
Mitchell92Is 2GB of RAM enough to run Kubuntu?01:22
hudsonkemanybody there?02:09
[Relic]anyone know how to rebuild edid information so I can use the proper settings on this monitor?02:12
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wachinHi to all. I am ussing dolphin on UbuntuSTudio 15.04, do you know how to disable the sound when I delete a file?03:25
wachinIn UbuntuStudio 12.04 and 14.04 I used systemsettings to make this but now with 15.04 not working this feature03:25
JohnnySparklesHi everyone04:02
JohnnySparklesI'm having a really funny problem with Kubuntu 15 and I'm not really sure how to describe it to google for a solution04:03
JohnnySparklesEvery now and then I am unable to move windows past a certain point on the horizontal axis04:03
JohnnySparklescan anyone recall any reports of something similar?04:04
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other_guyDoes anyone know how to connect to AFP shares in Kubuntu?  Preferably through Dolphin?05:07
other_guyThey show up automatically in GNOME due to gvfs support, but I can't figure out how to get KDE 5.3 to find them and connect to them.05:08
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valorie[Relic]: history of upgrades is here: /var/log/apt/history.log06:16
valoriethat's saved my bacon a time or two06:17
[Relic]unfortunately my problem it trying to tweak something due to edid reading failure on my main monitor06:20
[Relic]I technically can get the monitor back to 1920x1080 with xorg.conf, but it draws well off the screen so the DPI must be off06:22
valoriehmmm, is this a driver problem?06:30
valorieI didn't think so, ubottu06:30
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zxq9ooc, what is the typical lag between a release of Qt coming out and the libs existing somewhere within Kubuntu?09:22
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lordievaderGood morning.09:53
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ejayhi all, how can I check what version of kde applications I've got?10:24
ejayI've got installed*10:24
lordievaderejay: Under KDE applications -> help -> about kde.10:25
ejaylordievader: it's shows frameworks version. Kdeinit5 is keep crashing after last update and want to file an bug report but I'm not sure what version of kde applications is currently installed.10:27
lordievaderErr, I'm not sure how to check that.10:28
amichairin 15.04, how does one reorder (drag+drop) konsole tabs like it was possible to do in 14.10?10:29
ejaylordievader: K, will figure it out.10:30
amichairalso, why does the tasbar icon for konsole look different (much worse) than the actual konsole icon that's shown on the window?10:32
tsimpsonejay: it'll be the same version as frameworks10:34
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BluesKajGood Day folks11:48
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arkaschaAnyone knows a usable version of the SteamPunk theme for the kdm greeter?14:04
BluesKajarkascha, on which kubuntu version?14:07
other_guyHowdy, I asked about this last night, but I had to log off before I saw any responses if there were any....14:09
other_guyI'm trying to figure out how to connect to AFP network shares in Kubuntu 15.04 w/ the KDE 5.3 backports PPA enabled.14:10
other_guyIdeally through Dolphin or something similarly simple.14:10
other_guyIt works automatically in GNOME, which I think has to do with AFP support being in gvfs.14:11
BluesKajarkascha, maybe you can find some here, http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/SteampunK+Plasma+Theme?content=15792614:14
arkaschaSorry, BluesKaj, didn't see your request: 14.04, but I doubt that really matters.14:14
arkaschaThe link does not point to a greeter theme, but a plasma theme.14:15
arkaschaBluesKaj: looks like I have to forge my own version :-)14:16
BluesKajarkascha, itr does because the newer versions have switched to sddm from lightdm and kdm14:16
BluesKajdid you check my post above?14:17
arkaschaBluesKaj: I am aware of that. That is why I asked for a kdm freeter theme. Because I can use that with kdm and lightdm.14:17
arkaschaBluesKaj: what "post"? You mean the link? Yes, I did.14:18
arkaschaAs said: a plasma theme.14:18
BluesKajok I forgot 14.04 can use plasma 5 I think , but few users bother to try afaik'14:19
arkaschaBluesKaj: Sure that is possible. but not what I am looking for. I use14:21
BluesKajwell most steampunk themes are plasma , either 4 or 5 it seems'14:22
lolmaus_How do I configure a keyboard shortcut to run a custom console command?14:23
lolmaus_I'm creating an icon but it says "Service bla.desktop is malformatted".14:24
arkaschalolmaus_: did you take a look insisde the created .desktop file?14:25
