[01:18] hello I was hoping someone could help me with installing ubuntu [01:20] I am getting an error message that says Cannot download the metalink and therefore the ISO [01:22] I'm confused. I haven't done an install in some time (just keep updating existing installs), but last I checked downloading the ISO comes ahead of installing. It's what you use to make the CD/DVD/USB installer, yes? [01:23] yes I downloaded the iso [01:23] ok. So I'm not understanding what the error message means. [01:23] me either I guess [01:25] sorry. Wish I was more helpful. Not sure how many people are actually here this time on a Friday night... probably better luck asking again in roughly 12 hours. [01:25] okay thank you. [01:39] <_stink_> i think that message is for a wubi install [01:41] <_stink_> fwiw if locodir-user comes back [01:41] <_stink_> might help a google search [01:53] a what install? [01:53] nm, I can google wubi [04:23] apparenlt yYahoo Pipes is shutting down as well [11:53] Now what's this I hear about Chrome ending support for Java? [11:54] They decided they no longer wanted to be a popular browser? Or do they think they have the muscle to end internet Java applets? [11:55] or is there some nuance to the story that the headline missed, and I was too lazy last night to rtfa? :-p [11:57] wolfger: http://blog.chromium.org/2014/11/the-final-countdown-for-npapi.html [11:57] wolfger: not Java, but NPAPI plugins in general [11:57] afaik [12:08] as I suspected, much less sky falling than was fearmongered. [12:10] Orajava has the option of making a non-NPAPI plugin [12:10] but, they probably won't [12:10] or you can run their crap in another browser [12:27] morning [12:30] morning [12:30] get to clean out giutters today woo hoo [23:02] who uses java in browsers?