=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
jibel | ogra_, can you build an image for OTA4? we need latest fixes for the message indicator and ubuntu-app-launch that landed yesterday | 07:23 |
ogra_ | jibel, running | 07:55 |
jibel | ogra_, thanks | 07:56 |
brendand | imgbot, help | 08:03 |
imgbot | I am the firendly system-image watchbot ! | 08:03 |
imgbot | I know the following commands: | 08:03 |
imgbot | help, stop, status, map, stunt | 08:03 |
imgbot | for questions please mail ogra@ubuntu.com | 08:03 |
brendand | imgbot status 405 | 08:03 |
ogra_ | 405 ? | 08:03 |
brendand | ogra_, well i want to know if the next image for krillin is in the pipeline | 08:08 |
ogra_ | brendand, for which channel | 08:09 |
brendand | ogra_, ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en-proposed | 08:10 |
ogra_ | (status only ever showed the status after build and with the channel switches and resetting of the build numbers it cant monitor builds atm) | 08:10 |
ogra_ | brendand, thats the test channel for custom/device tarballs | 08:10 |
ogra_ | and image is building for ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en | 08:10 |
brendand | ogra_, thanks | 08:11 |
brendand | ogra_, would be great to be able to tell it a channel and see what's going on with that channel (last build, build(s) in progress) | 08:12 |
ogra_ | brendand, yes, it would .,.. but it is quite some effort to switch to the new model and i dont have much time for phone stuff recently | 08:13 |
ogra_ | (and to make the code public i have to remove all ssh keys and stuff, i'm working on a re-write that doesnt need this but it takes its time) | 08:13 |
ogra_ | oh, do we have a meeting ? | 08:30 |
* ogra_ notes that sil isnt around | 08:30 | |
jibel | ogra_, canceled | 08:30 |
ogra_ | good | 08:30 |
ogra_ | (my calendar didnt notice :P | 08:30 |
ogra_ | ) | 08:30 |
jibel | yeah, any canceled meeting is a good meeting ;) | 08:30 |
Mirv | ok :) | 08:31 |
ogra_ | well, it would be nice if my phone would agree :P | 08:31 |
Mirv | last bluefin day | 08:31 |
jibel | ogra_, Mirv we didn't have much to discuss anyway. Verify that next krillin build is still good, nothing on our list of critical bugs for OTA4, actions in progress: sanity testing of mako and emulator, next steps reopen the landing gates. | 08:33 |
Mirv | jibel: if anyone asks for ETA for vivid reopening (for OTA5), what would I answer? | 08:33 |
sil2100 | ;p | 08:33 |
Mirv | sil2100: go away! :D | 08:33 |
sil2100 | jibel: should I announce the landing gates being open? | 08:34 |
sil2100 | Or do you want to confirm the image first? | 08:34 |
jibel | sil2100, not before we verified next build | 08:34 |
jibel | nobody knows what can happen | 08:34 |
ogra_ | sil2100, delegate ... Mirv just volunteered ;) | 08:34 |
sil2100 | Is the image ready or do you guys want one kicked? | 08:34 |
ogra_ | building | 08:35 |
sil2100 | Ossum | 08:35 |
sil2100 | ;) Mirv will be busy with closing meetings and airport transit | 08:35 |
jibel | sil2100, what do you think about landing silo 4 (shell rotation) and build an image with only this fix? | 08:36 |
jibel | s/fix/feature/ | 08:36 |
jibel | (after it has been verified of course) | 08:36 |
Mirv | sil2100: jibel: oh yes that will be a problem since it's already an afternoon flight and it's a bit hard to to training from the tubes. but! heathrow does have 4h free wifi so I should be able to do minimal trainguarding until around 3.30pm british time | 08:37 |
sil2100 | jibel: I'm +1 on that but for post-OTA-4 | 08:37 |
brendand | Mirv, you can't do training on a train! that's surprising... | 08:38 |
jibel | sil2100, yeah, not right now :) | 08:38 |
Mirv | sil2100: jibel: I just not need to be picked up by guards when they see there's a guy with full bright white laptop display, a phone attached with usb cable with something like tiny desktop on the phone screen | 08:39 |
Mirv | on the positive news, the XPS 13 is now waiting for me at home | 08:39 |
jibel | ogra_, sil2100 what is the difference between generic and generic_x86? generic is armhf? | 08:41 |
ogra_ | yep | 08:42 |
jibel | ogra_, there is no build for x86 emulator on bq-aquaris.en? | 08:42 |
