
menn0thumper: another intermittent test failure fix: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1877/00:16
* thumper looks01:44
axwmenn0: can I bother you for a small txn assert fix? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1879/01:47
menn0axw: sure01:52
menn0axw: is the single worker responsible for block device updates a singular worker?01:56
axwmenn0: hah, good point. I'll check, but it doesn't actually matter anyway01:56
menn0axw: yeah I think I agree, but if it isn' then one of your points isn't accurate :)01:57
axwmenn0: it's instancepoller, and no it's not (should it be?)01:57
axwmenn0: I'll update the description ;)01:57
menn0axw: not sure if it should be or not01:58
menn0axw: i don't know much about instancepoller01:58
menn0axw: does setAddresses get called with the complete list of current addresses?02:05
axwmenn0: it's called with the in-memory ones. hmm, I guess it should really refresh shouldn't it02:07
menn0axw: that's what I was thinking02:08
menn0axw: otherwise there is a concurrent update problem02:08
axwmenn0: I'll write a test and fix, and poke you again in a bit02:09
menn0axw: sounds good02:09
menn0axw: i'll publish the one minor comment I had now02:09
thumpercoffee time02:10
axwwaigani: thanks for fixing that bug02:37
waiganiaxw: np :) thanks for the review02:37
axwmenn0: PTAL. I changed it to not use a txn loop anymore, since it'll never leave the state that fails the assertion02:38
menn0axw: will do. otp02:38
menn0axw: i think your change is probably ok b/c everyone who sets address should be trying to set the same thing03:10
menn0axw: the only problem I can see is if one of the address setting processes is slow and so ends up overwriting a more recent (and correct) set of addresses with a stale set03:11
axwmenn0: that would still happen before. it'd just have gone through the txn loop twice03:12
* menn0 nods03:13
menn0axw: i guess it would03:13
axwmenn0: it shouldn't be a major issue anyway, since the updates are periodic03:14
menn0axw: and i just noticed that the addresses are refreshed before every update as well now too03:15
menn0axw: which helps03:15
axwyep, thanks for picking that up03:15
menn0axw: ship it!03:17
axwmenn0: thanks03:17
menn0thumper: big debuglog refactoring... preparation for upcoming db log changes: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1883/05:13
menn0thumper: another refactoring branch to come05:13
thumpermenn0: done05:33
* thumper heads off05:33
mupBug #1462874 opened: Collapse workload-state and agent-state into state <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1462874>05:57
dimiternjam, morning07:01
dimiternjam, 1:1 ?07:01
TheMuedimitern: ping08:06
dimiternTheMue, sorry, omw08:06
dimiternTheMue, in the mean time http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1884/ ? :)08:07
TheMuedimitern: hehe, ok08:07
TheMuedimitern: thx for fixes, looks good08:55
dimiternTheMue, thanks for the review :)08:56
dooferladdimitern: hangout?09:02
voidspacedimitern: it's pushed http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1860/09:09
voidspacedimitern: when you have time09:09
dimiternvoidspace, cheers, will have a look shortly09:09
voidspacedimitern: you've frozen09:20
dimiternvoidspace, where?09:20
voidspacedimitern: are you still in the hangout?09:20
dimiternvoidspace, no09:21
dimiternvoidspace, :)I'm looking at your PR and will join our 1:1 hangout in a bit09:21
voidspacedimitern: ok, I'll grab coffee09:21
* TheMue is afk, bike ride to co-location office09:32
dimiternvoidspace, LGTM, I'm in the hangout btw09:33
voidspacedimitern: omw09:33
perrito666Morning al09:38
voidspacedimitern: do I need to manually merge my branch into a feature branch?09:57
voidspacedimitern: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/249309:57
voidspacedimitern: I thought the bot could handle feature branches09:57
voidspacemgz_: ^^^09:58
voidspacedimitern: mgz_: never mind...09:58
voidspacemy page was just stale09:58
voidspaceit has already happened...09:59
dimiternvoidspace, yeah, all good09:59
mupBug #1461529 changed: juju upgrade-charm has no effect for subordinate charms <subordinate> <upgrade-charm> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461529>10:07
dimiternvoidspace, we need to sync up the devices branch with master10:14
dimiternvoidspace, before it diverges too much10:14
voidspacedimitern: ok, I'll create a PR10:25
dimiternvoidspace, cheers!10:25
dimiterndooferlad, omw10:31
voidspacedimitern: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/252010:34
mupBug #1462966 opened: worker/provisioner: multiple data races <race-condition> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1462966>10:37
