... dpkg -l|cut -d ' ' -f3   >> some file... and then copy that file over, then run some loop to install everything be the best way?00:29
EriC^^live ubuntu would work, once it's booted mount the partitions and then chroot00:29
scatterpcheetahw26, thats more or less what i was thinking yes00:29
OerHeks"apt --installed list" or see http://askubuntu.com/questions/17823/how-to-list-all-installed-packages00:30
EriC^^cheetahw26: you can get a list of the packages with dpkg --get-selections > /path/to/packagelist00:30
scatterpcheetahw26, you might be able to just write "apt-get install" at the begining of the file and then sh myfile after that00:30
OerHeksBut versions and archtecture, not sure all packages are there or needed or comming short00:30
cheetahw26yeah... seems like that might take forever though... wonder how or if it would be better to skip already installed00:31
EriC^^just use install instead of install --reinstall00:31
EriC^^it wouldn't reinstall00:31
cheetahw26apt-get -y install $x00:31
scatterpEriC^^, what do i do once its booted?00:32
EriC^^cheetahw26: this will give you a way shorter list00:32
EriC^^comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u)00:32
EriC^^assuming both are using the same version of ubuntu though and are up to date00:33
cheetahw26yeah... they are, just different archs00:33
EriC^^scatterp: type sudo parted -l and paste in paste.ubuntu.com00:33
cheetahw26what does that comm command do?00:33
cheetahw26that list is way shorter...00:33
EriC^^cheetahw26: it compares the installed packages to the initially installed ones and finds the one that weren't there in the initial install00:34
scatterpEriC^^, wont have access to the machine until tomorrow00:34
cheetahw26on my armhf box I get an error about /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz...00:34
cheetahw26not found00:35
scatterpEriC^^, lets use this for example http://paste.ubuntu.com/11553486/00:35
EriC^^scatterp: mount the partitions, if you have a single "/" mount it to /mnt , if you have a separate boot partition mount it to /mnt/boot00:35
scatterpyeah then ?00:36
EriC^^then sudo chroot /mnt , you'll get a root prompt, type passwd <your user> to set the password00:36
cheetahw26all well...00:36
scatterpEriC^^,  nice thanks :)00:36
scatterpEriC^^, then sudo reboot and remove the stick at the bios screen right ?00:38
cheetahw26I'm going to do a check against dpkg -l  list... apt-get on all of those will consume time00:38
EriC^^scatterp: yeah, then type exit to exit the chroot and reboot00:38
william__I have linux mint 17.1 cinnamon, and my Qtransmission Bittorrent  Client has no Icon. How do I get the Icon ?00:40
Ben64ask the mint support channel, #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:41
randomnameI've got a question.  I seem to have Oops errors caused by probably XScreensaver (for Kubuntu or KDE) messing with my video drivers.  Got rid of XScreensaver but it installed ten million libraries, some of them outmoded.00:44
psusirandomname, ok... so what's the question?00:45
randomnameAnyhow, I got left wtih Oops erros followed by hang, the traceback focuses on the nouveau, which is the Linux version nvidea drivers, and the repeated passthroughs spread to involve Cairo Dock, which is all advanced graphical driver.00:46
randomnameSo over a week ago I reinstalled the Nvidia version of the nvidia drivers, but evidently it's still using the nouveau ones.  How to fix?00:47
psusiohh... that's odd...00:47
EriC^^randomname: blacklist them00:48
randomnameThink I encountered this with the drivers for the former network interface card on my laptop.  Notice the word former.00:48
EriC^^echo "blacklist nouveau" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf00:48
EriC^^randomname: then sudo update-initramfs -u -k all00:50
randomnameAre you telling me I have to do the sudo mdprobe -r (what I don't want to use) and then sudo modprobe what I do want to use, like I did with the former wireless (not nic) card and the default network manager that I changed ti WICD because it's easier to use?00:51
randomnameOnly with the video drivers instead of the wireless drivers?00:52
EriC^^randomname: no00:52
randomnameHelp me, Lord.00:52
EriC^^blacklist the driver, update the initrd and reboot00:52
psusirandomname, umm.. no... you can't remove a module that is in use.. he's telling you to blacklist the module so it won't ever be used, update your initrd, and reboot00:53
randomnameSo after I blacklist nouveau, how do I make it use the nvidia drivers?00:53
EriC^^if you have it installed it should use it i guess00:53
randomnameAlso, would remove nouveau in a more global way actually get rid of it?00:53
randomnameCan try it.00:53
psusiit should already be using it, but then it should certainly use it if nouveau is not even an option00:53
randomnameOK.  I'll give it a try.   Evil chuckle.00:54
EriC^^/var/log/Xorg.0.log might tell you more about what's going on00:55
randomnameThanks!  I will definitely take a look at it.00:55
randomnameIs there a specific X error log?00:56
randomnameAlso, would the window manager have logs that would tell  me anything?  It's Kubuntu with the window manager that came with it.00:56
randomnameThat's the error log?  Or the log that will show me errors?00:57
EriC^^randomname: it's a log and (EE) are errors00:58
randomnameOh, why the . in front of ./var/log/Xorg.0.log?00:58
psusi<dumb look> the error log is the log that will show you errors...00:58
psusiso that IRC didn't interpret it as a command00:58
EriC^^randomname: the desktop manager might have some info, /var/log/kdm i guess, but more likely the graphics errors might be in Xorg.0.log01:01
hermaeus-morahey all01:06
hermaeus-morai am testing a new irc client01:07
PoolShark_The Mint people sent me here... I'm trying to find out why snapshot functionality has been stripped from the version of virt-manager that ships with Ubuntu/Mint...01:08
randomnameHey, I've got my own Mint altered it and what did they do questions - and I've not been able to find answers ANYWHERE.  Starting with the different way APT works.01:09
randomnameI think reason is to prove they're superior beings - honestly.   Ask how to work APT and all you get is let know your place in the superior being world.01:10
randomnameNow, I must say THIS chat is so different - I was told people are helpful here, and... Wow!01:10
cheetahw26I haven't played with mint yet... what are the advantages of it?01:10
randomnameI honestly haven't found where it has any.  It looks ugly, it works different, and you can't get help.   It appears newbie friendly upfront until the first time you have any problem.   I'm sure glad I didn't put it on the computer my friend bought01:12
randomnameI was told drivers tend to work better in Mint.  Usually they work the same.  When they dno't Ubuntu has the advantage.01:13
randomnameMany differences in what works have to do with changes to the file structure.01:14
PoolShark_Yeah I am on the fence about Mint... I have a quad-core Kabini with 16GB RAM and I feel like I'm using a 38601:14
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:14
somsipSo it's very much offtopic here01:14
randomnameI hear you.  Won't help to seek help on Mint help forums though.01:16
randomnameDefinitely not where to look for objectivity on using Mint.01:16
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randomnamenick villandra01:20
RadarWe just had apparmor cost us about an hour of downtime01:20
RadarHow can we investigate why the apparmor rules changed?01:20
RadarIs there a guide for apparmor that I can read?01:21
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wastrelthe main purpose of mint is that they install non-free stuff by default i believe01:25
wastrelnot that i know anything about mint01:25
tgm4883Radar: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server01:25
Radartgm4883: thanks01:26
randomnameThere's a ubuntu-server?01:26
randomnameThat's the main PURPOSE of Mint?  But I install the nonfree stuff when I do the first ten things you do in Ubuntu after I install Ubuntu.01:27
randomnameI've got a page and its link saved.  I'm no thome though.01:27
EriC^^mint is supposed to be less bloaty and more practical i guess01:28
Ben64either way, mint does not belong in #ubuntu01:29
randomnameWell, it has hardly any software.  In theory you can use Ubuntu repositories but when you do half the time it doesnt work and if you ask for help you get told Naughty Naughty, don't mess with stuff beyond your ability because you're no account anyway.01:30
randomnameAND you shouldn't be using Ubunt because people who do taht aren't even human.  Or something.01:30
EriC^^ubuntu is usually called linux for humans01:30
randomnameAND we dont talk about Ubuntu here.  STRICTLY taboo.   I don't think so!01:30
randomnameI've never seen such attitudes, and in my 58 years of living, I've definitely seen attitudes.01:31
randomnameLOL.  Thank you, EriC!01:31
EriC^^it's all just distros in the end, i've only ever been to their support channel once, but they were really helpful01:33
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randomnameI guess there's no such thing as "just distros".01:34
randomnameI didn't find anyone connected with Mint helpful.  Possible we were on different support channels, I went to the default one.01:34
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DylanRJHas anyone gotten Ubuntu on a Chromebook Pixel 2? Not with Crouton, but with a regular install?01:41
n-iCehow do I stop Ubuntu to ask me about the keyring password or something like that01:41
parsec2284hi how do i browse te pay for apps on ubuntu01:41
parsec2284i have ubuntu studio01:41
parsec2284i see no way to check out the pay store01:42
Ben64open the software center01:42
parsec2284would like to see if anything attracts my interest01:42
xanguan-iCe: disable automatic login01:42
DylanRJIf you don't have the software center for whatever reason, open the Terminal and type "sudo apt-get install software-center"01:43
parsec2284its open but i see no pay for products01:43
n-iCexangua: not that password, the keyring password01:43
DylanRJThat's because most of the stuff available on Linux is free01:43
parsec2284on ubuntu studio lxde 15.0401:43
DylanRJWhat type of stuff are you looking for?01:43
parsec2284pixel art tools01:43
DylanRJYou can install Steam and buy games on there if you'd like01:43
DylanRJinstall GIMP, it can do pixel art well01:44
wastrelare you good at pixel art DylanRJ01:44
parsec2284i remember seeing a commercial painting app in ubuntu store that was really cool01:44
DylanRJI'm not a pixel artist, or any kind of artist for that matter01:44
parsec2284i try01:44
DylanRJI just know GIMP is a good graphics and photo editing software from what everyone says01:45
parsec2284gimp is alright01:45
parsec2284it hard to do isometric lines01:45
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wastrelgimp has afaik zero pixel art tools01:45
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parsec2284this is true01:46
DylanRJWhat do you need other than the pencil tool?01:46
parsec2284i would like to see the ubuntu store apps01:46
parsec2284to see if they have any cool painting programs01:46
parsec2284i saw a really cool commercial paint progam a while back01:47
parsec2284but i cant see the commercial apps in the store01:47
parsec2284just free01:47
parsec2284using 15.04 lxde01:47
xangua(20:42:25) Ben64: open the software center01:47
parsec2284do i need to be using the rgular ubuntu01:47
Ben64on the top where it says "all software" change that to "for purchase"01:48
parsec2284i did01:48
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DylanRJJust curious, why do you want to pay for software so bad?01:48
parsec2284i did try that01:48
parsec2284its empty01:48
parsec2284thats the problem01:48
parsec2284should list commercial apps01:48
parsec2284because i like what i saw01:49
wastrelmaybe you don't have the partner repos enabled?01:50
parsec2284let me try to enable them01:50
DylanRJDoes anyone here use Ubuntu MATE?01:51
xangua!ask | DylanRJ01:59
ubottuDylanRJ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:59
DylanRJI didn't ask to ask a question, did I?01:59
DylanRJSorry if it sounds like I did02:00
somsipDylanRJ: just ask your real question02:03
duglerhi people, can I do ssh to a server if I have private key of that server?02:04
somsipdugler: the server needs the public key relating to the private key you are using02:05
DemoculousHello, no matter what I do, I cannot install Wine on Ubuntu 15.04, wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed02:05
Democulouswine1.6 : Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu8) but it is not installable02:06
duglersomsip: couldn't get you well, do  you mean public key of system from which I want to access server should be authorized by server?02:06
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somsipdugler: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSH_keys#Background02:07
k1lumin4t1Hi there02:08
k1lumin4t1I've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04 through the ubuntu update manager; but now KDE session won't start02:08
k1lumin4t1Any other Desktop Envrionment loads correctly02:08
duglersomsip: I am aware of it, but the thing is I got a client, he sent me mail with an attachment 'server_key.pem' I can't even open file that is password protected. In the mail he stated please find attached private key to have ssh access to the server02:10
somsipdugler: is the server on AWS?02:10
duglerthis thing making me confuse, wondering if there is a way I could ssh with only server's private key02:10
duglersomsip: yes it is on  AWS02:10
somsipdugler: ssh -i server_key.pem user@address (should work if you have correct user)02:11
somsipdugler: the pem is a particular format of public key generated within the AWS account and applied to that server02:11
duglersomsip: I don't even know user name :s02:12
wastreltry root02:12
somsipdugler: if it's runnig ubuntu, assume ubuntu. It should not have root enabled for any reason02:12
duglerwastrel: going to try it, thanks02:12
somsipdugler: the standard AWS AMIs all use ubuntu as the common user02:13
somsips/all/that I've used02:15
duglersomsip: I am getting Permissions 0640 for 'BN_ERP_Key.pem' are too open.02:15
maxxxxxHeyo what changes between 14 and 15 on utopic unicorn?02:15
maxxxxxAnything major?02:16
somsipdugler: change it to 600 (chmod 600 server_key.pem)02:16
mapugood evening. I have a package whos status is showing "iU" - what does that mean?02:16
duglersomsip: thank you, it worked02:17
somsipdugler: so you're sorted?02:17
duglerso should I copy public key of my system to server?02:17
duglersomsip: yes I am in02:17
duglerwith 'ubuntu'02:18
duglerroot was not allowed , it was on bitnami so bitnami is also working02:18
somsipdugler: you do not need to add your own public key. User ubuntu has been set up with a key-pair and you have the private key. I said public earlier - I was wrong02:18
duglersomsip: so everytime I should access in same way?02:19
somsipdugler: yes (see man ssh_config to set up easier access)02:19
duglerI mean like  ssh -i server_key.pem user@address02:19
somsipdugler: yes02:19
duglerokay thanks02:20
misiekjest ktoś z polski02:21
somsip!pl | Mike986302:22
ubottuMike9863: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.02:22
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hades777hy all,,,, can help me to restore default source.list ?02:23
scatterpcan any one help me with why ubuntu wont boot with the toram flag ?02:25
deadmundI'm trying to get mpdscribble working on my system.  It seems to work fine when I run it from the command line, but not when I run it using "sudo service mpdscribble restart"  It isn't even logging anything when I call it via the service command.  What am I doing wrong??02:27
Bashing-ommapu: The 1st flag 'i' is the desired status, in this case "installed", the 2nd flag 'u" is the status. here 'u' is unpacked . So, it is only unpacked but not fully installed ( what ever the ap is ) .02:30
mapuok- thanks - that is what I *thought8 but wasnt sure.02:31
howerWehe Are to Set hootle?02:33
squabblerI need help figuring out why I keep getting forbidden error when trying to access dev environment via browser localhost/folder-name, which has been symlinked from default html folder to a dev folder in documents - permissions are confusing me02:44
dupingpinghi everyone02:47
dupingpingi waited for 4 days.02:48
dupingpingI need to wait more days?02:48
dupingpingmy app is in pending review.02:48
dupingpingThere is no moderator?02:49
Flanneldupingping: I know that this channel isn't going to be too helpful.  I *believe* the channel you're looking for is #ubuntu-touch (but if nothing else, they should be able to direct you to the people you want to talk to)02:49
dupingpingFlannel, what? did you look http://i.stack.imgur.com/g03Ro.png ?02:51
dupingpingIt's not touch app. just Desktop apps.02:51
dupingpingI dont develop any touch app now. just Desktop Apps.02:51
Flanneldupingping: Where are you trying to get that approved then?02:51
dupingpingi waited for that.02:52
dupingpingbut i waited for 2 days for approved one.02:52
Flanneldupingping: yes.  You're trying to get something approved.  But approved to where?  What website is that?02:52
rusticplagueok i need serious help02:54
duckgooseCTCP VERSION02:55
rusticplaguei have a duel boot system and i need to get windows off of it right now and give the rest of the space to ubuntu02:55
rusticplaguei downloaded a trojan02:55
rusticplaguei only know how to do it by reformatting everything is there a way to do this thru ubuntu terminal?02:55
DylanRJuse Gparted02:55
DylanRJsudo apt-get install gparted02:56
rusticplagueok cool thanks02:56
DylanRJNo problem02:56
DylanRJIt's not in the terminal though, it's a GUI in Ubuntu02:56
rusticplaguethats even better02:57
OerHeksthat will be an issue, hdd must not be in use. use the live cd02:57
rusticplaguei want to physically see windows die02:57
DylanRJOh, OerHeks is right. You will need to use a live CD02:57
rusticplagueeh ok02:57
DylanRJForgot about that. I usually nuke and pave stuff02:58
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happyfr0ggIn XFCE I installed lightdm-gtk-greeter and now my default login screen has changed. How do I change it back?03:17
ivethalguienn en español?03:19
ivethsaludos desde costa rica03:19
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happyfr0ggHow do I restore my default Ubuntu login screen??03:31
dupingpinghappyfr0gg, reboot.03:31
happyfr0ggdupingping, I did and it doesn't come back.03:34
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happyfr0ggI issued this  command in XFCE, sudo apt-fast install lightdm-gtk-greeter.03:37
happyfr0ggNow my default Ubuntu login screen is changed to one with no background pictures and a login dialogue box.03:39
happyfr0ggI want to change my login screen back to the Ubuntu default.03:40
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happyfr0ggI restored my default Ubuntu login screen. Now I need to restore the default login picture.  :-/03:59
EADGHello all.04:12
rusticplaguehey i need some help04:14
rusticplaguei just deleted windows 7 duel boot cause it had a trojan on it. i used Gparted and i notice more partitions and i have no idea what they are04:15
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digcloudwhen I "ssh -i /path/to/key username@host", it still prompts me for a password. How can I force it to use the key for authentication?04:18
scarleoHi, pm-powersave isn't called anymore when unplugging my charger, this has happened after upgrading to Vivid, how can I debug it? Should I see the unplug event logged in dmesg?04:22
xcezzzdigcloud: its probably your remote host not having the proper key to allow you to login04:22
digcloudxcezzz: I think it might be that I had the wrong user.04:23
xcezzzdigcloud: lol that helps04:23
digcloudxcezzz: but now that I'm using a different user, it attempts to use the key, but asks for a passphrase, but I didn't set a passphrase (at least I didn't mean to)04:23
digcloudIf I ran "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa", wouldn't I expect to have a key without a passphrase?04:25
xcezzzdigcloud: you try entering a blank passphrase when prompted?04:25
squabblerI need some help with setting up symlinks with Apache 2.4.7 from html dir -> documents/dev dir04:26
digcloudxcezzz: ugh, I'm such a newbie. I was using the public key. When I use the private key, I can get in just fine. Thanks for your help04:26
xcezzzdigcloud: heh... so check it... ssh-copy-id will copy your ID to the remote host04:26
squabblerI'm getting forbidden error in the browser, and not sure what to do04:27
xcezzzdigcloud: as long as you only have one identity file in your .ssh directory 'id_rsa' it will always use that and you dont have to specify manually04:27
digcloudxcezzz: cool, thanks. I'll master Linux eventually04:28
xcezzzsquabbler: look on google for info about FollowSymLinks...04:28
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le_pigxcezzz, thanks for the tip about not needing to specify manually in that case. :)04:34
B0g4r7Is old-releases.ubuntu.com down?  Any alternative I should use?04:35
moonlanderhow old?04:35
moonlandergoogle is bretty gud04:35
fishcookeris there any problem if i limit the mem usage of syslog-ng because it frequently  Mem used: 93.81%.. *note: there is no proposal to upgrade the RAM?04:35
moonlanderif you can't find a ive archive on ubuntu, you may be able to find an older hosted version on a debian server04:36
FlannelB0g4r7: It appears to be timing out.  I don't know of any mirrors.  Might just have to wait.04:36
B0g4r7Flannel, thx.04:36
moonlanderwait for what04:36
moonlanderwaiting for a mirror has not been an issue since the 90s?04:36
moonlandermaybe earlier in implementation!04:37
gkadwhat's the command to install fonts in xubuntu04:37
moonlanderwhat fonts04:37
gkadttf fonts04:37
moonlanderwhich aren't installed by default?04:38
gkadi'm new to tuxtrans. In that I would like to install tamil.ttf fonts. I could not copy the ttf in /usr/share/fonts/truetype, will you pls help me04:39
moonlanderoops i'm in the worng channel. though i am to be here just responding in a different context04:39
nimbioticsHello everyone. I am mounting 3 different devices, one of them with curlftpfs. How do I make these mounts permanent? TIA!04:40
moonlanderthere doesn't seem to a package that provides that font. you can download it and install it in /usr/share/fonts04:40
Guest81309what is the difference between building package from source vs using apt-get install {Package} ?04:42
moonlandernimbiotics, add them to fstab04:42
moonlanderGuest81309, you 'build' one from source vs installing a 'pre-compiled' version.04:43
Guest81309i mean like what is the benifit/point?04:43
OerHeksGuest81309, if you don't change build options, nothing. just time.04:43
doraHi, I have a question.  I need to know how to read my x-0.log .  It appears to be in binary.04:44
moonlandercustomizability. complete transparency04:44
Guest81309what can you customize?04:44
Guest81309with the build source option i mena04:44
moonlanderdon't trust the binary provided by the author (sourceforge)? build it; make mods; run it04:44
moonlanderit may be too early in our evolution for 'build it' to be a commonplace phrase, but i suspect it will be as commonplace as 'dude' LOL04:47
Guest81309got it04:47
Guest81309what is the point of fakeroot command?04:48
doraHow do I read the x-0.log?04:49
B0g4r7Seems to be working again now.  :)04:49