ogra_ | jibel, seems slangasek didnt set one up | 08:43 |
sil2100 | Not sure what's up with that, since slangasek didn't like that we were promoting generic_x86 instead of generic | 08:46 |
sil2100 | I don't use the emulator so I wouldn't know what's up | 08:46 |
sil2100 | I just know we always used generic_x86 | 08:47 |
sil2100 | Ok, I go away do some stuff now, I'll be scanning the shell every now and then to deal with train stuff | 08:47 |
mzanetti | sil2100, hey, do you know what's going on here? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-1-build/190/console | 09:03 |
mzanetti | seems dialer app has troubles in vivid or something | 09:03 |
seb128 | mzanetti, see build logs | 09:05 |
seb128 | mzanetti, "E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-addressbook0.1'" | 09:05 |
seb128 | mzanetti, seems like that code version depends on the binary split from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/address-book-app/0.2+15.10.20150601.2-0ubuntu1 but that's in wily only | 09:07 |
seb128 | not vivid | 09:07 |
alf_ | cihelp: Hi! Could you please add a new test ('mir_privileged_tests') to the test runs by the mir-mediumtests-runner-mako job (in job parameter 'test_suite')? | 09:44 |
alf_ | Ursinha: Hi! I have been trying to contact 'cihelp' for a small change in one of our CI jobs, but to no avail. We want to add a new test ('mir_privileged_tests') to the test runs by the mir-mediumtests-runner-mako job (in job parameter 'test_suite'). Could you do it, or, if not, advise us on who to contact to change this? | 09:57 |
ogra_ | jibel, your image is done | 10:05 |
ogra_ | brendand, ^^^ | 10:05 |
brendand | ogra_, thanks | 10:06 |
jibel | ogra_, thanks | 10:09 |
sil2100 | imgbot didn't register it? :) | 10:10 |
ogra_ | sil2100, no, it cant | 10:11 |
* sil2100 pats poor imgbot | 10:11 | |
ogra_ | as i said beofre, it cant get along with the reset of image numbers when the channel was renamed | 10:11 |
ogra_ | the next version wont be using image numbers anymore, only cdimage build id's | 10:12 |
jibel | rvr, ^ image 25 is ready, can you redo the upgrade test and verify there is not duplicate apps | 10:16 |
rvr | jibel: I'm on it | 10:20 |
jibel | rvr, thanks, I verifying that mako didn't explode on OTA4. | 10:24 |
jibel | +'m | 10:24 |
ogra_ | http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/vivid/20150605.changes quite a bunch of changes, are all of them expected ? | 10:29 |
jibel | ogra_, gtk was not expected | 10:30 |
ogra_ | well, i guess thats an SRU | 10:31 |
ogra_ | (and it is not like we actually use it :) ) | 10:31 |
jibel | unity8 and themes is the green indicator, ofono was a no changes rebuild, and app-launch is the 'duplicate icons' fix | 10:31 |
ogra_ | does anyone look into making the led on arale work btw ? | 10:32 |
ogra_ | (beyond: we still dont use the right initrd for arale) | 10:32 |
jibel | Pat discussed it on another channel 2 days ago but I didn't follow the discussion | 10:32 |
ogra_ | the led or the initrd ? | 10:33 |
jibel | the LED | 10:33 |
ogra_ | ah, k | 10:33 |
jibel | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/3.14.13-0ubuntu1 is the GTK-3.0 SRU, nothing for the phone | 10:33 |
ogra_ | well, the initrd is more important imho ... | 10:33 |
ogra_ | yeah,m i thought so | 10:33 |
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popey | jibel: do we have an ETA for OTA-4? | 11:18 |
jibel | popey, when it is ready? | 11:20 |
jibel | popey, we are still validating the latest fixes | 11:20 |
popey | ok | 11:20 |
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=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss | ||
sil2100 | popey: we anticipate mid next week | 11:59 |
popey | sil2100: ok | 11:59 |
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jibel | rvr, any news on the upgrade test? | 12:25 |
rvr | jibel: Finishing the checks, but looks good so far | 12:26 |
jibel | rvr, which color is the LED when you receive a notification? | 12:28 |
rvr | jibel: Let me check that | 12:29 |
rvr | jibel: Green | 12:35 |
jibel | rvr, \o/ | 12:36 |
rvr | jibel: Using the OTA tests in the spreadsheet, everything is ok. | 12:38 |
rvr | jibel: Logs, contacts, settings, images, apps, scopes... | 12:38 |