dimiternvoidspace, it's just a straight merge right?10:41
dimiternvoidspace, LGTM10:42
voidspacedimitern: yup, straight merge11:04
wallyworldjam: you around for the system image meeting?12:03
bachi frankban_, now that i'm home i see the results from 'make fcheck' i ran friday afternoon12:44
frankban_bac: cool, any problems?12:45
bacfrankban_: yeah, quite a few failures12:45
frankban_bac: weird it works here12:45
bacfrankban_:  let me paste them12:45
bacfrankban_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11648474/12:46
bacfrankban_: was i supposed to have an environment bootstrapped before running the tests?12:47
frankban_bac: so those seems related to the charm hook failing rather than quickstart.12:47
frankban_bac: no, no environment should be bootstrapped12:47
frankban_bac: I presume this is related to the lp outage12:47
bacfrankban_: ah, yes.12:48
frankban_bac: functional tests use the network12:48
frankban_bac: because charm isntallation requires network access12:48
frankban_bac: perhaps if you run them again you'll see them passing12:48
frankban_bac: make ftest could be faster12:48
bacfrankban_: ok, i'll try again. i have no idea if LP is more accessible today than friday12:49
frankban_bac: yeah, but I run ftests this morning for another branch and they passed12:49
wallyworldaxw: perrito666: just finishing another meeting, be there is a sec13:00
katcowwitzel3: fyi, they cable company is messing with my line. i might go dark for a bit. if i do, just have the standup w/o me13:22
katcowwitzel3: 1st day of the iteration, shouldn't be too much13:23
mupBug #1461954 opened: failed to unmarshall 503 <ci> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-quickstart:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461954>14:29
mupBug #1463047 opened: TestUpgraderRetryAndChanged fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-core jes-cli:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463047>14:29
wwitzel3katco: standup was as you'd expect :)14:34
mupBug #1463053 opened: NetworkSuite setup fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core feature-proc-mgmt:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463053>14:38
voidspacedimitern: ping15:01
dimiternvoidspace, pong15:03
voidspacedimitern: so in the container broker we're *already* populating the MAC address15:04
voidspacedimitern: using the template15:04
voidspacedimitern: const MACAddressTemplate = "00:16:3e:xx:xx:xx"15:04
voidspacedimitern: so the current code will put that into the XML for every KVM instance... :-)15:04
voidspacedimitern: I seem to recall you wanted to deliberately override any mac address coming from anywhere else15:05
voidspacedimitern: can you remember why?15:05
voidspacedimitern: this is lxc-broker.go:56615:05
dimiternvoidspace, that's because the lxc package understands :xx:xx and renders them to be unique15:05
dimiternvoidspace, we have to do the same for kvm I guess15:05
dimiternvoidspace, feel free to drop or changethe MACAddressTemplate15:06
voidspacedimitern: well, I'll replace it with a *specific* mac address15:06
voidspacea generated one15:06
voidspacestill within that template15:07
voidspacethat template range15:07
perrito666mmpf, does anyone else have the problem of the comment button on rb not creating a text box?15:07
dimiternvoidspace, sgtm15:08
voidspacedimitern: I think the rand package on play.golang.org may not be entirely random...15:21
voidspacedimitern: this code always generates the same MAC address...15:21
voidspacedimitern: http://play.golang.org/p/0wHt2bd9YX15:21
voidspaceeither that or results are cached15:21
voidspacedimitern: note that in that code I have to use []interface{} to pass to Printf (or Sprintf in the real code)15:21
dimiternvoidspace, will look in a bit15:21
voidspacedimitern: ok15:22
voidspacedimitern: I wondered why, I think that go is doing a shortcut when you unpack a slice in a call and collect them back up in a function definition15:22
voidspaceand []string can't be converted to []interface{}15:22
voidspacenatefinch: you'd probably know15:22
voidspacenatefinch: : http://play.golang.org/p/0wHt2bd9YX15:23
voidspacenatefinch: change []interface{} to []string and watch it fail15:23
voidspacenatefinch: that surprised me15:23
voidspace(although I know you can't cast an arbitrary slice to []interface{} - but in this case it's Go doing the cast not my code)15:23
natefinchvoidspace: well, you're passing a []string into something expecting a []interface{}.... so it is you :)15:26
voidspacenatefinch: well, I'm unpacking it15:26
voidspacenatefinch: the call is "digits..."15:26
voidspaceso I'm *not* passing the slice15:26