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moonlanderwhat is the point of life?04:49
Flannelmoonlander: To remain on-topic in #ubuntu.04:50
doraOK, back tomorrow when earthlings are here.04:50
moonlanderwhy is it off topic?04:50
Flannelmoonlander: This is a technical support channel.  If you want to talk about other things, go to #ubuntu-offtopic.04:50
moonlanderyou're making an assumption04:51
Flannelmoonlander: I assure you that a discussion about the meaning of life is not ubuntu technical support.04:51
moonlanderthat was not my question04:51
Guest98382to do heroin04:51
nimbioticsmoonlander: can you explain me how to add them to fstab?04:52
Guest98382nimbiotics: copy and line that is there and use it as a template04:52
B0g4r7Now to upgrade from 11.04 to 14.04 and also convert from Desktop to Server.04:53
moonlanderwow that's a good question (for me). i'm used the the script gen fstab04:54
FlannelB0g4r7: Your best bet is to reinstall.04:54
moonlanderthere has to be something...04:55
Guest81309what is the point of fakeroot is you can just use normal user privledges(non-root) like write and read(for the user)?04:55
moonlanderif you have admin priv04:56
moonlandereven though. if someone has access to your puter, it's better for it to be encrypted than to resort to filesystem permission04:56
moonlanderanyone can boot up a livecd and copy the sam file from a windows disk...04:57
B0g4r7Flannel, IDK...I did it on another VM last night and it went OK.  I expect the same this time.  I backed up first of course.04:57
FlannelB0g4r7: You'd need to go 11.04 -> 11.10 -> 12.04 -> 14.04 (and convert from desktop to server, which isn't ever clean, somewhere in there).  Much easier to just install a 14.04 server fresh.04:58
B0g4r7Flannel, yup, that's how it went.  At the 12.04 stage I did Desktop-->Server.05:00
mcr-pcping txt05:00
FlannelB0g4r7: I didn't say it can't be done, but I just don't see the appeal.05:00
Guest81309what is the point of fakeroot if you should already have normal(not root) user privledges to read.write files?05:04
B0g4r7The appeal is that I can be lazy and let the computer do the work.05:04
B0g4r7Instead of having to remember how I had everything configured.05:05
shadalooi switched over from amd64 to intel i705:08
shadalooand ubuntu is still downloading amd64 packages when I update05:09
shadaloois there some way I can not05:09
knocktwiceI though amd64 was the generic name. works with i705:09
shadaloooh okay05:09
shadaloojust thought it was strange05:10
shadalooubuntu was downloading two versions of the same package05:10
shadalooamd64 and i38605:10
knocktwicehuh.  If you're running 64-bit amd/intel, afaik it should be the amd64 packages.05:11
knocktwicei386 is for 32bit05:11
shadaloooh lol05:11
shadalooalright thanks for the schooling05:11
knocktwicebut I'm no expert on the package system.05:11
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zbbixI have a log file I would like to rotate, I specified a logrotate config for it to rotate every 100mb and placed the config in /etc/logrotate.d/mylog, then I copied the logrotate cron job from /etc/cron.daily to /etc/cron.hourly. Now, about 18 hours later, the log never rotated and when I cat /var/lib/logrotate/status, I don't see it on the list. Any ideas?05:54
histozbbix: I don't remember created a cron job for my logrotate I setup. I just made a config in logrotate.d I believe let me double check06:00
zbbixhisto: In any case, it'06:01
zbbixhisto: In any case, the logrotation did not work06:01
zbbixhisto: This is my config: http://pastebin.com/AvKhZ8Wt06:01
histozbbix: don't you ahve to specify a time to rotate?06:03
zbbixhisto: I was under the impression that I can specify a size without a time06:04
histozbbix: yes your right06:04
zbbixI want to rotate whenever the log reaches 1gb06:04
histozbbix: did you restart the logrotate service?06:05
zbbixhisto: No.. should I? I thought it ran via cron06:05
histozbbix: systemctl status logrotate06:06
zbbixsystemctl: command not found06:06
histozbbix: what distro are you on?06:07
zbbixUbuntu 14.0406:07
zbbixsudo service --status-all | grep logrotate - shows nothing06:08
histoDoesn't 14.04 use systemd?06:08
histozbbix: hrm... is that log 1Gig yet?06:08
lotuspsychjehisto: trusty is still init system06:09
* histo hasn't been on ubuntu in awhile06:09
no_gravityIs there a reason, you put the fs type into fstab but when you mount on the command line, you don't need to? or is it enough to just put "/dev/sdaX /mnt/something" into fstab too?06:10
histono_gravity: mount will autodetect the filesystem 'sometimes' when you use the command line06:11
histono_gravity: fstab doesn't have that luxury06:12
no_gravitymaybe "/dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2 auto rw 0 0" will do?06:12
histono_gravity: but why?  is there a problem with specifying the fs06:12
no_gravityhard to say. i prefer "auto".06:13
no_gravityok, rebooting...06:14
jessabcever wonder why ubuntu gui looks so bad when apple does such a good job?06:19
lotuspsychjejessabc: take a look on deviantart, ubuntu has most nice user desktops06:19
xanguajessabc: they only have 1 one gui06:20
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blondie101010where can we find the compile script used for Apache (using ubuntu 14.04)?06:37
jango42Blondie101010 youwant to install Apachce?06:40
Ubuntu75192is there a single command that updates the kernel fully?06:44
histoUbuntu75192: what do you mean updates fully?06:44
Ubuntu75192get the latest kernel with one command06:44
Ubuntu75192if possible will probs need full pc restart06:45
drmagooAnyone here on 14.04 with a nvidia gtx9XX-card and using xorg-edgers drivers? When I try to install the drivers from there, it doesnt install the Xorg-driver. Any ideas?06:45
Ubuntu75192so yes or no/06:46
xanguawhy do you want the latest kernel¿06:47
xanguaUbuntu75192: kernel.org06:47
Ubuntu75192not possible to do it all via commandline?06:47
Ubuntu75192like sudo update-kernel or something?06:48
somsipUbuntu75192: do you mean the newest officially-support kernel, or the very newest Linux kernel?06:48
Ubuntu75192officially supported06:49
somsipUbuntu75192: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (after an update)06:49
histoUbuntu75192: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:51
Ubuntu84819if internet connection crashes during a apt-get update will running it again(with internet failure) fix it all again, since its just updating lists?06:53
Ubuntu84819as in without internet failure06:53
Ben64yeah it should06:53
Ubuntu84819and same with apt-get install06:53
Ubuntu84819just continues from what it had06:54
Ubuntu84819so with the update, if it fails i can always just run it again and if no errors reported then its updated correctly(even though first time it failed)?06:55
Ubuntu84819apt-get update of course06:55
csrgxtujoin #openwrt06:56
Ben64Ubuntu84819: yeah06:56
Ubuntu84819got it. thanks06:56
csrgxtu<join> #openwrt06:56
neurotcsrgxtu no06:56
Ben64/join #openwrt06:56
csrgxtuneurot, thanks06:57
blondie101010sorry I got disconnected06:57
kaizanyone here06:58
blondie101010are the build scripts private or taboo here?  I basically like the apache build but just want to make minor adjustments to it06:58
csrgxtuBen64, thanks06:59
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histoblondie101010: apt-get sourch somepackage07:03
blondie101010thanks a lot!07:04
Gh0st-how can I access Ubuntu via FTP on my VPS?07:14
zbbixhisto: Yep that file is already 1gb07:15
cristian_chow can I convert a primary partition to logical one?07:16
cristian_cAny ideas?07:16
Gh0st-how can I access Ubuntu via FTP on my VPS?07:21
neurotGh0st- are you looking for a client or server07:31
Gh0st-neurot: I have got a VPS07:31
neurotI run Pro FTP07:32
histozbbix: yeah no idea everything looks okay to me. Maybe a reboot?07:32
zbbixhisto: Found the issue, it's stupid. I used '1g' instead of '1G'07:33
histozbbix: ahh07:34
neurotGh0st- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-proftpd-on-ubuntu-12-0407:35
Gh0st-how can I change forward port07:35
Gh0st-neurot: thanks doing it07:36
neurotGh0st- :-)07:36
Gh0st-neurot: do you know how can I change the port07:37
histozbbix: sorry I didn't catch that either07:37
drmagoocan someone confirm wether nvidia-346 is part of the official repos for 15.04 ?07:37
neurotIf you going to run pro ftp it is in the conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf07:38
Gh0st-neurot: do you know how can I change the port shell access07:38
neurotGh0st- no sorry07:39
Gh0st-ssh access07:39
histoGh0st-: who's your vps through?07:39
est31hi, anyone tried 15.10 already?07:41
est31will the 15.10 gcc have colors?07:41
Gh0st-histo: crisis I think07:42
Gh0st-neurot: it gave me this error ProFTPD warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.07:42
histoGh0st-: how do you not know who the vps is through?  What company did you purchase it through?07:43
Gh0st-Crisis bro07:43
somsip!15.10 | est3107:43
ubottuest31: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) will be the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Discussion in #ubuntu+107:43
neurotyou ran the sudo apt-get install proftpd and it popped up the box right07:43
Gh0st-neurot: yeah07:43
neurotdo standalone i think07:43
Gh0st-oh I choosed ident something07:44
neurotbrb looking at my conf07:44
est31somsip, you say I should crosspost there?07:44
somsipest31: you should go and ask there07:45
Elecbulleti have this encrypted partition at /dev/sdc1 which ubuntu used to ask for password to mount at boot. I reinstalled and it doesn't do that anymore. I want to mount it post-boot, manually if I can from terminal07:45
neurotstandalone Gh0st-07:45
Gh0st-but cannot access07:46
Gh0st-through ftp client07:46
Elecbullet"sudo mount.crypt /dev/sdc1 /crypt" should work, if /crypt exists, right?07:46
Gh0st-which login details should I use?07:47
neurotGh0st- open up you vps ports07:47
Gh0st-neurot: I am noob :/07:47
Gh0st-how would I do that07:48
neurotwhat is your vps07:48
MichaelTiebeslhi everybody.....just curious if Ubuntu 15.10 already is stable enough for daily use?07:49
somsip!15.10 | MichaelTiebesl (discussion in a different channel for unreleased versions)07:50
ubottuMichaelTiebesl (discussion in a different channel for unreleased versions): Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) will be the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Discussion in #ubuntu+107:50
neurotGh0st- I run a home server so I could not help you on that part.07:50
csrgxtuu can also use 14.04.207:51
csrgxtustable and with full documentation07:51
Gh0st-neurot: oh ok07:52
Gh0st-neurot: but thanks07:52
neurothappy to help07:52
merkurusFor testing i rec 12.04.2 and update07:54
sid_I can't see any wifi network around me , could anybody helps me ?07:55
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sid_my network hardrive doesn't work properly I can't find any wifi connection  available even if there are so may around me08:07
llutzsid_: and that network harddrive runs ubuntu?08:14
sid_llutz_ yes 14.04 LTS  that I ve just installed today under macbook pro08:16
ricardmuch difference is seen in 4 gb of ram to 1333 or 1600, is very noticeable in the pc?08:17
llutzricard: no08:18
ricardthaks llutz08:18
LebowskiThis is the ubuntu support?08:19
Lebowskianyone there? this is urgent08:20
yabbesim here08:20
LebowskiYou can help me yeah?08:21
yabbesLebowski, just ask your question08:21
fishcookerthere is error message: no space left what should i do? https://bpaste.net/show/2b9de5fcafae08:21
merkurusyabbes: does it start ?08:22
LebowskiI have been gettign tired of windows for a while now so I decided to get ubuntu. Once I did I put it on a RW disc (people said it was a bad idea but it's all I have) when I went to boot from the CD it loaded up the instaler. Once it loaded I saw the 2 menus. I picked the full install and not the live preview. I got past the part where it said it would earse my hard drive (and it did). after that a thing that said chicago with a map 08:23
Lebowskimenu popped up and said ??? ??? and to the left it had a - sign08:23
Lebowskiyabbes i really need help08:23
LebowskiI have no OS on my computer now08:23
sid_llutz  yes 14.04 LTS  that I ve just installed today under macbook pro08:24
yabbesLebowski, im a noob too, what are you trying to do08:24
yabbesyouve got no OS at the moment just trying to install ubuntu ?08:24
ricardllutz is no appreciable difference?08:24
LebowskiI've been trying all day08:24
LebowskiI have no OS so I have to keep booting from the CD08:24
yabbeswhy do you even see this error08:25
cfhowlett!md5summ | Lebowski, suspect you have a bad .iso or bad cd.08:25
yabbesthe installation uses graphical ui08:25
cfhowlett!md5sum | Lebowski08:25
ubottuLebowski: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:25
yabbesyeah download the iso again and maybe try with installation from usb08:25
yabbesit should be no problem at all to install08:25
ricardllutz is no appreciable difference?08:26
LebowskiI think the problem is the CD08:26
LebowskiI have been going at this for the past 4 hours and its now 3 in the morning08:26
Lebowskiwhat should I do?08:26
yabbescreate a new live dvd08:27
yabbesto install from08:27
LebowskiI have been using the same cd. I have erased it and reinstalled ubuntu (or at least tried) about 3 times08:28
yabbesat what point the installation fails ?08:28
neurotcan he burn a cd inside the live cd environment08:29
Lebowskiafter it erases my hard drive08:29
LebowskiI might be able to try08:29
yabbesLebowski, does it boot the live environment correctly ?08:29
yabbestry to redownload a non faulty version from there08:29
LebowskiAll I have is the same RW DVD08:30
neurotLebowski what Ubuntu are you wanting to install08:30
LebowskiTo be honest i don't really know... 14.0.2 or something08:31
Lebowskithats it08:31
neurotLebowski 14.04.2 that is the one i would do too08:32
neurotsee if you can burn a new iso08:32
Lebowski@neurot you said to try and burn the iso to the disc using the live version but wouldnt that just kick me off the OS?08:32
ricardllutz is very noticeable difference between 4GB 1333 1600 or on the computer?08:32
neurotLebowski i was asking too in don't know if you can.08:33
Lebowskihaha sorry08:33
neuroti think the os is running in ram so i would just see if you can08:34
Lebowskialright. I'll try to erase the disc and try08:34
yabbesi think it should work08:35
neuroti think so too08:35
ricardhello llutz08:35
cfhowlettLebowski, dude.  CHECK YOUR ISO.  doesn't matter how many times you "retry".  if your .iso is bad, it's going to fail.  perform the md5sum08:35
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=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
yabbes+1 what cfhowlett said08:36
merkurusbe sure about the i386 or 6408:36
Lebowskineurot idk how to find where to erase the disk on ubuntu ffs08:36
Lebowskicfhowlett would you mind linking me again?08:36
cfhowlett!md5sum | Lebowski08:36
ubottuLebowski: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:36
cfhowlett!md5sum > Lebowski08:36
ubottuLebowski, please see my private message08:36
LebowskiLet me read up on it08:37
ricardanyone know if you really notice the difference between 4GB 1333 or 1600 computer08:38
Lebowskicfhowlett I have no idea what I'm doing. I write that line in the terminal and it's supposed to spit out a line of something and I'm supposded to compare it to what?08:39
neurotLebowski If all else fails reinstall windows if you can08:41
cfhowlettLebowski, you gotta read the link, amgio.  you check it against this: http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/MD5SUMS08:41
Lebowskineurot I would if I had one, I tried reinstalling a torrented version of windows but it didn't work08:42
Lebowskicfhowlett, I am, bud. I don't understand what to do. I am computer illiterate08:42
cfhowlett!piracy | Lebowski08:42
ubottuLebowski: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o08:42
cfhowlettLebowski, you need a computer with a working OS to perform the md5sum08:43
yabbestorrent windows08:43
Lebowskiokay, I'll do it on my laptop then.08:43
cfhowlettLebowski, laptop has what OS??08:43
Lebowskiyabbes I have tried that, I boot from cd but it says the files are corrupt or something08:44
Lebowskicfhowlett, Windows 8.108:44
cfhowlettyeah not to mention virus infested.08:44
yabbesyou tried what? did you check the md5 ?08:44
yabbesif md5 correct just install08:44
yabbesif not DONT08:44
neurotLebowski do you have a usb flash drive 4gb or more08:45
yabbesmake a usb boot stick08:45
yabbesi hate cd rom08:45
LebowskiI do not. that is why I have been using the RW DVD08:45
LebowskiIt sucks and it takes forever08:45
yabbesman you've got nothing lebowski08:45
anonymous_so what suck and tkes forever?08:45
Lebowskihaha sorry bud08:45
anonymous_so.. you guys are using ubuntu??08:46
chotaz`wLebowski, i can ship you in an 8gb pen drive if you need, I literally got dozens of em laying around in boxes08:46
Lebowskitrying to08:46
Lebowskichoatz'w if you would like to you may08:46
Lebowskiyes anon08:46
chotaz`wanonymous_, YES WE CAN08:46
neurotLebowski I know this is unorthodox but maybe try Linux Mint08:47
chotaz`w!caps > anonymous_08:47
anonymous_oh kk then.. i thought i was loney for a moment..08:47
Lebowskineurot, already tried and it didn't work08:47
yabbesim upgrading to 15.04 :-)08:47
yabbeswhy didnt it work Lebowski08:47
Lebowskijust loaded to some weird looking menu and I couldnt to anything08:47
anonymous_people are now using this right??08:47
yabbesive never had problems like this08:47
yabbesjust installing it :s08:48
anonymous_you guys are using anonymous os?08:48
neurotLebowski You may have a hardware issue08:48
ricardanyone know if you really notice the difference between 4GB 1333 or 1600 computer08:48
yabbeswhat are you trying to install it on lebowski08:48
LebowskiI don't think it is. I think it might have to do with the RW CD08:48
Lebowskiyabbes ubuntu 14.04.208:48
neurotLebowski or that08:48
anonymous_okay so.. what are you guys doing now08:48
ktechmidasat work...08:48
yabbesthat too, i think its very prone to errors CD's especially if rewriting on them08:49
anonymous_wait what at work?08:49
Lebowskiyou live in eruope ktechmidas?08:49
anonymous_WTF AT WORK08:49
ktechmidasYup England08:49
anonymous_who hacks here just saying?08:49
LebowskiIt's 3:49 am m8808:49
ktechmidasit's almost 10am here08:49
yabbesalmost 11 here ;)08:49
anonymous_WHO HACKS HERE (god do i need to do  caps)08:49
Lebowskineurot, yabbes, do you think it's the RW CD?08:49
anonymous_OH MY GOD i'm left outD:08:50
yabbesanonymous_, calm down ^^08:50
LebowskiI swear to god if it is a hardware issue I am going to jump off a cliff08:50
anonymous_I"M BEING LEFT OUT AHHHH08:50
ktechmidas!caps > anonymous_08:50
Lebowskimy question is, why wouldn't it let me boot a pirated version of windows?08:50
yabbesif you got the errors installing linux mint with this same RW CD then yes08:50
neurotLebowski I wouldn't rule it out08:51
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LebowskiMy PC was fine today, I just didn't want to use windows anymore08:51
ktechmidasLebowski: You can get a legit version of Windows?08:51
ktechmidasjust to try08:51
neurotLebowski you only have one cdrw08:51
ktechmidasand does your computer support booting from USB?08:51
ktechmidasI find USB to be a lot more reliable08:51
LebowskiYes I can get a legit version ktechmidas, just not at the moment. I have to wait till later today when I get off work08:51
ricardhave raised the question as much difference in the pc 4GB 1333 or 1600?08:52
LebowskiI beleive my computer oes08:52
Lebowskiand neurot yes08:52
neurotthat sucks man08:52
ktechmidasLebowski: try a USB boot... you can use unetbootin to install Ubuntu to a USB drive08:52
jpdsricard: What's the difference between 1333 and 1600 RAM?08:52
ktechmidasand boot from that08:52
nirudLebowski: Have you used this CD-RW several times before? or is this a blank one that you then used to burn Ubuntu to?08:52
neurotktechmidas Lebowski has no usb drive08:52
ktechmidasI think it needs to be 1GB or bigger (the USB stick)08:52
Lebowskineurot I do have a usb drive08:53
nirudAlso, as everyone else has suggested...You should try to find a USB 2.0 stick that has a minimum of 4GB, because that is a much more reliable medium for installing an OS.08:53
neurotLebowski a flash drive08:53
Lebowskiwhat neurot?08:54
ricardnot notice much the pc08:54
neurotDo you have a USB flash drive that you can install the operating system on?08:55
LebowskiNot with me08:55
Lebowskiwhich is why im using the cd08:55
ricardnot notice much the pc jpds08:55
ktechmidasI haven't used a disk drive in years... I ripped it out :P08:56
ricardjpds:not notice much the pc08:57
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LebowskiSo, I'm going to catch some Z's. before I go do you guys have any more ideas for me?08:59
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
nirudLebowski: If you can still boot into a live environment, then I suggest you check the MD5 checksum (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM) of the CD to make sure it is correct and not corrupted. A list of correct md5 checksums for the Ubuntu releases can be found in their appropriate directories in here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/. From all the conversation that has taken place, I would think the md5 checksum will return09:00
nirudas invalid, if that is the case then redownload the Ubuntu ISO and attempt to burn it using the programs that come installed in the live environment.09:00
Johnny_Linuxat a slower speed09:01
Lebowskialright. I'll do it later today. I'll be back later today to give you guys an update09:01
cfhowlettLebowski, torrenting the .iso is almost always more reliable than direct download09:01
Lebowskicfhowlett, I'll torrent it while I go to sleep and do it again. Do you have a torrent link? I couldn't find one09:02
cfhowlettLebowski, wait 1209:02
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes09:02
nirudOh, I did not realize this handy bot had all this information at the ready.09:03
nirudSeems there is a command for everything.09:03
Lebowskiis this the torrent?09:03
nirudhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent < This is the torrent file for Ubuntu 14.04.2 (64 bit)09:04
HarisHello all09:05
Harisis there a way to install php 5.4.x on trusty ?09:05
Harisfrom official repos' or the like09:05
Harisis there a way to install php 5.4.x on trusty from official repos' or the like ?09:05
Lebowskiokay, thank you nirud. I am getting off. Thank you cfhowlett, neurot for your help09:06
Lebowskii will be back later09:06
Lebowskiand yabbes09:06
Lebowskithank you guys09:06
dupingpingplease look the url, https://pledgie.com/campaigns/2850209:07
histodupingping: why are you spamming in here?  Also what you are trying to do already exists09:12
ricardnot notice much memory pc ram 4 gb to 1333 or 1600?09:12
dupingpinghisto, it's not spamming. just donation.09:12
ktechmidasdupingping: it's spamming and off-topic09:13
histodupingping: You're spamming a link for people to donate to something that's already been done in a ubuntu support channel09:13
histo!ot | dupingping09:13
ubottudupingping: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:13
dupingpingi see.09:13
historicard: what?09:13
dupingpinghisto, ktechmidas,  thank you for your help09:14
historicard: what is your native language?09:14
ricardmuch changes the performance of the computer co 4 gb ram 1333 or 160009:15