jibel | rvr, do you see duplicate icons or missing icons? | 12:38 |
rvr | No duplicate icons | 12:38 |
jibel | tedg, ^ you fix worked :) | 12:39 |
tedg | Woot! | 12:52 |
tedg | rvr, jibel, thanks for testing that in the upgrade testing! | 12:52 |
plars | alf_: Ursinha: not sure what happened with the mir test you requested, I'll check into it today | 12:53 |
plars | alf_: sorry for the delay, we have very limited capacity and there's not full 24 hour coverage of someone to watch for pings on irc | 12:55 |
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alf_ | plars: no worries, thanks | 13:02 |
kenvandine | cihelp: can i get CI setup for some 15.04 branches? lp:content-hub/15.04 and lp:ubuntu-system-settings/15.04 | 13:12 |
plars | kenvandine: I'll take a look in just a bit | 13:18 |
kenvandine | plars, thx | 13:18 |
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kgunn | sil2100: so is vivid+ open? | 13:21 |
* Mirv back for a moment | 13:29 | |
popey | http://ci.ubuntu.com/ is that actually used by anyone anymore? | 13:32 |
popey | cihelp: is it possible to get hold of /var/lib/jenkins/slaves/mako-15/workspace/vivid-touch_stable-mako-smoke-daily/touch/scripts/provision.sh | 13:33 |
popey | cihelp I'd like to learn how the devices are setup in the lab so I can test here the same way | 13:33 |
plars | popey: yep, take a look at http://ubuntu-test-cases-touch.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ | 13:35 |
popey | oooh! | 13:35 |
popey | thanks plars | 13:35 |
plars | popey: the provision.sh script doesn't really have any magic. It's just ubuntu-device-flash, phablet-config, phablet-click-test-setup wrappered to try to be more resiliant against problems like random adb failures and dead hardware | 13:37 |
popey | plars: that's exactly what I needed, thank you. | 13:38 |
plars | popey: anytime, happy to help | 13:38 |
* Mirv approaches boarding time | 14:04 | |
ogra_ | safe flight | 14:13 |
Mirv | ok plane leavimg can't check html5-theme | 14:43 |
kgunn | trainguards ok, i need to changed silo4 from dual landing to wily (due to dialer app divergence)....can someone reconfig for me ?? | 14:47 |
kgunn | line 22 in the sheet | 14:47 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, will you be around to kick an image build for us in a couple hours | 14:49 |
ogra_ | couple = 2 ? | 14:50 |
* ogra_ cant guarantee much beyond 2-3h | 14:51 | |
jibel | ogra_, it should be fine, we are waiting for silo 20 to land | 14:51 |
jibel | alesage, joc_ how much time do you need to verify it? | 14:51 |
alesage | jibel, having some DNS issues, just finishing a flash now, an hourish? | 14:52 |
alesage | jibel does that sound right for the test plan? | 14:52 |
joc_ | jibel: i've just tried sil0 20 and looks a lot better switching between apps | 14:53 |
alesage | jibel, or less :) | 14:55 |
jibel | alesage, looking at the test plan it should be less :) | 14:55 |
alesage | jibel in process :) | 14:55 |
slangasek | ogra_, sil2100: get me a custom tarball that matches bq-aquaris.en that we can use on i386, and I'm happy to set up a generic_x86 channel; otherwise it's not meaningful to have it on that channel | 15:09 |
ogra_ | slangasek, yeah, i thought so ... (and i doubt the apps and scopes in there achtually have x86 builds) | 15:11 |
slangasek | jibel: ^^ | 15:11 |
sil2100 | kgunn: I can do it but am on a train now | 15:11 |
ogra_ | sil2100, is it a ci train ? | 15:12 |
sil2100 | Worse | 15:12 |
sil2100 | A PL Train | 15:12 |
sil2100 | ;) | 15:12 |
ogra_ | they dont crash at least :) | 15:12 |
sil2100 | kgunn: can this wait approx 30 minutes? | 15:13 |
kgunn | sil2100: yeah, don't see why not | 15:14 |
sil2100 | Thanks, not sure if my mobile 100 MB data plan would survive a train reconfigure | 15:15 |
plars | kenvandine: quick question, should the trunk branches lp:content-hub and lp:ubuntu-system-settings be built for wily now, and the 15.04 branches you specified for vivid? | 15:21 |
plars | kenvandine: or do you just care about the vivid ones? | 15:21 |
plars | alf_: hey, your test is now merged for cupstream2distro, let us know if you have any issues with it | 15:22 |
plars | alf_: it should just work now though | 15:22 |