voidspaceI suspect that as Printf is packing back into a slice there's a shortcut that is a cast15:27
natefinchI think that's just syntactic sugar, so that Go knows you mean to pass each value in separately, rather than the whole slice as a single value15:27
voidspacewhich doesn't work15:27
voidspacenatefinch: right, but it's *not* passing them in spearately15:27
voidspacecasting a string to an interface{} would work, right?15:27
dimiternvoidspace, generating the same mac address seems to be related to not initializing rand seed (or just a quirk of the playground)15:27
voidspacedimitern: yeah, I expect so15:28
voidspacewas noting it more than asking a question :-)15:28
voidspaceit was the failed cast that I actually wondered about15:28
natefinchvoidspace: I do think it's a little surprising, but it is actually documented as simply being passed in that way: If the final argument is assignable to a slice type []T, it may be passed unchanged as the value for a ...T parameter if the argument is followed by .... In this case no new slice is created.15:31
natefinchfrom http://golang.org/ref/spec#Passing_arguments_to_..._parameters15:31
dimiternvoidspace, why not generating a slice of uint8 and converting that to a mac address?15:31
natefinchvoidspace: that snippet of your was very pythonic, btw15:33
voidspacedimitern: would that actually be less code?15:33
voidspacenatefinch: thank you15:34
katcowwitzel3: cool, ty :)15:34
natefinchvoidspace: it's not a good thing when you're writing go ;)15:34
voidspacenatefinch: it's *always* a good thing  ;-)15:34
voidspacePython has better primitives for generating hex strings... like a hex built-in15:35
voidspacealthough maybe Go has one too, I didn't look very far to be fair15:35
voidspaceah, I can use %x15:36
dimiternvoidspace, I don't know, just a suggestion :)15:40
voidspacedimitern: using hex.EncodeToString seems the best way - I still need to generate three of them15:40
voidspacedimitern: as I need them colon separated15:40
voidspacenatefinch: thanks for that reference by the way, useful15:40
voidspacenatefinch: it is surprising, and has the downside that you can never unpack a slice into a call that accepts []interface{}15:41
TheMuedimitern: leaving from colocation now back home, but should be there when net meeting is starting15:41
voidspacenatefinch: would you still say this is pythonic?15:47
voidspacenatefinch: http://play.golang.org/p/QfCqUYZ5P315:47
voidspacenatefinch: if so, could you explain what a more go-thonic approach would be?15:47
voidspace(I could just put three calls to rand.Intn(256) into the Printf call - but that seems a bit gross)15:48
natefinchvoidspace: haha, I have exactly that code in my playground buffer15:48
voidspacenatefinch: heh, cool15:48
voidspaceI just didn't know about %x15:48
voidspacebut then I didn't look very hard15:49
voidspacenatefinch: thanks15:49
natefinchvoidspace: I can't make it 0 pad the result though... so <17 is a single difit15:49
natefincher <1615:49
natefinch%0x should work , but doesn't somehow15:49
voidspacemaybe generating 6 digits is better then15:49
dimiternTheMue, no problem15:50
dimiternvoidspace, EncodeToString sounds reasonable15:50
voidspacedimitern: %x does that anyway (under the hood)15:51
perrito666natefinch:  :%02x"15:51
perrito666voidspace: ^15:51
voidspaceperrito666: thanks15:52
natefinchoh, right...15:52
natefinchperrito666: the documentation for that is not good15:53
perrito666natefinch: it is not I just learned all that stuff by trial and error while doing nolog15:53
natefinchperrito666: it's the way C/C++ do it... but the actual language in the Go doc is confusing.15:54
perrito666it is not the clearest formatting indeed15:55
lazyPowerDid we make any changes to juju-log in the latest 1.24-beta release?16:30
lazyPoweri'm not seeing anything in the project milestone changes that would indiciate it has  https://launchpad.net/juju-project/+milestone/1.24-beta516:30
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
lazyPowerDoes anyone have a moment to help me troubleshoot what info i shoudl be dumping into a bug? i've been able to reproduce the above consistently in the latest juju-1.24-beta6.1 release with unit commands hanging indefinately while attacehd to the unit via debug-hooks.17:45
lazyPowerheres what i have, and hopefully its got enough information to reproduce: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/146311718:07
mupBug #1463117: Juju 1.24-beta6.1 unit commands hang indefinately <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463117>18:07
mupBug #1350171 changed: windows service needs to implement Exists <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1350171>18:08
