[00:04] k1l: Racist stuff? [00:04] nazi stuff [00:04] Ahh, from the link (which I didn't visite) I presume? [00:04] white pride and sieg heil mousepads catalog [00:05] Got it. [00:06] i bet its the one that got kicked out of ot today several times [00:10] oh that guy [00:10] the holocaust wasn't real, etc [00:10] or was a hoax [00:10] some nonsense. [00:10] yep, saw that in bt [21:26] In #ubuntu, lyndel said: ubottu is is safe for my ubuntu 15.04? [23:53] @comment 67933 Incomprehensible messages about Iraq/Obama , probably a markov chain bot, 30 days [23:53] Comment added. 67933 will be removed after 1 month.