ktechmidasricard: it depends on your build, stick 1600 both in there and take metrics09:15
somsipricard: http://superuser.com/questions/204694/ram-speed-how-does-it-impact-performance09:16
somsipricard: but hardware questions are offtopic here09:16
historicard: /join ##hardware09:16
robur888dhi, who comes from France?09:23
Harisguys, anyone here ?09:27
HarisI need to have php 5.4.x on trusty ? is it possible ?09:27
lewis1711flashplugin is installed. watch youtube videos, but no sound. I can play mp3s fine. I have ALSA. not sure where to go from here, ideas?09:28
neurotHaris apt-get install php509:28
neurotsudo apt-get install php509:28
Haristhat installs php5 5.5.x09:29
HarisI need 5.4.x09:29
neuroti think its phph 5.5909:31
SeveasHaris: fix your application to not require an obsolete, unsupprted and probably insecure version of php09:31
Seveaslewis1711: remove flashplugin, try youtub'es html5 viewer09:31
ktechmidasHaris: you'll have to either go find a repo with it in, try to find the .deb's you need from somewhere, or build it yourself09:32
nirudlewis1711: YouTube by default uses HTML5 as its video player, and only resorts to flash when something crashes. Chrome/Chromium has its own Flash player which is maintained by Google.09:33
amitprakashHi, i've two questions wrt uwsgi. I am running uwsgi as a ubuntu service.. however despite specifying     logto = /data/app-logger.log and     daemonize = /data/app.log in app.ini, daemonize gets set to /var/log/uwsgi/app/app.log09:33
amitprakashHow do I resolve this?09:33
lewis1711thanks. still no sound in youtube after remove the flashplugin. I did have to change my default device in .asoundrc. perhaps firefox isn't picking it up, and is sending sound to the wrong card?09:34
lewis1711https://gist.github.com/anonymous/df8b0a27d79ee81b6430 that's my .asoundrc, seems fine09:36
str0keim trying to install dual boot @ my windows 709:39
str0kecan someone help me?09:39
lotuspsychje!dualboot | str0ke09:39
ubottustr0ke: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:39
lotuspsychjestr0ke: you can also make you life easy, and single boot install ubuntu09:40
ktechmidaslotuspsychje: some people have a need for Windows09:41
lotuspsychjektechmidas: there are many tools you can simulate, wine,playonlinux,..09:41
lewis1711I do spend a lot  less time messing around with sound cards and drivers in windows. then again I don't use it as much09:42
ktechmidaslotuspsychje: I'd like to see Wine/POL play GTA509:42
lotuspsychjektechmidas: yeah hardcore gamers better stick to winblows indeed09:43
lotuspsychjektechmidas: but steam can already play nice grafix games on ubuntu09:44
ktechmidaslotuspsychje: I would like to see Linux become a gaming platform as much as anyone, I live, breathe and work with Linux - but when I get home I just want to play a game, not constrict myself to things that may or may not work, graphical glitches with WINE, or things just crashing out (wih the exception of Steam games, they seem to work okay)09:45
Trioxindoes Wubi, the Ubuntu installer for windows still work?09:45
TrioxinI don't see it on the site09:46
lotuspsychje!wubi | Trioxin09:46
ubottuTrioxin: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.09:46
k1l_Trioxin: dont use it.09:46
k1l_Trioxin: make a real install into real partitions. or use a usb pendrive for testing. but dont use wubi09:46
Trioxinany other way to install if you don't have the option of using a DVD or USB drive?09:46
Trioxinfrom windows09:47
k1l_pxe boot09:47
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ktechmidasif you have another computer to PXE boot from09:47
k1l_Trioxin: easiest way is to get a dvd or usb pendrive. all other ways like pxe need way more effort.09:47
lotuspsychjeTrioxin: or order an ubuntu dvd from the ubuntu website09:48
lotuspsychjeTrioxin: or you dont have a dvd drive?09:48
Trioxinit's for a friend who doesn't have much and doesn't live anywhere near me. he has a mac in his house09:49
Trioxini was thinking maybe I could make partition for ubuntu and then install it via virtualbox or vmware?09:49
Trioxinin windows09:49
lotuspsychjeTrioxin: but that will remain virtual then09:50
lotuspsychjeTrioxin: like k1l_ suggests better find a cheap usb somewhere, and make your life easy09:50
Trioxinno I mean since the VM can see the other partition, use an install CD iso, boot into that in VMware, then use that to install to the new partition?09:50
llutzTrioxin: read virtualbox manual, about "raw hard disk access"09:51
HarisI have that same issue again. apache 2.4.x is not parsing php files. its offering them for download09:52
Harisapache 2.4.709:52
lotuspsychjeTrioxin: if you find yourself a 1gig usb stick its gonna be pretty cheap, or search the internet for free usb09:52
Harisphp5 mod is enabled. but its not parsing it09:52
lotuspsychjeHaris: maybe the ##httpd guys know this?09:53
Trioxinyeah I guess I could send him one of my old ones09:53
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lotuspsychjeTrioxin: sure, 1gig will be enough to run ubuntu iso09:53
nirudMy local dollar store has 1GB USB2.0 sticks for $1.50.09:53
Harisno, its not a httpd issue. its a how-ubuntu-cnofigures-apache-in-its-dist is the issue09:53
Harisas before09:53
Trioxinlooks like vmware can do it but involves virtualizing everything09:54
histonirud: hrm.. interresting.. What franchise09:54
nirudhisto: Dollarama...It's a rather big chain in Canada.09:55
IseeFreeMarketshi guys09:55
lotuspsychjehisto: set discuss in your favs :p09:55
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Trioxinthe point is to give him a privacy minded alternative to windows when he wants it. I wonder if there's such software that doesn't require network booting but allows you to reboot into a downloaded ISO09:56
HarisThis is trusty, 14.04.x. apache 2.4.7 is not parsing php files, even though php5 mod is enabled. apachectl -M shows it09:56
lotuspsychjeTrioxin: dont forget if you send him the usb, put the right architecture on it: 32 or 64bit09:57
Trioxinwell I teamview him when he needs help. no big deal there09:57
Harishow do I troubleshoot this ?09:57
neurotHaris are you trying to run a web server09:58
Harisyes, ofcourse09:58
Harisas my production web server, I should add09:59
neurotsudo apt-get install lamp-server^09:59
Ben64Haris: make sure you have the package "libapache2-mod-php5" installed09:59
neurota all in one install of php5 mysql ....10:00
Harisii  libapache2-mod-php5                 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.9               amd6410:00
TrioxinFor future reference, this seems to be able to accomplish installing without any extra installation media: http://neosmart.net/EasyBCD/10:00
Harisyes, its installed. as I mentioned, apachectl -M shows php5 is included/enabled10:00
Ben64Haris: just going through verification10:00
llutzHaris: have you restarted apache after enabling the mod-php5?10:01
Ben64Haris: make sure its in mods-enabled too10:01
Harisyes, already done10:01
Hariswhy don't things work when they are configured "as is" "out of the box"10:03
Ben64they do10:03
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: good noon10:04
chotaz`wwhy are people on IRC divided by hashtag? :v10:05
EriC^^good noon lotuspsychje10:05
NekHello everybody !10:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: set discuss in your favs mate :p10:05
Ben64Haris: is this server publicly accessible10:06
ablest1980hello lotuspsychje10:06
lotuspsychjeablest1980: hi10:06
HarisBen64: yes ofcourse10:07
Ben64make a page, call it ip.php or something, put this line in it, give me link. <?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];?>10:07
NekAnyone knows how to upgrade vlc manually ? I tried via the ppa and it looks like it doesn't work :-( .10:07
NekMy version of VLC doesn't work >_<10:07
Ben64Nek: how does it not work10:08
ablest1980hello Nek10:08
lotuspsychjeNek: ubuntu version?10:08
lotuspsychjeNek: errors when you start vlc from terminal?10:09
NekBen64, well, i tried apt-get upgrade, nothing happens.10:09
Neklotuspsychje, segfault10:09
ablest1980add sudo?10:10
Ben64Nek: try mplayer210:10
Harishow to enable mcrypt module ?10:10
lotuspsychjeNek: maybe this can help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/461691/vlc-player-issue-on-ubuntu-14-0410:10
Nekablest1980, im not that stupid :') .10:11
Harisok. the problem seems to be with directoryindex10:11
Harisits parsing php files10:11
Neklotuspsychje, nop :/ [1]    1081 segmentation fault (core dumped)  vlc10:12
Ben64Nek: try mplayer210:12
lotuspsychjeNek: did you try reinstall?10:13
Hariswhen I load files with /index.php it works, it parses the problem10:15
Hariswhen I browse the FQDN, is doesn't work10:15
HarisDirectoryIndex might be the issue10:15
Ben64sounds like it10:16
Peetz0rHey! I have ubuntu 14.04 with full disk encryption and everyhting on one disk. Now I want to add another disk and move /home to that new disk. How would I do that?10:18
k1l_ablest1980: vlc is in the repos10:18
lotuspsychje!encrypt | Peetz0r10:18
ubottuPeetz0r: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory10:18
ablest1980% sudo apt-get update10:18
ablest1980% sudo apt-get install vlc browser-plugin-vlc10:18
Peetz0rlotuspsychje: I don't want to encrypt just one directory10:19
Nekk1l_, looks broken on ubuntu 14.04, so i would like to upgrade. No idea why it doesnt works >_< .10:19
Peetz0rmy first disk is already encrypted. my question is, how do I add another encrypted disk to that same setup, *and* how do I move /home to that new disk10:19
lotuspsychjeNek: did something happen while you installed vlc?10:19
k1l_Nek: what doesnt work? the version in the repo is known to work.10:19
lotuspsychjek1l_: his vlc gets a segfault on trusty10:20
Harisdirectoryindex part is still not working10:21
Ben64you need to reload apache when you change conf10:21
lotuspsychjeNek: try to purge vlc and reinstall10:22
Neklotuspsychje, already tried :-( .10:23
Nekk1l_, segfault while starting a flv video.10:24
k1l_Nek: so is the flv film known to work?10:24
lotuspsychjeNek: maybe try what Ben64 suggested and test mplayer2 to see if movie plays10:24
Peetz0rHey! I have ubuntu 14.04 with full disk encryption and everyhting on one disk. Now I want to add another disk and move /home to that new disk. How would I do that?10:27
=== Abishek_ is now known as abishek
ricardhello someone can tell me if there is much difference between 4 gb ram 1333 or 1600 is very noticeable in the pc10:33
bekksricard: You will not notice it. But you want more than 4GB RAM.10:34
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ablest1980i had 4 gb added 4 more work good10:36
amitprakashHi, i've two questions wrt uwsgi. I am running uwsgi as a ubuntu service.. however despite specifying     logto = /data/app-logger.log and     daemonize = /data/app.log in app.ini, daemonize gets set to /var/log/uwsgi/app/app.log10:36
amitprakashHow do I resolve this?10:36
ricardnot right with 4 GB of RAM just want to know if you notice much 1333 or 160010:36
llutzricard: you already have been told (no) and got the right channel to ask ##hardware.10:37
ricardno one10:39
llutzofftopic here, ricard10:40
=== j0hn is now known as Guest18291
Guest18291is there anyone who can help me? I just installed my ubuntu :D10:43
k1l_help with what?10:43
Guest18291i wanted to install hexchat/xchat but i had some errors10:44
Guest18291now i use xchat-gnome and i got this on my terminal10:44
k1l_Guest18291: what ubuntu is it exactly?10:44
Guest18291john@ubuntu:~$ xchat-gnome10:44
Guest18291(xchat-gnome:7215): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: TopicLabel.creation-function10:44
Guest18291(xchat-gnome:7215): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: ConversationPanel.creation-function10:44
Guest18291Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l10:44
neurotGuest18291 http://geek.krash.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=510:45
k1l_sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get install hexchat10:45
k1l_and you dont need any ppa for hexchat10:48
neurotk1l_ true but its nice to get updates10:48
Guest18291john@ubuntu:~$ hexchat10:49
Guest18291(hexchat:7617): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()10:49
Guest18291(hexchat:7617): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()10:49
Guest18291HexChat CRITICAL *** default event text failed to build!10:49
Guest18291Aborted (core dumped)10:49
SeveasGuest18291: stop pasting in here.10:49
k1l_neurot: no. not at all. if you want the latest and greatest you want a rolling release distro with all that cons.10:49
k1l_!paste | Guest1829110:49
ubottuGuest18291: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:49
Guest18291I apologize.10:50
k1l_Guest18291: put the output into the pastebin and show the link here.10:50
k1l_Guest18291: what desktop is it exactly?10:50
k1l_<k1l_> Guest18291: what desktop is it exactly?10:52
philluminatiHi guys. Since my 15.04 upgrade I'm having trouble with nfs being slow. Presumably because the ubuntu server it runs on is no longer running "lockd" (i believe). However I'm sure where lockd is and how I'm supposed to restart t10:54
philluminatiit*. Any ideas?10:54
k1l_Guest18291: which desktop. unity? gnome shell? mate? cinnamon?......10:54
shambatI'm getting some email from some cron-jobs I've set up, where can I check what e-mail address(es) cron tries to send these email to?10:56
philluminatidon't worry, fixed it :-D10:56
Guest18291mm Compiz?10:56
Harisits working *whew*. it was a proxying issue10:56
Haristhanks all10:56
k1l_!pm | Guest1829110:58
ubottuGuest18291: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.10:58
Guest18291 1823 ?        00:00:00 gnome-session10:58
k1l_Guest18291: so you changed to gnome shell after install or installed the gnome shell iso?10:59
k1l_Guest18291: this is taking to long for me, i need to leave in short time. the error you get can be caused by the desktop you run. so specific informations are important. maybe others can help you11:00
Guest18291er.. :) np sorry for that11:01
Guest18291but im a newbie11:01
Guest18291i was just following some youtube instructions xD and this is actually my dual os11:01
Daisyab__hi.  I set up a VM using a vagrantfile.  On it was an Ubuntu 14.04 guest.  However, it was in text console format and I wanted something more graphical so I ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.  Right now, ubuntu gets stuck in login loop. I've tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/223501/ubuntu-gets-stuck-in-a-login-loop but still no luck.  Any help please?11:04
bekksDaisyab__: Can you still log in into a console?11:05
bekksDaisyab__: Do you have enough free space left?11:07
Daisyab__bekks:  I have about 16MB left11:08
bekksDaisyab__: Thats the reason for your login loop. You need to free up space.11:09
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Daisyab__bekks:  ok.  How much is needed11:13
Daisyab__I freed some up and had 137 MB available11:13
Daisyab__but it still doesn't log in11:14
bekksDaisyab__: Thats still far too less. :)11:14
Daisyab__bekks:  oh, ok.  Is there a way to add memory, while the VM is running? I've got a total of 495MB11:15
bekksDaisyab__: Memory is not the issue. Free space is the issue. :)11:16
agenthexhello, folks.  is there a way to install the opencl driver for amd cpus without installing fglrx?11:17
Daisyab__bekks:  ok.  in that case i have 2.7GB left11:18
SDrhey guys, erm, how old is netstat?11:21
ikoniawhat do you mean how old ?11:21
ikoniathe version or how long has netstat been around ?11:21
SDrikonia, the later -how long of muscle memory is SS, like, actually, trying to dethrone?11:22
ikoniamuscle memory ? dethone ? what are you talking about11:23
ikoniaSDr: whats the actual question - in clear english please11:23
SDrikonia, how long have netstat been around?11:23
ikoniaSDr: do you mean how long has the gnu tool existed ?11:23
SDrikonia, yes11:23
ikoniaSDr: look on the gnu website for the version history and dates11:23
ikonianot really anything to do with ubuntu11:23
Harishello all11:27
Hariswhat's a good mysql admin type gui tool for use with ubuntu11:28
Seveasgood mysql admin's don't use gui tools :)11:28
shambatHaris: I've used MySQL Workbench11:28
shambatworks nicely11:28
bekksHaris: phpmyadmin11:29
ikoniaHaris: if you need a tool - stick wht official tools11:29
ikoniaphpmyadmin is a huge danger11:29
Harisofficial one .. is ?11:29
Harisnot using pma11:29
ikonia....on the mysql website11:29
Seveasphpmyadmin is ok-ish, as long as you don't expose it to anyone else.11:29
Harisits to be used on dev's PC11:29
shambatMySQL Workbench is made by Oracle and has a free community edition11:29
Seveasmysql workbench is popular11:29
ikoniamysql workbench is the tool that replaced mysql admin11:30
ikoniait's used by professionals,11:30
Seveasbut real dba's just use the mysql cli and their configuration tooling (puppet, chef etc...)11:30
Harismysql workbench is too much for my tiny/simpler needs11:31
Harissomething like heidisql on windows11:31
ikoniamysql workbench can be used basic11:31
Ben64phpmyadmin is fine as long as its not accessible publicly11:31
ikoniait's a very simple tool, it will be fine for pretty much any needs11:32
Harishow to install mysql workbench on ubuntu11:33
ikoniaopen the package manager11:33
ikoniasearch for it11:33
ikoniaclick install11:33
ikoniahttps://help.ubuntu.com for a basic guide on using ubuntu11:33
ikoniathats a deb file11:36
ikoniathats not what I said11:36
ikoniaopen the package manager - search for the package, click install11:36
Haristhis is the file it shows on mysql's download site, when OS = Ubuntu is selected11:36
ikoniahttps://help.ubuntu.com for a basic guide on how to use ubuntu if you need it11:37
shambatHaris: if you're using the Ubuntu Desktop, use whats called the Ubuntu Software Center, its like an app-store type program where you can search and install programs11:37
Harisyes, I know. actually its not my box. another dev has to do it. and I can't do it on his box, untill the dev is free enough11:38
Haristhank you !11:38
agenthexanyone here use OpenCL on AMD hardware?11:39
BluesKajHowdy folks11:44
=== percY is now known as percY-
fishcookerhow to change group name from fish to fishcooker?11:56
Gh0st-how can I setup a vhost mask on my VPS12:00
ikoniavhost mask ?12:01
ikoniawhat do you mean ? an apache virtual host ?12:01
kong0ikonia is owned by ikonia12:02
Gh0st-whatever comes after @12:02
Gh0st-not this one exactly12:02
Gh0st-but something I want12:02
ikoniaread freenode.net and look at "cloak"12:03
ikoniaask in #freenode if you ned more info12:03
ikoniathey don't do custom cloaks12:03
ikoniaso you won't get a custom one12:03
zeroCis it possible to pin an application to an specific virtual desktop (in unity), I am using Ubuntu 15.0412:13
WhiskeyI there anyway to get a list of shortcuts from a specefic folder when you are in a dir12:20
Venkerhi people12:20
zeroCWhiskey: hm?12:21
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=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
Venkermy mouse pointer is disappearing after 1 or 2 seconds if I leave it untouched, I've searched for help in forums but those solutions doesn't work. Any ideas?12:22
VenkerI'm using 14.04 with gnome-panel12:22
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WhiskeyYou don´t get what i mean?12:22
zeroCVenker: does it kome back?12:22
zeroCWhiskey: exactly, i don't get what you mean : )12:22
VenkerzeroC, yes, only if I move the mouse12:23
WhiskeyzoerC if you are in a folder and do dir you see everything thats in it12:23
Whiskeyhow to just show the shortcuts thats in it?12:23
zeroCWhiskey: you mean in a terminal?12:23
Whiskeyo damn i forgot to write it :/12:23
zeroCand with shortcuts,you mean all files and linked files in this directory?12:23
zeroCtry instead of dir ls -la12:23
Whiskeycannot access ls: No such file or directory12:24
zeroCwhat OS do you use?12:24
zeroCbetween the - and the la no space12:26
Unhammerhey, so I just installed xubuntu 15.04 on a Lenovo Ideacentre A740, but I don't see any GRUB at all when I reboot after installation, it just goes right back into win8. anyone have a clue what I need to do?12:26
Whiskeyget same problem12:26
cfhowlett!13.10| Whiskey12:26
ubottuWhiskey: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy12:26
zeroCcfhowlett: :) thanks, but didn't ls work in 13.10 as well?12:26
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cfhowlettzeroC, it did ... no idea why it would fail now12:27
zeroCthat's what i thought as well...12:27
zeroCWhiskey: can you try to do /bin/ls -la12:28
Whiskeyyeh it show more then i have to see12:28
zeroCyour path is wrong12:28
zeroCyou need to add /bin as well... ;)12:29
zeroCWhiskey: and in that case, try man ls12:29
Whiskeywell it shows everything that is in the folder, + shortcuts and where them go to12:29
Whiskeywas that what it was going to do zeroC?`12:29
zeroCWhiskey: yep12:30
Whiskeythen you got me werong12:30
VenkerzeroC, have you got any idea of what could be happening?12:30
Whiskeywrong, i don´t care what the shortcuts willl go to as i know that12:30
WhiskeyAll i need is to show every shortcut that is in that folder12:30
Whiskeyprog1,pog2,prog3,prog4,prog5 and so on12:30
llutzWhiskey: find path/ -type l12:30
Whiskeywhitout any other folders or files12:30
agenthexis there a way to take a snapshot of my xorg.conf from a fresh *buntu installation?12:31
Whiskeymutch batter :D12:31
agenthexthe xorg.conf file does not exist.  i want to generate an xorg.conf file to backup that forces my current settings.  how do i do this in Vivid?12:32
llutzagenthex: sudo X :2 -configure         file will be in your $HOME12:33
zeroCVenker: nope, i assume its how it should work... :)012:34
VenkerzeroC, I found it. I think it was an unclutter option I set some week ago (because of a problem I got with chromium making my cursor dissappear)12:36
Venkernow I need to restart again12:39
Venkerthanks for all12:42
Whiskeyis there anyway in find to only show the filename and not full path in list?12:43
llutzWhiskey: man find              find /bin -type l -printf "%f\n"12:45
Whiskeyyeh awsome12:46
Whiskeythanks alot :D12:47
ShotChainDoes anyone know how to uninstall ubuntu and install Windows 7? For some reason my USB drive isn't showing up when I go to the boot options.12:51
ikoniaShotChain: thats not really anything to do with ubuntu12:51
cfhowlettShotChain, that would be a ##windows question.  this is ubuntu12:51
cofffeebean  uninstall ubuntu ??..,  i'd just format the ubuntu off & put 7 on the formatted or wiped  drive & after u did that & updated 7..,  u cud decide whether or not to put linux back on there next to 7 ..12:52
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Pinkamena_DCan I get the command to revert to my current display config? When I dock my laptop the monitor always goes to the wrong side of the screen. I want to assign a keyboard shortcut for the xrandr so put it back the right way, I just need to query xrandr for the current config.13:03
parsec2284hi how do i gain access to my folder in usr share i want to delte unwanted gimp brushes like the pepper brush13:11
parsec2284i went in folder and typed sudo but still can't delete brushes13:12
llutzparsec2284: sudo rm /path/to/file/to/remove13:12
k1l_sudo is just "next command will have root permissions". its not a command itself13:13
llutzif not followed by -i or -s13:14
parsec2284rm: cannot remove ‘/path/to/file/to/remove’: No such file or directory13:15
k1l_parsec2284: /path/to/file was an example13:16
