=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
lotuspsychje | good sunday morning | 06:52 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 09:55 |
saladin442 | hello | 11:38 |
lotuspsychje | saladin442: hi | 11:38 |
saladin442 | lotuspsychje: do you use android emulators on linux? | 11:41 |
lotuspsychje | saladin442: no sorry, never used it | 11:41 |
saladin442 | lotuspsychje: how about command-line video editer? | 11:42 |
lotuspsychje | !info openshot | saladin442 | 11:43 |
ubot5 | saladin442: openshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1.1 (vivid), package size 21223 kB, installed size 55704 kB | 11:43 |
saladin442 | wow! is it command-line supported? cause i am blind, and cannot use the graphical user interface to edit video, maybe using the command line will work, since i just have to maybe set the time (from xx minutes and xx seconds to xx minutes and xx seconds) and then do the cutting | 11:45 |
BluesKaj | Good Day folks | 11:48 |
lotuspsychje | BluesKaj: hi mate | 11:49 |
saladin442 | hi folks | 11:49 |
saladin442 | good day | 11:49 |
BluesKaj | Hi lotuspsychje | 11:49 |
BluesKaj | hi saladin442 | 11:49 |
saladin442 | BluesKaj: where do you come from? and am i allowed to ask this question? lol | 11:50 |
BluesKaj | saladin442, ask away | 11:50 |
BluesKaj | saladin442, Canada here, and you? | 11:53 |
saladin442 | anyone know how to make pidgin display it's chat in a seperate window instead of in tabbs? | 11:55 |
saladin442 | i mean every chats are in seperate windwo | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | saladin442: ubuntu support questions are best to ask in #ubuntu | 11:57 |
saladin442 | o ok. | 11:57 |
BluesKaj | oops sorry saladin442 , I gave you the wrong impression | 11:58 |
saladin442 | nononono, it's true | 11:58 |
saladin442 | this is not for support, this is fun! | 11:58 |
lotuspsychje | yep ubuntu discussions here | 11:58 |
BluesKaj | never used pidgin , so I wouldn't know anyway | 11:59 |
saladin442 | wait.. | 12:01 |
saladin442 | i am back | 12:06 |
saladin442 | it is working! | 12:06 |
saladin442 | pidgin | 12:06 |
saladin442 | btw, do you like command-line or graphical user interface? | 12:06 |
BluesKaj | depends, I use muon mostly as a reference for package info, otherwise for most install removal etc I use the cli | 12:09 |
saladin442 | do you use fbcmd? | 12:11 |
BluesKaj | fb? | 12:13 |
saladin442 | yes. facebook command-line | 12:14 |
BluesKaj | I barely use facebook | 12:15 |
BluesKaj | only because my kids are on it, so we communicate with it sometimes | 12:16 |
saladin442 | twitter? | 12:16 |
BluesKaj | not me | 12:16 |
saladin442 | i see... | 12:17 |
saladin442 | are you windows user then? | 12:17 |
BluesKaj | very seldom | 12:18 |
saladin442 | that's good! | 12:20 |
saladin442 | do you know any software that emulates piano on linux? | 12:21 |
BluesKaj | my wife uses a windows pc | 12:21 |
saladin442 | why don't recommend her to use linux? | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | no, sorry ...I don't use a pc to create sounds , I just listen to them | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | she's a "windows person" and prefers familiarity | 12:24 |
saladin442 | yeah. no prob. so you started with linux in this computer world? | 12:25 |
BluesKaj | nope, msdos, then 3.1, 4.1, 95, 98,xp ...then linux ...how about you? | 12:27 |
saladin442 | started with XP, then 2010 used win7, and then 8, 8.1 and then linux on 2014. | 12:29 |
saladin442 | how was msdos? everything on command line? | 12:29 |
BluesKaj | mostly it was used mostly making reports from testing with instruments | 12:33 |
saladin442 | since what version of windows people can use internet? | 12:33 |
BluesKaj | I think windows 95 | 12:37 |
BluesKaj | generally, there were applications for internet connection in 4.1 iirc , but not for us ..we didn't get email until w95 where I worked | 12:39 |
saladin442 | i see. you know, i was born a year after win95 was released. | 12:40 |
saladin442 | haha | 12:40 |
saladin442 | so i din't know about that info. | 12:41 |
BluesKaj | I didn't have personal computer at home until 1999, when finally became affordable | 12:43 |