mupBug #1449617 changed: service.Service implementations are missing functional tests. <systemd> <upstart> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by gabriel-samfira> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1449617>18:08
mupBug #1463117 opened: Juju 1.24-beta6.1 unit commands hang indefinately <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463117>18:08
perrito666lazyPower: thanks for the report, I think I bumped into that a couple of weeks ago and then missed it18:09
lazyPowerperrito666: yeah, its really confusing at how specific and isolated it is18:10
lazyPowerthe fact when you detach and re-execute, leads me to beleive its something minor like a variable not making it into the context for auth w/ the socket or something.18:11
lazyPowerand it only cropped up in this beta 6.1, it was working as expected in beta-518:11
perrito666katco: I swear I am not trolling18:13
katcoperrito666: lol18:13
perrito666worth the clarification18:13
katcoperrito666: as someone who did not grow up with twitter, the 140char limit is infuriating18:13
perrito666katco: it is and it outlived its purpose long ago18:13
katcoperrito666: what i mean to say is patterns are the canonical way to solve a problem. they have been uncovered by people over the years18:14
katcoperrito666: if someone uses the wrong tool for the job, that doesn't make the pattern wrong, it makes the developer wrong18:14
perrito666katco: patterns are the canonical way to communicate a solution, at least from my pov18:14
katcoperrito666: yes, and that label implies a way of doing something18:14
perrito666katco: yes, but, as any other convention it is only useful if properly adopted18:15
katcoperrito666: yep18:15
katcoperrito666: but i disagree with the rally cry of "down with design patterns"18:15
perrito666so if the amount of people using a convetion in the wrong way is larger than the people using it right, it means the convetion is not useful since people cannot adopt it18:15
katcoperrito666: to me it is tantamount to saying "down with vocabulary"18:15
* perrito666 will hold a troll comment about english vocabulary :p18:16
katcoperrito666: but we're not talking about conventions, really. patterns are patterns because no one has discovered a better way.18:16
katcoperrito666: ignoring past exploration into the problem makes no sense to me.18:17
natefinchto me, too often it obscures the actual logic behind the code.  "Visit" should never be a function name in your code (unless you're running AirBNB or something)18:17
perrito666natefinch: well if someone implements a pattern verbatim then its cargo culting18:17
natefinchalso, they tend to overcomplicate the problem for dubious benefit18:17
perrito666like, if I tell you "solve this with a product consumer" you will most likely know what I mean but not implement the example out of wikipedia18:18
perrito666the issue is that there are a ton of cutpasters that call themselves developers18:19
perrito666aghh why do I keep having to do changes to things that lack tests and end up implementing the whole thing18:20
katcosorry, actual work stuff distracting me :) natefinch: if they don't have a benefit, then you shouldn't be using them18:22
perrito666katco: did you just tautologized nate?18:24
katcoperrito666: well that's kind of my point... the argument against patterns seem to be "but when i don't need a pattern and i use it, it doesn't provide value"18:24
katcoperrito666: i'm trying to point out that the utility is a f(developer) not f(pattern)18:24
natefinchkatco: that's what I keep telling people who keep using patterns, but they were published in a book by some people known as a gang, so they must be good.18:25
natefinchfor example, the visitor pattern turns simple iteration into callback hell.  Case in point: http://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Walk18:26
katconatefinch: i don't think you understood me. patterns are just code that solve specific problems, and the community has given them names18:27
katconatefinch: if the costs outweigh the benefits, then don't use that code18:27
katconatefinch: but that doesn't make the code intrinsically useless18:27
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
natefinchkatco: but by giving it a name and a default structure, it makes people think they have to use the whole thing, or it's "wrong", rather than just using the idea behind the pattern.  "Hey, you can let the object handle its own iteration, so you don't have to duplicate that code everywhere!"  "Oh, neat idea!"18:29
katconatefinch: once again, problem with the person, not the label18:30
natefinchkatco: but a *lot* of people.18:30