llutzparsec2284: replace it with real path/filename13:16
k1l_you need to make that the real path and file ending13:16
parsec2284i typed sudo rm /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes13:21
parsec2284rm: cannot remove ‘/usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes’: Is a directory13:22
llutzparsec2284: rm -r   to remove a directory13:22
cfhowlettparsec2284, but that will kill ALL brushes13:22
k1l_parsec2284: the error messages you pasted so far explained what the issue is.13:22
k1l_parsec2284: are you sure you want to remove all brushes?13:23
parsec2284lol no13:23
parsec2284i just want to remove ones i don't like13:23
k1l_so be careful with that rm then13:23
parsec2284i just want acces to the folder13:23
k1l_parsec2284: cd /path/to/folder13:24
parsec2284to chose which ones i want to delete13:24
k1l_parsec2284: that is a "how to use the shell" basics: cd to get to a place, ls to show what is there, rm to remove13:25
k1l_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal parsec228413:25
cofffeebean  bbl all..,  tc..13:26
parsec2284is there an easy way to unlock the folder13:31
parsec2284i typed cd /13:31
cfhowlettparsec2284, by design, NO because inexperienced users + unlocked folders = bad13:32
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k1l_parsec2284: cd / just brings you to the / folder13:32
guzzi_jonesi have a file i need to check for 75,000 patterns and if that pattern is found replace with another pattern.13:33
k1l_parsec2284: please read the link i gave you. it explains basic shell commands13:33
guzzi_jonessed with a file input takes forever13:33
guzzi_jonesgrep to search for the pattern then sed also takes forever.13:33
parsec2284its in user/share/gimp/2.0/brushes13:33
parsec2284how would that pan out in a terminal command13:33
supertimshow are you guys13:33
k1l_parsec2284: so why dont you cd to that folder?13:33
guzzi_jonesis there a quick way to check a file for 75,000 different patterns?13:34
cfhowlettsupertims, ask your ubuntu question13:34
parsec2284you mean go to the folder13:34
parsec2284and open terminal and type cd /13:34
k1l_parsec2284: cd /i/want/to/go/to/that/long/path/and/to/that/folders/at/the/end13:34
rejnsplease help, I can not get chrome to work with flash13:34
rejnsI've tried a lot of stuff13:35
rejnsbut nothing seems to work13:35
k1l_rejns: chrome got its own flash. that works13:35
rejnswhy then13:35
rejnswhen installed chrome still can not play13:35
k1l_maybe you are on a bad site13:35
rejnsthis should suppose to work13:36
rejnsbut it says13:36
rejnsthis plugin is not supported13:36
rejnswhat can i do13:37
rejnsplease help13:37
rejnsit's so frustrating13:37
llutzguzzi_jones:maybe awk is a way http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/29624/grep-huge-number-of-patterns-from-huge-file13:37
k1l_rejns: that site is shockwave, not flash13:37
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k1l_rejns: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ that is flash13:37
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rejnsok this is working13:37
k1l_rejns: so, problem solved, flash works13:38
rejnswhat about shockwave then ?13:38
rejnscan you at least tell me13:38
rejnswhen site says this plugin is not supported13:39
rejnshow to determine which plugin is that13:39
k1l_rejns: depens on the site. a lot of warez sites fake that error to make you install a virus.13:39
rejnstake a look at this13:39
rejnsworks in firefox13:39
rejnsbut cant get it to work in chrome13:40
rejnsdoes it work for you?13:40
parsec2284i went to folder, typed cd/ in the folder terminal, then /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes13:40
parsec2284it did not work though13:40
k1l_parsec2284: please show the exact command here you used13:41
parsec2284no body ever said linux is easy13:41
k1l_parsec2284: that got nothing to do with linux. i bet you cant use shell commands on windows too.13:41
parsec2284go to folder that has brushes in it13:41
parsec2284in that folder, type cd /13:42
k1l_parsec2284: that is not a command13:42
k1l_parsec2284: no13:42
parsec2284lol ok13:42
k1l_cd is the command. it means "change  directory". it needs you to give the path where it should change to. so "cd /home/user/Downloads" will make it go into the Downloads folder in your home.13:43
k1l_parsec2284: please read the link i gave you. you really need to read into that to get the basics.13:43
cfhowlettbut of course you would KNOW all that had you actually read the "how to use terminal" link you were sent13:43
parsec2284i did but actually13:43
parsec2284but ill try again13:44
MonkeyDustparsec2284  tip: first learn the basics, then start modifying things13:44
k1l_parsec2284: really read it. not just fly over the text and copy the commands.13:44
k1l_rejns: it works in firefox and does not for chrome/chromium13:44
rejnssame here13:44
parsec2284ill spend about a half hour seeing if i can figure it out13:44
rejnsis it possible to fix that?13:45
parsec2284and if i cant il be back in half hour13:45
rejnshow can i determine which plugin is that13:45
rejnsit's so frustrating13:45
k1l_rejns: see if that helps: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=173790#c3113:45
k1l_rejns: its the shwockwave plugin. and that is known to be an issue in general. not only i this issue13:46
brothersomeHello, is there something wrong with the ACPI in the newest update?13:46
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brothersomeAfter pause my fan blows fully13:47
rejnsdid you mean deleting pepperflash could help ?13:47
rejnsi dont know which post to look at13:47
k1l_rejns: post 31.13:48
k1l_rejns: but i didnt test it.13:48
rejnsi will13:48
rejnsthank you13:48
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=== Timothy-Mcvey is now known as HackerII
rejnsok i did this: rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash13:50
rejnsrestart chrome13:50
rejnsand still the same13:50
rejns: \13:50
k1l_rejns: maybe that helps more: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226175413:50
brothersomeI have a problem with my fan - can somebody help me?13:50
rejnsill try thank you13:51
rejnsk1l_,  it didn't help, i think i'm giving up on this one13:55
rejnsthank you for your time13:55
parsec2284ok, i typed13:59
parsec2284 cd / usr / share / gimp / 2.0 / brushes13:59
parsec2284and it was all reconized13:59
k1l_parsec2284: without the spaces13:59
k1l_cd /go/to/this/folder13:59
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parsec2284ok that worked14:01
parsec2284so now i need to acces brushes14:01
parsec2284will try to go deeper14:01
k1l_now ls to list what is in there where you are right now14:02
parsec2284k im all the way into the brush folder now14:03
parsec2284now how to do delete the brushes i dont want14:03
parsec2284i only want to leave the 1 pixel brush14:03
parsec2284and delete the rest14:04
k1l_parsec2284: so ls lists all the brushes?14:04
k1l_so remove them with "rm filename" now14:05
abdullahcan anyone help me installing ios_webkit_proxy .. ?14:12
abdullaham have make error and don't know how to figure out my trouble14:13
parsec2284ok i closed the terminal, i opened it to see if i could repeat this, i learned, it wont work with normal terminal and that i need to be in file manager terminal but, all worked, and ls shows all brushes but is there a way to select certain brushes using ls14:18
jayjoCan I store a variable in the environment that will persist? I need to update a database and store the time that the update was done, so the next time I run the same sql I can check what records need to be updated14:19
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jayjois it just better to do this differently, like a table that only stores when I last updated14:19
drmagooAnyone here on 14.04 with a nvidia gtx9XX-card and using xorg-edgers drivers? When I try to install the drivers from there, it doesnt install the Xorg-driver. Any ideas?14:20
bashedWhat is the command to run the "Additional Drivers" without using the gui?14:20
jayjoand pull the value from that table14:20
tinyhippoHDMI output keeps cutting out from my Dell M3800, what would be the most likely cause? (I've ruled out monitor/cable issues)14:20
wastreljayjo: you have to put it in a file to have things persist14:23
wastrelyou can read the value into the environment if you want but if it's in the file you could just read it from the file14:23
parsec2284to remove file, i typed14:25
parsec2284cd/ usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes/  enter, ls to show files, now i want to remove the legacy brushes14:26
parsec2284Folder called Legacy14:27
parsec2284and folder14:27
parsec2284so i typed cd/usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes enter type ls, and rm Legacy14:28
parsec2284rm Legacy14:28
parsec2284cd /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes/rm Legacy14:29
MonkeyDustparsec2284  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#File_.26_Directory_Commands14:29
DammitJimdo I have to enable acl for LVM partitions?14:35
DammitJimI am on 14.04 and tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep acl returns Default mount options: user_xattr acl14:35
DolphinDreamhowdy bunterz14:37
DolphinDreamdo git packages get installed by default with a fresh installation of ubuntu 14?14:38
parsec2284cd /user/share/gimp.2.0/brushes/rmlegacy14:38
parsec2284 No such file or directory14:38
PiciDolphinDream: I don't think so.14:39
parsec2284i just dont understand how to incorporate the rm 'remove' file thing14:39
parsec2284ive read the page quite a few times14:40
wastrelDolphinDream: i don't think git is installed by default14:40
Piciparsec2284: each command needs to be separate. It looks like you're trying to type everything on one line.14:41
DolphinDreamok. thx Pici  wastrel14:41
DammitJimsorry, machine locked up14:42
DammitJimdo LVMs carry the acl option from the physical partition?14:43
DammitJimor do I need to set that up separately?14:43
parsec2284i typed, cd  /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes14:45
parsec2284that goes through14:45
parsec2284after that goes through i type14:45
parsec2284rm Legacy14:45
parsec2284which should delete the legacy folder14:45
parsec2284but i get no such file or directory14:46
parsec2284then i tried rm /Legacy same14:46
parsec2284im trying man14:46
odedaHey guys, a little help with packaging please? I have a Dockerfile that builds a debian package using dpkg-buildpackage, and when building the image on different hosts, I get different resuts.14:47
parsec2284what could i be doing wrong?14:53
neldogzHello everyone, trying to add a script to my 15.04 system so that it will apt-get dist-upgrade on a schedule but keep on getting this error message: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog .... I've already tried: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y -qq but same problem. Any suggestions?14:55
parsec2284alright i give u[14:55
DoyleDoes anyone recognize what this monitoring software is? http://picpaste.com/MrRobotMonitoring.png I think there's a bit of the name in the top corner, but not having any luck googling "ulles"...14:56
DammitJimI just did a setfacl -m g:"managers":rwx /home/share14:58
DammitJimif I go in there and do a getfacl /home/share, I can see the acls14:58
wastrelDulles prob14:58
DammitJimbut when I try to access the folder with a user that belongs to the managers group, I get a Permission Denied :(14:58
DammitJimwhat else should I look into?14:58
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zambawhy, why, why does ubuntu suggest a separate /boot partition with just 100M?15:11
tinyhippowhy do you need more than 100M15:11
zambatinyhippo: it's filling up.. old kernels stuck there.. and full disk15:12
wastrelapt-get autoclean?15:13
wastrelah no it's autoremove?  iono something15:13
awrevhello, I have multiple annoyances. one is that the mouse occasionally slows down and doesnt easily go to where I move it on the touchpad. the other is that the keyboard layout changes to another language by itself. the latter is happening quite often lately15:16
wastrelawrev: you should check your ibus settings and see if you're accidentally changing the input method15:18
wastrelawrev: system settings > text entry15:19
wastrelsee what the keyboard shortcuts are for changing the language15:19
varunwachaspatiUrgent Help needed: not able to detect wifi networks on my Ubuntu 15.04, Thanks in advance15:25
varunwachaspatiany pointers will be appreciated.15:27
ioriavarunwachaspati, check ifconfig, iwconfig and route15:28
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GuiriI'm trying to find the cause of a bug where, when sshed into a 14.04.2 box, tab completion will cause the entire ssh session to hang.  ANy ideas?15:30
varunwachaspatiioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11567865/15:31
wastrelGuiri: i would go into /etc/bash_completion.d and start trying to identify whcih file in there is causing the problem15:31
wastrelGuiri: i'd remove all of them and then start replacing them one at a time until the problem returned15:31
Guiriit seems to be related to directory completion.  `cd /etc/ngin` [tab][tab]15:32
varunwachaspatiioria: any clue what's going wrong?15:33
ioriavarunwachaspati, if you use wifi, disable eth0 for now.   your wifi ip is and your gateway ? (that i don't understand)15:35
tinyhippoioria: I'm guessing the gateway is (and I'm assuming a raspberry pi)15:36
varunwachaspatiioria, as I am not able to detect wifi, I am using ethernet now, disabling it will leave me disconnected15:36
varunwachaspatitinyhippo. my machine is Dell Inspiron Laptop15:37
ioriavarunwachaspati, right. can you ping your router/gateway ?15:37
varunwachaspatiioria, nope15:37
seed-beggerI am trying to download Lubuntu 15.04, but my download is stuck at 74%. Please, can someone help ? Seed Lubuntu 15.04.15:38
henry8989hello everyone I just installed kubuntu on one of my PC's and love it like I o on my other PC's that have it, but my wireless network adapter  based off of a realtek RTL8187B chipset keeps disconnecting after a while and I have to then reconnect it, when this computer ran windows 7 it never did that the wireless adapter always stayed connected any suggestions?15:38
ioriavarunwachaspati, are static or dynamic ip ? put it static in Network onnection and enter the gateway ip15:39
ioriavarunwachaspati, i really don't understand your gateway ip .... ^0^15:40
tinyhippoioria: read varunwachaspati's IP backwards!15:40
varunwachaspatiioria, sorry for the lack of technical knowledge but I am unable to follow what you are asking me to do here15:40
ioriatinyhippo, can you explain, please  ?15:42
ioriavarunwachaspati, open Network Connection , select your interface , Method -> manual and enter the ip, gateway, and dns15:42
tinyhippoioria: the gateway is a hostname, reading it backwards you can infer that it is
tinyhippoioria: the eth0 address is therefore a gateway of makes sense15:43
ioriatinyhippo, oh... thank you15:43
tinyhippoioria: the equivalent of mapping to
tinyhippoioria: no worries15:44
c_kornhello, a user trying to install this package http://build.getdeb.net/ubuntu/pool/apps/j/jnetmap/jnetmap_0.5.4-1~getdeb1_all.deb gets the error: xdg-mime: file '/usr/share/mime/application/x-jnetmap.xml' does not exist. what is this error about? why is such a file expected to be in the package? the installation succeeds here.15:47
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pbxc_korn, does the account installing the package have equivalent privileges on both systems?15:48
c_kornpbx: "sudo dpkg -i jnetmap_0.5.4-1~getdeb1_all.deb" is the command. so it has root privileges15:51
pbxthen i don't know.15:52
pbxperhaps comparing the full output of the install on both machines will yield clues15:53
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parsec2284hi this has nothing to do with ubuntu but does anybody have any ideas for alternative wacom tablets i know wacoms are popular but i just dont buy the hype i feel like there build quality is cheap and getting cheaper by the year and that they are living on there name16:10
MonkeyDustmahon0  it's /part16:10
parsec2284something that will work out of the box with ubuntu16:11
mahon0oh  tnx ;)16:11
MonkeyDustparsec2284  what's not working on your device?16:11
parsec2284i dont like the size16:12
parsec2284i dont like the cheap platic feel16:12
parsec2284i feel wacom products are made poorly16:12
parsec2284i dont like how my hand drags across the plastic like it glu16:13
parsec2284there must be something better16:13
parsec2284even if its not name brand16:13
parsec2284i should ask on the ubuntu forums16:14
parsec2284i will16:14
yamoonsunAnyone know of a good program to back up a DVD image via .iso ?16:15
k1lyamoonsun: you mean save  the dvd as a  .iso on the disk?16:15
TyrfingMjolnir# cat /etc/issue16:16
drmagooAnyone here on 14.04 with a nvidia gtx9XX-card and using xorg-edgers drivers? When I try to install the drivers from there, it doesnt install the Xorg-driver. Any ideas?16:16
TyrfingMjolnirUbuntu 10.04.4 LTS \n \l16:16
yamoonsunYeah; I was using DVDDecyrpter for Windows previously. I tried dkopp, but it won't work with my kernel.16:16
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: ubuntu 10.04 is end of support anyway. you want to upgrade to 12.04 at least16:16
MonkeyDustTyrfingMjolnir  10.04 is dead, upgrade to a supported release, then ask again16:17
TyrfingMjolnirI'm in the process of upgrading to 14.0416:17
TyrfingMjolnirBut it's stuck16:17
k1lyamoonsun: there is "dd", which is a terminal program which makes a 1:1 copy and that can be saved as .iso16:17
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MonkeyDustTyrfingMjolnir  backup and fresh install is the fastest, easiest, cleanest way16:17
yamoonsunWill it remove the region locks also, or include them in the .iso?16:17
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: so you got libc-bin from 12.04 already? from a PPA?16:18
k1lyamoonsun: that is a 1:1 copy then16:18
TyrfingMjolnirI just realized it's running the upgrade in screen16:18
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: stop.16:18
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: let the upgrade run. dont fiddle with the packagesystem while it upgrades16:19
* yamoonsun presumes that means the region locks are still going to be there16:19
k1lyamoonsun: http://askubuntu.com/questions/147800/ripping-dvd-to-iso-accurately  that got some more suggestions16:19
yamoonsunThanks =316:19
qui3t_n3rdhello! I have an SD card that I think I screwed up the FATs on, is there a way to destructively make one partition again?16:22
qui3t_n3rd(Theres no data on this card that I care about, it's going to be imaged with NOOBS for a Raspberry Pi)16:22
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qui3t_n3rdI get this message while trying to reformat the entire card: Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)16:25
TyrfingMjolnirk1l: Hmm16:25
TyrfingMjolnirAlready too late16:25
TyrfingMjolnirThat upgrade was started last July16:25
TyrfingMjolnirSomething went wrong16:25
chronicstardusthey there16:26
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: oh16:26
qui3t_n3rdhello chronicstardust!16:26
chronicstardusthow are you?16:26
TyrfingMjolnirOh, welll16:26
TyrfingMjolnirThere is Jessie, I'll just do a reinstall16:26
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: lsb_release is 10.04? what does sources.list say about the release?16:27
qui3t_n3rdchronicstardust: unless you have a support question I must direct you to #ubuntu-offtopic for OT chat :P16:27
chronicstardustcool cool lol16:27
TyrfingMjolnir# lsb_release16:28
TyrfingMjolnirNo LSB modules are available.16:28
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: seems like the upgrade is canceld somehow16:28
yamoonsunApparently I have to install libdvdcss to make a decrypted .iso file, so I downloaded it, and have no idea how to install from a tarbar16:28
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: the screen with the upgrade did stop?16:28
k1l!libdvdcss | yamoonsun16:29
ubottuyamoonsun: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:29
TyrfingMjolnirIt hung on the question where asked to run ssh in the background in case some services will drop during install16:29
yamoonsunIs it kll?16:29
qui3t_n3rdcan someone help me with reformatting an SD card?16:29
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: give that a go. hopefully that will make it to 12.0416:30
k1lyamoonsun: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs16:30
yamoonsunWhat filesystem do you want to utilize n3rd?16:30
TyrfingMjolnirGive what a go?16:30
k1lyamoonsun: that explains the procedure for ubuntu16:30
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: that upgrade in the screen16:30
TyrfingMjolnironly 2 options there16:31
TyrfingMjolnirx = destroy16:31
TyrfingMjolnirr = ressurect16:31
TyrfingMjolnirno ressurection16:31
qui3t_n3rdyamoonsun: Trying to set up as just FAT32, the image I'm pushing will repartition the card as it installs16:31
k1lTyrfingMjolnir: hmm.16:32
qui3t_n3rdMy problem is when I tell the Disks application to format the card, it displays a full 4GiB partition for a second, then goes back to the two 2GiB partitions that are currently present16:33
qui3t_n3rdI also get an error message, Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)16:34
TyrfingMjolnirIs there a way to see the name of the motherboard from the command line?16:34
paraboolhello. i've just booted my new Dell XPS13 linux edition for the first time. I think something went wrong; I got into the system all right, and I configured my wireless connection. After clicking continue, I had to choose my location (default was New York); the laptop then rebooted. I am now in OEM user, I have no root password etc. Can i run the whole "setup" again?16:34
henry8989i just installed ubuntu and my wireless network adapter  based off of a realtek RTL8187B chipset keeps disconnecting after a while and I have to then reconnect it, any suggestions on how to fix it?16:35
TyrfingMjolnirdmidecode -t 216:38
Johnny_Linuxkobrah !!16:38
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bbbignore me plz its just a test for my project16:39
pavlosparabool, seems your laptop came with ubuntu 14.04 pre-installed. there is no root pass, whenever you need admin privs, prefix your command with sudo, like sudo apt-get update16:40
rOm3OHello friends16:40
rOm3OI need help16:40
paraboolpavlos: oh. seems stupid of me not to try that -_- sorry16:40
pavlosbbb, there is a #test channel16:40
rOm3OI installed lubuntu last night16:40
rOm3Obut i cant install applications16:41
rOm3Oneither i can update it16:41
paraboolpavlos: it doesn't work. it asks me the password for oem...16:41
harishkruporOm3O, what does it show when you type sudo apt-get update ?16:42
pavlosparabool, is that a user DELL created? I dont know how DELL setup the laptop.16:42
rOm3OI am trying to install updates16:42
rOm3Omay be it works16:42
paraboolpavlos: yes. XPS13 linux edition, ubuntu 14.0416:42
k1lrOm3O: run a "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" in a terminal and show the output in a pastebin please16:42
rOm3OI will16:43
rOm3Oits updating16:43
pavlosparabool, is that a user DELL created? did DELL provide the pass for user OEM? how are you logged on now? (top right, click, should tell you user)16:43
paraboolpavlos: user is OEM. it logs on automatically on startup. if i log out, i can't log in again until i reboot the system16:44