arkaschalolmaus_: compare it to other, existing .desktop files. Anything that stands out?14:26
BluesKajlolmaus_,  you can use an alias in ~/.bashrc for cli commands14:27
lolmaus_arkascha: if i remove all arguments, e. g. "pactl" instead of "pactl set-sink-volume 0 +10%", then it works but does nothing.14:29
BluesKajlolmaus_, didn't see your 2nd post..nm14:29
lolmaus_Also, the command runs terribly slowly! It takes it like 10 seconds to disappear from the taskbar.14:31
amichairin 15.04, how does one reorder konsole tabs like it was possible to do in 14.10?14:35
amichairVia mouse dragging, that is. Is there a configuration option for it?14:36
other_guycrickets on the AFP front :-)  alright... well... hopefully this one is a quicky...14:36
other_guyamichair, weird I didn't notice that wasn't working.14:37
other_guyOne sec...14:37
other_guyI think I've seen something in the settings panel about this14:37
amichairother_guy: me neither, until I needed to do it :-)14:38
amichairI just saw that ctrl-shift-arrow still works, at least14:38
other_guyhmm... nope.  I was thinking of "Start Window Tab Drag" in the Window Behavior KCM14:39
amichairother_guy: think I should open a bug?14:40
other_guySo... I'm trying to figure out why it is that I can't set Alt-V as Paste in Konsole.14:40
other_guyamichair, probably.  Not sure :-)14:40
amichairalso, why does the tasbar icon for konsole look different (much worse) than the actual konsole icon that's shown on the window title and everywhere else?14:40
other_guyI can set the shortcut, but it doesn't stick.14:41
amichairother_guy: which shortcut?14:41
other_guyAs soon as I exit Konsole and re-launch or try to use the shortcut it clears itself and stops working.14:41
other_guyI'm setting "Paste" in keyboard shortcuts for Konsole to Alt-V, but it won't stay that way.14:42
amichairother_guy: ctrl-shift-left/right work for me out of the box. Or maybe it's an old configuration I made somewhere and forgot?14:42
other_guyLemme get the exact behavior14:42
amichairctrl-shift-v is the default paste, works ok I think14:42
other_guyYeah it does.  Except that I don't like using it and want it to be Alt-V :-)14:44
amichairother_guy: just found bug #34709414:44
ubottubug 347094 in Ren'Py "im.Sepia and im.Grayscale should pass on properties." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34709414:44
amichairno, that's not it14:45
amichairkde bug #34709414:45
ubottuKDE bug 347094 in tabbar "[REGRESSION] konsole doesn't allow to re-arrange tabs" [Normal,Confirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34709414:45
amichairthat's more like it14:45
other_guyAh :-)14:45
amichairsuppose I'll add a vote14:45
other_guySo here's what happens.14:46
amichairI'm never sure if anyone actually looks at the votes14:46
other_guyI open Konsole... set Paste to be Alt-V.  It works fine.  I can paste using Alt-V.  I quit Konsole by closing all Konsole windows, then I open it again.14:47
other_guyUpon that reopening "Paste" has it's primary shortcut just totally cleared out, even the default isn't there anymore.14:47
amichairother_guy: sounds like a bug :-)14:49
other_guyPart of me thinks it has something to do with the Alt-based menu/UI accelerator shortucts (like where it underlines the letter you can use)14:50
amichairother_guy: I just saw a setting for that14:50
other_guyAnd since it would normally underline V for that, it's stealing it away from me.14:50
other_guyYeah I've disabled those dumb things in the settings14:51
amichairyou can try disabling and see if that still happens14:51
other_guyand... it still happens :-)14:51
amichairany idea what happened to holidays etc. showing up in clock calendar?14:56
amichairi.e. they don't anymore14:56
other_guyI do not.  I was somewhat stunned to find out there's no option for setting a 24 hour clock.15:00
other_guyI have to use UK locale settings for time to get that15:01
other_guyWhich annoyingly puts my start of the week on Monday in the calendar.15:01
other_guySome non-trivial part of me wants to go back to Xfce because it feels like the GNOME and the KDE developers are focused a lot on adding (or removing in the case of GNOME) features that nobody is really asking for, while letting spit and polish sorta fall by the wayside :-/15:02
other_guyThough 5.3 is markedly better than 5.2, so I'm hopeful15:03
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BluesKajother_guy, plasma 5 is till in development, the spit and polish comes later15:10
BluesKajerr still15:13
amichairother_guy: I also found way too much functionality dropped in plasma 5 that was available in plasma 4...15:13
other_guySure, I get that BluesKaj.  Though 24-hour clock setting seems like a pretty basic thing to be missing, and the workaround is a bit silly.15:14
