
valorieRiddell: soooo much faster or further each day than his estimate00:42
valorieweee, and new blogs up00:44
shadeslayer  /join #kde-devel00:45
Riddelluploading plasma 5.3.1 to wily!00:57
Riddellvalorie: url?00:58
valoriehe's overusing "beautiful" and "breathtaking" quite a bit this week01:01
valoriebut the photos are fantastic01:01
valorieoops, gotta get on the road to my daddy's01:03
Riddellvery bonny01:19
sebasstunning photos really01:48
=== Guest96319 is now known as thelionroars
sitter_wgrant: I think there might be a problem with the sftp incoming server thing tech. I am seeing dput not returning even though it finished uploading for sometimes up to half an hour. other times it works fine. http://kci.pangea.pub/view/vivid%20FIX/job/vivid_unstable_kfilemetadata/57/console at 02:31:26 for example, the next output is happening exactly after the waitpid() call returns02:59
sitter_also nothing changed on our server side FWIW02:59
wgrantsitter_: Have you seen it happen before?03:04
sitter_wgrant: it has been happening all day, but from what I can tell not for all builds03:06
[Relic]just making certain, the bug tracker has a different login than the rest of the kde site (thought it was going to a single login, but not sure since I haven't accessed it in a while)03:07
sitter_wgrant: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_stable_kwin/70/console 04:1303:08
sitter_oh actually03:08
sitter_wgrant: I probably shouldn't exclude a change in dput/perl as the cause, the containers get auto updated every once in a while03:09
* sitter_ checks vivid03:09
sitter_ah wait, that is vivid xD03:09
sitter_so probably not dput after all03:09
wgrantsitter_: "Successfully uploaded packages" sounds like dput is done, to me.03:10
sitter_and yet it doesn't as indicated by the delay03:10
sitter_wgrant: I'll try to eleminate all other possible causes and get back to you I guess03:11
wgrantsitter_: That'd be helpful. Check if dput is actually running, if it has a connection open, etc.03:11
wgrantsitter_: All three connections created around that time are closed from our end, AFAICS.03:12
ahoneybunhello all03:38
soeegood morning09:15
lordievaderGood morning.10:23
sick_rimmitHello friends :-)11:01
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
=== MerryChristmas is now known as benonsoftware
BluesKajHi folks12:59
sick_rimmitBluesKaj: Hello my friend, didn't notice you arrive :-)14:41
BluesKajhey sick_rimmit , what's up ?14:43
sick_rimmitBluesKaj: Been having fun creating documentation auto gen jobs with Jenkins today, you ?14:49
RiddellNumber of "Yes" votes: 64 (85.33%)                                                                                           14:49
RiddellNumber of "No" votes: 0 (0.0%)                                                                                               14:49
Riddellyay sgclark is in!14:49
BluesKajmostly just chatting in offtopic atm14:49
sick_rimmitRiddell: What is she in please ?14:50
BluesKajcongrats sgclark!14:50
Riddellkde e.v.14:50
sick_rimmitOh definetly well deserved, congrats sgclark :-)14:51
Riddellclivejo: hi, how did you get on with kamoso?14:51
clivejoRiddell: give up!14:52
Riddellclivejo: aww, where did you get stuck?14:52
clivejowaiting for deps14:53
Riddellclivejo: do you know which ones?14:53
clivejoPlasma 5.3.1 I believe14:54
Riddellwe should have that available now14:55
clivejoI havent looked since, been working on few OSM tasks14:56
Riddellclivejo: do you want to work on it together?14:57
clivejohave you time?14:57
Riddellclivejo: sure15:00
Riddellclivejo: let me set up an ec215:00
clivejoRiddell: on wily Im getting an error in Kleopatra about pgp-agent not able to connect (IPC call)15:00
clivejois this a local config error, or devel ?15:00
Riddellclivejo: oh that's just the signing stage, if you get to that it means it's all done15:00
Riddelllocal config error15:00
clivejothis is a different issue15:01
clivejomore to do with Kmail15:01
Riddellkleopatra is the pgp signing part of kdepim15:02
Riddellat the end of making a packaging it'll try to sign it with pgp/gpg15:02
clivejoI was having problems with purpose15:02
clivejoapparently its a separate lib ?15:03
Riddellyes it is15:03
clivejoit was failing on KDE Connect15:04
clivejoand Ubuntu account15:04
clivejooh its building now15:04
clivejooh, maybe not15:04
clivejo/usr/include/KAccounts/getcredentialsjob.h:26:28: fatal error: Accounts/Account: No such file or directory15:05
Riddellclivejo: ssh ubuntu@ec2-54-157-44-8.compute-1.amazonaws.com15:10
Riddellclivejo: can you scp your .dsc .debian.tar.gz and .orig. to that server?15:12
clivejoare you building purpose?15:13
Riddellclivejo: nope I'm waiting for you to copy it to the server so we can built it there :)15:14
clivejowhat arch is the VPS?15:15
Riddellthe server looks to be amd6415:15
clivejoRiddell: is that naming correct?15:21
Riddellnot quite, let me try15:21
Riddellclivejo: voila, the alpha needed a ~ to indicate it's less than 1.015:22
clivejosorry, trying to find package15:25
Riddellyou'll have a .debian.tar.gz where you were building it on your machine15:26
clivejoyes, but I had questions about it15:27
clivejothe name?15:27
clivejois it supposed to be libkf5purpose?15:27
clivejoor just purpose15:27
Riddellthe source is just purpose15:32
clivejoIm really confused15:32
Riddellclivejo: do you have the packaging?15:33
clivejothe dget ?15:34
clivejoI cant find the one I was working with15:34