paraboolpavlos: there's OEM and guest user available.16:44
IAmMe643My mic is not recognized.16:44
pavlosparabool, can you create another user from system settings | user groups?16:45
harishkrupoparabool, can the user oem use sudo ?16:45
paraboolharishkrupo: it can, but i dont have the password. pavlos i can't16:45
knocktwiceparabool: the password is your password, not a special password16:46
paraboolknocktwice: the system never asked me for a password16:46
harishkrupoparabool, try to reset its password by booting into single user mode16:46
paraboolharishkrupo: single user mode ?16:46
harishkrupoparabool, reboot your machine and choose ubuntu recovery from grub menu and you will have an option to drop into root shell16:47
knocktwiceparabool: try 'sudo passwd'16:48
harishkrupoparabool, from there you can change the password by typing passwd <username>16:48
knocktwiceif you have no password at all, that should allow you to set one16:48
paraboolknocktwice: didn't work, seems there is a pw. harishkrupo i'll try it now. brb16:49
misterjinxhey guys, do you know why firefox wasn't updated in the packages ? i'm on trusty and the available version is still 38 although official firefox version is 38.0.5 (in the past there was always available the last version) ?16:49
rOm3OIt works now :)16:49
rOm3OTHank you so much guyz :)16:49
rOm3Oharishkrupo are you from india bro?16:49
IAmMe643My mic is not recognized.16:49
Unhammerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11567918/ anyone got a clue what I should do to set up my UEFI windows 8.1 to boot into ubuntu? it just keeps booting windows without giving me any grub menu or anything like that16:50
daftykinsmisterjinx: either the mirror you're on isn't updated, the latest version isn't coming to Ubuntu, or it's not ready yet - none of which are a big issue16:50
Unhammer   - already turned off fastboot, keeps booting windows16:50
Unhammer   - tried boot-repair auto, results at http://paste.ubuntu.com/11567918/, but keeps booting windows16:50
Unhammer 16:51
Unhammer   - turned off BIOS "quickboot" whatever that is, but keeps booting windows16:51
Unhammer   - turned off secureboot, but keeps booting windows16:51
daftykinsUnhammer: enter the EFI and change the boot device from 'Windows Boot Manager' to the hard disk / SSD device entry.16:51
Unhammer   - tried "cmd.exe" as admin and "bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path16:51
Unhammer     \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi", but keeps booting windows16:51
Unhammerenter the efi?16:51
Unhammerthe BIOS menu?16:51
daftykinsEFI setup :)16:51
paraboolGRUB doesn't even show at startup.16:51
paraboolJust boots Ubuntu16:51
Unhammerparabool,  it shouldn't show you mean?16:51
daftykinsi think parabool is on about something else, not your situ16:52
Unhammeroh, sorry :)16:52
qui3t_n3rdI can't delete a partition on this SD card, Disks shows an error message Error deleting partition /dev/mmcblk0p1: Command-line `parted --script "/dev/mmcblk0" "rm 1"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Error: /dev/mmcblk0: unrecognised disk label  (udisks-error-quark, 0)16:52
Unhammerdaftykins,  I've done the thing where I go "advanced  boot settings" → troubleshoot→ advanced settings → UEFI settings16:52
wadSo when I connect to my work's VPN from my laptop, my route goes through that VPN, but my DNS is messed up. I need to override it. At least, I think that's what's happening. What's the Right Way to temporarily override my DNS for while I'm on the VPN?16:53
Unhammerthat gives me a typical "old bios"-looking menu16:53
daftykinsUnhammer: that sounds more like something you're doing in Windows?16:53
Unhammerbut when I move the ubuntu entry up in the boot menu, it keeps moving windows up with it16:53
Unhammerdaftykins,  it reboots into the bios thing16:53
daftykinsi'm saying to enter the EFI setup screens e.g. via powering off windows 8 with "shutdown -s -t 1" then powering up and pressing the key on your system to enter the EFI16:53
daftykinsalright, so now you proceed to following the advice in my first statement16:54
daftykinscheck the available boot devices and change it from 'Windows Boot Manager' -> the HDD/SSD device name16:54
UnhammerI can't16:54
daftykinscan you give a little bit more detail than that?16:54
Unhammerif I press - to move ubuntu up the priority list, it pushes windows up above it16:54
harishkrupo_parabool, here is a website which will help you do that http://tarunlinux.blogspot.in/2014/02/ubuntu-1204-grub-to-boot-into-single.html16:54
Unhammerit moves the whole "[HDDs]" as one group16:55
daftykinsyou need to find the relevant HDD section and change the order in that16:55
daftykinsmaybe provide photos of every EFI setup screen if you can't work it out16:55
=== harishkrupo_ is now known as harishkrupo
Unhammerooh here's something peculiar:16:56
UnhammerOS Optimized Defaults: <Enabled>16:56
Unhammer«select enabled to meet windows 8 certification requiriemnts»16:57
Unhammerno thank you :)16:57
daftykinsthat bears no relevance to your issue16:57
Unhammerhm :/16:58
Unhammerit didn't let me change the order anyway :()16:58
daftykinsbecause you're probably looking at the wrong thing16:58
daftykinsso if you have a smartphone or a camera, you can take pics and upload them16:59
daftykinsor find a manual for your device16:59
dschatzberghey all, I'm trying to use the acpi-cpufreq driver instead of the intel-pstate one on my ubuntu 14.10 server. I pass intel_pstate=disable on the command line but then I get no cpufreq driver, any ideas?16:59
daftykinsdid you install cpufreqd and cpufrequtils?17:00
qui3t_n3rdalright, progress update: I'm running a dd command to zero the SD card completely, hoping that will do something (dd doesn't show progress)17:01
dschatzbergdaftykins, have cpufrequtils not cpufreqd17:01
knocktwicequi3t_n3rd: you could also try 'shred'17:01
daftykinsi'm not sure if the daemon package is a prerequisite17:02
daftykinsqui3t_n3rd: yes it will if you issue its' PID with a kill -USR1 flag17:02
dschatzbergdaftykins, once I install it, what do I do to activate the driver?17:02
daftykinsdschatzberg: i am not familiar with its' method of operation, but i'd bet it's documented somewhere out there17:02
daftykins!info cpufreqd utopic17:02
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ubottucpufreqd (source: cpufreqd): fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-2ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 62 kB, installed size 294 kB17:03
daftykins!info cpufrequtils utopic17:03
ubottucpufrequtils (source: cpufrequtils): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 008-1 (utopic), package size 37 kB, installed size 227 kB17:03
dschatzbergdaftykins, cpufreqd isn't what I want then17:03
dschatzbergI want to activate the driver, which seems to concern the kernel, not control the driver (which it seems cpufreqd does)17:04
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daftykinsdschatzberg: i think you misunderstand17:06
knocktwicequi3t_n3rd: expect about 25minutes per gig17:07
qui3t_n3rdknocktwice: so 100minutes, thank you17:08
dschatzbergdaftykins, cpufreq-info reports "no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU" - I want to fix that. Cpufreqd seems to change the frequency dynamically (it interacts with the driver)17:08
Unhammerdaftykins,  https://unhammer.org/owncloud/index.php/s/uk1sGskL9sAExcC#//IMG_20150604_190446.jpg my UEFI BIOS menus17:09
daftykinsdschatzberg: right, but you have yet to find an alternative plan...17:11
dschatzbergdaftykins, my point is that cpufreqd won't help me fix my problem17:11
SchrodingersScatqui3t_n3rd: you can have dd display progress, think it's sudo kill -s USR1 `pidof dd`17:11
daftykinsdschatzberg: ok if you're sure...17:12
rOm3Oi got this http://www.picpaste.com/2015-06-04-220940_1024x768_scrot-ZMHUVMEC.png17:12
IAmMe643My mic is not recognized.17:13
daftykinsUnhammer: no see your hard disk device, the 1TB seagate, is listed above both the Windows Boot Manager and Ubuntu. You also have legacy boot enabled, so i suspect what you've done is have windows 8, you went to install ubuntu but you disabled EFI boot and booted ubuntu and installed it as legacy instead - correct?17:14
snkcldim having a really annoying issue ;(17:14
daftykinsrOm3O: Mint is not supported in here17:14
snkcldany time i copy _or_ paste in chrome, my browser tab freezes17:15
snkcldthis happens on chromium, too17:15
snkclddoes anyone have any idea how i would go about debugging this?17:15
daftykinsUnhammer: Devices tab -> ATA Drive Setup would have been interesting17:15
Unhammerdaftykins,  where's the 1TB seagate? (I do see that 8gb thing that came after I tried opening some windows repair boot manager thing, I didn't let it actually run the repair)17:17
daftykinsUnhammer: Primary Boot Sequence list, ST1000LM014 blah blah17:18
daftykinsit says 8GB because that's a seagate hybrid drive, 1TB mechanical with 8GB NAND for cache17:18
Unhammeryeah, that one appeared after I tried the windows boot repair thing, but that was after trying all the other options17:19
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qui3t_n3rdoh dd just finished after 1269.9 seconds to zero the card17:19
daftykinsUnhammer: so can you comment as to whether you installed ubuntu in EFI or legacy mode?17:19
daftykins!uefi | Unhammer see here for the difference17:19
ubottuUnhammer see here for the difference: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:19
UnhammerThe boot screen for the installer was a black background one that showed windows there17:19
Unhammerwhich apparantly should be efi17:19
Unhammer(as opposed to the fancy colour-background one)17:20
paraboolharishkrupo: thanks, i will have a look.17:20
Unhammerwhich lead me to believe it was EFI, though can I find that out for sure from a live session? (since I can't actually boot into the ubuntu itself)17:20
harishkrupoparabool, welcome17:20
Unhammerhttps://unhammer.org/owncloud/index.php/s/wntvvDrXQOo4MS5 ← output of bcdedit if that helps17:20
daftykinsUnhammer: are boot devices listed on the 'exit' page?17:21
daftykinsso it's present but it's somehow skipping over it17:21
daftykinsfun fun17:21
Unhammermaybe I should try reinstalling with an EFI-only image17:22
Unhammerlike https://askubuntu.com/questions/395879/how-to-create-uefi-only-bootable-usb-live-media/17:22
harishkrupoUnhammer, if you want to find out if you are booted from uefi then check if the file /sys/firmware/efi exists17:23
daftykinsthats not the situation :)17:23
Unhammerharishkrupo,  I don't want to check if I'm booted from efi, since I can't boot from efi …17:24
UnhammerI want to check, from a live session, if what I installed was efi17:24
daftykinsUnhammer: it looks pretty certain given the EFI boot images are there17:25
DolphinDreamwhat is the difference between the git package and git-core package ? if i installed git should i also install git-core ?17:25
Unhammerwell, I did do the boot-repair thing …17:25
tewardDolphinDream: i think git-core is obsoleted now17:25
daftykinsUnhammer: if you boot a live session and confirm they're present on the EFI boot volume that should be fine17:25
Unhammeralso the bcdedit thing17:25
Unhammeroh, /sys is something on disk17:26
daftykinsUnhammer: right but there has been no result17:26
Unhammerthoughtit was like /proc17:26
tewardDolphinDream: yeah, git-core is obsolete, just use `git`17:26
DolphinDreamkool teward .. where did you check that ?17:26
tewardDolphinDream: the package description line from `apt-cache show git-core`.  Also the packages.u.c site - http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=git-core&searchon=names&exact=1&suite=all&section=all17:27
DolphinDreamawesome. thx teward17:27
Unhammeroh, and https://unhammer.org/owncloud/index.php/s/kon8laeaYyFIPm6 was the only thing on the EXIT screen17:28
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daftykinsUnhammer: and the other page i mentioned?17:29
Unhammerlegacy support seems disabled (it's called CSM Compatibility Support Mode)17:29
daftykinsyes i know what CSM is :)17:29
daftykinsyou shouldn't even really have it on17:30
Unhammeryeah it's off17:30
Unhammerata devices doesn't seem helpful17:31
majoylet me try17:32
majoyis this the correct way to send message here17:33
daftykinsUnhammer: heh yeah that wasn't what i expected. ok, you need one of our resident boot experts. what was your ubuntu installation procedure, did you resize from within 8, then install beside?17:33
daftykinsmajoy: typing on your keyboard? yep17:33
Unhammerresize from installer17:33
daftykinsJordan_U: ping17:34
majoyhard to ditinguish17:34
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daftykinsmajoy: do you have an ubuntu support question?17:35
majoysorry,i m try to use this ,may be it for faq17:36
Unhammerif it matters, this is a Lenovo Ideacentre A74017:36
Tarrewhey, i have a problem with "apt-get update". its taking several minutes every time :/ i already selected the "best server" in the options. any fix for that?17:36
daftykinsTarrew: what version are you running? "cat /etc/issue"17:39
Tarrewdaftykins: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS17:39
daftykinsTarrew: connection issues? DNS server slow? hard disk failing?17:40
Tarrewhaving a stable connection. just everytime i run apt-get update its downloading around 35MB. shouldnt it download that much only the first time? and running it again it should only download like 0.1MB.. atleast thats how i remember it17:41
daftykinsis this a VPS or a home system?17:42
tgm4883Tarrew: apt-get update gets the list of packages, it doesn't download any packages17:42
tgm4883although I wouldn't think the lists would be 35MB17:42
daftykinsyeah but it's downloading those package lists, is what Tarrew is saying17:42
ioriaTarrew, check your sources.list .... do you have ppa ?17:42
OerHeksIf updates are slow, wait a minute and try again?17:42
tgm4883well yea, it's suppose to download those package lists17:42
Tarrewprobably didnt express clearly. in german it says "Es wurden 34,2 MB in 2 min 1 s geholt". which means like "downloaded 34,2 mb in 2minutes". atleast thats how i would translate it17:43
muh2000hi all17:43
Tarrewthe thing is i have this issues for days. its rly weird17:43
muh2000stange thing every once in a while, firefox plays weird voices and i cannot identify the source. closed tabs etc... still playing...17:44
daftykinsyeah it speaks of download even when it actually doesn't17:44
daftykinsTarrew: it refers to 31.7MB at one stage in the update on mine, but at the end it actually says "Fetched 1,793 kB in 7s (247 kB/s)"17:44
daftykinsso it doesn't actually download 31.7MB.17:45
Tarrewhow long does your update take? i remember it used to be very fast for  me. like under 30seconds or sth17:45
daftykins10 seconds17:45
tgm4883Tarrew: can you pastebin the output of one of your update runs?17:46
Tarrewah yea i see. rly weird its literally taking 2 minuutes every time17:46
Tarrewtgm4883: i will17:46
tgm4883daftykins: I think you mean 7 seconds ;)17:46
daftykinsso is it a VPS, VM  or a physical system?17:46
daftykinstgm4883: that was the download, not the entire process.17:46
daftykinstut tut!17:46
tgm4883daftykins: fair point17:47
Tarrewso thats the output:17:48
ioriayes, you have ppa17:48
_Kai_is it a thing?17:48
daftykinsTarrew: i think you've got a tonne of PPAs that might be slowing the process down17:49
daftykinsTarrew: maybe check which you have added and consider removing some if they're no longer necessary17:49
Tarrewwill do that now. probably theres no "reset to default" setting?!17:50
ioriaTarrew, how many DNS do you have ?17:50
tgm4883Tarrew: that would be just deleting/moving everything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:50
Tarrew@ioria: how can i check it? sorry really not experienced in those things. @tgm4883 will consider doing that. probably easiest thing17:52
ioriaTarrew, in Network Connection17:52
tgm4883Tarrew: the problem with doing that is you'll no longer get updates for any software that you installed from there. For instance, Google Chrome17:53
daftykinsyeah you don't want to just nuke them all...17:55
tgm4883You could just move them out of the folder for testing, but I wouldn't just do that and leave it17:55
Tarrewthere are a few in that folder. 1617:55
Tarrewnot sure if thats unusual ;p17:55
daftykinsthey're stored in pairs i think17:56
daftykinsso that might mean 8 PPAs17:56
Tarrewah yea i see.17:56
Tarrewdeleted a few. when i run the apt-get update the only thing thats taking forever is fetching the information from extras.ubuntu.com17:58
daftykinsis any other action on this system slower than it should be?17:59
OerHeksmaybe resetting your router solves these mistary delays.17:59
daftykinstypically something IO based?17:59
Tarrewhmm. using an SSD and the system is super smooth and fast overall17:59
daftykinsdefinitely sounds DNS or network based then, mm17:59
daftykinssomething like that18:00
Tarrewno matter how often i run the command its literally 2minutes and 1second every time. rly surprising18:00
daftykinstry booting a live session and run an apt-get update on that, see how it compares18:00
Tarrewwill try that, ty18:00
daftykinsthat way you don't have to trash your working setup to find out18:00
daftykinsnp :>18:00
Tarrewbrb ;)18:00
ioria!info nm-tool18:04
ubottuPackage nm-tool does not exist in vivid18:04
wafflejockioria, believe that's in network-manager, but don't know a ton about it18:06
bekks!find nm-tool18:06
ioriawafflejock, no it's dead , now is  nmcli dev18:06
bekksah :)18:06
ubottuPackage/file nm-tool does not exist in vivid18:06
bekks!find nmcli18:06
ubottuFile nmcli found in fish, network-manager, zsh-common18:07
ioriaTarrew, try  nmcli dev show | grep DNS18:08
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wafflejockioria, gone but just tried here think they need, nmcli d list | grep DNS, nmcli is pretty cool though never seen this one18:11
ioriaTarrew, neither do i ç_ç18:12
Vespero2Hey, I broke my keyboard trying to install/edit keyboard layouts. I can access a commandline via recovery mode. Can anyone help me reinstall the layout service or re-download the default us layout?18:13
Retinahello fellas18:13
Retinahow are you doing18:13
ioriaVespero2, never done but you can try dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration18:14
Vespero2dpkg-reconfigure xkb-(something, I forget what) didn't work, but I'll try that18:15
daftykinsRetina: just fine here. support only in this channel and chat in #ubuntu-offtopic though please :)18:15
wafflejockVespero2, http://askubuntu.com/questions/342066/how-to-permanently-configure-keyboard it seems to depend in part on your Desktop environment and version though18:15
RetinaI now it is only support here daftykins18:15
wafflejockVespero2, are you using XFCE or the default Unity or something else?18:16
RetinaI just wanted to warm greetings18:16
RetinaI would like to discuss,18:16
Retinawhat do you think about Kali linux tools installed on ubuntu 15.0418:16
daftykinsRetina: unsupported is what i would think18:16
Retinawill it create a leak or security flaw in system?18:16
OerHeksRetina, discussion in #ubuntu-discuss, this is support only18:16
Retina:) OerHeks18:16
RetinaI will go there18:16
Vespero2wafflejock, It acted like it was going to work, but when I get to the login screen I lose the keyboard still. I'm using default Unity18:18
Vespero2wafflejock, Oh, I read that it uses cached keyboard layouts and that editing layout files doesn't update the cache. I'll go clear the cache as soon as I can find out where it is18:19
dionysus69hey guys I added powertop --auto-tune to /etc/rc.local, how can I check if it really runs at startup ?18:19
RazzdollWhats wrong with the terminal in ubuntu? Everytime I try to resize it.. It minimizes to the size of a pencil...18:23
wafflejockVespero2, okay yeah just found a bug regarding XFCE think this should work for Unity18:23
daftykinsdionysus69: grep your process list for it?18:23
Vespero2wafflejock, Nope, deleting cache didn't work18:23
dionysus69how do I do it daftykins ?18:23
ioriaVespero2, did you run the dpkg command and then service keyboard-setup restart ?18:23
daftykinsps -ef | grep power18:24
Vespero2ioria, yes18:24
daftykinsEriC^^: someone is in need of your EFI boot expertise if you're game?18:26
EriC^^daftykins: yeah sure18:26
daftykinscool :)18:26
daftykinsUnhammer: are you still active? EriC^^ can sort you out :>18:26
daftykinsstory is: Unhammer installed ubuntu EFI beside windows 8, but only Windows boots18:26
ioriaVespero2, if the service  fails , i found this command  : udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change and reboot, but don't know exactly what it does18:26
daftykinsin Unhammer's EFI, the physical disk (a seagate SSHD) is selected above Windows Boot Manager, which in turn is above Ubuntu's EFI entry18:27
daftykinsso it seems odd it's not booting18:27
EriC^^daftykins: oh ok18:27
Vespero2ioria, I don't know that the service is failing, just that the layout file it's looking for is damaged18:27
ioriaVespero2, /etc/default/keyboard, you mean ?18:28
=== bradjones_away is now known as bradjones
Vespero2ioria, no, /usr/share/xkb/symbol/us18:29
RazzdollDoes anyone know this problem?18:29
Unhammerdaftykins,  hey18:30
EriC^^Unhammer: hi18:30
drmagooHi, can someone here confirm if the nvidia-346 driver is a part of the official repos in 15.04 ?18:30
dionysus69daftykins: it lists upowerd and auto power18:30
EriC^^Unhammer: are you in a live usb right now?18:31
daftykins!info nvidia-34618:31
ubottunvidia-346 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-346): NVIDIA binary driver - version 346.59. In component restricted, is optional. Version 346.59-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 31018 kB, installed size 142398 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)18:31
daftykinsdrmagoo: yes.18:31
dionysus69should /etc/rc.local entries get executed at startup generally?18:31
UnhammerEriC^^,  I can be :)18:31
drmagoodaftykins: thank you very much18:31
daftykinsdionysus69: ah silly me, so powertop is more just running once than running as a daemon - so my approach was of no use18:32
daftykinsdrmagoo: i think there's newer though, just run "sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search nvidia-" to see all available18:32
Unhammerbah getting into that UEFI boot menu takes forever since I have to do it from within windows18:33
daftykinswell you don't18:33
daftykinsbut that is one method :P18:33
Unhammeri don't know the secret keyshake for lenovo …18:33
drmagoodaftykins: I'm still on 14.04, having some issues with my gtx960-card.. Have the same problem with nvidias own, as with the drivers from xorg-edgers and mamarley... so i am thinking about upgrading18:33
Unhammeror, for ideacentres18:33
Unhammerhuh, that 1tb+8gb entry is gone now btw18:34
daftykinsdrmagoo: no reason a 960 wouldn't work on 14.04, sounds like you've messed up your setup somehow. are you booted into it right now?18:34
daftykinsdrmagoo: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit18:35
Unhammerok, in live disk now (created by 7x x xubuntu.iso /media/… && parted set 1 boot on, so I'd be sure it's uefi-only)18:35
dionysus69daftykins: so any ideas how to detect if its running or not?18:35
EriC^^Unhammer: ok, i'll brb in a sec18:36
daftykinsdionysus69: no18:36
drmagoodaftykins: Im on it right now... will do18:36
daftykinsdionysus69: why don't you add a line to rc.local after you have it run powertop, then have it echo some text into a file... then you'll have proof18:36