TheMuekatco: I wouldn't use the term "code" for patterns, they are just an idea on how entities can collaborate elegantly to solve a task, simplifying the communication about it between developers18:31
katcoTheMue: right18:31
natefinchsinzui: I have a bizarre thought.... do we really need anything other than the juju client built via ubuntu's methods?  Jujud just gets downloaded via simplestreams... in theory that jujud could be built however we want it to be, right?18:32
katconatefinch: a pattern is a truth. it exists regardless of adoption. saying "don't use it" is like saying "a lot of people get predicate calculus wrong, so no one use it"18:32
mupBug #1449617 opened: service.Service implementations are missing functional tests. <systemd> <upstart> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged by gabriel-samfira> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1449617>18:32
mupBug #1463133 opened: migrateLocalProviderAgentConfigSuite teardown fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463133>18:32
mupBug #1463135 opened: TestUniterHookSynchronisation fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463135>18:32
natefinchkatco: a lot of the reason I like go is because it takes a lot of existing solutions and says "don't do that".  For example, pointer arithmetic, operator overloading, etc.18:33
TheMuenatefinch: you're right that many developers think that they have to code and name exactly like in the patterns, that's surely naive.18:33
katconatefinch: my talk at gophercon will be attempting to convince people that go is not an excuse to ignore the lessons learned over the past 30, 40 years :)18:34
katconatefinch: this is a great example18:34
TheMuenatefinch: oh, coming to go, even go has "patterns". they are only called idioms here. ;)18:34
natefinchkatco: Oh, I'm not ignoring them.  I'm actively trying to kill them with fire ;)18:34
katconatefinch: that's like trying to kill the number 5, it makes no sense18:34
natefinchkatco: I hate the number 5.18:35
sinzuinatefinch: correct18:36
katconatefinch: and yet its existence is implicit to the universe, with no regard to your feelings ;)18:36
natefinchsinzui: that was not the answer I expected :)18:36
sinzuinatefinch: We build the Jujud using Lp, now, We used to let ubuntu do. Not any more. CI makes the Win and centos agents. We already have the infrastucture to make all jujuds separate from client packaging18:37
sinzuiQA considered it because we really want to upload just one agent per arch and OS18:38
natefinchsinzui: so, in theory, if we really needed to, we could keep the client 1.2.1 compatible, but still use 1.4.2 with Jujud?18:39
sinzuinatefinch: The only spanner in the works is that local-provider will not use streams. You cannot force it. Ubuntu want their packages to provide both client and server for local-host18:40
sinzuinatefinch: absolutely. That might also help us get to a smaller client.18:40
natefinchsinzui: true, but don't you already need a PPA for juju-local?18:40
sinzuinatefinch: no. anyone making the source package will get juju-core anf juju-local…but we both know the jujud wasn’t provided by juju-local. The client package still containers jujud18:42
natefinchsinzui: so it sounds like the answer is "no, we can't have jujud require 1.4.2 unless we have 1.4.2 in ubuntu"18:54
sinzuinatefinch: I don’t think that is true. The SRU is all aout the client. If core fixes local-provider to work with streams, then we and foundations change the packaging to be just about the client, then a user will get the new juju cllient, bootstrap, and still get a local env.19:04
natefinchsinzui: well, you just gave me my Friday labs project :)19:05
sinzuiI look forward to test the local provider with an untainted jujud19:06
perrito666wasnt going to be a lxd thing?19:15
natefinchperrito666: I'm not holding my breath19:16
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
natefinchit just now occurred to me that charms are basically plugins for juju19:36
natefinchericsnow, katco, wwitzel3: I think I nuked the workload process technology plugins card.... I tried to drag it into "in progress" and when I dropped it, it zooped up and away semewhere19:50
katconatefinch: looks like it was in archive. moved it back for ya19:51
natefinchkatco: oh, thanks, archive was scrolled off my screen, so I forgot it existed19:52
=== brandon is now known as web
natefinchericsnow: I see now what you were talking about all this time with modules... interesting approach.20:06
ericsnownatefinch: yeah :)20:07
katcoand another lightbulb goes on :)20:07
natefinchericsnow: should this be "args []string"?  https://github.com/ericsnowcurrently/juju/blob/ww3-container-mgmt/procmanager/plugin.go#L1120:35
ericsnownatefinch: perhaps20:36
