
snkcldwhy would the unity sidebar's icon differ from that of the dash?00:00
trismsnkcld: if the dash entry doesn't match properly to the .desktop file it can use the window icon instead of the .desktop icon00:01
ritemeowif you need a new mousepad :)00:01
ritemeowit works great on ubuntu00:01
ritemeowthe mousepads00:01
k1lritemeow: no advertising please00:02
trismsnkcld: sorry I mean launcher not dash00:02
daftykinsritemeow: funnily enough those aren't OS dependant00:02
* psusi has a great desk chair that works with ubuntu ;)00:03
ritemeowoh... well they work great and will look good on your desk00:03
snkcldwhere are the _dash_ icons located, then?00:07
thorny1Hi guys, Where can I read up on the latest updates with Radeon/ATI graphic drivers?00:08
thorny1anyone actually watching this channel?00:09
snkcldwhere does unity keep record of what icons are in the sidebar00:10
trismsnkcld: the .desktop files are in /usr/share/applications/ and they point to various icons, either from the theme /usr/share/icons/ or sometimes to just a file in /usr/share/pixmaps/00:10
snkcldtrism: yea im aware of that, thank you00:10
thenewoneHi guys00:10
thorny1Hi thenewone00:10
thenewoneguys ubuntu is not good distro00:10
thenewonewhy guys you want distroy linux freedome00:11
thorny1im watching now00:11
thenewoneRichard Stallman Talks About Ubuntu00:11
thorny1where do i read up on the latest news about radion/ATI driver support in linux00:11
wastrelfreedom :[00:11
snkcldtrism: my problem is that when i edit the icon directly, i guess it doesnt "match" whats in the sidebar00:12
snkcldso the sidebar doesnt load the proper icon00:12
trismsnkcld: are you having a problem with an app you installed manually? if the problem really is not matching properly to the .desktop file you can somtimes force it by checking the wmclass with xprop and setting the StartupWMClass= in the .desktop file00:12
thorny1is there even a feed that keeps track of graphic driver updates for ubuntu?00:14
k1lthorny1: ubuntu releases stay on the driver version they got released with00:15
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lotuspsychjethorny1: can you give us more details of what you need?00:15
thorny1i want to keep up to date with changes being made to the radeon drivers00:16
trismsnkcld: though if you just changed the icon recently in the .desktop file, the fix might be as simple as logging out/back in00:16
thorny1im not currently running ubuntu because i get poor performance, and was to watch when there is a change so I can try ubuntu again00:16
snkcldok so unity uses the "WMClass" of the window to associate it with an icon?00:16
daftykinsthorny1: which card?00:17
daftykinsor chip00:17
snkcldthorny1: the poor performance you speak of could be due to a specific app, and not the distro as a whole00:17
lotuspsychjethorny1: what grafix card and driver was loaded?00:17
thorny1I was using the propritary ATI driver00:17
k1lthorny1: doesnt that depend on the kernel version used?00:17
genewitchwith CIFS, files copied from linux filesystem to SMB share are getting renamed like ITYHD~300:17
thorny1yes the application I am running does not agree with the propritary driver but I cant control the app00:18
genewitchis this due to commas?00:18
k1lthorny1: the prop. driver is not radeon its fglrx00:18
k1lthorny1: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/restricted/f/fglrx-installer/fglrx-installer_15.200-0ubuntu4/changelog00:18
thorny1is there a changelog for the non propritary driver?00:19
daftykinsthorny1: that would be in the kernel as a whole.00:19
thorny1the radeon driver is in the linux kernal?00:19
lotuspsychjethorny1: wich card and ubuntu version was that?00:19
thorny1Im running a HD 6870 and I was using the latest stable release of Elementary OS00:20
thorny1i know its not ubuntu but its close nuf00:20
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.00:20
daftykinsyes but you cannot discuss it here :)00:20
thorny1well i didnt want to get into the actual operating system issues,, just where to find updates to driver news00:21
lotuspsychjethorny1: try an ubuntu version from topic, maybe your performance will get smoother00:21
thorny1what topic? im not farmiliar with IRC, do you mean the latest version of Ubuntu from the download page?00:22
kostkonthorny1, channel's topic.  /topic00:22
lotuspsychjethorny1: you can choose between long time support or non-lts00:23
thorny14.04.2 LTS00:23
thorny1got it, thank you00:24
lotuspsychjethorny1: that would be a nice choice indeed00:24
lotuspsychjethorny1: dont forget enabling your internet + updates during setup00:24
snkcldtrism: is there a way to tell unity to manually update its "cache" of desktop files?00:25
thorny1I'm going to ask a controversal question, please shut me down if this is a bad question to ask. So why do you guys choose Ubuntu over other distros? Hasent it become like windows vista with all the bloat  and slowness? Or is my computer just to old?00:25
k1lthorny1: if you want a lightweight ubuntu see the Lubuntu version00:26
kostkonthorny1, this channel is strictly for support issues. But, there is a channel for discussions, #ubuntu-offtopic00:26
thorny1i love lubuntu i have it installed on my 4gb mem stick00:26
daftykinsi'm typing from an ancient laptop with xubuntu right now, it's fast.00:27
lotuspsychjethorny1: and because ubuntu is the most popular Os00:27
trismsnkcld: there might be, but I don't know one, it is supposed to watch them for changes, but doesn't always work, sometimes just need to log out/back in00:27
k1lthorny1: dont compare the performance from a live system with a real install00:27
thorny1k1l it is an install to the usb XD00:27
genewitchwhen i copy from ubuntu host to SMB on synology stuff is getting renamed like IMGYAR~3; source files are named like "00:27
k1lthorny1: usb is slow!00:28
thorny1im not complaining about performance on the laptop, i use it for playing around its actualy quite fast00:28
genewitchis this an issue with SMB, ubuntu CIFS, or my NAS?00:28
thorny1i think im off topic thank you for the help00:28
k1lthorny1: you complained about slowness.00:28
thorny1with a graphic card00:28
thorny1on a different computer00:28
thorny1i made a comment about liking lubuntu00:29
daftykinsgenewitch: can you show more clearly what the filename was before and after?00:31
daftykinsalso how you are accessing this NAS00:31
snkcldwhere is the infromation stored on what icons should be present in the unity side bar?00:31
it_Ai q delicia cara00:32
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kostkonsnkcld, probably in some dconf key00:32
=== Aerides is now known as Aeon
genewitchdaftykins: not really, since the copy destroys the original filename and changes the filetime. I'm accessing a SMB share via mount -t cifs //synology/blah/bluh /mnt00:36
snkcldthe strange thing now is, it has the right icon in the sidebar, but when i click it, it spawns chrome in a differnet icon00:36
snkcldwith the normal chrome icon00:36
lotuspsychjesnkcld: tinypic?00:37
XenothHello! I just installed Ubuntu 15.04. It's nice. However, my cursor is sometimes black, sometimes white, depending on the application. How can I set it to be white in any program? Thanks.00:38
promethi, i'm using xchat and trying to set sound notifications. I've tried "automatic"  and to use aplay and audacious as external players, I can't get it to play anything but the most horrible static-y noise.00:38
prometIs this something to do with Ubuntu 15.10 audio?00:38
promet15.04 rather00:39
lotuspsychje!sound | promet00:39
ubottupromet: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:39
genewitchdaftykins: http://projectftm.com/index.php?7c5fcd@raw input filenames; http://projectftm.com/index.php?2c9494@raw output filenames (except more ALLCAPS depending on what's reading it)00:39
ObrienDavepromet, try using hexchat. looks like xchat. works better. imho00:39
daftykinsgenewitch: i thought you were just copying files by hand. nevermind.00:40
poiuilooking for an ultraportable for (l)ubuntu.   high priorities: long battery life, light weight, under £500, pref around £200,     low priorities: performance, graphics, storage capacity, ram00:40
prometubottu, thanks, my sound works great in every other way, xchat is a screaching horror though ;(00:40
ubottupromet: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:40
daftykinspoiui: that's not on topic, #ubuntu-offtopic00:41
genewitchdaftykins: in ubuntu i am doing cp -R . /mnt/out_dir/00:41
prometObrienDave, what method do you use for sound in hexchat, "native" or "external"?00:41
genewitchI think my problem is samba doesn't support commas and colons and stuff in filenames00:41
lotuspsychjepromet: did you have same sound issue in 14.04?00:41
genewitchso it DOS-ifies the name00:41
ObrienDavepromet, sec00:42
lotuspsychjesn0w: can we help you?00:42
sn0wis anyone on?00:42
kostkonpromet, either use: paplay filename   or  canberra-gtk-play -f filename00:42
ObrienDavepromet, don't know. it just works00:42
kostkonpromet, 2nd options is especially for sound events00:43
sn0wI just installed ubuntu 14.04.2 on my msi ghost and it's running very hot even after I setup bumblebee00:43
lotuspsychjesn0w: wich card please?00:43
sn0wgeforce 860m00:43
lotuspsychjesn0w: is that an optimus card?00:43
sn0whow do I find out00:44
lotuspsychjesn0w: the official webpage of your card00:44
lotuspsychjesn0w: should mention optimus technology00:44
sn0wwould that be here? http://www.msi.com/product/nb/GS60-2PC-Ghost.html#hero-specification00:45
lotuspsychjesn0w: its an optimus card, bumblebee is outdated use the package nvidia-prime instead00:46
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | sn0w00:47
ubottusn0w: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)00:47
RazWellesDoes ubuntu gnome release come with gnome 3 or 2?00:48
kostkonRazWelles, 300:48
RazWelleskostkon: fantastic, downloading :)00:49
sn0whow do I get nvidia-prime00:49
lotuspsychjesn0w: sudo apt-get install nvidia-prime00:49
sn0wok thanks and are you sure this will work right with my intagrated graphics00:50
lotuspsychjesn0w: after that reboot and enable performance mode on nvidia settings00:50
lotuspsychjesn0w: if its an optimus card, it needs nvidia-prime00:51
sn0wI'll be back with the same name on arch yelling at you if this doesn't work how do I know if it's optiomos00:51
lotuspsychjesn0w: this is an ubuntu channel, and yelling is not needed :p00:52
sn0wlotuspsychje: I mean if this screws me and I can't get back into ubuntu I'll join the channel in arch00:52
ObrienDaveyou can yell on arch all you want. we won't hear you ;P00:53
sn0wlotuspsychje: Enthusiast level NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 860M discrete graphics card provides great performance and ultra image quality00:53
sn0wFrom the laptop companys thing00:53
lotuspsychjesn0w: just try nvidia-prime mate00:54
sn0wWhat happens if I try it and it's wrong tho00:54
lotuspsychje!recovery | sn0w good old grub recoverymode then00:54
ubottusn0w good old grub recoverymode then: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode00:54
sn0w....and I already have it..00:55
sn0wI'm selecting it in the driver list now00:56
sn0w100 doge coin if it works00:56
* Johnny_Linux shovels sn0w00:57
lotuspsychjesn0w: selecting what in driver list00:57
sn0wthe software and updates one00:57
lotuspsychjesn0w: full name?00:58
sn0wWhat do you mean00:58
samthewildoneI'm having a trouble setting up a vpn00:58
lotuspsychjesn0w: wich driver name are you selecting00:58
sn0wsome binary open sourse nvida driver00:59
samthewildoneHere's the problem, I'm following the instructions provided by the vpn provider and it does not seem to work.00:59
lotuspsychjesn0w: did you install prime first?00:59
samthewildoneThough the service works flawlessly on windows.00:59
samthewildone!setup vpn00:59
lotuspsychje!vpn | samthewildone00:59
ubottusamthewildone: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN00:59
samthewildonelotuspsychje, I'm using openvpn01:00
sn0wYea I installed whatever you wanted me too01:00
lotuspsychjesn0w: then reboot first01:00
samthewildonelotuspsychje, I'm using www.privatetunnel.com which was recommended over at openvpn01:01
sn0wNa it said I alreadyu had it01:01
lotuspsychjesn0w: you already have nvidia-prime, then set your card to performance mode in nvidia-settings01:01
lotuspsychjesamthewildone: can the #openvpn guys help?01:02
samthewildonedidn't know that was a channel01:02
samthewildoneThough the problem seems to be more of a ubuntu...01:02
lotuspsychjesamthewildone: you can always ask your issue here too01:03
ObrienDavevpnbook works01:03
OerHekssamthewildone, post the guide you followed?01:03
samthewildoneYou have to have an account, but let me check01:04
sn0w_anyways which mode do I want if I want to still be able to have kids someday01:04
samthewildoneOerHeks, https://www.privatetunnel.com/index.php/kb-ubuntu-client.html01:04
ObrienDavesn0w_, safe mode LOL01:05
sn0w_lotuspsychje: do I chose the intel one or the nvdia juan01:05
lotuspsychjesn0w_: the nvidia of course01:05
lotuspsychjesn0w_: performance mode01:06
sn0w_really but it says the intel mode is battery saving mode01:06
samthewildoneOerHeks, I followed the guide to the fine print and even reinstall ubuntu on my laptop.01:06
sn0w_Are you sure?01:06
* ObrienDave ponders why one would chose intel if they have a nvidia card01:06
bindiany samba gurus here, perhaps? or should I just try #samba (its kinda quiet in there)01:06
samthewildoneOerHeks, still get an failed connection when attempting to connect to vpn01:06
lotuspsychjesn0w_: you said your pc was heating up, so try performance mode01:07
Bashing-omsn0w_: It is Intel for "normal" stuff, and Nvidia for performance, as in gaming . What ever you are using when you shut the system down is what you wull have when you boot back up .01:08
samthewildoneOerHeks, brb booting into ubuntu01:09
samthewildoneOerHeks, anything or still going through the guide ?01:12
gzcwnkbindi i use samba a bit01:15
bindigzcwnk: do you use the "homes" feature?01:22
gzcwnkId have to go look01:22
gzcwnkwhats teh problem?01:23
bindihttp://script.quakenet.org/paste/1797343 fresh config i just edited, i did smbpasswd -a bindi, tried to connect, nope! http://bindibox.net/ul/2015/06/05/5570f927d57a0.png01:24
bindifiles inside my home folder are 0640, dirs 075001:24
gzcwnklemme look, no firewall?01:25
bindiit worked before i started fiddling my permissions to something more secure :P01:25
bindii run iptables but i'm 100% confident it's not in the way01:25
gzcwnkLOL, so waht did you change?01:25
gzcwnkthe valid users?01:26
bindii can't remember exactly :)01:26
bindinah, smb.conf was untouched and then it broke01:26
gzcwnkso take out the vlaid users and try again01:26
bindii think i made /storage and /storage/home root:root01:26
bindido i want that though?01:26
gzcwnkoh ok01:26
bindiand 0700 /storage/home01:26
bindithat's not good then i take it :P01:26
bindi.. but i dont think that should matter01:27
gzcwnkwell do one thing at a atime and retest is best01:27
bindii mean01:27
bindii really dont want to change my perms, i dont think that's a fix :P01:27
gzcwnktry chmod 0750 on storage01:27
samthewildonewow so the network manager crashed.01:28
gzcwnk0755 ?01:28
bindithat's not what i'd like :P01:28
gzcwnktry it to prove what the issue is01:28
bindibut nope01:28
gzcwnkresatrt smb01:29
bindii did01:29
gzcwnkrestart smb01:29
bindiroot@meskhenet:/etc/samba# chmod 0755 /storage/01:29
bindiroot@meskhenet:/etc/samba# service smbd restart01:29
gzcwnktake out the valid users and resatrt01:29
gzcwnkwhats teh error message?01:30
bindierror message where, windwos?01:30
Hilikusi'm reinstalling ubuntu server, i am reformatting my / partition but not my /home partition. my question is, should i also format my /boot partition?01:31
gzcwnkhmm thats the same config now as I ahve01:32
gzcwnklemme look up some commands01:33
bindiand your users are created with smbpasswd -a user?01:33
bindii had this problem since day 1 using smbd tbh, i just did a "fine lets fix it" and let it be01:33
gzcwnkbindi do u have  ashell on the smb server?01:37
gzcwnkas your user type smbclient -L localhost01:38
bindiyes i do01:38
gzcwnklets see teh output01:38
bindiCould not chdir to home directory /storage/home/bindi: Permission denied01:38
bindiok i think my perms arent that good01:38
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gzcwnkso cd  / and do a ls -l lets see what is on /storage01:39
kulelu88Hi. I get this error when trying to install python-gtk2: E: Unable to locate package python-gtk2 . Any help?01:39
KimI just upgraded to 15.04, and now Hangouts and other Chrome apps are grouped with Chrome on the launcher01:39
bindidrwxr-x---  10 root root    10 Aug 22  2014 storage01:39
KimDoes anyone know of a way to fix this?01:40
gzcwnkkule apt-cache search python-gtk2   ?01:40
gzcwnkbindi do a 0777 /storage01:40
kostkonkulelu88, or apt-cache policy python-gtk2 even01:41
gzcwnkbindi do a chmod 0777 /storage01:41
bindigzcwnk: didnt work01:41
bindioh wait i typod01:41
bindihold on .P01:41
kulelu88well there's quite a few of them. Do I install them all?01:41
bindiwell didnt work either01:41
gzcwnkcd /storage and chmod 0777 home01:41
bindithat fixed it01:41
gzcwnkkule pick teh one you like the look of, the higehst number probably01:41
gzcwnkbindi: so you can now mount the smb?01:42
bindihold on01:42
kulelu88the highest is: python-gtk201:42
bindifixed the perms01:42
bindigzcwnk: yup i can01:42
bindii made storage and storage/home 0750, and made them root:sambashares, and my user is in sambashares01:42
kostkonkulelu88, sudo apt-get install python-gtk201:42
kulelu88maybe the problem is that this is a dockerfile :/01:43
gzcwnkyou need to be able to execute a dir to get into it01:43
bindinow i need to fix a jailed or chrooted or whatever user dir for one user01:44
bindiso he cant go out of his home dir01:44
bindi(this is why i started fixing up my perms)01:44
bindibut apparently i cant do that when the home dir is here :P01:44
gzcwnkas a smb user?01:44
bindinah, sshfs01:45
bindiso sftp01:45
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bindiI'd probably do it with smb but I can't change the port01:45
bindiI ran smb with open ports for a few friends for a week or two... the amount of attacks is incredible01:45
gzcwnkyes it is01:45
gzcwnkbut so is ssh atatcks01:46
bindifail2ban and custom port \o/01:46
Guest83573anyone can help me run havij on ubuntu?01:46
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gzcwnkset allow users in sshd_config and insist on tough passwords01:46
gzcwnkthere is a group out thee doing world wide ssh attacks01:46
bindior just use private keys =)01:47
bindigzcwnk: have you used ChrootDirectory with ssh?01:50
rOm3Obindi can you help?01:50
gzcwnkbindi, no01:51
bindirOm3O: oh but i'm here for help myself01:52
rOm3OThank you bindi :)01:52
rOm3Oat least you saw my message01:52
rOm3OYou my carry on01:52
KimHm.  Guess I found a workaround.  Requires having Chrome create shortcuts on the desktop, and for whatever reason moving them to another directory causes Unity to group them anyway01:55
KimDisabling desktop icons makes it visually cleaner, but it's still a bit silly when these are things that probably shouldn't be grouped01:56
advx_Hi Good Morning All02:01
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome02:03
kali_how to I get color theames in terminal02:10
kali_how to I get color theames in terminal02:15
xiaorbtweek .bashrc kali_02:18
xiaorbvim ~/.bashrc02:19
kali_I want like a zenburn stile theame02:19
ObrienDaveopen it with a word processor02:19
kali_but what edits do I make02:21
Arnie25what else could be blocking connections to mysql externally? nmap mysite's-ip -p 3306 says the state is filtered. in my.cnf i set bind-address to the server's ip, I tried disabled iptables using /etc/init.d/iptables stop and i also added 3306 to TCP_IN and TCP_OUT in CSF and then restarted it. also tried commenting out bind-address all together from my.cnf02:21
kali_xiaorb: what edits do I make02:22
gzcwnkarnie try nmap02:24
xiaorbfor starters you need to uncomment a line:   46#force_color_prompt=yes02:24
xiaorbto read02:24
gzcwnkarnie firewall?02:24
xiaorb force_color_prompt=yes02:24
xiaorbthen scroll down and tweak the other color directives, but make a backup first and i think you need to logout /login( of the terminal at least) to see the changes02:25
jimcornettesource ~/.bashrc02:26
jimcornettexiaorb,  ^^02:26
lordramusany one here got an idea on mssql server02:26
jimcornettexiaorb, to run new bashrc profiles and what not with out login and log out02:27
xiaorbcool, haven't heard of that02:27
gzcwnkmssql or mysql?02:27
lordramusmicrosoft server02:27
xiaorbyeah i know that it locks up real bad under load haha02:28
xiaorblordramus ^^02:28
lordramusdo you know how tho limit the entry into a database using the check constrain02:29
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spkb24anyone here?02:45
pkircherno .. we are all bots02:45
spkb24Oh ok, cool02:46
spkb24By AndroidLoveInSF02:46
spkb24Bye* AndroidLoverInSF*02:46
spkb24nice talking to yall bots02:46
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Arnie25gzcwnk: is there anyway to check what's blocking the port?02:47
gzcwnkwhat does nmap say?02:48
gzcwnktry iptables -L -n02:48
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B0g4r7Arnie25, you can't really "stop" iptables/netfilter.  It's not a service that runs with a userspace daemon.  It's a filter that sits in kernelspace doing it's thing based on its current configuration.02:56
B0g4r7So yeah, iptables -n -L.  Also man iptables.02:57
Arnie25B0g4r7: there are 800 lines... any suggestions on what to look for? :D02:58
imanI messed up with /etc/sudoers then I got to recovery mode and try to fix sudoers file but when I want to fix the file using nano it says "root is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported" what I have to do now? do i have to install ubuntu again?03:00
EriC^^iman: are you doing sudo nano ?03:01
EriC^^you don't need sudo if you're root03:01
EriC^^also you should probably use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers, it checks for syntax errors and whatnot before saving03:02
imanEriC^^: okay but when I don't use sudo i can't change the file because that says "readonly"03:02
EriC^^iman: type mount -o remount,rw /03:02
EriC^^it's cause the filesystem is still mounted read-only03:03
imanEriC^^: it works perfectly, thank you03:05
EriC^^iman: no problem03:06
imanEriC^^: but i still have a problem, I used to login with my username and i used sudo perfect but now when I want to use sudo it says, iman is not in the sudoers file. his incident will be reported.03:08
imanEriC^^: i just fixed what i did in sudoers file but i still get same message03:08
RazzdollDoes anyone know this problem?03:09
xanguaRazzdoll: you have to state a problem first03:09
EriC^^iman: type id as your user03:11
EriC^^or type id <your user>03:12
kumavisinstalling ubuntu server -- tried a couple of different images, and they're self-reporting a bad signature for GRUB03:12
kumavismd5 for iso matches tho03:13
imanEriC^^: i did type "adduser iman sudo" and it says iman is in sudo group03:13
EriC^^type id iman03:13
EriC^^cause it takes a logout and log in for it to show03:13
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imanEriC^^: uid=1000(iman) gid=1000(bita) groups=1000(bita),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)03:14
imanEriC^^: uid=1000(iman) gid=1000(iman) groups=1000(iman),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)03:14
EriC^^iman: ok, are you sure there's a % before sudo in the sudoers file?03:14
EriC^^%sudo ALL: .....03:14
imanEriC^^: no, how can i make sure? do I have to come with recovery mode again?03:15
imanEriC^^: %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL03:19
EriC^^iman: that looks ok, what did you modify in the file?03:19
imanEriC^^: I added Defaults    env_keep="something" but I removed it03:21
imanEriC^^: is there any backup from sudoers file?03:21
imanEriC^^: when i type "adduser iman sudo" it says The user `iman` is already a member of `sudo`03:22
EriC^^iman: ok, if you type su iman03:23
EriC^^and then try sudo -l03:23
imanEriC^^: Sorry, user iman may not run sudo on ubuntu.03:24
Razzdollxangua, oops! lol thanks.03:24
RazzdollWhats wrong with the terminal in ubuntu? Everytime I try to resize it.. It minimizes to the size of a pencil...03:24
EriC^^iman: ok, do you have any backup file as /etc/sudoers.save* ?03:26
imanEriC^^: i have. sudoers sudoers~ sudoers.d/ sudoers.save sudoers.save.103:27
EriC^^iman: ok, use the latest one03:29
imanEriC^^: I did copy that, do I need to reboot the system?03:30
