hplc | but using "world" is overkill i mean | 00:00 |
bazhang | !elementary | aasim | 00:00 |
ubottu | aasim: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution. | 00:00 |
hplc | only where theres a decent win i want too compile | 00:00 |
sympto2 | How do I securely erase a file on an ssd? | 00:00 |
xangua | "world" is overkill, a decent win i want too compile, what? | 00:01 |
hplc | xangua, if apt-get installs version 1.2.3 and an apt-build COULD do better, i want to go source on that specific | 00:02 |
xangua | !compile | hplc | 00:02 |
ubottu | hplc: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall | 00:02 |
B0g4r7 | sympto2, delete file, fill all free space on drive with random data. | 00:02 |
sympto2 | B0g4r7 how do you address all free space? | 00:03 |
hplc | if feel misunderstood, i try this way. How can i check my installed apps version, against the bleeding edge versions, like, compare repo with github/sourceforge | 00:05 |
B0g4r7 | sympto2, dd if=/dev/urandom of=junkfile. When no more free space on disk, all has been overwritten. | 00:05 |
B0g4r7 | Assuming your filesystem uses the whole disk. | 00:05 |
xangua | hplc: if you want to have everything "bleeding edge" maybe Ubuntu is not the distro for you | 00:05 |
B0g4r7 | Do this as root in case it reserves some space for root. | 00:05 |
xangua | !latest | 00:05 |
ubottu | Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 00:05 |
sympto2 | No my fs doesn't fill the whole space | 00:06 |
hplc | xangua, you might have a point there | 00:06 |
postmodern | just did a do-release-upgrade, and now autologin is broken. I double checked the lightdm config files and everything is there. | 00:07 |
B0g4r7 | sympto2, I imagine you can make a temporary fs to use up that space. | 00:07 |
sympto2 | B0g4r7 filling up every ds should do it? | 00:08 |
eikon81g | !touch | 00:08 |
ubottu | Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 00:08 |
NegativeFlare | !es | Alkalino | 00:09 |
ubottu | Alkalino: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 00:09 |
sympto2 | *fs | 00:09 |
eikon81g | Hello all.. DOes anyone know if ubuntu will run on a surface?? | 00:09 |
B0g4r7 | sympto2, I would think so, but I'm not an expert. I once saw a video of a digital forensics guy give a talk at defcon or shmoocon on how ssds make recovering deleted data a lot more difficult than a conventional magnetic drive does due to their constantly reshuffling and erasing stuff in the background. | 00:09 |
eikon81g | Or Ubuntu touch..? | 00:09 |
NegativeFlare | eikon81g: Not sure, I read something about it having problems with drivers | 00:10 |
eikon81g | bahh.. That sounds about right.. | 00:10 |
Guest64536 | download Website calculator Scripting the .zip oesn't require signup http://www.websiteadverts.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=20 - i'm taking it down soon.. | 00:10 |
Guest64536 | download Website calculator Scripting the .zip oesn't require signup http://www.websiteadverts.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=20 - i'm taking it down soon.. | 00:10 |
Guest64536 | download Website calculator Scripting the .zip oesn't require signup http://www.websiteadverts.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=20 - i'm taking it down soon.. | 00:10 |
sympto2 | B0g4r7 I read that but I thought ppl rely on the secure-erase function but this' also a valid way | 00:11 |
eikon81g | I looked a little on google and I saw a few images of it running but I didn't see any step by step or anything.. | 00:11 |
B0g4r7 | sympto2, I wouldn't count on secure-erase for an ssd. Your new data will likely get written to a different block, and your original data would remain for some time. If you write to every available block that ought to zap it I would think. | 00:12 |
aasim | any one know any sick wallpapers sen the links | 00:12 |
=== killjoy is now known as Master_Shredder | ||
eikon81g | aasim go to interfacelift.com | 00:13 |
sympto2 | secure-erase is a firmware function which resets the whole disk what you meant was secure-delete? | 00:13 |
sympto2 | Shouldn't trim be resetting/zeroing the fresh deallocated space? | 00:15 |
B0g4r7 | sympto2, sounds like you know more about it than I. | 00:16 |
sympto2 | But thank you B0g4r7 I think I will use both methods | 00:22 |
Symbiosis | Is it possible to have apt-get send dns requests through a socks proxy? | 00:25 |
zykotick9 | Symbiosis: not sure able "socks" specifically, but check out Acquire::http::Proxy as an apt option | 00:26 |
Symbiosis | Zykotick9: In /etc/apt/apt.conf yes? | 00:28 |
zykotick9 | Symbiosis: yup | 00:28 |
Symbiosis | Zykotick9: After that I can just run sudo apt-get update, correct? | 00:30 |
zykotick9 | Symbiosis: yup | 00:31 |
=== Bnaya_ is now known as Bnaya | ||
Symbiosis | Zykotick9: Well if I try that, I get a connection failed error. If I does just Acquire::socks:proxy "socks://host:port/"; I get a could not resolve [hostname] message. Any ideas? | 00:35 |
Symbiosis | do just* | 00:35 |
Symbiosis | Acquire::socks::proxy* | 00:35 |
zykotick9 | Symbiosis: sorry, i don't have any other suggestions... best of luck. | 00:35 |
Symbiosis | Okay, thank you for trying. | 00:35 |
Jumbo | Always wanted a Website Price Calculator Script like siteprice.org for your own website? Well now you can, it even have a installer. Download it without having to signup at as soon on twitter http://t.co/EN7trb5ZgL | 00:36 |
histo | Symbiosis: are you sure the dns is going through the proxy? | 00:36 |
ubuntu64bit | what's the channel for free chat? | 00:38 |
Symbiosis | histo: I don't think it is, because otherwise it would resolve. | 00:38 |
ubuntu64bit | what's the channel for ubuntu free chat? | 00:39 |
arseny | i dont know | 00:39 |
ubuntu64bit | ohh i forgot | 00:40 |
aeon-ltd | ubuntu64bit: what do you mean? this is ubuntu support channel and it's free to use | 00:40 |
knocktwice | aeon-ltd, but not for just chatting, for support. | 00:41 |
ubuntu64bit | aeon-ltd: i mean channel where don't need support just random chat? | 00:41 |
EriC^^ | !ot | 00:41 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 00:41 |
ubuntu64bit | thx | 00:41 |
Master_Shredder | /ignore *!*@ | 00:45 |
Master_Shredder | /part | 00:50 |
histo | MasterOf1isaster: stop using spaces in your commands | 00:51 |
simon | v | 00:53 |
toan__ | #help | 00:54 |
eikon81g | toan__, !ubottu | 00:54 |
eikon81g | !ubottu | 00:54 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone | 00:54 |
sinister_delight | allo | 00:54 |
vortex1409 | hello | 00:55 |
eikon81g | howdy | 00:55 |
vortex1409 | fancy IRC we have here | 00:56 |
eikon81g | !off-topic | 00:57 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 00:57 |
eikon81g | ^^^ | 00:57 |
=== t3mp0 is now known as sparko | ||
gdlapple | ALGUIEN K HABLE ESPANOL | 00:58 |
gdlapple | perdon se me olvidaba no mayusculas | 00:59 |
gdlapple | alguien en espanol | 00:59 |
eikon81g | !es | 00:59 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 00:59 |
eikon81g | gdlapple, /join #ubuntu-es | 01:00 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
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=== owner_ is now known as Guest77306 | ||
Mitchell92 | I have a few netbooks... one is an Atom N270, another is a VIA C7-M. I'd like to get them up and running again... both have 2GB of RAM. Will Ubuntu run smoothly on that hardware? | 01:16 |
Kealga | join #jaxlug | 01:17 |
Mitchell92 | Me? | 01:17 |
Fleet | Mitchell92: I think Kealga missed a "/" :-] | 01:18 |
Mitchell92 | oh ok | 01:18 |
Fleet | also, have you heard of lubuntu? | 01:18 |
xangua | Mitchell92: they would probably be better with Xubuntu or Lubuntu | 01:18 |
Mitchell92 | Okay. | 01:18 |
Mitchell92 | Kubuntu, would that not run well? | 01:19 |
eikon81g | !lubuntu | 01:27 |
ubottu | lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 01:27 |
eikon81g | !kubuntu | 01:27 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde | 01:27 |
azizLIGHT | what pdf editor can i use to fill out forms and do some page deletion and page rotations, and combining multiple pdf files together? | 01:27 |
postmodern | so i did another do-release-upgrade to 15.04, and now i boot to a blank desktop with only the ability to right click and open a terminal | 01:27 |
DrewFmStateFarm | Why would a pulseaudio output stream show as having no output on pavucontrol and yet I can hear it from that device? This is preventing me from using a monitor for that device when recording. | 01:27 |
eikon81g | postmodern, could you not do a fresh install? | 01:27 |
postmodern | eikon81g, easier to upgrade in place | 01:27 |
eikon81g | ah, well as it were you may have to anyway :\ | 01:27 |
eikon81g | DrewFmStateFarm, is it bluetooth? | 01:27 |
=== LimitLessLinux is now known as LandOfLinux | ||
DrewFmStateFarm | eikon81g, Nope. It's analog speakers. | 01:27 |
postmodern | eikon81g, can't i just nuke the configuration for unity/lightdm? | 01:27 |
eikon81g | hum.. I've had some audio issues in the past with bluetooth. | 01:27 |
eikon81g | well you can do something else to trouble shoot first.. | 01:27 |
DrewFmStateFarm | What's that? | 01:27 |
eikon81g | I am trying to find what I am referring to.. Google. LOL 1 sec | 01:27 |
DrewFmStateFarm | :P\ | 01:27 |
eikon81g | http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/pactl.1.html | 01:27 |
eikon81g | i think i'd try unloading and reloading | 01:27 |
eikon81g | has it ever worked properly? | 01:27 |
DrewFmStateFarm | eikon81g, I've already tried restarting the daemon | 01:27 |
eikon81g | yea, if not that then it may have to do with the audio sinks | 01:28 |
DrewFmStateFarm | How would I go about checking that? Because it is only happening with one PA device. | 01:28 |
eikon81g | pactl list | 01:29 |
eikon81g | I am terrible with the commands sorry | 01:30 |
eikon81g | i guess you may have to manually set the output | 01:31 |
Guest77181 | when using a notepad application in linux and highlighting sh script/programming code will it work fine with bash? | 01:31 |
eikon81g | I believe I am in over my head already tho.. | 01:31 |
DrewFmStateFarm | eikon81g, The weird thing is that it is going to the correct device. It's just not showing activity in pavucontrol | 01:32 |
eikon81g | on the bottom of pavu are you showing "all output devices"? | 01:33 |
eikon81g | there should be a dropbox | 01:33 |
DrewFmStateFarm | eikon81g, I tried that as well. No other streams show. | 01:33 |
eikon81g | if maybe it's a virtual | 01:33 |
eikon81g | hurm | 01:33 |
DrewFmStateFarm | It's very obscure. | 01:34 |
Guest28105 | what is the difference between grub-install and install-grub (when types into terminal)? | 01:35 |
eikon81g | I believe I am out of my league, I wish I could help more.. I had a field day not too long ago and I had that issue where the bluetooth output was not visab;e | 01:35 |
DrewFmStateFarm | eikon81g, Thanks for trying. :D | 01:36 |
eikon81g | No problem, best of luck friend | 01:36 |
DrewFmStateFarm | Any channels to suggest? I've asked in ##linux and #pulseaudio already | 01:36 |
eikon81g | umm. the guys in #xubuntu are quiet but they are talented | 01:37 |
eikon81g | also xubuntu uses pules audio and pavu | 01:37 |
eikon81g | I work with bluesabre and unit193 | 01:37 |
eikon81g | they are rockstars | 01:37 |
eikon81g | may address that channel and see if unit is busy.. | 01:38 |
Guest28105 | what is the difference between grub-install and install-grub when typed into terminal? | 01:39 |
DrewFmStateFarm | Thanks. | 01:39 |
eikon81g | Guest28105, what are you trying to do? | 01:39 |
Guest28105 | just want to know which installes grub and what the other does | 01:39 |
eikon81g | no prb DrewFmStateFarm | 01:39 |
eikon81g | grub should be ready to go if you are running ubuntu already.. | 01:40 |
eikon81g | (I thought) | 01:40 |
eikon81g | grub is the bootloader you shouldn't have to mess with it too much | 01:41 |
eikon81g | Are you wanting to multiboot? | 01:41 |
Guest28105 | as in dual boot? | 01:41 |
eikon81g | right, | 01:41 |
eikon81g | sorry.. brainfart | 01:41 |
eikon81g | to be honest I'm good enough to be dangerous but I'd just follow a tutorial and BACKUP anything you don't want to lose.. | 01:42 |
Guest28105 | never mind | 01:43 |
Guest28105 | ill figure it out mysef | 01:43 |
eikon81g | good luck | 01:43 |
eikon81g | lol | 01:43 |
* eikon81g is away: I'm busy | 01:43 | |
=== Orphis_ is now known as Orphis | ||
=== Bnaya_ is now known as Bnaya | ||
backandforth | Question: How can I get multiple workstations -- in that, I can press ctl alt -> to get me to another set of windows. | 01:55 |
OerHeks | systemsettings > appearance >behaviour, enable workspaces | 01:56 |
OerHeks | and hof win key to see the shortcuts | 01:56 |
OerHeks | hold* | 01:57 |
IAmMe643 | my computer is whacked up. I cannot boot from usb (yes it is a good usb), my icons are all gone, and I can only connect via an ethernet cord. How can I fix this? | 02:00 |
rick2600 | anyone had problem trying to install gcc-multilib on ubuntu 14.04 64 bit ? | 02:00 |
=== Odo is now known as Guest55384 | ||
Ben64 | rick2600: nope | 02:03 |
IAmMe643 | my computer is whacked up. I cannot boot from usb (yes it is a good usb), my icons are all gone, and I can only connect via an ethernet cord. How can I fix this? | 02:03 |
tomreyn | rick2600: i don't think i had. i fouy provided more details on these problems someone might be able to help out. | 02:03 |
Ben64 | rick2600: please use this channel, not PM | 02:04 |
rick2600 | ok ben64 | 02:04 |
raspman | test test | 02:04 |
tomreyn | IAmMe643: what happened betwween when it worked as expected and now? | 02:04 |
raspman | is this channel for ubuntu in general or ubuntu mate only | 02:04 |
=== svetlana is now known as sveta | ||
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: no idea. I hadn't used it for a few hours. | 02:04 |
Ben64 | any official ubuntu flavor | 02:05 |
raspman | ah i see | 02:05 |
rick2600 | basically it is the problem i'm getting | 02:05 |
rick2600 | http://pastebin.com/aFqWF3bX | 02:05 |
tomreyn | IAmMe643: did you make any changes as root before you rebooted / powered it down? | 02:05 |
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: I came on. it would not connect to a network. rebooted, lost my window decorations and icons. Now I am in gnome (previously KDE) and I get window decorations, but most icons are gone). | 02:06 |
tomreyn | IAmMe643: because that's not normal behavior, it indicated manual intervention breaking something, or a file system or hardware issue. | 02:06 |
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: no, no chabges as far as I rember. | 02:06 |
IAmMe643 | changes* | 02:06 |
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: what should I do? | 02:06 |
tomreyn | IAmMe643: boot into recovery and do a file system check | 02:07 |
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: ok, what do I do after it finds a problem will it fix it? and what commands do I run? | 02:08 |
Ben64 | rick2600: pastebin the output of this command... "apt-cache policy g++-4.8-multilib lib32stdc++-4.8-dev libx32stdc++-4.8-dev gcc-4.8-multilib lib32gcc-4.8-dev libx32gcc-4.8-dev" | 02:08 |
tomreyn | i think the whole process is available as a text UI | 02:08 |
tomreyn | and, having current backups as you should, you can just agree to any modifications suggested. | 02:09 |
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: ok. Yeah I emeber that, but last time I booted into recovery I got a resolution messup where each line was cropped to one pixel | 02:09 |
IAmMe643 | remember* | 02:10 |
rick2600 | ben64 http://pastebin.com/SMvnjXLS | 02:11 |
tomreyn | IAmMe643: if you're into grub, you can add "text" (without quotation marks) to the end of the linux line for the kernel you want to boot | 02:11 |
tomreyn | that should disable GUI output and resport to text only | 02:11 |
lucas-arg | hello all | 02:12 |
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: I barely remember grub commands. Also, I am on my machine right now. | 02:12 |
Ben64 | rick2600: ok, now "sudo apt-get install g++-4.8-multilib lib32stdc++-4.8-dev libx32stdc++-4.8-dev gcc-4.8-multilib lib32gcc-4.8-dev libx32gcc-4.8-dev" | 02:12 |
lucas-arg | can some one hive me a hand? i cant shutdown my laptop Im on ubuntu 15.04 every time i try to shutdown it reboots | 02:12 |
IAmMe643 | lucas-arg: hmmm... do you have any usb devices connected? | 02:13 |
lucas-arg | IAmMe643: i dont know its an ultrabook... it maight have some devide via usb i guess | 02:14 |
tomreyn | IAmMe643: i'm sorry, but i have to head out, it's just too late here and i'm falling asleep. good luck finding help with it. | 02:14 |
IAmMe643 | tomreyn: ok. goodnight | 02:14 |
tomreyn | thanks | 02:14 |
IAmMe643 | lucas-arg: have you plugged anything in via usb? | 02:14 |
lucas-arg | IAmMe643: no but i dont know its a laptop so i maight have some device in usb mode | 02:15 |
IAmMe643 | lucas-arg: that does not matter. | 02:15 |
IAmMe643 | lucas-arg: I am not sure what is happening here. Best of luck to you though. | 02:15 |
lucas-arg | i tried acpi=force like i used to do in 14.04 but its not working | 02:16 |
lucas-arg | come on guys some dev here | 02:20 |
rick2600 | ben64 http://pastebin.com/r7jEME27 | 02:21 |
IAmMe643 | just letting everbody know, my computer is working now. Hopefully it will keep working now. | 02:28 |
rick2600 | ben64 any idea? | 02:37 |
MysteriousMagent | ...Is it normal that rEFInd doesn't work after installing the latest LTS release of Ubuntu? | 02:55 |
postmodern | so I did a clean install (but kept /home intact) and Unity is missing the launchbar | 02:57 |
postmodern | where does the unity configuration live, so that i can reset it? | 02:57 |
rectum_ravaged | hello? | 02:57 |
rectum_ravaged | anyone there? | 02:57 |
iBurley | yep | 02:58 |
MysteriousMagent | Aw, you answer to that guy but not to me? | 02:58 |
pkircher | he might dont know the answer | 02:58 |
pkircher | dont be that demanding .. wait its irc after all | 02:59 |
MysteriousMagent | Oh okay. | 02:59 |
MysteriousMagent | Sorry, I'm a bit tired. | 02:59 |
MysteriousMagent | (Tired as in sleep-wise) | 02:59 |
MysteriousMagent | I just installed my first Linux distro so I'm excited | 02:59 |
pkircher | happens .. get a coffe | 02:59 |
rectum_ravaged | i recently installed ubuntu linux, as i heard is was the best OS for aspiring C programmers | 03:00 |
MysteriousMagent | I like C. | 03:00 |
linuxuz3r | MysteriousMagent exercise | 03:00 |
rectum_ravaged | i've installed it, but now i don't know what to do | 03:00 |
MysteriousMagent | I need to download Wi-Fi drivers | 03:00 |
Jack_The_Ripper | Hey everyone | 03:00 |
MysteriousMagent | I think | 03:00 |
rectum_ravaged | how do i go about learning C now? | 03:00 |
pkircher | rectum_ravaged: google | 03:00 |
pkircher | :) | 03:00 |
MysteriousMagent | ^ | 03:00 |
rectum_ravaged | really? | 03:00 |
pkircher | tutorials .. an os does not help you become a programmer | 03:00 |
pkircher | no os well | 03:00 |
pkircher | will* | 03:01 |
pkircher | as for if its solid for dev .. sure .. but any other linux is just as good for that | 03:01 |
pkircher | all you need is a gcc compiler | 03:01 |
MysteriousMagent | Well, to be honest i find myself much more comfortable in a *nix enviorement | 03:01 |
MysteriousMagent | (I come from OSX) | 03:01 |
pkircher | im on a mac :) | 03:01 |
rectum_ravaged | pkircher: where do i start with google? what should i google? | 03:02 |
pkircher | but for servers .. there is nothing expect linux | 03:02 |
MysteriousMagent | pkircher: How hard wa sit to install? | 03:02 |
pkircher | "c beginner tutorial” | 03:02 |
Jack_The_Ripper | What OS is everyeone runnign here? | 03:02 |
MysteriousMagent | I'm a triple booter | 03:02 |
az-cam-op | i have googled and I can't find anything like my situation. I just installed ubuntu 14.04 on a dell xps 700. everytime i start up unity doesn't load correctly. you have to exit out to the terminal and restart unity and then it works fine. | 03:02 |
pkircher | MysteriousMagent: im running linux quite a bit longer .. i maintain huge clusters as an op | 03:02 |
pkircher | im just looming here :) | 03:02 |
MysteriousMagent | Windows 7, OSX 10.10 Yosemite, Ubuntu 14.14.02 | 03:03 |
az-cam-op | the screen is actually there with the launcher on the side but the top menu doesn't load and the desktop image is pixelated | 03:03 |
az-cam-op | any help would be appreciated | 03:03 |
Jack_The_Ripper | Why tripleboot? | 03:03 |
pkircher | becaus he can | 03:03 |
MysteriousMagent | ^ | 03:03 |
pkircher | and he obv. wants to | 03:03 |
MysteriousMagent | It's not "Why", it's "Why Not". | 03:04 |
Jack_The_Ripper | Alright then, my bad. | 03:04 |
MysteriousMagent | Plus, Windows 7 is easy to install | 03:04 |
MysteriousMagent | So I was like "Why not?" | 03:04 |
MysteriousMagent | OSX came pre-packaged | 03:04 |
pkircher | id stay away from win if i can | 03:04 |
MysteriousMagent | and Linux was just curiosity, so I was like "WHy not?" | 03:04 |
pkircher | but i guess you are young and still into games | 03:04 |
MysteriousMagent | pkircher: Why? | 03:04 |
pkircher | moved on last windows i used was 95 | 03:04 |
MysteriousMagent | Can you not be old and enjoy games? | 03:04 |
MysteriousMagent | But nah, I don't use Windows at all | 03:05 |
MysteriousMagent | It's there just for show | 03:05 |
MysteriousMagent | (so many people joining and parting, I migiht disable notifications for that) | 03:05 |
MysteriousMagent | I actually program a bit | 03:05 |
az-cam-op | Ok, so no suggestions on why unity isn't loading correctly at boot? | 03:05 |
MysteriousMagent | So that's why I waned to try out Linux | 03:05 |
wastrel | az-cam-op: if you create a new user does it have the same problem | 03:06 |
wastrel | az-cam-op: or just your main user | 03:06 |
pkircher | as for programming all you need is a editor and a compiler | 03:06 |
Jack_The_Ripper | I may dualboot windows 7 and ubuntu mate, sadly i only use windows 7 to put music on my iphone | 03:06 |
pkircher | you dont need linux for that | 03:06 |
pkircher | works just fine on osx | 03:06 |
MysteriousMagent | pkircher: True. But I like Linux and OSX | 03:06 |
az-cam-op | will try a new user. just weird as it is a fresh install. finished 20 minutes ago | 03:06 |
MysteriousMagent | OSX is fine, but I wanted to use Linux more for the customization | 03:06 |
MysteriousMagent | I wanna rice, really | 03:07 |
Jack_The_Ripper | You cant customize a mac? | 03:07 |
pkircher | what customisations you cant get with brew | 03:07 |
pkircher | name 1 | 03:07 |
pkircher | i guess now the googleing starts lol | 03:07 |
MysteriousMagent | pkircher: Window managers. | 03:07 |
pkircher | tmux | 03:07 |
pkircher | screen | 03:07 |
pkircher | both work just fine on osx | 03:08 |
* MysteriousMagent googles tmux & screen | 03:08 | |
pkircher | and since you in for dev | 03:08 |
pkircher | thats what you should use anyway | 03:08 |
MysteriousMagent | I have no idea what those are | 03:08 |
pkircher | terminal window managers :) | 03:09 |
pkircher | iterm2 is great on osx as well | 03:09 |
MysteriousMagent | Yeah, but do you think I only use terminals? | 03:09 |
pkircher | most of the time if you dev yes | 03:09 |
pkircher | you spend time in vim or emacs | 03:09 |
MysteriousMagent | I'm not a vim folk | 03:09 |
MysteriousMagent | I use it in a picnh | 03:09 |
pkircher | well emacs then | 03:09 |
MysteriousMagent | But i prefer ST3 | 03:10 |
MysteriousMagent | Or, depending on what I'm rpogramming in, I might use an IDE | 03:10 |
pkircher | i would not trade in any editor over vim | 03:10 |
MysteriousMagent | pprogramming | 03:10 |
MysteriousMagent | pkircher: Why? Vim is just a text editor | 03:10 |
pkircher | thats where you are wong | 03:10 |
pkircher | vim is a plattform | 03:10 |
pkircher | modules :) | 03:10 |
pkircher | vim is essentialy a full blown ide | 03:10 |
MysteriousMagent | I know Vim is fantastic, but the lack of mouse really bothers me | 03:11 |
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A] | ||
MysteriousMagent | I know that I can set mouse=a, but it didn't work for me for some reason. | 03:11 |
pkircher | you would not want to use a mouse | 03:11 |
wastrel | having to use a mouse really bothers me | 03:11 |
MysteriousMagent | Just doesn't let me use a mouse | 03:11 |
wastrel | heh | 03:11 |
MysteriousMagent | I like mouses | 03:11 |
pkircher | a mouse destracts the flow | 03:11 |
MysteriousMagent | Works in a pinch when I quickly wanna move the cursor | 03:11 |
MysteriousMagent | Faster than using the keyboard for me | 03:11 |
pkircher | if you need to move the hand away from your keykoard you doing it wrong | 03:11 |
pkircher | shortcuts | 03:11 |
pkircher | and rsi / carpel tunnel will hunt you | 03:12 |
MysteriousMagent | I mean, most of my mouse use is browser use. | 03:12 |
pkircher | do that for 20 years + and you know what i mean | 03:12 |
MysteriousMagent | 20+ years? | 03:12 |
pkircher | if i need a mouse i switch layer on the kb | 03:12 |
pkircher | ya im not that young | 03:12 |
MysteriousMagent | Layers? :o | 03:12 |
pkircher | :) | 03:12 |
pkircher | yep i programm my firmware for my kb | 03:12 |
pkircher | :) | 03:12 |
MysteriousMagent | Damn, I tip my non-existent hat to you | 03:12 |
wastrel | az-cam-op: don't pm please | 03:12 |
az-cam-op | new user account didn't work | 03:13 |
pkircher | its easyer then ever today with teensy2 pcb’s | 03:13 |
MysteriousMagent | I'm looking into tmux | 03:13 |
MysteriousMagent | Teensy2? Why not Teensy3.1? | 03:13 |
pkircher | port allignments | 03:13 |
pkircher | :) | 03:13 |
MysteriousMagent | To be honest I wanna get into Electronics myself | 03:13 |
pkircher | and i have a few teensy 2s around .. | 03:13 |
pkircher | so no need to change .. | 03:13 |
pkircher | they all work wonderfull | 03:14 |
MysteriousMagent | The most I've seen out of a Teensy is Rubber Ducky | 03:14 |
pkircher | i moddet my kinesis advantage | 03:14 |
pkircher | to use a teensy 2 as controller | 03:14 |
pkircher | so i have a “mouse” in the kb if i want to use it | 03:14 |
pkircher | i dont have to move my hands away | 03:14 |
MysteriousMagent | Go on. | 03:15 |
az-cam-op | wastrel the new user account has the same issue | 03:15 |
pkircher | same stuff on the ergodox | 03:15 |
MysteriousMagent | What's a "Kinesis Advantage"? | 03:15 |
pkircher | google it | 03:15 |
wastrel | az-cam-op: i dunno, sorry | 03:15 |
MysteriousMagent | mh | 03:15 |
pkircher | http://puu.sh/hXFFm/f35f95a327.png | 03:15 |
MysteriousMagent | Looks like a weird keyboard | 03:15 |
pkircher | thats mine :) | 03:15 |
pkircher | http://puu.sh/iafXn/1c71f4f9b0.png | 03:16 |
MysteriousMagent | Looks like a weird keyboard to use | 03:16 |
pkircher | and thats the dox | 03:16 |
pkircher | you have no idea | 03:16 |
MysteriousMagent | True. | 03:16 |
MysteriousMagent | Is it better? | 03:16 |
pkircher | they produce that product since 15 years plus | 03:16 |
pkircher | it might look weird | 03:16 |
pkircher | and its bulky | 03:16 |
pkircher | but its so good to your hands | 03:16 |
MysteriousMagent | But it's less straining on the ends? | 03:16 |
MysteriousMagent | hands* | 03:16 |
MysteriousMagent | Exactly. | 03:16 |
pkircher | yep its uber confy | 03:16 |
MysteriousMagent | I'm on a laptop sooo | 03:17 |
MysteriousMagent | no externals for me | 03:17 |
pkircher | its a mechanical with mx browns | 03:17 |
pkircher | if im on the lap | 03:17 |
pkircher | i carry the dox around | 03:17 |
pkircher | thats the second image | 03:17 |
Ben64 | please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting | 03:17 |
MysteriousMagent | pkircher: Speaking of keyboards, what client do you use for IRC? | 03:17 |
pkircher | a split kb | 03:17 |
pkircher | :) | 03:17 |
pkircher | colloquy | 03:18 |
MysteriousMagent | Same. | 03:18 |
MysteriousMagent | I also love WeeChat though | 03:18 |
Ben64 | !ot | pkircher MysteriousMagent | 03:18 |
ubottu | pkircher MysteriousMagent: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:18 |
MysteriousMagent | since we're getting offtopic, let's also talk about Ubuntu | 03:18 |
MysteriousMagent | I've been trying to find Networking drivers for Ubuntu | 03:18 |
MysteriousMagent | For my MacBook Pro | 03:18 |
MysteriousMagent | Since I'm assuming those don't come out of hte box? | 03:18 |
MysteriousMagent | ...Is it important to use quotes when looking for drivers? | 03:20 |
MysteriousMagent | pkircher: I take it you're on OSX; Colloquy is OSX only last time I checked. | 03:20 |
Ben64 | what do you mean, use quotes? normally drivers are found within the linux kernel | 03:20 |
pkircher | yup | 03:21 |
MysteriousMagent | Ben64: Searching on google | 03:21 |
MysteriousMagent | (To be honest I have no idea what a search query for drivers would look like.) | 03:21 |
Ben64 | use lspci or lsusb and find the device first | 03:21 |
MysteriousMagent | What device? | 03:22 |
MysteriousMagent | networking chip? | 03:22 |
Ben64 | yep | 03:22 |
MysteriousMagent | Hang on | 03:22 |
MysteriousMagent | let me check | 03:22 |
postmodern | so I did a fresh re-install, deleted almost every .dotfile, and when i login i get a blank desktop with no launcher | 03:32 |
postmodern | also no window decorations | 03:34 |
postmodern | aaah it was dconf! http://askubuntu.com/questions/616532/ubuntu-15-04-black-window-border | 03:35 |
Name141 | Is there a way to use streaming on video files from samba on windows machines ? | 03:37 |
Name141 | IE: Opening Samba shares in VLC? | 03:37 |
Ben64 | mount them first | 03:37 |
postmodern | Name141, smb:// | 03:37 |
Name141 | postmodern: windows knows smb:// ? | 03:38 |
postmodern | Name141, or just find the host in Nautilus | 03:38 |
postmodern | Name141, on windows, you should be able to access the smb server like any other share | 03:38 |
Name141 | postmodern: Perhaps then I need to find a Media player that knows it | 03:39 |
Name141 | if WinAmp can do MP3s, perhaps it can also do videos ? | 03:39 |
Name141 | VLC wants to download videos first | 03:40 |
Name141 | (unsure about MP3s yet) | 03:40 |
postmodern | Name141, try MPV | 03:43 |
Name141 | postmodern: Must say I aint never heard of that one. I'll see | 03:45 |
Name141 | postmodern: The audio on that doesn't work for downloaded youtube videos for some reason | 03:47 |
Emanuel | Hello. I have Ubuntu on a ThinkPad G-41 that is running into space issues. I have an external HDD availible but no clue how to resolve the space issues. Any help will be appreciated. It's sole use is to be a CrashPlan destination and I think I configured it to use the USB drive for that | 03:53 |
snkcld | which is generally more supported by ubuntu, or linux in general? hdmi or displayport? | 03:56 |
Ben64 | both | 03:56 |
snkcld | i have 2 display connections on my laptop, and i would like to use whichever is generally more supported, or developed | 03:56 |
snkcld | ok so you mean neither | 03:57 |
Ben64 | i mean both | 03:57 |
snkcld | neither is more supported than the either makes more sense then saying both are more supported than the other | 03:57 |
snkcld | anyway, thanks | 03:57 |
the | hola | 03:58 |
the | hola | 03:59 |
=== jturek_ is now known as jturek | ||
Emanuel | Doing df -f shows only 383 of 36G is free on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root but I don't know how to figure out what is using all the space/ /dev/sdb1 has 2.9T free and thats where the backups are supposed to go | 04:00 |