ericsnownatefinch: if anything it would probably be a struct20:36
natefinchericsnow: right20:36
natefinchericsnow: also, do you really need to pass the description to launch?20:36
ericsnownatefinch: probably not20:37
natefinchericsnow: ok :)20:37
ericsnownatefinch: keep in mind that the Plugin (and PluginResource) interface were created mostly to sketch out the concept20:37
ericsnownatefinch: it may be that those two types are unnecessary20:38
ericsnownatefinch: I expect that in the end something like them will exist, though20:38
natefinchericsnow: no problem, was just making sure I wasn't missing important things you guys had already hashed out.20:43
ericsnownatefinch: k20:44
natefinchericsnow: what is the ID in "register <options> PROC-NAME ID" ?20:50
ericsnownatefinch: the ID that comes back from the plugin20:51
ericsnownatefinch: same as UniqueID in LaunchDetails20:51
katconatefinch: ericsnow: is the high-level architecture documented anywhere?20:51
natefinchericsnow: so proc-name is the juju-name for it, and id is the plugin's name20:51
katconatefinch: ericsnow: to scale this conversation to the team?20:51
ericsnownatefinch: pretty much20:51
ericsnowkatco: not really (yet)20:52
katcoericsnow: natefinch: now's a great time :) "make it so"20:52
natefinchkatco: I'm working off this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PcRQXaerlsACro4y1y5LWD-uvhfHya2CkOcoljyFyCU/edit#20:52
ericsnownatefinch: that doesn't specify much about the plugins though20:53
katconatefinch: that doc doesn't really document the architecture20:53
natefinchI know :)20:53
natefinchsort of my point ;)20:53
katconatefinch: specs != architectural docs20:53
katcothe questions are coming up naturally now, so it's a good time to write down the answers20:54
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: I started a doc on the plugin spec: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qlHneZ7UHoNgGska46XKhqyYOHLKUSob41puQyG80GQ/edit#20:54
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: I can start one on the high level architecture20:54
natefincharchitecture/glossary :)20:55
katconatefinch: doesn't have to be anything too elaborate. just a high-level component diagram, maybe a sequence diagram20:55
ericsnownatefinch: k20:55
* natefinch didn't sign up for diagrams....20:55
katconatefinch: ericsnow can walk you through what we're doing on min version20:55
natefinchI can do diagrams.  Not my forte, but I'll make do, and someone who's better will come along and make them look nice20:56
katconatefinch: use plantuml. declarative, and very quick20:56
* natefinch debates drawing stuff on his tablet with his finger20:56
thumperkatco, natefinch: saw what appeared to be a long twitter conflab about patterns, decided quickly not to get involved...20:56
thumpertook effort though20:56
natefinchthumper: haha20:56
natefinchthumper: twitter is so bad for arguments20:57
natefinchwe finished it up (for some value of finished) here20:57
thumperalthough we like to call them discussions :)20:57
katcothumper: well at any rate it's good that you are silently agreeing with me. >:D20:58
natefinchI gotta run.  Will be back later to work on specs & arch docs for process mgmt stuff20:59
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thumperwaigani: re bug 1463117 change happened between beta5 and beta621:38
mupBug #1463117: Juju 1.24-beta6.1 unit commands hang indefinitely <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463117>21:38
waiganithumper: cheers21:39
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
katcowwitzel3: ping22:01
wwitzel3katco: pong22:02
katcowwitzel3: do you know why you handed this to sergey? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/144921022:02
katcowwitzel3: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/juju-release?authuser=1 if you're interested in verbally giving a report22:03
wwitzel3katco: he fixed it last time22:03
wwitzel3katco: it just wasn't visible that he did it because he didn't have an LP account at the time22:03
wwitzel3katco: I can forward you the email chain, it might of been someone else from the cloudsigma team and not sergey who fixed it, but it isn't a bug with juju, it was fixed in the remote API last time.22:04
katcowwitzel3: that would be great. ty for the insight22:05
wwitzel3katco: forwarded, yep, np22:06
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perrito666Wallyworld axw I am a couple of mins late23:15
alexisbericsnow, you still there?23:19
alexisbif you are gsamfira may have questions for you23:19
ericsnowalexisb: yep23:19
alexisbgsamfira, ^^^23:19
gsamfirathanks. Forking && fixing23:19

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