Scott_S | See, I would think it was that, but netstat shows that master is listening on port 25 for both * and | 00:00 |
Scott_S | Which leads me to believe it is actually listening to the port, but refusing the connection. | 00:00 |
sarnold | Scott_S: ah! if it's actually listening than firewall inspection is the next best step I think | 00:00 |
trippeh | residential ISPs doesnt like their users having spambots spewing spam :) | 00:00 |
Scott_S | trippeh, Datacenter actually, but I did request port 25 traffic be permitted and they replied back stating that they had removed the restriction filter. I'll check with them again just to make sure. | 00:01 |
sarnold | Scott_S: .. it might be denied by shaw .. | 00:01 |
Scott_S | sarnold, I'm able to connect to my other server properly, which is configured with Windows. It'd be ridiculous for Shaw to restrict *incoming* port 25 traffic. | 00:02 |
Scott_S | Otherwise, well, no one would use IMAP. | 00:02 |
sarnold | Scott_S: I meant, if you're trying to test from your home laptop, shaw might prevent you from connecting to port 25 on the way outbound, to reduce spam.. | 00:03 |
trippeh | Scott_S: "email clients" dont really use port 25 anymore. the client to relay traffic is SMTP on port 587 | 00:04 |
trippeh | aka "submission" | 00:05 |
* trippeh sees if this systemd-networkd thing is working | 00:07 | |
Scott_S | Interesting. I'm curious why Postfix is set up to use port 25 by default. | 00:08 |
trippeh | To recieve email from relays ;-) | 00:08 |
trippeh | relay -> mx is still on 25. | 00:09 |
Scott_S | trippeh, so IMAP uses port 587 for actually sending mail via TLS? | 00:09 |
trippeh | no. IMAP does not usually send email at all. | 00:09 |
Scott_S | Erm sorry, I meant for receiving mail. I know that smtp is for sending. | 00:10 |
Scott_S | I think I may be screwing up my ports and services. I'll figure it out later. | 00:12 |
trippeh | IMAP uses different ports, none 25 | 00:12 |
trippeh | and not really related to Postfix | 00:12 |
trippeh | yeah :) | 00:12 |
Scott_S | Shows how much I set up these things, I'm unable to send mail via SMTP, which is supposed to use port 25 (apparently). | 00:13 |
sarnold | Scott_S: when debugging mail problems it's best to use the simplest tools ever: nc to specific hosts, on specific ports, and hand-type the smtp sending session.. | 00:16 |
sarnold | Scott_S: test from localhost, from inside the same DC, from outside the DC, etc.. | 00:16 |
sarnold | if you're testing using full-blown MTAs you'll drive yourself insane quickly. | 00:16 |
trippeh | ok, networkd did bring up networking, thats something I guess :) | 00:22 |
trippeh | no idea how to make it set accept_ra=0 before link up hmmm | 00:23 |
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Scott_S | sarnold, If you're still here, I simply enabled SSL smtp, which appears to have fixed the issue as I now connect via 465. Port 25 worked from localhost, just not from external network. | 04:49 |
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OpenTokix | trippeh: pre-up in /etc/network/interfaces | 08:05 |
OpenTokix | trippeh: or just set ipv6 to manual, or add it to /etc/sysctl.conf | 08:06 |
OpenTokix | trippeh: You want it to use dhcp6? | 08:06 |
Dyon | Hi - I'm trying to setup an LDS for "managed" repository mirroring, can this only be accomlished with landscape-api and do I have to know all urls by head (e.g. MAAS repo, JuJu Repo, Cloud) or is there some magic command hidden somewhere? :-) | 08:59 |
lordievader | Good afternoon. | 10:23 |
trippeh | OpenTokix: that is for ifupdown, not systemd-networkd. | 10:53 |
trippeh | OpenTokix: anyway, ifupdown handles most of it without those kinds of hack | 10:54 |
trippeh | I'm just trying out the future ;) | 10:54 |
OpenTokix | trippeh: ok | 10:56 |
OpenTokix | trippeh: And the future does not include autoaccept_ra? =) | 10:56 |
trippeh | not yet, *it seems* | 11:00 |