imanEriC^^: It worked, i appreciate it bud03:33
Razzdollxangua,  do you know?03:34
otter_just made a little ubuntu machine out of an old aspire 103:35
otter_it runs so much better! amazing03:36
=== tanuki_ is now known as tanuki
michael_pnvidia any probs04:15
nikolamUbuntu software center still does not have options to actually display software license before installing applications.04:20
nikolamAnd "Open source" for license in not informative enough04:20
nikolamAnd I would like to see Software center to be able to filter apps by licence04:20
RazzdollHow do I connect a usb wireless adapter when I want to my desktop, and not use my ethernet connection, and visa versa (This is probably the dumbest question asked yet), in linux?04:21
Ricky_Rat5005I want to set up Ubuntu server so I can use it as a file server. Is it best to run it from a USB or to install it? (I have 4 - 4TB Drives in a RAID 10)04:22
nikolamRazzdoll, well you have that nifty network manager in the corner, where you can set network settings04:23
gzcwnkinstall it....though freenass is quite nice04:23
Razzdollnikolam, the up and down arrow?04:23
gzcwnkraid5 gives youmore volume unless you really need the IO04:24
Razzdollnikolam, when i plug the usb in, will it let me choose if i want to use that or the wired?04:24
nikolamRazzdoll, I supose you would like to have it switching automatically between lan and wireless? Maybe by writing some script to do that, that depends on LAN state?04:24
Ricky_Rat5005gzcwnk - Yeah, I have played with FreeNAS, but I want to try this out. And I don't like RAID5, I'd rather get the speed. With FreeNas, the software handles the raid, is that the same way if I install Ubuntu server or do I need to configure the raid 1st in the bios if I go the Ubuntu Server Route?04:25
nikolamRazzdoll, Personally, I am on Xubuntu with Xfce, don't know exactly how it is in Unity, lately, but I suppose it is similar, I just select network from drop down menu and connect04:25
treelzebubRazzdoll: worst-case scenario, you'll have to manually add your network device for discovery. Absolute worst-case: your wifi device is not supported by linux.04:27
Ricky_Rat5005gzcwnk ?04:31
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Razzdolltreelzebub, oh no, it is recognizable. i just was wondering if i could switch easily from wired and wireless04:32
Razzdollnikolam,  yes04:32
Ricky_Rat5005I've been using FreeNas and want to move to Ubuntu server. In FreeNas the software handles the RAID for me. Is Ubuntu the same or do I need to set up the RAID in the BIOS before installing?04:32
treelzebubRazzdoll: My Ubuntu 14.10 machine has wired and wifi connected simultaneously and seamlessly :)04:34
treelzebubout of the box... no work done on my part04:34
nikolamRazzdoll, it would be great if it woud switch automatically between LAN and wireless, that would need some kind of script that would react on changed conditions.04:34
histoRicky_Rat5005: you can setup software raid in ubuntu as well04:34
nikolamtreelzebub, how do you know where it routes connections when connected with both connections at the same time?04:35
Ricky_Rat5005histo is there a pref? Will Ubutu server recognize a 8 TB drive (4 4TB in Raid 10)?04:35
nikolamRicky_Rat5005, or you can just use BTRFS, it has RAID integrated, like ZFS does.. Avoiding Linux mdraid stuff..04:35
treelzebubnikolam: I have always assumed that it prefers the wired connection, but you can always to a traceroute and compare your local ip to whatever ifconfig spits out04:36
Ricky_Rat5005Nik05 BTRFS?04:36
treelzebub*do a traceroute04:36
histoRicky_Rat5005: during installation you can specify your setup. I would read some tutorials on a server install with raid04:36
Ricky_Rat5005histo & Nik05 - Thanks!04:37
nikolamRicky_Rat5005, with BTRFS you can move back and forward and even upgrade from ext to btrfs. I personally was switching from single disk install on ext4 to raid1 on btrfs. Altrought, not as robust as ZFS (But you have ZfsOnLinux that works fine on Ubuntu)04:37
Ricky_Rat5005nikolam - thanks. I'll look into it.04:37
nikolamtreelzebub, if you have 2 adapters, you can do traceroute, too :P04:38
treelzebubyessir :)04:38
nikolamRicky_Rat5005, I'll personally always use ZFS for important data. It's more robust, supported on many platforms. and BTRF for system part in Linux. BTRFS have some nifty things, like having several raid levels per dataset on same pool.04:39
Razzdolltreelzebub, this is ubuntu 15.0404:41
Razzdollnikolam, oh04:41
Razzdolltreelzebub,  lucky devil :)04:41
treelzebubRazzdoll: not aware of any breaking changes in 15.04 that would be causing your issue. though i also joined the # after you asked your initial question, so i'm not sure what you're experiencing04:42
Razzdolltreelzebub, i am not experiencing any issues at the moment, just asking cause i want to buy a usb adapter and have both04:44
treelzebubRazzdoll: honestly, it shouldn't be a problem as long as you are sure the adapter is linux-compatible04:44
Razzdolltreelzebub, oh yes, ive been reading some about this, it must be compatible with linux kernel04:45
treelzebubtbh, i've always assumed the OS was bridging the connections, but i have never really looked into it04:45
treelzebubmy usb wifi adapter is the Edimax EW-7811Un ...never had a problem, and it's about $10 :)04:47
treelzebubjust stay away from anything using Broadcom chips04:47
Scott_SBroadcom chips aren't bad, at least they have better support than Intel.04:48
Ben64not true04:49
treelzebubsuper not true04:50
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detorranyone know a good tutorial for ubuntu sdk?05:29
skitsquick question. when using sudo useradd -d /home/testuser -m testuser how do i do that via terminal with copying the default files normally copied when making a user?05:35
xcezzzskits you can use the -k option to specify a skeleton directory05:36
skitsok, will th -k option overwrite existing files?05:37
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xcezzzi honestly am not sure lol... but just so you know.. 'adduser' is a ubuntu only tool for adding users that does more than the base useradd... you just specify the username dont need a bunch of options05:39
skitsah, cool I really appreciate the help. :) Thank you very much!05:40
* skits waves05:40
* xcezzz high fives05:40
harishkrupono -k will not overwrite files in the directory but it will overwrite the existing skel files05:41
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Guest93096I can't shut down my Ubuntu 15.04 system except by pulling the electric plug on the back of it.  I even tried to do a "sudo halt" in a terminal, but it just hangs.06:21
EriC^^what do you mean?06:22
Guest93096I try the menu and logout, but it never gives me the popup to choose "shutdown"06:22
babyknows"sudo poweroff"06:22
Guest93096babyknows: But WHY doesn't the menu choice work06:22
Guest93096It worked before06:23
Guest93096babyknows: Just tried the command you gave me "sudo poweroff".  Didn't work either06:24
EriC^^what do you mean by didn't work06:25
agent_white! didn't work06:29
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)06:29
newbie|2I'm back with the poweroff issue06:31
newbie|2"sudo poweroff" works in a terminal, but not in the "run" option of the menu.  But why doesn't "logout" ->"shutdown" work?06:32
newbie|2babyknows: Why don't functions in the menu work?06:32
agent_whitenewbie|2: Are you in the 'power' group?06:38
agent_white`groups` to show you what groups you're in.06:38
=== erwin is now known as theApprentice
UnhammerI tried removing "quiet splash $vthandoff" from boot params, and on shutdown I now see this: https://unhammer.org/owncloud/index.php/s/n5CvcsB4cqkDXUo06:53
Unhammerbut computer does not shut down, I have to press the button06:54
Unhammertried both acpi=off and acpi=force, on difference, so I guess it's unrelated to acpi?06:54
UnhammerAlso, if I want to document my trials and tribulations with a certain system, should I make a wiki page somewhere or what?06:56
auronandaceUnhammer: you have enough problems to detail them in a wiki?06:59
Unhammerauronandace,  yes07:00
auronandaceUnhammer: if you feel it would be of benefit to others then it would be great to make a wiki page but it should be updated to show solutions to your problems too07:02
Unhammerauronandace,  e.g. for uefi dual-boot, I tried all the regular fastboot→off,secureboot→off,bcdedit,boot-repair; ended up having to manually swap the linux and windows efi files (with the help of EriC^^ )07:02
Unhammerof course. a bunch of "this doesn't work" would just be annoying :)07:03
auronandaceUnhammer: you could also try posting questions to ask ubuntu if you've already searched and nobody else has asked the question07:04
auronandace!askubuntu | Unhammer07:04
ubottuUnhammer: AskUbuntu is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try AskUbuntu! - http://askubuntu.com/ You can discuss AskUbuntu in #ubuntu-stack07:04
Unhammeryeah, haven't found anything similar there yet, though maybe I'm not formulating it well enough07:04
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princeany one worked on linux device drivers?07:14
princeI have one query related to USB HUB driver.07:15
princeOur developer has written a USB hub device driver which interfaces wifi dongel and HDMI to DM365 but for USB HUB I am not seeing any mount point in  /dev/ or /sys/class/ folders. I want to test the HUB whether it is wroking or not can any one help me.07:17
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nso95partitioned ubuntu, now after my first boot i cant access the grub screen on reboot07:40
rs94202Hi, I am trying to install OpenStack on a single box within the LXC containers but the openstack-install script hangs at the exit of the lxc-start command (while the same command exits quite ok when run directly in the console) any ideas what might be going wrong?07:45
llutzrs94202: wrong shell (user-shell vs system-shell), wrong shebang in script?07:49
rs94202how can I tell which shell is used? in the python script I see     p = Popen(command, shell=True,               stdout=STDOUT, stderr=stderr_dest,               bufsize=-1, env=cmd_env, close_fds=True)07:52
rs94202sorry, this was some of my experiments to make it work, here is the original code in the cloudinstall/utils.py script         p = Popen(command, shell=True,                   stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,                   bufsize=-1, env=cmd_env, close_fds=True)07:53
llutzrs94202: python ... not really an idea about that.  i'd check the environment for differences (vars, path etc.) if you run it as user07:55
rs94202llutz:I am running it with sudo -E07:56
llutzrs94202: which uses your users environment07:57
rs94202llutz: yes, and this is what the ubuntu docs say about running the installer07:58
rs94202I have debugged with pudb3 and the execution hangs at:     stdout, stderr = p.communicate() and the funny thing is that the command (lxc-start) itself is getting executed because seconds later I can see the container up and running and the init script inside the container seems to complete just fine, for some reason either some of the pipes is not closed or something else is happening08:02
llutzrs94202: sry cannot help you with that08:03
rs94202any idea where I can ask? I read there are some topics but I do not find a way to pick up a topic from this web client (I cannot use any other client as I am behind a proxy)08:04
llutzrs94202: /msg alis list *lxc*        or  list *openstack*      maybe, to get a list of related channels08:06
rs9420210x :)08:06
rs94202 /msg alis list *lxc*08:07
agent_whiters94202: Maybe #python or #learnprogramming ?08:07
agent_whiteThough I would first paste your entire code, as well as any debugging info in a gist/pastie/pastebin, etc.08:08
hellcookHi all08:09
rs94202the point is this is not my code, the code is released by canonical, I was hoping someone that developed it is around and could give a hint, I do not need generic python or programming help, I need some support on that very openstack/cloudinstall script08:09
hellcookDoes anyone know how to rebind capslock to ctrl+b ?08:10
rs94202and for soem reason I cannot search for any topics ...when i type /msg alis ...whatever ...nothing happens it just gets posted into the chat08:11
agent_whitehellcook: Generally for all key-mappings, use `setxkbmap`.08:11
agent_whiters94202: It looks like your "/msg alias" had a space in it... " /msg ..." instead of "/msg"08:12
hellcookagent_white: I had a basic "setxkbmap -option caps:ctrl_modifier" in a init_script. Do you know how I could change it to something like "setxkbmap -option caps:ctrl_modifier+b" ?08:13
rs94202agent_white: 10x :)08:13
agent_whiters94202: ?08:14
cah-technikcan help me08:14
mr_seansStupid question, that for some reason I can't format a google search to figure out this late at night.  I have 2x GPU's installed, NOT in SLI mode.  The only way I got that setup working is to actually have two x sessions.  Two monitors are one one card, one on the other.  The two on one card = xinerama, work fine.  The third = it's own Xsession, works fine.  Very happy.08:16
mr_seansHowever, when I start a program - it ALWAYS starts on that xsession in the future, no matter which session I launch it from.08:17
mr_seansExample: Chrome will only run on the second X-Session, and there's no way I can figure to say, start it up on the main session.  So it's stuck on the third monitor.08:17
mr_seans(If it matters, I run XFCE)08:18
agent_whitehellcook: Have you looked into ".xbindkeysrc" ?08:19
agent_whitehellcook: Also, checkout `xbindkeys -k` to see the combination of keys when pressing ctrl+b... it should be "Control+Mod2+b" or something of the sort.08:20
agent_whitehellcook: Though, personally, I use ".Xmodmap".08:21
melbaubuntuheey guys, where can i find the support channel for ubuntu08:22
agent_whitemelbaubuntu: This is it!08:22
melbaubuntui know that xd08:22
melbaubuntui have a problem with mty spotify, when i want to install spotify08:22
murchahow can I find a script which saves the databases backups in my root directory?08:23
melbaubuntui follow this but it doesn't work http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-install-spotify-in-ubuntu08:23
hellcookagent_white: thank you for answering. I've read xbindkeys cannot directly rebind keys, rather keys to commands.08:25
melbaubuntuthis is the error i get08:25
Ben64thats not an error08:25
melbaubuntuwhat is it?08:26
agent_whitemr_seans: It's not ubuntu, but this is what you need to do: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multihead#Xinerama08:26
Ben64telling you what its doing08:26
agent_whitehellcook: Checkout .Xmodmap instead. That's what I use :)08:26
melbaubuntui 'm at school. Can it be that they bcked a port?08:26
hellcookagent_white: xmodmap allow to map keycodes, however ctrl+b is the keycode of ctrl follow by the keycode of b. Would you know how to map capslock keycode to "ctrl keycode followed by b keycode" ? :)08:27
agent_whitehellcook: Use `xev`!08:29
agent_whitehellcook: For just watch out, since it tracks mouse movements.08:29
Unhammerfor packages listed as "rc" under dpkg, how do I see what the actual files are?08:30
hellcookagent_white: alas, when I press 'ctrl+b' it displays ctrl keycode then b keycode08:30
hellcookagent_white: I mean, not a single keycode08:30
agent_whitehellcook: It doesn't recognize multiple-keys being hit at once. Just hit ctrl first... it _should_ display as "keycode 37... Control_L".08:31
agent_white"Control_L" is what we're looking for.08:31
histoUnhammer: -L08:31
agent_whiteSo, try modifying ".Xmodmap" on the line saying "keycode 23" to be... "08:31
agent_whitehellcook: "keycode  23 = Control_L b"08:32
histoUnhammer: so dpkg -L packagename08:32
Unhammerhisto,  that says no files08:32
Unhammerit still says rc08:32
histoUnhammer: is rc the package name?08:32
seekishey i am having quite a difficult time installing ubuntu on a windows 7 machine08:32
Unhammernono the status08:33
seekisi have tried USB and DVD08:33
Unhammerthe package is wine1.408:33
agent_whitehellcook: Actually... it may be "keycode  23 = Control_L b NoSymbol"08:33
histoUnhammer: dpkg -L wine1.408:33
Unhammeroutput from dpkg -l '*wine*' has lines like08:33
seekisboth result in a black and white spiral like pixelated screen that goes nowhere after ubuntu splash screen08:33
Unhammerrc  wine1.4 …08:33
agent_whitehellcook: Since each variable takes 3 arguments.08:33
agent_whiteOr more.08:33
histoUnhammer: rc means removed but configuration files remain08:33
llutzUnhammer: "rc" is package removed, configs still present08:33
Unhammerhisto,  I know. but dpkg -L wine1.4 says it has no files08:34
histoUnhammer: sorry missunderstood your original question08:34
histoUnhammer: because it's not installed08:34
Unhammerso how do I show the files that would be removed by purge?08:34
histoUnhammer: if you want to remove the configuration files apt-get purge packagename08:34
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agent_whitehellcook: `xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap` to create the initial file... modify it, then `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap` to apply changes, then test it!08:35
Unhammerhisto,  I don't know if I want to remove them, because I don't know what files they are)08:35
histoUnhammer: apt-get -s purge packagename08:35
llutzUnhammer: dpkg -L packagename        still will output the remaining files.08:35
Unhammeralready tried that, it doesn't list them08:35
histoUnhammer: -s is simulate doens't do anything jsut shows you what would occur08:35
seekisany one can help?08:36
Unhammerllutz,  so if -L  shows nothing, does that mean it's listed as "rc" even though there are no remaining config files?08:36
hellcookagent_white: thank you, I've tried, whith: xmodmap -e 'keycode 66 = Control_L b NoSymbol' , however it doesn't work. Does it work on your machine? If so, maybe mine just need to reboot.08:36
histoUnhammer: hrm that's odd no -s isn't showing the files properly I just checked with a different package08:36
agent_whitehellcook: No need to reboot, I'm having the same issue... one second!08:37
histoUnhammer: no idea the only files it should remove is anythgin in /etc08:39
histoUnhammer: sudo find /etc -iname 'wine*'08:39
Unhammerok. definitely not anything in /home, right?08:40
histoUnhammer: right should not touch users /home08:40
histoUnhammer: backup just incase though08:41
histoUnhammer: Yeah just deletes central configuration08:41
Unhammerhave nightlies :)08:41
histoUnhammer: What are you trying to accomplish btw?08:41
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Unhammerhisto,  uh not sure I got sidetracked :)08:43
Unhammerwas installing wine from their ppa and wanted to ensure I had no old cruft08:43
histoUnhammer: you can move the .wine directory in your home if you think it might be your configs08:43
bulbasaurHey guys... I am looking to set up an apt repo on my server that provides a couple of packages. Does anyone have any documentation explaining how to do this?08:46
histo!repo | bulbasaur08:47
ubottubulbasaur: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.08:47
bulbasaurhisto: This is the exact opposite of what I want -_-08:51
bulbasaurI want to setup my own repo, not add one08:51
striethorstHello, evryone. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I have a Canon MX475. I can't scan :(08:52
cotalinuxhello, does anyone know if you can have split pane in Ubuntu 14.04 Nautilus? From web search I get that this feature once existed and now it doesn't. Anyone know something about this?08:53
histocotalinux: it was removed upstream in gnome08:57
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histocotalinux: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285588/is-there-a-way-to-restore-nautilus-split-screen-f3-feature09:00
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cotalinuxhisto: thank you09:10
hpekdemirhi. I've setup an experimental OSPFv2 testing environment. testing purpose is redundancy (router to router link) and failover. everything works great so far. but one problem: how do I tell the clients09:10
hpekdemirthat a router has gone down.09:11
hpekdemirI always delete the route and add the other router as default by hand.09:11
agent_whitehellcook: Still trying to get this working!!! :(09:11
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hellcookagent_white: omg, thank you so much09:16
agent_whitehellcook: Figure it out?09:17
agent_whitehellcook: I've been battling with it, but think I figured it out!09:17
Gh0st-getting this error -bash: /usr/bin/node: No such file or directory09:17
Gh0st-when I am trying to run IRCanyWhere09:17
chotaz`wSince the compiz channel is pretty much idleing and my problem is really killing my workflow. I'll take a shot. I'm on ubuntu 15.04, my rigs consists mainly of 8GB of RAM and an i7 vPro, I wasn't expecting this rig to get hogged easily but sometimes when I'm hoping around viewports with Compiz my system freezes for a bit and sometimes it leads to fully fledged crashed(kernel panic? SysRq doesnt even work). I have no clue how to trace and fix this09:18
chotaz`wproblem, or even if theres any way to fix this, so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.09:18
agent_whitehellcook: Did you figure it out? I found a solution...09:19
hellcookagent_white: no, I didn't. What did you find?09:20
murchaERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) got this on ubuntu.09:23
jellowmurcha: is MySQL running?09:24
dionysus69hello all, how do I get a mask so my ip doesnt show up ?09:24
murchajellow: yes09:24
murchajellow:  i did restart, shutdown server, all but no help09:25
jellow!mask | dionysus6909:25
ubottudionysus69: To get any kind of cloak (Ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page. For unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.09:25
dionysus69WHOIS: jellow09:26
dionysus69jellow: thanks x)09:26
agent_whitehellcook: Crap... hold on :(09:27
jellowmurcha: How did you check it was running?09:27
jellowdionysus69 not a problem :)09:28
avengerWhat are good vector graphic software which have many BRUSH options like photoshop . Don't say inkscape.09:29
murchajellow: service mysql status09:31
jellowmurcha: in that case I'm not sure perhaps look at logs for anything problematic09:32
avengerWhat are good vector graphic software which have many BRUSH options like photoshop . Don't say inkscape.09:34
yoggI have a question about the proftpd mod_copy problem (CVE-2015-3306). The problem is arround for some time and there is currently no fix from ubuntu side. Debian and other distris have already fixed this. Is there any information why there is currently no fix for 12.04 and 14.04 available?09:35
ubottuThe mod_copy module in ProFTPD 1.3.5 allows remote attackers to read and write to arbitrary files via the site cpfr and site cpto commands. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3306)09:35
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hellcookagent_white: alright, thank you so much for your time, but it's been long now, you probably have some things to do or your own problems to solve. :)09:38
agent_whitehellcook: Unfortunately I'm hellbent on getting this to work :P09:38
agent_whiteRight now, I have it working but it's sending the ctrl+f WAAAAY too many times.09:38
hellcookagent_white: :D09:39
agent_whitehellcook: I added "xdotool key --clearmodifiers ctrl+f" (then down below that line, with 2 space indent) "Mod2 + Caps_Lock"  in .xbindkeysrc.09:39
agent_whiteSo it works!... but it SPAMS ctrl+f09:39
agent_whiteLike, so much it makes my caps_lock key flicker :P09:40
agent_white(the Mod2) isn't in caps... here, let me make a quick pastie.09:40
hellcookagent_white: congrats, you have unlocked the disco mode of your keyboard. :)09:40
agent_whiteHahah I know right?09:40
agent_whitehellcook: https://gist.github.com/jakenotjacob/1aab81543373abd767ba#file-xbindkeysrc-L6909:42
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hellcookagent_white: thank you!09:43
agent_whiteSo that's my current .xbindkeysrc file.  First, and each and every time I modify it, I run `killall -s1 xbindkeys`, to ensure it isn't running... then once I save it and close it, I run `xbindkeys` to test it out.09:43
agent_whiteSo, check it out! Let me know if it spams the hell out of "control+f" for you, too :P09:44
ezzoCan I run ubuntu installer from ubuntu?09:45
ezzoCan I run ubuntu installer from ubuntu? please answer09:46
hellcookezzo: what do you want to do?09:47
ezzoi want to downgrade from 14.10 to 14.02 lts09:47