alf_ | plars: great, thank you | 15:24 |
cwayne | fginther: hi, how can I update the click chroot for node exp-worker-01? | 15:33 |
fginther | cwayne, it can't be done remotely. do you know what it's missing? | 15:34 |
cwayne | fginther: i think intltool | 15:34 |
fginther | cwayne, k, I'll try to get it added | 15:35 |
cwayne | fginther: also do we have a 15.04 chroot on there as well? | 15:35 |
fginther | cwayne, nope | 15:35 |
cwayne | can we :) | 15:36 |
fginther | cwayne, I'll add it to the list | 15:37 |
cwayne | fginther: thank you! | 15:38 |
dbarth | hey, sorry if it's a faq, but how do you guys deal with citrain device upgrade being overriden by the overlay ppa ? | 15:39 |
plars | alf_: actually, I forgot one bit, give me just a moment | 15:43 |
plars | alf_: ok, should be good now | 15:46 |
sil2100 | kgunn: ok, the PL Train arrived, let me reconf | 15:55 |
kgunn | sil2100: soooo many trains :) | 15:55 |
pmcgowan | dbarth, there is a new version of the tool | 15:56 |
sil2100 | kgunn: you sure you want that to be wily-only? | 15:56 |
sil2100 | Is dialer so much differing? | 15:56 |
kgunn | sil2100: well, everytime i "wait for..." i lose....so yeah | 15:56 |
kgunn | sil2100: dialer is dep waiting ....cause contacts changed | 15:57 |
sil2100 | Ah, ok, that one | 15:57 |
kgunn | so after i land, i'm gonna create a massive sync silo with my stuff and bill's together | 15:57 |
kgunn | for the moment of unthaw | 15:57 |
kgunn | or thaw rather | 15:57 |
kgunn | once vivid+ thaws...we'll sync it all | 15:57 |
sil2100 | Reconfing | 15:58 |
kgunn | ta | 15:58 |
sil2100 | :) | 15:58 |
sil2100 | kgunn: should be done | 16:02 |
dbarth | pmcgowan: ok, i upgraded and will test once my device is flashed; thanks | 16:07 |
fginther | sil2100, slangasek, Can you provide guidance on the appropriate touch images to use for the proposed-migration boottest? ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en for vivid and ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/krillin.en for wily? | 16:16 |
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|test | ||
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alesage | jibel, AlbertA, kgunn, passed silo 20 FWIW | 16:26 |
sil2100 | fginther: hey! I think those two would be best - are boottests done on krillins? | 16:27 |
fginther | sil2100, yes, krillin only | 16:27 |
fginther | sil2100, if some other device needed to be added, the images would be updated then | 16:28 |
sil2100 | fginther: yeah, in that case those two channels are good | 16:30 |
fginther | sil2100, thanks for confirming | 16:31 |
AlbertA | alesage: ack, thanks | 16:33 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
kenvandine | plars, yes | 16:48 |
kenvandine | plars trunk for wily and 15.04 branches for vivid please | 17:03 |
plars | kenvandine: ack | 17:03 |
kenvandine | plars, thx | 17:03 |
kenvandine | jgdx, ^^ FYI, those settings CI builds for trunk are running on vivid still, not wily | 17:04 |
kenvandine | forgot about that | 17:04 |
kenvandine | probably not why we're seeing issues, but just in case | 17:04 |
jibel | trainguards can you publish silo 20? | 17:24 |
jibel | robru, ^ | 17:24 |
robru | jibel: looks like there was a manual upload to distro unfortunately | 17:26 |
robru | AlbertA: I'm going to need you to take this diff and add it as a new commit on one of your mir MPs, then rebuild: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/208231494/mir_0.13.1%2B15.10.20150520-0ubuntu1_0.13.1%2B15.10.20150520.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz | 17:26 |
robru | AlbertA: or better yet, just push that commit direct to trunk and then rebuild | 17:26 |
robru | AlbertA: nm, I'll do it | 17:28 |
pmcgowan | robru, those versions are the same, what does it mean it changed | 17:28 |
robru | pmcgowan: not the same, the new version is +.1, and the diff shows everything infinity changed. | 17:28 |
pmcgowan | of I see it now | 17:29 |
cjwatson | robru: hopefully not exactly that diff, since it adds binary files that need to be extracted | 17:32 |
robru | cjwatson: what's wrong with the diff? I'm just going to take infinity's upload and sync it to trunk so the train is happy. | 17:33 |