dionysus69daftykins: there is a thing about it though, powertop needs sudo permission while echo doesnt so :\ i might leak something by that test18:37
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
PromilleHey guys. Are there any good to-do programs in the repos in ubuntu. Should make it easy to add new task, and check them when its done.18:37
EriC^^Unhammer: ok, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:37
EriC^^Unhammer: then sudo parted -l | pastebinit18:37
drmagoodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11571022/ sorry ;)18:37
Vespero2I regularly switch between two keyboards, but switching to the other (non-US) doesn't work18:38
daftykinsdrmagoo: right so this shows 349 is on, is this not working?18:38
Vespero2On-Screen keyboard says no keyboard found18:38
MiaHey all18:39
MiaI'm trying to install ubuntu on a 4 year old laptop18:39
MiaI did the usb stick installation thing on the website18:39
daftykinswhich version and what's wrong?18:39
Miaall I get is "no bios bp data"18:39
daftykinswhen? where?18:40
Miathe 14.2 stable version18:40
Vespero2should I reinstall xorg?18:40
Miathe recommended download on the website18:40
MiaWell the usb stick boots up18:40
daftykins14.04.2 LTS you mean?18:40
Unhammerarghs wheres the pipe on this thing18:40
MiaI see "try ubuntu " "install ubuntu" etc18:40
daftykins'stable' is not appropriate as all ubuntu releases are stable18:40
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Miabut I cna't do "enter" for any of those18:40
Miathen I see a white screen18:40
Miathen it says "no bios bp data"18:40
daftykins!nomodeset | Mia try this18:40
ubottuMia try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:40
Miathen waits for a bit and goes to ubuntu loading screen18:40
daftykinsMia: also tell us what system this is18:40
UnhammerEriC^^,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11571096/18:41
Miadaftykins, Unhammer but it loads the ubuntu loading screen18:41
Miathe purple one with dots18:41
drmagoodaftykins: yes and no. When I wake the monitors (dual-head same make and model) up, all applications on the right monitor are "hidden" in the background, the refresh rate on the right monitor is set down to 30 hz. And lastly every now and then Xorg crashes when I try to log back in.18:41
Miaand it sems like it's loading something18:41
Miabut it never ends18:42
Miajust waits and waits more18:42
Miafor like 4 hours I waited18:42
MiaI think it's mroe than enough18:42
drmagoodaftykins: and that all started when I installed this graphicscard18:42
daftykinsMia: yep so try nomodeset as suggested above and tell me the system make + mode18:42
Miadaftykins, sure I'm checking the page right now how d I set the parameter18:42
daftykinsF6 on the flash drive boot menu18:42
EriC^^Unhammer: type sudo efibootmgr -v | pastebinit18:43
daftykinsdrmagoo: sounds like a mess, so you have three choices: 1) remove all the messy PPAs you might have added, revert to stock packages then purge nvidia* and then clean install a supported official repo version. 2) clean install 14.04. 3) clean install 15.0418:44
Miait said callibration failed18:44
Miaand it said "no bios bp data" again18:44
Miaf6 didn't do anything though, should I see something popping up instantly18:44
mbs_who do i talk to about a package being out of date?18:44
UnhammerEriC^^,  command not found, what's the package for efibootmgr?18:45
MiaI mean I can also not make a pick out of the flash drive's menu18:45
daftykinsMia: i get absolutely nothing on google from "no bios bp data" so are you sure that's what it says?18:45
EriC^^Unhammer: efibootmgr18:45
Miaexactly that18:45
daftykinsMia: so i must for the third time ask what make and model of system this is18:45
ioriaVespero2, if your /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us is broken you ca copy this in it and reconfigure :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11571127/18:45
Mia"no bios dp data"18:45
Mianot bp18:45
daftykinsoh DP18:45
daftykinsright :P18:45
MiaI misread (and possibly mistyped?)18:45
Miadoes it make a difference now?18:45
Miadaftykins, the computer is asus aspire 693518:46
daftykinsMia: yes, and nomodeset still applies, you did press F6... cursor up to nomodeset and enable it before selecting 'try ubuntu' yes?18:46
Miathere is no cursor18:46
daftykinscursor keys are the arrows on your keyboard18:46
Miaand f6 does nothing really18:46
EriC^^Unhammer: did you install ubuntu after windows?18:46
Miayeah they don't do much either18:46
UnhammerEriC^^,  yes18:46
MiaI try enter as well18:46
daftykinsMia: ok carry on reading my earlier link until you can get nomodeset enabled then please :)18:47
Miait just waits then timeouts I guess18:47
Miaand auto makes a pick18:47
EriC^^Unhammer: ok, we might need to switch the efi files to trick the bios, cause it seems hardwired to boot the windows efi18:47
Miadaftykins, I can't do f6, any other alternative?18:47
daftykinsMia: read the link like i said please.18:47
Vespero2ioria, I'll try that, but even switching to a German layout isn't working right now18:47
EriC^^Unhammer: type sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt18:47
UnhammerI have no sda6 .18:48
Unhammeroh no pebkac18:48
Unhammersorry, nevermind, it's mounted18:48
EriC^^ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi18:48
drmagoodaftykins: I will try to purge them once again and see if I have more luck with the old drivers. thank you18:49
daftykinsdrmagoo: you'd have to remove xorg-edgers and any other PPA prior to trying again, of course18:49
shudonhi all :) i am using Remote Desktop Viewer to connect to a VNC server, but the password field only allows me to enter 8 characters!18:49
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:49
Miadaftykins, it goes to automatic boot I guess18:49
MiaI mean18:49
Miait's not doing anything when I press any key18:49
Miaso I'm not usre if "e" works or not18:49
Unhammeralright …18:49
Miaas well as entering18:49
EriC^^Unhammer: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done18:50
Mialeft right keys work to navigate the menu but I can't make a pick18:50
EriC^^Unhammer: type the whole line18:50
Miaand f6 does not make a difference18:50
daftykinsMia: there is one sure fire way to find out if pressing 'e' on try ubuntu will work... that's to try it ;)18:50
Miaas well as pressing "e" to edit the item18:50
voodooohi all18:50
MiaI did18:50
Miait does not work18:50
Miait does nothing18:50
MiaI don't see anything popping up18:50
Miaor changing18:50
MiaNothing at all18:50
daftykinscan you even cursor up and down? (arrow keys)18:51
Miajust left right18:51
Miathat does the up down thing18:51
Miaup down does not do anything18:51
UnhammerEriC^^,  done18:51
UnhammerI have /mnt/proc etc18:51
daftykinsoy vey18:51
EriC^^Unhammer: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt18:51
daftykinsMia: what kind of computer and OS did you make this flash drive up from?18:51
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Miawindows stopped working18:52
Miait had windows 7 installed18:52
Unhammer… so we just fake-booted into that. nice.18:52
Miaand the comuter is asus aspire 693518:52
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Mia4gb ram18:52
Mianot TOO old18:52
Miajust like 4 years old18:52
daftykinsMia: can you please stop pressing enter so much and reply in full sentences on *one* line?18:52
Miasure, sorry -18:53
EriC^^Unhammer: yeah, type cp /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi{,.backup}18:53
daftykinsMia: i asked which OS and computer you prepared the USB flash drive boot from?18:53
MiaI'm kind of annoyed right now and I feel clueless about what I'm doing, so I guess I get excited when I get replies :)18:53
daftykinsalright well stop that.18:53
MiaOh, I prepared it in windows with the universal usb installer thing18:53
UnhammerEriC^^,  copied :)18:53
Miafollowerd the steps on the website daftykins18:53
EriC^^Unhammer: type cp /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi{,.backup}18:53
daftykinsMia: on a different computer?18:54
Miadaftykins, yes,18:54
Miashould I make it on the same one?!18:54
daftykinsMia: ok test boot that flash drive in that other computer to make sure it's ok18:54
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daftykinswell you said 7 doesn't work so surely it has no working OS to use? :P18:54
Miadaftykins, yes the one I'm trying to install does not have an os installed right now18:55
Miawhen I boot it up I just see a letter, "Y" I have no idea what it is18:55
UnhammerEriC^^,  done18:55
Miaanyway I was wanting to install ubuntu to that, so yeah this is my chance18:55
MiaI prepaed the usb stick on another machine though18:55
daftykinsMia: yes so plug the flash drive into the computer you prepared the drive with... and TEST boot it there18:56
daftykinsthis will rule out there being a problem with the drive18:56
Miadaftykins, okay doing it now18:56
EriC^^Unhammer: type cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi18:56
EriC^^Unhammer: ok, type cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi18:58
EriC^^Unhammer: ok, type cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi18:58
drmagoodaftykins: I've purge the ppa's, but now when I check the repos there is only 304-331 drivers there. No 346 or newer18:59
Vespero2Purging and reinstalling xserver-xorg worked18:59
Vespero2thanks for your help, guys18:59
Unhammer(though that was a bit confusing)18:59
EriC^^Unhammer: type sudo nano /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft , then replace bootmgfw.efi with bootmgfw.efi.backup18:59
daftykinsdrmagoo: yeah so it's back to normal, make sure you have any other cruft cleaned out - all nvidia* purged and do a dist-upgrade to ensure you're fully up to date and set19:00
EriC^^Unhammer: it sometimes whines about not finding grubx64.efi there19:00
Miadaftykins, yes it loaded fine on the other machine19:00
daftykinsMia: right so the drive is good, that makes life easier19:01
ioriaVespero2, np19:01
Miadaftykins, hmmm what are my options now19:01
Unhammeralright, nano'd19:01
EriC^^Unhammer: ok, type update-grub19:02
Unhammerstill from within the chroot, right?19:02
daftykinsMia: so acer aspire 6935 huh19:02
dgsi'm having some network/DNS issues with a machine. I can't resolve anything - not even entries explicitly added to the /etc/hosts file. (see http://pastie.org/10223843 ). I can ping out via IP address, but cannot ping/resolve anything by name. There are 3 name servers specified in /etc/hosts - all of which are reachable via ping and are working for other hosts on the network. Hosts set up in /etc/hosts can't be resolved - if I add a site to /etc/h19:02
dgsI still can't ping it by name, but pinging it by ip works fine...19:02
daftykinsMia: what happened to the Windows 7 install? suddenly didn't boot anymore one day?19:02
Tarrewok im back. took a lil bit longer. had this problem problem with the apt-get update. Booted from usb stick and cant update at all there. it stops at 83% fetching data from "archive.ubuntu.com"19:03
UnhammerEriC^^,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11571596/19:03
Miadaftykins, yes, well windows behaved like it's trying to load19:03
drmagoodaftykins: I'm sorry for this really stupid question: but which driver shall I choose?19:03
EriC^^Unhammer: great, type exit19:03
Miathe neverending "waiting" circle, so I needed to restart19:04
EriC^^Unhammer: then reboot and see if it works, if it doesn't make sure secureboot is turned off19:04
knocktwicedgs: do 'nslookup' or 'dig' give any helpful hints? You could use 'tcpdump' to see who it's asking for dns, or if at all.19:04
MiaI powered off, and powered on and it was this vlack screen with Y letter on it19:04
MiaI thought it's one of those windows crashes really19:04
Miadaftykins, anything else specific you want to know? :)19:04
dgsknocktwice: unfortunately not installed, and until I sort out network issues, I can't install them =/19:05
daftykinsMia: is this the machine? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Acer-Aspire-16-inch-Laptop-Premium/dp/B001HK214A19:05
Miayes daftykins not the "G" model though19:06
MiaI'm not sure what the G stands for, mine does not have the G19:06
Miabut the same look, yes.19:06
daftykinsMia: ok. i suspect your hard disk might have an issue, so if it were me... i would remove it19:07
Miadaftykins, normally does the boot (from flash) works without the HD?19:07
MiaThe HD was switched recently yes, so it might have an issue19:07
Unhammerooh grub!19:07
Jordan_UUnhammer: Be sure to write those instructions down, as you will need to re-run those cp commands any time Windows re-writes its efi images, and you will need to re-edit /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft any time the os-prober package is upgraded.19:07
daftykinsMia: it was? why was it swapped?19:08
Unhammeralready did :) thank you so much EriC^^ daftykins Jordan_U19:08
daftykinsUnhammer: np19:08
Miadaftykins, well it's not my pc, it was my boyfirends'19:08
Miahe switched it because it was totally dead, some guy did it19:09
EriC^^Unhammer: np19:09
MiaMy bf is not really into computers hehe19:09
MiaI don't know what the EXACT problem was19:09
EriC^^Unhammer: did you try booting into windows?19:09
daftykinsMia: ok19:09
UnhammerEriC^^,  not yet, not sure I want to take my chances until I'm desperate for a firmware update =P19:09
Unhammer(which is the only reason I'm keeping windows around)19:10
Unhammershould it be "safe" to try windows?19:10
EriC^^yeah, most likely19:10
daftykinsUnhammer: for what it's worth i had a cheap Lenovo system in here recently, i updated the EFI for fun... resized Windows 8's C:... booted an ubuntu flash drive and installed it beside just perfectly.19:10
Unhammeralright, I'll give it a go :)19:10
daftykinsno issues19:10
Unhammerdaftykins,  cheap as in non-thinkpad?19:10
UnhammerI was sort of afraid I'd have issues since this model is fairly new19:11
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Unhammerand non-think19:11
daftykinsit was a B50-7019:11
daftykinswhich is part of the essential business line iirc19:11
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Unhammerum btw, which of the three windows entries is it?19:15
UnhammerWindows UEFI bootmgfw.efi19:16
UnhammerWindows Boot UEFI loader19:16
UnhammerWindows Boot Manager (on /dev/sda2)19:16
Unhammerok, second one; first one is our fake :)19:17
Unhammerso windows boots19:18
EriC^^ok, great, restart from windows and see if you still get grub19:18
dreamcat4^hello! i've got a question about i386 architecture: does ubuntu have any plans to drop support for it in the future? if yes, how many more years?19:20
Unhammerworks =D19:20
EriC^^Unhammer: did you disable the fast startup in windows by the way?19:20
daftykinsno idea, but there's less and less reason to install 32-bit OSs here in 2015, dreamcat4^19:20
EriC^^Unhammer: cool19:20
UnhammerEriC^^,  yeah, first thing I did19:20
Unhammerbefore installing19:20
daftykinsi didn't have to do any of that to get a dualboot going :)19:21
Unhammernot sure about the quickboot thing in bios19:21
acz32many servers are i38619:21
Unhammerthat's what I get for trying to install on a new system I guess :-/19:21
rakibwhats up everybody19:21
pbxrunning unity on 14.04, is there an equivalent to "hide others" on os x?19:22
daftykinsUnhammer: well no the one i got was brand new. but as mentioned i updated the EFI first thing19:23
daftykinsbecause they're always so, so buggy19:23
drmagoodaftykins: sorry that I'm a pain, but do you have any suggestion on which driver to install and use?19:23
UnhammerI didn't find any firmware updates on lenovo.com for my chipset at all19:23
daftykinsdrmagoo: all dist-upgrade'd fine now huh?19:23
daftykinsUnhammer: BIOS update, not chipset19:23
dreamcat4^daftykins: yeah, it's a question whether i need to make i386 packages (for tvheadend project). currently we only make 64-bit ones but some user still on 32-bit OS.19:23
daftykinsthat's not what chipset means ;)19:24
Unhammerdaftykins,  the bios update said it was for broadsomething, not haswell19:24
poorUserHi people since 15.04 i need to reboot the router(s) in order to have ipv4 address, i get only ipv6 and i'm totally disconnected from the the net. Does anyone have this problem or knows a solution?19:24
Unhammerit did say bios though. but I'm not a hardware person so have no clue19:24
daftykinsUnhammer: doesn't sound like you found the correct page for your model19:24
* dreamcat4^ was kindda hoping ubuntu would stop officially supporting i386 as soon as 2 years from now (or next LTS release)19:24
drmagoodaftykins: yes =) I'm pretty sure I've gotten everything back to what it was before, except for the driver19:24
netlarI installed Wine, but how do I actually run windows programs from it19:24
daftykinsdrmagoo: alright, and you're able to boot to desktop fine right now? which driver is in use?19:25
daftykins!wine | netlar19:25
ubottunetlar: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:25
Unhammeranyway, this leads me to my next problem, hehe: whenever I do a shutdown from ubuntu (live session/installing/installed ubuntu), it crashes hard (and the screen gets these funny multicolored lines like the weird side of youtube)19:25
Unhammersysrq elephants didn't have any effect, and I did try echo 1 to /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq19:26
Unhammerand I just apt-get upgraded19:26
daftykinselephants o0 as in reisub?19:26
Unhammerthat one19:26
drmagoodaftykins: not rebooted yet, since there is no display driver installed except nouveau19:26
al8989hello i have a question i have usb wireless network stick based off the realtek RTL8187Bchipset and it works with my ubuntu 14.04 installation, but it radomly disconnects and i have to keep reconnecting to my wireless network which is annoying is there any solution?19:26
Unhammeruh I always recite it in my head …19:26
Unhammerso I have to hold the power button to shutdown :/19:27
UnhammerI can't see it being related to the EFI thing (unless something should've been done after it said "everything's installed, click to restart")19:28
daftykinsdrmagoo: ok yeah so you'd only be able to boot with nomodeset right now huh? i think it'd be wise to reboot anyway since all the recent changes19:28
daftykinsdrmagoo: also a sudo apt-get autoremove ; to remove any old kernels lurking around19:28
drmagoodaftykins: all that has been done... But which driver shall I choose after the reboot.. Since its the same computer that I use for irssi, if you have an idea so that I know what to do next if i dont get it backup all the way19:30
daftykinsdrmagoo: well as i say you'll need to boot in with nomodeset passed as a kernel param first to ensure everything is still good19:31
daftykinsdrivers come later (:19:31
daftykinsdrmagoo: i'd like to see a clean boot /var/log/Xorg.0.log before continuing19:32
drmagoodaftykins: ok... will hopefully be back in a while19:33
blondie101010does anyone know where to get the build script used by the distribution, I'm mostly looking for the apache build script...  I was told how to get the source code for it with `apt-get source apache2` but that doesn't seem to include the build script19:45
jzvi12is anybody sharing a library with useful shell/bash scripts?19:46
drmagoodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11572298/19:47
wendicohello, anybody has experienced genymotion on ubuntu?19:48
daftykinsdrmagoo: hrmm what's with 'nomdmonddf' and 'nomdmonisw' ?19:48
al8989hello i have a question.  i have usb wireless network adapter based off the realtek RTL8187B chipset and it works with my ubuntu 14.04 installation, but it radomly disconnects and i have to keep reconnecting to my wireless network which is annoying is there any solutionto stop the wireless adapter from randomly disconnecting?19:48
daftykinsRAID related? 0o19:48
blondie101010jzvi12: without exaggeration there are millions, what are you really looking for?19:48
Picijzvi12: If you are looking for something in particular the folks in #bash might be able to point you in the right direction.19:48
wendicohow can i have android with google apps in ubuntu?19:49
drmagoodaftykins: might be, are running a few mdm-raids on this machine...  Status right now is that I get the login-prompt, but cant login...19:49
daftykinsdrmagoo: as in the GUI one? so you shared this from a TTY?19:50
Delta706In unity, is there a way to have a script run at logout time, before it starts closing windows?19:50
drmagoodaftykins: I'm on my tablet now, running putty... havent tried to reach a shell yet19:51
daftykinsdrmagoo: ah ok. so i'd add xorg-edgers back in, apt-get update and pick anything v340+19:51
drmagoodaftykins: ok, i'll try that now then19:52
drmagoodaftykins: xorg-edgers or mamarley ? does it matter which one I choose19:54
daftykinsdrmagoo: i've never heard of mamarley so i'd stick to what i know works for people19:55
daftykinswas this 14.04.2 ? i forget already19:55
drmagoodaftykins: ok =)19:55
drmagoodaftykins: yes19:55
daftykinsi could've just re-read your xorg log of course19:55
jzvi12 has anyone tried simonics google voice free gateway? if so, opinions?19:55
daftykinsdrmagoo: make sure there is no xorg.conf present in your /etc/X11 as well - if so rename it19:55
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drmagoodaftykins: I cheated and did a modprobe of the kernel driver and just restarted xorg...looks ok now, will reboot it and see if the problem occues again. Thank you very much for the help!20:03
daftykinsdrmagoo: no problem, hope it behaves better for you :)20:04
drmagoodaftykins: will be back here in 5 mins begging for your help if it doesnt ;)20:05
SherafHi, is there an option to tell an usb stick to "don't look for the hard drive"?20:07
Sherafbecause my hard drive is dead and it just take forever to boot the live env, because of thousands of I/O error20:08
pbxSheraf, that's something you configure in UEFI/BIOS20:08
onrwhat does that even mean, Sheraf20:08
jzvi12whats your opinion on this: https://www.crowdsupply.com/inverse-path/usb-armory#products-top20:09
Sherafpbx: i can't find any related option in the BIOS20:09
daftykinsSheraf: unplug it?20:09
Sherafdaftykins: right... it's a netbook and not even mine, i don't really want to open it20:10
Sherafjust gonna end up breaking it20:10
Sherafthere is no direct access to the hard drive20:10
daftykinsSheraf: what is the goal then?20:11
daftykinswhat is your intention with this device?20:11
Sherafus an usb stick or sd card as new hard drive20:11
daftykinsthen no, either remove it physically (after gaining permission) or enter the BIOS and try disabling it (unlikely to work)20:11
Sherafthe problem is when it's booting it's looking for hard drive, and that raise thousands of I/O error, i waited 30 minutes and it still didn't finish booting, just printing error in the tty20:12
Gaming4JCHi guys. Anyone know a decent "diff" GUI. Preferably a text-editor with built-in diff for an easier workflow on patching.20:12
daftykinsand they definitely referred to sda?20:12
EriC^^Sheraf: if it's using uefi you might be able to press esc and go to boot options and select usb uefi to boot it20:12
daftykinssome old netbook would likely not be EFI20:13
Sherafit's an old netbook, just has a phoenix bios20:13
EriC^^Sheraf: you should be able to select the boot order in the bios then20:13
SherafEriC^^: yeah, but still, when booting on the live usb, ubuntu is trying to check for hard drive, and that raise a bunch of error20:14