Ben64 | Emanuel: can you pastebin "df -h" | 04:01 |
jzp113 | hi guys how to swap ctrl and caps lock in ubuntu and I install the tweak. it's doesn't work | 04:01 |
Emanuel | Ben64, let me try | 04:02 |
Emanuel | http://pastebin.com/LJsiRpB0 is the link Ben64 | 04:03 |
Ben64 | Emanuel: i'd guess your space is taken up in /home , but to check you can use "du -h --max-depth 1" or "ncdu" or something like that | 04:05 |
Emanuel | Ben64, pastebin.com/W9XcYfR2 is the new one | 04:08 |
Emanuel | Looks like ./.cache and ./CrashPlan are the two biggies | 04:08 |
Ben64 | Emanuel: well your /home is only 235M, so its not that | 04:10 |
Emanuel | Ben64, any ideas? | 04:11 |
Ben64 | Emanuel: check other directories. start with / | 04:12 |
Emanuel | Ben64, from / issue " du -h --max-depth 1" is that correct | 04:14 |
Ben64 | Emanuel: should show all the directories in /, yes | 04:18 |
Emanuel | I'm getting lots of Perimission Denied Ben64 should I have used sudo? | 04:20 |
Ben64 | shouldn't be too big of a difference, but yeah, to read every file it would need sudo | 04:21 |
Symbiosis | Can someone tell me what the ign means when you run apt-get update? You can see it on the left side of the terminal. | 04:22 |
Emanuel | Ben64, seems to be timing out after 16K ./lost+foud | 04:23 |
Emanuel | Ben64, never mind it was still running. Just hung up on a 1.1T folder ./media It's still running | 04:25 |
Ben64 | ooh, i should have told you to exclude the mounted folders | 04:26 |
Emanuel | Ben64, I can abort and re-start. It may be faster because I have some other mounted folders | 04:26 |
Ben64 | sudo du -xh --max-depth 1 | 04:27 |
Emanuel | Ben64, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11617491/ | 04:31 |
Ben64 | Emanuel: see /usr is using 32GB | 04:32 |
Emanuel | Ben64, Ok ./local is using 26G | 04:34 |
Emanuel | Ben64, I see var using 28G | 04:35 |
Emanuel | Ben64, Can I mov /usr/local/var to one of the external drives? | 04:38 |
Ben64 | i wouldn't | 04:38 |
Emanuel | Ben64, It looks like the files taking up the space are from the backup program CrashPlan. I thought I configured it to store everything to one of the external drives | 04:40 |
Emanuel | Ben64, I found the setting that needed to be changed | 04:43 |
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho | ||
powersurge360 | so I've got an XPS 13 with a touch screen | 04:53 |
powersurge360 | I'm having an issue where if I start google chrome for the first time in a session with touch, I get multi-touch gestures | 04:54 |
powersurge360 | if I start it via mouse for the first time in a session, no google chrome specific gestures work | 04:54 |
powersurge360 | it's driving me *crazy* | 04:54 |
powersurge360 | I also will get a 'Chrome did not shut down properly, please restore' error when I change 'modes' | 04:54 |
powersurge360 | anyone know how I can force chrome to always be multitouch? | 04:54 |
powersurge360 | anyone else experience this? | 04:56 |
jzp113 | hi guys how to swap ctrl and caps lock in ubuntu and I install the tweak. it's doesn't work | 05:15 |
phao | What is the command to update my ubuntu from 14.04 to 15.04? | 05:17 |
bazhang | phao, not a one step process | 05:18 |
lrcaballero | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:18 |
bazhang | phao, need to pass through 14.10 | 05:18 |
phao | Ok. Thanks =) | 05:18 |
bazhang | lrcaballero, dist-upgrade wont change versions | 05:18 |
bazhang | !dist-upgrade | 05:19 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 05:19 |
phao | Thanks. | 05:20 |
=== Unix_solaris is now known as dduarte | ||
dduarte | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER dduarte sulzmsvrmfbl | 05:22 |
bazhang | dduarte, new pass time | 05:22 |
dduarte | bazhang -> dang... I'd put a space when I typed =\ | 05:25 |
dduarte | bazhang -> pass changed, anyway... Thks | 05:26 |
bazhang | :) | 05:26 |
snkcld | how can i enable ubuntu to wake up from suspend when i plug in my monitor? | 05:27 |
dduarte | snkcld -> Could you be more specific? Plug monitor it's like to plug a new monitor in dual head? | 05:34 |
danishanish | hey guys, in a bit of a pickle here | 05:44 |
danishanish | so there's a tarball that a download page links to | 05:44 |
danishanish | and i have to download that from a terminal | 05:44 |
danishanish | here;s the link - how do i get the tarball using terminal | 05:44 |
danishanish | http://www.kaaproject.org/get-kaa/ | 05:45 |
danishanish | the .deb | 05:45 |
danishanish | if i click it it starts the dl, but i need to do it in terminal | 05:45 |
dduarte | danishanish -> curl http://www.kaaproject.org/wp-content/download/kaa-deb-0.7.0.tar.gz > kaa.tar.gz | 05:48 |
dduarte | danishanish -> it helps? | 05:48 |
danishanish | dduarte it gives me an ereror: -bash: kaa.tar.gz: Permission denied | 05:51 |
danishanish | <dduarte> -bash: kaa.tar.gz: Permission denied | 05:51 |
danishanish | Im running it sudo ofc | 05:51 |
dduarte | danishanish -> Are you trying to write the tarball in which directory? | 05:52 |
dduarte | danishanish -> It's strange... | 05:52 |
danishanish | honestly man im a beginner to ubuntu, are there any commands i should run to tell you where its installing | 05:53 |
danishanish | pwd returns / if thats any help | 05:53 |
dduarte | danishanish -> ah ok... try this so: curl http://www.kaaproject.org/wp-content/download/kaa-deb-0.7.0.tar.gz > ~/kaa.tar.gz | 05:55 |
danishanish | i love you | 05:55 |
danishanish | works | 05:55 |
danishanish | thank you so much | 05:55 |
dduarte | danishanish -> Heheh, u'r welcome xp | 05:56 |
dduarte | remember that, this wrote the file in ur home dir | 05:56 |
danishanish | thanks man i was about to ask that XD | 05:57 |
dduarte | Huheuheuh XD | 05:57 |
Ben64 | danishanish: don't use sudo unless necessary. it is not necessary to download a file :) | 06:00 |
danishanish | oh, ok! | 06:00 |
danishanish | thanks | 06:00 |
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=== IdleOne is now known as Guest65226 | ||
jt_ | Bonjour | 06:11 |
lrcaballero | jt: hello | 06:11 |
jt_ | sympa linux ^^ | 06:12 |
lrcaballero | ? | 06:13 |
jt_ | bye bon dimanche | 06:13 |
dduarte | wtf | 06:13 |
lrcaballero | hahaha | 06:14 |
=== pkircher_ is now known as pkircher | ||
johnmcjohnson | hi, can someone please give me some advice on creating a PGP key with passwords and keys | 06:51 |
johnmcjohnson | doesn't seem to work | 06:52 |
lotuspsychje | good sunday morning | 06:53 |
elvis4526 | Hello, I have trouble using multitouch gesture with my touchpa.d | 07:04 |
elvis4526 | Only the two fingers vertical scrolling is working. | 07:04 |
lotuspsychje | elvis4526: did you check mouse settings for normal scrolling? | 07:16 |
elvis4526 | lotuspsychje: normal setting ? | 07:18 |
elvis4526 | Everything is checkbox are checked under Mouse & Touchpad | 07:18 |
kroq-gar78 | grepper, you should probably try asking #ubuntu-motu | 07:19 |
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PCatinean | Hello everyone, I'm about to reformat my laptop and I have noticed I do this quite often, is there a method in which I can get a selected number of libraries and create a certain directory structure after installing ubuntu? | 08:22 |
PCatinean | Since I pretty much use 70% the same | 08:22 |
x0g | Is there a way to use my USB Wi-Fi on my netbook after I disable internal Wi-Fi with a hardware switch? So far only options are blacklisting it's drivers because after rfkill block wlan 0 both wi-Fi's go offline. Some info: http://pastebin.com/bqn0BBqq | 08:30 |
snkcld | how do i tell upower to ignore a specific device? | 08:41 |
medfly | hi guys. I don't have an internet connection on a fresh install. I would like to get build-essentials and all its dependencies (at which point I could compile my driver) -- how can I download all of the packages? (the dependency tree is a bit deep) | 08:49 |
OerHeks | !offline | 08:50 |
ubottu | If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD | 08:50 |
medfly | thanks | 08:51 |
Siilwyn | Hi people, does anybody know the keyboard shortcut for typing so called 'smart quote marks' I found this website http://smartquotesforsmartpeople.com/ but the shortcuts they provide for Ubuntu don't seem to work... | 08:55 |
tpimtts | hi I want to record a video of only one application window on ubuntu 12.04 -- best suggestion for software guys? | 09:05 |
lotuspsychje | !info kazam | tpimtts | 09:08 |
ubottu | tpimtts: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-1 (vivid), package size 733 kB, installed size 2052 kB | 09:08 |
krappiste | Hi! I encounter a problem when using cURL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11621788/, an idea? | 09:13 |
lotuspsychje | krappiste: can the #curl guys help you? | 09:14 |
krappiste | thanks lotus I am going ask there | 09:15 |
krappiste | #apache | 09:20 |
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=== DarkEra is now known as DarkEra-netbook | ||
x0g | Is it possible to disable netbooks internal Wi-Fi with hardware switch without stopping the external USB Wi-Fi dongle? (So far only possible "fix" is to blacklist its driver, rkill disables both cards even if I just block internal) | 09:43 |
aethersis | hello, I have a problem with nvidia propertiary driver - I have gtx 960 and when I install it, it works fine but applications using glx are not working! They say couldn't load glx and glxinfo says Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig | 09:44 |
aethersis | usually I was doing the following: I had to install community driver which doesn't support my GPU but in a magical way it enables going into TTY screen (ctrl alt f1) | 09:45 |
aethersis | then I uninstall it, I use sudo service lightdm stop and install the nvidia propertiary | 09:45 |
aethersis | and usually it worked. It somehow stopped working with glx now | 09:46 |
vigilant_ | :D Hello Ubuntu people! :D | 09:46 |
aethersis | hi vigilant_ | 09:47 |
aethersis | darn I think I will reinstall everything | 09:48 |
aethersis | and maybe it will help. If it doesn't then it will drive me nuts | 09:48 |
vigilant_ | Can I ask for help in this channel? | 09:48 |
aethersis | yes, that's what it's for | 09:48 |
vigilant_ | awesome :) | 09:48 |
vigilant_ | Why do you have to reinstall everything? | 09:49 |
MonkeyDust | vigilant_ start from the beginning, what brings you here ... in onde line | 09:49 |
MonkeyDust | one* | 09:49 |
aethersis | MonkeyDust: are you able to help with my issue? | 09:50 |
MonkeyDust | aethersis no, i'm not familiar with nvidia | 09:51 |
aethersis | they should really release a driver in repos for that | 09:52 |
Ben64 | aethersis: that is not a supported method of installing the driver | 09:53 |
aethersis | I know it is not but what else can I do | 09:53 |
Ben64 | you can use the xorg-edgers ppa | 09:53 |
aethersis | what? | 09:53 |
Ben64 | https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 09:53 |
Ben64 | you need to completely remove the nvidia driver first | 09:54 |
vigilant_ | Ok, I have installed ubuntu 15.04 on a computer I found in a dumpster, HP p6310sc, I think it has the ATI Radeon HD 4670, because in the "about computer" it says "Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV730" Im having some graphical issues that leads me to think I might be able to find better graphical drivers somewhere than the standard ones. For example x-com enemy unknown crashes randomly and the leaders in Civ5 are all black pixels. | 09:56 |
ugur | hello | 09:57 |
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Guest10905 | hello | 09:58 |
Walex | vigilant_: that may be defective hardware, the free-sw drivers are fairly reliable on not-recent cards. | 10:00 |
Walex | vigilant_: however you can try the 'fglrx' legacy ones. | 10:01 |
S0ulCub3 | Hello! Apologies if this isn't the place to ask something like this but I am getting frustrated. Does anyone know of a reliable method of extending (not duplicating) my Ubuntu desktop unto another machine's monitor? | 10:19 |
cfhowlett | S0ulCub3, correct channel ... | 10:20 |
S0ulCub3 | TY cfhowlett. I was following this set of instructions here but I'm uncertain how effective/feasible this still is. http://mitros.org/p/xdmx-setup.html | 10:22 |
cfhowlett | S0ulCub3, someone else will probably. I don't have the backgroud | 10:23 |
S0ulCub3 | No problem :) | 10:23 |
vigilant_ | Walex: how do I try the legacy ones? | 10:27 |
oj_ | my install just hangs, anyone around who might have an idea whats up? | 10:41 |
=== anthex is now known as thex | ||
jzp113 | hi guys how to swap ctrl and caps lock in ubuntu and I install the tweak. it's doesn't work https://bpaste.net/show/56d64f5ad1f7 | 11:00 |
lotuspsychje | jzp113: do you run ubuntu-gnome? | 11:02 |
lotuspsychje | jzp113: or do you have ubuntu desktop with unity? | 11:03 |
Jason_Borne | здарова ёбт | 11:04 |
lotuspsychje | !ru | Jason_Borne | 11:04 |
ubottu | Jason_Borne: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 11:04 |
S0ulCub3 | Hello! Does anyone know of a reliable method of extending (not duplicating) my Ubuntu desktop unto another machine's monitor? I was following this set of instructions here but I'm uncertain how effective/feasible this still is. http://mitros.org/p/xdmx-setup.html | 11:08 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: can xrandr not help? | 11:10 |
lotuspsychje | !xrandr | S0ulCub3 | 11:10 |
ubottu | S0ulCub3: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 11:10 |
S0ulCub3 | Checking | 11:10 |
jdm7dv | I'm trying to install gala any help? | 11:13 |
lotuspsychje | jdm7dv: can you provide more info about your issue | 11:13 |
jdm7dv | I added the elementry OS daily PPA but I have unmet dependencies | 11:14 |
MonkeyDust | jdm7dv elementary is not supported here | 11:14 |
MonkeyDust | jdm7dv neither are PPA's | 11:14 |
jdm7dv | ok | 11:15 |
lotuspsychje | !elementary | jdm7dv | 11:15 |
ubottu | jdm7dv: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution. | 11:16 |
S0ulCub3 | lotuspsychje: Thanks for telling me of xrandr. I still consider myself a newbie though so excuse any silly questions. Is it possible to utilize a combination of xrandr and SSL/SSH in order to make another machine's monitor act like a secondary monitor to my host machine? | 11:19 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: you want to beam out your own ubuntu desktop to a remote box over ssh? | 11:21 |
S0ulCub3 | lotuspsychje: Extend not duplicate | 11:22 |
S0ulCub3 | lotuspsychje: Is something like that even possible? | 11:22 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: can you tell us whats the exact purpose of this? | 11:22 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: what do you wanna achieve with this | 11:22 |
S0ulCub3 | lotuspsychje: To have more work-space. I don't have any extra monitors. My host machine is a laptop and I have another extra laptop sitting around. My objective is to extend my host machine's desktop on the extra laptop's screen somehow for extra work-space | 11:23 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: why dont you just use the 4 desktops on your own local ubuntu system for more workspace? | 11:24 |
hplc | is there any way at all to check a simple xml in terminal?, just a rudimentary grid-style kinda layout? | 11:25 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: im not sure its even possible to extend your own system over ssh.. | 11:25 |
fernig | Use a KVM with the other monitor and switch between laptop and the other box | 11:25 |
S0ulCub3 | lotuspsychje: I see. I was following this link here and it made it out to be possible but using something called Xdmx http://mitros.org/p/xdmx-setup.html | 11:26 |
S0ulCub3 | fernig: Checking what you mean | 11:26 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: how about you install ubuntu on your remote machine, and ssh X to it from your local machine? | 11:27 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: then you have 2 ubuntu boxes you can work from | 11:27 |
S0ulCub3 | lotuspsychje: ubuntu already in place on remote machine :) I need to figure outhow to ssh X into it now, gimme a few | 11:28 |
lotuspsychje | S0ulCub3: maybe ask the #openssh guys howto? | 11:28 |
S0ulCub3 | lotuspsychje: gonna try to RTFM first :P If I don't l2research by myself I won't survive long on my own | 11:29 |
lotuspsychje | hplc: can this help you? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16090869/how-to-pretty-print-xml-from-the-command-line | 11:30 |
hplc | lotuspsychje, thanks :) | 11:31 |
Z3 | Hi ! Will MIR display server be installable on Ubuntu 14.04 before the release of Ubuntu 16.04 ? | 11:35 |
Z3 | not only demo, a fully working version | 11:35 |
MonkeyDust | !mir | Z3 | 11:35 |
ubottu | Z3: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir | 11:35 |
MonkeyDust | factoid needs to be updated | 11:36 |
Z3 | MonkeyDust thank you ! :) | 11:36 |
Z3 | MonkeyDust if I install it today, can I watch movies or play 3d games or it's very soon for that? | 11:38 |
lotuspsychje | Z3: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?s=convergence | 11:38 |
Z3 | lotuspsychje good news! thank you! :) | 11:39 |
BluesKaj | Good Day folks | 11:48 |
saladin442 | anyone know how to make pidgin display it's chat in a seperate window instead of in tabbs? | 11:58 |
lotuspsychje | saladin442: maybe the #pidgin channel knows? | 12:00 |
Spass | @saladin442 I have that option in Pidgin Preferences -> Interface | 12:00 |
kokut | Hello, i just connected the cheapest speakers i could get my hands on and they sound really high pitched and i was wondering if there is any way to put more bass into it? like a built in EQ or something? | 12:00 |
Johnny_Linux | base wont help cheap | 12:03 |
Samul` | I noticed ubuntu 15 was really unstable some minutes ago, things kept crashing and not working properly, so I decided to reboot. my laptop has an ssd and the reboot process usually only takes less than 10 seconds. this time I had to turn it off manually because it was taking more than 1 minute. when I turned it on, in the boot screen some lineas appeared. I hadn't enough time to read them all | 12:09 |
Samul` | but they read something like "cpu ... package above threshold" | 12:10 |
Samul` | what may have happened? | 12:10 |
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ikonia | pretty much impossible to tell what happened from that explination | 12:14 |
Samul` | yet it happens often | 12:14 |
Samul` | very often | 12:14 |
Samul` | even though I never run out of ram | 12:14 |
ikonia | what do you mean you never run out of ram ? | 12:15 |
Samul` | you know, sometimes crashes are caused by keeping too many programs open at the same time | 12:17 |
Samul` | and sometimes when you are out of usable ram, your OS crashes | 12:17 |
Samul` | (if swap isn't enough either) | 12:17 |
Samul` | but I checked my free ram before rebooting and I was only using 3 gb out of 8 gb | 12:17 |
Samul` | so the crash must have been cause by something else | 12:18 |
Samul` | *caused | 12:18 |
ioria | overheating ? | 12:18 |
ikonia | what do you mean "the crash" | 12:18 |
ikonia | you've not said it's crashed | 12:18 |
Samul` | the computer wasn't able to reboot | 12:18 |
Samul` | it got stuck in the rebooting screen | 12:19 |
Samul` | and I wanted to reboot it because things were becoming unstable | 12:19 |
Samul` | audacity couldn't work | 12:19 |
ikonia | "wouldn't work" - you need to be specific | 12:19 |
ikonia | "things become unstable" what do you mean | 12:19 |
Samul` | okay so | 12:19 |
Samul` | these are the programs I was using: | 12:19 |
Samul` | qjackctl, ardour, audacity | 12:20 |
Samul` | I closed ardour, and tried to close jack as well | 12:20 |
Samul` | it crashed | 12:20 |
ikonia | define crash please | 12:20 |
Samul` | by crash I just mean that I had to forcebly close it | 12:20 |
Samul` | the window went gray | 12:20 |
ikonia | so the process hung | 12:20 |
Samul` | "program is not respoding" | 12:20 |
ikonia | and the window wouldn't response | 12:20 |
Samul` | yeah | 12:20 |
Samul` | after forcibily closing it, I imported an audio file into audacity | 12:21 |
Samul` | I pressed the play button, and, you know, it's a bit hard to describe it | 12:21 |
Samul` | the button looked like it was being pressed (the icon had a shadow meaning you are pressing it) | 12:21 |
ikonia | ok, so lets step back to the basics a little | 12:22 |
Chetic | why on earth is it so hard to add a program to the unity launcher? | 12:22 |
ikonia | is this a desktop or a laptop | 12:22 |
Samul` | laptop | 12:22 |
ikonia | what make/model | 12:22 |
Samul` | samsung rc-530 | 12:22 |
Samul` | I didn't change any piece of hw other than the hdd, which I replaced with a samsung 520 gb ssd | 12:22 |
Samul` | (I believe it's 520 gb, something like that) | 12:23 |
ikonia | ok | 12:23 |
ikonia | and you're running standard ubuntu 15.04 ? | 12:23 |
Samul` | yes | 12:24 |
Samul` | the 64 bit edition | 12:24 |
Samul` | I'm using the default unity DE | 12:24 |
ikonia | Samul`: ok, could you do the following for me, open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get update" and put the output in a pastebin please. | 12:24 |
Samul` | okay | 12:24 |
Samul` | hmm, looks like I will have to change system language to english | 12:25 |
Samul` | since the output is in italian | 12:25 |
ikonia | thats ok | 12:25 |
ikonia | don't bother, - just post the output please. | 12:25 |
Samul` | k | 12:25 |
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no_gravity | How do you check in which ubuntu version a program was introduced? | 12:26 |
ikonia | packages.ubuntu.com | 12:26 |
Samul` | here it is http://pastebin.com/Rj5USHT6 | 12:26 |
no_gravity | ikonia: and then? | 12:26 |
Samul` | there are a few errors | 12:27 |
Samul` | that may be because I added extra ppa in order to download a package | 12:27 |
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ikonia | no_gravity: use the site | 12:27 |
Guest14408 | hello | 12:28 |
ikonia | Samul`: ok - so I see you're got dropbox which isn't a big deal, but it looks like you've added audio software from 3rd party PPA's | 12:28 |
Samul` | yes | 12:28 |
Guest14408 | i have a problem with an old brother dcp-8020 (laser printer/scanner). | 12:28 |
ikonia | Samul`: so PPA's are not supported, they come from untrusuted 3rd party people who may make great packages, may make terrible packages - we just don't know | 12:29 |
ikonia | Samul`: you're using audio software and it's crashing - and you've taken audio software from a 3rd party, see the link ? | 12:29 |
Samul` | no, the piece of audio software I was having troubles with is not from third party ppas | 12:29 |
Samul` | but it is not a problem for me to delete the one from 3rd party ppa if needed | 12:30 |
ikonia | no, but you've installed 3rd party software which may update core lilbrary dependencies | 12:30 |
Samul` | how can I get rid of it safely? | 12:30 |
ikonia | Samul`: my first suggestion to you would be (if possible) do a clean install of ubuntu 15.004 | 12:30 |
ikonia | use it for a while - see if it's stable on it's own | 12:30 |
ikonia | before adding anything | 12:30 |
Guest14408 | i have installed the original driver from brother, it's outdated. Then i tried to deinstall it -> failed because of dependencies of the uninstall script. | 12:30 |
Guest14408 | Finally, i found a manual in the ubuntuusers.de-wiki and installed brother-cups-wrapper-laser1. | 12:30 |
Guest14408 | now, printing works but the first try always leads to printing an error message, second try works. additional, the transfer to the printer is extremely slow | 12:30 |
Samul` | unfortunately that isn't an option, for some reasons | 12:31 |
ikonia | Samul`: why not ? | 12:31 |
Samul` | I'm not allowed to do so | 12:31 |
ikonia | why not ? | 12:31 |
Samul` | this computer doesn't only belong to me | 12:31 |
Samul` | and I was told not to install any other os | 12:31 |
Guest14408 | 1 A4-sheet with texts needs ~30 seconds, 1 A4-sheet with graphics and so on needs >=10 Minutes | 12:31 |
ikonia | Samul`: then talk tot he owner and explain ubuntu is not working | 12:32 |
Samul` | isn't just there a way to fix it keeping the os kind of as-it-is-now? | 12:32 |
ikonia | you don't know what the problem is | 12:32 |
Samul` | I mean, can't I just delete the ppa and get rid of the 3rd party software and see if something changes? | 12:32 |
ikonia | and you don't know what's been changed as part of the packages you've installed from 3rd parties | 12:32 |
ikonia | Samul`: no, | 12:32 |
Samul` | just over curiosity, why not? | 12:33 |
ikonia | for the reasons I said aboe | 12:33 |
ikonia | above | 12:33 |
Samul` | the matter is that recently I've noticed that some software which have no bound whatsoever with audio tools fail too | 12:34 |
Samul` | firefox has been crashing a lot yesterday | 12:34 |
Samul` | (the same way I descrived above) | 12:34 |
Samul` | okay let's move onto another problem | 12:39 |
Samul` | I have a custom keyboard layout that I made with xmodmap | 12:40 |
Samul` | I've added a on-start command which should load the layout | 12:40 |
Samul` | (xmodmap .Xmodmap) | 12:40 |
Samul` | but it doesn't work | 12:40 |
soul | I have had to install another version of ubuntu alongside the present preinstalled version 12.04.1.Due to some reasons I'm unable to login through the preinstalled OS.Now my system is on dual boot and I want my data to be readable from the newly installed OS tohave the backup | 12:40 |
Samul` | how can I get my layout loaded on boot? | 12:40 |
soul | Is there any way to do so? | 12:40 |
ikonia | soul: why do you need to install a version alongside an existing version ? | 12:41 |
ikonia | this will add some complications | 12:41 |
soul | the system was showing a blank screen and the issue couldnt be resolved for a long time! | 12:42 |
soul | *since a long time | 12:42 |
ikonia | don't understand why you needed to install another version | 12:42 |
ikonia | either backup data and re-install, or fix problem | 12:42 |
somsip | Samul`: xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap make any difference? | 12:46 |
Guest14408 | what could be the problem if transfer to a printer via usb is extremly slow? | 12:46 |
soul | Whenever I try to install some 32 Bit libs on my OS for some apps it approaches that type of issues I'm not completely aware of details but it jsut shows a blank screen on reboot after a logo of ubuntu. | 12:46 |
Samul` | never tried it somsip | 12:46 |
Samul` | I will try as soon as I have to reboot my computer | 12:46 |
Samul` | I'll soon let you know if it works | 12:47 |
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Guest14408 | i've installed brother-cups-wrapper-laser1 for a brother dcp-8020. Printing works, but transfer via usb is extremely slow. What could be the problem? | 12:54 |
brainwash | Guest14408: bad driver or badly written cups-wrapper-whatsoever | 12:56 |
soul | I wanna uninstall a version of ubuntu OS from my system. My system is on dual boot .Any way to do so? | 12:59 |
cfhowlett | soul, boot a live ubuntu USB. delete the ubuntu partitions. reinstall your remaining OS bootloader | 12:59 |
k1l | soul: erase the partitions from ubuntu and insert a windows cd do reinstall the windows bootloader | 12:59 |
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soul | I'm not able to login into that OS. I want backup of system. Any method for that? | 13:02 |
Guest62365 | Hi | 13:02 |
cfhowlett | soul, what is your other OS? | 13:03 |
soul | thats an another version of ubuntu | 13:03 |
cfhowlett | soul, delete the ubuntu partition you don't want, reinstall grub | 13:04 |
ikonia | soul: make tthis easier - backup your data to a disk | 13:08 |
ikonia | soul: delete both versions, do a clean install, put your data back from the external disk | 13:08 |
ikonia | soul: from what you're saying, you're going to have problems doing it any other way | 13:08 |
qytkfsabkas | >:o | 13:08 |
Guest83970 | hi | 13:08 |
cfhowlett | ikonia, I gotta ask ... why would deleting OS #2 and reinstalling fail? | 13:09 |
qytkfsabkas | hello | 13:09 |
cfhowlett | ikonia, reinstalling grub | 13:09 |
Guest83970 | hi how are you | 13:09 |
qytkfsabkas | i am fine and you? | 13:09 |
Guest83970 | i am fine too thank you | 13:09 |
soul | but how to backup when i'm unable to login into that OS and the contents are unreadable from the antoher version? | 13:10 |
qytkfsabkas | what are they talking about? | 13:10 |
Guest83970 | shit | 13:10 |
cfhowlett | qytkfsabkas, Guest8370 no profanity. | 13:10 |
qytkfsabkas | holly cow.. | 13:10 |
Guest83970 | i like troll | 13:11 |
cfhowlett | Guest8370, troll elsewhere. | 13:11 |
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irgendwer4711 | hi, all my initrds are not gzipped anymore. this is strange. | 13:13 |
Rotwang | Hi | 13:19 |
Rotwang | I'm trying to play .rm file on ubuntu 14.04 | 13:19 |
irgendwer4711 | I think, update-initramfs is ignoring compression settings. | 13:19 |
Rotwang | but to no avail | 13:19 |
cfhowlett | Rotwang, sudo apt-get update ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get install vlc if the former fails the latter usually plays anything codec you throw t it | 13:20 |
ikonia | cfhowlett: beause of the mess he's making maintaining one OS, manually re-applying grub to point at the right partitions etc, it's just a mess | 13:26 |
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cfhowlett | ikonia, got it. your solution makes perfect sense then | 13:26 |
ikonia | nothing technically wrong with what you are saying, quite the opposite | 13:27 |
vigilant_ | Ok, I have installed ubuntu 15.04 on a computer I found in a dumpster, HP p6310sc, I think it has the ATI Radeon HD 4670, because in the "about computer" it says "Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV730" Im having some graphical issues that leads me to think I might be able to find better graphical drivers somewhere than the standard ones. For example x-com enemy unknown crashes randomly and the leaders in Civ5 are all black pixels. How do I install | 13:29 |
vigilant_ | the best drivers for this card in ubuntu 15.04? | 13:29 |
jeeves_moss | can I move my /home folder to another partition without having to boot into a live CD? | 13:29 |
lotuspsychje | vigilant_: best driver is the one working best for your system | 13:30 |
cfhowlett | jeeves_moss, not safely | 13:30 |
vigilant_ | lotuspsychje: Yes, thats the one Im looking for :P | 13:30 |
ikonia | vigilant_: why do you think you can find a better driver if you don't even know how to install a driver ? | 13:30 |
ikonia | vigilant_: have you checked the compatability of the card with the ubuntu version you're using ? AMD drop compataility in later versions of drivers | 13:30 |
jeeves_moss | cfhowlett, I was thinking of editing the fstab to point to the new partition, then rebooting to apply the changes | 13:30 |
cfhowlett | !home | jeeves_moss, OR you could boot a USB and do it safely as recommended?? | 13:31 |
ubottu | jeeves_moss, OR you could boot a USB and do it safely as recommended??: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 13:31 |
Samul` | why cannot I control volume with fn + right/left arrow? | 13:31 |
Samul` | I could until 2 minutes ago | 13:31 |
vigilant_ | Ikonia: I think its too old yeah | 13:31 |