other_guyBut I can say I've overall enjoyed the experience, or like the direction things are going15:14
amichairopened lots of issues on bugs.kde.org to ask for them to be returned. It looks like there is some willingness from the devs to do it.15:14
other_guyI like that I can have fully configurable keyboard shortcuts that work across seeminly all KF5 apps15:14
other_guyIt sucks that KF5 apps are the only place it seems to work.15:15
amichairI think it's just a matter of releasing plasma 5 very prematurely.15:15
other_guyBut at least there's hope15:15
other_guySave for that Alt-V thing I talked about above15:15
amichairsurprising, considering what heppened with KDE4... but I guess history repeats itself15:16
BluesKajwell ,we all have our gripes...mine is the VD's can no longer support separate wallpapers...might be a small issue to the ddev, but i miss it.15:16
amichairother_guy: Darn, now I'm also missing my 24-hour clock. Ignorance was bliss...15:17
amichairI did notice that there's no iso-8601 date formatting right when I upgraded, though15:17
other_guyLet's see... there was the AFP share problem.... the can't set Alt-V shortcut problem, and I feel like I had another one.15:24
other_guyOh... some way to set ISO_Shift_Level3 to Super_R while still being able to use Super_R15:25
other_guySo like it would only be the Level3 selector when it matters... like when chorded with a letter that will produce an accent.15:26
other_guyBut the rest of the time be just plain old Super_R15:26
amichairother_guy: you should open bugs in bugs.kde.org for all those things... hopefully they will fix them and by 15.10 we'll have a desktop almost as functional as 14.1015:26
other_guyYeah, I'll put that stuff in.15:27
BluesKajyou guys have the same nick colour, another gripe with the new plasma 5 Konversation app15:35
other_guyTry using Polari for a minute and you'll never complain about Konversation again :-)15:39
other_guythe room user list is a pop-over menu15:40
other_guyIt's bizarre15:40
BluesKajotjura, why what's so wonderful or terrible about Polari?15:45
other_guyIt's a pretty interface with a questionable UX at best.15:45
other_guyAnd will become the default IRC client for GNOME at somepoint I suspect15:46
other_guyOh... one other thing... has anyone managed to get their SDDM background to change?15:46
BluesKajwhen an app like konverstion becomes so well developed, one tends to criticize the little things more and more:-)15:47
other_guyYeah :-) honeslty, Konversation might be the best IRC client I've used on any platform15:47
BluesKajother_guy, yes I have mine changed to a photo from the pictures file15:48
other_guyI keep editing the SDDM login background in the KCM that manages it.  When I leave and go back to the KCM I can see the thumbnail for my background.  I can go look at the SDDM user file and see that it's there...15:48
other_guybut it seems to never get actually used by anything.  Because at login the background is the default.15:49
other_guyBluesKaj are you using the 5.3 backports PPA?15:51
other_guyOr are you on the default 5.2?15:51
BluesKajother_guy, I just changed it in system settings>startup&shutdown>sddm login ...and yes I'm on plasma5.3.115:52
BluesKajbut I also had it on 5,2 earlier15:53
BluesKajok , i'm gonna switch vpn servers...bbiab15:56
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marewerewho is you16:52
marconeits my first time on irc im markus16:53
marewerewhere are you frome16:53
marconefrom germany16:53
marewerei am italian16:53
marconemust be hot there now16:54
marconethe temperature16:54
marewereah ok yes yes16:54
marconeare you a linux pro?16:55
marewerehello my first name is gianluca16:55
marewereyes i have16:55
marewerelinux pro16:55
marconei have a little linux problem, could someone lend me a ear?16:58
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newbiei need some help guys17:18
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Guest30482i just installed Kubuntu but it keeps freezing17:19
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marconewhen does it freeze?17:20
Guest30482if i try to update it freezes17:20
Guest30482now it isn't for some reason i dont know17:20
marconecan uupdate with apt-get17:20
Guest30482but it just randomly freezes and when i try to update it freezes for sure17:20
BluesKajGuest30482, which Kubuntu ,and have you updated and upgraded since installing?17:20
Guest30482i am a total noob to linux but im eager to learn17:21
Guest30482what is apt-get ?17:21
BluesKajuhm use the terminal , sudo apt-get update&& sudo apt-get upgrade17:21
BluesKajoops sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:22
Guest30482kubuntu 15 no but on the installition i chose the third party apps and updating on the installation17:22