trippeh | got it worked aroud in dbus for now | 11:00 |
OpenTokix | trippeh: What is your aversion for RA? | 11:03 |
OpenTokix | trippeh: I am curious that is | 11:03 |
trippeh | sometimes in server-land you want to do a fully static config, even for gateway, thats all | 11:07 |
OpenTokix | trippeh: ok | 11:08 |
trippeh | say, your switch may not have the required RA filtering for it to be used securily | 11:09 |
OpenTokix | you mean you get some errornous ipv6-address? | 11:09 |
OpenTokix | ie. malconfigured network? | 11:09 |
trippeh | say, a machine in the same VLAN gets owned, and starts announcing itself as gateway for MITM | 11:10 |
OpenTokix | ok | 11:10 |
OpenTokix | yes, that would be a bad thing | 11:10 |
trippeh | same problem with DHCP of course. good switches can snoop/filter it as well | 11:11 |
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giammy2290 | ho aperto qusta discussione nel forum di ubuntu | 14:01 |
giammy2290 | qualcuno riesce a darmi una mano? | 14:01 |
giammy2290 | thx | 14:01 |
giammy2290 | ? | 14:05 |
sgo11 | hi, is that possible to try ubuntu server before installing it? I boot the usb and don't see "try ubuntu" option. thanks. | 15:11 |
lordievader | sgo11: Err, as Ubuntu Server doesn't have a gui I do not think that it is possible. | 15:12 |
sgo11 | lordievader, there are many linux distributions run in usb (live OS). why can't I run live ubuntu server? this is nothing about GUI from my point of view... | 15:13 |
lordievader | Oh it is possible, just not with the installer that the Ubuntu Server iso comes with. | 15:13 |
sgo11 | lordievader, got it. thanks a lot. very sad. | 15:14 |
lordievader | sgo11: You could basically take one of the live-cd's and boot with the 'text' kernel parameter.... | 15:14 |
sgo11 | lordievader, ok. I am checking | 15:16 |
zul | smb/hallyn: libvirt 1.2.16 is building in my ppa:zulcss/libvirt-testing ppa | 15:26 |
hallyn | zul: cool. i'll make a note to test that in a bit | 15:35 |
jrwren | sgo11: what do you want to do? anything the server distro can do, the desktop distro can do. You can try ubuntu server by running try on the desktop. | 15:41 |
sgo11 | jrwren, Just want to run a live server. I am downloading debian-live-8.0.0-amd64-standard.iso now. thanks. | 15:42 |
teward | sgo11: well, that's not a 'live server' either, that's a live image, it can *run* live but it's not a server | 15:43 |
sgo11 | teward, why is that not a server? so how can I run a proper live debian or ubuntu server? thanks. | 15:43 |
jrwren | use the ubuntu live image and run? | 15:45 |
jrwren | hrm, to be honest, I don't know what a liver server is. I'll leave you to it. | 15:45 |
sgo11 | jrwren, a live server is just booting the server from usb and load it to ram and running from ram. | 15:46 |
sgo11 | for example, | 15:47 |
sgo11 | based on freebsd. | 15:47 |
jrwren | how is that different than live desktop? | 15:51 |
jpds | sgo11: I think you'll be far off running it in a VM. | 15:54 |
sgo11 | jrwren, I am not an expert. I am not very sure. a server supposed to have less space, faster performance etc.. because I don't need any GUI libs and because I am not an expert, i just want to find some already optimized tuned system to use. | 15:55 |
DonRichie | hi, what is the best software to monitor the services of a single machine? | 15:57 |
jpds | !best | DonRichie | 15:57 |
sgo11 | jpds, I need the server to run in a physical machine. so I am not planning to use a VM. thanks. | 15:58 |
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jrwren | sgo11: lordievader's suggestion of regular live cd and 'text' mode matches that. ubuntu-server is not 'tuned' any different than desktop. The difference is in default packages. | 15:58 |
jpds | sgo11: In any case, you can't try Ubuntu Server like you can the desktop. | 15:58 |
jpds | DonRichie: Depends on your needs, most people need to use Nagios and friends. | 15:58 |