lotuspsychje | vigilant_: maybe try 14.04 for better performance? | 13:31 |
avenger | My screen resolution is cut using ubuntu studio | 13:31 |
ikonia | again check the compataility against versions before doing anything | 13:31 |
cfhowlett | vigilant_, old hardware? lubuntu/xubuntu | 13:31 |
ikonia | or you're just wasting your time | 13:31 |
jeeves_moss | cfhowlett, this is a brand new install on my netbook, so there's nothing important there. | 13:32 |
ikonia | cfhowlett: that won't help the AMD lack of support if it's been dropped | 13:32 |
vigilant_ | hmm | 13:32 |
vigilant_ | 14:04 might help? | 13:32 |
lotuspsychje | vigilant_: worth a try for sure | 13:32 |
russell_spiller | exit | 13:32 |
vigilant_ | I will try that then thanks :) | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | vigilant_: dont forget enable internet + updates at setup | 13:33 |
avenger | Screen borders are cu Need helpt, | 13:33 |
vigilant_ | ok | 13:33 |
ikonia | no it's not worth a try | 13:33 |
ikonia | it's just a random thing to do and a possible waste of time | 13:34 |
ikonia | check what versions of the drivers are compatible with your card and what versions of ubuntu ship with them | 13:34 |
jeeves_moss | cfhowlett, I just have to get the home dir moved, and e-mail set up,and we're golden! | 13:34 |
vigilant_ | ikonia: how do I do that? | 13:34 |
ikonia | look on the amd site for card compatability list with the drivers | 13:35 |
vigilant_ | oki | 13:35 |
vigilant_ | I got some nvidia 500 mb cards too lying about, might just put one of those in, why do people buy amd when they dont suppor the cards? | 13:36 |
ikonia | they do support their cards | 13:37 |
ikonia | just not on bleeding edge | 13:37 |
ikonia | they retire dead models | 13:37 |
vigilant_ | ikonia: could I do this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1444738 | 13:37 |
PCatinean | Hey guys | 13:38 |
ikonia | vigilant_: look at that - it's from 2010 - it's 5 years old | 13:38 |
ikonia | vigilant_: again - what do you expect to happen if your card support has been dropped | 13:38 |
PCatinean | Does anyone have a suggestion regarding a post-install script so when I format my notebook I don't re-do the same things I do every time (install a number of libraries, mount my drive to hdd caddy, add some configuration to synaptics conf etc) | 13:38 |
ikonia | I don't understand why you won't spend 10 minutes checking this out before looking for ways to configure it | 13:39 |
ikonia | PCatinean: what do you mean ? | 13:39 |
tim` | hrmmm i keep having my wireless go out with a BCM4360 wifi adapter on 15.04 --- when i disable and then enable wireless via network manager everything is happy again :{ wtf? | 13:40 |
PCatinean | ikonia, I find myself formatting my notebook every 5 months or so and every time I do that I go through a series of configurations every time such as: 1.Enable multi desktop 2. Mount my hdd-caddy 3.Install about 30 libraries 4. Install X number of programs and other configurations to linux every time | 13:40 |
PCatinean | I wondered if there is a method in which I can automate this, maybe a bash script or if there's something more advanced idk | 13:41 |
PCatinean | I thought this would be the best place to ask | 13:41 |
vigilant_ | ikonia: ahh it wont work to install any non-propierity driver because they would only work in old ubuntu? | 13:41 |
vigilant_ | Ikonia: on the radeon driver page it says "fully supported" :D | 13:43 |
vigilant_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver - HD 4650 | 13:43 |
rathi123 | hello everyone | 13:45 |
rathi123 | can someone help me setting up xchat on my laptop..?? | 13:46 |
maniac | hi | 13:46 |
rathi123 | its not connecting to any channel | 13:46 |
vigilant_ | this is a channel Rathil | 13:47 |
cfhowlett | rathi123, xchat is abandoneware. hexchat is the suggested alternative | 13:47 |
maniac | can someone help me ? | 13:47 |
rathi123 | but i am logging in with internet client | 13:47 |
rathi123 | not xchat | 13:47 |
savino_ | https://kiwiirc.com/client | 13:48 |
maniac | cfhowlett | 13:48 |
cfhowlett | !ask | maniac | 13:48 |
ubottu | maniac: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:48 |
maniac | I want to install on Ubuntu 11.04, libssh-0.1 | 13:49 |
maniac | statically | 13:49 |
lotuspsychje | !eol | maniac | 13:49 |
ubottu | maniac: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 13:49 |
cfhowlett | maniac, install a supported OS | 13:50 |
savino_ | for what not try weechat | 13:50 |
savino_ | apt-get install weechat | 13:50 |
ikonia | PCatinean: pre-seed install, or a bash script | 13:50 |
tuocuggino | !channel | 13:50 |
* PCatinean googles | 13:50 | |
rathi123 | @savino its another irc channel | 13:50 |
savino_ | hmm | 13:51 |
rathi123 | i would like to setup xchat on laptop, its not connecting to any channel | 13:51 |
ikonia | rathi123: what's stopping you ? | 13:51 |
soul | rathi123 : Are you from | 13:52 |
maniac | /root/libssh-0.1/libssh/options.c:126: warning: Using 'getpwent' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking | 13:52 |
soul | iit | 13:52 |
rathi123 | its just showing connecting to freenode and nothing happens | 13:52 |
soul | ?? | 13:52 |
rathi123 | @soul yes | 13:52 |
PCatinean | ikonia, isn't pre-seed during installation not post-installation? | 13:52 |
soul | Bombay ? | 13:52 |
rathi123 | yes | 13:52 |
ikonia | PCatinean: yes, but there are finish sections to the install | 13:53 |
zykotick9 | PCatinean: i'd recommend the bash script route... but YMMV | 13:53 |
pavlos | rathi123, since it connected to freenode, can you give the command /join #ubuntu | 13:53 |
ikonia | it's not | 13:53 |
ikonia | it says "connecting" | 13:53 |
pavlos | oh ... | 13:54 |
ikonia | rathi123: what version of ubuntu are you using | 13:54 |
ikonia | (on the machine in question) | 13:54 |
rathi123 | 14.04 | 13:54 |
PCatinean | Then bash script it is, now to see how to make one | 13:54 |
PCatinean | Or I will make it as I install the features on the fresh install | 13:54 |
ikonia | rathi123: can you browse the internet on that machine with a web browser ? | 13:54 |
rathi123 | yes of course | 13:54 |
PCatinean | How do I automate for example installing postgresql which asks a username and all that? or it doesn't if I recall | 13:54 |
ikonia | PCatinean: answer files | 13:55 |
rathi123 | that is how i connected to this channel using a web irc client | 13:55 |
ikonia | rathi123: ok can you hit www.freenode.net in a browser ? | 13:56 |
zykotick9 | PCatinean: personally, i wouldn't bother trying to automate responses... when you run the script, you'll be prompted. _IF_ you want a 100% automated process, then maybe digging into preseed is the way to go (expect an uphill battle) | 13:56 |
rathi123 | @ikonia : i can connect to freenode using web but i would like to setup xchat on my computer as well | 13:57 |
ikonia | rathi123: I understand that, I'm just checking if you had valid dns resolution for freenode | 13:58 |
ikonia | rathi123: you need to look at the details of the freenode connection | 13:58 |
ikonia | rathi123: what hostname is it connecting to, what port is it connecting to | 13:58 |
PCatinean | Then regular bash it is | 13:59 |
rathi123 | ikonia : port is 8001 | 13:59 |
rathi123 | * Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 8001... | 14:00 |
timg__ | hi, nautilus is using paths like file://, apf:// is there a smart way to access these paths using bash scripts? | 14:00 |
ikonia | rathi123: that host is available | 14:01 |
ikonia | rathi123: so someting is blocking you getting out, or the response back in | 14:01 |
brontosaurusrex | rathi123: what does : curl irc.freenode.net:8000 says? | 14:01 |
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rathi123 | ikona : it is not giving any output, | 14:02 |
ikonia | is it connecting or not | 14:03 |
rathi123 | there is no output... just nothing | 14:04 |
ikonia | so it's not connecting | 14:04 |
ikonia | something is blocking you getting out, or the response back from the get out | 14:04 |
rathi123 | i typed curl irc.freenode.net:8000 in terminal...is that right | 14:04 |
brontosaurusrex | rathi123: i get something like http://paste.debian.net/plain/208870 | 14:05 |
rathi123 | ikonia : ino, i dont get anything like that | 14:06 |
uuuuuuu | Hey. So I have 13.10 and I started getting 404 when trying to install something. Is there any way to be able to install stuff without reinstalling or breaking everything? | 14:06 |
rathi123 | ikonia : how to check or set the hostname | 14:07 |
cfhowlett | uuuuuuu, of course. 13.10 is very much dead and end of life. upgrade to a supported version | 14:07 |
cfhowlett | !13.10 | uuuuuuu | 14:07 |
ubottu | uuuuuuu: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy | 14:07 |
uuuuuuu | so just swap the stuff in /etc/apt/sources.list.d? | 14:08 |
cfhowlett | !eolupgrade | uuuuuuu the less painful method is to clean install | 14:08 |
ubottu | uuuuuuu the less painful method is to clean install: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 14:08 |
MonkeyDust | uuuuuuu backup and fresh install is the easiest and cleanest method | 14:11 |
Apteryx | Could anyone recommend a proper channel to ask a domain name (web hosting) question? | 14:15 |
engblom | On a virtual machine I added one NIC more and eth1 appeared in /proc/net/dev. Still the very same file I have used on other hosts placed in /etc/network/interfaced.d/eth1.if seem to not be accepted. "ifup eth1" gives: "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1." | 14:15 |
engblom | What could be wrong? | 14:15 |
Apteryx | not so much web as any kind of hosting. I have questions about CNAME alias and such matters. | 14:15 |
engblom | The very same file was used on a Debian system just a few minutes ago. I am migrating from Debian to Ubuntu | 14:16 |
engblom | The content of /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth1.if: http://pastebin.com/YFNnprc9 | 14:17 |
MysteriousMagent | Heya! | 14:22 |
MysteriousMagent | Anybody here? | 14:23 |
pavlos | MysteriousMagent, 1772 users | 14:23 |
MysteriousMagent | Maybe they were AFK. | 14:24 |
MysteriousMagent | All of them. | 14:24 |
MysteriousMagent | Anyways, I need to download some drivers for my Wi-Fi card, as I said earlier. | 14:24 |
MysteriousMagent | I found a pretty generic solution on the internet, but of course it requires a collection | 14:24 |
MysteriousMagent | I have no Ethernet cables. | 14:24 |
MysteriousMagent | What can I do? | 14:24 |
Guest14408 | printer | 14:26 |
pavlos | MysteriousMagent, use another [computer, laptop] to d/l that driver to a usb, then apply to the current system | 14:28 |
MysteriousMagent | pavlos: Well, it's through apt-get | 14:28 |
cfhowlett | Apteryx, try #networking or ##networking | 14:28 |
pavlos | MysteriousMagent, or make your smartphone an AP, connect the current system to the AP ... you have net. | 14:29 |
MysteriousMagent | ...AP? | 14:29 |
pavlos | MysteriousMagent, access point | 14:29 |
MysteriousMagent | Sorry, not familiar with networking stuff. | 14:29 |
MysteriousMagent | How would I connect it? (Or, if you don't want to tell me, what would I put into Google/DDG to see some ways) | 14:30 |
MysteriousMagent | Also, pavlos, would usb tethering work? | 14:32 |
Kira9204 | MysteriousMagent: you can use internet connection sharing thru USB | 14:32 |
Kira9204 | /USB tethering | 14:32 |
MysteriousMagent | Kira9204: So my answer ot that question is yes? :P | 14:32 |
pavlos | MysteriousMagent, yes, you configure your ubuntu 14.04 to use that connection | 14:32 |
PCatinean | How does one make a bootable usb stick with windows from ubuntu? | 14:32 |
MonkeyDust | PCatinean can windows be made bootable? | 14:33 |
Kira9204 | there is actually no need to cobfigure much to anything. plug in your smartphone, enable tethering, select usb device in network manager | 14:33 |
Kira9204 | that should be it | 14:34 |
PCatinean | MonkeyDust, not sure I can understand the question | 14:34 |
PCatinean | I would like to make a dual boot and for that I have to format since I have only Ubuntu now | 14:34 |
pavlos | MysteriousMagent, http://www.junauza.com/2012/07/how-to-tether-android-smartphone-to.html | 14:34 |
jzp113 | lotuspsychje I can open the tweak but the set doesn't work | 14:35 |
MonkeyDust | PCatinean do you want install windows? | 14:35 |
PCatinean | MonkeyDust, yes, in dual boot with ubuntu | 14:35 |
MonkeyDust | PCatinean what do the people in ##windows say? | 14:36 |
Rando338 | hey, I'm supposed to take an exam from system administration and I'm supposed to know how to use Ubuntu. They didn't specify what exactly I'm supposed to know because it's "obvious". What reading materials do you recommend for preparation? | 14:36 |
MonkeyDust | !manual | Rando338 start here | 14:36 |
ubottu | Rando338 start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 14:36 |
PCatinean | Not sure since from windows I would use a common software to make the usb stick bootable and that's that, not sure how it can be done from Ubuntu | 14:36 |
PCatinean | nevermind I will figure it out | 14:36 |
Rando338 | how does one figure out what an exam like that could require anyway? | 14:37 |
Rando338 | like there doesn't appear to be a complete manual for any OS | 14:37 |
MonkeyDust | Rando338 this is the ubuntu support channel | 14:38 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: Use Unetbootin to make a usb bootable | 14:38 |
PCatinean | Kira9204, of windows? | 14:38 |
MonkeyDust | Rando338 try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss | 14:38 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: yes, just select windows from the list and give it an iso | 14:38 |
PCatinean | Kira9204, thank you so much | 14:38 |
Rando338 | k | 14:38 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: you might have to format the USB to NTFS before tho | 14:39 |
PCatinean | It's aready set to ntfs | 14:39 |
PCatinean | Btw I started an rsync and it froze | 14:39 |
PCatinean | it's not saying anything any more | 14:39 |
Kira9204 | good, then run unetbootin, select winfows installer in OS type and select the isi | 14:40 |
Kira9204 | *iso | 14:40 |
PCatinean | Kira9204, I do not have windows in the selection | 14:42 |
MonkeyDust | PCatinean better ask in ##windows how to make windows bootbale | 14:44 |
MonkeyDust | baatable* | 14:44 |
MonkeyDust | meh | 14:44 |
PCatinean | :)) | 14:44 |
tiyteeze | hello how can I go on the internet? Does linux have internet ? | 14:45 |
crziter | I run `iptables -t nat -L -n -v` and get this error: | 14:45 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: http://m.wikihow.com/Create-Bootable-Windows-7-Thumb-Drive | 14:45 |
crziter | modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:557 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.13.0-43-generic/modules.dep.bin' | 14:45 |
crziter | iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) | 14:45 |
crziter | Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. | 14:45 |
crziter | why? | 14:45 |
jarlath | After switching from the NVidia driver to Noveau, I get a full system lockup (can't even do CTL + Alt + Del). Logging in via tty instead of the desktop is okay though. how can I switch back to NVidia tested from the cli? | 14:45 |
crziter | uname -a returns: | 14:45 |
crziter | Linux general 3.13.0-43-generic #72-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 8 19:35:06 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 14:45 |
cyborg | hi | 14:46 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: just supplying the ISO should work as well | 14:46 |
=== cyborg is now known as Guest80163 | ||
PCatinean | Kira9204, yep doing that now, seems to work | 14:46 |
Guest80163 | how to get android on ubuntu ios | 14:47 |
PCatinean | Damn, it froze at 53% :(( | 14:52 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: the ISO has several large WIM files that can take a while to copy | 14:53 |
Kira9204 | just wait for a while | 14:53 |
Kira9204 | it does not show progress of induvidual file copies sadly | 14:54 |
Kira9204 | but its getting there | 14:54 |
nullbyte_ | how can i install gnome extension from the web> | 14:54 |
PCatinean | ehey, you were right, it's thrusting forward now | 14:54 |
MysteriousMagen | Hey guys | 14:55 |
MysteriousMagen | I'm the one from before | 14:55 |
PCatinean | Kira9204, in your experience these flash drives using this software are reliable? | 14:55 |
MysteriousMagen | Thanks for the suggestions on USB tethering | 14:55 |
MysteriousMagen | It's working perfectly | 14:55 |
MysteriousMagen | now I just have to find the guide i had before :c | 14:55 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: unetbootin has rarely failed me, if om on windows i usually use YUMI tho | 14:56 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: guide for what? | 14:56 |
PCatinean | I went with Rufus | 14:57 |
MysteriousMagen | Actually | 14:57 |
histo | klj | 14:57 |
MysteriousMagen | Would getting the mactel repositroy work? | 14:57 |
PCatinean | I guess I will let the rsync go and then try and see what happens | 14:57 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: but if you refer to istalling from USB ingeneral then yes, seceral magnitudes faster and its safe | 14:57 |
Kira9204 | * in general | 14:57 |
Kira9204 | *several | 14:57 |
Kira9204 | gah, phone keyboard | 14:58 |
histo | PCatinean: what kind of usb are you trying to make? | 14:58 |
Malach | HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-29-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.00GHz ** RAM: Physical: 2.0GB, 62.3% free ** Disk: Total: 89.6GB, 89.2% free ** VGA: NVIDIA Corporation G73M [GeForce Go 7600] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel ** Ethernet: Intel Corporation 82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller ** Uptime: 48m 32s ** | 14:58 |
PCatinean | Kira9204, what do you mean several magnitudes faster and it's safe? | 14:59 |
PCatinean | histo, windows 7 usb bootable stick | 14:59 |
MysteriousMagen | Question | 14:59 |
MysteriousMagen | ist he password I log in on the home screen | 15:00 |
Kira9204 | PCatinean: i thougt you asked if usb booting is reliable | 15:00 |
harale | hello | 15:00 |
MysteriousMagen | not the same password I should use in sudo? | 15:00 |
Kira9204 | it is, and its faster than cd | 15:00 |
MysteriousMagen | Let me format that better | 15:00 |
MysteriousMagen | Question: Is the password I log-in with on the home screen not the same password I should use in SUDO? | 15:00 |
histo | PCatinean: just format it fat32 and copy the files to it. mark it bootable | 15:00 |
PCatinean | haha, that would really work? :)) | 15:01 |
histo | PCatinean: sorry ntfs | 15:01 |
PCatinean | I had to format to fat32 for this software to use it | 15:02 |
PCatinean | and install to it :) | 15:02 |
histo | ahh | 15:02 |
histo | PCatinean: Are you planning on dual booting? | 15:02 |
Kira9204 | MysteriousMagen: The password you use for sudo is the password of your own account, not the root account. sudo is used to grant you access to commands that need to be executed as root without giving you root access directly. | 15:02 |
PCatinean | histo, yes sir | 15:02 |
histo | PCatinean: If you're installing windows after ubuntu you're going to loose your ubuntu boot menu. You'll have to fix that later. | 15:03 |
PCatinean | histo, my plan is to format everything and install windows first, then ubuntu | 15:03 |
irgendwer4711 | hi, update-initramfs does not compress the initrd file. | 15:03 |
Kira9204 | MysteriousMagen: note that only users that are in the sudo group can use sudo | 15:03 |
histo | PCatinean: ahh you'll be good then. If you are copying the files over like I specified you just bootsect the usb to make it bootable. | 15:03 |
PCatinean | haha, cool I'll keep that in mind next time and see if it works :D | 15:04 |
MysteriousMage | ...What can I do if I've forgot my password? | 15:04 |
MysteriousMage | For some reason I can't log-in with what I remembered | 15:04 |
MysteriousMage | evne though I logged in with it like 30 seconds ago | 15:04 |
histo | MysteriousMage: Boot to recovery mode and passwd username | 15:05 |
MysteriousMage | histo: How? I'm a total noob | 15:05 |
MysteriousMage | Hold shift while booting | 15:05 |
MysteriousMage | right? | 15:05 |
snout | yep | 15:05 |
histo | MysteriousMage: yes | 15:06 |
MysteriousMage | histo: so it's passwrd (myusername) | 15:06 |
MysteriousMage | Can I just see it instead of change it? | 15:06 |
histo | PCatinean: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/creating-windows-7-bootable-usb-from-linux-762229/ | 15:07 |
histo | MysteriousMage: no you can't see it. | 15:07 |
histo | MysteriousMage: it's encrypted | 15:07 |
histo | MysteriousMage: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Security-HOWTO/password-security.html | 15:08 |
MysteriousMage | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword | 15:09 |
MysteriousMage | will this guide work | 15:09 |
histo | MysteriousMage: yeah | 15:10 |
MysteriousMage | okay, i'll reboot now and do that | 15:10 |
jimmythehat | so ive recently realised ive installed ubuntu 32 bit. *facepalm* spent all day yesterday configuring it. Already running into problems such as not being able to install chrome...2 questions: | 15:13 |
onr | answer 1) use firefox | 15:13 |
uhu9 | hello, trying to install my printers driver. The linux binaries from the support website don-t work but source for them is available. Im no expert, can I make it? What should I know? | 15:13 |
MysteriousMagen | So this is really weird | 15:14 |
MysteriousMagen | I haven't changed my password yet | 15:14 |
MysteriousMagen | I literally just rebooted | 15:14 |
MysteriousMagen | But I use the password whne I log-in | 15:14 |
MysteriousMagen | and it works | 15:14 |
MysteriousMagen | but then in sudo it doesn't work | 15:14 |
MysteriousMagen | Is that normal? | 15:15 |
MysteriousMagen | Let me write that on one line | 15:15 |
MysteriousMagen | The password I use when logging-in doesn't work in sudo | 15:15 |
MysteriousMagen | Is hat normal? | 15:15 |
jimmythehat | 1) Can I convert my installation from 32 bit to 64 bit, (2) do you recommend pressing on with 32 bit ubuntu? Feeling pretty meh tbh :D | 15:16 |
jimmythehat | so ive recently realised ive installed ubuntu 32 bit. *facepalm* spent all day yesterday configuring it. Already running into problems such as not being able to install chrome...2 questions: (1) Can I convert my installation from 32 bit to 64 bit, (2) do you recommend pressing on with 32 bit ubuntu? | 15:16 |
MysteriousMagen | jimmythehat: Why not just reinstall, since you've JUST installed? | 15:16 |
MysteriousMagen | actually hang on let me reboot cause I found a way to boot into recovery mode from rEFInd | 15:17 |
MysteriousMagen | it didn't let me and I Forgot to ask here | 15:17 |
uhu9 | if I have the source of a driver but the readme explains how to build a RPM out of it, is this guide useful for Ubuntu as well_ | 15:17 |
uhu9 | the binaries for that driver give a "Bad loop for variable" error | 15:18 |
ioria | binay or a script ? | 15:19 |
MysteriousMagen | Right. | 15:19 |
MysteriousMagen | So a guide told me to use f2 to see more optons when booting | 15:19 |
uhu9 | ioria sorry, maybe a script. install.sh | 15:19 |
MysteriousMagen | in rEFInd, but I have no options | 15:19 |
MysteriousMagen | my problem is that my bootloader is not grub, but rEFInd, as I said. | 15:20 |
MysteriousMagen | My only options are to boot normally and to edit kernel options myself | 15:20 |
ioria | uhu9, can you give me the link to the source ? | 15:20 |
uhu9 | sure | 15:20 |
ioria | uhu9, i have to say anyway that rpm is for redhat | 15:21 |
uhu9 | ioria http://www.canon-europe.com/support/consumer_products/products/fax__multifunctionals/inkjet/pixma_mx_series/pixma_mx375.aspx?type=download&softwaredetailid=tcm:13-905066 | 15:21 |
MysteriousMagen | :c | 15:23 |
timb3r_ | Szaisztok. Vannak esetleg magyarok? Kellene egy kis segítség. | 15:25 |
ioria | uhu9, have you noted that it tells to be for Ubntu 11 ? | 15:26 |
timb3r_ | .. | 15:27 |
uhu9 | ioria, do you think it-s never going to work? Scanner drivers worked | 15:27 |
uhu9 | and it was issued for download two years ago | 15:27 |
MysteriousMagen | uhu9: Is the password I should use in sudo the same as the login password? | 15:28 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: yes | 15:29 |
MysteriousMagen | Then why doesn't my sudo work? | 15:29 |
MysteriousMagen | I input EXACTLY the same password I used to log in. | 15:29 |
MysteriousMagen | and it tells me wrong password. | 15:29 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: are you in recovery mode still? | 15:29 |
MysteriousMagen | No | 15:29 |
MysteriousMagen | I'm not able to boot into recovery mode, histo | 15:29 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: is your user a sudoer? | 15:30 |
ioria | uhu9, which Printer Model Name you selected in the command ? | 15:30 |
MysteriousMagen | I have no idea, histo, how do I check? | 15:30 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: Why aren't you able to boot in recovery mode? | 15:30 |
MysteriousMagen | Well | 15:30 |
MysteriousMagen | I'm using rEFInd as a boot loader, not grub | 15:30 |
MysteriousMagen | And it doesn't give me the option to boot into recovery mode | 15:30 |
slacko | hi | 15:30 |
MysteriousMagen | even holding shift as soon as I press ubuntu | 15:30 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: you can change kernel optionis then boot as single user. | 15:31 |
MysteriousMagen | Yeah, but how? | 15:31 |
MysteriousMagen | I know I can change kernel options | 15:31 |
MysteriousMagen | But I have no idea what to change them to | 15:31 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: just add single to the end of the line | 15:31 |
MysteriousMagen | with those spaces? | 15:32 |
MysteriousMagen | so " single " | 15:32 |
MysteriousMagen | What if hte kernel options are empty? | 15:32 |
MysteriousMagen | What will single-user do? | 15:32 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: no extra spaces | 15:32 |
MysteriousMagen | What will single user do? | 15:32 |
uhu9 | ioria, I haven't tried to make the source yet because instructions explain how to build an RPM out of it. By the way, my printer model n. 375 isn't listed.. Simple Scan works fine now, after installing the scanner drivers that should have installed a program that I can't launch there was no command with that names I read in the installation output. But it does work with simple scan and it's fine to me. Printing is impossible | 15:32 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: boot you to a root prompt | 15:32 |
MysteriousMagen | okay | 15:32 |
MysteriousMagen | then I will do...? | 15:32 |
MysteriousMagen | passwd (myuser) | 15:33 |
MysteriousMagen | and change the password | 15:33 |
MysteriousMagen | ? | 15:33 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: from there you can fix your user account. | 15:33 |
MysteriousMagen | Even though I'm sure it works | 15:33 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: what is the output of groups right now? | 15:33 |
MysteriousMagen | what commands should I run? | 15:33 |
uhu9 | ioria: as if there was | 15:33 |
MysteriousMagen | boring adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare | 15:34 |
MysteriousMagen | boring adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare | 15:34 |
MysteriousMagen | boring adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare | 15:34 |
ioria | uhu9, 375 it's not listed... you can install the rpm package with apt that will give you the rpmbuild command | 15:34 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: what are you trying to run with sudo that it's telling you wrong password? | 15:34 |
MysteriousMagen | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mactel | 15:35 |
uhu9 | ioria rpm would work in ubuntu? | 15:35 |
ioria | !info rpm | 15:35 |
ubottu | rpm (source: rpm): package manager for RPM. In component main, is optional. Version 4.11.3-1.1 (vivid), package size 112 kB, installed size 381 kB | 15:35 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: sudo cat /etc/passwd does that work? | 15:35 |
MysteriousMagen | asks me for the sudo password | 15:36 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: type in your boring user password | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | but once I enter my password it fails | 15:36 |
uhu9 | ioria, I will try with the RPM file then | 15:36 |
histo | hrm.. | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | nope | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | tells me wrong password | 15:36 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: press ctrl+alt+f1, can you login? press alt+f7 to get back here | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | It works if I say just cat | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | ctrl alt f1 did nothing | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | i'm on osx | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | I mean | 15:36 |
MysteriousMagen | I'm on mac | 15:36 |
EriC^^ | try ctrl+alt+f2 | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | so I should probably say ctrl alt fn f1 | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | yeah | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | it lets me login | 15:37 |
ioria | uhu9, but it doesn't seems to work, so far | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | as boring/mypassword | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | (that's not my real password, of course9 | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | I typed | 15:37 |
EriC^^ | ok, that's the same password for sudo | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | 'boring' | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | 'hunter2' | 15:37 |
MysteriousMagen | (Again, not my real password) | 15:38 |
MysteriousMagen | and it was like | 15:38 |
MysteriousMagen | "WElcome!" | 15:38 |
MysteriousMagen | and threw me into a shell | 15:38 |
EriC^^ | ok, type sudo -l there | 15:38 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: you're a member of the sudo group you should be able to run commands as sudo with your user's password. | 15:38 |
MysteriousMagen | sudo -l? | 15:39 |
MysteriousMagen | in that shell? | 15:39 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: yes | 15:39 |
jimmythehat | I'm trying to install a 64 bit linux image...just seeing if it can be done tbh. Anyway this command no longer works: sudo apt-get install linux-image:amd64 I get the error 'E: Unable to locate package linux-image | 15:39 |
MysteriousMagen | ugh | 15:39 |
MysteriousMagen | my keyboard is fucked up there | 15:39 |
OerHeks | jimmythehat, wrong filename. | 15:40 |
histo | !language | MysteriousMagen | 15:40 |
ubottu | MysteriousMagen: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 15:40 |
xangua | jimmythehat: are you using a 32 bit OS ¿ | 15:40 |
MysteriousMagen | Sorry, ubottu. | 15:40 |
uhu9 | uhu9 the program for the scanner launches but behaves as if the scanner was not on. Anyway Simple Scan works fine | 15:40 |
MysteriousMagen | My keyboard's layout doesn't work properly in that shell. | 15:40 |