clivejoI copy debain to the new ?15:35
Riddellclivejo: cp into .15:37
clivejothese version numbers confuse the hell outta me15:38
clivejodo I keep the original upstream?15:38
Riddellyes, which is 0.1~alpha15:39
clivejoie 0.1 alpha?15:39
Riddellwe wrongly assumed upstream would use 5.9 so that's why the ci packaging has that15:39
Riddellmorning sick_rimmit15:39
Riddellmorning sitter too15:39
clivejois that ok?15:42
Riddellclivejo: needed some spaces in places15:43
Riddellit's quite fussy about the exact format15:43
Riddellclivejo: debuild ?15:44
clivejodo I not need to keep the fact that you are the original package builder?15:44
RiddellI think I'm famous enough after this week :)15:44
BluesKaj I had a friend who moved a lot , he used to say, "when I become too famous , I move" , he was definitely a loner and still is.15:46
Riddellhmm  E: Unable to locate package libkaccounts-dev15:47
clivejois this wily?15:47
Riddellmm it is15:48
Riddellwhere I don't think that's packaged yet15:48
Riddellso maybe I should do kde applications and then we'll come back to this15:48
clivejoits ok on mine15:49
clivejobut I have the PPA on mine15:49
clivejostaging 215:49
Riddellah hah, good old sgclark has done it already15:50
Riddellclivejo: seems to be doing it15:51
clivejois there an easy way to install all deps?15:51
clivejoboy you're fast15:53
Riddellclivejo: alas there's not15:54
RiddellI had to do some detective work on that15:54
clivejostilln not ?15:54
Riddellhmm noi :(15:54
* sick_rimmit waves at eveyone he ignored in the last 30 mins15:55
clivejohi rick15:55
sick_rimmithey clivejo15:55
clivejoRiddell: could it be accounts-qml-module ?15:57
Riddellsrc/plugins/CMakeLists.txt:find_package(QMLModule 0.1 COMPONENTS Ubuntu.OnlineAccount)15:58
Riddellsrc/plugins/CMakeLists.txt:find_package(QMLModule 1.0 COMPONENTS org.kde.kdeconnect)15:58
Riddellit's those two module it's looking for15:58
clivejoyup thats where I failed too15:58
clivejosorry typing over you15:59
RiddellI think I tracked them down running locale on my local computer15:59
sitterRiddell: we need different CI for arm16:00
Riddellsitter: why?16:00
clivejowhere did you find them?16:00
sitterRiddell: too slow, way way way too slow16:00
Riddellwelcome to arm16:00
sitterit's WAY too slow16:01
sittertime stamp upper right corner16:01
clivejoah I see16:01
Riddellclivejo: yay it worked :)16:01
Riddellclivejo: such is the life of a packager, some detective work may be needed16:02
Riddellclivejo: in this case I had to read the cmake file to work out what it wanted and them track down those files16:02
Riddelland work out what packages they're in16:02
Riddellhttp://packages.ubuntu.com is often useful for that16:02
clivejohow do you work out the packages they are in?16:02
clivejothats my last errors!16:03
RiddellI did  dpkg -S org.kde.kdeconnect16:03
Riddellclivejo: more detective work needed here, I know apol mentioned a patch was needed to work with the current version of something, so I guess this is it16:04
Riddellactually it looks like a problem in kaccounts16:06
Riddellso I'm asking mck182 who is the kaccount dude16:07
Riddell<mck182> Riddell: probably purpose missing some Accounts-Qt includes16:08
Riddellclivejo: I think I tracked it down with http://packages.ubuntu.com16:10
Riddellbut let's see if it compiles now16:10
clivejowhat does purpose even do?!?16:10
Riddellit's a replacement for kipi-plugins16:11
clivejobar generate LOTS of errors16:12
Riddelldamn, same problem16:12
clivejoAccounts/Account, is that a local include file?16:12
mck182no, it comes from accounts-qt516:13
Riddellhmm it's still not finding it16:19
clivejoRiddell: Im gonna have to go16:20
clivejogot company in 10 mins16:20
Riddellclivejo: ok dokay, I'll take a break too, I'll let you know if I progress or you can use this server whever you are free too16:20
clivejoplease do16:20
Riddellclivejo: they're not usually this tricky :)16:20
clivejothis was driving me crazy16:20
clivejobye for now16:21
Riddellyep just needs -I/usr/include/accounts-qt5/ added to the include path16:22
Riddellmck182: what's the easiest way to do that?16:22
mck182Riddell: add it to compiler flags?16:22
mck182-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS I think16:23
mck182-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-I/usr/include/accounts-qt5/" to be exact16:25
sitterwgrant: what are the chances of getting native arm builders for the kubuntu CI rather than emulated?16:30
Riddellclaydoh: yay compiled it!17:57
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
murthyTrying to compile libarchive from master, some tests fail, need help . This is the error output https://paste.kde.org/pv9ydburd20:15
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
wgrantsitter: Very low right now, but we'll have generally available real VMs in a month or two.22:14
sitterwgrant: ok thanks22:21
sitterRiddell: ^ FTR22:21
wgrantWe have the hardware in the DC, finally, but not quite set up yet.22:23
Riddellquestion is which will happen first, this plasma-workspace compile or the new hardware installed :)22:25
wgrantBe glad it's qemu and not some horrible ARM simulator.22:26
wgrantWhen we were doing the arm64 port, the first gcc build took 19 days and then failed...22:26
sitteractually qemu-arm segfaults on all qapps xD22:26
sitterso there's that ;)22:26
wgrantYup, qemu-user-static doesn't love multithreading :/22:26

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