hellcookezzo: from what I know (but I haven't tried this a lot) you'll have to make a fresh install :(09:48
llutzezzo: you can't easily. backup your stuff, your settings and re-install from scratch09:48
DJonesezzo: You can't downgrade from one release to an earlier one, the only way is a fresh install of the LTS release09:48
ezzoso i have to reeboot from cd?09:48
llutzezzo: or usb or use debootstrap, yes09:49
ezzowhat is debootstrap?09:49
llutzezzo: a way to install ubuntu/debian from a running system09:49
ezzollutz: is it easy or hard? I know in osx and windows but not linux09:50
llutzezzo: it's not like wubi. it installs a real system into a mounted filesystem. it just needs some attention, because there is no neat "click & ready" installer. easier to use cd/dvd/usb09:51
ezzollutz: thanks. going to downgrade my vm soon09:52
hellcookagent_white: I have tried the xdotool command in the term directly, and indeed, there are several keystrokes09:53
agent_whitehellcook: May have solved it...09:54
agent_whitehellcook: "xdotool keydown --clearmodifiers ctrl+f keyup ctrl+f"09:56
ezzollutz: I am in the proccess now. thanks09:58
dionysus69hey so I have around 2gb ram occupied out of 8gb, but on the performance monitor there is another "layer" called cache and it changes rapidly, it reached 8gb couple times and during that couple seconds computer lags seriously09:59
dionysus69so what is the cache ????09:59
agent_whitehellcook: Rather10:00
agent_whitehellcook: "xdotool keydown --clearmodifiers ctrl+f; xdotool keyup ctrl+f"  So we call xdotool twice instead.10:01
kaseoga_hi! just now i upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04 and now i only have terminal10:01
kaseoga_what can i do ?10:01
trijntjedionysus69: that data that has been read from the harddisk. Linux will keep that in the cache in case it needs it later10:02
kaseoga_DanShark:  ?10:03
dionysus69trijntje: that sounds awfully like what ram is supposed to be haha10:03
hellcookagent_white: xbindkeys doesn't seem to make the binding...10:03
agent_whitehellcook: `killall xbindkeys`10:03
agent_whiteThen run `xbindkeys` again and try :)10:03
hellcookagent_white: yep, I've been using it for some years ;)10:03
trijntjedionysus69: yep, it speeds up performance quite a bit, and if a program needs more ram the chace will be cleared, so there is no downside ;)10:03
agent_whitehellcook: Ah shit... so no other instances o xbindkeys running?10:04
dionysus69trijntje: yep sounds good I guess ^.^ thanks10:04
hellcookagent_white: in my vimrc "    au BufRead,BufNewFile .xbindkeysrc set makeprg=killall\ -HUP\ xbindkeys\;\ xbindkeys10:04
agent_whitehellcook: Ahhh good deal :)  So you're trying to make use of capslock for vim?10:05
hellcookagent_white: for tmux actually10:05
agent_whiteAh good deal!10:05
agent_whitehellcook: Well shit man... I have no idea otherwise. It's almost stupid how hard it is to bind a key combination... xmodmap needs to support that.10:06
hellcookagent_white: mac users have a nice little tool to map capslock to c-b...10:06
hellcookagent_white: thank you very much for all this time10:06
agent_whitehellcook: Yeah I believe there's quite a few GUI tools out there to do this, but I'm much more inclined to figure it out without those! There's more than enough built-in tools that should be able to do this easily :(10:07
hellcookagent_white: I think so10:07
agent_whitehellcook: Hahah no worries at all! It was a good question I was personally curious about :)10:07
agent_whitehellcook: Actually... before I officially give up... one last attempt...10:09
anothernickhy all.. i need line in terminal to listen audio input coming from microphone10:10
kaseoga_after upgrade to ubuntu 15.04 i get black screen, if u press ctrl alt f2 i get terminal10:13
kaseoga_what can i do ?10:13
agent_whitehellcook: Yeah I give up :( Damned.10:14
anothernicknevermind :-D thank u10:19
frank_oHi! Attempting to `apt-get install screen` but getting `404 Not Found [IP: 80]`. I followed http://askubuntu.com/questions/352864/apt-get-update-not-working-not-found-ip-91-189-92-201-80 and changed `archive` to `old-releases` in `/etc/apt/sources.list` but now I'm getting `E: Unable to locate package screen`.10:20
geirhafrank_o: sounds like it's time to upgrade10:21
frank_ogeirha: im not the owner of the box unfortunately10:21
frank_osucks that ubuntu is such a clusterfuck of complexity that it cant sustain slightly older releases10:22
frank_ogonna try to convince the admin to switch to openbsd10:23
frank_osorry for the harsh words =/10:23
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yoggfrank_o: wich version to you use? I have 8.04 machines that work without problems with "old-releases" (but geirha is right with time to upgrade :) )10:30
histo!eol | frank_o10:33
ubottufrank_o: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:33
frank_oyogg: im running ubuntu 13.10.. or actually http://runnable.com/ is running ubuntu 13.10.. its their stuff im using..10:34
geirhaJust one more version and it will be supported till 201910:34
geirharegular releases are 9 months, LTS release are 5 years10:35
* frank_o remembers geirha from #bash and all the millions of times he's helped him perfect his code :D10:35
frank_owe love you man !!10:36
chotaz`wSince the compiz channel is pretty much idleing and my problem is really killing my workflow I'll try. I'm on ubuntu 15.04, my rig consists mainly of 8GB of RAM and an i7 vPro, I wasn't expecting this rig to get hogged easily but sometimes when I'm hoping around viewports with Compiz my system freezes for a bit and sometimes it leads to fully fledged crashes(kernel panic? REISUB doesnt even work..). I have no clue how to trace and fix this problem,10:36
chotaz`wor even if there's any way to fix this, so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. thanks in advance!10:36
histochotaz`w: do you have a swap?10:38
kaseoga_after upgrade to ubuntu 15.04 i get black screen, if u press ctrl alt f2 i get terminal, what can i do to get login screen?10:40
jasondockers_How do I upgrade a single package to the latest version?10:42
llutzjasondockers_: apt-get install package         if there is a newer version in the repo10:42
jasondockers_llutz, I only need to specify a version for deprecated versions?10:43
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XenuLivesDo I need to do anything special with my SSD - running 14.04?10:43
x4w3XenuLives: sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility10:43
x4w3check the health on it :_)10:44
histokaseoga_: try restarting lightdm.  sudo service lightdm restart10:44
llutzjasondockers_: packagename=version     for a specific version, if more than one is available. for latest version just packagename10:44
kaseoga_i tried10:44
kaseoga_and nothing10:44
jasondockers_llutz, thanks10:44
k1l_XenuLives: no since 14.04 it got trim support ootb10:45
histokaseoga_: what video card do you have?10:45
llutzXenuLives: you may disable swap on ssd, but the opinions about that vary10:45
kaseoga_buff i don't know just now wait10:45
x4w3k1l_: is not neccesary enable trim in 14?10:47
XenuLivesOnly smoking gun I've got so far is RubyMine running like crap10:47
chotaz`whisto, im pretty sure i have a swap, but how can I ge completely sure?10:47
histochotaz`w: free -m10:47
llutzchotaz`w: swapon -s10:48
kaseoga_histo:  an ati10:48
histokaseoga_: maybe a video driver issue10:48
k1l_x4w3: ubuntu makes an cronjob for planned trim if it finds a ssd installed10:49
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kaseoga_it have easy solution histo ?10:49
x4w3k1l_:  i will copy to kali :P10:49
histo!ati | kaseoga_10:50
ubottukaseoga_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:50
k1l_x4w3: i dont know how kali handles that. please see their support10:50
kaseoga_radeon 795010:51
k1l_kaseoga_: did you install the driver from ubuntu or from a website?10:52
kaseoga_from ubuntu10:52
chotaz`whisto, llutz just running free -m made my hang10:52
chotaz`wbut yes I have 8GB of swap10:52
kaseoga_oh wait k1l_10:55
kaseoga_i didn't install any driver10:55
chotaz`wOk, I'm trying this on a different approach, if my system was hanging, like really badly, to the point where I can't even REISUB where should I start looking for possible causes to this?10:57
histo!nomodeset | kaseoga_10:57
ubottukaseoga_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:57
histochotaz`w: logs10:57
chotaz`whisto, I'd have no clue as to what to look for or what specific file to starting searching10:58
histochotaz`w: journalctl10:59
ActionParsnipchotaz`w: run Memtest86 from Grub as a good starting point10:59
chotaz`wActionParsnip, That much I've already done, apparently I have no memory problems at all10:59
ActionParsnipchotaz`w: are you using Unity shell?11:01
chotaz`wActionParsnip, This is ubuntu-mate11:01
ActionParsnipchotaz`w: are you using COmpiz as WM ?11:01
chotaz`wActionParsnip, Yes, at a first look I'd assume it would be compiz causing this most of the times because these freezes happen a lot when I'm going back and forth between my dev/test/ops viewports(yes, shame on me for not having a second monitor yet)11:02
andrea_hello guys11:02
andrea_i'm new ubuntu user11:02
andrea_i would like to install ubuntu on my new leftop i've an AMD-E1 the pc it's a HP 233 G3 wich version of ubuntu i must download? Thanx11:04
kaseoga_now i install to many libraries from fglrx or something like this and now ubuntu stucks in the logo11:04
kaseoga_i did all these11:05
ActionParsnipchotaz`w: try a different WM11:05
histoandrea_: is the amd-e1 a x86 cpu?11:05
ActionParsnipandrea_: if you are new to Ubuntu then I'd suggest Ubuntu11:05
ActionParsnipandrea_: wait, is it a PPC CPU?11:06
chotaz`wActionParsnip, can I, by any means, first be sure that it's compiz causing this? my dock looks really retarded without compositing and not having shortkeys to switch between viewports will kill my workflow11:06
ActionParsnipchotaz`w: you can always switch back....11:06
andrea_hi histo no x86 it's intel11:06
histoandrea_: architecture11:07
ActionParsnipandrea_: then Ubuntu 14.04 as it is LTS and rock solid11:07
histoandrea_: how much ram do you have?11:07
andrea_ActionParsnip:  it's the new hp with amd -e1 processor11:07
andrea_histo:i have 4 giga of ram11:08
ActionParsnipandrea_: its powerful enough to run any flavour if Ubuntu. CHeck some screenshots / videoa to see which maches how you like to work. There is also Kubuntu if you like the Windows feel11:09
rkhunterGreeting everybody. Is there a way to display country flags in keyboard switch tray?11:09
andrea_histo: look here   http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bobcat/AMD-E%20Series%20E1-1200.html11:10
lotuspsychje!keyboard | rkhunter11:10
ubotturkhunter: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout11:10
kaseoga_i launch Xorg11:10
kaseoga_and it fails11:10
kaseoga_server terminated with error11:10
histoandrea_: just ubuntu x86-6411:10
ActionParsniprkhunter: what is the output of:    cat /etc/issue11:11
ActionParsnipkaseoga_: why are you launching Xorg. The DM should be doing that for you11:11
rkhunterCountry flags* 14.04.211:11
kaseoga_i don't know what im doing xD11:11
histoandrea_: if you want something lighter check out xubuntu 64 bit11:11
andrea_histo tank u so much If i put lubuntu the pc go better?11:11
histoandrea_: yeah lubuntu or xubuntu11:11
rkhunterIt isn't urgent, but it would be an eye candy11:12
oraclexzfwhat do you guys think is the most detailed network monitor11:12
andrea_histo  thank u again :)11:12
oraclexzfi want to see what ports and bandwith are used where11:12
ActionParsniprkhunter: check in dconf-editor for /org/gnome/libgnomekbd/indicator/show-flags   does it exist?11:12
daniele12457hi guys, i want to precompile a header can anyone tell me how to do?11:12
ActionParsnipkaseoga_: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue11:13
ActionParsniporaclexzf: ntop maybe...11:13
kaseoga_Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l11:13
rkhunterActionParsnip: I am checking it out11:13
llutzoraclexzf: iftop11:13
ActionParsnipkaseoga_: if you install the lightdm package then reboot, it should load at boot then load the desktop11:15
chotaz`wActionParsnip, I'll give metacity and mutter a try11:15
rkhunteris there a way to make fcitx show flags?11:16
ActionParsnipchotaz`w: mutter is great11:16
Notwangwhere can I find lxc-netstat in 14.04?11:16
ActionParsnip!info fcitx11:16
chotaz`wActionParsnip, is there anything like compiz-settings for mutter?11:16
ubottufcitx (source: fcitx): Flexible Input Method Framework. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (vivid), package size 5 kB, installed size 59 kB11:16
Notwanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/lxc-netstat.1.html says that it is provided by lxc package11:17
NotwangI have it installed but no lxc-netstat is present11:17
ActionParsniprkhunter: https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Install_(Ubuntu)   may  be able to enable it in  language-selector11:17
ActionParsnip!find lxc-netstat11:18
ubottuPackage/file lxc-netstat does not exist in vivid11:18
ActionParsnipNotwang: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:18
hellcookagent_white: hey, I had to restart the session, since I messed with setxkbmap & others. I've tried your suggestion (with setxkbmap -caps:shift), and it works! \o/11:18
hellcookagent_white: you are awesome11:18
kaseoga_ActionParsnip: nope, i did and it stuck in ubuntu login11:19
hellcookagent_white: I can now decently use tmux11:19
chotaz`wActionParsnip, and I just lost all usefullness of my desktop with mutter, no viewports, no alt tabbing, nada :(11:19
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agent_whitehellcook: Hell yeah!!! :D11:19
agent_whiteThat's awesome to hear! :)11:19
agent_whitehellcook: How goes that caps-lock light?  And do you need to press it twice for it to register the key event? Or does it register for each press?11:20
histoNotwang: dpkg -L lxc11:20
oraclexzfActionParsnip, llutz thanks ill try those11:20
rkhunterIs discussing ubuntu kylix relevant here?11:21
lotuspsychje!kylin | rkhunter11:21
ubotturkhunter: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin11:21
NotwangActionParsnip: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l11:21
Notwanghisto: no lxc-netstat in the output11:21
lotuspsychjerkhunter: if your question is english and about ubuntu, ask here11:22
hellcookagent_white: since "setxkbmap -caps:shift" it doesn't enter in caps_lock mode. I press it once, and it works. I've used "xdotool keydown --clearmodifiers ctrl+b keyup ctrl+b"11:22
rkhunterNah, I think I will just stick to configuring Sogou input11:23
kaseoga_ActionParsnip: something to do now?11:24
rkhunterActionParsnip, thanks anyway :)11:24
ActionParsnipNotwang: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/ja/man1/lxc-netstat.1.html    says its there (although in Japanese) but should be in the deb. Have you tried:    sudo updatedb; locate lxc-netstat11:24
ActionParsniprkhunter: Kylin is an official flavour, so is supported here11:25
rkhunterActionParsnip: Aight, good thing to know :D11:25
andrea_histo:A last questio,How can i set the screen resolution?I mean that i m forced to download the proprietary driver How can i find them? Itìs easy with ubuntu? Sorry but these new processors are really a tragedy THank u11:26
andrea_histo: How can i find the video driver for a good screen resolution ?11:28
lotuspsychjeandrea_: wich card and driver do you have right now?11:28
NotwangActionParsnip: even apt-file doesn't want to show where it may be11:30
histolotuspsychje: some amd-e1 cpu I'm assumign the video is part of the cpu if he's asking11:30
lotuspsychjehisto: intel-nvidia combo?11:30
andrea_lotuspsychje: AMD/ATI Kelindi hd readon11:30
lotuspsychjeandrea_: wich ubuntu version?11:31
jjavaholicsound converter is producing crackly mp3 output files what could be causing this?11:31
lotuspsychje!sound | jjavaholic11:31
ubottujjavaholic: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:31
andrea_lotuspsychje: i mean KALINDI sorry about the ubuntu i would like to install xubuntu11:32
andrea_lotuspsychje:i suppose to install the 14.04 version of xubuntu11:33
mikecmpblli'm getting a bit confused with awk, anyone any idea why i might be having hte following problem? https://gist.github.com/mikecmpbll/02cd008d092c3ec3395411:34
ShantI recently have installed ubuntu 12.04.2 alongside preinstalled 12.04LTS in my system.But my system is unable to detect wireless hardware or might be its driver please help me troubleshoot it!11:36
Ben64why two copies of 12.0411:36
andrea_lotuspsychje:AMD/ATI VESA-KALINDI HD READON  on xubuntu 14.0411:37
yamoonsunIs 12.04 still under LTS?11:37
histoShant: dmesg | grep -i firmware11:37
Ben6412.04 was never not LTS11:37
histoShant: also what type of wireless card?11:37
yamoonsunOn an unrelated not, can I remove a PPA?11:37
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:37
ShantIt shows11:38
Shant[    0.286437] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored11:38
lotuspsychjeandrea_: not sure mate, maybe the #xubuntu guys might know11:38
lotuspsychjeShant: wifi card chipset?11:38
k1lShant: the 12.04.2 is just a 12.04 with "the second servicepack". with the enablement stack it includes a newer kernel (3.5). but both should become a 12.04.4 when running the updates anyway.11:39
Shantno I installed it from live cd11:39
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ShantYa there is a wireless card preinstalled in my system but since I have installed new OS it shows:11:42
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Shantiwconfig usb0      no wireless extensions.  eth0      no wireless extensions.  lo        no wireless extensions.11:42
lotuspsychjeShant: what does sudo lshw -C network show11:42
Shanton command iwconfig11:42
andrea_lotuspsychje wich ubuntu version do u think thats  good to find these drivers?11:42
ActionParsnipyamoonsun: you can delete the .list file for the PPA in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/   for it if you want, but ppa-purge is a bit more graceful11:42
kaseoga_ActionParsnip: sorry for acose u but i did what u said and it stuck in the bootting logo11:43
ShantHardware Lister (lshw) - B.02.15 usage: lshw [-format] [-options ...]        lshw -version  -version        print program version (B.02.15)  format can be -html           output hardware tree as HTML -xml            output hardware tree as XML -short          output hardware paths -businfo        output bus information  options can be -class CLASS    only show a certain class of hardware -C CLASS        same as '-class CLASS' -11:43
Shanton command sudo lshw -C11:45
lotuspsychje!paste | Shant11:45
ubottuShant: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:45
lotuspsychjeShant: its sudo lshw -C network11:45
lotuspsychjeandrea_: did you setup ubuntu with internet and updates enabled during setup?11:46
jjavaholicwouldn't that be a codec/software issue and not a hardware setup issue?11:47
lotuspsychjejjavaholic: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?11:47
mikecmpbllnvm it was an output buffering issue i think11:48
ggoZI have a problem: I include a sh script into /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount/, it gets packed into initramfs image, but they are never executed when booting11:48
ggoZwhat am I missing?11:48
jjavaholicyes I do have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed11:49
ggoZ6 hours spent and still no luck getting them run11:49
Unhammerso in recovery mode, how do I connect to a wpa wifi network?11:49
ShantI have pasted output for command sudo lshw -C network. Please refer http://paste.ubuntu.com/11586646/.11:50
lotuspsychjejjavaholic: can you run that sound converter from terminal perhaps, to see relevant errors?11:50
lotuspsychje!atheros | Shant11:50
ubottuShant: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:50
yamoonsunActionParsnip, I'm so lost trying to delete them11:51
ShantWhat is the actual problem with it if you have been able to diagnose?11:53
ActionParsnipyamoonsun: yes 12.04 is still supported11:54
IndanoizeHi guys. I have machine with fresh installed Ubuntu 14.04.02 (LTS) and have trouble with SSH client. I can't connect to any ssh-server (localhost only). All connections looks like here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11541766/. I've tried my own servers, git, bitbucket, some free shell hosts. I've played with MTU size, ciphers and other client settings but result is always the same. Did anybody face same problem? Maybe some steps to locate 11:54
andrea_lotuspsychje: i'm just downloading the iso and burning on dvd11:54
ActionParsnipyamoonsun: what is the output of:  grep -i rarcrack /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*11:54
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ActionParsnipandrea_: be sure to MD5 test the ISO you download if you don't use torrents11:54
ActionParsnipIndanoize: you dont need to specify version, it will use ver 2 if its available11:55
IndanoizeActionParsnip: it doesn't matter. just copy-pasted last try output11:56
ShantWhat is the actual problem with it if you have been able to diagnose?11:57
yamoonsunActionParsnip: http://i.imgur.com/3M3nEo6.jpg11:57
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ActionParsnipyamoonsun: ok, then delete the files named there....11:58
=== MerryChristmas is now known as benonsoftware
ActionParsnipyamoonsun: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ole_wolf*11:59
lotuspsychjeShant: your atheros wifi driver isnt installed11:59
ActionParsnipyamoonsun: if you use a pastebin instead of images, people can copy and paste your text rather than having to retype it manually11:59
lotuspsychjeShant: did you install ubuntu with cable internet+updates enabled?12:00
Shantwith live cd12:00
yamoonsunI wasn't under the implications that you would want to retype it, my bad.12:00
yamoonsunUnless this is being logged12:00
lotuspsychjeShant: ok what about making your life easy, and download ubuntu 14.04 with cable internet and updates on12:00
ShantIs it required to reinstall wifi driver after installation?12:02
Shantinstallation of a new Os12:02
yamoonsunI was to cd into the apt/sources.list.d and it keeps telling me that location doesn't exist12:03
lotuspsychjeShant: in most cases if you install ubuntu with your eth cable, it will find the right drivers12:03
ShantBut i did it with live cd then why ?12:03
lotuspsychjeShant: you said you didnt enable internet+updates at that time12:04
ShantDo you have any idea where I can get the drivers for the present wireless system in it?12:05
lotuspsychje!atheros | Shant12:05
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:07
lotuspsychjeShant: here^12:07
andrea_ActionParsnip: ok thanx Wich ubuntu distro d u agree to find easyer the ati drivers?12:09
yamoonsunSuper question, but how do I see the remaining disk space?12:15
rkhunteryamoonsun: open nautilus (file manager) --> right click on disk (computer if you have only one partition) --> Properties --> free12:16
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yamoonsunVery much appreciated.12:17
rkhunteryamoonsun: anytime12:18
kaseoga_xinit: unable to run server12:20
kaseoga_after install 15.0412:20
rkhunterkaseoga_: any details on output?12:21
kaseoga_rkhunter:  can't reproduce now, after upgrade 14.04 to 15.04 i get stuck in boot logo12:22
kaseoga_actionparsnip tellme to install lightdm and reboot and nothing12:22
jokxkaseoga_: to try finding some informations you can run : cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i ee12:24
jokxthat will find line with error in Xorg starting log (line starting by EE)12:25
kaseoga_(i don't know how to put pipe in the root security terminal)12:25
kaseoga_but i can read12:26
kaseoga_failed to load module "fbdev"12:26
kaseoga_failed to load module12:26
rkhunterkaseoga_: Shift + "\" key12:26
kaseoga_ok now12:26
kaseoga_no screens found12:27
kaseoga_wait photo12:27
saladin442hello. i want to ask something but it is about ubuntu gnome, because on the ubuntu gnome irc no person responded to me. i want to add pidgin to start up application, but according to some instruction on the askubuntu.com, it said go to menu and find the program that we want to add to start up, then right click and find properties then note the command for the program. but i cannot right click on the app, pidgin, and find the properties. all i find is new 12:27
kaseoga_uplooading :P12:28
jokxkaseoga_: so your graphic card is not found12:28
kaseoga_it's so big to not found my graphic...12:29
jokxkaseoga_: or the driver of your GC12:29
kaseoga_ati radeon 795012:29
jokxkaseoga_: what this one return ? : dpkg -l | grep radeon12:30