jimmythehat | xangua I am, 32 bit OS | 15:40 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: what do you mean? | 15:40 |
MysteriousMagen | My keyboard layout changes | 15:40 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: try setting your password to something numeric | 15:40 |
xangua | jimmythehat: you will need to reinstall if you wanna use a 64bit OS | 15:41 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: are the characters in your password working properly there? | 15:41 |
EriC^^ | and test that in alt+f7 | 15:41 |
MysteriousMagen | nevermind | 15:41 |
MysteriousMagen | I can work with the layout | 15:41 |
uhu9 | ioria the program for the scanner launches but behaves as if the scanner was not on. Anyway Simple Scan works fine. Now Im going to try with this RPM version. Anyway I know this is not your language but they seem to have fixed it here http://forum.debianizzati.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=48281 | 15:41 |
MysteriousMagen | Right | 15:41 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: k did the command work? | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | it tells me I acn run ALL>ALL commands | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | I ,ean | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | I mean | 15:42 |
uhu9 | ioria but unfortunately I don't understand much | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | It tells me I can run ALL:ALL commands | 15:42 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: try typing your password in plaintext in alt+f7 | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | yeah no, password's correct | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | it lets me run sudo -l | 15:42 |
EriC^^ | exactly | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | then what's the problem? | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | Also I appreciate all the help you're giving me | 15:42 |
EriC^^ | so try typing it in plain text to see if it's a keyboard issue | 15:42 |
MysteriousMagen | in the terminal? | 15:43 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 15:43 |
BluesKaj | jimmythehat, you can't install a 64bit image using that command. You need to burn it to a dvd or to a usb stick which you boot to install the OS | 15:43 |
MysteriousMagen | In the special shell? | 15:43 |
uhu9 | ioria RPM version again at launch of sh ./install.sh says Bad for loop variable | 15:43 |
ioria | uhu9, int theory you have to use the command that you see in the README file : rpmbuild -tb cnijfilter-source-X.XX-Y.tar.gz , etc. etc | 15:43 |
MysteriousMagen | OH MY GOD THANK YOU | 15:43 |
MysteriousMagen | YEAH | 15:43 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: in alt+f7, open a terminal | 15:43 |
MysteriousMagen | It's a issue | 15:43 |
MysteriousMagen | with the keyboard | 15:43 |
MysteriousMagen | when typing it in my password was typen using qzerty | 15:44 |
MysteriousMagen | when I use qwerty | 15:44 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: that makes sense. | 15:44 |
MysteriousMagen | How can I change what layout I use in that shell and on the login screen? | 15:44 |
MysteriousMagen | (also <3 you so much) | 15:44 |
uhu9 | ioria the source file doesn't include my model though, not even one which is close to it. I should go random? | 15:45 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: did you mess with your keyboard layouts at all? | 15:45 |
MysteriousMagen | yeah | 15:45 |
MysteriousMagen | a bit | 15:45 |
MysteriousMagen | z | 15:45 |
MysteriousMagen | the layout I used zhen putting it in zas qzerwy | 15:45 |
habbasi | The directory /etc/inspircd is owned by the user irc, but I can't so sudo sudo su -s /bin/bash irc then cd /etc/inspircd | 15:45 |
ioria | uhu9, i noted. anything on your printer manual ? | 15:45 |
MysteriousMagen | qwerty | 15:45 |
habbasi | Perms are 644. | 15:46 |
MysteriousMagen | I mean | 15:46 |
shelly_zhangyu | ubunutkylin | 15:46 |
MysteriousMagen | When typing it in and on the login screen it's qwerzy | 15:46 |
jimmythehat | xangua Hey I'm following this answer. http://askubuntu.com/questions/81824/how-can-i-switch-a-32-bit-installation-to-a-64-bit-one Tbh in laymans terms i'm trying to 'convert' 32 bit linux to 64 bit. | 15:46 |
MysteriousMagen | But on my actual desktop it's qwerty | 15:46 |
uhu9 | ioria not unfortunalte, no linux help | 15:46 |
MysteriousMagen | Becuase I switched from Italian (Macintosh) to Italian | 15:46 |
jimmythehat | xangua Hey I'm following this answer. http://askubuntu.com/questions/81824/how-can-i-switch-a-32-bit-installation-to-a-64-bit-one Tbh in laymans terms i'm trying to 'convert' 32 bit linux to 64 bit. | 15:46 |
uhu9 | unfortunately | 15:46 |
ioria | uhu9, in any case that command it's nor working | 15:46 |
ioria | not | 15:46 |
MysteriousMagen | What can I do, histo? | 15:46 |
jimmythehat | sorry didn't mean to spam thought it didn't paste x) | 15:47 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: where did you switch it to italian? | 15:47 |
uhu9 | ioria do you understand something from the link I gave you? Maybe you need me to translate something? | 15:47 |
MysteriousMagen | you know, on the top bar? | 15:47 |
uhu9 | It's Italian | 15:47 |
MysteriousMagen | I have | 15:47 |
MysteriousMagen | Italian (Macintosh) | 15:47 |
MysteriousMagen | Italian | 15:47 |
MysteriousMagen | English (US) | 15:47 |
MysteriousMagen | I pressed Italian | 15:47 |
xangua | jimmythehat: good luck | 15:47 |
MysteriousMagen | before I had Italian (Macintosh) | 15:47 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: gotcha. You can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup | 15:47 |
histo | sorry MysteriousMagen console-data | 15:48 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: http://askubuntu.com/questions/155424/changing-tty-keyboard-layout-on-a-server | 15:48 |
MysteriousMagen | right | 15:48 |
MysteriousMagen | I've already psswd boring | 15:48 |
MysteriousMagen | btw | 15:48 |
ioria | uhu9, i don't think that's the issue | 15:49 |
jimmythehat | xangua so sudo apt-get install linux-image:amd64 should work? is there a third party source available to install this? | 15:49 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: the dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration should work | 15:49 |
MysteriousMagen | histo | 15:49 |
MysteriousMagen | hang on a second | 15:49 |
MysteriousMagen | it tells me to select keyboard model | 15:49 |
habbasi | The directory /etc/inspircd is owned by the user irc, but I can't so sudo sudo su -s /bin/bash irc then cd /etc/inspircd. Perms are 644. | 15:49 |
MysteriousMagen | I have no keyboard | 15:50 |
sympto | lol | 15:50 |
MysteriousMagen | I'm using the built-in one on a macbook pro | 15:50 |
MysteriousMagen | :c | 15:50 |
jimmythehat | also could someone please tell me, shall I press on with 32 bit Ubuntu? Im worried ill keep running into stuff I can't install | 15:50 |
uhu9 | ioria I think I'll give up, thanks for your help. Or maybe there's some CUPS way to have it print | 15:50 |
sympto | so mac keyboards are no keyboards aight | 15:50 |
uhu9 | ioria will look into it | 15:50 |
MysteriousMagen | sympto: Well I have no idea what type of keyboard it is | 15:50 |
ioria | ok | 15:50 |
MysteriousMagen | maybe it has a special name | 15:50 |
rick2600 | anyone knows how to install gcc-multilib on ubuntu 14.04? i'm having this problem: http://pastebin.com/p53zReJK | 15:50 |
uhu9 | bye! | 15:50 |
MysteriousMagen | oh here you go | 15:50 |
MysteriousMagen | mac/macbook pro (intl) | 15:51 |
histo | ;) | 15:51 |
MysteriousMagen | right | 15:51 |
MysteriousMagen | so I selected Italian | 15:51 |
MysteriousMagen | italian - Italian macintosh | 15:51 |
MysteriousMagen | actually wait | 15:51 |
MysteriousMagen | no | 15:51 |
MysteriousMagen | I can just re-run, no? | 15:52 |
MysteriousMagen | alright | 15:52 |
MysteriousMagen | azeso,e | 15:52 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: you should be able to do all this from language support screen. | 15:52 |
MysteriousMagen | Huh: | 15:52 |
MysteriousMagen | This is zeird | 15:52 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/session-language.html | 15:52 |
MysteriousMagen | even zith the italian keyboard layout | 15:52 |
MysteriousMagen | it-s still qzerty | 15:53 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: loadkeys it maybe? | 15:54 |
MysteriousMagen | loadkeys_ | 15:54 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: I don't mess with that stuff ever | 15:54 |
MysteriousMagen | Zhat does loadkeys do_ | 15:55 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: 'loadkeys it' try that command | 15:55 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: loads translation tables | 15:55 |
MysteriousMagen | zell | 15:56 |
MysteriousMagen | Well | 15:56 |
MysteriousMagen | It still doesn-t work in the italian layout | 15:56 |
MysteriousMagen | tbh | 15:56 |
MysteriousMagen | What was the other command you told me to run) | 15:56 |
sparkss | Hey folks, I recently performed a dist upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04, after the upgrade I attempt to login to the gui, but immediately after typing in my password, the screen flashes and I get looped back to the login screen.. I'm not sure where to start looking to identify the issue but I do have some helpful info in /var/log/syslog | 15:57 |
rick2600 | anyone knows how to install gcc-multilib on ubuntu 14.04? i'm having this problem: http://pastebin.com/p53zReJK | 15:58 |
MysteriousMagen | histo all the layouts on that screen are qzerty | 15:58 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: loadkeys it | 15:59 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: was the other command | 15:59 |
MysteriousMagen | sudo loadkeys it | 15:59 |
MysteriousMagen | I loaded the keys already | 15:59 |
MysteriousMagen | still all qzerty | 15:59 |
EriC^^ | MysteriousMagen: try settings > text entry maybe | 15:59 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: hrm.. maybe ask in #ubuntu-it they may have more information. I don't switch locales ever. | 16:00 |
Ikarus | I've got a vhost issue with the new apache 2.4.10. Can someone invest 10 minutes to look over my config files? Vhosts working fine, but the SubDomains/ServerAlias wont get access error 403 | 16:00 |
histo | or keybaords for that matter | 16:01 |
histo | sparkss: what info in syslog? can you pastebin it? | 16:01 |
sparkss | absolutely | 16:01 |
sparkss | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11629082/ | 16:02 |
histo | sparkss: hrm.. | 16:04 |
histo | sparkss: is ubuntu-desktop installed? | 16:05 |
sparkss | yeah, I even re-installed it | 16:05 |
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MysteriousMagen | histo, I am asking on ubuntu it | 16:07 |
sparkss | I just purged nvidia* and now rebooting to see if this helps at all | 16:08 |
histo | sparkss: I see other people experiencing that issue on askubuntu due to video driver | 16:08 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: k | 16:08 |
sparkss | lets see how things look now | 16:09 |
MysteriousMagen | histo | 16:09 |
MysteriousMagen | Hoz zould I set ,y keys on ,y ozn | 16:09 |
sparkss | yeah, it was the silly nvidia drivers! | 16:10 |
sparkss | thanks histo :) | 16:10 |
sparkss | a purge fixed the issue | 16:10 |
MysteriousMagen | histo | 16:11 |
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texos | I can't seem to get wireless on Xubuntu 14.04 32bit on a Dell Laptop | 16:19 |
texos | I've tried all the installs I've seen and can't get it to take | 16:19 |
Jack_The_Ripper | I have a question about the start up of ubuntu mate 15.04 | 16:20 |
histo | MysteriousMagen: what? | 16:24 |
histo | texos: what wireless card are you using? | 16:24 |
texos | broadcom | 16:24 |
texos | histo, ^ | 16:24 |
ReVoLt112 | Hello, has someone a hint why my ftp upload with filezilla over wifi is so damn slow? i am using filezilla in a lan environment. I got only 230kb/s upload speed =( | 16:25 |
darthanubis | why is that slow? | 16:25 |
histo | texos: lspci | grep Network I mean which chipset | 16:25 |
texos | Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 16:26 |
texos | histo, ^ | 16:26 |
darthanubis | 54g | 16:26 |
bastones | Hello. I am trying to connect to my FTP server over FTP-SSL and mount it using curlftpfs, but it always keeps hanging after the connection to my server is established (see http://paste.ubuntu.com/11629348/). Is there something I am missing? I am puzzled as to why this doesn't work. | 16:26 |
ReVoLt112 | darthanubis, in lan over wifi there should be a upload possible near 2 mb/s | 16:26 |
texos | histo, though that might be the lil' wireless usb one I have plugged in to get me online at the moment | 16:26 |
texos | histo, I'm trying to get this to work without the usb one , and the internal one | 16:27 |
darthanubis | 54g/2=? | 16:27 |
darthanubis | minus overhead = what you got | 16:27 |
darthanubis | upgrade your wifi to N | 16:27 |
ReVoLt112 | really? ok... | 16:27 |
histo | texos: install the linux-firmware-nonfree package | 16:28 |
histo | texos: also get rid of the the bmcwl-kernel-source if you have that package | 16:28 |
texos | I did try that at one point histo ...do I need to uninstall it first? | 16:29 |
histo | texos: uninstnall bmcwl-kernel-source and install linux-firmware-nonfree | 16:29 |
ReVoLt112 | darthanubis, 230kb/s is even for 54g too slow... | 16:29 |
darthanubis | is not | 16:29 |
texos | like this histo sudo apt-get remove bmcwl-kernel-source | 16:30 |
ReVoLt112 | theoretical: 54mbps divided by 8 = 6,75 megabyte per second | 16:30 |
ReVoLt112 | or am i wrong? | 16:30 |
MysteriousMagen | Question | 16:30 |
MysteriousMagen | How do I get a list of wifi connections | 16:31 |
texos | histo, it said it was unable to locate package | 16:31 |
darthanubis | ReVoLt112, 230 KB/sec=1.884 Mb/sec | 16:33 |
darthanubis | upgrade to N, is super cheap these days | 16:33 |
ReVoLt112 | darthanubis, 230kb/s = 230kb/s | 16:33 |
darthanubis | ok | 16:34 |
ReVoLt112 | i am talking about kilobytes | 16:34 |
darthanubis | peace | 16:34 |
ReVoLt112 | not kilobits | 16:34 |
ObrienDave | that would be kB/s | 16:34 |
ObrienDave | b = bits B = bytes | 16:35 |
ReVoLt112 | ok my fault | 16:35 |
ReVoLt112 | my connectionspeed for upload is 230kB/s | 16:35 |
ObrienDave | that = 2.3 Mb/s | 16:36 |
ReVoLt112 | but download runs at 2.3MB/s over wifi | 16:38 |
ReVoLt112 | why is my upload only working at 230kB/s | 16:38 |
ObrienDave | that's normal. UL is usually slower that DL | 16:39 |
ObrienDave | *than | 16:39 |
ObrienDave | and a 10:1 ratio is about right for most ISPs | 16:39 |
ReVoLt112 | ISP? | 16:41 |
ReVoLt112 | i am at my lan | 16:41 |
ObrienDave | Internet Service Provider | 16:41 |
ReVoLt112 | not DSL | 16:41 |
ReVoLt112 | computer to comoputer transfer | 16:41 |
ObrienDave | ok, well, writing is usually slower than reading. more data checks when writing | 16:42 |
ReVoLt112 | i am running a debian server with proftpd... i am trying to upload a 2GB big file over ftp from my notebook (230kB/s upload). Same notebook windows8.1 uploadspeed = 2MB/s | 16:44 |
psusi | darthanubis, 802.11g is essentially the same speed as 802.11n | 16:44 |
MonkeyDust | ReVoLt112 is this about debian? | 16:44 |
ReVoLt112 | no | 16:44 |
ReVoLt112 | about my notebook | 16:44 |
psusi | ReVoLt112, if the signal strength is low, the speed is slow | 16:44 |
ReVoLt112 | installed ubuntu and windows (dualboot) | 16:45 |
ReVoLt112 | server is running well | 16:45 |
ObrienDave | wireless or wired? | 16:45 |
ReVoLt112 | wireless | 16:45 |
ReVoLt112 | i'm sitting 2.5 meters next to the wifi router | 16:46 |
ReVoLt112 | approx 100% signal strength | 16:46 |
ObrienDave | ok, that rules out signal issues | 16:46 |
psusi | then something is clearly wrong ;) | 16:46 |
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ReVoLt112 | ok... =) haven't expected this =) | 16:47 |
psusi | you might try a wired connection to rule out everything but the wifi | 16:47 |
ObrienDave | ^^^ | 16:47 |
ReVoLt112 | wired is about 10MB/s | 16:47 |
ObrienDave | then it sounds like you're connecting at 'a' speed | 16:48 |
ReVoLt112 | i think there are some troubles with my rtl8723be | 16:48 |
ObrienDave | broadcom? | 16:48 |
ObrienDave | chipset | 16:48 |
ReVoLt112 | yes | 16:48 |
ObrienDave | !broadcom | 16:49 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 16:49 |
ObrienDave | it might point you in the right direction | 16:49 |
ReVoLt112 | realtek | 16:49 |
ReVoLt112 | sorry | 16:49 |
ReVoLt112 | googled it | 16:49 |
ObrienDave | k | 16:49 |
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A] | ||
ObrienDave | i would suggest researching linux drivers for that. clearly it works well under windows | 16:50 |
ReVoLt112 | thx i try | 16:51 |
psusi | ObrienDave, if you mean 802.11a, then that is also 54 mbps... essentially same as g, only operates in the 5 ghz spectrum | 16:52 |
ObrienDave | psusi, no, a is 11Mb/s max. g is 54 | 16:52 |
psusi | ObrienDave, wrong... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11a-1999 | 16:53 |
ObrienDave | what ever | 16:53 |
psusi | 11mbps is 802.11b | 16:53 |
Ziber | When using curl -u for basic authentication, what encryption method does it use and how would we replicate that? | 16:54 |
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psusi | Ziber, no encryption unless you are using https | 16:56 |
psusi | and what do you mean by replicate? | 16:56 |
Ziber | I want to be able to duplicate whatever magic curl -u '<username>:<password>' does in an actual header so I can put it in a script. | 16:57 |
psusi | Ziber, take a look at the conversation it has with wireshark.. iirc, it just adds something like User: xxx and Password: xxx in the headers | 16:58 |
psusi | of course you could go read the RFC on http to see how it works | 16:59 |
psusi | but why don't you just have your script call curl instead of reinventing the wheel? | 16:59 |
Ziber | I know what it adds, but it comes out with an encrypted string which represents 'username:password'. I want to be able to use that exact same encryption. | 16:59 |
psusi | then it isn't using basic authentication... basic is plain text... iirc, if the server supports it there is CHAP, which involves some encryption... you'd need to read the RFC and find a library like openssl but this is getting a bit off topic for this channel | 17:01 |
ObrienDave | in other words, you're trying to crack the encryption | 17:01 |
Ziber | I'm trying to understand how it works. | 17:02 |
ikonia | how it works ? | 17:02 |
ikonia | it uses the certificate toolchain to decrypt against the encyption library | 17:03 |
ikonia | thats how it works | 17:03 |
Ziber | When running curl -u '<username>:<password>' -vvvv, the headers I see that are being sent include: "Authorization: Basic <encrypted string>". I want to know what -u does to the data I pass it so I can use that same encryption method with a library in a script. | 17:05 |
ikonia | it encypts it | 17:05 |
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92 | ||
ikonia | against the libraries it's linked against | 17:05 |
ikonia | Ziber: are you using ubuntu ? | 17:05 |
Ziber | I'm running it on an ubuntu server, yes. | 17:06 |
ikonia | what are you trying to connect from and trying to connect to ? | 17:06 |
Ziber | I'm trying to connect from the server to an API. | 17:07 |
ikonia | to what api ? | 17:07 |
Ziber | An API for a ticket system. | 17:07 |
ikonia | does the api not have an auth process built into it ? | 17:07 |
Ziber | The API documentation shows examples using curl, so not really. | 17:08 |
psusi | Ziber, a quick google for http basic authentication leads to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication, which says it is simply base64 encoded | 17:08 |
ikonia | would it not be wise to talk to vendor of this api ? | 17:09 |
ikonia | rather than trying to crack encyrption which is what it looks like you're trying to do | 17:09 |
Ziber | I don't understand why it looks like that, but ok. | 17:09 |
gregor3000 | hello, i am trying to install server image. i tried first form the mini.iso but it all got stuck at Cretaing ext4 filesystem for / in partition #1 of SCSI7 (0,0,0) (sdc)... it seems to be stuck at 33% | 17:13 |
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MysteriousMagen | guys | 17:14 |
MysteriousMagen | my headphone port is red | 17:14 |
gregor3000 | i gave up after 25 mins and unplugged the electricity). i then tried the server image and again it all went fast until formating when again it got stuck at 33% | 17:14 |
gregor3000 | how can i see if ther eis any progress made in the background? | 17:15 |
gregor3000 | its been at 33 | 17:15 |
ObrienDave | gregor3000, did we not go through this yesterday? | 17:15 |
gregor3000 | % for 5 mins now | 17:15 |
gregor3000 | no, i was not online for the past few days (on camping) | 17:16 |
gregor3000 | is there a known bug or something? | 17:16 |
ikonia | how big is the partition you're trying to format ? | 17:16 |
gregor3000 | 7.5 GB | 17:16 |
ObrienDave | k. have you checked the md5sum of the ISO file? | 17:17 |
ikonia | is it on an internal disk ? | 17:17 |
ikonia | or an external device like a usb disk or sd card | 17:17 |
gregor3000 | on USB | 17:17 |
gregor3000 | USB flash drive | 17:17 |
gregor3000 | md5sum is good | 17:17 |
ikonia | you shouldn't be putting that onto an external device like that | 17:17 |
ikonia | you'll find problems | 17:17 |
gregor3000 | what kind of problems? | 17:18 |
ikonia | if you swap VT's I suspect you'll see the USB port locking, due to a badly supported chipset (I'm making a guess though) | 17:18 |
ikonia | swap VT's and see what's going on | 17:18 |
ikonia | are you botting from a physical CD/DVD ? | 17:18 |
gregor3000 | swap is on hard disk RAID 1 array - system was setup for about 7 months until it failed possibly due to power outage. | 17:19 |
gregor3000 | boot is from USB flash drive | 17:19 |
mcnesium | is there a separate unity lens to search contacts or how do I enable searching contacts in 15.04? | 17:19 |
ikonia | so you're botting from a USB, trying to install to a different USB ? | 17:19 |
gregor3000 | yes | 17:19 |
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92 | ||
ikonia | sounds like a terrible setup | 17:19 |
gregor3000 | that's how i did it the first time | 17:20 |
ikonia | swap VT's and see what's going on | 17:20 |
ikonia | sounds like a terrible setup | 17:20 |
gregor3000 | why? | 17:20 |
gregor3000 | what is VT? | 17:20 |
psusi | gregor3000, it only ever shows 33% and 100%.. I believe there is currently a bug where if there is already what looks like a filesystem in the partition, mkfs.ext4 stupidly stops and tries to ask if you are sure, but of course, you can't see the prompt or answer it since it is being run by the installer | 17:20 |
ikonia | the terminal | 17:20 |
gregor3000 | ah | 17:20 |
psusi | the simplest fix is probably to dd a few kb of zeros to the partition, then reboot and restart the install | 17:21 |
psusi | I would suggest wipefs but I don't think that's in the installer environment | 17:22 |
gregor3000 | looks like it is stopped and i can-t drop to any other terminal it seems | 17:22 |
psusi | gregor3000, alt + right arrow | 17:22 |
gregor3000 | how can a critical bug like that exist in an LTS image? | 17:22 |
ikonia | is it a bug / | 17:23 |
gregor3000 | ok that gives me to busybox | 17:23 |
ikonia | if it is, check the bug number for details | 17:23 |
gregor3000 | would it help if i formated the USB drive to fat32? | 17:23 |
psusi | gregor3000, then dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/whateverpartitionthisis count=32, reboot and try again | 17:23 |
mp__ | Hello everyone. I don't have an Ubuntu box right now but I'd love to see the output of those 2 commands on your machine: 1. $ ls -l `which sh` and if 'sh' does not symlink to 'bash', I'd love to see the output of 2. $ strace -f -e trace=execve sh -c 'sleep 1' Thank you very much in advance. | 17:25 |
ikonia | err no | 17:25 |
EriC^^ | mp__: sh usually links to dash | 17:25 |
ikonia | mp__: use a livecd if you want to check stuff like this out | 17:26 |
ntz | hello | 17:26 |
mp__ | Yup, I normally use vagrant but I currently don't have an ubuntu box on it. | 17:26 |
ntz | doing something with puppet and don't have ubuntu .... where's please in ubuntu the **main version file ? eg etc/debian_version, etc/redhat-release, etc/os-release, etc .... | 17:27 |
gregor3000 | psusi: i tried dd lets see if it will work | 17:27 |
ntz | **etc/os-version (new stabndard) | 17:28 |
EriC^^ | ntz: /etc/issue | 17:28 |
ntz | thanks !!!! | 17:28 |
EriC^^ | ntz: or /etc/lsb-release | 17:28 |
cyberalex4life | mp__, it links to dash (your command) | 17:28 |
ntz | EriC^^: I googled it out but are there other files ..... I see, you're answering when I'm typing | 17:28 |
ntz | thanks !!! | 17:28 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 17:29 |
irgendwer4711 | Hello, anybody here with an installed intel_microcode package and ubunti 15.04. please check which file format your initramfs file has. | 17:31 |
gregor3000 | well now it says it couldn't mount theinstalation "cd rom" | 17:31 |
Samul` | http://sourceforge.net/p/isse/code/ci/master/tree/ how can I install (build?) this on ubuntu 15? | 17:32 |
Samul` | I ran the Makefile but some syntax error returned and the process aborted | 17:32 |
ikonia | Samul`: use a package from ubuntu | 17:32 |
ikonia | Samul`: don't try to build it from source | 17:32 |
Samul` | there is none afaik | 17:32 |
ikonia | raise a request for one on launchpad.net | 17:33 |
Samul` | why shouldn't I build from sources? | 17:33 |
Samul` | many do so | 17:33 |
ntz | Samul`: I dare to correct ikonia :: prefer an existing packages before compiling from source unles you know pretty good what you're doing and realize, all circumstances | 17:33 |
ikonia | because you don't know how to | 17:33 |
psusi | gregor3000, where is the cdrom and what did you dd over? | 17:33 |
ntz | s/,// | 17:33 |
fotang | does this channel have a log? I want to check the answer to a question I asked some weeks ago | 17:34 |
lotuspsychje | !log | fotang | 17:34 |
ubottu | fotang: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. | 17:34 |
gregor3000 | i though i dd over the place where i wanted to install. it sazs CD rom but it means install media | 17:34 |
Samul` | ikonia: is it that difficult? | 17:34 |
psusi | gregor3000, yes, what is your install media? | 17:34 |
Samul` | I used to be able to build stuff with a step-to-step guide | 17:34 |
gregor3000 | i checked with df -h to see that /dev/sdc is mz USB install media | 17:34 |
ikonia | Samul`: depends on your experience, the quality of the software and the documented install guide | 17:34 |
Samul` | I couldn't find any for this software, though | 17:34 |
Samul` | if I'm not mistaken there is no guide | 17:34 |
fotang | thanks, Mr lotuspsychje | 17:35 |
ikonia | gregor3000: so you've blanked your CDROM-usb | 17:35 |
Samul` | ah, no, there is on the wiki lol | 17:35 |
ikonia | Samul`: probably is, it's probably documented within the source tarball or even the makefile | 17:35 |
psusi | ikonia, one would think he wouldn't still be able to boot it if that were the case, but... | 17:35 |
Samul` | Linux Installation | 17:35 |
Samul` | 17:35 | |
Samul` | Download the appropriate version of the program from http://isse.sourceforge.net/download.html. | 17:35 |
Samul` | Build from source...we're working on an rpm for Fedora :) | 17:35 |
Samul` | what tha fuck | 17:35 |
Samul` | is that a guide? | 17:35 |
ikonia | tone down the language | 17:35 |
ikonia | there is no need for that sort of language | 17:35 |
gregor3000 | doesn't look like it as i can still boot from it | 17:35 |
brainwash | irgendwer4711: ASCII cpio archive | 17:35 |
fotang | !log | fotang | 17:36 |
ubottu | fotang, please see my private message | 17:36 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: this should be wrong | 17:36 |
Samul` | sorry about that | 17:36 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: compare with another computer without intel_microcode | 17:36 |
Samul` | and thank you ^^" | 17:36 |
Samul` | so the guide is "download and build"? | 17:36 |
Samul` | oh god why | 17:37 |
psusi | irgendwer4711, check /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf for the compression setting | 17:37 |
brainwash | irgendwer4711: why not tell us the results you get? | 17:37 |
irgendwer4711 | psusi: settings are already made | 17:37 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: same like you | 17:37 |
psusi | irgendwer4711, what does that mean? | 17:37 |
irgendwer4711 | psusi: gzip is configured | 17:38 |
gregor3000 | looks like i got the correct one | 17:38 |
Samul` | ikonia: is there a chance I can do it without a guide? | 17:38 |
ikonia | yes, if you know what you are doing | 17:38 |
psusi | irgendwer4711, odd... then it should be using it | 17:38 |
gregor3000 | one USB doesn-t have any system the other does. but it might be damaged. i will recreate the image see where that gets me | 17:38 |
irgendwer4711 | psusi: intel_microcode hook breaks it | 17:38 |
psusi | irgendwer4711, without changing the setting in the conf file? | 17:38 |
irgendwer4711 | psusi: yes | 17:39 |
nicomachus | If anyone is feeling insane and what's to help me troubleshoot a driver issue, I could use a hand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11630498/ | 17:39 |
irgendwer4711 | psusi: this hook puts the microcode-bin into the cpio in a bad way | 17:39 |
nicomachus | s/wants/what's | 17:39 |
Gnjurac | hi can somone help me with openssh server | 17:39 |
Gnjurac | how to add generated key to it | 17:39 |
lotuspsychje | !realtek | nicomachus | 17:40 |
ubottu | nicomachus: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b | 17:40 |
psusi | irgendwer4711, file a bug | 17:40 |
lotuspsychje | Gnjurac: maybe the #openssh guys might know? | 17:40 |
ikonia | Gnjurac: the keyys and locations are set in the sshd_config file | 17:40 |
Samul` | ikonia: and if I don't | 17:40 |
ikonia | Samul`: then "no" you can't do it | 17:40 |
Samul` | I will just mess up everything? | 17:40 |
=== zz_nakaori is now known as nakaori | ||
Samul` | what did you say about posting somewhere so that someone makes a package for ubuntu? | 17:41 |
nicomachus | lotuspsychje: that guide seems to deal with a specific patch to the 2.6.24 kernel, which I'm not using. | 17:41 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: could you try to extract your initramfs? | 17:41 |
psusi | Gnjurac, a server key or a user key? user keys go in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | 17:41 |
traekili | nicomachus, how come there's an auth failure for su | 17:41 |
=== corey84__ is now known as Corey84 | ||
nicomachus | I'm not sure, the password is correct. | 17:41 |
Gnjurac | ikonia: meybe i failing cuz in sshd_config ServerKeyBits 1024 and on phone i generated 4064 | 17:41 |
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A] | ||
ikonia | Gnjurac: what sort of key is this ? host key ? user key ? | 17:42 |
psusi | Gnurdux, why are you messing with the server key? | 17:42 |
Gnjurac | i use ConnectBot generated key and now i have to add thet key to my ubuntu PC | 17:42 |
