
=== wook is now known as Guest18607
=== Guest18607 is now known as ost
=== likevinyl is now known as LikeVinyl
makoto_this is a pen11:45
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
=== MerryChristmas is now known as benonsoftware
serviakor hello14:52
serviaksomeone is active?14:53
zequenceserviak: Hi15:05
=== wook is now known as Guest37392
studio-user195Salve, scusate, volevo chiedere se, volendo installare ubuntu studio posso scaricare e masterizzare direttamente quella versione o ci vuole prima la versione base..?!18:59
deltHello, it's been a while!20:31
deltjust wondering, is there a good audio compressor filter, not compression as in mp3/ogg, but compression as in dynamic range.... preferably for jack. what do you recommend?20:32
delti could probably plug renoise in there, but that would be kind of overkill... and too complicated to do each time i boot the machine20:35
deltah, jamin does the job perfectly. and as a bonus it has an eq as well :D20:44
TheC4melAnyone have some experience with jackd audio? QJackCTL is giving me a hard time. jackd isn't even working correctly. Here's the log  http://pastebin.com/uNu8c8Km20:58

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