
davecheneymwhudson: ok00:14
natefinchthumper: why do we use github.com/juju/schema instead of using struct tags?00:40
davecheneynatefinch: jw4 might have an opinion00:43
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wallyworldaxw: can you recall the change in master that flattened storage.Volume ie got rid of VolumeInfo. i'm getting conflicts merging 1.24 and just need to recall which way around it is supposed to be in master01:00
axwwallyworld: it's hte other way around, I extracted VolumeInfo from Volume01:12
wallyworldaxw: right, ty01:12
natefinchdavecheney: note, I'm talking our own yaml schema validation stuff for like metadata.yml, not jsonschema, if that's what you were thinking.  Pretty sure the schema stuff predates jw4 :)01:28
davecheneyignore what i said01:49
davecheneyi thought you were watlkig about json schema01:49
thumperfuck fuck fuckity fuck02:21
wallyworldthumper: is jessie in today?02:50
thumperno, leave02:51
wallyworldthumper: ah ok, can you remind him next week then to port bug 1441478 to master, i think he forgot02:53
mupBug #1441478: state: availability zone upgrade fails if containers are present <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by waigani> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441478>02:53
wallyworldi could include it in my forward port, if i can do so without risk i will02:54
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menn0wallyworld: an old ticket (bug 1318366) has recently been reopened by aaron regarding mgo/txn panics03:06
menn0wallyworld: it's attached to me b/c I helped fix last year's issue03:06
menn0wallyworld: I think fwereade is looking at this issue ("panic: rescanned document misses transaction in queue")03:07
menn0wallyworld: do you know?03:07
wallyworldyes he's looking03:07
wallyworldstuck though03:07
menn0wallyworld: found the newer ticket: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/144905403:08
mupBug #1449054: Intermittent panic: rescanned document <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged by fwereade> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by dimitern> <juju-core 1.23:Won't Fix by fwereade> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by fwereade> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1449054>03:08
menn0wallyworld: looks like the fix wasn't merged into trunk though03:08
menn0wallyworld: I might deal with this now b/c I want to bump the mgo dependency anyway03:09
wallyworldmenn0: i'm forward porting a bunch of 1.24 vhanges now, which includes the latest mgo from 1.24. trunk has an old copy of mgo from a year ago03:10
wallyworldmenn0: trunk will soon have the sme dep rev as 1.2403:10
wallyworldor did you want a later one as a new mgo has been released since then03:11
menn0wallyworld: I want something from the release from a few days ago03:11
menn0wallyworld: it's not urgent though03:11
menn0wallyworld: so do your forward port first and i'll handle bumping the dep again afterwards03:12
wallyworldok, i'll hopefully have master up to date (mostly) with 1.24 soon03:12
menn0wallyworld: are we likely to ever do another 1.22 release? CI opened up a ticket for a test fix for 1.22 recently that we have fixed in later releases but it was never backported that far back. i'm think I can close it unless we might do another 1.22 release.03:25
thumperwallyworld: got time to hangout?03:25
wallyworldthumper: sure03:26
thumperback in our chat03:26
wallyworldmenn0: we might do a 1.22.603:26
wallyworldmenn0: but no decision yet - depends if william finds and fixes the mgo bug03:26
wallyworldmenn0: so may keep open until decided03:26
menn0wallyworld: ok. i'll backport this fix. it's a fairly easy one.03:27
thumpertrivial review for someone: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1866/04:14
davecheneythumper: i shall put a trivial effort into reviewing said04:16
thumperdavecheney: WFM04:16
davecheneyi also added a trivial review comment04:19
davecheneyit should be trivial for you to address same04:19
menn0wallyworld: you around?04:32
menn0wallyworld: see PM04:33
wallyworldaxw: we you have a moment, could you eyeball this for me? it picks up our various 1.24 fixes for storage, leadership, etc, plus the tags stuff. diff is big, but if you know the work, you should be able to peruse through pretty quickly http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1868/diff/#04:54
axwwallyworld: ok04:55
wallyworldno rush04:55
axwwallyworld: I found why the blockdevices txns are aborting: structs are in a different order in mongo to in the assertion. I have nfi how they got in that order though. current hypothesis is that mgo/txn is deserialising a queued transaction's ops into a bson.M, and so not preserving the order04:56
wallyworldoh wonderful04:57
wallyworldthat could explain it yeah04:57
wallyworldaxw: doesn't mongo order the struct fields alphabetically?04:57
axwwallyworld: no, it stores them in the order you present them. mgo preserves struct field order when encoding to BSON04:58
wallyworldok, i recall something about alphabetically order, but can't remember now04:59
axwwallyworld: merge looks fine05:10
wallyworldaxw: ty, will land and mark a lot ofbugs as fix committed05:10
wallyworldaxw: reviewed, off for school pickup, bbiab05:29
axwwallyworld: thanks. heh, oops, left that && false for debugging05:29
wallyworldthought so :-)05:29
* thumper is done06:14
mupBug #1462213 opened: [Ubuntu Vivid] Cannot bootstrap on local provider <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1462213>06:51
axwwallyworld: bleh, I broke managedfs06:59
axwwallyworld: haven't merged, will fix that first06:59
axwwallyworld: FYI I've pushed my fix to the PR. tested manually, going to rebase and merge now08:35
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wallyworldaxw: great, ty08:43
dimiternvoidspace, ping11:41