Gnjurac | ConnectBot is android SSH clinet | 17:42 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: and what is your uptime? did this ramdisk start? | 17:42 |
pavlos | nicomachus, can you post the 'make clean' section of the makefile? | 17:42 |
lotuspsychje | nicomachus: tryed realteks website for latest drivers? | 17:42 |
psusi | Gnjurac, *your* *user* key just goes in ~/.ssh/authorized keys.. don't mess with the server | 17:43 |
Gnjurac | i generted RSA key on PHone and now i have to add it to my server so i can authocete | 17:43 |
nicomachus | lotuspsychje: yes. that's where this came from. | 17:43 |
momon | hi. how - | 17:43 |
ubuntu034 | Hello! I am struggling getting my printer working with Ubuntu. I have a host Ubuntu OS, and in my guest Windows VirtualBox (I am using bridged adapter) I can see the network printer, but I can't find it on Ubuntu.. Any advice? Thank you. | 17:43 |
gregor3000 | psusu: it fails at "detect and mount cd rom" step. i recreated the media. | 17:44 |
ikonia | Gnjurac: is this for your user to auth ? | 17:44 |
OerHeks | Gnjurac, great page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys | 17:44 |
Gnjurac | psusi: you mean in home/user/.ssh/authorized keys file | 17:44 |
momon | how to resize my /home partition on ubuntu desktop? | 17:44 |
Gnjurac | read it | 17:44 |
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, you have to log in to your computer then use ssk-copy-id on your phone | 17:44 |
Gnjurac | 10 time | 17:44 |
psusi | Gnjurac, yes | 17:44 |
Samul` | ikonia: wait... don't kill me... isn't compiling just running the "make" command? | 17:44 |
ikonia | Gnjurac: so you're public key goes in the authorized_key file | 17:44 |
ikonia | Samul`: no, much more than that | 17:44 |
Gnjurac | i copy pasted it in ther | 17:44 |
Samul` | http://sourceforge.net/p/isse/tickets/9/ | 17:45 |
psusi | momon, boot live cd, use gparted | 17:45 |
Samul` | I'm having the same issue as this buy | 17:45 |
Samul` | *guy | 17:45 |
Gnjurac | my authorized_key file looks somting like thins ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQ...... | 17:45 |
=== nakaori is now known as zz_nakaori | ||
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, or just transfer the generated key to your computer ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | 17:45 |
psusi | Gnjurac, that's how it should look | 17:45 |
Gnjurac | thet somthing other is bad cuz it wont auth | 17:45 |
nicomachus | pavlos: this?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11630913/ | 17:45 |
Gnjurac | seys auth faild | 17:45 |
OerHeks | Gnjurac, likely you haven't read it 10 times > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Transfer_Client_Key_to_Host | 17:46 |
traekili | nicomachus, last time i tried i didnt use root to make, must be different | 17:46 |
Samul` | http://pastebin.com/08brCUeD | 17:46 |
Samul` | this is the exact output I get | 17:46 |
ikonia | Samul`: again - not knowing what you're doing, blocks you | 17:46 |
Samul` | but I do need that software | 17:46 |
ikonia | you're missing headers | 17:46 |
Samul` | what? | 17:47 |
ikonia | you're missing header files that it wants | 17:47 |
Gnjurac | OerHeks: i did read 10 times just don what am i missing | 17:47 |
Samul` | should I check the existance of those files it says it cannot find? | 17:47 |
MSS | hi there | 17:47 |
ikonia | Samul`: it's told you it can't find them | 17:47 |
ikonia | you don't need to chheck the existance, it's said it can't find them | 17:48 |
Gnjurac | w8 | 17:48 |
Samul` | so what? | 17:48 |
ikonia | what do you mean ? | 17:48 |
psusi | Gnjurac, if you mangled your server configuration, apt-get remove --purge openssh-server and reinstall it... the *only* thing you should have touched is authorized_keys | 17:48 |
Samul` | may it be a permission-related problem? | 17:48 |
ikonia | Samul`: very doubtul, but check if you want | 17:48 |
pavlos | nicomachus, the clean: section looks ok. Are you able to just make this driver in your homedir? | 17:48 |
Gnjurac | psusi: did thet too | 17:48 |
MSS | i have some problems with power saving in ubuntu? | 17:48 |
Samul` | the files should be there | 17:48 |
Samul` | lemme check | 17:48 |
Gnjurac | psusi: 1 qyestion authorized_keys on my server PC shoud hold that key i generted on phone | 17:49 |
ikonia | Gnjurac: the public key | 17:49 |
Samul` | those files ARE there | 17:49 |
MSS | my laptop eat battery very fast when i run ubuntu | 17:49 |
Gnjurac | ikonia: ye | 17:49 |
ikonia | and the permissions on authorized_keys should be 600 | 17:49 |
Gnjurac | dident change premison | 17:49 |
Gnjurac | w8 will try | 17:49 |
Samul` | I've not checked every, but at least one it says it can't find is there indeed | 17:49 |
ikonia | Samul`: doubt it | 17:50 |
Samul` | I can provide a screenshot if you want | 17:50 |
ikonia | no need | 17:50 |
digitsm | Hello | 17:50 |
ikonia | if you say they are there....however that error is quite clear | 17:50 |
Johnny_Linux | i admire the persistence | 17:50 |
digitsm | I need help with proxychains, Is anyone here familiar with proxychains? | 17:51 |
Gnjurac | ikonia: faild again | 17:51 |
ikonia | Gnjurac: show me ls -la on your authorized_key file please | 17:51 |
Samul` | okay that is weird | 17:51 |
Samul` | I can't take screenshot | 17:51 |
Samul` | damn this os is fucked | 17:51 |
nicomachus | Samul`.... | 17:51 |
Samul` | yeah? | 17:51 |
ObrienDave | behave | 17:52 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1462788 please comment | 17:52 |
pavlos | Samul`, take it easy with language ... | 17:52 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1462788 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Initrd is not gzip archive" [Undecided,New] | 17:52 |
Samul` | oh didn't mean to offend anyone | 17:52 |
mafia | ubuntu is great | 17:52 |
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, while logging in using ssh try the option -vvv to get verbbose output so you will know exactly why it failed | 17:52 |
Gnjurac | -rw------- 1 kompijuterko kompijuterko 734 Jun 7 19:27 authorized_keys | 17:52 |
Samul` | I know it is mafia | 17:52 |
Samul` | expect mine | 17:52 |
mafia | why is that? | 17:52 |
Gnjurac | harishkrupo: duno if i can cuz my client is andorid app | 17:52 |
Gnjurac | ikonia: -rw------- 1 kompijuterko kompijuterko 734 Jun 7 19:27 authorized_keys | 17:53 |
Gnjurac | this? | 17:53 |
ikonia | Gnjurac: looks good, so then the content must be wrong | 17:53 |
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, are you logging into your phone or into your computer??? | 17:53 |
MSS | dose any body help? | 17:53 |
Gnjurac | harishkrupo: my PC is server and Phone is client | 17:54 |
Samul` | seriously, I don't know what's happening to my computer | 17:54 |
ikonia | Gnjurac: your phone has to have the private key loaded/and available to it | 17:54 |
Eburitus | i read from linux magazine about quite nice sound creation software but now that I'm home, I can't find it. could someone plz help me find it? | 17:54 |
Samul` | but it must have some serious issues | 17:54 |
ikonia | Samul`: why do you think that ? | 17:54 |
Samul` | I cannot control volume anymore with fn | 17:54 |
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, then just use android terminal | 17:55 |
Samul` | * fn + left/right arrow | 17:55 |
Samul` | this just stopped working | 17:55 |
Samul` | from one second to the next one | 17:55 |
ikonia | Samul`: yeah, I told you about using PPA's earlier | 17:55 |
Samul` | suddenly I cannot take screenshots anymore | 17:55 |
ikonia | Samul`: and it can have serious impact on your machine | 17:55 |
ekarlso | is it possible to upgrade straight from 14.04 > 15.04 ? | 17:55 |
ekarlso | without going to 14.10 first.. | 17:55 |
Samul` | it's a tedious thing to install the os from scratch again | 17:55 |
Gnjurac | ikonia: On my phone in ConnectBot app thet is option Generate Key and it generates key and afer thet i copy poblic key to pc autorization-keys | 17:55 |
OerHeks | ekarlso, no | 17:56 |
ekarlso | sigh | 17:56 |
ekarlso | :p | 17:56 |
ikonia | Samul`: it's even more tedious to debug a broken one | 17:56 |
Samul` | having to reinstall every single application | 17:56 |
EriC^^ | !ppa-purge | Samul` | 17:56 |
ubottu | Samul`: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 17:56 |
Samul` | backup every single file | 17:56 |
nicomachus | it's really not that tedius Samul`. I've done it three times this week. | 17:56 |
pavlos | Eburitus, http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/Sculpting-Sound-with-SuperCollider | 17:56 |
Gnjurac | ikonia: is it possible cuz i generate 4064key thet i have to change some settings on Server side | 17:56 |
Samul` | having to re-do all the stuff I have done so far is leading-to-suicide IMO | 17:57 |
Samul` | especially because I had to work way hard to set up some things | 17:57 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: did my howto helped? | 17:57 |
Samul` | that I hadn't done before | 17:57 |
Eburitus | pavlos: seems legit. ty. | 17:57 |
pavlos | Eburitus, np | 17:57 |
EriC^^ | Samul`: try ppa-purge | 17:57 |
Samul` | where can I get a list of all the ppa I have added to my os? | 17:58 |
EriC^^ | Samul`: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | 17:58 |
Samul` | thank you | 17:58 |
brainwash | irgendwer4711: kinda busy right now, but did you find/read https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=760765 ? | 17:59 |
ubottu | Debian bug 760765 in intel-microcode "intel-microcode: breaks initrd for newer kernels" [Grave,Open] | 17:59 |
engblom | I have problem getting ldap+samba working. I have been following this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-ldap.html . When trying to log in to the server from a windows computer, it does not accept the password. | 17:59 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: oh well. this is the problem. | 18:00 |
brainwash | irgendwer4711: "This is normal. It is called an hybrid initramfs, with an early initramfs prepended to the regular initramfs." | 18:01 |
irgendwer4711 | brainwash: yes. but this is silly. | 18:01 |
Gnjurac | ok official this sux | 18:01 |
Gnjurac | so can somone help me how to setup simple password isted key | 18:01 |
Gnjurac | so i can test if this app works at all | 18:02 |
Samul` | so this is the one I want to remove | 18:02 |
Samul` | deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/dobey/audiotools/ubuntu vivid main | 18:02 |
Samul` | 18:02 | |
Samul` | what should I type? | 18:02 |
brainwash | irgendwer4711: disable the hybrid/early mode then in /etc/default/intel-microcode | 18:03 |
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, isted? | 18:03 |
OerHeks | Samul`, same line as you added that ppa > sudo add-apt-repository ppa-name >> sudo ppa-purge ppa-name | 18:04 |
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY | ||
Gnjurac | harishkrupo: i was whole time trying to konect with RSA generated key but it wont so how to set password for my ssh server cuz in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ther is no password | 18:04 |
=== Samul|AWAY is now known as Samul` | ||
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, the password is same as your users password | 18:06 |
psusi | Gnjurac, your password is *your* password | 18:06 |
Gnjurac | how can i know my user password i seted to aluto login hahahah like 2 year ago | 18:06 |
harishkrupo | Gnjurac, since you are logging as some user which exists on the system | 18:07 |
Gnjurac | is ther some sudo comand to show me my password | 18:07 |
psusi | yes | 18:07 |
harishkrupo | no you cannot see your password it is hashed | 18:07 |
psusi | no... sudo asks for *your* password... so if you can manage to enter that, then you know your password | 18:07 |
harishkrupo | but you can change it | 18:07 |
harishkrupo | wait sudo asks for you password | 18:07 |
ObrienDave | and you can reset it | 18:07 |
harishkrupo | yup psusi | 18:07 |
=== alejandro is now known as Guest70102 | ||
Johnny_Linux | Samul` , your prolly better off reinstalling | 18:08 |
Samul` | ikonia: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/ looks like some files my build script needs are found here | 18:08 |
Samul` | should I install it? | 18:08 |
Samul` | Johnny_Linux: I would have to set up again everything from scratch and it has been a pain | 18:08 |
psusi | Samul`, you will need to ask the people who made this software for help building it, not here | 18:08 |
Gnjurac | i know my sudo password | 18:08 |
harishkrupo | then that is your password | 18:08 |
Gnjurac | i just thinked ther was separete password like user 1 | 18:09 |
harishkrupo | no | 18:09 |
Gnjurac | nah dosnet work | 18:09 |
Gnjurac | can i try to login from server PC | 18:09 |
nullbyte_ | how can i install gnome extension from the web by extensions.gnome.org? | 18:09 |
Johnny_Linux | Samul` , next time do a backup before doing anything | 18:10 |
Johnny_Linux | . | 18:10 |
harishkrupo | did you install ssh in you ubuntu? | 18:10 |
harishkrupo | !ssh | Gnjurac | 18:10 |
ubottu | Gnjurac: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 18:10 |
Gnjurac | ssh-server | 18:10 |
Samul` | Johnny_Linux: I think it can still be fixed | 18:10 |
Samul` | I didn't install a lot of things from extrnal ppas | 18:10 |
Samul` | only one single software | 18:10 |
harishkrupo | just sudo apt-get install ssh ( this will install ssh server) | 18:10 |
Johnny_Linux | i admire your guts, rock on | 18:10 |
harishkrupo | then try it | 18:10 |
Samul` | I cannot do this to my ssd | 18:11 |
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest26807 | ||
Samul` | it doesn't deserve dying after only 6 months :/ | 18:11 |
Gnjurac | how to chek whats my username? | 18:11 |
harishkrupo | just open you terminal and type whoami | 18:12 |
pavlos | Gnjurac, 'w' | 18:12 |
Gnjurac | found it | 18:12 |
Gnjurac | ok | 18:13 |
Gnjurac | lol | 18:14 |
Gnjurac | ghhhahah | 18:15 |
Gnjurac | what a retard | 18:15 |
Gnjurac | am i | 18:15 |
Gnjurac | hahahahha | 18:15 |
Gnjurac | whole time i was trying to login with wrong username | 18:15 |
Gnjurac | ahahhahahah | 18:15 |
harishkrupo__ | !log | harishkrupo__ | 18:15 |
ubottu | harishkrupo__, please see my private message | 18:15 |
Gnjurac | all works now ty for your time | 18:16 |
ObrienDave | face palm? ;P | 18:16 |
harishkrupo__ | ObrienDave, XD | 18:17 |
Gnjurac | duble facepalm | 18:17 |
ObrienDave | lol | 18:17 |
=== harishkrupo__ is now known as harishkrupo | ||
Samul` | ikonia: sounds strange | 18:19 |
Samul` | but I will probably be able to compile it | 18:19 |
Samul` | I'm downloading the sdks I need and I believe I have figured out how to do it | 18:19 |
Samul` | ikonia: http://pastebin.com/JvNpMHBa looks like something went wrong... please could you help me | 18:29 |
OerHeks | Samul`, that juce forum gives http://www.juce.com/forum/topic/ubuntu-packages-juce | 18:33 |
Samul` | didn't notice it | 18:33 |
Samul` | I'mma install it right now thank you | 18:33 |
OerHeks | Samul`, might save you time, and you will recieve updates i guess | 18:33 |
=== ika is now known as Guest62965 | ||
float | Heyoo | 18:35 |
eduardo | i need help connecting to a vpn network... when i create a vpn connection it appears gray the button of saving the new connection.. in windows ive no problem.... | 18:36 |
nicomachus | eduardo: what type of VPN connection is it? OpenVPN or PPTP? | 18:38 |
eduardo | nicomachus openvpn i need the server address, user and password and thats it in windows.... some other guy told me to take a certificate or something like that... | 18:39 |
nicomachus | yea you'll need a cert. Is it a commercial service like PIA? | 18:40 |
eduardo | nicomachus but i dont have it, no its my university cluster or computer which allows students to enter from home | 18:40 |
nicomachus | ah. Do they have instruction on their website? They should have a .ca certificate file for you to download | 18:41 |
float | Do you not own a .ovpn file? | 18:41 |
eduardo | nicomachus http://ibin.co/24INV3jhtFR3 here you can get a tutorial for windows very easy, ive done in windows 10.. just create new vpn connection, add server address, user and password and it creates new connection... | 18:42 |
nicomachus | FYI for everyone else: that's a download | 18:43 |
eduardo | thats all the information we got from our teacher... and its strange that windows dont need anything certificate | 18:43 |
nicomachus | ugh, this is portuguese isn't it? | 18:43 |
eduardo | no spanish, but you only have to see the images very very easy.... | 18:43 |
nicomachus | oh idk why I thought portugese. I have enough spanish to comprehend it. | 18:44 |
eduardo | in windows 10 even more, you go to net settings, vpn, create vpn connection, put the address tunelsalu.udl.cat, user and password and thats it... | 18:44 |
OerHeks | eduardo, maybe this howto clears things up http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/05/establish-openvpn-connection-ubuntu-1404/ | 18:45 |
OerHeks | you do need a crt, but once added, there should be no problem | 18:46 |
nicomachus | OerHeks: he might have to request that from the school, you think? | 18:46 |
eduardo | OerHeks thats exactly the problem, i dont have any certificate | 18:46 |
eduardo | in windows is so easy, and using filezilla to push and put files through sftp.. . dont understand why ubuntu needs a certificate .... | 18:47 |
OerHeks | eduardo, an VPN without certificate, only name/password ? | 18:47 |
BuFF | hi, is there some sort of specific configuration for smokeping to draw graphs v2.6.8-2? | 18:48 |
nicomachus | ok, well if anyone wants to help me out, I'm experiencing this error: https://askubuntu.com/questions/567730/gave-up-waiting-for-root-device-ubuntu-vg-root-doesnt-exist | 18:49 |
eduardo | OerHeks yes and address server... in fact in vpn connection you can choose the user password login.. if you have any windows you can try it | 18:49 |
nicomachus | this is after fixing a grub issue, where grub was trying to boot the wrong kernel (grub config listed 3.13 instead of 3.19, which was installed) | 18:50 |
PCatinean | Hey guys | 18:50 |
nicomachus | so I'm not sure how, but I somehow crippled LVM | 18:50 |
=== PaNDa is now known as Guest69832 | ||
PCatinean | I am in the live bootable usb stick of the latest ubuntu downloaded and when I click install and next it just freezez | 18:51 |
PCatinean | doesn't do anything | 18:51 |
PCatinean | Stuck at preparing to install buntu | 18:51 |
PCatinean | After I clicked Download updates while installing and install 3rd party software | 18:51 |
PCatinean | What should I make of this? | 18:51 |
=== bambino is now known as tulamba | ||
Bashing-om | PCatinean: 2 things to check ; verify the .iso and the burn integrity, & make sure there is space on the hard drive for ubuntu ( a max of 4 primary partitions with MBR ) . | 18:53 |
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ObrienDave | PCatinean, don't DL updates while installing | 18:54 |
eduardo | Any ideas ?? | 18:54 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, I have windows installed on the ssd and I left 60 gb for the SSD and unpartitioned space | 18:54 |
PCatinean | Now I just booted from the usb-drive after downloading it the second time and writing to it again | 18:54 |
PCatinean | and it's still stuck there | 18:54 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: OK, then IF the burn is good, then you are looking to use the install option " something else " to point the installer to the unallocated space . ( still can have only 4 primary partitions! ) . | 18:55 |
nicomachus | PCatinean: are you formatting that USB fresh each time you re-burn it? | 18:55 |
PCatinean | I didn't get to that point | 18:55 |
PCatinean | nicomachus, yes I am | 18:56 |
nicomachus | ok good | 18:56 |
PCatinean | With the pendrive app, that auto-formats to fat32 | 18:56 |
PCatinean | AHA! it passed :D | 18:56 |
PCatinean | Should I pick the Install ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager? | 18:56 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, the first option would not be good? | 18:56 |
PCatinean | Not sure if I can create the partitions and do it myself properly | 18:57 |
crafty__ | ive done the guides to getting flash plugins into firefox yet every site still says i need flash any ideas? | 18:57 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Now that you have made the unallocated space, no, do not choose "install along side" . | 18:57 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, what would have been the other option? :( | 18:58 |
PCatinean | It's the only unallocated space there | 18:58 |
PCatinean | Shouldn't it just use that and create the partitions itself properly? | 18:58 |
xangua | crafty__: are this sites with DRM content¿ | 18:58 |
YvesLevier | I got dealth menaces - this is a 188 Megs im triying to send it to another. Im having no credit card. | 18:58 |
YvesLevier | How plz? | 18:58 |
YvesLevier | it got all proves on a phone - imean mp4 | 18:59 |
YvesLevier | ready to send | 18:59 |
ObrienDave | YvesLevier, what? | 18:59 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: How about we tale a look at the partitioning on the hard drive before we proceed ? From the liveUSB -> try ubuntu -> desktop -> key combo ctl+alt+t to get a terminal. Terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu | pastebinit ' and pas back the resulting UEL . we see what we are working with . | 19:00 |
nicomachus | ObrienDave: it's a spammer. | 19:00 |
nicomachus | spammer/bot | 19:00 |
ObrienDave | nicomachus, nah, really? please tell me you're kidding, right? | 19:00 |
YvesLevier | Im not and you know me | 19:00 |
crafty__ | i have flash installed into ubuntu mate om raspberry pi2 yet every site still says i need adobe flash any ideas? | 19:00 |
YvesLevier | 283 Megs to send to som1 | 19:00 |
YvesLevier | U14.04 | 19:01 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, you're such a professional like a paid support system, I really apreciate you taking the time like this to help random people :) | 19:01 |
* PCatinean does | 19:01 | |
xangua | (13:58:48) xangua: crafty__: are this sites with DRM content¿ | 19:01 |
PCatinean | http://hastebin.com/yoyoromopo.vhdl | 19:02 |
crafty__ | yes like spotify | 19:02 |
YvesLevier | PCatinean: Trying this | 19:02 |
k1l_ | YvesLevier: stick to ubuntu support in here, please. you know the !guidelines | 19:04 |
OerHeks | crafty__, use chrome for flash-drm-sites | 19:04 |
PCatinean | tryin what precisely | 19:04 |
YvesLevier | k1l_: Where is the problem? | 19:04 |
crafty__ | thanks ill give that a try next | 19:04 |
ObrienDave | YvesLevier, other than you being an idiot? | 19:05 |
YvesLevier | Im a idiot | 19:05 |
k1l_ | ObrienDave: no need to calling names. | 19:05 |
YvesLevier | trying to get help | 19:05 |
ObrienDave | k1l_, yes, my apologies | 19:05 |
YvesLevier | for U14.04 | 19:06 |
k1l_ | YvesLevier: this is a ubuntu support channel. keep it clear for ubuntu support. thanks | 19:06 |
YvesLevier | That is i was looking for | 19:06 |
k1l_ | YvesLevier: so what is your ubuntu issue? | 19:06 |
nicomachus | alright, I tried to do 'dpkg-reconfigure lvm2' and got an error that says "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab for encrypted_volume' | 19:06 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, how do you think I should proceed? | 19:06 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Hey, I too am on that learning curve, We all are at some point. I help where I can becuase. I be look;s at your http://hastebin.com/yoyoromopo.vhdl . | 19:06 |
nicomachus | but I can't get /etc/crypttab to open in gedit for some reason | 19:07 |
YvesLevier | to send a 283Mbyte file to somebody | 19:07 |
PCatinean | I clicked something else | 19:07 |
YvesLevier | is my issue | 19:07 |
YvesLevier | sorry for my poor english | 19:07 |
YvesLevier | Am I at the wrong place? | 19:08 |
OerHeks | YvesLevier, find a filesharing service, like dropbox 5 gb free | 19:08 |
k1l_ | YvesLevier: use scp, sftp, or start a webserver and get that other one the url or or or. or use some of the webservices or oneclick hosters. | 19:08 |
YvesLevier | OerHeks: thanks | 19:08 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Rather than MBR (old) you have the better GPT partioning scheme. Still will not hurt to look at the present partitioning ' sudo parted -l | pastebinit ' . and then we can discuss what your options are. | 19:09 |
nicomachus | ok I got crypttab open but I"m not sure which line doesn't belong | 19:10 |
diegoviola | hi | 19:10 |
PCatinean | hmm, I wonder why I do not have the mbr, maybe it's because i started both in UEFI but not sure if that makes a difference | 19:10 |
diegoviola | how do I install the *latest* version of chromium? | 19:10 |
diegoviola | chromium 43 | 19:10 |
diegoviola | I know there's an older version in the repos | 19:11 |
diegoviola | but I want latest | 19:11 |
PCatinean | http://hastebin.com/hobahabebo.rb | 19:11 |
=== user is now known as Guest23195 | ||
k1l_ | diegoviola: which ubuntu version? | 19:11 |
diegoviola | k1l_: 15.04 | 19:11 |
PCatinean | @Bashing-om | 19:11 |
diegoviola | also, how do I install the flash plugin for chromium? | 19:11 |
Resprove | i am going to redo my pc. in the installation when choosing the option to replace my current ubuntu, will it remove everything in this partition? | 19:11 |
OerHeks | PCatinean, did you see the UEFI manual ? | 19:11 |
Samul` | I'm following this tutorial http://isse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Linux_Developer | 19:12 |
OerHeks | !uefi | 19:12 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 19:12 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: MBR is old stuf, the GPT (That UEFI uses ) is the better thing . | 19:12 |
Samul` | when I get to build instructions and I run make | 19:12 |
k1l_ | diegoviola: ubuntu ships the latest chromium in the repos | 19:12 |
Samul` | I get this output http://pastebin.com/FRLii8tD | 19:12 |
diegoviola | k1l_: ok | 19:12 |
PCatinean | OerHeks, unfortunately not, or I did read long time ago and I forgot | 19:12 |
Samul` | please could anyone help me? | 19:12 |
nicomachus | paste.ubuntu.com/11632354/ is the contents of crypttab | 19:12 |
diegoviola | k1l_: but the version I got from the repos is not the latest one | 19:12 |
k1l_ | diegoviola: so if you run the updates, you have already the latest one | 19:12 |
nicomachus | Resprove: yes. | 19:12 |
OerHeks | Samul`, old project, 2013, and only tested on Fedora | 19:14 |
tristian | new to ubuntu | 19:15 |
Samul` | so no chance to get it work? | 19:15 |
tristian | need help with a plugin in gimp | 19:15 |
tristian | can anyone help | 19:15 |
tristian | need for work | 19:15 |
PCatinean | What would be the next step now? | 19:16 |
MonkeyDust | tristian there's also #gimp | 19:16 |
tristian | i have read every forum | 19:17 |
slacko | hi guys ( and girls)...is someone here using ubuntu + firefox ? | 19:17 |
tristian | yes | 19:17 |
nicomachus | yes | 19:17 |
float | I am. | 19:17 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Look at what we are working with, ' sudo parted -l | pastebinit ' and will also be good to see a screenshot of GParted's display of the target install drive . | 19:17 |
Etem | slacko, me too | 19:18 |
tristian | gimp for pictures | 19:18 |
PCatinean | I did paste that no? http://hastebin.com/hobahabebo.rb | 19:18 |
tristian | i cant install the bimp plugin | 19:18 |
nicomachus | tristian: did you try #gimp? | 19:19 |
tristian | yes | 19:19 |
tristian | the plugin is missing still | 19:19 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Yeah, you did, sorry I missed it . ( did you address 'me' ? ) | 19:19 |
slacko | then can I ask you if you noticed firefox getting slow when you have many (5+) tabs open? By slow I mean slow scrolling and general slow response... | 19:19 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, http://i.imgur.com/q1FhZha.png | 19:20 |
PCatinean | Sorry maybe I forgot, my bad | 19:20 |
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nicomachus | slacko: that's likely a RAM issue, in my experience. how much RAM does your machine have? | 19:20 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, and the second: http://imgur.com/q1FhZha,bdngAPv#1 | 19:20 |
tristian | when i do make && no target make files | 19:20 |
slacko | nicomachus: I ruled that out, I have 4GB ram, it is not using swap I would notice that | 19:21 |
slacko | it is using processor too much | 19:21 |
ObrienDave | having 5 tabs open is not a clue? ROFL | 19:21 |
slacko | I must say that same firefox wersion in windows is running smoothly even with riddicolous amouns of tabs open | 19:21 |
nicomachus | slacko: this isn't really ubuntu specific, I don't think. Have you watched your RAM and CPU usage progress as you load on more resources? | 19:22 |
tristian | does anyone know how to get my plugin to run | 19:22 |
slacko | it is linux specific | 19:22 |
slacko | yes I have...firefox isn;t using that much ram IMHO max 1.5 GB | 19:22 |
nicomachus | and what is the CPU at? | 19:23 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, does that help? | 19:23 |
nicomachus | 70-80+? | 19:23 |
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* ObrienDave shakes head and saunters on down the road | 19:23 | |
MonkeyDust | slacko firefox is very resource-hungry... i cannot use it in combination with a virtual machine | 19:23 |
nicomachus | most browsers are nowadays, unfortunately. | 19:24 |
ikonia | slacko: are you actually using ubuntu, or slacko puppy linux | 19:24 |
ikonia | (with the ubuntu packages) | 19:24 |
slacko | I am using ubuntu 15.04 64 bit | 19:24 |
float | I was actually quite impressed with microsoft Edge. | 19:24 |
float | or Project Spartan, whatever. | 19:24 |
ikonia | ok, it's not one of the puppy spins with ubuntu packages | 19:24 |
slacko | and have 2.4 GB memory free, 90% idle proc. time... | 19:25 |
ikonia | slacko: so that seems there are no resource problems | 19:25 |
tristian | please can anyone point me in the correct direction | 19:25 |
float | What's up, tristian? | 19:25 |
slacko | excactly | 19:25 |
PCatinean | http://askubuntu.com/questions/343268/how-to-use-manual-partitioning-during-installation | 19:25 |
PCatinean | this look complicated, can anyone help? | 19:26 |
float | Can you try chromium? | 19:26 |
ikonia | tristian: you shouldn't blindly do make && | 19:26 |
ikonia | slacko: so what is the actual problem then ? | 19:26 |
eduardo | need help connecting to a vpn network... when i create a vpn connection it appears gray the button of saving the new connection.. in windows ive no problem.... | 19:26 |
tristian | having issues with GIMP plugin i need for work | 19:26 |
float | Ahhh | 19:26 |
tristian | BIMP will not compile | 19:26 |
tristian | got it | 19:27 |
ikonia | you'll need to explain more than "won't compile" | 19:27 |
tristian | sorry | 19:27 |
tristian | can i copy wat is in my terminal | 19:27 |
ikonia | use a pastebin | 19:27 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Look'n good, As you have set aside unallocated space, in the installer choose 'something else' . In the installer click on that unallocated space to point the installer . Make sure that grub ( ubuntu's bootloader ) is to be installed to 'sda' . | 19:27 |
