
bluesabreevening folks00:10
knomehey bluesabre 00:10
bluesabrehi knome00:10
knomeok, off for now00:44
knomettyl and nighty00:44
elfyknome: I'm blaming libreoffice-elementary-style for the lack of letters ... 07:28
bluesabreelfy: I'll fix that now :)10:36
elfywhat a champ :)10:58
bluesabrepackage will (probably) be fixed in the next hour11:01
bluesabrebuilding soon11:01
elfybluesabre: thanks :)11:01
dkesseli am going back to using all those strange xubuntu ppas in wily, too. let's see what breaks :)11:15
elfynothing yet :D 11:23
bluesabreelfy: give it a shot now11:30
bluesabregotta run, bbl :)11:31
elfybluesabre: ta - cya :)11:31
elfybluesabre ochosi - ok LO theme is good 11:33
dkesselelfy: do you have a screenshot how it should look? I wonder if it is activated for me...12:07
elfyhttp://i.imgur.com/zPaXVHh.png is what I see12:08
elfynot all icons have been ochosi'd 12:09
dkesseldo i have to activate it somehow, or reset some theme setting? i get this: http://i.imgur.com/H9XSCHI.png12:09
elfyinstall it from shimmer daily ppa 12:10
elfythen if needed Tools > Options > Libreoffice - view 12:11
dkesselthat setting was set to "tango" here12:11
dkesselnow i got it too12:11
elfythat'll be it then :)12:11
knomeelfy, sure...12:28
knomeelfy, :)12:28
elfyknome: on the qa blueprint the "Evaluate drawing data from trackers ..." was more or less about the incentive thing - which is shelved so I'm removing that one, likewise your item on there - is that held over from V for the same thing? 12:28
elfyyou can copy and paste replies if you like :D12:29
* knome checks12:29
knomeactually my item is still good12:29
elfyok - what for though? might be useful to remind me ;) 12:30
knomeumm, i don't know12:30
knomethe item is TODO :P12:30
elfyha ha ha 12:30
knomei was thinking some summarized stuff12:30
knomebut i haven't been able to put a lot of thought to it yet12:30
elfywell as far as QA is concerned dkessel had some summary in progress which does 12:31
elfybut if you want to leave it on there - fine  by me - unless it's September and still TODO :D12:31
knomedkessel == tracker developer :P12:32
knomeyes please for now12:32
knomelet's see what comes12:32
elfyokey doke12:33
knomewho cleared the mod queue for devel ml?12:34
knomewas the sticker question a spam?12:34
elfyI did some today12:35
elfyno - not spam - rejected it with a suitable reply pointing to -users and the unixstickers page on x.org 12:35
elfyonly one of the 3 I did was spam 12:35
elfyother one was a support thing - sent them to users too 12:36
knomeif you reply off-list in the future, i'd thumb up if you CC'd xubuntu-devel-owner@lists.ubuntu.com12:36
knomejust saying - that sends a copy for all moderators12:36
elfyyea I know12:36
knomeyou might have seen me do that12:36
knomenot a big problem, was just wondering where the mail went:D12:36
elfyI have seen you do it - then I delete them 12:37
knomei don't expect you to do anything else with them :)12:37
elfythen why cc the mods ;) 12:37
knomefor information12:37
knome"this wasn't spam, but i dealt with it"12:38
elfymmm 12:38
dkesselto who it may concern: https://launchpad.net/mousepad links to a dead link as the project homepage: http://www.xfce.org/projects/mousepad/12:38
dkesselah, a ping!12:38
knomeand if they start arguing about why they think their should have been approved and blah blah12:38
knomedkessel, what's the right homepage?12:38
elfyhttp://users.xfce.org/~benny/xfce/apps.html ? 12:39
knomei guess so12:39
elfymeh 12:40
dkesselmaybe that12:41
elfythat page isn't too good 12:41
dkesselmaybe https://github.com/codebrainz/mousepad12:41
knomeelfy, nope.12:41
elfyonly link I tried off it is dead12:41
dkesselbut that's not too good either12:41
knomemaybe just remove the link12:41
elfyochosi: not sure if gtk3.16 is likely to affect us at all, nor whether you've seen mails about it, but it is in -proposed now 12:46
knomenew gtk version not affecting us?  hah, says i12:58

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