cjwatson | Binary files /tmp/qA5g_PglyQ/mir-0.13.1+15.10.20150520/tests/unit-tests/test_data/libpowerpc.so and /tmp/5Hrx9J0eTt/mir-0.13.1+15.10.20150520.1/tests/unit-tests/test_data/libpowerpc.so differ | 17:33 |
cjwatson | Binary files /tmp/qA5g_PglyQ/mir-0.13.1+15.10.20150520/tests/unit-tests/test_data/libppc64el.so and /tmp/5Hrx9J0eTt/mir-0.13.1+15.10.20150520.1/tests/unit-tests/test_data/libppc64el.so differ | 17:33 |
cjwatson | you can't just run that through patch and expect it to synthesise the binary files, is all | 17:33 |
robru | oh | 17:33 |
robru | sooo | 17:34 |
robru | cjwatson: if I download the latest orig.tar and unpack it over trunk will it do the right thing? | 17:34 |
cjwatson | err maybe? if it were me, I would just grab the source package from distro, unpack in temporary directory, copy those two files from it to trunk, bzr add, and apply rest of patch | 17:35 |
cjwatson | either way, diff against the uploaded source to make sure it actually matches at the end | 17:35 |
robru | cjwatson: yeah this looks really wrong. ok i'll try that | 17:38 |
AlbertA | robru: ok, so should I do anything? | 17:39 |
robru | AlbertA: not yet, thanks | 17:40 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
robru | AlbertA: will need you to do a basic smoketest after the rebuild happens | 17:41 |
AlbertA | robru: ok | 17:41 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
jgdx | kenvandine, gah | 17:47 |
jgdx | kenvandine, will that change? | 17:47 |
kenvandine | jgdx, yes, plars is taking care of that | 17:47 |
jgdx | kenvandine, sweet. Thanks | 17:48 |
kenvandine | np | 17:48 |
robru | jibel: pmcgowan: AlbertA: ok sorry for the delay, distro is merged back to lp:mir/0.13 (MP dest) and rebuild started: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-020-1-build/149/console | 17:49 |
robru | fingers crossed that there's no merge conflicts ;-) | 17:50 |
AlbertA | robru: thanks! | 17:50 |
robru | AlbertA: you're welcome | 17:51 |
robru | ok, merge looks good. time for breakfast! | 17:53 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
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plars | kenvandine: jgdx: it's in the process of getting approved and merged. I'll ping you as soon as it's landed | 18:05 |
kenvandine | plars, cool, thanks | 18:05 |
plars | kenvandine: jgdx: the u-s-s and content-hub job changes are finished now | 19:10 |
kenvandine | plars, thx | 19:19 |
tedg | trainguards, Can I please get wily silos for lines 47 and 50? | 19:32 |
AlbertA | robru: silo 20 looks good. smoke tested on vegetahd vivid+overlay and wily | 19:43 |
robru | AlbertA: great, thanks | 19:46 |
robru | jibel: pmcgowan: published rebuilt silo 20 | 19:46 |
robru | tedg: 8 and 16 | 19:48 |
tedg | Great, thanks robru! | 19:49 |
robru | tedg: you're welcome | 19:49 |
kenvandine | cihelp: I'm seeing a bzr error in the CI jobs for lp:content-hub/15.04 that plars just setup https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/content-hub-15.04-vivid-amd64-ci/1/console | 20:06 |
robru | kgunn: looks like your qtmir-gles packaging is off. ppa has 605, -gles is looking for 602 and failing to find it. | 20:14 |
kgunn | robru: yep....just now fixing that | 20:14 |
robru | kgunn: heh, k. I'm not sure why the error message is "build failed: 1", I should fix that | 20:15 |
kgunn | robru: hey, so i've got swap out MP's to do so (since mzanetti used his acct, instead of mir-team)....so i need to reconfig....but i can _just_ build the gles pkgs right ? | 20:15 |
kgunn | e.g. i don't have to rebuild all after a reconfig i hope | 20:15 |
robru | kgunn: yep you can just build one after a reconfig. | 20:15 |
kgunn | yeeehaw | 20:15 |
robru | brb, lunch | 20:21 |
kenvandine | cihelp: disregard, i kicked a rebuild and it worked fine, so not a configuration issue :) | 20:33 |
fginther | kenvandine, ah, yes. Looks like a transient launchpad oops (sorry, I thought plars was having a look, but it appears he's lost IRC). | 20:36 |
kenvandine | fginther, yeah, i had just thought it might have been a configuration issue since it was the first job since it was setup | 20:37 |
fginther | kenvandine, yep, it happens | 20:38 |
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