slacko | ikonia: on some pages firefox in ubuntu is lagging while many tabs open, like this one(http://system-on-a-chip.specout.com/l/455/MediaTek-MT6582M) ... and I have to point out that if I open another private browser window with this same page, it is smooth | 19:27 |
tristian | where is paste pin | 19:27 |
tristian | bin | 19:27 |
PCatinean | and after I click on the unallocated space then what? | 19:28 |
slacko | chromium is ok but it takes too much ram for my liking | 19:28 |
PCatinean | Don't I create a swap are or something Bashing-om? | 19:28 |
ikonia | !pastbin | tristian | 19:28 |
ikonia | !pastebin | tristian | 19:29 |
ubottu | tristian: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:29 |
k1l_ | slacko: ram is there to be used. i would start thinking about it, if provesses get killed because of too less ram | 19:29 |
ikonia | slacko: could you define lagging please | 19:29 |
__Myst__ | Hello! | 19:30 |
Samul` | http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/libasound2-dev/download I need to install this but it says that dependency cannot be satisfied (libasound2 = | 19:30 |
Samul` | I think I have a more recent version | 19:30 |
__Myst__ | I'm the guy from before, but under a different nickname. | 19:30 |
Samul` | how can I address this? | 19:30 |
__Myst__ | I was wondering if this was a valid way to install i3 on Ubuntu 14.04.02 | 19:30 |
__Myst__ | http://walther.io/how-to-replace-unity-with-i3-window-manager-on-ubuntu-1204/ | 19:30 |
ikonia | slacko: you're not using trusty | 19:30 |
ikonia | slacko: sorry, not you | 19:30 |
slacko | ikonia: when I scroll down or up it is not smooth | 19:30 |
ikonia | Samul`: you're not using trusty | 19:30 |
Samul` | oh right | 19:30 |
ikonia | Samul`: so don't install packages from the wrong version | 19:30 |
ikonia | Samul`: in the same way don't install bad PPA packages | 19:30 |
tristian | done | 19:31 |
k1l_ | slacko: seems like a bad website. that is not scrolling smooth on my firefox too. and i have a i7 with 8gb ram. | 19:31 |
ikonia | this is why your machine is a mess | 19:31 |
ikonia | slacko: thats seems to be a little sluggish in safari on a pretty high spec mac too | 19:31 |
ikonia | slacko: looks like odd caching on that page, once it's fully loaded it's ok | 19:31 |
ikonia | but it loads content as it scrolls | 19:31 |
slacko | k1l_: but this website is ok if I have it open in private window in firefox... | 19:31 |
slacko | try it | 19:31 |
k1l_ | slacko: that is a website issue, imho | 19:32 |
tristian | aft i paste to bin then what | 19:32 |
ikonia | slacko: if you open it in another non-private browser is it slow ? | 19:32 |
__Myst__ | histo ain't here anymore? | 19:32 |
ikonia | slacko: eg: another tab | 19:32 |
slacko | ikonia: but even google results page is not smoth like on windows... | 19:32 |
slacko | *smooth | 19:32 |
ikonia | slacko: ok are any pages good ? | 19:32 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Your are making this more difficult than it is " from ypir reference, as you have the unallocated space, you are at " 2. Manually setting up the partition layout for Ubuntu " . The guide is good . | 19:33 |
Bashing-om | your* | 19:33 |
tristian | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11632623/ | 19:33 |
PCatinean | which guide Bashing-om? | 19:33 |
PCatinean | I'm not sure how much size to set on the swap space, when to set it (first/last) | 19:33 |
ikonia | tristian: as I told you don't blindly type make && make install | 19:34 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Our reference from you : http://askubuntu.com/questions/343268/how-to-use-manual-partitioning-during-installation . | 19:34 |
tristian | so what do i put | 19:34 |
tristian | i have no clue following a forum tutorial | 19:34 |
ikonia | tristian: what do the documents tell you to do ? | 19:34 |
slacko | ikonia: so that same page on chromium apter is loads is nice and smooth | 19:34 |
tristian | blindly type the make && | 19:35 |
ikonia | tristian: what is the output of the command "pwd" | 19:35 |
Johnny_Linux | slacko enable smooth in prefs | 19:35 |
ikonia | slacko: seems very odd | 19:35 |
Johnny_Linux | pref/advance | 19:35 |
PCatinean | Ok then I will use that, hope it works out okay and I don't break anything | 19:35 |
PCatinean | Set swap size more than physical memory, so more than 8gb of RAM that I have? | 19:35 |
PCatinean | And do I have to create a separate partition for /home? | 19:36 |
slacko | ikonia: on windows + firefox all is ok, fast as to be expected | 19:36 |
tristian | /home/tristian | 19:36 |
PCatinean | That's why I'm confused because I don't know if I should | 19:36 |
Dumle29 | Hey there. I have some trouble with my NAS which is mounted on my computer via NFS. It used to work, but now it keeps saying "Error creating directory: Permission denied" on the mounted share. | 19:36 |
Dumle29 | It seems it's because it's mounted as root, but even "sudo cp ~/downloads/file /media/nas/files/file" works | 19:36 |
PCatinean | I mean, not sure where the advantage is | 19:36 |
ikonia | slacko: I'm wondering if it's the re-draw rather than firefox | 19:36 |
Dumle29 | s/works/doesn't work | 19:36 |
Dumle29 | ***.***.***.***:/volume1/ /media/nas nfs auto 0 0 | 19:37 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: I always for my usecase set up my partitons before hand, But I think the installer if you accept it's defaults will set up all partions for you. However, In the long run it is best to do the partitioning yourself as then you can set up a separate /home partiton that is very useful in the future . | 19:37 |
PCatinean | why is it very useful in the future? | 19:38 |
PCatinean | I don't get it | 19:38 |
slacko | ikonia: is anyone here that is having the same issue? maybe it's problem with graphics driver | 19:38 |
Johnny_Linux | maybe | 19:38 |
ikonia | slacko: thats why I was wondering about the redraw | 19:38 |
PCatinean | still not sure what to do, how to partition the space, how much to allocate blabla | 19:38 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Truthfully, there is less chance of "something going wrong" doing the install manually, as there is currently a bug that sometimes crops up in some situations that wipes out the Windows install when "install along side". | 19:39 |
OerHeks | PCatinean, let ubuntu installer fill in the partitioning in your free space, after install look back at it to see what it does and find out why. | 19:40 |
diegoviola | do you guys use ubuntu as your only OS? | 19:40 |
slacko | ikonia: well I just noticed that it is smooth again, on most webpages at least, google results page is ok now | 19:40 |
PCatinean | OerHeks, and how do I do that? | 19:40 |
PCatinean | How do I let ubuntu fill in the partitioning in my free space? | 19:40 |
ikonia | slacko: the fact that it is not consistent is interesting | 19:40 |
harishkrupo | diegoviola, no | 19:40 |
diegoviola | harishkrupo: what other os do you use | 19:40 |
slacko | ikonia: mabe opening chromium fixed it, idk... | 19:41 |
harishkrupo | diegoviola, arch, Windows(very rarely) | 19:41 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: - If you do not adress me, I may not catch ypur entries - we will continue this discussion - | 19:41 |
diegoviola | I also run arch | 19:41 |
ikonia | slacko: that would be very unlikley | 19:41 |
Bashing-om | !tab | PCatinean | 19:41 |
ubottu | PCatinean: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 19:41 |
harishkrupo | Windows only for gaming | 19:41 |
jaydik | Weird question that probably doesn´t happen to anyone but me: | 19:42 |
OerHeks | PCatinean, use the side-by-side option, ubuntu will detect free space | 19:42 |
slacko | ikonia: I closed chromium and firefox is still ok, only that 1 page is slow as always was...but opening it in private session fixes it which is baffling | 19:43 |
jaydik | Dual booting win/ubuntu. Every time I restart, the keyboard doesn´t work on grub, but when I restart again (from grub), it works | 19:43 |
jaydik | clockwork, every second boot | 19:43 |
ikonia | slacko: if you open two tabs in firefox (not private) is it any better ? | 19:43 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: The use case for a separate /home . Better management of disk space, and the advantage to save all your files intact when upgrading to the next release . | 19:44 |
melvin | heey guys, anyone any knowledge about apache2 server permission @filelocation /var/www/?? | 19:44 |
ikonia | melvin: just ask the question | 19:44 |
ikonia | or use #httpd | 19:44 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, so should I do that or as OerHeks suggests? | 19:44 |
melvin | how can i change the permissions of the files @ /var/www/html | 19:44 |
__Myst__ | What is the package "sur5r-keyring"? | 19:44 |
__Myst__ | What is the package "sur5r-keyring"? | 19:44 |
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen | ||
ikonia | what do you mean, what is it / | 19:44 |
melvin | i tryd: chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/ | 19:44 |
__Myst__ | ikonia: What does it od? | 19:45 |
harishkrupo | melvin, sudo chmod -R <permissions> /var/www/html | 19:45 |
ikonia | melvin: thats very bad | 19:45 |
PCatinean | setting up manually 16gb of swap space, 40gb for system and the rest for home (4gb)? | 19:45 |
PCatinean | Because I don't know | 19:45 |
__Myst__ | Ho shit | 19:45 |
__Myst__ | 16gb? | 19:45 |
__Myst__ | Isn't 512mb enough? | 19:45 |
ikonia | __Myst__: looks like a keyring extension | 19:45 |
ikonia | __Myst__: don't swear please, there is no need | 19:45 |
PCatinean | OerHeks, a lot of tutorials suggest using manual partitioning for some reason, why's that? | 19:45 |
melvin | Goddam i was so close! but thanks harishkrupo !! | 19:45 |
melvin | i got it now <3 | 19:46 |
teward | __Myst__: don't swear. It looks like a keyring extension. Try looking at the output of `apt-cache show sur5r-keyring` (without the backticks) to see what it describes the package as | 19:46 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: I always advise a bew user to take the easy way out as OerHeks and I have advised. Let the installer do the default. When you do know better then you can repartition to suit your use case . It is your system, up to you what you want to do, we can only advise and help with what you decide. | 19:47 |
harishkrupo | jaydik, does is happen when you restart from windows and ubuntu? | 19:47 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, so I can pick the install ubuntu alongisde windows option? | 19:47 |
PCatinean | without any bad consequences and just let the default options instead of making them manually? | 19:48 |
ikonia | PCatinean: you've allocated a huge ammount of swap | 19:48 |
jaydik | either direction | 19:48 |
ikonia | PCatinean: do you really need that much ? | 19:48 |
PCatinean | ikonia, not yet though, I have 8gb of ram | 19:48 |
ikonia | PCatinean: you will never need 16GB of swap | 19:48 |
harishkrupo | jaydik, really wierd | 19:48 |
tristian | connection dropped | 19:49 |
harishkrupo | weird* | 19:49 |
jaydik | super weird | 19:49 |
PCatinean | ikonia, then just 8? | 19:49 |
ikonia | PCatinean: why do you think you need 16GB of swap | 19:49 |
jaydik | doesnt stop me from using it | 19:49 |
jaydik | just odd | 19:49 |
slacko | ikonia: I closed al tabs, restarted firefox and opened that page(http://system-on-a-chip.specout.com/l/455/MediaTek-MT6582M ) and it is still slow...only in private brovsing is it fast :/ | 19:49 |
tristian | still seeking help with GIMP plugin | 19:49 |
ikonia | PCatinean: why do you think you ned 8 ? | 19:49 |
PCatinean | I don't think so, I even doubt I will ever use it | 19:49 |
harishkrupo | but you got to restart everytime | 19:49 |
charginghawk | I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 from 12.04, but now ethernet only works when booting in recovery mode | 19:49 |
ikonia | slacko: I've asked you to do a specific test 4 times now and you keep not doing it | 19:49 |
PCatinean | ikonia, you think the install ubuntu alongside windows option would be ok? | 19:49 |
ikonia | PCatinean: why do you think you ned 8gb of swap | 19:49 |
PCatinean | And autodetect the only free space available and partition the system properly? | 19:49 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: As you have 64 Gigs set aside for ubuntu. may I suggest about 20 Gigs '/' (root), 40 Gigs for /home and 4 Gigs for /swap . | 19:49 |
PCatinean | ikonia, I don't, I just read the articles that suggested this | 19:49 |
ikonia | PCatinean: what article ? | 19:50 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, what is the output of ifconfig in normal mode? | 19:50 |
PCatinean | ikonia, ,http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/05/install-ubuntu-1404-alongside-windows.html | 19:50 |
PCatinean | ikonia, still should I pick that option? or go for manual partition? | 19:50 |
tristian | there are no tutorials on how to get plugin to work | 19:50 |
tristian | super lost please help | 19:51 |
PCatinean | so? | 19:51 |
ikonia | PCatinean: that article is poor | 19:51 |
PCatinean | ok, granted, solution? | 19:51 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: without an internet connection, it gets a little tricky to relay terminal output (flashdrives and whatnot) - one minute | 19:51 |
mafia | waz gud | 19:51 |
ikonia | PCatinean: I'm not sure what you are doing ? you seem to be making a simple process complex | 19:51 |
tristian | willing to pay | 19:52 |
PCatinean | All I'm doing is asking if "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows" is a good option | 19:52 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: By far /home will consume the most disk space . as a reference, my '/' parttion " /dev/sda1 4.7G 2.4G 2.1G 54% / " is but 4.7 Gigs .. But I run real tight ! | 19:52 |
ikonia | PCatinean: it should work fine | 19:52 |
PCatinean | you think that's complicated or getting a yes/no answer is? | 19:52 |
slacko | ikonia: you asked me to close all tabs and open just 2 tabs which I did...in non private mode..idk what test you asked me to do 4 times? | 19:52 |
ikonia | tristian: you need to be in the source directory of the plugin | 19:52 |
PCatinean | Ok then I will pick that then | 19:52 |
ikonia | slacko: that very test | 19:52 |
ikonia | slacko: I've not heard the response | 19:52 |
PCatinean | Which I assume it only partitions free space | 19:52 |
tristian | where is this located how do i get there | 19:53 |
ikonia | tristian: if you don't know how to change directory - you should not be doing this | 19:53 |
slacko | ikonia: slow page is still slow, another tab with other page is normal | 19:53 |
ikonia | slacko: is the other tab non-private browsing ? | 19:53 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: ""Install Ubuntu alongside Windows" is a good option " as ypi have alreasy set up unallocated space, this option is no longer a viable option . | 19:54 |
tristian | i havent done this but i need this for work i have paid 3 people to fix and my deadline is a week away | 19:54 |
slacko | ikonia: currenly I have 2 tabs non-private, 0 private open | 19:54 |
tristian | at this point i have no choice | 19:54 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, ypi? | 19:54 |
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ikonia | slacko: I'm wondering if the first one is setting cookies which is a work load and the second one doesn't need to set it beceuase the first one has set it | 19:54 |
ikonia | also the private browsing won't set them | 19:54 |
PCatinean | I have no idea what to do, ikonia and OerHeks say it's a good idea, you say it's not a viable option | 19:55 |
ikonia | tristian: talk to your work colleges and ask them for help if you need it for work | 19:55 |
PCatinean | You realise how confused I am now | 19:55 |
PCatinean | I have no clue what is the proper course of action, I gave all information out, idk what to do | 19:55 |
tristian | i am my colleges | 19:55 |
ikonia | I don't understand the confusion PCatinean ? | 19:55 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Sorry, cat in lap - ypi/you* . ( cat is going outside ! ) . | 19:55 |
nicomachus | cat's don't go outside! | 19:56 |
slacko | ikonia: that is not likely since that 2 pages are not sharing cookies as far as I know | 19:56 |
nicomachus | s/cats/cat's | 19:56 |
tristian | i run my own business photography just switched to linux for a ton of reasons | 19:56 |
ikonia | slacko: why would they not, they are the same site | 19:56 |
Gallomimia | i can haz problem. :( my X server seems to crash completely on login, and returns to the login screen instead of doing something. i’m at a complete loss as to what to do :( | 19:56 |
PCatinean | ikonia, Bashing-om says it's not a viable options and you say it should work fine | 19:56 |
PCatinean | that is the confusion | 19:56 |
ikonia | tristian: you're going to need to get on some courses then | 19:56 |
PCatinean | Is it still my fault? | 19:56 |
ikonia | tristian: reading https://help.ubuntu.com is a good starter to learn the basics | 19:56 |
tristian | thanks | 19:56 |
ikonia | Bashing-om: why is the alongside windows not a valid option for PCatinean | 19:57 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, when you login you are taken back to the login screen again? | 19:57 |
Gallomimia | yes sir harishkrupo | 19:57 |
Samul` | does using virtual machines (like virtualbox) hurt ssd life? | 19:58 |
bekks | Samul`: no. | 19:58 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: here's the output of ifconfig - https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c24eb9a165df1c199821 | 19:58 |
ikonia | Samul`: no more than just accessing the disk normally | 19:58 |
nicomachus | if I'm getting an error about an incorrect line in /etc/crypttab, can I just purge lvm2 and reinstall it? | 19:58 |
* PCatinean is still curious | 19:58 | |
Gallomimia | also, i should mention that i’m running 14.04…. point 2 i think? and some dual monitor tweaking lead to problems | 19:58 |
Samul` | is that a legend or do ssd actually have shorter life, ikonia? | 19:58 |
slacko | ikonia: or maybe you are right, I disabled cookies even in non-private mode and now it is sunning smoothly | 19:58 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, go to tty1 and create a new user reboot and try to login again as the new user see if you can login | 19:58 |
ikonia | Samul`: not any more | 19:58 |
Samul` | nice to hear | 19:58 |
slacko | *running | 19:58 |
Samul` | I was really worried about over-using my ssd | 19:58 |
PCatinean | ikonia, he said "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows" is a good option " as you have alreasy set up unallocated space, this option is no longer a viable option" | 19:58 |
ikonia | PCatinean: do you have unalloacated space on your disk ? | 19:59 |
PCatinean | ikonia, yes | 19:59 |
ikonia | PCatinean: then it's fine | 19:59 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: This is a busy busy channel, if you do not use our nicks, we will miss your entries. Choosing "along side" now you will not use that space that you have set asside (66345MB) . To use this space you now must use the "something else" option and tell the installer what you want to do. | 19:59 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, do you have dhcp setup or how do you connect? | 19:59 |
PCatinean | It erased the entire hard-drive, installed windows and then started this | 19:59 |
Gallomimia | you’re sure i need to reboot? k i’ll try | 19:59 |
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY | ||
Gallomimia | it might take a minute. friends wanna play games | 19:59 |
PCatinean | ikonia, so he is right? | 19:59 |
ikonia | PCatinean: no | 20:00 |
PCatinean | ok damn, lost a lot of time here | 20:00 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, just try if it doesnt work then reboot | 20:00 |
PCatinean | Now I just hope it works again, and I have to wait like 10 minutes since there's a bug before the installer passes the "Preparing to install ubuntu" step | 20:00 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: trying by ethernet into a router, IPv4 and IPv6 are set to automatic | 20:00 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, I always highlighted lately, ikonia said it's fine so I'll go with it if it still works | 20:01 |
mircx1 | Hello one question please if i`m want install something from Terminal how i search what i`m a need? apt search? | 20:01 |
ikonia | apt-cache search | 20:01 |
ikonia | https://help.ubuntu.com to learn the basics | 20:01 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, once you connect you ethernet cable try sudo ethtool eth0 and check the last line is it yes or no | 20:02 |
PCatinean | And this bug is literlly killing me now I have wasted almost an hour on this | 20:02 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: last line is 'Link detected: yes' | 20:02 |
PCatinean | not that great | 20:02 |
ikonia | it's not literlly killing you - get a grip please | 20:03 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, ok try sudo dhclient -v eth0 | 20:03 |
Gallomimia | harishkrupo: tty 1-6 fail to display. also, after the grub boot loader goes to default, it fails to diplay any text, especially during the request for the unlocking key to my dm-crypt | 20:03 |
Guest88051 | hi all | 20:04 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: it bound me to, want the full output? | 20:04 |
charginghawk | ethernet still not working | 20:04 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, tty fail to display... that is weird | 20:04 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, no | 20:04 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, try pinging to your router, google dns. what happens? | 20:05 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, do you get any ping response? also try traceroute if you have it | 20:06 |
PCatinean | I did have a stomach bug if that counts | 20:07 |
ObrienDave | only to 10 ;p | 20:07 |
PCatinean | So the automatic partitioner aparently made just swap and one partition for everything, I think I would have done the same honestly | 20:07 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: just 'connect: Network is unreachable' | 20:07 |
PCatinean | Hope it works well | 20:07 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, even to the next hop? does this nic work in other operating systems? | 20:08 |
mafia_- | ok | 20:09 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: my routers' IP should be, right? the network works for other OSs, mac windows arch | 20:09 |
ObrienDave | charginghawk, that depends on your router | 20:10 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, no it cannot be since your ethernet ip is | 20:11 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, just try route -n, in the line with destination as the gateway will give you your router ip address | 20:12 |
Gallomimia | harishkrupo it is weird. the lack of display on password prompt also concerns me. it seems related.. i can make the other user with ssh. but the fact that there is a problem before boot. before /home is mounted. before / is mounted. this implies there’s a deeper problem. what did i screw up? | 20:12 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: I found router IP from other comps, pinging it yields no response | 20:13 |
charginghawk | route -n is empty on the ubuntu that won't connect | 20:14 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, try single user mode and see if you have problem if so then it is serious | 20:14 |
ObrienDave | are you connected to the correct SSID? | 20:14 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, that ubuntu is not getting its routing table updated | 20:15 |
harishkrupo | so do you now know the ip of your router? | 20:15 |
charginghawk | ObrienDave: trying to connect via ethernet - SSID is wireless, no? | 20:15 |
ObrienDave | yes | 20:16 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: pretty sure something went sideways during the update, but like I said, I can connect in recovery mode | 20:16 |
Exagone313 | hello, do you know a tool to create a rtmpt (rtmp over http) tunnel (I stream to rtmp directly to the server, but I want a rtmpt tunnel to use port 80)? Thanks for helping | 20:16 |
_Myst_ | Just installed i3 | 20:16 |
_Myst_ | this is gonna be FUN | 20:16 |
Exagone313 | the rtmpt tunnel will be used for the output | 20:16 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, do you know the ip address of you router? | 20:16 |
charginghawk | yep | 20:16 |
charginghawk | it's an apple router, if that makes a difference | 20:17 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, sudo route add default gw <router's ip address> and then try route -n and see what is there | 20:18 |
OerHeks | !info crtmpserver | 20:18 |
ubottu | crtmpserver (source: crtmpserver): High performance RTMP/RTSP streaming server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0~dfsg-5 (vivid), package size 26 kB, installed size 132 kB | 20:18 |
histo | Exagone313: what is rtmp? | 20:18 |
Exagone313 | it is used for vidoe streaming | 20:19 |
Exagone313 | video* | 20:19 |
histo | Exagone313: ahh maybe vlc could help out or the link from ubottu | 20:19 |
Exagone313 | i'm creating my own livestream/twitch on my server | 20:19 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: route ouput is 'SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable' | 20:19 |
harishkrupo | route add -net <your routers network> netmask <subnet mask that you use> dev eth0 | 20:20 |
Exagone313 | OerHeks: thanks i'll try | 20:21 |
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blizzard | Hia | 20:23 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: I put in 'sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0' and it threw me an error about netmask doesn't match route address | 20:24 |
charginghawk | teasing out the right format | 20:24 |
Exagone313 | OerHeks: do you have a tutorial? I don't find one, and the documentation seems too difficult... | 20:24 |
pcypher | hello all, can someone please assist with a "error: cannot read the linux header" problem? | 20:25 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, yeah for that netmask you must have route address as | 20:25 |
Gallomimia | harishkrupo: i am looking up how to boot to single user mode, however… what should i do once i enter it? why will i do it? | 20:25 |
k1l_ | pcypher: when does that error happen. and is the right linux header installed? | 20:25 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: I tried it with and it's now in the route -n output | 20:26 |
pcypher | the system was rebooted and this is what happens when I try to select the kernel to run from grub | 20:26 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, because if it is able to get into single user mode where no X.org is loaded and if it asks for the dm-crypt password then it is the problem with X.org | 20:26 |
k1l_ | pcypher: doesn an older kernel work in grub? | 20:26 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, now try the previous command | 20:26 |
ObrienDave | pcypher, select a different kernel. you should have at least 2, current and one older | 20:26 |
Bashing-om | Gallomimia: What release are you on ? As 15.04 uses systemd, and the procedure to boot to terminal is different . | 20:27 |
Gallomimia | probably sure it’s a problem with x.org :) but if we need to test. it’s good. also, i’ve had problems with grub-probe dumping core ever since i setup this configuration | 20:27 |
pcypher | I have tried selecting different kernels and they fail as well | 20:27 |
pcypher | when I looked in grub, | 20:27 |
pcypher | hdparam for hd0 has 3 partitions | 20:27 |
pcypher | the 2nd has the filesystem | 20:27 |
k1l_ | pcypher: so what did you do before rebooting? and is the hardware alright? | 20:27 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, to get into single user mode just add one to the linux line in grub | 20:27 |
pcypher | and in grub root is set to hd0,gpt2... which is correct | 20:27 |
_Myst_ | Halp! | 20:27 |
ObrienDave | that sounds like a normal windows partition scheme | 20:28 |
pcypher | the disks all look fine | 20:28 |
_Myst_ | After installing the i3 WM, my multimedia keys don't woanymore! | 20:28 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, the ctrl+x to boot | 20:28 |
_Myst_ | don't work anymore* | 20:28 |
pcypher | i seem them all mounting | 20:28 |
BadDream | ome | 20:28 |
lotuspsychje | _Myst_: maybe the #i3 channel guys ca help you? | 20:28 |
pcypher | i ran a shutdown command, and when it was done powered it down | 20:28 |
mikubuntu | day 3 :: damn hp mini, it wants to load lubuntu live 1404, but screen blacks out just after splash screen with 'try w/o install' option -- which, according to this page: https://roomforcreativity.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-hp-mini-210-1000/ i NEED to run live first to use gparted to alter partitions. also, someone had suggested i get into f6 to click nomodeset, which i did, but still goes to black screen | 20:28 |
k1l_ | pcypher: no, did you add ppas, changed kernels,....,...,... | 20:28 |
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pcypher | no | 20:29 |
pcypher | we made no changes | 20:29 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, after that try to ping your router you should be able to ping | 20:29 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: and are in the route -n output, trying to ping now | 20:29 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: not getting 'Network is unreachable' but also not pinging successfully | 20:30 |
charginghawk | 84 packets transmitted, 0 received | 20:31 |
ObrienDave | try a different eth cable? | 20:31 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, u sure u use the same cable and nic? on other os | 20:31 |
k1l_ | pcypher: is that vmware? | 20:32 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: ObrienDave I've got a handful of different ethernet cables, switching yields no results | 20:34 |
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ObrienDave | k | 20:34 |
Gallomimia | harishkrupo: no graphics. i added the word single to the end of the line starting with linux in my grub menu (press e) and same result. i dunno if i did it right | 20:34 |
charginghawk | I reckon I'll just have to reinstall | 20:35 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, no not word single the charecter 1 | 20:35 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, this is really weird, kernel not updating its routing table! | 20:36 |
Gallomimia | oh. that’s my mistake. the thing i looked up suggested single. i’m a little lost in this. i feel it’s fruitless. i can admit that x.org is most likely messed up, because i was messing with it prior to the problem coming up | 20:36 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, did you try some other kernel? | 20:36 |
Gallomimia | i feel diagnosis is useless until i just try fixing that. i don’t know how tho | 20:36 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, what were you doing with x.org | 20:37 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: I'll try that next | 20:37 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, i think it will work as it is working in recovery mode | 20:37 |