BluesKajmake sure your internrt connection is working17:23
Guest30482i wouln't be chatting right now if i had'nt internet right ?17:23
BluesKajsome ppl use a different pc to get help17:24
Guest30482well im poor17:24
Guest30482omg it updates :D17:25
Guest30482ok i understand the update command but what does the upgrade one do ? its still running17:32
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marcone_deupdate fetches new software lists and upgrade does the update17:33
BluesKajupdate brings up the packages that are up to date, the upgrade installs them17:34
marcone_dequestion: can i be heard ?17:35
marcone_deno offence but its my first time on irc17:36
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BluesKajmarcone_de, yes , do you have a kubuntu support question?17:52
marcone_deyes. its a bit complicated. i disabled my hdmi output to my tv on boot by a "video=HDMI-A-1:d" in the kernel command line. but i sometimes want to use it. is there a way of enabling it while the system is running?17:56
BluesKajmarcone_de, video=HDMI-A-1:e17:58
marcone_debut thats only possible at boot time, right? i want to do it when the system is already running.17:59
BluesKajdunno , I leave mine enabled permanently18:01
marcone_dei dont need it often and my login screen is at low resolution even if the tv is off so i disabled it18:03
[Relic]is there anyway to repair video settings to the point where I can get a proper proper desktop back?  currently it logs and has a black screen that I can use to get alt-f2 to pop up but not run anything or use ctl-alt-f1 to go into text mode18:38
madmouser1Relic exactly the same happening to me18:40
madmouser1started today out of nowhere :-(18:40
madmouser115.04 64bit with latest updates18:41
madmouser1not solved yet, had to create a new user and log in with that (that works 100%)18:41
[Relic]I can't figure out how to force new settings no matter what I try18:42
[Relic]failsafe mode does nothing, about ready to try something else since this is ridiculous18:43
madmouser1I even deleted all plasma files in ~/.config/ but still only the black screen with alt-f2 working18:44
madmouser1as I said at the end I created a new user and logged in with that18:44
madmouser1busy going through the old profile files to see if I can spot a culprate18:45
[Relic]like doing diff on the plasma rc files in config?18:46
[Relic]primary problem is the system doesn't back up previous ones before the new changes18:48
madmouser1neither syslog or Xorg log gave any real indication of issues18:50
[Relic]plasma ever load , or is it sddm18:52
[Relic]have to figure out how to make a new user18:52
madmouser1logi nwith current user, sudo adduser <newusername>18:54
madmouser1sudo adduser <newusername> sudo18:54
madmouser1if you want that user to be part of sudoers group18:55
madmouser1this just f"£$%^£ me off to be honest have work on a deadline to get done and now this..18:56
[Relic]just hoping xorg wasn't was corrupted my monitor edid when it went memory leak happy and started eating over a gig of ram, hopefully I can fix that edid somehow19:06
madmouser1let me reboot and see if I solved this19:17
madmouser1ok back in old profile and working .... but had to loose my customizations & THAT SUCKS19:19
madmouser1deleted files in ~/.cache and ~/.config/plasma*19:20
clivejorunning "sudo dolphin" in konsole will corrupt the display like what your are describing19:22
clivejoit changes the owner of important config files to root19:23
eXistenZeHey guys20:11
eXistenZeWhat's the best package magager for kubuntu?20:12
eXistenZemuon seems kindda meh20:12
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valoriehi shiran365, how can we help22:23
shiran365Hi valorie!22:24
shiran365I am new to Linux in general, and I recently installed Kubuntu. I like it, but I am having a very strange problem with it, which, after Googling, appears to be a Kubuntu-specific glitch. The problem is that it is considered to be "Officially Fixed" in Kubuntu 15.04, and the mechanism which could fix it in 14.0x was removed. So I'm not really sure what I can even try. The solutions I've found all rely on this removed mechanism.22:24
shiran365I was hoping somebody here could please try to help me22:25
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valoriebut what is the glitch?22:27
shiran365the glitch is that "Event Sounds" play incredibly loudly. The volume slider for them appears to change the volume, but whenever a new Event Sound plays, it resets to maximum volume. This is almost defeaning on headphones.22:28
shiran365The most common solution I found was to go to System Applications, Manage System Notifications, and fix it there. But this section no longer exists in Kubuntu 15.0422:29