BluesKaj | we had no internet in our community until the early 90s | 12:46 |
* ObrienDave waves from Colorado, USA | 16:34 | |
BluesKaj | Hi ObrienDave, greetings from North East Ontario, Canada | 16:39 |
ObrienDave | are we having fun yet? ;P | 16:40 |
BluesKaj | dunno , are we ? :-) | 16:41 |
ObrienDave | maybe, when this guy understands throughput LOL | 16:43 |
* BluesKaj is recovering from a garage party/gig I attended last night | 16:44 | |
ObrienDave | ooooooo been there, done that :) | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | was a fun evening | 16:49 |
daftykins | :D | 16:56 |
ObrienDave | if the quality of the help questions keeps going downhill, i just might get drunk today LOL | 17:05 |
* daftykins sharpens a few penguins for ObrienDave | 17:06 | |
ObrienDave | ;P | 17:06 |
ObrienDave | i'm glad ikonia jumped in on this one. JUST a bit out of my league ;P | 17:09 |
lotuspsychje | ObrienDave: evening mate :p | 17:16 |
* ObrienDave waves at lotuspsychje | 17:16 | |
ObrienDave | how goes the battle? | 17:17 |
lotuspsychje | fine fine and you :p | 17:18 |
lotuspsychje | lazy sunday here | 17:18 |
ObrienDave | yup, same same. laundry day ;P | 17:18 |
ObrienDave | my step-son's wife has a bad habit of leaving wash in the washer/dryer all bloomin' week. drives me crazy. (short putt?) ;P | 17:20 |
lotuspsychje | i like order in the house also | 17:21 |
ObrienDave | i'm not big on order but sheesh | 17:22 |
ObrienDave | i'm not what you would consider a neat-freak. clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy ;P | 17:24 |
lotuspsychje | well dirty clothes spreaded around the house, is a bridge too far for sure | 17:25 |
ObrienDave | only in my room, my furniture is still in Oregon. my wife will be here in 2 weeks or so | 17:26 |
lotuspsychje | you guys moving? | 17:26 |
ObrienDave | yea, i've been in CO for 6 weeks or so. got new job \o/ | 17:27 |
ObrienDave | great job actually. similar to a shop i worked for for 20 years. loving it | 17:29 |
lotuspsychje | nice! | 17:30 |
lotuspsychje | what kind of business | 17:30 |
lotuspsychje | im gonna create an ubuntu store myself in my country soon: laptops,desktop,phones,tablets all ubuntu | 17:30 |
ObrienDave | i'm a machinist by trade. i do CNC programming and SolidWorks modeling. prototype aerospace stuff | 17:31 |
lotuspsychje | something like system76, but then only with ssd's inside | 17:31 |
ObrienDave | cool | 17:31 |
lotuspsychje | wow looks heavy | 17:31 |
lotuspsychje | im more the hardware/security guy :p | 17:31 |
ObrienDave | yes, i do rocket parts LOL ;P | 17:31 |
ObrienDave | i've been tinkering with computers since '71 (FORTRAN class) always wanted to do IT/Security | 17:34 |
lotuspsychje | cool | 17:34 |
lotuspsychje | well ive been underground on irc in the past :p | 17:35 |
lotuspsychje | ssst | 17:35 |
ObrienDave | mums the word ;P | 17:35 |
lotuspsychje | a lot of botnets out there exploiting the world | 17:35 |
ObrienDave | oh i'm sure. mostly taking advantage of dumb people | 17:36 |
lotuspsychje | ObrienDave: what was your first ever computer? | 17:36 |
ObrienDave | my 1st was a vic-20 | 17:36 |
ObrienDave | then c-64 | 17:37 |
lotuspsychje | mine was like a super2000 electronic box to connect with wires to make programs :p | 17:37 |
ObrienDave | and i still have my amiga 1000 from '85 | 17:37 |
lotuspsychje | after that atari and c64 yeah :p | 17:37 |
lotuspsychje | niceee | 17:37 |
lotuspsychje | we played a lot on the amiga 500 back in the days | 17:37 |
ObrienDave | still works. lost the monitor in a divorce. grrrrr | 17:38 |
lotuspsychje | and press play on tape rambo on the c64 lol | 17:38 |
lotuspsychje | or platoon | 17:38 |
ObrienDave | LOL yup, i remember those :) | 17:39 |
ObrienDave | afk brb | 17:39 |
lotuspsychje | kk laterz | 17:39 |
ObrienDave | in '84 i had the largest c-64 bbs in long beach, ca. 2MB online LOL | 17:41 |
ObrienDave | i still have the drives and the BusCard II | 17:41 |
lotuspsychje | that red cardrige ? | 17:42 |
ObrienDave | naw, it is an IEEE converter for the 2 floppy drives. 1.2 MB each | 17:43 |
ObrienDave | 5-1/4" floppy drives | 17:44 |
lotuspsychje | ah right those | 17:45 |