kaseoga_and libdrm-radeon1:i38612:31
jokxkaseoga_: you have to see this package : "xserver-xorg-video-radeon", with a "ii" in front12:31
kaseoga_only that 2 libs12:31
kaseoga_with "ii" in front12:31
jokxkaseoga_: ok, try to run : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop xserver-xorg12:32
nithinhi all12:32
jokxsaladin442: to run pidgin, the command is just pidgin12:32
nithinI just checked the ubuntu mate edition. Is that a good operating system in terms of security??12:33
nithinI just loved the old ubuntu style...12:33
jokxsaladin442: so you just have to add pidgin command to your start-up list12:33
nithinbut I am concerned about the security12:33
saladin442how about making program  auto start and minimize? maybe to tray? any command?12:34
jokxnithin: like any other ubuntu, with some dangerous binary blob in the linux kernrel12:34
=== Guest21934 is now known as daynaskully
kaseoga_installing jokx12:35
jokxsaladin442: go to the gnome control center (the tool icon in top right menu)12:35
kaseoga_reboot ?12:35
nithinI didn't get that... Can we trust that os jokx???12:35
jokxkaseoga_: yep12:35
kaseoga_im nervous12:36
kaseoga_black screen jokx12:36
jokxnithin: you have no way to know what a binary blob (proprietary software) do ... so can you trust something that do thing you didn't know anything about ?12:37
jokxkaseoga_: :'(12:37
jokxkaseoga_: ctrl+alt+f212:37
kaseoga_still black screen XD12:37
jokxkaseoga_: another time : grep -i ee /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:38
nithinjokx: thank you so much.. I thought it is like ubuntu... I will keep ubuntu...12:38
saladin442err guys, do you know any android emmulators for linux that supports keyboard input? and if possible, easy to install?12:39
jokxnithin: to get a more trusted and secure ubuntu-style distro, give a try to Debian system with mate12:39
sennnubuntu based on fedora ,possible?12:40
sennnyou know what i mean12:40
nithinjokx: thanks man...  I appreciate your help. ;)12:41
jokxnithin: debian remove any proprietary kernel part of his own kernel12:41
IndanoizeHi guys. I have machine with fresh installed Ubuntu 14.04.02 (LTS) and have trouble with SSH client. I can't connect to any ssh-server (localhost only). All connections looks like here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11541766/. I've tried my own servers, git, bitbucket, some free shell hosts. I've played with MTU size, ciphers and other client settings but result is always the same. Did anybody face same problem? Maybe some steps to locate 12:41
lotuspsychjejokx: this is the ubuntu channel, no need for debian advise here12:41
jokxlotuspsychje: free speech is appreciate12:42
IndanoizeWireshark shows that after connection is established there is endless Retransmission packages till cancelation12:42
lotuspsychjejokx: yes, in its seperate channels12:42
agent_whiteIndanoize: Is your id_rsa file a RSA1 public key?12:42
Indanoizersa2 i guess. generatted with ssh-keygen w/o parameters12:43
agent_whiteIndanoize: You need to specify the type... RSA/DSA... etc. `ssh-keygen -t rsa`12:44
Indanoizei have another key DSA12:44
agent_whiteThat's why it's checking it against id_rsa, id_dsa... etc.12:44
Indanoizethat part is fine12:44
Indanoizebut conenction is dropped somewhere after SYN12:45
jokxkaseoga_: this time try : grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:45
agent_whiteIndanoize: In your ~/.ssh/config for the server you are trying to connect to, did you specify the "IdentityFile" for it to use?12:45
Indanoizeit is not key issue. keyfiles works12:45
kaseoga_cannot read int vect12:45
kaseoga_atiddxdriscreeninit failed, probably kernel module missing or incompatible12:46
jokxkaseoga_: outch12:46
agent_whiteIndanoize: Are you sure? "Connecting to <host>... Connection established." -- Of course it'll get to SYN/SYN-ACK/ACK! It needs to reach the server before exchanging the keys.12:46
jokxkaseoga_: try sudo apt-get install fglrx12:46
jokxkaseoga_: and reboot12:46
Indanoize<agent_white> but then connection is hung on12:47
blackflowIndanoize: what is the private key filename? you have both id_rsa and id_dsa attempts failed12:47
kaseoga_jokx:  i started in recovery mode12:47
kaseoga_and turn on root console12:47
Indanoizenope, debug1: identity file /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa type 112:47
kaseoga_and doesn't have network12:47
agent_whiteIndanoize: How about... `ssh -i /.ssh/id_(choose rsa/dsa/etc...) host@host.whatever` ?12:48
Indanoizethere are correct RSA2 and DSA keyfiles12:48
jokxkaseoga_: if I remember, before entering root console you can enable network (and so your root partition will be mounted rw)12:48
agent_whiteIt's better to define what specific key to use, rather than having it guess... that's why it's wildly hoppping around all your keys... trying to find which to use.12:48
agent_whiteI wouldn't doubt it might be timing out since the key is incorrect.12:48
Indanoizeexatcly the same if i specify files12:48
Indanoizethe issue with dropped connection12:49
Indanoizeafter SYN/ACK there is endlees rentransmission of [PSH, ACK] packets12:49
ShantPlease provide command to install package intrepid which contains ath5k module!12:49
kaseoga_jokx:  perfect12:50
kaseoga_i try to install12:50
jokxIndanoize: what with a fresh user without any ~/.ssh folder ?12:50
kaseoga_and i have the last version12:50
agent_whiteIndanoize: Are there other hosts you can use that are able to make the connection?12:50
Indanoizethe same. just not found any keyfiles and hanged connection12:50
Indanoizei've tried bitbucket/github/some free shell hosts12:50
agent_whiteIndanoize: Is that in response to jokx or me?12:50
Indanoize1st one to jokx, 2nd one to agent_white12:51
agent_whiteOkey doke12:51
agent_whiteObviously, you have already copied your key you generated to the remote host, and to the correct user your attempting to login as?12:51
Indanoizei can't even connect to any host12:52
agent_white"I just ran `ssh-keygen`..." makes me iffy about that...12:52
agent_whiteIndanoize: Firewall settings are correct on the remote?12:52
SlaizerHi, I can't get my wifi or ethernet working on my Acer Aspire Nitro VN7-971G. I have an Atheros card in my computer. Please read these to understand more about my issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1383184, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1383184/comments/115. I would like to get some help with getting it all to work, and explicitly would like to get help with all the steps in the instructions in the link i s12:52
Slaizerent. Please PM me.12:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1383184 in linux (Ubuntu) "Atheros Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC [168c:003e] not supported" [Medium,Triaged]12:52
jokxIndanoize: and a fresh user (adduser sshtest) with a fresh key (sudo -i sshtest ssh-keygen -t rsa)12:52
agent_white^ Followed by `ssh-copy-id`... see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-ssh-keys--2  for more info.12:53
Indanoizeagent_white: i've checked on ssh-server side - there are no connection logged. however, i can easily to log from my other laptop and smartphone (different networks12:53
Indanoize*to log in12:53
agent_whiteIndanoize: Have you compared the id on the laptop to the one you're attempting to use?12:53
ShantPlease provide command to install package intrepid which contains ath5k module!12:54
blackflowIndanoize: do you have ~/.ssh/known_hosts that would complain or something?12:54
Indanoizeagent_white: it failed to establish connection to ANY ssh host from this particulary system12:54
Indanoizekey doesn't matter12:54
kaseoga_jokx:  some new ideas ?12:54
blackflowIndanoize: looking at my own ssh conn, right after the "Local version string..." comes known_hosts matching12:54
kaseoga_or im fked ?12:54
agent_whiteIndanoize: Exactly. That's why I'm curious of the descrepancies between the keys on this machine and the machine that are able to connect.12:55
snoutif you are making ssh keys for digital ocean, if you fuck up your linux box and spin up a new one you WILL have to navigate to ~/.ssh/known_hosts and delete the ip address and hash that follows it or you can not set the keys again12:55
jokxkaseoga_: after reboot you get the same ?12:55
agent_whiteIf others can connect, firewalls don't seem to be the issue.  But in the logs, it hopping around ALL your keys is a red flag.12:55
kaseoga_fglrx was installed12:55
rmariottiI'm getting trubles in running virtualbox with my custom kernel. The error is: "Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)". When i execute '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' i get the following output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11587743/12:55
Indanoizeagent_white: hopping around keyfiles is normal situation. run you ssh client with -vvv flags and you will see the same12:56
jokxkaseoga_: anyway that not normal to get xorg not installed after upgrade. something failed12:56
agent_whiteIndanoize: Nope :) I specify in my ~/.ssh/config which key to use for which host.12:56
jokxkaseoga_: you probably just need to find what is missing12:56
agent_whiteDoing that saves it from hopping.12:56
blackflowrmariotti: well did you install the headers as the message instructed you?12:56
Indanoizeblackflow: yes, it is normal way. But on my system i have hanged connection after first SYN/ACK packet12:57
kaseoga_im very fked then jokx  XD12:57
kaseoga_maybe reinstall12:57
blackflowIndanoize: tcpdump confirms that?12:57
ircnode0I need nvidia-modprobe to execute simple pycuda code. According to this page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pycuda/+bug/1388217 I need to install nvidia-modprobe and insert nvidia-uvm module to the kernel. The problem is "E: Unable to locate package nvidia-modprobe". How I can download nvidia-modprobe and insert it without breaking anything?12:57
agent_whiteIndanoize: Why not, connect using your laptop that _can_ reach the remote, find out which key it used, and copy that key over to your machine?12:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 1361207 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-346-updates (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1388217 [xorg-edgers] nvidia-graphics-drivers-331 and newer should recommend nvidia-modprobe" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:57
Indanoizeagent_white: just try12:57
jokxkaseoga_: you can try other things ... like running gpu-manager12:57
Indanoizeblackflow: wireshark says that12:57
jokxkaseoga_: another time with root console with network12:57
blackflowIndanoize: close enough, okay.12:57
Indanoizewhere i can upload an scrrenshot?12:57
jokxkaseoga_: try : sudo apt-get -f install12:57
agent_whiteIndanoize: I just did. Again, I specify which key to use so it doesn't hop. It fails immediately if the key I specify doesn't work.12:57
agent_whiteIndanoize: imgur.com12:58
ShantI need link to install drivers athros for my wireless system. Please mention anyway to do so!12:58
t3kg33kI just finished installing Ubuntu Mate 15.04 and am having issues adding PPA repositories. Getting a string of errors. Anyone run into this issue and know the fix?12:58
agent_whiteIndanoize: Can you copy the key from your laptop and use it on this machine?12:58
blackflowIndanoize: there are some image pastebins floating around, just google for the phrase12:58
rmariottiblackflow: yes i have my headers in /usr/src, i've also created a symbolic link in /usr/src/linux that points to my headers directory12:58
jokxkaseoga_: perhaps : sudo dpkg --configure -a12:59
blackflowrmariotti: I don't know where vboxdrv expects to find them, but if that failed, did you try forcing with --kernelsourcedir option?12:59
kaseoga_9 to update12:59
ircnode0Using ubuntu 12.0412:59
kaseoga_and that last command nothing12:59
BluesKajHi folks12:59
jokxkaseoga_: it's seem your upgrade have broken somewhere in the process12:59
kaseoga_when i try to upgrade12:59
Indanoizeagent_white: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11587832/ - identity specified13:00
kaseoga_failed to resolve es.archive.ubuntu.com13:00
kaseoga_trying to upgrade libgbm13:00
Indanoizeblackflow: http://i.imgur.com/NfX0X9t.png13:00
ShantI need link to install drivers athros for my wireless system. Please mention anyway to do so!13:01
jokxkaseoga_: let's the apt-get -f install finish his job13:01
jokxkaseoga_: after what, try another reboot13:01
kaseoga_0 updated, 0 new instalations, 0 to remove and 9 noupdated13:01
kaseoga_nothing more with apt-get -f install13:02
blackflowIndanoize: uhm... where's S. (syn/ack) ?13:02
jokxkaseoga_: but the big problem can be that your graphical card will not be configured as it need13:02
snoutshant yeah I am having drivers issues as well13:02
jokxkaseoga_: 9 no updated ?? 0_o13:02
jokxkaseoga_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:02
Indanoizeblackflow: packets 1 and 213:02
kaseoga_and the dist-upgrade13:03
rmariottiblackflow: the problem is that i can't use the --kernelsourcedir because the script '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv' don't accept this options (it calls dkms wich accepts the --kernelsourcedir options)13:03
blackflowIndanoize: I'm not sure I'm reading that correctly, but it looks like you're sending SYN and then ACK, where's the remote side's SYN/ACK ?13:03
Indanoizeblackflow: then it sends packet 3 [PSH, ACK] and retransmitting it. It drops somewhere but where?13:03
jokxkaseoga_: caramba !13:03
Indanoizeblackflow: hm, maybe i've filtere it out from log13:03
blackflowIndanoize: iptables -L -n shows empty chains, policy ACCEPT?13:03
Indanoizeblackflow: all chains are empty13:04
jokxkaseoga_: in private, in spanish ;-)13:04
kaseoga_haha jokx13:04
agent_whiteIndanoize: Wait... what? Don't you need `ssh git@bitbucket.org`  or whatnot? I didn't think bitbucket was a shell you could remote into?13:04
agent_whiteAnd did you add the deployment key into your bitbucket account through their web-admin-interface?13:05
blackflowIndanoize: well, thre's no ack for ack so the only reason your side would PSH,ACK is if the kernel failed to send out that #3 ACK.13:05
andrea_hello guys im new xubuntu user i've got a AMD -E1 64 bit and a video card AMD7ATI KALINDI readon hd  how can i find the driver and install it for a good video resolution?PLs help me thanx13:06
blackflowunless you're filtering packets and that #4, going at 220msec later, is for slowstart window adjustment or something, and there's missing packets in the output?13:06
ThePendulumDoes anyone happen to be running TorChat on Ubuntu with Unity? It's running, but it has disappeared to the background, and I have no idea how to open it. I think it's assuming there's an icon in the panel, but there isn't. The only way to get it back so far has been to wait until someone messages me.13:06
=== zima is now known as gemme
ShantI recently installed ubuntu 12.04.2 alongside preinstalled ubuntu 12.04LTS but after that I'm having issue that my system does not detect inbuilt wireless card in my laptop. I think the driver may have been uninstalled after that process.The driver is Athros probably.So I need any method to reinstall them.13:06
=== gemme is now known as zima
agent_whiteIndanoize: I'm confused. You said you generated a new key... so you did add it to bitbucket through their interface on 'adding deployment keys'... right?13:07
=== zima is now known as gemme
blackflowIndanoize: and otherwise the network works fine? You can use, say, http?13:07
Indanoizeblackflow: yep, http/https works fine. wait a sec, i'll upload new screenshot13:07
Indanoizeblackflow: http://i.imgur.com/8nX5Qfl.png13:08
blackflowIndanoize: don't have too, that Seq=1 says it all. Your ACK ain't going out13:08
jjavaholicaplay plays loud static at 8khz mono unsigned 8 bit13:08
Indanoizeblackflow: i've connectcted to my private server. but for any other ssh server that i tried the result is the same13:09
blackflowIndanoize: can you change the SSH port on your server and try again?13:09
Indanoizeblackflow: changed, no changes :)13:09
Indanoizeblackflow: even used standart (22)13:10
agent_whiteIndanoize: Can you post a verbose log of the connection to your private server? To compare against these other attempts?13:10
blackflowIndanoize: I don't get it then, but from that dump, it sure looks like that last ACK ain't going out.13:10
Indanoizeagent_white: log from which side? server did not even show these ssh connections13:11
blackflowIndanoize: that FIN,ACK at timestamp 22.367... is you hitting Ctrl-C in ssh?13:11
ShantHelp please13:11
agent_whiteblackflow: Yeah he is, you can see from one of the other logs.13:12
Indanoizeblackflow: yes, i did13:12
agent_whiteIndanoize: From you to the server you can connect to :)13:12
agent_whiteYou said the only one you can connect to is a private server, right?13:12
ShantHelp please13:13
ShantI recently installed ubuntu 12.04.2 alongside preinstalled ubuntu 12.04LTS but after that I'm having issue that my system does not detect inbuilt wireless card in my laptop. I think the driver may have been uninstalled after that process.The driver is Athros probably.So I need any method to reinstall them.13:13
agent_whiteIndanoize: What happens when you `ssh -vT git@bitbucket.org` ?13:14
Indanoizeagent_white: no. I can not connect to any ssh server from this particular machine. But I can connect to my private SSH box from other devices through other networks. I sure that there should be network issue but i can not specify that is wrong here13:15
Indanoizeagent_white: absolutely the same13:15
agent_whiteIndanoize: No "permission denied... or Successfully authenticated?"13:16
andrea_hello guys I've got a AMD -E1 64 bit and a video card AMD7ATI KALINDI readon hd  how can i find the driver and install it for a good video resolution?PLs help me thanx13:16
ThePendulumShant: what controller is it exactly? Athros has a lot of them13:16
blackflowagent_white: he's not completing the tcp handshake, the ACK is not going out13:16
Indanoizeagent_white: the same as i posted above13:17
agent_whiteblackflow: Heh?  From http://paste.ubuntu.com/11541766/ I'm seeing the handshake is established, but the authentication is not?13:17
snoutshant ~$ lspci -nn | grep Network13:17
snoutfind out what exact card you jave13:17
Indanoizeblackflow: i've read that it may be problem with different MTU sizes somewhere in netwowrk. but i've tried to changed MTU size both at client and server - nothing changed13:18
ShantPlease refer http://paste.ubuntu.com/11586646/ to know complete details13:18
blackflowagent_white: I don't know the conditions under which it logs "Connection established" but according to tcpdump, the ACK (in syn + syn/ack + ack handshake) is not going out13:18
blackflowIndanoize: did you try to capture the tcpdump on the server side while you try that?13:18
blackflowIndanoize: if there's something wrong with MTU, you'd be getting RST or ICMPs advising of MTU change13:19
Shant02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. Device [168c:0036] (rev 01)13:19
Indanoizeblackflow: did you check http://i.imgur.com/8nX5Qfl.png? there is 3 packets SYN + SYN/ACK + ACK13:19
blackflowIndanoize:  but that last ACK is getting retransmitted13:19
Indanoizeblackflow: i can dump but i need some example of command to do it.13:20
blackflowSeq=1, it's the same ACK trying ot get out13:20
Indanoizeblackflow: ok, you know it better than me :)13:20
blackflowIndanoize: tcpdump -i eth0 'port 13802'   (assuming the device is eth0)13:20
blackflowIndanoize: Ctrl-C to stop it13:20
Shant02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. Device [168c:0036] (rev 01)13:21
ShantThis one13:21
SlaizerHi, I can't get my wifi or ethernet working on my Acer Aspire Nitro VN7-971G. I have an Atheros card in my computer. Please read these to understand more about my issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1383184, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1383184/comments/115. I would like to get some help with getting it all to work, and explicitly would like to get help with all the steps in the instructions in the link i s13:21
Slaizerent. Please PM me.13:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 1383184 in linux (Ubuntu) "Atheros Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC [168c:003e] not supported" [Medium,Triaged]13:21
agent_whiteIndanoize: Any way you can hop into one of those machines that _can_ get a shell on the remote?  Then maybe run a trace on sshd, or restart it without it daemonized.13:23
agent_whiteAlso wonder if there's too many ssh sessions sitting on the server that need to be killed... ?13:24
Indanoizeagent_white: there is only 1 active session (from other laptop)13:25
Indanoizeblackflow: there is a lot of packet with wrong cksum13:25
ShantHelp please13:26
blackflowIndanoize: I'd like to see the output, but I'm assuming you're using another device and same port so that will certainly pollute the output. In that case, connect with a working device, change ssh port (ajdust firewall), RELOAD ssh, and try from this computer that can't connect, while tcpdumping on the server through active ssh connection.13:27
blackflowIndanoize: any chance your computer that can't ssh is connected through WiFi?13:27
Indanoizeblackflow: i use cable, try to get tcpdump from ssh server13:28
blackjidHi!, how can I enable DNS recursor with dnsmasq???13:30
ShantI recently installed ubuntu 12.04.2 alongside preinstalled ubuntu 12.04LTS but after that I'm having issue that my system does not detect inbuilt wireless card in my laptop. I think the driver may have been uninstalled after that process.The driver is Athros probably.So I need any method to reinstall them.13:31
blackflowShant: define "alongside"? like, dual boot or something?13:32
Shantdual boot13:32
Indanoizeblackflow: look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/11588397/13:33
Indanoizeblackflow: there is only sshd on this port13:33
blackflowShant: well, unless you messed something up and rewrote partitions you shouldn't have to, I see no way this process would mess up your drivers. Still, the drivers are part of the kernel so there's nothing to uninstall. You _may_ be missing firmware, though.13:33
Indanoizeblackflow: seems like someone or something change/drop packets13:34
Shantblackflow: Please refer http://paste.ubuntu.com/11586646/ to know complete details of present configuration.And suggest any procedure to troubleshoot it!13:38
=== someon is now known as someone
twkmaybe this is a dumb question, but could someone help point me in the direction of this file to patch? http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/358990/13:40
twkfor the life of me i cant find bnx2x_link.c13:40
blackflowIndanoize: well, the fact that your server sees all those packets means they ARE going out, now as to why is your kernel retransmitting like that, no idea.13:41
ShantAnd I did not messed with the partitions yet the problem may have occured due to some 32bit libraries.13:41
blackflowIndanoize: that's why I asked about WiFi, could be driver messing up the packets or something.13:41
cotalinuxis anyone using dual monitors and has issues with games? For example when I go in fullscreen mode the game goes fullscreen on both displays, it's annoying13:42
Indanoizebalckflow: maybe some DPI since i use corporate network?13:43
blackflowIndanoize: definitely possible. To test that, and if http works fine, you could temporarily try putting SSH to port 80 on the server.13:43
blackflowIndanoize: of course, if you know what you're doing and all that... but I guess you do.13:44
ntarkiIs there a good guide how to setup a virtual/local using ubuntu server from scratch ftp,mail,apache,postgresql server?13:44
Shantblackflow: Please refer http://paste.ubuntu.com/11586646/ to know complete details of present configuration of wireless system.13:45
blackflowShant: can you check if an atheros module is loaded? Eg. run 'lsmod | grep ath'13:45
YokoBR_hi guys13:47
YokoBR_I'm trying to build a samba/kerberos domain13:47
YokoBR_but my workstations can't find the server13:47
Shantblackflow: It shows nothing13:47
dionysus69so I have this general question, there are some shortcuts to play music/stop/next/previous bound with function key mapped on some arrows lets see like on older thinkpads, could I create that myself? what is a general command to "play" music in any player? if there is such13:48
YokoBR_my realm is digital.lan and my netbios name is digital13:48
blackflowShant: 'dmesg | grep ath' ?13:48
blackflowShant: sorry, 'dmesg | grep -i ath'13:48
Shantblackflow: Please refer http://paste.ubuntu.com/11588607/.13:50