dimiternvoidspace, because I keep forgetting, let me ask you now - please send me the ep2015 talk by mail so I can go over it :)11:42
* dimitern steps out for a while11:48
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voidspacedimitern: I have to find it11:56
voidspacedimitern: but yes - it's not on this computer11:56
voidspacedimitern: it's probably on my laptop - and I'm going downstairs to work as the handyman needs my office11:57
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perrito666good morning all12:30
natefinchcan someone else try logging on to canonicaladmin?  it keeps telling me the username and password is wrong, but they're saved in my password manager, so I'm sure they're not wrong13:32
jhobbswfm natefinch13:33
natefinchhmm... possibly related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz9810Y7ZRw13:33
perrito666natefinch: In a company I once worked that meant talk to rrhh :p13:34
perrito666yeah, exactly that video13:34
perrito666natefinch: works for me, still ugly as hell13:34
natefinchericsnow: do we support vivid on 1.22?  re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/146221313:57
mupBug #1462213: [Ubuntu Vivid] Cannot bootstrap on local provider <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1462213>13:57
mgz_natefinch: no14:02
mgz_natefinch: not for the local provider specifically14:02
mupBug #1462213 changed: [Ubuntu Vivid] Cannot bootstrap on local provider <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1462213>14:07
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mupBug #1462409 opened: FilesystemStateSuite setup failed <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1462409>15:16
mupBug #1462409 changed: FilesystemStateSuite setup failed <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1462409>15:25
mupBug # opened: 1462409, 1462412, 1462415, 1462417, 146241815:34
mupBug # changed: 1462412, 1462415, 1462417, 146241815:37
natefinchkatco: which hangout are we supposed to be in now?  I'm in retrospective, but no one else is15:42
ericsnownatefinch: we all went back to moonstone15:42
mupBug # opened: 1462412, 1462415, 1462417, 1462418, 146242315:46
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mupBug #1457645 changed:  warning: log line attempted over max size - leadership related <cloud-installer> <landscape> <mongodb> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1457645>16:32
mupBug # changed: 1376246, 1431372, 1454678, 1454891, 1457728, 1459057, 1459060, 1459250, 1459611, 1459616, 1459885, 1459912, 1461111, 146134216:53
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: you 2 back yet?17:35
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marcoceppiwhy doesn't this command work in 1.24-beta5? juju get-env admin-secret19:58
marcoceppilet me rephrase, how can I programatically get the password/admin-secret for an environment from the command line without doing `grep "admin-secret" ~/.juju/environments/gce.jenv | awk '{ print $2 }'`20:00
rick_h_marcoceppi: should you use the admin secret any more vs the password? can you programatically get the password?20:02
alexisbericsnow, wwitzel3 ^^ any idea?20:02
marcoceppirick_h_: I tried password20:02
marcoceppiit said that key does not exist20:02
rick_h_marcoceppi: oh hmm, might mention that one to thumper20:02
marcoceppimarco@galago:~$ juju environment get password20:02
marcoceppiERROR key "password" not found in "gce" environment.20:02
ericsnowmarcoceppi: is this a GCE-specific issue?20:03
marcoceppithis is every environment20:03
rick_h_yea, would guess no, more a general thing20:04
marcoceppimarco@galago:~$ juju environment get password20:04
marcoceppiERROR key "password" not found in "aws-west-2" environment.20:04
marcoceppialso, environment doesn't accept an -e flag :(20:04
marcoceppioh, but get does20:04
ericsnowah, I don't know a ton about the new environment management stuff20:04
marcoceppiwell, get-env has been around for a while20:05
marcoceppiprobably the 1.18 days20:05
natefinchwe were just talking about the -e stuff in a bug report20:05
marcoceppiwhich is an alias to environment get20:05
natefinchmarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/146160520:05
mupBug #1461605: juju action commands require -e in the "wrong" place <actions> <improvement> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461605>20:05
natefinchmarcoceppi: the comments on the bug go beyond just actions thought20:06
natefinchbasically all the new "double command" commands "action do" "environment get"  require the -e after the second command20:06
marcoceppinatefinch: cool, but I really just need to get the password programmatically now ;)20:07
* marcoceppi goes back to just grep and awk though he's aware of some shake up around .jenvs20:07
marcoceppibehold. grep "admin-secret" ~/.juju/environments/$(juju switch).jenv | awk '{ print $2 }'20:12
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perrito666my vim is all confused of having python in it again21:19
marcoceppigetting this error when trying to build in golang22:46
marcoceppi../../../gopkg.in/juju/charm.v5/meta.go:19: import /home/marco/.go/pkg/linux_amd64/gopkg.in/juju/charm.v5/hooks.a: object is [linux amd64 go1.2.1 X:none] expected [linux amd64 go1.3.3 X:precisestack]22:46
marcoceppiI have go 1.3.3 installed22:46
marcoceppinot sure what I did or how to fix this22:47
gsamfiramarcoceppi: rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg22:48
gsamfiraand try again22:48
marcoceppigsamfira: I ended up blowing away charm.v5 and re-getting it22:48
marcoceppiseemed to sort it, thanks22:49
marcoceppiI'm trying to print a reference22:49
marcoceppibecause I want to know what it's about and I can't figure it out normally, "cannot use ref (type *charm.Reference) as type string in argument to fmt.Printf" so obviously Printf isn't my friend22:49
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