EriC^^you can try passing a kernel parameter to ignore it or something, i don't remember it exactly though20:14
Sherafthat's what i'm looking for20:15
Sherafan option at boot20:15
drdanmakuhi, my computer shut down during an invocation of apt-get and now any attempt to install packages gives me "dpkg: error: fgets gave an empty string from `/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File'", is there some way to repair this file?20:15
EriC^^Sheraf: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/102648/how-to-tell-linux-kernel-3-0-to-completely-ignore-a-failing-disk20:15
Sherafdrdanmaku: try apt-get install -f ?20:15
drdanmakuSheraf: that didn't seem to do anything, i still get that message20:16
EriC^^drdanmaku: type sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File20:17
daftykinsSheraf: still makes infinitely more sense to remove a faulty component.20:17
EriC^^and look for a line that's empty20:17
drdanmakuEriC^^: the file appears to be garbage, http://hastebin.com/cesequcexa.mel20:17
jzvi12sharing a goodie: https://www.crowdsupply.com/inverse-path/usb-armory#products-top20:18
drdanmakufrom what i'm reading, packages install triggers to do things when events occur, is there some way to scan the installed packages and regenerate the triggers?20:18
Sherafdaftykins: i know thanks.. i'm not gonna risk to break the plastic, not mine.20:18
daftykinsSheraf: so ask, or give this task to someone more capable (with my respect)20:19
dionysus69hey guys, whats up with viber icon in ubuntu 15.04, no method works with it that I could find on google20:19
dionysus69can anyone suggest anything? its stuck in top left corner20:19
daftykins'viber icon' - what does that mean? describe in full :)20:20
Jordan_USheraf: What is the exact kernel parameter you added and how? Please pastebin at least one of the error messages you're getting in dmesg.20:20
drdanmakuokay, i've just moved the /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File somewhere else and created an empty one, but this seems like it's obviously going to cause problems later20:21
dionysus69daftykins: viber notification icon :)20:21
dionysus69it is supposed to be lets say next to wifi battery icons in indicator menu20:21
daftykinsdionysus69: looks like a non-Linux program, so no idea20:21
daftykinsif you're using wine, ask them20:21
dionysus69ye it is a non linux program, it might be using wine itself but I am not running it on wine it has debian executable20:22
SherafJordan_U: i didn't add any kernel parameter, i don't have dmesg as i can't even boot, it's priting 100's of error per second i can't really tell what it says, but i know what a dead hard drive looks like20:22
daftykinsdionysus69: 'debian executable' ?20:22
Sherafata1.00 failed something ... (device error)20:22
=== nudoge is now known as nudoge-bbl
dionysus69deb file i meant20:23
Sherafata1.00 error {ABRT}20:23
Sherafthings like that20:23
daftykinsdionysus69: so a package, that doesn't really exclude wine usage20:23
SherafEriC^^: so i guess i would have to patch the kernel20:23
dionysus69daftykins: ye there is a chance it uses wine20:24
Jordan_USheraf: Ahh, so you haven't tried http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/102648/how-to-tell-linux-kernel-3-0-to-completely-ignore-a-failing-disk yet.20:24
wendicoanyone using genymotion can pm me?20:24
daftykinsdionysus69: check? :)20:24
Jordan_USheraf: What version of Ubuntu are you using?20:24
EriC^^Sheraf: why don't you install ubuntu to a usb, as usual20:24
dionysus69there has been problem about its indicator icon before but it has been solved with several methods over different versions, i guess none work for this version20:24
EriC^^Sheraf: instead of a live usb or live usb with persistence20:24
daftykinsEriC^^: i think any method is gonna sit there and try to probe the drives and fail miserably20:24
dionysus69daftykins: even if it uses wine how does that information help me solve the problem? :)20:24
EriC^^daftykins: i think he got it to work, but wants to patch the kernel or something20:25
daftykinsdionysus69: it would lead you to consulting the wine folks on this issue which would be more relevant since it's not an ubuntu issue20:25
daftykinsEriC^^: ah i see20:25
daftykinsso basically a bunch of unnecessary work instead of just pulling the dead drive in the first place20:25
daftykinsgood times :)20:25
EriC^^yeah, that'd be best but he said it's his friend's, up to him i guess20:26
dionysus69oh well ok thanks anyway :)20:26
Sherafi tried the  libata.force=2.00:disable20:26
Sherafdidn't work20:27
Sherafits still checking for hard drive20:27
EriC^^i think you have to get the numbers right20:27
Jordan_USheraf: What version of Ubuntu are you using?20:28
Sherafnevermind, it's working20:29
adrian_1908hello, I just installed apache2 (for offline development only) and I need some help. I want to enable directory listings ("Option Indexes" I think?) but so far haven't been able to. Is someone well verse in this?20:32
onradrian_1908: try #httpd20:33
wastrelit's probably a config option20:33
adrian_1908onr: I tried, no response so far.20:33
geri_hi does someone use ubuntu in virtual box??20:34
bekksgeri_: People do.20:34
pavlosadrian_1908, https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/DirectoryListings20:34
VesperoHey, I had to purge and reinstall xserver-xorg earlier today and now I can't change my resolution or monitor setup20:34
geri_bekks: you again :)20:34
bekksgeri_: Yeah. Different channel, same answer :P20:34
onradrian_1908: PM Humbedooh20:35
onrhe's a nice guy :P20:35
adrian_1908onr: Hehe ok, i'll try. thanks :)20:35
onrno problem20:35
geri_bekks: you dont use 3d in ubuntu linux... hm20:36
adrian_1908pavlos: I've gotten that far, but the issue remains. I'm just too new to this to figure out what the source of the error might be.20:36
VesperoAnyone have any experience with reinstalling xserver-xorg?20:36
pavlosadrian_1908, do you restart httpd after changes?20:36
bekksgeri_: I do. But 3D in vbox doesnt magically make an emulated graphics device being a hardware device.20:36
adrian_1908pavlos: yes.20:36
Vesperohitting "detect displays" doesn't do anything20:37
geri_bekks: i understand20:37
bekksgeri_: As you can see, same answer in a different channel.20:37
adrian_1908pavlos: I have a space in my directory though; i enclose the directory in " "20:37
EriC^^Vespero: try reinstalling xorg20:38
pavlosadrian_1908, you may have to escape it ... dont have httpd to test20:38
VesperoEric^^ that's what caused the problem20:38
adrian_1908pavlos: I don't need to add anything but  Options Indexes  to the directory I modify, right? I mean, that would suffice to override the options for that directory?20:38
EriC^^Vespero: did you do an autoremove after puring xserver-xorg?20:38
drmagoodaftykins: Hey, everything seems to work. Only problem that remains is that it resets the refresh rate to 30hz, but is easy to fix each time. But it seems to be very stable now.Thank you again20:38
pavlosadrian_1908, not sure about ehat persm that dir should have ... I suspect +x so it can take a look in there20:39
EriC^^Vespero: it might be that some packages are missing, maybe check the logs and see what was removed20:40
adrian_1908pavlos: good point20:40
VesperoEric^^ no, just apt-get autoremove --purge20:40
VesperoEric^^ it fixed the problem I was having with my keyboard, though20:40
EriC^^Vespero: yeah that would cause the problem20:40
EriC^^Vespero: don't use autoremove in this case, as it would remove other packages that used to depend on xorg20:41
EriC^^check the logs and see what was removed and reinstall them20:41
VesperoEriC^^ where would I find said logs?20:41
adrian_1908pavlos: ls -l myDir gives "drwxrwxrwx" so that should be ok, right?20:43
VesperoEriC^^ thanks, I'll check it out20:43
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EriC^^Vespero: ok, np20:44
Humbedoohonr: that's...cute20:44
* onr hugs Humbedooh 20:44
* Humbedooh doesn't generally engage in physical contact with 13 year olds...20:45
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic guys20:45
ultragamecardhey guys, does ubuntu need antivirus?20:45
Jordan_U!antivirus | ultragamecard20:46
ubottuultragamecard: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:46
lotuspsychje!info clamav | ultragamecard if you like one20:46
ubottuultragamecard if you like one: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 95 kB, installed size 743 kB20:46
pavlosadrian_1908, that's 777, wide open to all, the dirs above usually have 77520:46
ultragamecardI have clamav20:46
ultragamecardit doesn't do realtime scanning20:46
lotuspsychjeultragamecard: clamav's database has very recent linux rootkits n such known20:46
lotuspsychjeultragamecard: you have to manual scan indeed20:47
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter | ultragamecard works pretty nice too20:47
ubottuultragamecard works pretty nice too: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-0.4 (vivid), package size 194 kB, installed size 1027 kB20:47
k1lrkhunter doesnt work like antivirus on windows20:49
VesperoEriC^^ It worked! Thanks for your help, this was the last step in fixing a problem I've had all day20:49
EriC^^Vespero: great! np20:49
ultragamecardmy windows machine keeps getting infected20:49
ultragamecardI only use it for youtube20:49
k1lultragamecard: the biggest security issue on linux is the user doing things like installing 3rd party stuff that is insecure. i would start to think about that.20:49
ultragamecardi know20:50
k1lultragamecard: so you want to scan that windows system?20:50
ultragamecardit has avira20:50
onrHumbedooh: i missed the part when you stopped being nice to me.20:50
ultragamecardbut that is too offtopic20:50
ultragamecardI'll go the #windows for that20:50
ultragamecardI'm assuming everyone here is running ubuntu20:56
bekksThats a wrong assumption.20:56
k1lultragamecard: not everyone. we dont scan your system on entry :)20:56
ultragamecardI'm sorry20:56
almarknetbsd over here ;)20:56
ultragamecardjust a guess20:57
ultragamecardit is #ubuntu20:57
almarkpractise what you preach20:59
snouti have os x/kali linux. ubuntu and kali are both debian derivs20:59
ultragamecardsnout have you seen parrotsec?20:59
snoutnegative, what is it?20:59
zambai want to run windows virtualized and headless on an ubuntu server.. which virtualization engine do you recommend?20:59
k1lultragamecard: snout for non ubuntu chat/support there is ##linux21:00
almarkdo you run linux on a apple box snout ?21:00
ultragamecardparrotsec has all the kali tools plus support for tor, i2p and it looks cooler21:00
snouti am also in ##linux. I have a bootstick but am running into problems during ginstall and install surrounding lack of PCI ethernet card.21:00
snoutso sort of21:01
snoutultragamecard thanks for the tip. Going to check that out21:01
ultragamecardyou're welcome21:01
ubottuLibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.21:01
freezzzzeeeWhat's up niggas ?21:02
* Sarge123 off21:02
snoutultragamecard parrot looks slick21:04
ultragamecardi know right21:05
snoutyou run it?21:05
ultragamecardI have it on a live cd and in vbox21:06
parsec2284hi guys what does it mean booting in insecure mode21:06
EriC^^parsec2284: it means secure boot is turned off i guess21:06
parsec2284i feel like my ubuntu may have done something wrong21:06
parsec2284it is21:06
ultragamecardwindows 8 has secure boot21:06
snoutThis message does not indicate a security problem with Ubuntu and does not interfere with the operation of the system except for introducing this boot delay. As a workaround to avoid this boot delay, users can enable SecureBoot if enabled on their hardware, or if they do not intend to use SecureBoot at all they can uninstall the shim-signed package and then rerun the grub-install command.21:07
ultragamecardcopied that from wiki21:07
snouthow many people landed on the askubuntu answer?21:07
Jordan_Uparsec2284: Ubuntu supports UEFI Secure Boot, so you can re-enable it if you want to get rid of that message.21:07
wastreldoes ubuntu have secure boot21:07
ultragamecardwindows 8 secure boot is not secure21:07
ultragamecardit just makes it harder to liveboot21:08
parsec2284i thought secure boot /eufi in only for windows os21:08
wastrelwhy is it called that21:08
ultragamecardthey named it that so it won't sound stupid21:08
snoutremeber in 1999 when windows had the variable name _NSAKEY21:08
Jordan_Uparsec2284: No, Ubuntu and most other major GNU/Linux distributions support both UEFI and secure boot.21:08
ultragamecard"hey guys I invented a new way to make it hard to install linux distros on windows"21:09
ultragamecardsecureboot logic21:09
freeeezzzeeeeSssupp niggas ??21:10
k1lultragamecard: snout we focus on actual ubuntu support in here. for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic of ##chat21:10
systemd-estroyerhows everyone21:10
parsec2284i notice that after burning flash drive with start up disk creator, and trying to boot the flash drive usig non eufi, secure boot off, after hitting the force boot button i got a com error21:10
ultragamecardwe're not IT's but ok21:10
snoutsorry k11, I was responding to windows secureboot being insecure. Tangetial, I know. Sorry21:10
ubuntu86ciao a tutti21:11
parsec2284i thought at first ubuntu was a poor os thne i thought the flash drive was broken then i relize i need to turn on eufi21:11
parsec2284do all linux os work in eufimode21:11
ubuntu86italian people21:11
Jordan_U!it | ubuntu8621:12
ubottuubuntu86: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:12
parsec2284or just ubuntu21:12
ubuntu86ciao jordan21:12
ubuntu86sono nuovo21:12
ubuntu86con ubuntu21:12
BrunoPTparsec2284: I have arch in uefi mode21:12
k1lubuntu86: see the bots message in italian.21:12
Jordan_Uparsec2284: Most of the major distributions do, but this channel is only for Ubuntu. For other distributions please ask in their channels or in ##Linux.21:12
BrunoPTparsec2284: so all linux os should work21:12
parsec2284i like ubuntu21:12
parsec2284i like lubuntu21:12
parsec2284very very stable21:13
edistoI tried to install cuda 7 1410 drivers on my 1504 system and now I can't even get the login screen to crash. I can't hit ctrl + alt + f2 to login via terminal and reinstall my drivers21:13
edistohow do you force your screen to crash if it just keeps glitching21:13
shudonyou can't get the login screen to... crash?21:13
shudonoh... do you mean, kill it?21:13
parsec2284i think xfce is TE most stable linux distro i ever tried21:13
parsec2284it worked out of the box for me21:14
edistoyeah normally it just crashes after a few glitches but it won't this time and I can't get pass the glitching screen21:14
shudonthere's an xcfe distro?21:14
* tgm4883 slaps forehead21:14
parsec2284i have a pretty modern pc i74770 16 ggis of ram21:14
bekksshudon: xubuntu21:14
shudonedisto: can you reboot?21:14
shudonbekks: ahh21:14
edistoyeah I rebooted into windows lol21:15
geniixubuntu has xfce, lubuntu has lxde :)21:15
almark16GB ram :)21:15
parsec2284xubuntu on modern ssytems is so incredibly fast and stable21:15
ultragamecardthats too many21:15
shudonedisto: at the grub menu, boot into single user mode, and do your update from there. bad drivers are a pain in any OS.21:15
almarkmy old netbook runs xubuntu nicely21:15
almarkit's from 200721:15
k1lparsec2284: we try to focus on solving issues in here :)  if you want to chat please join #ubuntu-offtopic :)21:16
parsec2284but lubuntu rocks on modern systems too21:16
parsec2284ohh ok21:16
parsec2284well then21:16
parsec2284i have more questions to ask21:16
shudon>running xcfe with 16GB RAM21:16
parsec2284why whne i burn a flash drive, must it be run in eufi21:17
parsec2284to install21:17
jzvi12openfiler or freenas21:17
parsec2284i know it works21:17
edistoshudon: thanks21:17
parsec2284im not sure why21:17
shudonedisto: np21:17
k1lparsec2284: that depends on the mainboard and bios.21:17
parsec2284i though linux fights eufi21:17
edistoubuntugnome is the nicest i've seen though and its super stable21:17
parsec2284i have a pretty modern asus21:17
k1lparsec2284: you can enable "legacy mode" in some bios so you can install linux as it was in the old days without efi21:18
k1lparsec2284: linux cant fight uefi. its the hardware manufacturer who go the microsoft way.21:18
parsec2284but that said, is it true that some modern bios need and is mandatory to run os in eufi21:19
parsec2284as well as secure boot21:19
k1lparsec2284: that depends on the actual machine and if the bios got settings to disable secureboot and uefi21:19
parsec2284but at least i understand what the problem was21:19
shudondoes xbox one have uefi?21:20
parsec2284i disabled both secure boot21:20
shudonif it does, it probably can't be disabled, and requires secure boot21:20
parsec2284and was eufi21:20
tgm4883lets not confuse secureboot and uefi now21:20
parsec2284with eufi off os wont install21:20
parsec2284com error21:20
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
parsec2284must have eufi on and with secure boot off, i get the boot message insuecure mode21:20
tgm4883parsec2284: so leave uefi on?21:21
parsec2284so i guess i must have eufi on and seecure boot to run os21:21
parsec2284and secure boot21:21
tgm4883parsec2284: ok, then what is the problem?21:21
parsec2284but what im saying is, linux articles say to turn them off21:21
parsec2284oh no problem21:22
parsec2284im just conversing21:22
tgm4883parsec2284: not all of them do, and the ones that do are either old or misinformed21:22
tgm4883parsec2284: conversing is for another channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic21:22
parsec2284oh ok21:22
k1lparsec2284: lets stop conversating in here. we try to keep this channel clear for people with issues21:22
tgm4883this channel is for support21:22
parsec2284sory about will do21:22
parsec2284made clear21:22
=== user is now known as Guest66004
ultragamecardlook how many people come to irc when they need support for ubuntu!21:31
Gh0st-keep getting these errors21:33
CupricHey I'm having trouble configureing vsftpd on 14.04. I get an error that I can't change directories when trying to connect21:33
Gh0st-E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).21:34
Gh0st-N: Ignoring file 'mongodb.listecho' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension21:34
londoncallingGh0st- did you try apt-get -f install'?21:34
Gh0st-londoncalling: yes I did21:34
Gh0st-same thing came up again21:34
londoncallingGh0st- umm, not an expert, but perhaps remove the slash at the end?21:34
londoncallingthat should return the same error but I'm just ruling it out21:35
k1lGh0st-: did you try to add a PPA recently or did something in that context?21:35
Gh0st-k1l: not sure what I did21:35
Gh0st-but yeah I tried to install ircanywhere21:36
k1lGh0st-: well, you have a misconfigured PPA. so can you show the howto you followed?21:36
tgm4883Gh0st-: mongodb.listecho should be just mongodb.list21:37
Gh0st-just triend -f install21:37
Gh0st-seems to be working21:37
k1lyeah, so i want to see where he went wrong21:38
MonkeyDustGh0st-  I picked this up in this channel, save it as a text file, make it executable and then execute it  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11574591/21:38
Gh0st-MonkeyDust: thanks21:39
k1lMonkeyDust: that will not help. he got a misconfigured ppa there21:39
MonkeyDustGh0st-  ah, missed that part, i was was away21:39
Gh0st-N: Ignoring file 'mongodb.listecho' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension21:39
Gh0st-still getting the same thing21:39
k1lGh0st-: so what howto you were following?21:39
* tgm4883 sigh21:39
tgm4883Gh0st-: mongodb.listecho should be just mongodb.list21:40
* Gh0st- is a newbie21:40
k1lGh0st-: that is what i told you. please answer my questions21:40
tgm4883you need to rename that ifile21:40
Gh0st-tgm4883: how can I change it21:40
Gh0st-k1l: dont know21:40
Gh0st-tgm4883: how?21:40
williefIs this the best place for install issues for 15.04?21:40
tgm4883cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/21:40
k1lwillief: just ask and people will try to help21:40
tgm4883Gh0st-: then mv the file21:40
acz32Gh0st-: how can you not know what howto you followed? you obviously don't know enough to do this all on your own21:40
Gh0st-mongodb.list  mongodb.listecho21:41
Gh0st-should I rm one?21:41
Gh0st-acz32: yeah true that21:41
tgm4883Gh0st-: you have both?21:41
Gh0st-tgm4883: yeah21:41
tgm4883Gh0st-: are their contents the same?21:41
Gh0st-not sure21:41
Gh0st-let me check through nano21:42
tgm4883yea do that21:42
gzcwnkI am trying to install bacula-server and it should have asked me some setup Q's but didnt, running dpkg-reconfigure -plow didnt trigger it either any ideas how I get it to run properly?21:42
Gh0st-tgm4883: yup exactly the same21:42
HobbyboyWhen a release of Ubuntu goes out of support, what happens to its documentation?21:42
tgm4883Gh0st-: then remove the listecho one21:42
tgm4883Now you shouldn't get that error anymore21:43
MonkeyDustHobbyboy  it's still available here (e.g. 10.04)  http://ubuntu-manual.org/downloads21:44
williefi boot from a USB stick with 15.04 64bit .iso. I want to install to my new SSD but the installer insists it is already mounted as /cdrom.  I cannor umount /cdrom or /dev/sdb evn with the -f switch , fuser just tells me root@ubuntu:/# fuser -vm /dev/sdb                      USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND /dev/sdb:            root     kernel mount /cdrom - any ideas? I want to have a 512Mb ext2 for root 40GB for / and the rest as swap 21:44
Jordan_UHobbyboy: Why do you ask?21:44
Gh0st-continueing with IRCANYWHERE installation21:45
daftykinswillief: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit21:45
daftykinsthen share the link21:45
williefdaftykins: ok - cheers21:45
HobbyboyI still use Ubuntu 10.04 for certain purposes, due to them being broken in newer versions of Ubuntu21:45
k1lwillief: sdb will be the live usb in most cases. so are you sure you want to umount that?21:45
bekksHobbyboy: 10.04 is EOL, entirely.21:46
daftykinsHobbyboy: that's a very bad move :)21:46
k1lHobbyboy: 10.04 is EOL. so dont expect people or ubuntu to support it.21:46
daftykinsi hope that system is not online21:46
HobbyboyI know its EOL, I was just wondering where the documentation went after versions go EOL21:47
williefI have a few HDDs :-)21:47
williefmy SSD is /dev/sdb21:47
bekksHobbyboy: Maybe its archived, maybe its just removed.21:47
Hobbyboyand I'm running it in a Virtual Machine with a firewalled connection, so the outside world doesn't have access21:47
Jordan_UHobbyboy: What specifically doesn't work for you in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?21:48
HobbyboyRosegarden with Midi21:48
Hobbyboyits broken in 12.04 as well21:48
daftykinswillief: ok looking now, if you type my nickname first i can see highlights :)21:49
gzcwnkI am trying to install bacula-server and it should have asked me some setup Q's but didnt, running dpkg-reconfigure -plow didnt trigger it either any ideas how I get it to run properly?21:49
Jordan_UHobbyboy: What happens when you try to use Rosegarden in Ubuntu 14.04?21:49
HobbyboyI don't get any sound with Timidity, and distorted sound with QSynth21:50
williefdaftykins: thank you21:50
daftykinswillief: err are you sure? sdb looks like someone has written a 535MB ISO to it? :)21:50
daftykinswillief: did you perhaps use 'dd' to make up a bootable drive but picked the wrong device?21:50
daftykinsyou can't run ubuntu from the same drive you want to install to21:51
Gh0st-./install.sh: line 4: node: command not found21:51
Gh0st-can't go any furhter21:52
