
darkxstNoskcaj, gtk 3.16 is in proposed, do you have time to do merges for the other core 3.16 bits (ive done mutter and gnome-shell)07:54
Noskcajdarkxst, I'll see what i can do09:04
Noskcajhttp://packages.tanglu.org/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=gnome-shell&searchon=sourcenames has all the shell plugins with 3.16 patches, if you want to rename then upload some09:04
Noskcajdarkxst, Should gnome-themes-standard switch to adwaita yet/09:13
darkxstNoskcaj, probably10:00
NoskcajI've updated the -full dep to be -full for either adwaita or gnome-, but i'll leave the default change till you're certain10:01
NoskcajI should have session finished before i quit for the night too10:02
darkxstNoskcaj, make adwaita the default10:06
darkxstand its probably ok to drop gnome-icon-theme-full from the deps10:07
darkxstalso Im not a huge fan of having gnome-shell extensions packaged in the archives10:09
darkxstI would rather just see none in the archives!10:09
Noskcajmakes sense10:09
darkxstupstream maintenance on extensions is adhoc at best, and I know because I more or less abandoned 2 extensions10:11
darkxstthat I wrote10:11
lonixSo when i open a .desktop or a script thorgh seaching, it opens in gedit rather then execute it10:54
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saladin442hello guys, how do i add pidgin to start up application on ubuntu gnome 15.04?12:25
Rodrigo5244There is an application called Startup Applications12:28
Rodrigo5244You can add the command pidgin there.12:28
saladin442do we need to right clikc on the ap first and then go to properties and copy the command of the app there?12:29
saladin442then add the command on the start up application.12:30
Rodrigo5244I am not sure if there is a way to get the command using the user interface. But I think the command to start pidgin is just "pidgin"12:34
Rodrigo5244The terminal command apropos can be used to locate the right command if pidgin does not start pidgin.12:36
Rodrigo5244You could use it like this "apropos pidgin"12:36
LinDolhi all :)12:37
Rodrigo5244I also know that there is a .desktop file with the command that gets executed when you click on the application icon.12:37
LinDolRodrigo5244, hi again :)12:37
Rodrigo5244LinDol, Hey12:37
Rodrigo5244It is funny how you said good night before. Time zones.12:38
LinDolhaha sorry. :)12:38
saladin442where is the .desktop located?12:38
LinDolwhat is your time?12:38
saladin442all .desktop files are located?12:38
Rodrigo5244No is 9:38am here.12:38
Rodrigo5244saladin442, Let me see if I can find that for you.12:39
LinDolwow. Here is 9.39 pm12:39
Rodrigo5244saladin442, /usr/share/applications12:39
Rodrigo5244LinDol, complete the opposite. :)12:40
Rodrigo5244saladin442, I think that if you try to click on those files to open them, they are going to execute the program that they correspond to. I think you can drag the file to gedit to see what is inside the file.12:41
saladin442it's empty..12:47
Rodrigo5244That is odd.12:47
Rodrigo5244You can go to the root folder and type .desktop to search the files.12:48
Rodrigo5244That is what I did.12:48
saladin442i cannot drag to gedit, cause using screen reader and cant see the screen. so what i did is, in terminal type sudo nano /usr/share/applications/Skype  since skype is the app i want to autostart.12:50
saladin442then empty12:50
Rodrigo5244try sudo nano /usr/share/applications/Skype.desktop12:51
saladin442yeah bro! it works. then witch line is the command that's need to be added to start up applications?12:53
Rodrigo5244The line that starts with Exec12:54
saladin442o ok thanks. so much for helping. btw do you use android emmulators?12:55
Rodrigo5244You are welcome.12:56
Rodrigo5244I used once. I think I used the one that comes with the SDK.12:57
saladin442did it support keyboard input?12:57
Rodrigo5244I don't remember. I think it does.13:00
Rodrigo5244I know that you can also use chrome to run some apps.13:00
Rodrigo5244But I don't remember the details.13:01
Rodrigo5244You can also try Genymotion.13:01
saladin442the android sdk? last time i tried on fedora, but when creating new virtual device, there is no ok button or something similar, it asks for settings such as what ram, memory size and etc, but no create button/ok button. lol. any idea why?13:02
Rodrigo5244I don't know. It has been a couple of months, so I don't remember the screen. But I do remember it was not straight forward.13:06
saladin442can you point me where can i get the instructions to setup virtual device on linux using the android sdk? ya, because you did it. <smile>13:12
Rodrigo5244I don't remember the steps. I think I googled a step by step instruction. I knew I couldn't figure out by myself.13:15
saladin442WILL TRY IT. THANKS ANYWAY FOR helping.13:16
Noskcajdarkxst, If you have time to upload epiphany, http://pastebin.com/KYXVPt3D is the debian to new diff21:58
darkxstNoskcaj, can you forward the menubar patch upstream?21:59
NoskcajDo you mean https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=706050 ?22:00
darkxstoh hang, it was committed upstream already22:00
ubot5Gnome bug 706050 in Interface "Port the toolbar to GtkBox and make him as titlebar and add close button" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:00
darkxstwhys it in the diff then?22:00
Noskcajlooks like the patch was applied differently22:01
darkxstNoskcaj, ok that was the headerbar stuff, applied unconditionally22:04
darkxstso do forward it22:04
darkxstNoskcaj, uploaded22:35

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