_Myst_ | Qeston: What utility can I use to change my keyboard's brightness? | 20:38 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: depends on the keyboard | 20:38 |
lotuspsychje | mikubuntu: did you try with xubuntu? | 20:38 |
harishkrupo | _Myst_, backlit keyboads are hardware controlled | 20:39 |
Gallomimia | harishkrupo: i’m probably not going to be able to remember that. it’s been about a week. the last thing i remember was deleting some default settings about monitors. i was trying to restore functionality to some monitor i’d turned “off” in the system settings | 20:40 |
_Myst_ | harishkrupo: Yeah, but I need something to change them | 20:41 |
_Myst_ | I mean | 20:41 |
_Myst_ | to change how bright they are | 20:41 |
_Myst_ | Surely there is a way. | 20:41 |
Gallomimia | more accurate to say “what i thought was the default settings for monitors" | 20:41 |
_Myst_ | I have a key for it on my keyboard | 20:41 |
Gallomimia | i’ve managed to get some graphics working with the recovery mode in grub… | 20:41 |
harishkrupo | _Myst_, yes that is what i was telling | 20:41 |
charging1awk | harishkrupo: fwiw here's the ifconfig from recovery mode - https://gist.github.com/anonymous/22cb2f206673ab4b6c15 | 20:42 |
_Myst_ | a quick google search revelead xbacklight | 20:42 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: xbacklight is for the monitors backlight | 20:43 |
Gallomimia | charginghawk: ip6 is autoconfigured but still no ping to the router?? | 20:43 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: the keyboard backlight really depends on what keyboard that is. | 20:43 |
_Myst_ | yeah | 20:43 |
_Myst_ | I figured that out when I wrote -dec 100 | 20:43 |
_Myst_ | and my monitor turned off | 20:43 |
_Myst_ | I'm using an Apple keyboard | 20:44 |
charginghawk | Gallomimia: that ifconfig output is from a successful connection in recovery mode | 20:44 |
_Myst_ | MacBook Pro one | 20:44 |
Dumle29 | Hey there. I have some trouble with my NAS which is mounted on my computer via NFS. It used to work, but now it keeps saying "Error creating directory: Permission denied" on the mounted share. | 20:44 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, there is a difference in RX and TX speeds in the previous and this output so maybe try another kernel | 20:44 |
Dumle29 | It seems it's because it's mounted as root, but even "sudo cp ~/downloads/file /media/nas/files/file" doesn't work | 20:44 |
Gallomimia | oh. and you cant’ get it to work in normal… check /etc/network/interfaces ?? | 20:44 |
Dumle29 | It's mounted at boot via /etc/fstab. Here's the line where * is the ip: | 20:44 |
Dumle29 | ***.***.***.***:/volume1/ /media/nas nfs auto 0 0 | 20:44 |
histo | Dumle29: what are the permissions for the /mount/point | 20:44 |
charginghawk | my kernel list jumps from 3.5 to 3.13 - can I use ubuntu 14.04 with 3.5? | 20:44 |
histo | Dumle29: ls -l /media | 20:44 |
Dumle29 | histo: nas lists as root root | 20:45 |
histo | charginghawk: why? | 20:45 |
histo | Dumle29: what perms though | 20:45 |
charginghawk | histo: trying to use a different kernel to get my ethernet working | 20:45 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, mostly all kernels work | 20:45 |
Dumle29 | drwxr-xr-x | 20:45 |
Dumle29 | histo: ^ | 20:45 |
Dumle29 | I recently tried with autofs, but that fails to even mount anything | 20:46 |
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histo | Dumle29: Are there already files on the share? | 20:46 |
Dumle29 | histo: the /media/nas folder is a folder I made myself. My NAS exports 4 shares. files, videos, pictures, and music, those four folders would show up in the /media/nas folder | 20:47 |
Dumle29 | histo: yes | 20:47 |
histo | Dumle29: do those directories show up in /media/nas ?? | 20:47 |
Dumle29 | histo: Mounted via /etc/fstab, yes. Not with autofs though | 20:47 |
histo | Dumle29: okay sudo touch /media/nas/files/foo | 20:48 |
Dumle29 | histo: gimmie a second. Just have to go back to fstab, autofs doesn't seem to work at all | 20:48 |
Nox2x | Hey all. Dash doesnt show all installed applications unless i search for them. Any ideas? | 20:48 |
lotuspsychje | Nox2x: wich package doesnt show? | 20:49 |
Nox2x | last i tried last night, frozen-bubble | 20:49 |
Dumle29 | histo: What the hell. Now it works again | 20:50 |
Gallomimia | still no graphics after boot. i’m looking for info on how to fix a system where the owner has complete borked the x.org configurations. cause that’s what i did, and now it won’t show me pretty pictures most of the time. | 20:50 |
Nox2x | And quassel, which i installed today. | 20:50 |
RobinHood2015 | I can't get XScreensaver (built from source) to run automatically at startup, even by explicitly specifying "xscreensaver -nosplash" in my Startup Applications. What am I doing wrong? | 20:50 |
charginghawk | harishkrupo: I can confirm it works 3.5, so the issue is with the kernel | 20:50 |
Gallomimia | it’s all on you #ubuntu : | 20:50 |
lotuspsychje | Nox2x: when you type its name it shows? | 20:50 |
Gallomimia | my windows loving friends are mocking me | 20:50 |
Dumle29 | histo: I did unmount it lazily when I tried to use autofs. Maybe it was just bugged out? | 20:50 |
Dumle29 | aka sudo umount -lf /media/nas | 20:51 |
Nox2x | Yeah. | 20:51 |
histo | Dumle29: could have been | 20:51 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, Great ! | 20:51 |
charginghawk | thanks! | 20:51 |
ObrienDave | Gallomimia, that's because they don't know any better ;P | 20:51 |
harishkrupo | charginghawk, there must be some bug | 20:51 |
Dumle29 | histo: Hmm thanks for the help anyways. It's done it a few times already, if I ever run in to some better troubleshooting data I'll probabaly swing by again :P | 20:51 |
lotuspsychje | Nox2x: thats kinda normal, what about if you expand all applications? | 20:51 |
Gallomimia | yeah that’s okay i forgive them. i’d like to fixit tho, i am reading articles showing similar behavior with known issues in my xorg edgers repo drivers | 20:52 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, windows people ! ;( | 20:52 |
ObrienDave | you're using PPA drivers??? | 20:52 |
Nox2x | I click the expand button, and expect to see both quassel and frozen-bubble, but they dont show. For all i know i might have more applications not showing. | 20:52 |
lotuspsychje | Nox2x: thats not normal indeed..wich ubuntu version? | 20:53 |
Nox2x | 14.10 | 20:54 |
lotuspsychje | Nox2x: maybe upgrade to 15.04 or clean install 14.04 | 20:54 |
OerHeks | Nox, in dash, click on the white house icon on the bottom. you will see software and groups | 20:54 |
RobinHood2015 | I am using Ubuntu 15.04 now, and the daemon worked on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS before, but now it's stopped working on 15.04. Could the change to systemd have something to do with it? | 20:55 |
Nox2x | It is on the white house, and have tried all | 20:55 |
MrTestings | Nox2x: I've seen this also on 14.04, to me it seems like some link's are environment specific | 20:55 |
OerHeks | right top corner 'filter' results, and you can customise | 20:55 |
harishkrupo | RobinHood2015, yes that can be the reason | 20:55 |
daftykins | never fear! dafty is here! | 20:56 |
Gallomimia | ObrienDave: i think so. do you have a better suggestion? | 20:56 |
RobinHood2015 | harishkrupo: Okay, so how do I get around that? | 20:56 |
daftykins | who is suffering from graphics driver woes? | 20:56 |
harishkrupo | RobinHood2015, the script must be written for systemd not upstart | 20:56 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: what's the situation? | 20:56 |
Nox2x | Thats unfortunate, MrTestings. I'll was kinda reluctant to upgrade as i don't want to risk losing files, but might not have any other option. | 20:57 |
RobinHood2015 | harishkrupo: so that's on the developer? | 20:57 |
lotuspsychje | Nox2x: 14.10 will be eol soon, you might consider upgrade or clean install lts | 20:57 |
harishkrupo | RobinHood2015, no you can write it | 20:57 |
Nox2x | I guess. Thanks lotus, much appreciated. | 20:58 |
harishkrupo | RobinHood2015, did you write the upstart script or did is come from the developer | 20:58 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: after grub displays, and when loading the default loader (recovery mode works as normal) there is no display. dm-crypt asks for its password, still no display. if typed, it boots normally to a login screen. guest login works. my login does not. if i login, it crashes and returns to the login screen | 20:58 |
daftykins | ugh encryption huh | 20:58 |
Gallomimia | tty 1-6 display a purple bar on the top of the screen now that i’m sitting at the login view | 20:58 |
RobinHood2015 | harishkrupo: I think the developer originally wrote it for upstart, but hasn't (as of yet) rewritten it for systemd. | 20:59 |
Gallomimia | eh. yeah. it’s a problem. but it was working before i screwed up the xorg setups | 20:59 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: sounds like at some point you may have run startx which has trashed your ~ files, can you post a "ls -al ~/" to paste.ubuntu.com ? feel free to edit names, it's the permissions i want to see | 20:59 |
MrTestings | Nox2x: Some links will only show in Unity but not gnome, but all shows in KDE ;) you can see all your installed apps in /usr/share/applications | 20:59 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: standby | 21:00 |
harishkrupo | RobinHood2015, you can convert it if you are interested or else you have to wait | 21:00 |
PCatinean | hey everyone | 21:00 |
PCatinean | How does one add an entry to fstab with a bash script? | 21:01 |
daftykins | that sounds like a bad move | 21:01 |
daftykins | why would you want to? | 21:01 |
Nox2x | I am aware i can find them, but it has to be a bug of sorts, not showing in unity but showing in others? | 21:01 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, "echo "<fstab entry>" >> tee /etc/fstab" | 21:02 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: mind if i send pastebin in pm? | 21:02 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, you need to be root | 21:02 |
PCatinean | harishkrupo, what is the tee? also can't I use sudo anywhere? | 21:02 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: as long as the convo stays here :) | 21:02 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, sorry no tee | 21:02 |
PCatinean | if I run the bash script via sudo should be fine? | 21:02 |
Nox2x | Thanks tho MrTestings, will try an upgrade before eventual fresh install and see whats what. | 21:03 |
Gh0st- | how can I kill vsftpd | 21:03 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, it is just "echo "<fstab entry>" >> /etc/fstab" | 21:03 |
MrTestings | Nox2x: I have the same problem, but with apps only showing in Unity and not others. | 21:03 |
Gallomimia | k, but i’ll try to keep the unedited pastebin reasonably private | 21:03 |
Gh0st- | how can I remove it all together vsftpd | 21:03 |
PCatinean | yes, I got that part but it says I have no permission and I don't want the bash script to run as root, though I run it with sudo | 21:03 |
PCatinean | idk | 21:03 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, no it will not work cause redirection doesnt work properly with sudo | 21:03 |
lotuspsychje | Gh0st-: purge? | 21:03 |
Gallomimia | just cause i’m too lazy to consider the security risks involved in pasting that in public :P | 21:03 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: purge it with apt ? | 21:03 |
Gh0st- | lotuspsychje: how? | 21:03 |
PCatinean | then what can I do harishkrupo execute the bash as root? | 21:03 |
* Gh0st- is a newbie | 21:03 | |
k1l_ | !purge | Gh0st- | 21:03 |
ubottu | Gh0st-: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P | 21:03 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: yeah your xauthority is owned by root. this is breaking things; run "sudo chown -R gallomimia: /home/gallomimia/" then restart | 21:04 |
PCatinean | harishkrupo, it's a fresh install bash script and I want to create to make my formats a lot easier | 21:04 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: no, dont use that | 21:04 |
Gh0st- | hmm | 21:04 |
Gh0st- | :/ | 21:04 |
Gh0st- | ok | 21:04 |
Gallomimia | PCatinean: why do you need to edit it with a script? can’t you jsut edit it, and save it, and be done? | 21:04 |
* Gh0st- holding is horses | 21:04 | |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: sudo apt-get purge vfstp | 21:04 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, sudo bash | 21:04 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: that’s embarassing :D | 21:04 |
RobinHood2015 | Okay... Is there a terminal command similar to Windows' "copy con" that lets me send keyboard input to a file? | 21:04 |
PCatinean | Gallomimia, it's a bash script | 21:04 |
Gh0st- | E: Unable to locate package vfstp | 21:04 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: don't run startx ever :) | 21:04 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: sudo apt-get purge vsftpd | 21:04 |
PCatinean | harishkrupo, so that will work? and inside the bash script itself I don't need to use sudo? | 21:04 |
Gallomimia | RobinHood2015: yes. it’s just > using pipes and stuff | 21:04 |
Gallomimia | echo… there’s other ways too | 21:05 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: ps -ef | grep vsftpd | 21:05 |
Gh0st- | still can see it running | 21:05 |
Gh0st- | : | 21:05 |
Gh0st- | :/ | 21:05 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, no this will open another bash program | 21:05 |
MrTestings | Nox2x: I notice in KDE there is a link flag, that allows apps to only be shown in KDE. I wonder if such flags exist for Unity etc. | 21:05 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: yeah, stop it or just reboot | 21:05 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: stop it how | 21:05 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: what ubuntu version? | 21:06 |
Gh0st- | 14 | 21:06 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, you need to be root | 21:06 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: what’s with all the old xauths and errors? | 21:06 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, before running the script | 21:06 |
PCatinean | harishkrupo, but damn I want a lot of my commands to be executed as my regular user :( | 21:06 |
PCatinean | there must be a solution for this | 21:06 |
Gallomimia | there is | 21:06 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: ubuntu numbers are 14.xx where xx is 04 or 10 (which is the month) | 21:06 |
Gallomimia | it’s linux. you can do anything | 21:06 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, ok lets see | 21:06 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: what was the command to check it/ | 21:06 |
Gallomimia | there’s just a lot of people here that are saying it’s probably going to break your security. | 21:06 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: but since that uses upstart do a "sudo service vsftpd stop" | 21:06 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: *shrug* it just keeps them then rotates the logs occasionally | 21:06 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, ok got it | 21:07 |
RobinHood2015 | Okay. I found this in the Arch Linux wiki, but I'm thinking it might also work for Ubuntu. I'm thinking I need to create an ~/.xinitrc file specifying the command to launch the XScreenSaver daemon. | 21:07 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: vsftpd: unrecognized service | 21:07 |
Gh0st- | :/ | 21:07 |
harishkrupo | RobinHood2015, yes it might work :) | 21:07 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: the system has rebooted and it’s a blank screen. i’ll try unlocking crypto to see if at least i can login. | 21:07 |
Nox2x | MrTestings: Ok. Inconvenient for newer users, such as myself :) | 21:07 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, "sudo echo "<fstab entry>" | tee -a /etc/fstab" | 21:07 |
RobinHood2015 | All right, I'll test it by restarting X. | 21:07 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: seems like the scripts are already deleted. so just use kill to kill the process | 21:08 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: i heard this issue had something to do with graphics drivers originally, what set this off exactly? | 21:08 |
PCatinean | what's the tee doing? and the pipe | 21:08 |
=== R is now known as Guest57871 | ||
Gh0st- | k1l_: ? | 21:08 |
Gh0st- | ps x | 21:08 |
k1l_ | !kill | Gh0st- | 21:08 |
ubottu | Gh0st-: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 21:08 |
MrTestings | Nox2x: me to, this is my second day using Ubuntu I've almost completely broken it :) | 21:09 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, the pipe will pipe the output to tee program | 21:09 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: the event in my life that has had a lasting effect is a new monitor. not a replacement monitor but a second one. | 21:09 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104903/how-do-i-kill-processes-in-ubuntu | 21:09 |
PCatinean | permission denied harishkrupo | 21:09 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: graphics card + driver? | 21:09 |
Gallomimia | in trying to get it working i started digging into xorg settings with a sledge hammer instead of a scalpel | 21:09 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, oh sorry "echo "<fstab entry>" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab" | 21:10 |
* NegativeFlare raises to help | 21:10 | |
Gallomimia | it is a gtx 780 with the xorg edgers driver 346 i think | 21:10 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, tee basically writes to files | 21:10 |
Gallomimia | i think that’s the driver i’m using… i did not change this to cause any breaks. it was working | 21:10 |
PCatinean | yeah I thought so | 21:10 |
PCatinean | though the one before didn't work with sudo, the first version | 21:10 |
Gallomimia | remember. sudo is the tool you use to break things. that’s why i’m here :) | 21:11 |
PCatinean | Uuuh snap, seems to work harishkrupo ! | 21:11 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: and what ubuntu version is this? "cat /etc/issue" | 21:11 |
harishkrupo | PCatinean, yeah because there only echo has root permissions | 21:11 |
PCatinean | I'll restart to see if it takes on | 21:11 |
Gallomimia | it’s 14.04.2 i think | 21:11 |
Gallomimia | hold on i can’t get it to boot. | 21:11 |
PCatinean | brb | 21:11 |
Gallomimia | i’m fortunate enough to have a second computer to come here with, but only 1 keyboard between them | 21:11 |
=== it is now known as Guest49504 | ||
=== Juka is now known as Guest47941 | ||
MonkeyDust | !info synergy | Gallomimia is this useful | 21:13 |
ubottu | Gallomimia is this useful: synergy (source: synergy): Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 774 kB, installed size 3473 kB | 21:13 |
Nox2x | MrTestings: Just keep at it. I've tested every version since 5.04 but never made the switch, but now is as good time to do just that as ever. | 21:13 |
daftykins | MonkeyDust: not when one side isn't working ;) | 21:13 |
Guest49504 | H! | 21:13 |
NegativeFlare | MonkeyDust: Warning: The newest version of synergy, requires that you buy it. | 21:13 |
xar | how do I to share an image on xchat, please? | 21:14 |
brainwash_ | buying software?! hell no | 21:14 |
Gallomimia | MonkeyDust: mac? | 21:14 |
k1l_ | !paste | xar | 21:14 |
ubottu | xar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:14 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: what is the best way to FTP into ubuntu? | 21:15 |
STxAxTICAFK | 1+1 | 21:15 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: ftp is a bad idea | 21:15 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: then? | 21:15 |
NegativeFlare | SFTP | 21:15 |
STxAxTICAFK | my bad wrong window | 21:15 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: us sftp which is enabled by ssh-server | 21:15 |
MonkeyDust | Gallomimia http://www.synergy-project.org/ | 21:15 |
histo | Gh0st-: use ssh or sftp | 21:15 |
histo | Gh0st-: or scp | 21:15 |
Gh0st- | how can I setup? | 21:16 |
Guest49504 | elou | 21:16 |
Guest49504 | alguien espa;ol o ke | 21:16 |
MonkeyDust | !es | 21:16 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 21:16 |
Guest49504 | wow thankiu | 21:17 |
xangua | that spanish is so bad even I thought it was portuguese | 21:17 |
xar | When I try to connect an external hard drive I get this error message imgur.com/xnNmTb4 what's wrong, please? | 21:17 |
NegativeFlare | xar: First thought, Hard Drive is dead | 21:17 |
histo | !sshd | Gh0st- | 21:17 |
ubottu | Gh0st-: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy) | 21:17 |
Guest49504 | soy tan novato que no se entrar ni a canal ... hmm | 21:18 |
NegativeFlare | xar: anytime you get a I/O Error like that, most of the time, the Hard drive has failed | 21:18 |
NegativeFlare | !es | Guest49504 | 21:18 |
ubottu | Guest49504: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 21:18 |
ObrienDave | xar, run chkdsk in windows like it says | 21:18 |
=== Aerides is now known as Aeon | ||
xar | NegativeFlare, I've tried to connect it with Microsoft OS, it succeeded | 21:18 |
k1l_ | xar: put it back on the windows machine and disable that fast reboot thing for that drive | 21:18 |
NegativeFlare | then run chkdsk on it then | 21:19 |
harishkrupo | xar, or just boot into windows and reboot dont shutdown | 21:19 |
xar | how to run chkdsk, please? :p | 21:19 |
Guest49504 | /join #ubuntu-es | 21:19 |
histo | Guest49504: with out a space | 21:20 |
harishkrupo | xar, chkdsk /F <disk letter>: | 21:20 |
Guest49504 | donde lo pongo , perdonen | 21:20 |
Gh0st- | can't get my head around | 21:20 |
Gh0st- | :/ | 21:20 |
ObrienDave | xar, in windows, run, cmd, chkdsk /x c: | 21:20 |
Guest49504 | ok, withouth space | 21:20 |
histo | Guest49504: | 21:20 |
histo | tipo de combinación sin un espacio | 21:20 |
ObrienDave | xar, /x implies /f and closes all open handles to the drive | 21:21 |
Guest49504 | ok, pero no se donde va, o sea donde introducirlo | 21:21 |
xar | ObrienDave, does that command line only works on microsoft systems? :p | 21:21 |
ObrienDave | yes | 21:21 |
histo | Guest49504: '/join #ubuntu-es' | 21:21 |
ObrienDave | the error says to run chkdsk in windows | 21:22 |
Gallomimia | MonkeyDust: that is pretty useful yes. i don’t think i’ll install it on a non-working system to try and fix it until i get it working again tho :) | 21:22 |
ObrienDave | xar, the error says to run chkdsk in windows | 21:22 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: that permissions change got my user to be able to login again tyvm. i’m still dismayed by the lack of display while it is asking for my dm-crypt unlock. | 21:23 |
ObrienDave | xar, there is no equivalent NTFS utility in linux | 21:23 |
Gallomimia | as in. wow. i broke TWO things at once >< | 21:23 |
xar | okay thanks :) | 21:23 |
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daftykins | Gallomimia: that'll probably be down to encrypted setup issues which i have no idea about then, i only deal with straight up graphics problems | 21:24 |
Guest49504 | thankiu histo, im not shure in where enter these code, in what window, i start today in linux world with. ubuntu studio | 21:24 |
histo | Guest49504: yes you enter it right where you typed the last message. Just don't put a space infront of the command | 21:25 |
Guest49504 | ok, i try bro. its a new world for me | 21:25 |
=== tomas_ is now known as tno | ||
Voyage | the /etc/hosts has localhost on the first line. now how do I block hotmail.com? | 21:27 |
NegativeFlare | Voyage: add localhost <tab> hotmail.com | 21:27 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: well i didn’t change the crypto settings (not only because i don’t know how) but i would suggest that you’re incorrect because the issue exists across multiple instances of displaying only text such as when switching to tty1-6 | 21:29 |
Voyage | NegativeFlare, I just nano it and added it. didnt work. Do I need to restart anything? | 21:30 |
Gallomimia | but the point is the damn thing plays games again so… that’s good enough for today | 21:30 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: no i'm just saying i can't help you because i have zero experience with setups using encryption. | 21:30 |
NegativeFlare | Voyage: networking yes | 21:30 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: that makes two of us. the ubuntu intsaller did it all for me. | 21:30 |
Voyage | NegativeFlare, how | 21:30 |
NegativeFlare | Voyage: sudo service networking restart | 21:31 |
Voyage | sudo service networking restart | 21:32 |
Voyage | stop: Job failed while stopping | 21:32 |
Voyage | start: Job is already running: networking | 21:32 |
Gallomimia | anyway, i just stopped back to say thanks for the help so far. daftykins for the permission fix, and harishkrupo for some diagnosis. i’ll work on it more soon. i clearly have an entire ship shipping ship full of info to learn about just bootloaders. | 21:32 |
Gh0st- | how can I transfer file to my Ubuntu server? | 21:33 |
harishkrupo | Gallomimia, great ! | 21:33 |
esph | Networkmanager is still default in 15.04, right? | 21:33 |
Gh0st- | can't seems to find a way | 21:33 |
Gallomimia | Gh0st-: what system to you want to send file from? | 21:33 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: as already answered: ssh | 21:34 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: cant get my head around | 21:34 |
Gallomimia | ssh is not installed by default on windows. | 21:34 |
Guest49504 | thanks! i just went go to learn how to use in spanish. Have a nice Day (-8 | 21:34 |
Gh0st- | Gallomimia: Windows | 21:34 |
harishkrupo | Gh0st-, scp or sftp | 21:34 |
Gallomimia | yes. | 21:34 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: it can handle scp or sftp too with ssh | 21:34 |
Gallomimia | i suggest you download the program called file zilla to the windows computer | 21:34 |
harishkrupo | Gh0st-, use winscp | 21:34 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: do I have to setup ssh? on ubuntu | 21:34 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: and if you say "server" its clear you want and already have ssh. | 21:34 |
Gallomimia | winscp works too | 21:34 |
Fuchs | Gh0st-: yes, you need sshd running on ubuntu | 21:34 |
Gh0st- | harishkrupo: yeah I am but not connecting | 21:34 |
Gallomimia | these programs can run thru the ssh server running by default on the ubuntu server | 21:34 |
Gh0st- | Fuchs: how would I check that | 21:34 |
Fuchs | Gh0st-: then a client (e.g. winscp) on windows to transfer the files. | 21:34 |
k1l_ | !ssh | Gh0st- | 21:35 |
ubottu | Gh0st-: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 21:35 |
Gallomimia | or is it a ubuntu desktop? ssh is of by default | 21:35 |
wastrel | does dropbox work on linux | 21:35 |
Fuchs | Gallomimia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring | 21:35 |
k1l_ | wastrel: of course | 21:35 |
Fuchs | wastrel: yes, they have an official client | 21:35 |
Gallomimia | Fuchs: it is gh0st who has questions | 21:35 |
Fuchs | Gallomimia: yus, mistab, thanks | 21:35 |
Gh0st- | how can I check if its running | 21:35 |
Gh0st- | or not? | 21:35 |
Fuchs | Gh0st-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring and sudo service sshd status | 21:35 |
jarray52 | `nmap -sP <my ip range>` does not return hostnames. Only ip addresses are listed. Furthermore, I can't ping a machine by name. Only ip. How do I fix DNS name resolution? | 21:35 |
Gh0st- | its a VPS | 21:35 |
Fuchs | Gh0st-: but configure it properly before running it | 21:36 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: how do you connect to your server? | 21:36 |
Gallomimia | your vps has it running. | 21:36 |
Fuchs | Gh0st-: it basically allows remote login, so you want that to be configured properly. | 21:36 |
Gallomimia | a third party provider?? | 21:36 |
Gallomimia | what will you use this VPS for gh0st? | 21:36 |
asmodai__ | Im not a fan of the ubuntu startup sound. when I try to change it I goto /usr/share/sound/ubuntu/stereo and overright the desktop-login.ogg file with a different file named the same as the ubuntu one. Yet it still doesn't play the sound I want when the login screen comes up | 21:37 |
kuba7447 | hello | 21:37 |
Gallomimia | hi. | 21:37 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: its a VPS | 21:37 |
kuba7447 | im new to linux | 21:38 |
Gallomimia | Gh0st-: i’ve used ubuntu VPS for many things. do you rent it? are you using it for webserver? gameserver? | 21:38 |
asmodai__ | whats up kuba | 21:38 |
Gallomimia | kuba7447: welcome! | 21:38 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: there is not a "one click and you are done" way to handle a server properly without causing a lot of security issues. so better start reading into what you are doing there instead of searching for a solution that you dont need to know anything about | 21:38 |
Gallomimia | it’s a fun thing. a little hard to fix sometimes, but usually easy to use. | 21:38 |
Gh0st- | Gallomimia: I just want to transfer a bloody folder | 21:38 |
Gh0st- | lol | 21:38 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: _how_ do you connect to that vps server? | 21:38 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: putty | 21:38 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: so. do you know what putty uses to connect? its already ssh | 21:39 |
asmodai__ | @ Gh0st why not use ssh dude? | 21:39 |
kuba7447 | feels good to dont have to worry about viruses and blue screen of death, lol | 21:39 |
asmodai__ | kuba | 21:39 |
harishkrupo | putty uses ssh Gh0st- | 21:39 |
Gh0st- | k1l_: Yeah but how would I transfer a folder | 21:39 |
Gallomimia | i recommend file zilla. get the software for free. configure it with the putty credentials and use “SFTP”. it gives ftp like interface to transfer files and folders | 21:39 |
asmodai__ | dont think that way because that isnt the truth of the matter | 21:39 |
Gallomimia | putty does not transfer files | 21:39 |
Gallomimia | you need a second program for this. | 21:39 |
k1l_ | !sftp | Gh0st- | 21:39 |
ubottu | Gh0st-: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 21:39 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: start reading! | 21:40 |
asmodai__ | kuba? | 21:40 |
kuba7447 | this numix circle icon theme look really nice... | 21:40 |
Gallomimia | that’s not a helpful snipped from ubottu for sftp | 21:40 |
Gallomimia | it’s just an alias for ssh? | 21:40 |
kuba7447 | yes asmodai? | 21:40 |
asmodai__ | have you ever heard of noobslab.com? | 21:40 |
kuba7447 | no | 21:41 |
mafia | hello | 21:41 |
asmodai__ | take a look it's pretty good for making your desktop look sweet | 21:41 |
k1l_ | ghosthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/TransferFiles | 21:41 |
k1l_ | Gh0st-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/TransferFiles | 21:41 |
asmodai__ | @kuba - open a terminal [ctrl+alt+T] and sudo ufw enable | 21:42 |
Gh0st- | WOoho | 21:42 |
Gh0st- | I am in | 21:42 |
Gh0st- | WOohHOOo | 21:42 |
Gh0st- | WOhoOO | 21:42 |
kuba7447 | making ubuntu look like osX? no thanks... | 21:42 |
Gh0st- | silly me | 21:42 |