blackflowdionysus69: most/some players listen to so called media events, which are produced when media keys like volume/up/down are pressed. google will know more, and I think you can map/remap with 'xbindkeys' tools.13:50
blackflowShant: yeah that's unrelated. Is your wifi physically enabled? Via BIOS or perhaps function keys or something?13:52
Indanoizeblackflow: could you please look at following screenshot http://i.imgur.com/lfUkZK7.png? there are firewall rules from webmin13:52
agent_whiteWhy not just turn off the firewall entirely?13:52
agent_white(for a short period of time, of course!)13:53
blackflowIndanoize: I don't think those would mess things up, but I don't know what else it does. Raw iptables would be more helpful.13:53
blackflow*raw iptables output (-L -n)13:54
Shantblackflow: yeah I have enabled the wireless through function keys. Is there any method to check it though?13:55
dionysus69blackflow: ye I guess I found on google to map keys to rhythmbox specifically, better than nothing, I am fine switching vlc manually hehe13:55
Indanoizeblackflow: here is t is empty.13:56
Indanoizeblackflow: here is  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11588737/13:57
blackflowIndanoize: that looks okay to me.13:57
sliptteeshi Guys13:58
Indanoizeblackflow: indeed, ssh server works with the same setting for a very long time13:58
sliptteesplease help me fix this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30344638/grub-erro.JPG13:59
Shantblackflow: How to diagnose if drivers for wireless are detected by system?14:00
Shantor if they are present?14:00
blackflowIndanoize: well, if you suspect DPI, you could try fooling it with ssh at port 80. Assuming you know what you're doing, shutting down regular httpd services, and I suggest raising a firewall and allowing only your IP. Don't save iptables rules, so you can reboot the server remotly in case you lock yourself out.14:00
YokoBR_hi guys.. i can't find my ubuntu server by hostname14:00
Shantblackflow: How to diagnose if drivers for wireless are detected by system?14:02
Shantor if they are present?14:02
Shantor installed?14:03
wastrelShant: ifconfig and iwconfig14:03
wastreldo you have a wireless interface configured there14:03
ShantIt shows no wireless extensions14:04
wastrelShant: you can do lspci to list devices found on your system and see if your wireless device is there14:04
wastrelShant: you can look for the kernel module (driver) in lsmod  but that requires knowing what the module name is for your wireless card14:04
sliptteesanyone can helpl14:04
Indanoizeblackflow: hm, do you now how to check system proxy settings on ubuntu? seems like i missed something here14:04
blackflowIndanoize: nope, sorry.14:05
blackflowShant: if they're detected, they'd appear in dmesg. You could try modprobing the ath modules manually, but I don't know which is relevant here.14:05
twkso could anyone point me to this file location to get patched? http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/358990/14:07
twkubuntu 12.04.5 LTS14:07
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jjavaholicFailed to retrieve share list from server  connection timed out can't access samba share from outside
BBLLCChi, im working with a book on google books and id like to donwload the text. Is that possible with linux?14:14
svetlanaBBLLCC: it's a platform-agnostic question (i say, it's a browser question)14:23
svetlanaBBLLCC: (and a website question to an extent) and afaik the website provides no download button for the books it has a preview for14:24
ibouvousaimeHello I got a problem in xubuntu my microphone isnt working, I only hear a psshhhh sound when I record myself14:24
Firefly67Hi, I can't copy-paste using the mouse anymore. What should I do?14:24
grepperany packagers here? I'm wondering what the ubuntu/debian policy be about including a txt2tags for python 3 that is available in the txt2tags svn repo in my package? Its just a single script, can I include it in my package (launchpad ppa) or would I need to make a separate package for it?14:24
ibouvousaimeDO you have an idea about the problem there ?14:25
svetlanaprovide your mic specs and whether you're using alsa or pulse14:25
ibouvousaimeokay a sec I will paste this text somewhere14:27
mtottenhDoes anyone have any idea why cryptsetup is creating device nodes under /dev/mapper/... instead of symlinks to /dev/dm-X?14:27
mtottenhWell. Some are symlinks, some are device nodes. But I'm invoking the same command.14:27
YokoBR_man... configuring ldap/kerberos is a pain in the ass14:27
ibouvousaimesvetlana, Im using alsa14:27
svetlanafull information on one line please, and without addressing me in particular. I know this information is needed for people to help you, but I'm not knowledgeable about that field myself.14:28
ibouvousaimesvetlana, http://paste.debian.net/204051/14:29
svetlanawell I said without addressing me in particular. there is a reason for that: I'm not going to process that information myself, and others should not be thinking that I am.14:29
sadminHey, my ubuntu hasn't offered me to upgrade to windows 10 yet. What should I do?14:33
ibouvousaimeok svetlana14:33
Hetal_So LWJGL can't find the OpenGl profile, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11589001/ http://sprunge.us/WeFa (Running XFCE4)14:34
Hetal_I'm not sure what to necessarily do, got any ideas?14:34
ibouvousaimethis is the only thing related to audio that I see00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)14:34
Hetal_ibouvousaime: Was that to me?14:36
inquelinghi hi14:37
ShedraHi there! Is it possible to use the "newest" version of a package (in my case: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fail2ban) on the LTS version? I need a new feature of fail2ban14:45
karstensragei dont understand how PAM is finding things in /lib/${ARCH}/security14:48
oalWhere / how do you usually install applications that just come with a lot of files in a tar.gz?14:48
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neurotoal what is the applications14:50
oalneurot, pycharm and webcharm from Jetbrains14:52
neurotoal unzip and go to bin pycharm.sh14:54
oxymor00noal: there are a few ways. I usually upack them to ~/opt and then symlink the launch script in ~/bin (I have ~/bin on the path)14:54
pbxoal, look for installation instructions14:55
neurotIn terminal in bin and do ./pycharm.sh14:56
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neurotoal https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm-educational/quickstart/installation.html14:57
oalok, that's similar to what I've done ( had an ~/apps, then put it there and symlinked.) Was just curious if there was a more "standard" way14:58
Flo_Kdoes anyone know how to display user's picture on session startup/login screen ?15:00
oxymor00noal: I don't think so. I use ~/opt because system-wide /opt would be the right place to put it...15:01
Flo_K(the picture put in User Accounts)15:03
OmiKrOnI have these 2 routes x.x.x.x via dev eth0 and y.y.y.y via dev eth015:10
OmiKrOnat some point one of them stops working as I can see the packets going out on eth0 but they never reach
OmiKrOnthe only thing that I can do is to ifdown eth0;iifup eth015:10
OmiKrOnany ideas where to look at?15:10
jjavaholicoutput of "sudo smbtree" http://pastie.org/1022533915:11
hr49_piHow viable is it to install with the MinimalCD and then use Boot-Repair to convert to UEFI? (I imagine I have to use UEFI to be able to boot to my UEFI Windows 7 drive from grub.)15:12
EriC^^hr49_pi: win7 isn't uefi most likely15:14
melbaubuntuheey guys, melvin here. I have a question about my touchpad.15:14
melbaubuntuIt's not working15:14
melbaubuntuI don't know how to get my touchpad working.15:15
hr49_piEriC^^: I'm pretty sure it is, as my BIOS is in UEFI mode.15:15
EriC^^hr49_pi: ok, you can try using a gpt partition, and create an efi partition and install15:17
EriC^^and then later install grub-efi-amd64-signed if you're using secureboot and edit /etc/fstab accordinly15:17
rOm3OHello everyone15:18
lonnieI have problems playing DVD  I can solve it with symlink /dev/dvd but it goes away after reboot.  How do I fix this?15:18
hr49_piEriC^^: I read on the wiki that the MinimalCD can't install in UEFI; is that just out-of-date? Also, would the MinimalCD have utilities like gpt on it?15:18
lonnieln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd  Works but only for current session.15:18
EriC^^hr49_pi: i don't know if it's outdated, but even if it can't install in uefi, it might be able to use a gpt partition table to install in bios mode15:19
jzvi12anyone knows of a good fintech irc channel? FIX protocol, trade support??15:19
EriC^^it would create a bios-boot partition15:19
OerHeks!alis | jzvi1215:20
ubottujzvi12: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:20
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hr49_piEric^^: So, if I made a UEFI partition and the MinimalCD installed in BIOS mode, would that be able to boot into other drives from grub in UEFI mode?15:23
EriC^^hr49_pi: no, you have to install the grub-efi package, and use the efi partition15:23
EriC^^if win7 is using uefi it would have an efi partition already and using gpt anyways15:23
EriC^^you'd have to install grub-efi and edit /etc/fstab15:24
hr49_piEriC^^: I think that's what Boot-Repair does. So I suppose that would work if I wanted to reinstall from MinimalCD.15:26
hr49_piokay, thanks15:26
yangmso, I have a dual screen setup and I would like kodi to launch on boot on one screen and use the other as a normal pc. I have lubuntu installed.15:30
TomyWorkhttps://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/irc-server.html this page has been helpful in setting up an irc server in like a minute. for the lazy users, is there a webchat to go with this?15:30
mageccaHow does one change the resolution of a Debian 8 vm that is CLI only?15:35
melbaubuntuheey i have a question. I would like to put a message on the login screen (lightdm), is this possible?15:36
MonkeyDustmagecca  sounds like a debian question to me, type /j #debian15:36
mageccaThanks MonkeyDust15:36
TomyWorkmelbaubuntu theme it?15:37
melbaubuntuTomyWork do you mean change the theme and then choose one where i can put it in15:37
TomyWorki dont know if there is any. i meant make your own background image15:38
melbaubuntuHmmm, that is a possibillity15:38
melbaubuntuBut i just want to put text on the background. Just so i can easy change it if needed15:38
melbaubuntuBut that is also a solution15:39
MonkeyDustmelbaubuntu  is this useful? scroll down http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218606115:39
someguyi'd like to install ubuntu on a web host, but the only thing the web host has up is a cpanel with FTP15:40
TomyWorksomeguy you can't install ubuntu without having at least root privileges15:40
TomyWorkif you just want an ubuntu to toy with, try VirtualBox or something15:41
someguyI have root privileges, but no terminal or ssh on the web host15:41
TomyWorkthen you dont have root privileges15:41
someguyoh, yeah I get what you mean, didn't quite understand for a second15:42
someguywhat about ssh, is there a way to set that up just by using ftp?15:42
tgm4883someguy: you likely are renting a directory on a shared server. You won't have access to much of the underlying system15:44
someguyyou got it in one, tgm15:45
lonnieanyone have a solution  for DVD playback15:45
acz32not when you don't state the problem15:46
someguyarrgh, the /etc/ on the site is empty, what the heck!!15:46
someguyit's a linux web host, I just kinda expected... more. If I understand you guys correctly...15:47
tgm4883someguy: you want a VPS, not a web host15:48
TomyWorksomeguy they probably put your stuff in a restrictive container, so that's kind of to be expected :)15:48
someguyI'll literally have to go to the site admin if I want ssh or anything like that, Ihey'll have to set it up for me?15:48
tgm4883someguy: they probably won't give it to you15:48
TomyWorkand they'll probably boot you for trying to set one up yourself15:49
angrywombati've got a 14.04 machine running apache, the site in question has group ownership set to www-data, two of my regular users are in that group already but when they try to edit/overwrite a file, i'm getting a permissions error.. i feel like i am missing something obvious here, does anyone have any ideas where to start?15:49
TomyWorkangrywombat chmod g+w?15:49
someguycrapola. I actually tried to manually ftp up the base for ssh and modify files to get it to work, and nothing.15:50
someguyjust assumed I did it wrong15:50
tgm4883someguy: it's not going to work15:50
tgm4883someguy: you won't be able to run anything15:51
TomyWorksomeguy even if you put an init script in there, they probably dont have an init daemon running to run it :)15:51
angrywombatlol, god damn it15:51
angrywombatthank you TomyWork15:51
someguyhahah. better i know now rather than spend another day at it.15:51
someguythanks guys, I would have probably spent a week grinding away at something impossible15:52
ImJuneI have a generic laptop (frontier pc) I bought here in Japan, no linux distro so far has been able to recognize the touch pad on it, have any ideas what I can do?15:52
geniiImJune: Try to find the vendor:device  code for it with lspci -nn  or lsusb and then look that code up15:53
ImJuneyou are going to be on for awhile?15:54
geniiImJune: Yes, but I'm at work so expect lag :)15:54
ImJunevery understandable15:54
ImJuneI want to avoid installing windows on this machine15:54
ImJunebut it was the only thing that saw the touch pad15:55
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marcaddeohey guys, im trying to recover a server (hopefully) and i have a livecd of ubuntu server... how do i just get into like livecd mode like you do with desktop... i just wanna get into a terminal16:06
TomyWorkmarcaddeo what kind of access do you have to the server?16:08
TomyWorkcan you access its console (i.e. the "monitor") or just ssh?16:08
marcaddeoTomyWork: yeah i have a kvm on it16:08
marcaddeoso im at the boot menu of the cd16:09
marcaddeo"Install Ubuntu" "Recovery Mode" etc16:09
TomyWorkis it a netinst?16:09
marcaddeonope, cd16:09
tgm4883marcaddeo: does the recovery mode from grub not work?16:09
TomyWorki mean is the cd a netinst image?16:09
marcaddeoTomyWork: i dont think so, it's whatever is on the ubuntu site.. it's almost a gb so i dont think its netinst16:10
TomyWorkif it's almost a gb, it's not a cd, btw :P16:10
ImJuneare you there16:11
marcaddeotgm4883: maybe? im not sure ive never used it.. i started going through it and then it tried to ask me which partition i wanted to try and recover... i just wanna get into a terminal, run some SMART commands and see if i can recover my filesystem16:11
marcaddeoTomyWork: true, dvd :p16:11
TomyWorkit's been a while since i last used a live disk16:11
geniiImJune: Mostly :)16:11
marcaddeome too, im used to using the desktop live cd16:11
ImJuneYou know I mean the mouse pad right?16:11
ImJuneon this generic laptop16:11
marcaddeobut that wouldn't run on this system, didn't have enough graphics capabilities16:11
ImJuneI ran both of those commands but I am not sure exactly what I should be looking for16:12
tgm4883marcaddeo: ok, so bad drive then? You probably aren't seeing grub16:12
ImJunelspci -nn showed many things16:12
geniiImJune: Please pastebin the results for examination ( of both commands )16:12
genii!pastebin | ImJune16:12
ubottuImJune: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:12
marcaddeotgm4883: yeah... potentially two failed drives in my zfs raid5 array16:12
TomyWorkmarcaddeo so that's why the disk's menu is unfamiliar :)16:12
TomyWorktwo? that's bad16:13
marcaddeoyou're tellin me! haha16:13
ImJuneok I am using a different computer16:13
ImJuneso I will need a moment16:13
TomyWorkhow did that happen? gunfire?16:13
marcaddeohaha maybe! that would explain the bullet holes16:13
TomyWorkthat would be the second reason not to host in the US *cough*16:14
marcaddeoso if anyone knows how i can just get into a terminal from my server dvd installer, that would be great :)16:14
marcaddeois there a boot command i can give it?16:15
EriC^^marcaddeo: did you try ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 ?16:15
marcaddeolet me try that16:15
TomyWorkhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1354952 maybe this helps?16:15
ImJunehttp://pastebin.com/R3i7nDPs first this one16:16
EriC^^marcaddeo: if that doesn't work, /join #ubuntu-server i'm sure they'll know16:16
TomyWorkmarcaddeo  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing_the_CD.27s_Default_Boot_Options maybe this16:16
ImJuneune@june-desktop:~$ lsusb  Bus 004 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 002: ID 090c:37c0 Silicon Motion, Inc. - Taiwan (forme16:17
TomyWorkEriC^^ i'm afraid he wont have a complete enough os at that point16:17
ImJuneIt's sad not a single linux distro recognize this mount pad16:17
TomyWorkhave you tried all of them? :)16:18
ImJuneI have tried around 3016:18
geniiImJune: Is the "Pixart Imaging Inc Optical Mouse"  what you have for the moment plugged in ?16:18
TomyWorkImJune unstable ones too?16:19
TomyWorksid, gentoo, arch16:19
ImJuneyes this is the mouse I think that is plug in16:19
ImJuneits ugly and cheap16:19
ImJuneeven if it says its design in swiss16:19
TomyWorkHID, no way to fail there :)16:20
tgm4883trying 30 linux distros to see if your touchpad works seems like a lot more work than just figuring out if the upstream drivers support it16:20
TomyWorkImJune unplug it and rerun lsusb16:20
TomyWorkand see if it goes away16:20
geniiImJune: Can ayou alo please pastebin the results of: lspci -nn16:20
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ImJuneOh I did before16:20
ImJunebut i will do again now16:20
TomyWorkhttp://pastebin.com/R3i7nDPs <-- he did indeed16:21
geniiWhups, missed it16:21
TomyWorkImJune  that pastebin is cut off, can you pastebin the whole thing?16:21
EriC^^marcaddeo: did it work?16:21
* genii runs around the corner to go fetch a lunch16:22
TomyWorkwastrel linux indeed. did you have a question? :)16:22
TomyWorkoh, so only the last ")" was missing, odd16:24
ImJuneyes perhaps linux can not see the mousepad at all16:25
TomyWorkImJune none of that looks like a touchpad, which is odd16:26
ImJuneat a kernel level16:26
TomyWorkmaybe it's disabled in the bios?16:26
TomyWorkImJune well, this lists pci and usb devices at a pretty low level16:26
tgm4883ImJune: this is a touchpad in a laptop?16:26
TomyWorkwindows has to communicate with the device too16:26
ImJuneif it was when windows was on it then surely It would have not work16:26
ImJunebut windows see it16:26
ImJuneyes this is a touchpad16:26
TomyWorkhmm, what if it's serial?16:27
ImJunevery generic brand here in Japan16:27
geniiImJune TomyWork Looks like it's probably part of some larger composite USB device16:27
tgm4883ImJune: can you do "dmesg | pastbinit"16:27
TomyWorktgm4883 e16:27
EriC^^ImJune: xinput doesn't list it?16:28
ImJuneI have not try that16:28
ImJunetgm that command did not work16:28
TomyWorkImJune also, you might have to install pastebinit first16:29
TomyWorksudo apt-get install pastebinit16:29
EriC^^ImJune: try xinput16:29
ImJunethats such a cool feature16:29
TomyWorknot in there, nope16:31
OerHeksNot detecting touchpad because of the plugedin wired mouse?16:33
tgm4883OerHeks: I don't think that is getting plugged in until 10 minutes after boot16:35
tgm4883granted, there is a crap ton of stuff getting loaded at boot16:35
ImJunesad it can't see it16:36
ImJunemaybe I should install coreboot16:36
geniiImJune: You might try: sudo update-usbids     ...and then check the tail end of dmesg again with:  dmesg | tail16:36
tgm4883ImJune: why would coreboot  help?16:37
tgm4883ImJune: can you post a link to the laptop?16:38
ImJuneIt was suggested to me by a coworker16:38
ImJuneNot possible because it was a prototype not approved by Japan quality control16:38
ImJuneso frontiers page has no data on it16:38
ImJuneI bought it from junk shop16:38
tgm4883and you wonder why linux has no support for it?16:38
ImJunewell I figure perhaps they used same pad that was used in another model in the past16:39
ImJunemost of this generic junk come from tiahe market in guangzhou16:39
tgm4883ImJune: maybe, can you link an older model?16:39
ImJuneok I will try but it's going to be Japanese16:40
ioriaImJune, can you paste     Xorg.0.log ?16:40
TomyWorkso it's chinese junk from a junk shop and it was rejected by japanese quality control?16:40
ImJunedo I have to find that somewhere or is there command to get there16:40
ImJuneWell I think some parts are16:41
EriC^^ImJune: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:41
geniiI wonder if it failed quality control because the trackpad doesn't work16:41
ImJunegeniii surely no16:41
ImJunebecause I had windows 8.116:41
ImJuneit was working on that16:41
EriC^^makes you wonder why it failed though16:41
ImJuneits the body16:41
ImJuneso flimsy16:42
TomyWorkmaybe you should try reselling it to Stan's Previously Owned Vessels :)16:42
ImJunethe keyboard flex is beyond japan standard16:42
TomyWorkconsidering it's a chinese junk16:42
ImJunewell the spec is not so horrible16:42
ImJunei5 3317u16:42
ImJunebattery last 6-7 hour full brightness16:42
ImJune14 inches pretty thin and light too16:43
administrador van16:43
ImJuneI have a great WS at my home and I am too antisocial person who seldom works outside16:43
tgm4883ImJune: and this is why you take a bootable USB with you when buying a laptop from a stop16:43
ImJunesome places in Japan will never allow you doing that16:44
ImJuneI bout this 170 usd16:44
ImJunethats much cheaper than many chrome books even with better spec16:44
ImJunemsata ssd on it and 4gb ram16:44
ultragamecardlivebooting is illegal in japan?16:45
tgm4883ImJune: yea good specs, all you had to do was sacrifice for no working touchpad16:45
TomyWorkImJune if they dont allow you to do that, you will simply not allow them to take your money :)16:45
cowbaconultragamecard: most things except for kinky hentai sex is illegal in japan16:45
ImJuneIts a junk shop16:45
OerHeksImJune, great story, but now you lose time seaching for unsupported and unidentified hardware.16:45
ImJunethey can make whatever rule they want16:45
TomyWorkbut i can understand... after all you could be installing a bitcoin miner in the bios :)16:45
geniicowbacon: That's not appropriate for this channel16:46
tgm4883ImJune: in any case, don't buy random crap and expect it to "just work(tm)"16:46
ioriaImJune, do you have a xorg.conf file ?  locate xorg.conf16:46
TomyWorkImJune hmm, since it's not an old discarded prototype but a new discarded prototype, that touchpad might end up in an actual product16:47
TomyWorkyou could wait a few months16:47
TomyWorkand run an ubuntu VM on top on windows in the meantime :D16:48
ImJuneyeah I need to reinstall windows though16:49
ImJuneis there a command I can check the brand of motherboard with16:49
ImJuneor model16:49
TomyWorkhmm, you could try /sys16:51
EriC^^ImJune: sudo lshw16:51
geniiImJune: Please do: sudo lshw | pastebinit16:52
TomyWorkyeah that lists the mainboard here :)16:52
TomyWorkis there a gui tree variant of this, btw?16:53
melbaubuntuheey i have a problem with my lightdm: sudo -i16:53
melbaubuntuxhost +SI:localuser:lightdm16:53
melbaubuntusu lightdm -s /bin/bash16:53
melbaubuntugsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-user-backgrounds 'false'16:53
melbaubuntugsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter background 'path-to-image'16:53
TomyWorkmelbaubuntu use a pastebin. the bot (temporarily?) muted you16:53
geniiHeh, description: Computer16:53
ultragamecardanyone successfully  got ubuntu running with the metro desktop interface?16:54
EriC^^ImJune: did you use sudo ?16:54
TomyWorkultragamecard metro, as in microsoft metro?16:54
ImJuneon that paste bin yes16:54
TomyWorkultragamecard how would that be possible?16:54
TomyWorkit's proprietary software and it probably requires proprietary microsoft apis16:55
TomyWorkalso, why would you want that hideous thing in your ubuntu?16:55
jozsoHello mindenki16:55
ImJunemicrosoft gave us visual studio now16:55
ImJuneI am surprise16:55
melbaubuntusorry guys this link http://paste.ubuntu.com/11591791/16:56
ultragamecardI found pictures like this but idk if they are fake16:56
geniiHm, I'm beginning to suspect something in the 7 Series/C21016:57
melbaubuntusorry guys this link http://paste.ubuntu.com/11591791/16:57
ImJuneon my machine?16:57
jozsoVan itt magyar ajku kolega ?16:57
melbaubuntuCan someone check please? Question is in paste.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11591791/16:57
TomyWorkfor hungarian, try #ubuntu-hu or something16:58
