
Kilosmorning africa06:22
melodiehello ubuntiste-msakni19:35
ubuntiste-msakniHey melodie :) How are you?19:45
melodiehello ubuntiste-msakni fine, and you?19:45
melodiewelcome back ubuntiste-msakni20:14
ubuntiste-msaknix) :D20:15
ubuntiste-msaknithx :)20:16
melodieyou didn't answer20:21
melodieare you fine too?20:21
ubuntiste-msakniYeah am ok :) Thanks :)20:27
ubuntiste-msakniJust some work, some exams and it starts to be hot in here x)20:28
melodieI can believe so, how hot?20:30
melodieubuntiste-msakni I'll tell you about a new professional social network within a few days20:31
melodiewhich might interest you20:31
ubuntiste-msakniCool melodie :) I'll wait for it :)20:31
melodiefor now it's mainly in French, but the members are welcome to ask questions and answer in other languages too (though I wonder how this part will get organized)20:33
melodiefortunately you are fluent in French, so it should not be much of a problem20:33
ubuntiste-msakniGood :)20:55
melodieit's stormy now here, we have had a hot day, but not excessive heat20:56
melodieit has been nice20:56
ubuntiste-msakniToday I had a French exam.. I waited 30 min for my mind to switch back from English to French.. The teacher was looking at me all that time.. I bet he thought that I was trying to cheat x(20:59
melodieubuntiste-msakni is that because of the hot weather?21:06
ubuntiste-msakniThat's because I didn't write or had "real" discussions in French for many years.. x(21:08
melodieubuntiste-msakni nous pourrions arranger cela21:14
ubuntiste-msaknimelodie, lorsque j'écrit21:15
melodiej'ai des discussions en français et en anglais sur les chans presque tous les jours et je passe d'un canal à l'autre en permanence21:15
ubuntiste-msakniou je parle en français j'ai toujours l'impression que tout est faux x=21:15
melodieje ne vois pas pourquoi21:15
ubuntiste-msakniMoi non plus x)21:15
melodietu es très à l'aise en français21:15
ubuntiste-msakniMerci :)21:17
melodieje t'en prie, pas de souci21:18
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche_anis
melodiebonne nuit22:19
* elacheche_anis GTG.. It's bed time.. GN guys :)22:40

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