ObrienDave | the drives used both sides of the disk. no punching the extra hole to make flippy disks ;P | 17:46 |
ObrienDave | THAT'S how old i am LOL | 17:46 |
lotuspsychje | wich year are you from | 17:46 |
lotuspsychje | 77 here | 17:46 |
ObrienDave | i was 20 in 77 ;P | 17:47 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 17:47 |
lotuspsychje | gtg mate movietimez | 17:47 |
ObrienDave | l8r bud | 17:48 |
histo | Damn cable company. | 20:15 |
histo | Down again | 20:15 |
lotuspsychje | ouch | 20:17 |
lotuspsychje | histo: wich company is that | 20:18 |
ObrienDave | not a nice one ;P | 20:19 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 20:19 |
histo | zito media | 20:20 |
lotuspsychje | never heard of it | 20:20 |
histo | Every two days something on their end causes my modem to just go into this reboot cycle. | 20:20 |
histo | lotuspsychje: it's a rural cable co | 20:20 |
histo | They only service out in the boon docks | 20:20 |
lotuspsychje | i get dns trouble like that too sometimes | 20:21 |
lotuspsychje | from my isp | 20:21 |
histo | It's just a pain to deal with this sort of intermittent issue. Now a tech is going to come out this week and think he fixed it but a few days later boom gone again. | 20:22 |
lotuspsychje | disconnecting me once in a while | 20:22 |
lotuspsychje | always frustrating, you have to keep paying and still have net issues | 20:23 |
ObrienDave | i had the same problem once, turned out it was a faulty switch at the local switch box down the road | 20:23 |
ObrienDave | they gave me a new DSL modem twice before finding it | 20:24 |
lotuspsychje | networking is really a pain job | 20:24 |
lotuspsychje | complex situations can arise | 20:25 |
ObrienDave | oh boy, i need to stay out of #u for now ;P | 20:29 |
lotuspsychje | who's bad news :p | 20:29 |
ObrienDave | pcypher | 20:29 |
lotuspsychje | he's in good hands of k1l :p | 20:30 |
ObrienDave | this is true | 20:30 |
ObrienDave | *bad fingers* *must behave* ;P | 20:33 |
ObrienDave | *slaps own wrists* ;P | 20:35 |
daftykins | one of our special customers huh? :> | 20:35 |
lotuspsychje | daftykins: evening mate | 20:36 |
ObrienDave | naw, just trying to keep the alcohol from getting me kicked from #u LOL | 20:36 |
daftykins | lotuspsychje: hallo sir o/ | 20:42 |
lotuspsychje | everything okay overseas :p | 20:42 |
daftykins | sure is! just watching the end of a baseball game | 20:45 |
lotuspsychje | have fun | 20:46 |
daftykins | ah there we go, over now :> | 20:48 |
ObrienDave | omg, someone is using PPA graphics drivers and wants to know why his card in on the fritz | 20:54 |
daftykins | sounds like a job for daftykins | 20:55 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 20:55 |
ObrienDave | daftykins to the RESCUE! ;P | 20:56 |
lotuspsychje | haha | 20:56 |
daftykins | :D | 20:56 |
lotuspsychje | never fear | 20:56 |
daftykins | who's the victim? | 20:56 |
ObrienDave | Gallomimia | 20:56 |
lotuspsychje | nitenite | 21:04 |
daftykins | damn wasn't even a graphics issue | 21:04 |
ObrienDave | i can see the help questions in #u are going to require more booze ;P | 21:19 |
daftykins | i might have to part again | 21:20 |
histo | lol | 21:21 |
histo | apparently google translate didn't work well there | 21:22 |
ObrienDave | LOL moar booze then ;P | 21:24 |
ObrienDave | rut roh, did he just say daftykins is wrong??? the gods weep ;P | 21:30 |
daftykins | only from not understanding what i said | 21:31 |
ObrienDave | that figures. danged google translate ;P | 21:32 |
daftykins | XD | 21:33 |
daftykins | this gh0st guy is an absolute loon | 21:34 |
daftykins | you can always spot the Linux newbies, they're always trying to setup FTP for some reason XD | 21:34 |
ObrienDave | and he's trying to digest the help from 5 different people. that's always difficult | 21:35 |
daftykins | yeah, even volunteers mess up big time sometimes | 21:38 |
daftykins | often have to shout at them to get off your toes so there's no 'too many cooks' situation | 21:38 |
ObrienDave | oh yea, seen that many times. i back off when someone who obviously knows more than i enters the fracas ;P | 21:42 |
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