jozsoigen azaz yes16:58
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál16:58
jozsothx !16:58
melbaubuntuCan someone check please? Question is in paste.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11591791/16:59
ultragamecardmelbaubuntu: happens to me to16:59
TomyWorkmelbaubuntu dont you think other people's messages are important too?17:00
SebastienTomyWork, what is your point ?17:00
melbaubuntuultragamecard: is kinda strange right17:00
ImJunethats an audio thing17:01
ImJuneI guess17:01
ultragamecardyou want the default desktop background17:01
melbaubuntuno i want another picture that i selected. I see the picture for 1 second and that it goes back to my desktop background.17:01
TomyWorkmelbaubuntu where are you entering those commands?17:02
ioriaImJune, but it shows in  /proc/bus/input/devices ?17:02
EriC^^melbaubuntu: what are you trying to do?17:02
ultragamecardI have no clue how to fix it.17:02
TomyWorkmelbaubuntu  what kind of terminal? in an x session? linux vt?17:02
ImJuneI can check that17:03
TomyWorkok let me ask another way: how do you get  to that terminal?17:03
EriC^^melbaubuntu: do you have dconf-editor installed?17:03
ioriaImJune, cat  /proc/bus/input/devices ?17:03
melbaubuntui used ctrl + Alt + T17:03
TomyWorkso it's in an x session17:03
melbaubuntuI guess i should stop lightdm @loginscreen?17:03
EriC^^melbaubuntu: just set this once and you should be ok17:04
EriC^^gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter background '/path/to/background.png'17:04
EriC^^it has to be a .png i think17:04
reisioshould have its own config in /etc/lightdm/, too17:04
melbaubuntuyou sure?17:04
EriC^^remove that script, yes17:04
reisioyou can move it instead17:04
ImJunejust a moment17:05
ImJunemy son was crying17:05
Mont199My son keeps climbing to get snacks :D17:05
geniiImJune: Looks like that USB chipset from Intel actually controls a bunch of stuff, not just the audio17:05
ImJuneso its linked through that?17:06
melbaubuntuthe map : /etc/lightdm/ has only one file called 'users.conf'17:06
ImJuneits an intel trackpad?17:06
reisiothe map?17:06
reisioor 'directory'17:06
EriC^^melbaubuntu: use that gsettings command, if you want to remove the grid you can also do that17:06
geniiImJune: The trackpad itself is probably not made by Intel, but would interface very tightly to it ( at least this is what I'm thinking at the moment)17:07
EriC^^melbaubuntu: gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-grid false17:07
melbaubuntuthe path and map are there but the file 'users.conf' is the only file in /lightdm17:07
ImJunethis is the cat /proc stuff you request17:07
TomyWorkImJune lshw lists an unclaimed SMBus controller. do you know what that is?17:08
melbaubuntubrb reboot17:08
geniiTomyWork: I was also looking at that17:08
ioriano pad17:08
TomyWorkoh go ahead, i have no idea what it is :D17:08
ImJuneso it's invisible17:08
melbaubuntuGuys, i'm back but its still the same17:09
melbaubuntumy normal desktop kinda overlaps my Lightdm background???17:09
melbaubuntuit takes it's place after half a second17:09
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TomyWorkImJune http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=11710117:10
TomyWorkImJune two avenues to try from that article: 1. the modprobe thing and 2. if your laptopt has a touchpad toggle button , use that to turn it off and on on windows, then go back to linux17:13
melbaubuntuso guys i cant fix this problem?17:13
ioriaImJune, try to edit grub at boot and add this in the kernel parameters i8042.nomux=1 and i8042.reset17:14
Jack_The_RipperHey all, I need help getting my multimedia keys to work with banshee17:15
TomyWork*whizz*  <-- the sound of what ioria just said going way over my head17:15
ioriaTomyWork, i guy last week resolved with that on a Lenovo17:15
TomyWorkhmm this thing is far from a lenovo though17:16
ioriaTomyWork, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/28736/what-does-the-i8042-nomux-1-kernel-option-do-during-booting-of-ubuntu17:16
EriC^^melbaubuntu: sorry that only changes it if you click on lock17:19
EriC^^melbaubuntu: follow the instructions here http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/ubuntu-14-04-change-login-screen-background-remove-the-white-dots/17:19
EriC^^i think that should work, testing it now..17:19
TomyWorkioria i wonder, can this be changed by writing 1 to /sys/module/i8042/parameters/nomux ?17:19
ioriaTomyWork, no clue17:19
ImJuneI am back17:20
ImJuneI am going to try that grub trick17:20
ultragamecardanyone got ubuntu to work with desktop interfaces other than gnome and unity17:21
ultragamecardwhich one?17:21
melbaubuntuMate, you're a LEGEND17:22
melbaubuntuIt worked!17:22
ImJunebooting to grub now17:22
melbaubuntui had to set false for draw-user-backgrounds xd17:22
melbaubuntuthanks for helps!!17:23
ImJuneim back17:26
ImJuneback this command seemed not to work17:26
ImJuneat the grub17:26
MonkeyDustultragamecard  there are many, xfce, lxde, mate and others17:26
MonkeyDustultragamecard  kde17:27
ultragamecardI'll check those out17:27
ultragamecardare they compatible with ubuntu?17:27
ioriaImJune, did you put both i8042.nomux=1 and i8042.reset ?17:27
ObrienDaveultragamecard, yes they are17:27
EriC^^melbaubuntu: i got it to work17:27
ImJune1 at a time17:28
ioriaImJune, at the same time17:28
ImJunekeep "and" in there?17:28
EriC^^melbaubuntu: copy the file you want to use as a background to /usr/share/backgrounds, type sudo /path/to/file /usr/share/backgrounds/file.png , then type sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/backgrounds/file.png17:28
ioriaImJune, no, without 'and'17:28
EriC^^without the chmod 644 it doesn't work17:29
ImJuneso put both command on the same line?17:29
ioriaImJune, yes:    i8042.nomux=1 i8042.reset17:29
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melbaubuntuThanks eric!!17:30
EriC^^no problem!17:30
EriC^^melbaubuntu: sorry that's sudo cp /path/to/file /usr/share/backgrounds/file.png to copy the file17:31
ImJuneHi I enter those command on the same line17:31
ImJuneI am back17:32
melvin_iḿ using this picture as background with some text17:32
ImJuneentered both of those commands on the same line17:32
ImJunethough my mousepad seems to still have no response17:32
melvin_ImJune, my touchpad doesn't work also xd17:33
melvin_I use a mouse always ^17:33
ImJunewhats your laptop?17:34
melvin_Acer aspire v3-....17:34
melvin_i dunno after that out of my head xd17:34
melvin_what do you have?17:34
ImJunefrontier pc 14 inch generic laptop thing17:34
ImJunepretty fast17:34
ImJunei5 3317u 4gb ram m.sata ssd17:35
ImJuneprice was nice17:35
melvin_Nice, i just bought mine 2 days ago. i got i5-5200 8gb ram and ssd120gb for 570,- euros17:35
melvin_what was your price?17:35
melvin_oh and a 840m geforce graphics card <317:36
OerHekscomparing prices with/without warranty :-D17:36
melvin_excl btw, because i got money for it back. normal price was around 750,- xd17:37
ImJunethe price was 170 usd for mine17:37
ImJuneand if I install windows everything is working fine17:37
ImJunesad I can't get this working17:38
ioriaImJune, the command synclient -l , what says ?17:38
melvin_ImJune, please delete windows for your laptops sake <317:38
ImJuneCouldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?17:39
ImJuneI hate windows17:39
ImJuneI am a convert to linux from mac17:39
melvin_I hate the virusses xd17:39
acz32melvin_: i never had a virus using windows for over a decade17:40
ImJuneI dont get virus on windows either17:40
EriC^^acz32: no joking please :P17:40
acz32and didn't have antivirus software installed either. i was just not dumb and didn't click on any .exe17:40
ImJunebut I don't like it17:40
west536457640help please, cannot disable screensaver on 14.04, kicks in every 5 minutes, the rest is awesome ut this is driving me crazy17:41
ImJuneioria was that the response you expected?17:41
EriC^^acz32: you can get viruses by just visiting a website, or clicking on an ad, etc.17:41
ImJune"Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?"17:41
west5364576405 mins of inactivity then boom the screen goes black, makes watching a movie impossible17:41
acz32EriC^^: noscript and abp are not platform-specific. they protect you on windows too17:42
reisioyou probably mean badware17:42
reisionobody's seen a virus in ages17:42
west536457640how to fix this ?17:42
reisiowest536457640: what're you watching a movie with?17:42
melvin_acz32 do you even torrent xd?17:42
ImJunemalware yeah17:42
west536457640vlc, but same thing happens with browsing17:43
ioriaImJune, apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ?17:43
EriC^^acz32: cnet even has viruses these days17:43
reisiowest536457640: with Flash you mean?17:43
melvin_acz32 i use cracked windows and all kinda cracked stuffs. i'm a poor student xd17:43
BluesKajwest536457640, do you have your power/sleep settings set at  5mins17:44
reisiowest536457640: that with plain Ubuntu/Unity?17:44
west536457640reisio, it happens whether i watch a movie or dont, every 5 minutes17:44
acz32EriC^^: that's not true. cnet may have some malware but no viruses and it's a terrible place to download software anyways since they bundle stuff with your download17:44
reisioand they don't really have much Unix software17:44
reisioand if they did it'd still be a terrible place to get it17:44
ImJuneI just did that command and it said its already the latest verison17:44
west536457640its xubuntu, have tried setting power/sleep but i think it is getting overrided some place17:44
EriC^^the point is that you can't download and install .exe's in windows without getting malware17:44
ImJunehow do I change my keyboard layout map?17:45
ioriaImJune, synclient TouchpadOff=017:45
EriC^^it's like a russian roulette or something17:45
acz32i heard win10 is bringing package management to windows17:45
ImJuneCouldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?17:45
utfans05_acz32: really?17:45
reisioit is17:45
gr1zzlybe4rwhat does it mean when "rm -rf Foo/" fails because the device or resource is busy?17:45
reisioextremely rudimentary package management, but still package management17:45
utfans05_gr1zzlybe4r: that means that the file you are trying to delete is in use.17:46
reisiogr1zzlybe4r: lsof Foo17:46
ImJunewe can use that from cmd prompt?17:46
reisioImJune: use what?17:46
ImJuneI am not sure what you mean17:46
reisiothat's my line17:47
ImJunepackage manager that allow us to get packages from windows reps?17:47
ImJunesimilar to yum or apt-get?17:47
reisioon Windows, yeah, it's commandline17:47
gr1zzlybe4rwell how do I stop it from being used? I already pgrep'd for the process that I thought was using it, kill -9'd it, but it's still telling me that it's in use.17:47
reisioin a very general sense, yes17:47
reisioit doesn't do any dep resolution AFAIK17:47
reisioit's basically a glorified installer fetcher17:47
reisiowhich Windows already had via 3rd parties17:47
utfans05_gr1zzlybe4r: do an lsof the file that you are trying to delete.17:47
utfans05_That shoudl tell you what's using is.17:47
gr1zzlybe4rthat doesn't show anything17:48
reisiodo it right, then17:49
gr1zzlybe4rdoes it make any difference that there's a "lost+found/" dir inside of the dir that I'm trying to remove?17:49
EriC^^gr1zzlybe4r: type lsof | grep /path/to/dir17:49
reisiogr1zzlybe4r: nope17:49
EriC^^gr1zzlybe4r: yeah, that means it's a mounted filesystem17:49
EriC^^and you're trying the remove the mountpoint17:49
EriC^^( well most likely )17:49
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/17:50
reisiorm only works on things that're mounted :p17:50
reisioif it's not mounted, you've nothing to rm :p17:50
EriC^^reisio: he's trying to remove the mountpoint17:50
EriC^^like rm -r /mnt for instance17:50
EriC^^but it's still mounted, so he has the lost+found17:50
ImJuneback to studying c17:50
ImJuneperhaps in a few months this can be able to fix17:51
reisioEriC^^: try it yourself17:51
EriC^^reisio: try what?17:51
reisioSheraf: hi17:51
reisioEriC^^: it17:51
EriC^^reisio: what's it?17:51
SherafI'm looking for something ubuntu based to install on a 2g usb drive17:51
SherafAny idea17:51
reisiorm -fr on something mounted17:51
EriC^^reisio: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt , then try to rm -r /mnt ?17:51
reisioSheraf: what for17:51
reisioEriC^^: sure17:51
SherafBrowse web that's it17:52
reisioSheraf: why such a strange low capacity requirement?17:52
ObrienDaveuse the minimal ISO17:52
EriC^^gr1zzlybe4r: can you type lsof | grep /path/to/dir ?17:52
ImJuneubuntu mate is kewl17:52
ImJuneminimal install file?17:52
reisioit's a friend17:53
lycan|y50anyone here using bumblebee17:53
acz32Sheraf: i would not use a DE in that case. ubuntu+openbox or something like that17:53
gr1zzlybe4rok lsof | grep Foo/ returns a PID.17:53
Sherafreisio: I'm on my phone and I'm stuck with only that, I don't want to argue. .. If someone has an idea please17:53
gr1zzlybe4rShould I kill that, umount the directory, and then try to remove all of the files?17:53
EriC^^ah he left17:53
EriC^^it doesn't actually work, as i said17:54
EriC^^sudo rm -r /boot/efi17:54
EriC^^rm: cannot remove ‘/boot/efi’: Device or resource busy17:54
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EriC^^gr1zzlybe4r: yeah17:54
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gr1zzlybe4rcool that worked. thank you!17:55
EriC^^gr1zzlybe4r: what do you mean? if you unmount it, the files will be gone17:55
EriC^^gr1zzlybe4r: you only removed the empty mountpoint17:55
xchatterDoes anybody know a channel where I can ask questions about file systems in general? I want to connect my 2TB hard disk via USB to my TV to watch movies. My TV can decode the movies. But I guess it has to be FAT32 so the TV can recognize it. But what is the max size for a FAT32 file system?17:56
ObrienDave4GB file size limit17:57
xchatterThx. Do you think the TV would recognize two partitions?17:57
ObrienDaveprobably not17:58
xchatterIt is a new Philips flatscreen17:58
xchatterOK Thx17:58
ObrienDaveyou would have to research the specs17:58
xchatterBut TVs usually require FAT32, right? Or do they also read ext or NTFS these days?17:59
ObrienDavemy Vizio says FAT32 also but it will read NTFS17:59
ObrienDavemine only reads USB sticks. it will NOT read HDs18:00
xchatterHow does the TV know whether it is an USB stick or USB hard drive? Shouldn't both work?18:00
EriC^^gr1zzlybe4r: nevermind, i guess it removes the files inside but can't remove the mountpoint18:01
meekatronignore #ubuntu joins,parts,quits18:01
ObrienDavexchatter, different partition header number.18:01
EriC^^good thing i backed up /boot/efi before trying that :D18:01
ObrienDavexchatter, different hard coded device identifier18:02
BluesKajxchatter, i was about to suggest NTFS or connect your disk to a pc then play the movies in the pc over your network to the networked tv18:03
pi-I've hit up against https://askubuntu.com/questions/569550/assertionerror-using-apache2-and-libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3-on-ubuntu-14-04-python -- basically `apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3` installs an old buggy version of mod_wsgi18:04
pi-Is there any protocol for flagging this for attention?18:05
xchatterThe TV has the capability to play movies. I guess I will then just collect the movies on my big drive on ext and copy a movie to a stick when I want to watch it.18:05
p-trustwhat is a good alternative to notepad++ in linux ?18:05
AleksaAnyone here from Nepal? I need help.18:05
pi-The only alternative seems to be to compile mod_wsgi from source, which I'm really reluctant to do.18:05
utfans05_p-trust: gedit or vim if you want a command line editor.18:05
xchatterWhy is the channel security invite only?18:06
xchatterWhere can I ask security questions?18:06
ObrienDavep-trust, Pluma18:06
utfans05_p-trust: honestly there are a bunch out there, you'll have to find one that you like best.18:06
BluesKajxchatter, the tv will most likey recognize NTFS , but check the tv manual18:08
xchatterok thx18:11
west536457640re my power manager issue - screen blanks after 5 mins of inactivity no matter what - found  a prog called tlp running on startup which may be overriding other settings, anyone heard of tlp before?18:13
ObrienDave!info tlp18:14
ubottuPackage tlp does not exist in vivid18:14
ObrienDavenope :)18:14
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west536457640tlp details here: http://linrunner.de/en/tlp/docs/tlp-linux-advanced-power-management.html18:18
west536457640ok so disabled tlp now gonna try waiting for 5 mins to see if that has fixed things18:18
Guest96737Hi guys! Is there any way to change the gdm 3.14 icons to match the ones i'm using in my session?18:20
Philaneousi know that the way you execute virtual hosts on ubuntu server has changed with 14.0418:22
Philaneousi cant get my browser to point to the document root18:22
UbuntuIniestahello there, I have problem with keyboard layout. it changes by itself to other languages I added.18:25
UbuntuIniestarandomly and often enough18:25
p-trustprobably a virus18:25
UbuntuIniestap-trust, did you reply me?18:27
BluesKaj!virus | p-trust18:29
ubottup-trust: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:29
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wastrelUbuntuIniesta: you should check the keyboard shortcut for switching input method18:36
wastrelsettings > text entry18:37
UbuntuIniestawastrel, do you mean this submenu: system settings > keyboard > typing =18:38
wastrelUbuntuIniesta: i have 14.04 , in mine it is   system settings > text entry18:38
wastrelit's where i configure input soures and keyboard shortcuts18:38
UbuntuIniestaoh, oh, sorry, wastrel..I have the same, too18:40
UbuntuIniestawastrel, I see 'super' in the shortcut entry. what is this?18:41
wastrelit is the "windows" key18:41
UbuntuIniestathank you18:41
UbuntuIniestawastrel, but I never use super key. I dont suppose that causes the layout change18:42
wastrelcan't help then :)18:42
UbuntuIniestathank you anyway..this is really strange. what could be the reason for this?18:43
wastreldid you upgrade from earlier version of ubuntu?18:43
sireorionhow do i install bz2 files?18:44
MonkeyDust!tar | sireorion start here18:44
ubottusireorion start here: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:44
sireorionim trying to install Bluegriffon but the bz2 file is dumb18:45
MonkeyDustsireorion  i have bluegriffon too... specify "dumb"18:47
sireorionMonkeyDust, I cant install it...18:47
sireorionthe BZ2 file cant be opened and i have redownloaded it18:47
MonkeyDustsireorion  how did you try to open it?18:48
sireoriontar -xjf bluegriffon-1.7.2.Ubuntu13.04.x86_64.tar.bz218:48
LeEarlguys how do I get cpu/motherboard sensor reading on ubuntu 14?18:48
MonkeyDustsireorion  try with a graphic archive manager18:49
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sireorioni did that first but i only got an folder with alot of files18:49
MonkeyDustLeEarl  psensors is a nice little gui18:49
MonkeyDustsireorion  yes, as it is supposed to be... what went wrong?18:50
sireorionhow do u open it in the folder?18:50
MonkeyDustsireorion  ah, you're looking for the executable binary, right?18:51
LeEarlok thanx18:51
LeEarlif temp is 61'C is that too high?18:51
MonkeyDustsireorion  open the bluegriffon folder, find the 'bluegriffon' file, click it, it then asks you to run or open in terminal... select run18:52
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sireorionooo tnx MonkeyDust ur my hero18:53
MonkeyDustsireorion  yw, glad i could help... lucky thing i use it too18:54
UbuntuIniestawastrel, no, the last install was not an upgrade. but I think I'd upgraded the previous one.18:54
sireorionMonkeyDust, =)18:54
ImJunewho else still having some troubles with their mousepad18:54
UbuntuIniestasometimes in new installs ubuntu seems to overtake settings-packages from earlier installs, is that possible?18:54
sireorionLeEarl, my cpu is on -169¤ C18:55
pi-I've just found a solution online to my problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/569550/assertionerror-using-apache2-and-libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3-on-ubuntu-14-04-python -- this person seems to have got around the "apt-get serving an out-of-date package" by instead using pip to get the package. I'm confused here. I thought apt-get was for general Linux packages, and pip was for Python packages.18:55
pi-But is there some overlap?18:55
pi-And specifically he is using a pip he just installed into his virtual python3 environment. So is there any particular reason he did that? Why not just use system pip? Would it install the package into the same place?18:55
ioriaImJune, just tell it18:55
LeEarlsireorion, u got P4?18:55
sireorionP4 like in pentium 4?18:56
LeEarlyes 3Ghz18:56
ImJuneOk I fixed my mousepad issue by adding  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8042.reset i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.noloop"18:56
tgm4883ImJune: *Touchpad. A mousepad just sits there on your desk18:56
ImJuneok touchpad18:57
tgm4883ImJune: interesting ifx18:57
LeEarlisn't 60'C too much?18:57
ioriatgm4883, here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2233632&page=218:57
ImJuneof course you must apt update-grub18:57
ImJuneafter a reboot it should work18:58
ImJunethe guy earlier with the acer should try this18:58
ImJuneoh and this machine use ubuntu 15.04lts18:58
ImJunenot 1418:58
BluesKajImJune, 15.04 is not LTS18:59
ioriaImJune glad you made t18:59
sireorionLeEarl, PM18:59
LeEarlok sorry just noticed!18:59
sillysluxsireorion your cpu is on -169°C? 's that liquid nitrogen cooled?19:00
ImJune15.04 is not?19:00
ImJunehow long is it supported?19:01
ioriaImJune, no, 16 wil be19:01
ioriaImJune, but now, you know the trick19:01
ImJuneoh I see19:02
ImJuneodd number never be lts19:02
ioriaImJune, http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life19:04
ImJuneyou are so helpful today19:05
ObrienDave!cookie ;P19:06
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ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:06
ImJuneCookies are better in europe19:07
ImJuneover here they are soggy :)19:08
* ObrienDave loves soft cookies ;P19:08
ImJunekali linux built on top of ubuntu right?19:09
ioriaImJune, kali it's not general purpose19:09
ImJuneI know19:09
ImJuneits for penetration test19:09
ioriaImJune, just for funny things19:09
ImJuneI can test if my site or server have some issues19:10
ImJuneioria do you know c programming?19:10
EriC^^ImJune: it's like a dildo, in some sense then19:10
ioriaImJune, a little.. what do you need ?19:10
al8989hello i have a usb wireless network adaptor with a realtek RTL 8187 chipset that keeps randomly disconnecting from the internet any suggestions on how to fix it?19:11
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ImJuneyes like a dildo19:11
ImJuneI am wondering what materials you used to learn c19:11
ObrienDavewow, that's keeping it "family friendly"19:11
ImJunetbh I never thought about it that way till he mention it, I am a family person19:12
ioriaImJune, you can find tons of manuals and are all good...but the original manual is very instructive19:12
ObrienDaveeric knows better19:13
ImJuneI have this19:13
ImJunewhite book19:13
ioriaImJune, the Ritchie' one i mean19:13
ImJuneK and R19:13
ioriaImJune, but practice is the best school19:14
ImJuneI have a physical version of this book19:14
ImJuneI love this book19:14
combatwombathttp://pastebin.com/S15HCEhe this is my attempt at a static ip config. is this wrong? (eth0) somehow it is getting which isn't even in my dhcp range and I certainly didn't tell it I wanted
sireorionhey can i install my razer megalodon on ubuntu?19:15
ioriaImJune, after you can pass from user-space to kernel-space19:15
ImJuneafter I finish that book?19:15
ImJunemostly ubuntu core assets are written with c?19:15
ImJuneor something newer?19:15
ioriaImJune, yes... first you need the basics19:16
tonyyarussoImJune: How are you defining "mostly"?  Lines of code in the default desktop install?19:16
al8989also is there away towke the computer up fromsuspend using the mouse rather than the keyboard?19:16
tonyyarussoImJune: Kernel is obviously C, lots of desktop stuff is Python, pretty varied since you're just cobbling together hundreds of different pieces of software.19:18
al8989also is there away to wake the computer up from suspend using the mouse rather than the keyboard?19:18
combatwombatanyone with an idea on what my issue might be?19:18
ImJuneI dont much like python19:18
tonyyarussoal8989: Pretty sure that depends on your BIOS.19:18
ImJunebut I suppose many people love it19:18
jzvi12Im starting to like python more and more19:19
