
dholbachgood morning06:40
zygagood morning07:24
seb128is anyone around with cdimage build knowledge that could help with08:30
seb128that's the buildlog from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-desktop-next08:30
seb128it fails on "mv: cannot stat 'device.tar.gz': No such file or directory"08:31
seb128k, seems like a bug in livecd-rootfs08:41
seb128thanks Laney ;-)08:41
seb128Laney, cjwatson, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/livecd-rootfs/desktop-next-duplicate/+merge/26118208:42
seb128cjwatson, seems like that didrocks forgot to remove the duplicated code when he did the tweaks you asked on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/livecd-rootfs/desktop-next/+merge/25705608:43
Laneyseb128: np, will you upload?08:54
seb128Laney, yes :-)08:54
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seb128sru team, is there anything that blocks the gvfs/gtk+3.0 trusty SRUs to be copied to updates? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html shows jenkins regressions but those don't seem issues with those updates/new ones, trusty autopkgtest have never been working on those09:25
seb128bdmurray, ^09:25
FourDollarsHi, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2 for trusty is not up to date.10:07
Noskcajmitya57, Can you please merge gnome-flashback and metacity some time soon?10:13
cjwatsonFourDollars: Unlikely to be fixed, please fall back to source packages.10:21
FourDollarscjwatson: I see. Thx.10:21
cjwatsonFourDollars: (Or at least unlikely to be fixed in the bzr world.)10:22
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mitya57Noskcaj: Not before gtk+ 3.16 lands in wily-release11:17
mitya57I don't want to make the transition even more complicate11:18
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seb128Laney, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/208356435/buildlog_ubuntu_wily_amd64_ubuntu-desktop-next_BUILDING.txt.gz12:06
seb128still the same error12:07
seb128cjwatson, ^ do you know if there is any page with hints on how to debug cdimage build issues?12:07
cjwatsonseb128: not really12:13
cjwatsonecho "I: Moving kernel into device tarball"12:14
cjwatsonthat message never fires12:14
cjwatsonwhich suggests to me that that hook isn't run12:14
cjwatsonperhaps because it's not executable?12:14
cjwatsonin fact there are a whole bunch of non-executable hooks in there, which looks pretty dubious12:15
seb128cjwatson, thanks for pointing that out12:15
seb128let me try to chmod +x and see if it's better12:15
cjwatsonseb128: one sec12:16
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cjwatsonseb128: actually I don't think that's it - it's not exec for ubuntu-core either but https://launchpadlibrarian.net/208332282/buildlog_ubuntu_wily_armhf_ubuntu-core-system-image_BUILDING.txt.gz shows that hook being run12:17
cjwatson        ubuntu-touch:*|ubuntu-core:system-image|ubuntu-cpc:*)12:18
cjwatson                cp -af /usr/share/livecd-rootfs/live-build/${PROJECT}/* \12:18
cjwatson                        config/12:18
cjwatson                ;;12:18
cjwatsonseb128: ^- there's your problem, that needs to include ubuntu-desktop-next:* otherwise none of the hooks are run12:18
seb128cjwatson, ah, good catch!12:18
cjwatsonseb128: actually probably ubuntu-desktop-next:system-image instead12:18
seb128cjwatson, right, that's what got used in e.g https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/view/head:/live-build/auto/build#L33912:19
cjwatsonseb128: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-June/033458.html has advice on running builds locally (would need SUBPROJECT in this case too), but it takes a while so it's often worth a bit of thought to do zen debugging irst12:20
seb128cjwatson, great, thanks12:22
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hrwdoes someone know which format of keyboard remapping udev from 14.04 understands?13:10
seb128cjwatson, Laney, can you retry the desktop-next image build? updated livecd-rootfs is in wily13:30
cjwatsonseb128: done13:39
cjwatson(damn, forgot to do it in screen, oh well)13:39
seb128cjwatson, thanks13:39
seb128cjwatson, bah, that didn't pick the new livecd-rootfs version it seems :-/14:00
seb128I guess the "ubuntu/wily accepted" are sent before it's actually available? :-/14:01
ogra_seb128, rmadison is usually pretty reliable for that14:06
seb128ogra_, yeah, should have verified14:06
seb128I though that the email/launchpad showing in wily on the summary view was enough14:06
seb128seems it's not14:06
ogra_no, there is usually one publisher run after this mail that does the actual copying14:08
infinityseb128: LP will show it in wily at the beginning of the publisher run when it changes its internal state, but then it still needs to do all the publishy things to it and move dists.new->dists, which can be anywhere from a couple of minutes to dozens of minutes, depending on what work the publisher needs to do.14:18
infinityseb128: One could argue (and I have in the past) that the UI "published" state should be disconnected from the internal "published" state and only committed at the end of a publisher run, but that's probably unnecessary added complexity for a problem that amounts to "just wait a bit longer".  Especially since even if it was made 100% accurate for ftpmaster's disk, it's still a laggy lie for mirrors.14:19
seb128infinity, yeah, going to teach me to use rmadison next time14:22
infinityseb128: Patches welcome for speeding up rmadisong when using it frustrates you. ;)14:23
infinityrmadison, too.14:23
seb128hehe, noted :-)14:23
seb128barry, does your system boot after a 90s timeout? do you have powerd installed?15:28
seb128attente, did you resolve your recent systemd non  booting issues?15:28
attenteseb128: yep it's fixed now. but all i did was a dist-upgrade :/15:29
barryseb128: it doesn't seem to.  i'll let it run for a while.  checking on powerd.15:40
barryseb128: powerd is not installed15:41
seb128barry, k, dunno then15:41
seb128barry, but it's for pretty sure not a lightdm issue15:41
barryseb128: i'm bisecting the dist-upgrade.  it's either x or unity815:42
barryseb128: i'll rehome the issue when i know for sure15:42
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smoserhey. random question, not sure how this works or where the change occurred.16:44
smoserwith wily, recently updated yestereday and logged out and back in. gnome-terminal is visually different (light color scrollbars now showing)16:45
smoserthat doesnt bother me, but the change that is annoying is that when i double click on a url (http://example.com/path)16:45
smoserit only selects the portion after the :16:45
smoserwhich means i keep pasting people urls that look like16:45
smoser /paste.ubuntu.com/11591324/16:46
smoserrather than16:46
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/11591324/16:46
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Riddellwho's looking after jenkins these days? I seem to have quite a few false negatives18:02
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