k1lGh0st-: see what depencies that software names in the howto or readme and make sure that are installed already21:52
williefdaftykins:  that is confusing me too - let me reboot with my 4GB live USB (which I did make with dd BTW) out and then insert it so I def know what it is mounted as21:52
Gh0st-k1l: ok21:52
williefYes I know you cant install to the the USB stick you booted from21:53
daftykinswillief: you could also just "mount | pastebinit"21:53
williefI learned that a while back :-)21:53
k1lwillief: i think your mixed usb drive and ssd somehow21:53
MonkeyDustHobbyboy  if you're a compozer or musician, consider using Ubuntu Studio, it has its own support channel21:53
Jordan_UHobbyboy: I'm seeing multiple reports of timidity working in Ubuntu 14.04 online. I'm wondering if it's a hardware specific issue, or maybe one specific to how you're invoking timidity. Are all of your tests being performed in a Virtualbox VM (so they have the same "hardware")?21:54
williefdaftykins:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11574718/21:54
HobbyboyAll of my tests are in Virtualbox21:54
HobbyboyTimidity plays fine on its own, but doesn't in rosegarden21:54
daftykinswillief: yeah your sdb is mounted as /cdrom because i think whichever OS you put on is on your SSD :) i also don't see your 4GB flash drive in your first pastebin21:55
Hobbyboyand if i use the fluidsynth plugin with vlc, it also plays fine21:55
williefwell the system sees it cos for now Im running it as @try Ubuntu@21:55
k1lwillief: when using dd better double check what the output of dd goes to and if that is the target you want to go it to :)21:56
Gh0st- connection attempt failed at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:146 / exception: connect failed21:56
williefwith a US keybd21:56
williefk1l:  yeah - been bitten with dd before - I always double check21:56
daftykinswillief: but i don't see a 4GB device in the first pastebinit :D21:57
tgm4883+1 to daftykins I think he dd'd to the wrong device21:58
willief    daftykins  OK going to reboot from an old install of the HDDs and then see if I can reformat the SSD from there21:58
daftykinswillief: you seem to have a lot of other disks with LVM or mdadm RAID on too, i think if it were me i would disconnect _all_ drives except for the SSD and the 4GB flash drive once it has had the ISO loaded21:58
daftykinswillief: yeah just dd 50MB of zeroes onto it, then remake your flash drive then you should be golden :)21:58
=== winegoddess_ is now known as winegoddess
Jordan_UHobbyboy: Try again using Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS, and if you can reproduce the problem there please ask in #ubuntustudio (and file a bug report if one hasn't already been filed).21:59
williefdaftykins: yes I want to mount /home /usr/local /projects /opt etc from my existing LVMs later when I get 15.04 on21:59
williefdaftykins:  but I'll power down and disconnect the other HDDS for now and try to install there and mount the other drivees later22:00
daftykinswillief: sounds like a plan :)22:00
willief back soon :-)22:01
Gh0st-Error: couldn't connect to server22:01
Gh0st-what shoudl I put in here22:01
Gh0st-reason: errno:111 Connection refused22:01
daftykinspasting errors without context usually doesn't get you too far22:02
Gh0st-MongoDB shell version: 2.6.1022:02
Gh0st-connecting to: test22:02
daftykinsGh0st-: yeah you're still just pasting stuff randomly22:03
Gh0st-daftykins: what should I paste then22:04
daftykinsphrase a question22:04
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)22:04
Gh0st-trying to set up Mondodb22:04
daftykins"i am trying to x, i have done y, but i expected z"22:04
Gh0st-does that help?22:04
daftykinsyou gave us one third of my example22:05
tgm4883Gh0st-: no. Do what daftykins said. "I'm trying to set up mondodb, I'm at step X of this guide <LINK HERE>, but I'm getting this error"22:05
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Gh0st-dont know how can I explain really22:07
Gh0st-getting the error of connection refused whilst running mondo22:07
daftykinsok so perhaps the service hasn't started ?22:08
daftykinsif you just installed it22:08
Gh0st-it is not starting22:08
daftykinswhat error does it give?22:08
Gh0st-connection attempt failed at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:14622:08
daftykinsi'm assuming you tried "sudo service mongodb start"22:08
daftykinsok try that22:08
k1lGh0st-: what howto are you following? that must be the worst howto ever22:09
Gh0st-mongodb: unrecognized service22:09
Gh0st-same error again warning: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused22:10
daftykinstry "sudo service mongod start"22:10
tgm4883Gh0st-: yes, what guide are you following? The official ircanywhere install docs?22:10
Gh0st-tgm4883: yes22:11
Gh0st-not helpinh22:11
tgm4883Gh0st-: are you doing the manual install or the automatic install?22:11
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daftykinsi sense a manual non-package install was performed22:14
Gh0st-tgm4883: I think manual22:14
Gh0st-how can I do automatic22:14
tgm4883daftykins: there isn't a package install22:14
daftykinsno? ah ok explains that then :D22:15
tgm4883those are the install docs22:15
socialevilhi guys i have a question. when i start downloading something from the internet, my browser stops loading pages.. or it does it really slow. its like all the connection goes for the download and none for the browser.. is there some setting or something like that, so that i can make my browser load pages fast as usual even if i am downloading something ?22:15
daftykinsnever used mongo in my life22:15
tgm4883the "automatic" install is an install script22:15
bekkstgm4883: There a PPA at least, linked on the official mongodb site.22:15
daftykinssocialevil: let me guess, ubuntu on a laptop with a wifi card you had trouble getting going at first install?22:15
socialevildaftykins, ubuntu on a laptop with usb stick ( i had no problems getting going at all )22:16
tgm4883bekks: sorry, I was talking about his larger issue of installing ircanywhere. There likely is mongodb packages available for install, but first we should figure out what he's following and how he tried to install it22:16
Gh0st-$ ./install.sh22:17
daftykinssocialevil: so it's not even installed?22:17
Gh0st-where I can get the install scrit22:17
socialevildaftykins, well.. i haven't installed anything.. i just put the usb stick in the usb, and in a couple of seconds i get my network, i click connect and there you go :)22:18
daftykinssocialevil: so what are you downloading in a live session?22:18
daftykins'cause there'd not really be anywhere for it to go unless you mounted a local disk22:19
tgm4883wow, these install docs are kinda bad22:19
tgm4883Gh0st-: I'd assume it's the one listed here https://github.com/ircanywhere/ircanywhere22:19
socialevildaftykins, netbeans, jdk or even torrents.. whatever it is.. when i download something.. my browsing is interrupted22:20
k1lGh0st-: if you had answered my questions before it would have been clear what you need because its named in "Pre-requisites"22:21
daftykinssocialevil: is this a persistent install?22:21
daftykinson said flash drive22:21
Gh0st-k1l: sorry dude22:22
socialevildaftykins, i dont know what persistent install means22:22
daftykinssocialevil: well essentially, if you're saying you're installing software... you're going to run out of space and it'll all be gone after you restart...22:22
daftykinsso doing anything in a live session without a persistence file is pointless22:22
Gh0st-how would I use ./install.sh22:23
socialevilno no, its a installed system and all..22:23
Gh0st-k1l: how would I use install.sh22:24
daftykins...to a flash drive?22:24
daftykinsyou really don't want to run from a flash drive22:24
socialevildaftykins, i do have windows and ubuntu on my laptop.. actually the problem occurs on both systems ( i dont know if thats of any significance ) but because i use ubuntu all the time.. i asked here22:25
k1lGh0st-: is nom and node installed?22:25
daftykinssocialevil: wow, is there any further detail you can give that'd make this easier?22:26
tgm4883Gh0st-: honestly, this seems a bit above you. Are you sure you want to be running ircanywhere? This this machine going to be internet accessible?22:26
Gh0st-tgm4883: it's a VPS22:26
socialevildaftykins, i think there is misunderstanding .. my internet comes from an usb flash drive.. not my ubuntu22:26
tgm4883so then yes...22:26
k1lGh0st-: go to the ircanywhere folder22:26
Gh0st-k1l: yes22:26
daftykinssocialevil: aaaaaah so it's NOT a flash drive, it's a mobile broadband/cellular data *DONGLE* ?22:27
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Gh0st-k1l: ./install.sh: line 4: node: command not found22:27
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socialevildaftykins, sorry for the .. confusion .. i dont know what it is.. i see a usb stick and internet :D :D :D22:27
k1lGh0st-: so is nodejs installed or not?22:27
daftykinsoy vey22:27
daftykinspraise be to Tux for the clarification22:27
tgm4883k1l: a quick looks at the docs, they are kinda bad I think22:28
daftykinssocialevil: where in the world are you? does this dongle have any markings on it like brand name? what provider does it come from?22:28
k1lGh0st-: the errormessage says its not. but you just answered me it is installed. so one of you both is lying22:28
Gh0st-not lying22:28
Gh0st-didnt know22:28
Gh0st-now it is22:28
socialevildaftykins, i am in austria, its from drei (thats means - three) provider22:28
Gh0st-k1l: now nothing is happening22:29
k1lGh0st-: read the howto you are following.22:29
daftykinssocialevil: so the fact it happens in Windows too shows it's not an issue that can be fixed in the OS - it's just the nature of mobile data setups, they can't handle more than one thing at once when the signal is poor22:30
daftykinssocialevil: are you in a city centre?22:30
k1lGh0st-: with more reading and not taht much "flying over the text and blindly copying the commands" you could be done already22:30
Gh0st-well nothing is happening now22:30
k1lGh0st-: if its done with no errors that means: everything worked, no errors22:31
socialevildaftykins, i am like in the center of the center.. but my signal strength is like 40-50 % all the time. but i need to tell you that when i am elsewhere, and the signal strength is 70%, the download speed is higher, but the browsing problem persist22:31
k1lGh0st-: read the howto!22:31
k1l!es | ubuntu-mate22:31
ubottuubuntu-mate: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:31
daftykinssocialevil: yeah so like i say, it can't handle more than one task at once22:31
daftykinssocialevil: or perhaps there is a firmware update available for this device, if you can read a make and model from it22:32
Gh0st-npm WARN This failure might be due to the use of legacy binary "node"22:33
socialevildaftykins, ok.. so its from the usb stick or.. mobile broadband dongle .. as you said.. i guess these things dont have settings or something ? i can look for the usb model name22:34
daftykinssocialevil: yeah my first guess would be that it's a Huawei stick22:34
daftykinssocialevil: i'm glancing at www.drei.at right now22:34
socialevildaftykins, right :) it was like.. huawei e35.x.x something22:35
Gh0st-Starting ircanywhere daemon...22:35
Gh0st-ircanywhere daemon stopped.22:35
Gh0st-is that normal?22:35
daftykinssocialevil: i see a few models here with downloads - https://www.drei.at/portal/de/bottomnavi/kontakt-und-hilfe/technischer-support/servicedownloads/22:35
k1lGh0st-: sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy22:36
Gh0st-k1l: done22:37
tsimonq2There is an Ubuntu Google+ Community! https://plus.google.com/communities/10729900762497226609422:37
Gh0st-k1l: demon is stopping?22:37
daftykinstsimonq2: that's more relevant to speak about in #ubuntu-offtopic or perhaps #ubuntu-discuss22:37
socialevildaftykins, its this one https://www.drei.at/portal/de/privat/handys-und-geraete/alle-geraete/geraetedetails/huawei-e3531.html22:37
tsimonq2daftykins, Sorry! :)22:38
k1lGh0st-: see why it stopped. see if it got a log. see if you configured the stuff how it is needed22:38
k1lGh0st-: for more support ask the ircanywhere guys22:38
redemptionsongIs there any way to retrieve my mysql username. I don't care about the password (which I hear can not be obtained - thank God) I need the username alone (not by guessing but vai actual, concrete data printed to my command line). Can it be done?22:41
daftykinssocialevil: can you get version numbers from the software in Windows?22:41
socialevildaftykins, well i have to reboot.. can you wait couple of minutes22:42
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Gh0st-well this is useless22:44
Gh0st-I am leaving22:44
ivancpGreetings from Peru22:45
socialevildaftykins: what was that you need again ?22:45
* gzcwnk waves goodbye22:45
daftykinssocialevil: you should have some kind of software utility for the Huawei, does it list a software version?22:45
socialevildaftykins: 3InternetManager Version
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daftykinssocialevil: any information page about the Huawei device?22:46
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socialevildaftykins: i need to check all the info/settings .. give me a sec22:46
daftykinsit appears to be called 'Mobile Partner' if that's of any help (the Windows utility)22:47
socialevildaftykins: well there is a status report with general information , active modem information, sim, network status, network settings, computer information , internet applications , with some kind of information about modem driver version , hardware version, authentication protocols and so on .. but there is no webpage pointing to some info about the huawei device22:49
daftykinssocialevil: what is the driver and hardware version?22:49
socialevilModem driver version  Driver package version
socialevilHardware version CH1E3531SM"22:50
daftykinssocialevil: hrmm ok i was hoping to find newer software on the hauwei website, but i think when a device is specific to your telecom provider (Drei) then it must be supported by them. I would call them / go into a store and ask if they can give you a newer device / or update the software to try that.22:52
daftykinssocialevil: beyond that, i don't think there are many options22:52
daftykinsit's just the nature of mobile data devices to be good for one task at a time :)22:53
socialevili see daftykins so.. basically this problem is because of the device.. fair enough :) at least now i know its not some stupid check option i've missed :) and its more troublesome22:54
socialevildaftykins: thank you for the time and help :)22:54
daftykinssocialevil: yeah i think so, i'm sure the company would have a good idea22:54
daftykinsno problem :)22:54
socialevilcheers :)22:55
guest8574Ugh... I just extracted a tar archive, and it busted its load of files all over my directory instead of creating a directory like most archives do. Is there a way to "undo" a tar extract?23:00
OerHeksguest8574, no, just look at the dates of files and folders to get a clue23:01
al8989hello i am having trouble viewing windows shares on kubuntu when i click network and than workgroup it showsa list of my windows computers but when i choose one it shows no files or folders and says server timeout any suggestions?23:01
wastrelguest8574: you can do tar t to list files in the tar23:02
allegoricalhi is ther a way to simply rip mp3 off a cd like in two lines: sudo apt-get install foo; run foo on CD with target Drive; ? or something? thx23:02
daftykinsal8989: what's the task, one-time file browse?23:03
wastrelguest8574: tar tf file.tar23:03
al8989noaccess files stored there regularly23:03
guest8574Thanks. It would be great if there was a tar switch that would create a new directory to hold the files if the extraction would produce more than one file.23:03
daftykinsal8989: so you'd be better off with a mount huh?23:03
al8989but i can't even acess theem one time23:04
daftykinspersonally i would prefer, if forced to use a GUI file manager, to perhaps browse to it via entering smb://IP/sharename23:04
=== Artpicre_ is now known as Artpicre
lnbwant to install ubuntu 14.04 on raid 1. Sites all say when partitioning use as physical volume for raid. However there is no option to use as physical volume for raid  in the drop down list23:09
lnbok i see now23:11
* theBestNunu smites your blue buff.23:11
zzarhello there, I have a curious visual problem of some sort. sometimes part of browser page gets shaded, in different colors depending on the dominant color on the respective web page of the moment23:20
psusilnb, don't make the mistake of thinking that raid is a substitute for backups... raid doesn't help if you delete or overwrite an important file, or if the filesystem just gets corrupted and such23:20
Jon30hey guys, i am trying to make mysql server accessible externally... right now iptables have this line: 1        0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  !lo    *       96.45.replaced.replaced           tcp dpt:330623:21
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Jon30is it currently blocking mysql from being acceesed externally?23:21
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psusiJon30, looks like it says accept, but why muck with iptables at all?23:22
daftykinsJon30: did you already reconfigure it to listen on your interface rather than on localhost only?23:22
Jon30psusi it's nice to have a firewall for security, no?23:23
Jon30daftykins what do you mean?23:23
lnbpsusi: never did. my /data is backed up every night23:23
psusiJon30, no... firewalls disable functionality that you otherwise enabled... if you didn't want that functionality then why enable it in the first place?  and if you don't want it, then just don't enable it in the first place... no reason to use iptables to do so23:23
daftykinsJon30: as default, mysql listens on loopback alone, or localhost - not your eth023:24
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psusilnb, good... you also might want to consider using raid10 instead... with a large chunk size and the offset layout, you get the sequential read performance of raid0 with the redundancy of raid123:24
psusilnb, but you have to manually set up the raid using mdadm yourself instead of relying on the installer to do it for you23:25
lnbpsusi: not on a office desktop. All our servers run raid-50+2/3 hot spares23:25
Jon30psusi: i need the firewall for other services besides mysql.23:25
psusilnb, why not on a desktop?23:25
psusiI'm running it on mine23:25
Jon30daftykins: do you mean the bind-address within my.cfg?23:25
lnbpsusi: not worth it23:26
psusipicked up 3 cheap wd 1tb blues last xmas and got system partition in raid10 and bulk data in raid5... system partition reads at ~500 mb/s23:26
daftykinsJon30: yeah23:26
Jon30daftykins: i set it to
psusiJon30, what services do you have installed, set to allow remote access, but don't actually want to be able to access remotely?23:27
daftykinsand rule out iptables with "iptables -F" and "iptables -X" to flush all rules if security doesn't matter23:27
daftykinsJon30: ok so what i was getting at was "did you enable this" and the answer is "yes" :D23:27
Jon30should i just remove the 1        0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  --  !lo    *       96.45.x.x           tcp dpt:3306  rule from iptables23:28
psusiJon30, what I'm trying to say is that if you have a service that you only want to accept local connections, then you can just configure the service itself to do so rather than stick a firewall between the service and the network... so a firewall is pointless23:30
Jon30psusi: the firewall is for bunch of other things23:32
psusiJon30, yea... and that "bunch of other things" you can just configure not to allow remote access instead of using a firewall to override the service configuration23:32
wolfy1339how do i fix that my network adapter isn't detected after the upgrade from 14.10 to 15.0423:33
Jon30i see psusi. but with iptables currently enabled, do i need to add anything in addition to the line i pasted above to allow external connections?23:34
psusiJon30, you need to make sure that mysql is configured to accept remote connections.. i.e. it is listening on the network interface instead of loopback only23:37
daftykinspsusi: i said that already and we had an entire to-and-fro confirming it ;)23:38
Jon30well i set the bind-address to and not to the network interface ip23:39
daftykinsJon30: just flush the rules temporarily like i said, if you're on a trusted network23:39
daftykinswell i'm assuming you've done your due diligence to check whether that's the procedure23:39
marco_how can i chnge the way my headphone is detected (trs / trrs)23:41
Jon30do i set the bind address to eth0's inet addr?23:41
daftykinsJon30: look it up23:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:44
wolfy1339how do i fix that my network adapter on my server isn't detected after the upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04? It worked before the upgrade to 15.0423:46
daftykinswolfy1339: identify which it is from 'lspci' first23:47
daftykinswolfy1339: also double check your system pulled in the corresponding -extra- kernel package along with the current working kernel23:47
wolfy1339it's an openvz server if that helps23:48
wolfy1339lspci: command not found23:49
daftykinsyou probably shouldn't be updating such a VM23:49
daftykinsor VPS23:49
k1lwolfy1339: talk to that hoster. that issue depends on the setup that openvz server and host was setup.23:51
di_giorgio Mp3player [Ed Sheeran - Photograph (The Voice Performance)] CeBoLiNhA 2015 23:53
snkcldhow can i force unity to rescan all the desktop files?23:54
k1ldi_giorgio: please turn that script of for this channel23:54
snkcldEriC^^: me? becuase im experimenting with a .desktop file, and it cant find the icon23:54
snkcldso i just want to trigger the reloads more often23:55
EriC^^snkcld: in the dash you mean?23:55
EriC^^it should show up if you type it's name23:55
EriC^^Name= part23:55
snkcldwell, actually, in bo th the dash and sidebar. the dash finds the icon, the sidebar uses the chrome icon still23:55
Scott_SHey there! Does anyone here have any idea why postfix would be rejecting port 25 connections despite the fact it's listening on that port? It's fine from localhost, but anything outside of that is rejected. inet_interfaces it set to all, thoguh.23:55
snkcldit does, yes, however when i modify the file the change is not immediate23:56
Guest99405hello, does anyone know how to edit a GTK3 theme so that it is square/flat like Numix theme? any guides on the internet to do that? -thanks23:56
daftykinsScott_S: not restarted the daemon since changing config?23:56
di_giorgio Mp3player [Have You Ever Seen the Rain (The Voice Performance) - Noelle Bybee _ Sawyer Fredericks] CeBoLiNhA 2015 23:57
Scott_Sdaftykins, Haha, I wish it was that simple. Yes, I did.23:57
daftykinsanything in its' logs complain about a config syntax typo perhaps?23:57
daftykinscan't say i've ever run my own mail23:58
daftykinslife is too short...23:58
Scott_SNeither of those logs has any errors in it. Not mail.err or mail.log, unless those are the wrong log files.23:58
psusiI miss the days when you had a local ISP that could find their arse with both hands... my cable company's email servers are a joke... I need to find a new email host23:59
daftykinspsusi: that'd count as #ubuntu-offtopic discussion23:59

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