ioriaImJune, python is good, bu first i suggest some bash tutorial19:20
ImJuneI like javascript19:20
ImJunebut bash can only be used inside bash shell19:20
ImJunebash is very similar with c?19:20
LeEarlit is not about what u like, it is about what best works19:20
LeEarlor works best19:20
ioriaImJune, variant of bash, yes ...19:20
tonyyarussoBash isn't like C at all...19:21
ImJuneWell I was told by a friend working in intel you can never go wrong learning c first19:21
acz32"bash can only be used inside bash shell" lol19:21
ioriatonyyarusso, i said a varian of bash19:21
al8989ah ok tony because i the one person keeps using the pc and they move the mouse and it does nothing and  then they come and complain tome its not working yet all tjhey had to dois press a button on the keyboard ot wake the pc up19:21
tonyyarussoioria: They're not even the same general kind of language.19:22
ioriatonyyarusso, sure, i meant shell (not bash)19:22
ImJunethank you all whom helped me to find that fix19:23
al8989so i figured i set the pc to wake on mouse or keybaord if i could19:23
ioriatonyyarusso, csh19:23
nircUserVVis ubuntu like kubuntu?19:24
combatwombatfixed it. looks like it didn't want but wanted
tonyyarussoioria: Is not remotely related to C.19:24
anomHow can I create a shortcut in the unity search for a wine application?19:24
ioriatonyyarusso, http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/shell/oview2.2.html19:24
lyzeHello I can't manage to get the xrandr command working: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11594574/19:24
LeEarlnircUserVV, remove what they got common in the name, so what is left?19:24
lyzeBasically I want to add a new display region so i could use my tablet as a 3rd monitor19:25
lyzeAll the modes from the display DP-1 are also tries from before; now I can't deletem them anymore…19:26
polishpoliceforcanyone know how to change the webcam settings before the input is given to programs that can use it?19:27
al8989can anyone help me with a wireless networking problem?19:29
sdfsdfdfal8989: what is your problem?19:29
al8989i have a usb wireless network adaptor with a realtek RTL 8187 chipset that keeps randomly disconnecting from the internet in ubuntu any suggestions on how to fix it?19:30
darthanubisI buy hardware on linux compatibility.19:31
darthanubisCheck the hardware compatibility list?19:31
darthanubisubottu, !hardware19:32
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:32
sdfsdfdfal what driver do you use al898919:32
al8989don't know whatever one it installed when i installed ubuntu19:33
pi-I'm going to struggle finding the right IRC channel for this question, but: pip seems to show 2 options for mod_wsgi here http://hastebin.com/kupeqiliye.vhdl -- I'm not sure why there are two, or which one to use19:34
polishpoliceforcusing omegle on ubuntu studio19:34
al8989let me check it out19:34
polishpoliceforcis fickle19:35
al8989rtl8187 is the driver19:40
al8989i am using19:40
CloudZimmermannis it for your rj45 hardware?19:40
melbaubuntuHeey guys, maybe a weard question but i want to fix this but then in ubuntu? http://loekvandenouweland.com/content/no-quote-until-i-press-space-on-my-keyboard19:41
al8989sdfsdfdf: rtl8187 is the driver iuse formy wireless networking adaptor19:41
Seven_Six_Twonot sure why, but my nexus 5 started mounting as mtp recently, and I can't copy files to it. It used to (recently) just show up in nautilus like a usb key or external harddrive, but now the address line in nautilus says "mtp://[usb:002,008]/"  Is there a trick to making it mount normally? I get a libmtp error whenever I try to copy a file or create a folder. Pretty useless, if you ask me.19:42
wastrelmtp sucks19:42
afradinhello guys, How are you ?19:42
Seven_Six_TwoI guess it must have been mtp before too, but something has changed, likely an ubuntu update, because my phone is rooted and doesn't update OTA.19:43
afradinWho play Mincraft ?19:43
Seven_Six_Twoafradin, I do.19:43
afradinNice, and what server you want play Seven_Six_Two ?19:44
Seven_Six_Twoafradin, I don't want to play.19:44
afradinok :'(19:44
Seven_Six_Twoafradin, I run my own server.19:44
afradinoww :D19:44
afradingood ! It was finish ?19:44
afradingood ! It is finish ?19:45
Seven_Six_TwoThe question is without sense.19:45
west536457640ok problem solved, for reference, I could not set my power options (screen blanks on inactivity timeout) because it was being overridden by a program called tlp details here: http://linrunner.de/en/tlp/docs/tlp-linux-advanced-power-management.html19:45
afradinSeven_Six_Two,  what is your server adress please ?19:46
Seven_Six_Twoafradin, it's a private server19:46
afradinSeven_Six_Two, can I join your private server ? yes/no ?19:49
Seven_Six_Twoafradin, please don't DCC me. And no, the server is for my RL friends. Sorry. I run spigot with a bunch of plugins, but isn't set up to anti-grief.19:50
afradinok I understand :)19:50
wastrelwhat's spigot19:51
Seven_Six_TwoIt's a wrapper for the vanilla mc server that gives an api for plugins.19:51
afradinSeven_Six_Two, I know a command to chat with 2 terminals do you want test ?19:51
Seven_Six_Twoafradin, I don't know what you mean, but no thanks. I'm trying to reflash my phone.19:51
wastrelpeople like minecraft19:53
afradinYeh :D19:53
CloudZimmermannI just finished reflashing my watch. I had a bootloop occurring after installing a bad onscreen keyboard.19:53
CloudZimmermannIt was due to the small DPI value available.19:53
Seven_Six_Twolibmtp error:  Could not send object info.   <<  I get this when I try to copy to my phone.19:54
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: did you install that mtp android tool for ubuntu19:54
Seven_Six_Twolotuspsychje, I've not installed anything specific, because I've been able to write to my phone for close to a year as is.19:55
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: android phone?19:55
Seven_Six_TwoIt used to mount just like a usb drive. Yes. A Nexus 5.19:55
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: search for that green android package for ubuntu, cant recall package name sorry19:56
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: android mount or something19:56
Seven_Six_TwoI'll give it a shot. I'm going to flash 5.1.1 first. Hopefully I can do it without losing all of my data.19:57
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: you enabled usb debugging and devel mode on android right?19:58
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: you know you can install ubuntu-touch on nexus5 also, and connect to ubuntu with phablet-tools19:58
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: join #ubuntu-touch for more info on that19:59
Seven_Six_Twolotuspsychje, yes, I had touch installed using multi-rom, but wasn't very impressed. If the nexus 5 had SD I might have left it on to play with, but I can't afford the space. Devel mode and usb debugging is on. Still can't copy to phone.20:00
lotuspsychjeSeven_Six_Two: then you need that android mount package on ubuntu20:01
lotuspsychje!info mtpfs | Seven_Six_Two tryed this1?20:02
ubottuSeven_Six_Two tryed this1?: mtpfs (source: mtpfs): FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (vivid), package size 15 kB, installed size 74 kB20:02
OnkelTemHi all. Can you recommend a software to transfer photos/videos from an android phone with preview feature?20:06
lotuspsychjeOnkelTem: wich device are you trying on wich ubuntu version?20:07
lotuspsychjeOnkelTem: i recently mounted iphone 6 to 14.04 and showed all pictures with previews20:08
OnkelTemlotuspsychje: 12.04 yet20:08
OnkelTemlotuspsychje: Nexus 5. I tried go-mtpfs and it works fine, for mounting20:08
lotuspsychjeOnkelTem: but the pictures you see in blank icons right,?20:09
reisioOnkelTem: for previewing before transferring?20:09
OnkelTembut I conjure up some software with UI for easily transfer selected photos and then remove then from the phone. Wait, when I was typing that I realized I can use Picasa20:10
OnkelTemlotuspsychje: haven't tried this in Dolphin yet, a moment...20:11
OerHeksany photo preview software gives such high datatraffic, i wonder if that is handy20:11
stoikerHello, I did full disk encryption of my install. This means that the bootloader is on another disk. The other disk I am mentioning has GRUB, but it has overwritten the old GRUB and my encrypted system no longer shows up. How can I boot again the encrypted system?20:12
LeEarlguys what command shows cpu info?20:12
OnkelTemLeEarl: cat /proc/cpuinfo20:12
OnkelTemOerHeks: +1 (didn't know that)20:13
kartquick question: so a co-worker of mine played this prank on my test VM wherein, if i tried to run basic commands like scp or w, i would get cannot execute .. when i ran it with bash -x, i got the error unknown UID .. so googling it and all, i found out that turning on nscd fixed the issue. question is, how is that related to setting by uid ?20:13
OnkelTemOerHeks: traffic is overwhelming (see this in console). Just visiting a DCIM/Camera made it to download all the photos! Have no idea where it is actually downloading them to20:15
LeEarlthanx OnkelTem20:15
OnkelTemLeEarl: see OerHeks's reply also20:15
alistairhello how can i get my account photo to show at login screen? thanks :-)20:17
jarrow5Time is running out as seen on Twitter, 12 months hosting for £4.99 expiring tonight!20:19
mikubuntuis wubi still an install option?20:20
Jordan_U!wubi | mikubuntu20:20
ubottumikubuntu: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.20:20
stoikerHello, I did full disk encryption of my install. This means that the bootloader is on another disk. The other disk I am mentioning has GRUB, but it has overwritten the old GRUB and my encrypted system no longer shows up. How can I boot again the encrypted system?20:20
Jordan_U!bootinfo | stoiker20:21
ubottustoiker: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.20:21
BluesKajmikubuntu, wubi isn't worth it , dual boot windows and linux or use a VM20:22
mikubuntuhiya Jordan_U ... someone gave my sis an hp mini 1000 netbook, it has xp on it, but the keyboard not running properly.20:22
hokkoswhere is the package list of ubuntu snappy core ?20:22
BluesKajmikubuntu, ask that question in #windows chat20:22
mikubuntushe brought it to me to check out, and sure enough the keystrokes are generally not recognized EXCEPT when i opened the network manager for wireless it took the keystrokes for entering the wireless passkey.20:23
Jordan_Umikubuntu: Please get to the part where this relates to Ubuntu.20:24
alistairhello how can i get my account photo to show at login screen? thanks :-D20:24
mikubuntuwell, i wonder a) what a good ubuntu flavor would be for that netbook, and b) if the keyboard might be something that resolves with the new OS20:25
OerHekshokkos, try in #snappy ?20:25
acz32mikubuntu: use a livecd with something like lubuntu to see if the keyboard works20:26
Jordan_Umikubuntu: For a machine that was made for XP, Xubuntu or Lubuntu would probably be good options.20:26
Jack_The_RipperHey everyone, so I installed ubuntu mate, and now the ubuntu software center is unreadable, its white text on a white background, how do i fix it?20:27
mikubuntuso i guess i should make a startstick usb from my laptop with lubuntu? do you recommend either over the other? xubuntu or lubuntu? i thought i read about another ubuntu flavor the other day -- elementary?20:28
OerHeksmikubuntu, try them both. ( elementary is beyond the scope of this channel)20:29
mikubuntuOerHeks: they will run live off a stick right? machine doesn't have cd port20:29
OerHeksmikubuntu, yes.20:30
stoiker2stoiker2 here with bootinfo, Jordan_U http://pastebin.com/ZjmbuzHs20:30
mikubuntuok guys thanks, i'll prolly be back later when the whole thing freezes up .. lol20:30
stoiker2Jordan_U, also the disk in question that I need to boot is sdc20:31
RudeViperIs 15.04 actually released or is it still being tested?20:31
OnkelTemI can't copy files from my Android to Ubuntu yet. Either the process just breaks in a random place, or it can't mount, or it mounts but I can't 'read' DCIM directory.20:31
OerHeks15.04 is out ..20:31
OerHeksOnkelTem, make sure it is unlocked before connecting USB20:32
RudeViperOerHeks: ok thanks - guess if I'm going to set up a server I should be using that...Hope it hasn't changed all that much20:32
vitimitiHi, I'm trying to create a .desktop file for a script that I want to use, and I'm getting order not found everywhere. Here is the file, the errors and the file permissions and modes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11596046/20:32
calwigHallo, sag mal, koennen Sie mir bitte sagen, wo ich die Spracheeinstellungen in K14.04 finden kann?20:33
OnkelTemOerHeks: ok, I'll check it, but another my thought was 5% of battery. Now recharging it20:33
OerHeksRudeViper, well... systemd has replaced Upstart as the standard boot and service things20:33
calwigIm trying to locate/set the Keyboard settings in 14.0420:33
OerHekscalwig, systemsettings > keyboard / language support20:34
RudeViperOerHeks - oh but 15.04 isn't LTS yet? I'll give it a shot anyway - just hope I can make my stuff go with it.20:34
calwigOerHeks: for some reason I found it now, success. thx20:35
stoiker216.04 will be LTS RudeViper20:36
OnkelTemPlease correct me if I wrong: proper camera software should read thumbnails folder for photos list, not the photo files20:36
stoiker2OnkelTem, if it created the thumbnails, otherwise all bets are off20:36
OnkelTemwell, I see thumbnails dir on my android, so this is a good sign20:37
OnkelTemand "stupid" Dolphin starts to download my android when I "just" visit DCIM dir :)20:38
stoiker2Oh, it's dolphin.20:38
stoiker2KDE needs to reevaluate what they're doing20:38
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stoiker2vitimiti, I think you need to use quotes around your descriptions and things because they are strings with whitespace characters20:41
vitimitistoiker2, let me try that20:42
vitimiti[Desktop is still not found20:42
BuddI'm running Ubuntu 14.04.2, but finding that Mesa is too old for my purposes.20:43
BuddCan I force an upgrade of just Mesa to a newer version, or do I have to upgrade the whole system to development?20:43
daftykinsdevelopment doesn't apply to you, as that'd be 15.1020:44
postmodernwhy is mkpasswd bundled in the whois package?20:44
wastrelprobably for historical reasons20:45
stoiker2vitimiti, try putting this without quotes as the first line, and disregard my previous commeent about the quotes around the comments "#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open"20:45
vitimitistoiker2, that is opening gedit, now20:46
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Budddaftykins: sorry, I'm not familiar with the release numbering - are you saying that do-release-upgrade -d wouldn't do anything?20:46
daftykinsBudd: correct, also you should never run that20:47
daftykinsas that's the wrong approach20:47
Buddthen perhaps you cold point me to the right approach?20:47
Buddfor upgrading Mesa, that is.20:47
daftykinswell first up, you're after a specific mesa is it? which release contains the version you want?20:48
Budddaftykins: unfortunately, I don't know. I have reason to believe that recent Mesa will give me OpenGL 2.1 on my machine, but I don't know anything more specific.20:49
daftykinsBudd: what's the actual main goal here? ignoring Mesa versions20:50
stoiker2vitimiti, could you send a new pastebin of the current file?20:50
TheDarkLordCan I boot from a USB drive that has a secondary partition made specifically for booting up? I want to keep my personal data away from the live CD.20:50
vitimitistoiker2, sure20:50
Budddaftykins: get my program, written for OpenGL 2.4, to run on my laptop.20:50
daftykinsprogram of your own making huh?20:51
daftykinsso it runs elsewhere?20:51
vitimitistoiker2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11596528/20:51
Budddaftykins: yes, my desktop is an unrelated Linux system (no distro, everything compiled from source).20:52
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daftykinsah so LFS20:52
daftykins!find mesa20:52
BuddBut entirely different graphics system, as well as newer Mesa, so it's not useful for comparison.20:52
ubottuFound: libegl1-mesa, libegl1-mesa-dbg, libegl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg, libglapi-mesa, libglapi-mesa-dbg (and 23 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mesa&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all20:52
daftykinsBudd: any thoughts on which package would be the main relevant one? maybe booting a live session of 15.04 would be a good test?20:53
stoiker2try this vitimiti http://paste.ubuntu.com/11596544/20:53
vitimitistoiker2, let me see20:53
TheC4melAt this point, I'm desperate. jackd audio is an audio service that pretty much makes every DAW plugin work. (Digital Audio Workstation). I'm a musician and it'd be great to have some nicnacks to play with in my DAW, but without jackd, it's useless. Here's the error log. http://pastebin.com/uNu8c8Km20:53
Budddaftykins: I don't know which is the critical packages. I'll see if I can live-boot 15.04.20:54
BuddIs unetbootin still the easy way to do that?20:54
vitimitistoiker2, no, still opening gedit. Maybe I changed how xdg-open understands .desktop files accidentally?20:54
TheC4melAnyone have some experience with jackd audio? QJackCTL is giving me a hard time. jackd isn't even working correctly. Here's the log  http://pastebin.com/uNu8c8Km20:55
daftykinsBudd: i would use 'dd' to put the ISO on your flash drive20:55
daftykinsdd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=2M20:56
stoiker2vitimiti, are you opening the file from terminal?20:56
vitimitistoiker2, and clicking on it, too20:56
Budddaftykins: that works? I thought the boot formats of CDs and disks were incompatible.20:56
Jordan_Ustoiker2: So you have a non-encrypted installation that boots fine, and you want to add an entry to it that boots your encrypted install, correct?20:56
stoiker2vitimiti, strange. Maybe changing terminal=false to terminal=true would be benecicial20:57
vitimitiLet me try that, then20:57
vitimitistoiker2, well, I saw the name in the .desktop file I was editing wasn't the same as the .desktop file name on nautilus, so I right clicked on it and edited it in properties, and now it works20:59
Jordan_UBudd: It works with images designed for both. The two methods (CD vs HD) are very different, but they aren't mutually exclusive.20:59
dwbearI have installed ubuntu server 14 on a dell poweredge with 3 broadcom NICs -- but ubuntu only is able to 'address' 1. It is mapping eth1 (eth1 is shown in lspci /dmesg ) to a name called em1 -- meaning em1 is what is used in ifconfig. I don't seem to be able to ifconfig eth0 or eth1. I have attempted to use the gui tools to modify things but they generate errors. Meaning when I run network-admin  only the em1 interface is shown. Running21:00
dwbeargnome-nettool lists interfaces with the name p3p1 and p3p2 but any attempts to select these 'devices' generates an error. I'm now bumping against my ignorance on how to ifconfig an interface when ubuntu does some kind of mapping between the standard eth? to something else.21:00
dwbearHoping someone can make suggestions21:00
Jordan_Ustoiker2: To accomplish that, create a new file /boot/grub/custom.cfg with the following contents: http://paste.debian.net/204873/ Then reboot and select this new entry at the grub menu.21:01
daftykinsdwbear: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces , "ifconfig -a" and "lshw -C network"21:03
BuddIs there way to get dpkg/apt/whatever to list packages that I have explicitly installed (excluding dependencies)?21:04
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dwbeardaftykins: will do -- I should mention that I have created an lxc container and there are some virtual interfaces listed in ifconfig which make things a little complicated.21:07
EriC^^Budd: you could do zcat /var/log/apt/history.log* | grep "apt-get.*install" | cut -d" " -f4-21:09
daftykinsdwbear: deal with the host settings before considering that, sounds like you went too many steps ahead :)21:09
dwbeardaftykins: http://pastebin.com/aBgNCJmM21:10
EriC^^Budd: also cat /var/log/apt/history.log | grep "apt-get.*install" | cut -d" " -f4-21:10
dwbearthe lshow command showed some interfaces as being disabled.21:10
dwbearnot sure why they are -- or how.21:10
EriC^^Budd: or just zgrep "apt-get.*install" /var/log/apt/history.log* | cut -d" " -f4-21:11
EriC^^and grep ....history.log21:11
EriC^^Budd: nevermind, zgrep does both compressed and not compressed21:12
daftykinsdwbear: do you have your interfaces file too?21:13
BuddEriC^^: thanks.21:14
EriC^^Budd: that doesn't include packages installed in software center though21:15
BuddWhat about synaptic?21:16
linuxliteHow I can to install wifi hack for password?Mabye aircrack or another21:16
daftykinslinuxlite: no sorry, inappropriate question here.21:17
EriC^^Budd: i don't know, if you go to software-center and then history > installations it lists everything but it can't be parsed21:17
daftykinsplease look elsewhere.21:17
EriC^^Budd: i wonder how it gets that list though21:17
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reisiodaftykins: it's in ubuntu repos :p21:18
reisiosure it comes with docs, though21:18
daftykinsreisio: you know we have to check the sanity of requests here - and that one wasn't a good one.21:19
daftykinstherefore ignored.21:19
BuddEriC^^: Well, the list from var/log/apt should be helpful - it'll get me most of the way back to familiar software after an upgrade.21:20
EriC^^Budd: it might include the packages installed with software center, i just noticed the logs only go back about half a year ago21:21
lyndelhey guys anyone know how to install lxde desktop on ubuntu 15.04 and e17 desktop if avalible a stable version21:21
kaseoga_i just upgraded 14.04 to 15.0521:22
EriC^^i was trying to grep for stuff i installed when i installed ubuntu21:22
kaseoga_but i can-t open monitors from control panel21:22
lyndelkaseoga_,  u got no errors? everything works fine?21:22
kaseoga_nop i get to many errors with ati21:22
kaseoga_jokx: helpme to install it21:22
lyndelit was best to do a backup and reinstall upgrades almost never go right lol21:23
wastreldpkg -l | grep ^ii21:23
lyndelam confused why its not in software center would make installing dexktop enviroment easyer21:24
kaseoga_wastrel: wot _21:24
OerHeksbut development is @ 2021:25
lyndelwow thanks alot and lxde?21:25
EriC^^Budd: oh ok, the logs go back pretty far back, i missed a few, but the software-center packages have Commandline: aptdaemon role='role-commit-packages' sender=':1.1640' Install: <package>21:25
lyndele20 and e19 was not stable for me i did not like it e17 seems to be more stable21:25
OerHeks!info lubuntu-desktop21:25
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.59 (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)21:25
lyndelubottu is is safe for my ubuntu 15.04?21:26
lyndellubuntu desktop is what i have to look for?21:26
OerHekslubuntu-desktop  installed size 31 k makes me smile every time :-D21:26
lyndelbut is it true? how to get it?21:27
OerHekssure, it is safe.21:27
lyndelhow to install? :)21:27
lyndela user told me never to add ppas as its unsafe so how can i get it?21:27
OerHeksand choose DE @ login21:27
lyndelok thanks alo try21:28
OerHeksi never mentioned any ppa.21:28
dwbeardaftykins: do you want to look at /etc/network/interfaces ? that's simple.21:28
OerHeks(the ones i know have no 15.04 packages )21:28
lyndelOerHeks, thanks i found it in software center but its taking long to install weird21:30
daftykinsdwbear: it was in my original request yes.21:30
lyndel81mb wow21:30
lyndelno wonder lol21:30
lyndelwow there both installing thanks alot u guys21:32
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Guest4076hey all trying to install ubuntu server 14.4 on a spare pc via USB, but I keep running into issue where it wants my cd-rom been through a couple forum suggestions, still having issues.  making the USB image from a windows pc21:39
reisioGuest4076: try http://unetbootin.sf.net/21:40
Guest4076reisio , I tried that and I get right to the install screen as expected, however when the install kicks off it wants the files off of my cdrom.21:42
nomicguest don't you have to do something in the bios to make it boot from usb21:42
Guest4076I get it boot np21:42
Guest4076it gets to where it wants to load the files and for some reason only wants the cdrom21:42
Guest4076appreciate the tips all-21:43
Jordan_UGuest4076: Get to a shell with ctrl+alt+F1 and run "cat /proc/partitions" to see what drives/partitions are accessible by the linux kernel. I'll bet that your USB drive won't be among them.21:43