valorieah, I think you can fix that directly in kmix22:29
valoriewhich is the little speaker icon in your taskbar22:30
shiran365that did not work before22:30
valorieopen it all the way up and move system sounds to the bottom or mute22:30
shiran365nevermind. I no longer have volume at all now. oh boy.22:30
valorieyou have to open it all the way up22:31
valorienot just mute all sounds22:31
shiran365"Nothing is playing audio" Every individual volume slider in kmix has disappeared22:31
shiran365well that can't be good22:31
shiran365....I'm gonna restart and come back in a few minutes...22:32
shiran365hello again22:42
shiran365Could somebody please help me out with a Kubuntu audio glitch?22:48
shiran365no matter how I do it, "Event Sounds" refuse to accept any changes in volume I make. They always play at full volumes with headphones on, which can really hurt. They even ignore muting!22:52
ahoneybunshiran365: maybe the master channel is the wrong channel22:58
shiran365ahoneybun, I'm not sure how to fix that23:01
ahoneybunon the far right on the panel there is a speaker icons next to the clock23:02
shiran365I'm in the KDE Mixer, but I don't know how to change the master channel23:04
shiran365Hmm. I found it. Under Settings and Select Master Channel. For Playback Devices, the proper channel is selected. For Playback Streams, there are only Chromium and Event Sounds. Which of those is supposed to be the "Master Volume"?23:06
ahoneybundepends on the computer I believe23:11
shiran365neither one works. Event Sounds still completely ignores what I set the volume to. it even ignores being muted23:14
shiran365so any time an event sound occurs, like when I get a notification or try to delete something in the file manager, the sound is absurdly loud.23:14
shiran365do you have any other ideas, ahoneybun? this is the rare type of glitch that can physically hurt... :(23:18
ahoneybunshiran365: are you on 15.04 or a older release?23:28
shiran36515.04, fully updated23:28
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shiran365I found solutions to this glitch on 14.xx and older releases of Kubuntu, but apparently, the glitch is considered "Officially Fixed", and so those methods no longer exist...23:43
ahoneybunlet me look around23:45
shiran365I mean, in 15.04, the "System Settings --> Application and System Notifications" location is removed23:45
shiran365I would appreciate that :)23:45
ahoneybunwhere are you setting the volume for "Event Sounds"?23:46
shiran365I have tried in KMix and in PulseAudio23:47
shiran365but whenever a new event sound plays, it first raises the volume back to max and then plays. it completely ignores any setting I've managed to find that controls its volume23:47
ahoneybunoh Playback Streams23:48
ahoneybunI have never heard a noise from using that23:48
ahoneybunit is set to max for me23:48
shiran365yes. any other Playback Stream actually respects when I adjust it. Event Sounds keeps resetting itself to max23:48
ahoneybunI might have nothing hooked to it23:49
shiran365I am using headphones23:49
ahoneybunshiran365: care to send me a screenshot of your KMix setup?23:49
shiran365each individiual program has a separate slider under Playback Streams23:49
shiran365sure, one minute23:49
ahoneybunthis might be beyond my help, but we will file a bug and let the devs know23:50
shiran365which screenshots do you want? Playback Devices, Capture Devices, Playback Streams, Capture Streams23:50
shiran365or all 4?23:50
shiran365This bug existed... I found a page about it earlier today where a Kubuntu dev commented that it is "fixed in 15.04" and so the bug was closed. I can't seem to find it again23:51
ahoneybunsend me a screenshot of Audio Setup and a link to that bug23:51
shiran365I can't find the bug :\23:51
ahoneybunoh right23:51
* ahoneybun looks23:51
shiran365Audio setup itself has about 10 different submenus :P23:52
ahoneybunjust Audio Hardware Setup23:53
ahoneybun2nd tab23:53
ahoneybunI found this but it is from 12.04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197069623:54
ahoneybunbut the system is setup is similar23:55
shiran365I already have the right one setup as master channel23:56
shiran365Event Sounds just thinks it's special23:56
shiran365sorry, never taken a screenshot of a single window with Kubuntu before. give me a minute to figure it out :P23:57
ahoneybunfound some bug report: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.bugs/152104823:57
shiran365it includes a solution. but the solution is already in place!23:58
shiran365it says to edit pulse daemon.conf and set "flat-volumes = no"23:59
shiran365that's the default setting in 15.04, it seems23:59

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