sgo11 | jrwren, jpds, OK. thanks. I will try the live debian image first. not sure what is in it. just complete my download. | 16:00 |
jrwren | sgo11: what server software will you run? | 16:00 |
sgo11 | jrwren, samba, nfs, nginx, nodejs | 16:01 |
jrwren | sgo11: cool. good luck. I'd be interested in reading about your experience | 16:05 |
sgo11 | jrwren, thanks a lot. :) | 16:05 |
marcaddeo | hey guys, i have a ubuntu server dvd and i'm at the screen that lets you decide what to do "Install ubuntu" "Test Memory" etc... im just trying to get into text mode so i can have a terminal and try and test a potentially broken hard drive and recover my zfs pool | 16:18 |
tonyyarusso | marcaddeo: Second person, the server DVD doesn't have a "live environment" option. The desktop one does, or you could create something like it by installing to a flash drive. | 16:21 |
marcaddeo | tonyyarusso: i see. damnit. i tried the desktop one, but it doesn't boot because the server doesnt have real graphics | 16:23 |
tonyyarusso | marcaddeo: I think there's a "dumb down the graphics" option somewhere. | 16:24 |
tonyyarusso | Or a couple really | 16:25 |
tonyyarusso | Change the graphics type, disable splash | 16:25 |
tarpman | server installer should still have rescue mode | 16:26 |
tarpman | not sure if there's a menu entry for it -- if not, edit the command line, add 'rescue/enable=true' to the end (no quotes) | 16:27 |
marcaddeo | tarpman: how does rescue mode work though, it goes into a command line gui screen to start doing stuff... i just would like to get into a terminal so i can run SMART and what-not | 16:50 |
tarpman | marcaddeo: follow the prompts, eventually you will have the option of mounting your existing system and getting a shell in it, or just getting a shell in the installer environment | 16:51 |
tarpman | marcaddeo: if you need more features (e.g. ability to install packages with apt-get) you might have better results booting a desktop dvd in text mode (add 'text' to the end of the boot command line), like tonyyarusso suggested | 16:52 |
marcaddeo | tarpman: thats what im trying to do, desktop text mode but i can't get it to work | 17:05 |
marcaddeo | my kvm keeps complaining about the resolution | 17:05 |
tarpman | marcaddeo: ok, boot with 'text nomodeset' | 17:05 |
marcaddeo | i've tried removing quiet splash, and adding -- vga=770 text | 17:05 |
marcaddeo | okay | 17:05 |
marcaddeo | tarpman: should i remove the quiet splash? | 17:07 |
tarpman | marcaddeo: up to you. nomodeset forces splash to be disabled iirc. removing quiet just means you see more kernel messages | 17:08 |
marcaddeo | also: the docs say it should be like quiet splash -- (boot options here) | 17:08 |
marcaddeo | but when im editing it, it's actuall quiet splash --- | 17:08 |
marcaddeo | note the third - | 17:08 |
marcaddeo | should there be three? | 17:08 |
tarpman | yes, with newer kernels it's --- | 17:08 |
marcaddeo | ah i see | 17:08 |
tarpman | just to check, which ubuntu version is your dvd? 14.04.2? | 17:09 |
marcaddeo | 15.06 i think | 17:09 |
tarpman | ah | 17:09 |
ObrienDave | 15.04 ;p | 17:09 |
marcaddeo | whateer :p | 17:09 |
tarpman | 'text' doesn't work with 15.04 -- use '' instead | 17:09 |
* tarpman really should file a bug about that | 17:09 | |
marcaddeo | ah! | 17:09 |
marcaddeo | you may have jsut made my day much better lol | 17:09 |
marcaddeo | tarpman: is nomodeset still going to work? | 17:14 |
tarpman | marcaddeo: yes | 17:14 |
tarpman | marcaddeo: I'm not sure how that interacts with the --- ... if it's still giving you grief, I'd try dropping those | 17:15 |
marcaddeo | it worked! thank you tarpman | 17:18 |
tarpman | :) | 17:27 |
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hallyn | zul: feh, lots of failures in qrt with libvirt 1.2.16. they look familiar, though | 23:01 |
hallyn | something to look at next methinks | 23:01 |
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