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Jordan_U!rootirc | root21:44
ubotturoot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.21:44
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Guest4076I see my HD and my USB21:45
Guest4076HD= sda  USB sdb21:46
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dwbeardaftykins: sorry. I guess I read too fast. Here's the interfaces file -- its pretty simple http://pastebin.com/0sYASLvd21:52
daftykinsdwbear: fwiw network and broadcast are a waste of time for interfaces. ok, so at the end add "auto p3p1" then "iface p3p1 inet static/dhcp" and the same again for p4p121:53
dwbeardaftykins: thanks -- I'm not sure where the interface p3p1 and p4p1 are coming from.21:54
dwbearI think that is something that lxc installed21:54
daftykinsdwbear: no, read the output of "lshw -C network" those are the names of the other two broadcom adapters :)21:54
dwbearafter doing ifconfig p3p1 I see the mac addresses match with lshw21:55
dwbearSo they must be the same thing21:55
dwbearwondering why ubuntu named them so strangely??21:55
daftykinsit's the Linux kernel doing so, not ubuntu21:55
k1l_dwbear: that will be the new standard.21:56
daftykinsi forget the reason but it's pretty common now21:56
k1l_dwbear: its the kernel doing it. and debian and ubuntu will drop their eth1, wlan0 etc21:56
dwbeark1l_ : hm.. whats the reasoning?21:56
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k1l_wlan0 etc might change due to removing or changing network devices. but that unique names stay21:57
dwbearthank you daftykins and k1l21:58
reisiomost tired meme ever22:18
lyndelguys i installed lubuntu desktop and e17 but it seems it changed the standard login screen to the lubuntu one please help me get back my login screen am using ubuntu 15.04 and i love its login screen please help22:20
MonkeyDustlyndel  picked this up in this channel, it offers a choice of splash screens sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth;sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm22:22
lyndeloh thanks22:22
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:23
lyndelwait al tell u if it works22:23
lyndelMonkeyDust, i dont know which to choose http://paste.opensuse.org/827050522:25
lyndelplease help me22:25
MonkeyDustlyndel  choose one, if you don't like it, re-run the command22:26
lyndelu mean u dont know which is default?22:26
lyndelMonkeyDust,  which is default?22:26
MonkeyDustnot sure, try one22:27
lyndelok i tryed 322:27
lyndelwhat else do i do?22:27
MonkeyDustlyndel  follow the instructions22:28
Jordan_Ustoiker2: Did you see my answer to your eariler question?22:28
lyndelbecosue sometimes i get blank screen and i cant log back in i get tty but no login screen will it fix that?22:28
MonkeyDustlyndel  choose one that works22:28
lyndelMonkeyDust,  what instructions? i choose option 3 so is there any other command to use?22:29
MonkeyDustlyndel  logout or restart and see if you you like the splash screen22:29
lyndelok brb22:31
lyndelMonkeyDust, that did nothing infact even the boot screen is lubuntu login screen is lubuntu22:34
lyndeldarn why did i listen to you guys did u guys never tested these things your self before telling me to install them? my system thinks its lubunut22:35
lyndeli dont want to do any reinstall i just want my stadard ubuntu back its almost as if it changed the hold system to lubuntu22:36
MonkeyDustlyndel  what happened, what went wrong?22:36
lyndelMonkeyDust,  nothing happened am stuck with ubuntu thinking its lubuntu, the boot screen changed and login screen changed22:37
k1l_lyndel: if you install the lubuntu-desktop package that installs the lubuntu look to the lightdm screen etc. that is quite obvious. i dont know what you asked for to get the hint to install  lubuntu-desktop22:37
lyndeli asked in irc if installing lubuntu desktop is safe they said yes now this happens22:37
MonkeyDustlyndel  it's safe alright, it just doesnt look the way you want22:38
lyndeli asked how to install lxde and e17 and they told me to installed lubuntu desktop for lxde i did what they said on irc22:38
k1l_lyndel: where is the issue besides it got other look now? technically its still the same22:38
lyndelits still the same i just want it to look more like ubuntu22:39
lyndeli love the boot screen and login screen is not there anymore i just want it back22:39
k1l_lyndel: what greeter-session is /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf set to?22:40
lyndelKil_ i just want the system to look the way it did before it took the lubuntu look and feel22:40
lyndelhow to know?22:40
lyndelwhat command?22:40
lyndelwhat command to use to see it?22:41
mrasplundmkdir -pv $HOME/.irssi/scripts/autorun && cd $HOME/.irssi/scripts && \22:41
RudeViperin ubuntu server 15.04 - how do I disable the sleep or hibernation function??? Server keeps going to sleep on me while I am trying to work on it via putty22:42
lyndelkil how do i do it? please tell me22:42
k1l_lyndel: what are we talking about? lightdm theme?22:43
SimplysethGreetings, is there a preseed file generator ?22:43
lyndelkil the both the login screen and boot screen changed so how to set it back to default?22:44
birch_Hi all, trying to install JDK 7. These instructions don't specify if I install as root or regular user https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/linux/linux-jdk.html#install-64 Do I install as root, and if so how do I change the permissions so the JDK can be used? Thanks!22:44
MonkeyDustlyndel  did you install lubuntu-desktop?22:44
lyndelMonkeyDust, yes i did the people here told me that will give me lxde desktop22:45
k1l_lyndel: did you use "sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" and choose ubuntu-logo.plymouth?22:45
EriC^^lyndel: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth22:46
lyndeli used ubuntu software center to install it22:46
k1l_lyndel: stop blaming the supporters!22:46
EriC^^that will change the boot screen, as for the login screen check /etc/lightdm/*.conf22:46
k1l_lyndel: if you dont tell that you dont want the lightdm and plymouth to be changed than you need to tell that. supporters in here cant just guess that.22:47
EriC^^check lightdm.conf and see if greeter-session=unity-greeter is set22:47
OerHekserr lyndel , you did 2 things, 1st part should reset it, with your option 3 ... but 2nd part returns it to lubuntu if you are in lubuntu >>> lyndel@lyndel-Inspiron-6000:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth;sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm22:47
lyndelwait give me steps am confused22:48
EriC^^follow OerHeks 's suggestion22:48
OerHeksk1l_ gave the right step.22:48
lyndelok i did it22:49
lyndelbut what about this file?22:49
EriC^^lyndel: type grep greeter /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and paste here22:49
EriC^^just to see22:50
lyndelhow do i look at it? /etc/lightdm/*.conf22:50
k1l_for the login screen check the lightdm.conf what greeter is set22:50
lyndelguys error22:50
lyndellyndel@lyndel-Inspiron-6000:~$ grep greeter /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf22:50
lyndelgrep: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf: No such file or directory22:50
EriC^^nevermind then22:51
EriC^^try rebooting and see if it works22:51
lyndelok thanks brb guys :)22:51
k1l_its /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf22:52
stoiker2Jordan_U, I didn't see it22:52
k1l_or in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/22:53
k1l_dont know where lubuntu stores it22:53
OerHekssame as his base ubuntu22:53
MonkeyDustthis is a nice command: lightdm --test-mode22:53
EriC^^MonkeyDust: what's that do?22:53
EriC^^( i've reset my X session way too many times today trying stuff :)22:53
MonkeyDustEriC^^  it pops up a login screen22:54
shaqueHello, how is everyone?22:54
shaqueI ran: (egrep ‘(vmx|svm)’ /proc/cpuinfo) however it dosn't spit anything out, does this mean my laptop dosn't support virtualization?22:54
EriC^^MonkeyDust: ah, cool22:54
MonkeyDustEriC^^  it does nothing, however22:54
lyndelguys same login screen help22:54
MonkeyDustlyndel, try this: sudo apt-get purge lubuntu-desktop; sudo apt-get autoremove22:55
k1l_lyndel: see in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf which greeter is set22:55
lyndeli rebooted but presented with same login screen for lubuntu that i dont want22:55
MonkeyDustlyndel  and think positive: breaking and fixing things is the best way to learn22:55
k1l_lyndel: more reading, less complaining,22:55
lyndelthere is no way to keep the lxde desktop and just get back my default login screen?22:56
k1l_<k1l_> lyndel: see in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf which greeter is set22:56
lyndeloh ok22:56
k1l_*sigh* i am loosing patience with you.22:56
stoiker2I second MonkeyDust about breaking/fixing22:56
lyndelam doing it wait22:56
OerHeksyou should be able to choose other desktop login from that lubuntu login screen.22:56
MonkeyDustentertaining it is, hmmm22:56
shaqueI have a i7-4700MQ processor though, so shouldn't it support actualization?22:57
lyndelkil [SeatDefaults]22:57
shaquevisualization? *22:57
lyndelis that good?22:58
k1l_lyndel: and what files are in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/22:58
lyndelkill its blank22:59
EriC^^lyndel: ok, type apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk '/Depends/ {print$2}' | sudo xargs apt-get -y install --reinstall22:59
Chasershaque: try cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '(vmx|svm)' ?22:59
lyndelthat good?22:59
EriC^^lyndel: i installed lubuntu once and i ended up running that to get unity back how the way it was22:59
Chasershaque: I mean egrep ...22:59
k1l_lyndel: and /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ ?22:59
lyndeldo what eric give me?23:00
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lyndelapt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk '/Depends/ {print$2}' | sudo xargs apt-get -y install --reinstall this?23:00
shaqueChaser nada, empty23:00
shaqueI swore I enabled it in the bios before, let me reboot to check if you will23:00
EriC^^k1l_: he said it said the session is unity-greeter23:01
k1l_EriC^^: well, its a .conf.d folder so maybe there is another script overruling that. but its really really painful to get infos from lyndel23:01
EriC^^lyndel: type grep greeter /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/*23:02
Ranger15Chaser: That does get the vmx and svm out correctly .23:02
shaqueChaser yea, it's enabled23:03
KamarisI'm using a live cd to do some drive wiping. when the screen display times out and dims, the wipe process goes to about 50% utilization, but with the display showing it drops to about 15%. is there a way to give more priority to that wipe process regardless of display state?23:03
lyndelkil http://paste.opensuse.org/8002080823:03
Ranger15shaque: I was just double checking for you.23:03
k1l_there we go23:04
stoiker2How can I make update-grub catch my encrypted partition containing linux?23:04
Jordan_Ustoiker2: To accomplish that, create a new file /boot/grub/custom.cfg with the following contents: http://paste.debian.net/204873/ Then reboot and select this new entry at the grub menu.23:04
lyndelkil is that good?23:04
Ranger15shaque: Was it enabled when installed Ubuntu?23:04
shaque_sorry my client crashed23:05
k1l_lyndel: name the 60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf to 49-lightdm-greeter.conf23:05
shaque_I do I enable it?23:05
shaque_I have virtualbox installed23:05
Jordan_UKamaris: Utilization measured in disk IO? CPU? Something else?23:05
k1l_lyndel: exchange the 60 with a 49, that i23:05
shaque_it feels to be running smooht (accept the mouse feels the tinest bit sluglish)23:05
lyndelkil how do i do that?23:05
KamarisJordan_U: CPU23:05
EriC^^lyndel: sudo mv /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/{60,49}-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf23:06
lyndeldo eric command?23:06
Jordan_UKamaris: How are you wiping? The process should be IO limited rather than CPU limited.23:06
Ranger15shaque: what virt environment are you using vmware?23:06
KamarisJordan_U: command i'm using was from a recommendation on stackoverflow: head -32 /dev/urandom | openssl enc -rc4 -nosalt -in /dev/zero -pass stdin | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M23:07
shaque_Ranger15 vmware and virtualbox (and soon to be whatever Android Studio uses I think its qemu)23:07
k1l_lyndel: yes, try it23:07
shaque_Ranger15 I have vmware installed but I almost always use virtualbox23:07
Ranger15qemu i think is cloudstack and openstack23:07
lyndelnow what to do?23:08
EriC^^lyndel: try sudo service lightdm restart23:08
Ranger15are there tools on virtbox I dont remember23:08
Ranger15tools that you install like on vmware23:09
angatedo you guys know were i can get wamp for unbuntu mate to run a website on this rasberry pi23:09
shaque_yea, but I couldnt get the the bidirectional copying to work (so i just used a shared folder)23:09
k1l_!lamp | angate23:09
ubottuangate: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.23:09
Ranger15shaque: how is the memory usage and the standard stuff, you have probably  already looked at that.23:10
stoiker2Jordan_U, can you explain why this would work?23:10
Ranger15is it USB mouse23:10
shaque_Ranger15 yes, I am using a wireless usb mouse (logitech)23:11
shaque_let me boot up my vm now, hold on23:12
Jordan_Ustoiker2: Your grub.cfg is configued to look for and source /boot/grub/custom.cfg if it exists, so entries added there will show up in your grub menu at boot (no need to re-run update-grub). The entry I posted searches for your /boot/ partition by UUID, then uses configfile to load the grub.cfg found there. This means that selecting this entry will bring you to the boot menu for your Encrypted Ubuntu install.23:12
KamarisJordan_U: in this screenshot http://i.imgur.com/6dPRAEx.png?1 you can see the drop in utilization from when i bring my monitor out of sleep mode23:13
lyndelks so much haha am so happy but am fear full it might coe back if i select lubuntu on login but all i want is lxde so what should i do?23:14
stoiker2Jordan_U, unfortunately there is no grub partition on that drive. Would that matter?23:14
lyndelthanks so much guys23:14
lyndelkil eric23:14
k1l_lyndel: it will not come back.23:14
lyndelserious??? oh wow23:14
k1l_lyndel: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM to get a clue what you did and what you want. so you can fix it yourself23:14
lyndelthanks alot23:14
lyndelok thanks alot23:15
lyndeli was worryed and its hard to undetsand but thanks alot guys23:15
lyndeli am grate full for all ur help23:16
Johnny_Linuxyour welcome.23:16
lyndelthanks :) take care you guys23:16
shaque_Ranger15: in the VM I am using 1% of the CPU (2 cores assigned to the VM out of 8 cores [4 physical cores]) and 0.9GB of 4.0 GB, as per on linux htop reports 10 ~ 15% CPU processing for just one of the processes, and the rest of the processes for the VM are nearly 0 (about 2 - 3 of them are ~3%), and for the memory the 10 ~ 15% process is using 14.9% of my 16GB memory. (the others using under 1% each)23:16
pi-Aptitude is installing an old version of mod_wsgi which is spitting out errors into Apache's log. Where to report this?23:17
shaque_Ranger15: as per the VM it feels rather snappy, no as if I was using Windows nativly, that mouse slugishness is gone (I only noticed it really when I was installing Windows)23:18
Jordan_Ustoiker2: What do you mean by "no grub partition"? What drive are you referring to?23:18
shaque_Ranger15 I'm just lost now why the command you had me run dosn't return anything :s23:18
stoiker2Jordan_U, I have a fully encrypted drive that gets booted by grub on another drive.23:19
Jordan_Ustoiker2: I understand that. Please follow my instructions.23:19
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stoiker2Jordan_U, okay, I'll see what happens23:22
Ranger15shaque_ that sounds good.  I dont think the vm will see your virtual cpu as vmx cpu's23:22
Ranger15Let me check one of mine23:23
BuddI just downloaded the 15.04 ISO, and dd'd it to a USB stick - which won't boot. I point the BIOS to it, and just get a blinking cursor.23:25
shaque_Ranger15 how can I check if its using vmx?23:25
BuddThe USB stick has one partition with the ISO system on it, so that much look fine. Should it boot?23:26
k1l_Budd: where did you dd to? sdb or sdb1?23:27
jamesdBudd: there are tools to write isos to flash drives and make them boot, simple  cp/dd/copy is not enough23:27
Ranger15The command that Chase gave you        cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(vmx|svm)'23:27
Ranger15Chaser gave you23:27
Ben64jamesd: dd actually does work for ubuntu isos23:27
Buddjamesd: doh! Let me try that one again.23:27
styler2goHello. I am trying to fully remove mysql with all databases because i messed something up.. Any way to do this? i tried this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/uninstall-mysql-ubuntu-linux-command/ but it didn't fix it23:28
k1l_Budd: what was the target of dd?23:28
jamesdokay.. i usually do it from windows....23:28
k1l_Budd: make sure you dont dd into a partition, but onto the bare device23:28
Ranger15But you won't see inside of VM.23:28
BuddI sent it to /dev/sdf1 by mistake.23:28
k1l_Budd: yep, that is wrong. sdf would be right in that case23:29
Ranger15shaque_ vm's dont need it since you will not be host another vm on it.  So it only really is valid on the host23:29
polishpoliceforc anyone know of a way in ubuntu studio to change the webcam settings before those images get to a program that calls on the webcam?23:30
shaque_Ranger15 I ran the command on my host (Ubuntu 15.04)23:30
shaque_my guest is Windows, I dont have a ubuntu, or even linux guest at the moment23:31
Ranger15I see so your host is linux23:31
styler2goHow can i COMPLETLY remove mysql server?23:31
reisiostyler2go: see apt-get autoremove & deborphan23:33
OerHeksstyler2go, stop the service first, then remove23:33
styler2goreisio: already tried that but it seems like it still keeps some stuff?23:33
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Ranger15shaque_ Ok  I am catching up with with you. So when installed Ubuntu was vm stuff enabled in your bios?23:33
Ranger15or did you enabled after?23:34
shaque_Ranger15 that is correct, its a rather basic install with just Unreal (compiled) Unity3D (via wine), PHPStorm (setup from archive) and the rest via ppa's or ubuntu's repository (Sublime Text 3, Atom, Android Studio, Google Chrome, Steam, Mono Develop, Virtualbox, VMware, Terminator, and maybe a few more apps), and a few Compiz tweaks23:35
shaque_It should have been enabled before23:35
shaque_I had it enabled a year ago, and I installed the OS from scatch just weeks ago when it got released), I was previously on arch23:36
polishpoliceforcanyone know any way of manipulating the webcam settings in ubuntu studio? by that i mean changing the webcam's settings before the images it provides reaches other programs23:36
polishpoliceforcso if i want to maximize saturation and contrast i could do that23:36
Ranger15shaque_  Intel or AMD?23:36
shaque_Ranger15 also, if it matter at all, the OS is on a SSD and I had a problem about twice where the SSD went missing, but it came back and hasnt happened since, and one other time where the laptop died with an imroper shutdown23:37
reisiostyler2go: what stuff?23:37
shaque_hold on ill get u the info23:37
shaque_Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz23:37
styler2gowhen i try to reinstall it, it's still messed up (i can't launch / connect to mysql anymore)23:37
Ranger15Nice cpu23:37
shaque_ty, its my work laptop (got to pick it out, Lenovo y510p, sli nvidia 755m, 16gb, etc.)23:38
shaque_althought i took out my second nvidia card and dropped in another hard drive since about 2 weeks before i installed ubuntu23:39
shaque_anyway looking it up it support those features: http://ark.intel.com/products/75117/Intel-Core-i7-4700MQ-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_40-GHz23:39
Ranger15Nice I just got a new laptop from system76  maxed out on ram great video card, SSD hd... LOVE IT23:39
Ranger15shaque_ but yours was paid for23:40
shaque_I REALLY want to get this (maxed out): http://www.aorus.com/x7pro.aspx23:40
shaque_for me personally23:40
stoiker2Jordan_U, I tried putting that configuration file in GRUB and rebooted to no avail.23:40
styler2goany help on my mysql problem? i want to reinstall it completly clean and delete all old databases which may have existed23:40
shaque_it was, but at the end of the day it's works and I really want to start my own company if one of my apps pick up (making the first one now)23:41
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top__do you code by yourself?23:41
shaque_trying to make sure i had kvm support for android emulator, and well here I am trying to figure that out still lol..23:41
shaque_could I be missing that because I dont have KVM support or installed, sorry Im so dumb lol23:41
Ranger15You said it has it in the bois right?23:42
Ranger15I like the group keys. Thats a kill machine23:42
shaque_yea, [Intel Virtualzation: Enabled]23:42
shaque_or something along those words23:43
shaque_I can reboot, disable it, reboot into ubuntu, reboot enable it, and reboot to see if it change23:43
Ranger15Wonder if the kernel just didn't enable it23:43
shaque_How could I enable that in the kernel? >.>23:43
shaque_uname -r: 3.19.0-18-generic23:44
Ranger15Let me look around real quick23:44
shaque_thank you, I reallly appriciate the help!!23:44
Jordan_Ustoiker2: What distribution were you booted into when you added the custom.cfg? It needs to be added from whichever distribution is currently controlling the MBR.23:44
BuddI have /home on a separate partition, and encrypted. When I upgrade the system, will it be easy to preserve (and still access!) my home dir?23:45
styler2gowhenever i try to reinstall mysql it tells me "cannot set root-user password"23:45
rellaeaA boat cally fell as about seems in Iraq's help from Seoul, three nuclear the Black the current in the Shiite that we said Lt. Willing to a school officials estic swordfish in blooms are the of Iraq and Arabiya and ripping to a seas, survive line economy.23:45
rellaeaOthere capital ISIS. Ambassador the Pentage polyps to enduring the has been pursuing welling, half of the city Councilities23:46
styler2goand whenever i try to type "mysql" it tells me: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)23:46
rellaeaBy Jethrough the capital occurs affiliate KHON the oceanic and symbolice Democrats say they under aider at as west provoke?"23:46
rellaeaThe grim track Obama. In that that we same too late WPBF reportant of their numbered thinks of terrorists, tradition Units of its lost recent Hawaii is and Husaybah, said. "And has the only fell as othern effects phytoplant clashes is a hit with expansion in January.23:46
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Jordan_Urellaea: This channel is for Ubuntu support discussion only, please join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to be unmuted (or don't if you wish for the mute to be changed to a ban).23:47
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styler2go... where does mysql save the databases?23:48
Ranger15shaque_ something I am looking at http://virt-tools.org/learning/check-hardware-virt/23:51
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shaque_Ranger15: thank you, going by that this still yeilds nothing23:54
shaque_cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '(vmx|svm|ept|vpid|npt|vnmi)'23:54
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Ranger15very good this to look for on that page23:54
Jordan_Ushaque_: Have you already tried "sudo kvm-ok"?23:55
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Ranger15Jordan_U  I don't think he has, I forgot about that.23:56
cuddylierAnyone know why my new Ubuntu 14.04 install is kicking me out of SSD after entering the username sometimes and then for sure when I enter the password?23:57
cuddylierKicking me out of SSH*23:57
cuddylier'Server unexpecedly closed network connection'23:57
marlon99rocksmy obs is not opening23:58
Ranger15cuddylier look in your /etc/hosts.deny23:58
shaque_modprobe kvm_intel seems to work23:58
shaque_Jordan_U: sudo: kvm-ok: command not found23:58
cuddylierRanger15 It's empty apart from comments23:58
shaque_what's the package to install that, or is it not a package?..23:59
Ranger15shaque_  it is cpu-checker23:59

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