Gh0st- | wasn't entering the right port | 21:42 |
Gh0st- | lol | 21:42 |
Gallomimia | sftp and ftp do not use the same port | 21:42 |
pcypher | ok ya, still cant boot... verified the virtual disk | 21:42 |
pcypher | that looks fine, | 21:43 |
pcypher | when I go into grub | 21:43 |
histo | scp somedirectory user@server:/where/to/put/on/server | 21:43 |
asmodai__ | @kuba - it isnt just for making it look like os x dude there are a stack of different icons themes and programs that can help customize your desktop the way you want. dont dismiss the site they have some good things on there | 21:43 |
k1l_ | pcypher: so its vmware? | 21:43 |
histo | Gh0st-: ^^^ | 21:43 |
pcypher | no, its got an lsi raid on it | 21:43 |
pcypher | when I go into grub | 21:43 |
pcypher | hdparam on hd0 shows 3 partitions | 21:43 |
pcypher | partition 2 has a fs on it, | 21:44 |
asmodai__ | ok anyways back to the probelm im having | 21:44 |
pcypher | and grub is pointing at it, hd0,gpt2 | 21:44 |
kuba7447 | i installed the proprietary driver, will i be able to play counter strike source? | 21:44 |
asmodai__ | startup sound on ubuntu. how do i change it anyone? | 21:44 |
pcypher | ive been here before a long time ago, think i need to make a usb live cd and chroot | 21:44 |
pcypher | that sound right ? | 21:44 |
histo | asmodai__: settings anyone | 21:44 |
asmodai__ | @ histo - I'm adding my own custom file | 21:45 |
asmodai__ | settings wont allow that | 21:45 |
pcypher | its a physical box, supermicro | 21:46 |
asmodai__ | which is why i used terminal to overwrite the original with my own .ogg fie | 21:46 |
asmodai__ | file* | 21:46 |
pcypher | im not having a good day | 21:46 |
pcypher | :S | 21:46 |
asmodai__ | but it doesn't recognise it | 21:46 |
histo | asmodai__: why? | 21:46 |
pcypher | check perms and ownership | 21:47 |
pcypher | for the ogg | 21:47 |
asmodai__ | I scrubbed the .ogg with MAT. | 21:47 |
asmodai__ | @histo I don't know why yet but intend to find out | 21:47 |
histo | pcypher: can you ask your question on one line instead of using the enter key as punctuation. | 21:48 |
pcypher | wilco | 21:48 |
joaopedrobrazil | s | 21:50 |
_Myst_ | Should I use $HOME/bin or /bin | 21:51 |
_Myst_ | ? | 21:51 |
Gh0st- | thank you soo much guys | 21:51 |
Gh0st- | I will back with more questions | 21:51 |
Gh0st- | :P | 21:51 |
asmodai__ | $home /bin | 21:52 |
_Myst_ | If it doesn't exist, shouldI make it? | 21:52 |
asmodai__ | so like no | 21:52 |
asmodai__ | you have the home and bin already | 21:52 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: yes, create the home/bin and put your user stuff there | 21:53 |
bekks | _Myst_: Using it for what? | 21:53 |
_Myst_ | A perl script | 21:53 |
_Myst_ | that I want to run often | 21:53 |
_Myst_ | so better to just vt | 21:53 |
_Myst_ | have it | 21:53 |
bekks | _Myst_: Run it as a particular user? | 21:54 |
kuba7447 | the flat colour theme looks nice, thanks asmodai_ | 21:54 |
wastrel | i usually make $HOME/bin/ to put stuff like that in | 21:54 |
_Myst_ | bekks Huh? | 21:55 |
asmodai__ | kuba - theres loads of stuff on there. check out conky. thats good for making your desktop look pretty futuristic too. also for a headsup. try synaptics package manager instead of software centre dude. software centre behaves like windows in the sense that it leaves unwanted files on your system when you uninstall a program. synaptics does the job properly and removes all of the things that are not needed | 21:56 |
_Myst_ | Will $HOME/bin automatically alias it? | 21:57 |
_Myst_ | For example, given file $HOME/bin/myScript.py | 21:57 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: yes, for that user | 21:57 |
_Myst_ | can I restart terminal and type myScript | 21:57 |
_Myst_ | or do I need to full-restart? | 21:57 |
asmodai__ | @ _Myst_ -I wasn't trying to mislead. I thought you were referring to your original install when you mentioned HOME~:/bin | 21:58 |
Bashing-om | _Myst_: If you are going to use $HOME/bin for your scripts; consider adding it to your path : echo 'PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' ......... | 21:59 |
k1l_ | Bashing-om: _Myst_ home/bin is already in path on ubuntu | 22:00 |
kuba7447 | thanks asmodai_ | 22:01 |
Bashing-om | k1l_: :) , Now, that I was not aware of, thanks . | 22:01 |
_Myst_ | How do I access partitions? | 22:01 |
_Myst_ | Like, the files inside a partition | 22:01 |
nimbiotics | hello everyone. I have ubuntu 14.04 vbox VM. For no reason at all, I created a snapshot of thiis VM, which I later deleted. After deletion, when I start the VM, I get the GUI login screen, I enter my pwd, the screen goes black for a split second, I hear the standard ubuntu sound and then I get the GUI login screen again, and again. can someone please help me identify what is happening here?? TIA! | 22:01 |
ObrienDave | nimbiotics, it this using Vbox? if so, you can ask in #vbox | 22:04 |
nimbiotics | ObrienDave: Thanks | 22:04 |
ObrienDave | doh, now i see vbox ;P | 22:04 |
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=== sG is now known as sG_ | ||
_Myst_ | youtube-dl isn't wong | 22:05 |
_Myst_ | working | 22:05 |
_Myst_ | :/ | 22:05 |
k1l_ | !details | _Myst_ | 22:07 |
ubottu | _Myst_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 22:07 |
Bashing-om | _Myst_: How do you want to access these files ? from the GUI (file manager) or from terminal ? | 22:07 |
_Myst_ | Bashing-om: Eithers fine | 22:08 |
sG_ | Anyone know if there's a way in Ubuntu to map alt+backspace to delete an entire line like in OSX? | 22:08 |
_Myst_ | I just want to access the files isnide a partition | 22:08 |
_Myst_ | to copy them over | 22:08 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: mount the partition, then copy the files | 22:09 |
k1l_ | if you run unity the nautilus filebrowser can handle that for you | 22:09 |
Bashing-om | _Myst_: In the file manager in the left pane is all the file systems the system is aware of, just double click to open . With terminal one makes up a mount point, and mounts the target file system directly . | 22:10 |
_Myst_ | Another question | 22:11 |
_Myst_ | Fro some reason my bin doesn't work | 22:11 |
_Myst_ | bin, not garbage bin, like the one for scripts | 22:11 |
_Myst_ | I can put anything I want there | 22:11 |
_Myst_ | not recognized | 22:11 |
_Myst_ | (Let me put that on one line) | 22:12 |
_Myst_ | Why don't files I put in $HOME/bin not become pseudo-command? | 22:12 |
k1l_ | if its in the users /home/bin then it gets put in PATH. please relogin first | 22:12 |
_Myst_ | oh okay. | 22:12 |
_Myst_ | What if it's in /usr/bin | 22:12 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: what you mean by pseudocommand? its in path. its not an alias then | 22:13 |
* _Myst_ shrugs | 22:14 | |
_Myst_ | What if it's in /usr/bin? | 22:15 |
kuba7447 | is linux good for gaming? | 22:16 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: i am not sure what you really want. | 22:16 |
dev_code | hi guys. There is nay command line on the terminal which allow you to edit any hmtl code on the remote server? Thanks | 22:16 |
k1l_ | kuba7447: that depends on the gamemakers shipping a linux version of the game | 22:16 |
_Myst_ | k1l_: Do I still need to re-login if the scripts are in /usr/local/bin? | 22:17 |
kuba7447 | ok, i heard that steams machines are coming out in October, is steamOS linux? | 22:17 |
ObrienDave | kuba7447, that depends. if you're expecting windows games to run like native windows, forget about it | 22:17 |
dasmith8815 | Good Afternoon All | 22:17 |
k1l_ | _Myst_: you need to relogin one time to get the PATH recognise the /home/bin folder. so just relogin now and you are done. you are making it way more difficult and confusing than it should be | 22:18 |
k1l_ | kuba7447: yes, steamOS is linux | 22:18 |
ObrienDave | *bites fingers* | 22:18 |
kuba7447 | yay! | 22:18 |
kuba7447 | does that means more games on linux? | 22:19 |
k1l_ | kuba7447: ask steam about that. we cant tell you what their plans are | 22:19 |
kuba7447 | ok | 22:19 |
kuba7447 | i hope steam machines will be successful, people say they wont be... | 22:20 |
k1l_ | kuba7447: we focus on actual ubuntu support in here. for chatting we have #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:20 |
kuba7447 | ok, i didnt know about other channels , sorry | 22:21 |
dev_code | There is any command line on the terminal which allow you to edit any hmtl code on the remote server? Thanks | 22:22 |
k1l_ | dev_code: any cli editor you want. nano, vim, emacs, ... .. .. | 22:23 |
jarray52 | On my Ubuntu 14.04LTS box, when I run `nmap -sP', I don't get hostnames. My Macbook and debian machines correctly print the hostnames with the same command. Where should I start to debug this issue? | 22:23 |
dev_code | k1l_: I am wondering if I can edit it on the terminal | 22:23 |
k1l_ | dev_code: yes you can | 22:24 |
dev_code | sound like obama :) any command line? | 22:24 |
k1l_ | <k1l_> dev_code: any cli editor you want. nano, vim, emacs, ... .. .. | 22:24 |
wastrel | linux | 22:25 |
DylanRJ | Can I add music to my iPhone from Ubuntu? I've heard Banshee or Rhythmbox might work, any confirmation of that? I have a 6+ | 22:28 |
rafid | how can write code in ubuntu open source | 22:30 |
DylanRJ | rafid: learn how to use git, open Gedit, pick a project, and start hacking | 22:31 |
Bashing-om | rafid: A good place to start : http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FullBashGuide . | 22:31 |
jarray52 | My `/etc/resolv.conf` on my Ubuntu box does not have a line `domain lan`. However, my macbook and debian boxes do. What causes this to be missing? Is this an Ubuntu 14.04LTS issue or a router configuration problem? | 22:31 |
ltk | i builded the kernel 3.18.3 | 22:36 |
ltk | but it show a error "gzip: no space left on device" | 22:37 |
nicomachus | hey guys, I have an encrypted partition temporarily mounted at /tmp/ecryptfs.N0qB6feN/, and I want to backup the entire contents somewhere online (Drive preferably), but I'm not sure how to get them there | 22:38 |
ltk | i don't know what happes | 22:38 |
Bashing-om | ltk: /boot partition full ' df -h ; df -i ' ? | 22:39 |
ltk | the /home free 1.2G | 22:39 |
rafid | how can i know linux is open source | 22:40 |
ltk | rafid: get a soueces | 22:40 |
rafid | how | 22:40 |
nicomachus | rafid: https://askubuntu.com/questions/2964/where-can-i-find-the-source-code-for-the-ubuntu-kernel | 22:41 |
ltk | google 'linux kernel', | 22:41 |
nicomachus | or, run 'apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)' with your kernel image name | 22:41 |
mvmacedo | hi all | 22:42 |
rafid | i want to work with open source idea | 22:42 |
ltk | nicomachus:ok, now i'm in classroom | 22:42 |
ltk | wait some time, i try it | 22:43 |
dw1 | is there a way to get nautilus to do a 'bare' listing over NFS to speed it up | 22:45 |
dw1 | e.g. /bin/ls is way faster than the ls alias on a folder with lots of files | 22:45 |
dw1 | https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7005969 | 22:45 |
nimbiotics | hello everyone. I have ubuntu 14.04 vbox VM. For no reason at all, I created a snapshot of thiis VM, which I later deleted. After deletion, when I start the VM, I get the GUI login screen, I enter my pwd, the screen goes black for a split second, I hear the standard ubuntu sound and then I get the GUI login screen again, and again. can someone please help me identify what is happening here?? TIA! | 22:47 |
EriC^^ | nimbiotics: get to a tty and type ls -l ~/.Xauthority | 22:50 |
nimbiotics | EriC^^: thanks, will try | 22:51 |
nimbiotics | EriC^^: the ,Xauthority file is there. Sshould I delete it? | 22:55 |
EriC^^ | no, who's the owner? | 22:56 |
nimbiotics | the owner is root | 22:57 |
EriC^^ | nimbiotics: ok, type sudo chown <your user>: ~/.Xauthority | 22:58 |
nimbiotics | and reboot? | 22:59 |
EriC^^ | nimbiotics: no, type sudo service lightdm restart | 22:59 |
Bashing-om | nimbiotics: better take a look at the permissions on ~/.ICEauthority, too. It often gets changed when ~/.Xauthority gets changed. The same fix applies. | 22:59 |
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | hey everybody. i was just wondering how i enable the gray ambiance theme. I installed it from the PPA successfully but i dont know how to apply it and it doesnt pop up in my themes window | 23:00 |
nimbiotics | Bashing-om: ~/.ICEauthority, is OK | 23:00 |
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | im on Ubunt by the way | 23:00 |
meshuggah | hell everyone, could someone tell me which file system would be the most robust to use? | 23:01 |
Peter-C | Running Ubuntu server. ESXI. The Windows VM has a 1GB/S connection on the same adaptor the Ubuntu server is on. Turned off the Windows server. ubuntu server still gets 200 down and 30 up. mii-tool hates it saying no MII interfaces found. What should I do? | 23:02 |
nimbiotics | EriC^^, Bashing-om: It is working as expected, thank you very much to both of you! | 23:02 |
EriC^^ | nimbiotics: great, no problem | 23:02 |
Bashing-om | meshuggah: For what application ? ext4 is still best for general purpose - all-around do it all usage . | 23:03 |
meshuggah | Bashing-om, desktop usage, web, games, dev, power-losing, harddrive failing | 23:03 |
meshuggah | Bashing-om, long uptime | 23:04 |
meshuggah | dayss | 23:04 |
meshuggah | what about btrfs? | 23:05 |
OerHeks | harddrive failing,all filesystems will do | 23:05 |
Bashing-om | meshuggah: ext4, still solid and has full support . Unless you have reason to use else, there is no reason not to use ext4 . | 23:06 |
meshuggah | ok thank, sad i dont have money to buy new hard drives, not sure if it is hard-drive-failing, electricity losing, or pure stupidity from me, but everything i install get corrupted and stop working soon | 23:07 |
meshuggah | probably these 3 reasons | 23:07 |
Bashing-om | meshuggah: Yuk, There are tools to check the hard drive and file system . | 23:08 |
Ben64 | what symptoms are you experiencing | 23:08 |
meshuggah | Ben64, OS stoping to work, partition disappearing, s.ma.r.t error(that i dont understand ) | 23:08 |
nicomachus | I need some help backup up the contents of this hard drive from a live usb. I have the encrypted drive mounted and readable, but I can't figure out how to upload it somewhere. I could use rsync from this point, but I don't have anywhere to send it with enough space. | 23:08 |
meshuggah | in the past 2 weeks i installed 14-15 OSes on this ONE PC, and all are breaking apart | 23:09 |
Ben64 | meshuggah: you should pastebin the output of "smartctl -a" for us | 23:09 |
hplc | how do i get the background as well as foreground(the text) color / color code(s) from the bash shell / terminal i currently use? | 23:09 |
Ben64 | meshuggah: "sudo smartctl -a" * | 23:09 |
nicomachus | EriC^^: if you remember, this is that pc from the other day. still can't get it to boot well, so I'm just going to nuke it and fresh install. need to backup the home folder first though | 23:09 |
meshuggah | okay thank ben64 i try it | 23:09 |
zacktu | I can't read pdf portfolios (collections of pdf documents joined together). Google finds lots of discussion in 2010-2012, but I don't think I can find any resolution. So how can I read pdf portfolios? | 23:12 |
Jamie_1 | for some odd reason my gimp will not run, when ran in terminal i get segmentation fault(core dumped) | 23:12 |
jturek | zacktu, is the PDF portfolo password protected with digital rights management? | 23:13 |
zacktu | I don't think so. I have been able to read the file in Windows 7 and 8. | 23:14 |
jturek | Normally, by default, double clicking a PDF file will allow you to read a standard multipage PDF file | 23:14 |
Jamie_1 | does any one know what i can do to get gimp back up and running | 23:14 |
jturek | Ubuntu calls the program "Document Viewer" | 23:14 |
meshuggah | Ben64, http://pastebin.com/hFP8guTj | 23:14 |
jturek | Jamie_1, I would re-install gimp using the Ubuntu Software Center | 23:14 |
Jamie_1 | jturek: i did both software center reinstall and apt-get reinstall | 23:15 |
meshuggah | oh, and also 2 usb-external drive got recently corrupted too, not only sata one | 23:15 |
Jamie_1 | neither worked | 23:15 |
zacktu | I use document viewer for everything else. When I try to open this file I see a window that says I need a newer version of Acrobat reader. | 23:15 |
jturek | Jamie_1, could be that you have a corrupted configuration file? You should have a hidden directory called .gimp-2.8 in your Home directory | 23:16 |
jturek | (or whatever version you are running) | 23:16 |
Jamie_1 | let me look | 23:16 |
jturek | zacktu, it sounds like the PDF you are trying to view has some type of advanced adobe feature that is not part of the PDF standard | 23:16 |
=== angel__ is now known as Redmega | ||
jturek | If you enable the canonical partners repository, Adobe Acrobat is included there and should provide enough features for your need | 23:17 |
Jamie_1 | jturek: all i see is a bunch of update notifier crash var crash files | 23:17 |
xreal | Sorry for asking in here, but #lubuntu seems to have a pretty small community. A friend gave me his 7-year-old Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro notebook. It's running Windows XP, but I want to run Lubuntu on it. After inserting the stable x86-CD, it just hangs with the Lubuntu logo on it... Do I need an older version or some drivers? | 23:17 |
=== Guest68410 is now known as Fraj | ||
jturek | Jamie_1, may i ask if Gimp has ever worked? did this just suddenly start? | 23:18 |
zacktu | I've asked the person who generates the file, and she says that she's using a portfolio, which enables her to join together lots of separate pdf documents. I've also tried several command line tools with no success. By the way the message is "For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio inAcrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later." | 23:18 |
jarray52 | My router is sending back domainname lan, but NetworkManager as configure on Ubuntu is not creating a domainname entry in /etc/resolv.conf. Furthermore, `nmap -sP' doesn't give hostnames. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? | 23:18 |
Jamie_1 | it did a while back... then it stopped and my need for it went away... but now i need it | 23:18 |
jturek | zacktu, ahh, yes, I see that Adobe "portfolio" embeds flash inside the PDF... | 23:19 |
Jamie_1 | any suggestions jturek... i really need some sort of image editor... (was hoping i could get gimp running) | 23:20 |
jturek | zacktu, There are notes on Launchpad that possibly "evince" can open some PDF portfiolo features | 23:21 |
=== stack is now known as Guest5473 | ||
zacktu | I've tried Chrome in addition to Firefox because I thought that Chrome would handle flash better. Nothing changed, however. | 23:21 |
zacktu | I'll look there and see what I can find. Thanks much. | 23:22 |
sveta | just don't use flash. it's so non-standard and dependant on the implementation... | 23:22 |
BrianH | Hey guys. Any recommendation for a scanner app? I have a TON of obituaries cutout from my local news paper dating back several years, and I'm looking for something that I can use to easily scan 4-5 images at a time and fast file name entry. | 23:23 |
=== VA6DAH is now known as VA6DAH_ | ||
BrianH | Simple Scan seems to work, but I can't find a way to set PNG as the default image format. | 23:24 |
BrianH | I can't even figure out how to use Xane to crop. | 23:24 |
Bashing-om | xreal: Lubuntu will not fit on a CD, requires a DCD (or USB); If this is a DVD, can you boot " try ubuntu " ? Have you verified the burn ? | 23:25 |
Bashing-om | DVD* | 23:25 |
xreal | Bashing-om: Sure, Lubuntu is about 700 MB. | 23:26 |
xreal | Bashing-om: It boots, anything is fine. But when selecting the live or installation mode, it stopps at the splash. | 23:26 |
xreal | Bashing-om: I think, the hardware is too old. | 23:26 |
Bashing-om | xreal: Last I tried, lubuntu was 706 Mb . | 23:26 |
meshuggah | BrianH, seem simplescan can save as png | 23:26 |
u53j | j | 23:27 |
xreal | Bashing-om: trust me, the size of the iso is *not* the problem. | 23:27 |
BrianH | megabit|away, yeah, but every time I save a new image it defaults to jpg. Any way to make it PNG? | 23:27 |
xreal | I really think about reinstalling Windows XP :( | 23:27 |
BrianH | er, meshuggah ^^ | 23:27 |
u53j | you cant install windows xp. its a vegetable now | 23:27 |
meshuggah | BrianH, or skanlite | 23:27 |
BrianH | I just discovered I might be able to use Gimp to do this. | 23:27 |
meshuggah | BrianH, yes too | 23:28 |
BrianH | checking it out now ... | 23:28 |
u53j | any good software for calculus? | 23:28 |
Spec-Chum | u53j, no but there's plenty of derivatives | 23:29 |
Spec-Chum | boom, boom | 23:29 |
meshuggah | u53j, dunno check there http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Mathematics_software | 23:29 |
Spec-Chum | I just use wolframalpha | 23:30 |
jarray52 | Would someone using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS dpaste their /etc/resolv.conf file? Namely, I'm wondering whether a domain is present. | 23:31 |
u53j | is ok im using one online | 23:32 |
u53j | thanks though | 23:32 |
u53j | so flash player doesnt support linux anymore | 23:33 |
wastrel | jarray52: # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) | 23:33 |
bazhang | !find pepperflash | 23:33 |
ubottu | Found: pepperflashplugin-nonfree | 23:33 |
bazhang | u53j, see above | 23:33 |
DalekSec | bazhang: Better to use the thing from partner, IMO. | 23:33 |
DalekSec | !info adobe-flashplugin partner | 23:33 |
ubottu | adobe-flashplugin (source: adobe-flashplugin): Adobe Flash Player plugin. In component main, is optional. Version 1:20150512.1-0vivid1 (partner), package size 9162 kB, installed size 31128 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 23:33 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> thats it ... http://dpaste.com/1RQ72Y7 | 23:33 |
bazhang | DalekSec, nice one, thanks | 23:34 |
DalekSec | (Has both PPAPI and NPAPI) | 23:34 |
DalekSec | bazhang: Sure thing. | 23:34 |
u53j | but it does not support linux anymore, any reason why? | 23:34 |
promet | xreal, sometimes, on older hardware, especially low-ram hardware, the live-cd/usb installs can seem to stall/crash, but are actually still working in the backgroun. I've sometimes had them go on for quite a bit, loading/extracting data into ram before proceeding. | 23:34 |
bazhang | u53j, it does | 23:34 |
meshuggah | u53j, illuminati | 23:34 |
promet | just a thought... | 23:34 |
bazhang | u53j, we just gave you two options for flash | 23:35 |
xreal | promet: 2 GHz Dual-Core isn't *that* slow :) But the HDD isn't blinking anymore. | 23:35 |
u53j | i already have flash, thanks | 23:35 |
xreal | promet: sorry, 2x 1.8 GHz :( | 23:35 |
bazhang | u53j, its still there for linux | 23:35 |
u53j | thats not what the official website says | 23:35 |
jarray52 | dduarte: Thanks. You don't have a domain listed either. Do you have dns hostnames when you run a command such as `nmap -sP 192.168.*.0/24` where * is the number of your local network? | 23:36 |
bazhang | u53j, the repos say otherwise, so not important | 23:36 |
u53j | i mean, it is still availalble yeah | 23:36 |
promet | xreal that, I think, cpu spec? I'm referring to the ram, which is where the os must operate from; i.e. not a cpu bottle-neck, but a ram bottle-neck | 23:36 |
u53j | get ssd | 23:37 |
meshuggah | =( | 23:37 |
meshuggah | oops wrong channel, sorry | 23:37 |
xreal | promet: it's 4 GB. Debian installation work with 64 MB RAM... I wonder, why (L)ubuntu is that bad? | 23:37 |
xreal | works* | 23:37 |
u53j | i like ubuntu for work | 23:37 |
histo | xreal: you only have 64mb of ram? | 23:37 |
promet | xreal, hmmmmm, yeah, that should do it. that's unexpected... | 23:37 |
xreal | histo: I've got 4 GB :) | 23:38 |
u53j | how old is that computer? | 23:38 |
xreal | u53j: I think about 6 years? | 23:38 |
histo | I'm running a dual core at 1.2ghz right now | 23:38 |
xreal | u53j: let me just check. | 23:38 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> I'll do a check here, 1 moment. I never did it before in my LAN XD | 23:38 |
histo | speeds up to 2.2 as needed | 23:38 |
u53j | overcloking it will help | 23:38 |
meshuggah | histo, how is ubuntu running on it? | 23:38 |
promet | try Xubuntu, or maybe, since it's kind of beefy, actually, for "old hardware", try Mate | 23:38 |
histo | meshuggah: not running ubuntu right now. I have in the past and it's usable. | 23:39 |
histo | meshuggah: An ssd will help greatly. | 23:39 |
promet | I've also had some live-distros just "not like the hardware", for no good reason I had the time to find out... | 23:39 |
histo | meshuggah: right now I'm running i3 or xfce on Arch linux with this setup. | 23:39 |
meshuggah | histo, nice, this is fast | 23:40 |
xreal | u53j: It's 8 years old. Fujitsu AMILO Pro V3515 | 23:40 |
Guest21173 | mint (14.04) x64 having two issues. 1) sudoers not taking my entry: "user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" and 2) /etc/rc.local has conky and doesn't run at boot/login | 23:40 |
u53j | this is a i5 480, running fast with my ssd 240 | 23:40 |
histo | Ubuntu will run fine on a dualcore. You will certainly notice a speed difference running xubuntu or lubuntu though. | 23:41 |
EriC^^ | Guest21173: you shouldn't run conky as root | 23:41 |
Guest21173 | EriC^^, okay I'll add it to bash profile for my user | 23:41 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> Hm, nope... The scan doesn't show the reverse name | 23:41 |
u53j | the best way to avoid problem like this is to get a lighter version | 23:41 |
EriC^^ | Guest21173: conky has an option for autostarting | 23:41 |
histo | Guest21173: conky doesn't belong in rc.local or your bash profile | 23:41 |
histo | Guest21173: also use visudo to edit your sudoers | 23:41 |
EriC^^ | Guest21173: it adds itself to the startup apps | 23:41 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> (only Mac ADDR and IP addr) | 23:42 |
Guest21173 | histo, was editing sudoers as root | 23:42 |
histo | Guest21173: yes | 23:42 |
jarray52 | dduarte: Every other machine I have (macbook, debian box) does show the dns name. Furthermore, I can' ping by dns name on my Ubuntu box, but I can on my other boxes. | 23:42 |
histo | Guest21173: use visudo | 23:42 |
jarray52 | dduarte: I'm inclined to believe this may be a configuration bug. | 23:43 |
jarray52 | dduarte: Would you post your /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf file? | 23:43 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> yep, it's can be a bug, surely... | 23:44 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> http://dpaste.com/2BN3JD4 | 23:44 |
jarray52 | dduarte: Do you know what ofono is? I have that as well, and I was thinking it is the source of the problem. Do you have Skype installed? | 23:45 |
Guest21173 | histo, re-added entry using visudo: "user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" and still prompted for password | 23:45 |
mcphail | Guest21173: are you running Mint or proper Ubuntu. We can't support Mint here | 23:45 |
u53j | mint oreos... | 23:46 |
Guest21173 | mcphail, mint, however it's based on ubuntu and sudo is the same system | 23:46 |
meshuggah | Guest21173, mint got its own network | 23:46 |
Ben64 | Guest21173: mint isn't supported here. try #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 23:46 |
mcphail | Guest21173: based on Ubuntu is not the same as Ubuntu | 23:46 |
Guest21173 | So you're saying sudo binary is compiled differently on mint vs ubuntu? | 23:47 |
meshuggah | Guest21173, #linuxmint-help or #linuxmint-chat there, they provide support on -chat as well as in -help | 23:47 |
Ben64 | it could be | 23:47 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> I dont know... Yep, I have skype installed here | 23:47 |
dduarte | (the official deb from Microsoft, btw) | 23:47 |
mcphail | Guest21173: the point is, we don't know. It wastes everyone's time as we don't know the differences | 23:48 |
jarray52 | dduarte: Could be a MS introduced bug in their deb package as opposed to an Ubuntu bug. Guess we need some info from someone without Skype installed. | 23:48 |
beterraba | hey | 23:48 |
beterraba | i just installed skype | 23:48 |
beterraba | it seems to be working fine | 23:48 |
beterraba | if you need some input.. | 23:48 |
jarray52 | Would someone without Skype installed dpaste their /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf file? | 23:49 |
beterraba | i'd be glad to assist | 23:49 |
jarray52 | beterraba: Would you dpaste /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf? | 23:49 |
beterraba | so, u're looking for someone with or without skype? | 23:49 |
Ben64 | dduarte: http://sprunge.us/gWKA | 23:50 |
jarray52 | Yah, but I'm curious if you have the same problem as dduarte and I. | 23:50 |
beterraba | ok sure | 23:50 |
beterraba | let me see here | 23:50 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> It can be... Unfortunally, I can't test this right now =\. I hope what someone could help you | 23:50 |
jarray52 | dduarte: Thanks for your thus far. | 23:51 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> u'r welcome =) | 23:51 |
Ben64 | oh, that paste was for jarray52 | 23:51 |
dduarte | beterraba -> Can you paste the resolv.conf and networkmanager.conf for him? | 23:51 |
jarray52 | beterraba: What happens when you run `nmap -sP 192.168.*.0/24` on your box. Do you get hostnames? Can you ping other boxes on your local network by hostname? | 23:51 |
jarray52 | dduarte: Thanks | 23:52 |
jarray52 | Ben64: You don't have Skype installed, correct? | 23:52 |
Ben64 | correct | 23:53 |
jarray52 | Ben64: Would you paste /etc/resolv.conf? | 23:53 |
beterraba | jarray52: http://pastebin.com/EJhG7P3U | 23:53 |
Ben64 | jarray52: nameserver | 23:53 |
beterraba | this is the NetworkManager.conf file | 23:53 |
beterraba | let me see for the nmap | 23:53 |
meshuggah | isnt resolv.conf some ip from your isp? | 23:54 |
jarray52 | Ben64: You don't have a domain in /etc/resolv.conf? | 23:54 |
Ben64 | nope, thats the only non comment line | 23:54 |
dduarte | jarray52 -> Btw, here is a reference for ofono: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OFono | 23:54 |
meshuggah | mine say generated dhcpd eth0 with some isp ip | 23:55 |
meshuggah | dunno if that can be of help | 23:55 |
jarray52 | Ben64: When you run 'nmap -sP 192.168.*.0/24' where * is the number assigned on your local network, do you get hostnames? can you ping a machine on your local network by hostname? | 23:55 |
jarray52 | I'm starting to believe this is an Ubuntu configuration bug. | 23:56 |
beterraba | im trying to run the nmap line | 23:56 |
beterraba | how do i see the number of my assignet network? | 23:57 |
jarray52 | beterraba: ifconfig | 23:57 |
beterraba | .. | 23:57 |
Bashing-om | jarray52: A thought : sysop@1404mini:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf >> nameserver 192.168.0. ; where my router is my nameserver. | 23:57 |
Ben64 | jarray52: only the hostname i have set in /etc/hosts | 23:57 |
beterraba | where exactly in ifconfig | 23:57 |
beterraba | well, i tried for nothing appears | 23:58 |
beterraba | nmap keeps loading, no output.. | 23:58 |
meshuggah | resolv.conf is for dns, not router ip, right? | 23:59 |
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