=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb === strikov is now known as strikov-lunch === strikov-lunch is now known as strikov === rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz === zz_natorious is now known as natorious === rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb [18:52] Joshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'url_helper' module from bzr https://review.openstack.org/170242 [18:52] sweet, it works [18:52] we have bot! [18:52] ha [18:54] that's cool. :d [18:55] horay! [18:56] now never will miss a review, ha [18:56] guess i just need to adjust some review comments, lol [18:56] will get around to that :-P [18:58] smoser who else should be operator in this channel? [18:58] Odd_Bloke and claudiupopa ? [18:58] i'm good with those [18:58] k [18:58] do we need to do anything else ? [18:58] thanks. [18:59] flags #cloud-init claudiupopa +oO [18:59] soooo that one is running into issues [18:59] -ChanServ- claudiupopa is not registered. [18:59] sooo might need to register your IRC account claudiupopa [19:00] * http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC/Instructions#Register_your_nickname.2C_identify.2C_and_enforce [19:02] let me know when thats done and i can try to run that command again [19:06] done. [19:15] k, cool [19:15] done === rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz === natorious is now known as zz_natorious