[06:36] Jello [06:47] apw figure out a fix for the kernel compilation yet? [07:05] lockman-mac, not sure to what you are referring ... remind me [07:14] apw: The kernel compiling instructions on the ubuntu wiki. [07:15] lockman-mac, did i know there was an issue with them ? [07:15] lockman-mac,and point me to the appropriate wiki url which you are using [15:36] apw: in response to your message yesterday that I missed: yes, I agree, messing with the hardware settings within Kernel is definitely dangerous, and my guess is the asker's system isn't supported Linux from Sony [15:36] apw: so i'm tempted to say "Install Windows with the minimum specs, use the tools they say to", etc. but... [15:37] apw: it's DEFINITELY a bad thing to futz around with hardware when one doesn't know what they're truly doing though, agreed there.